add more config into amanda

2004-08-13 Thread nina
I have amanda running for Daily config and Weekly config. Now I want to 
add 1 more config just to do the test (say  tempConfig). Do I need to 
rebuild amanda? or what do  I need to do?

amanda change ctime

2005-01-26 Thread Nina Pham
I have problem doing incremental backup  on mount file.  I'm using FC2 
systems. The server mount to some files and does incremental backup 
everyday. The proplem is the ctime  some how got changed when backing 
up, so the files endup archived even though it's not been touched. Any idea?

Re: amanda change ctime

2005-01-26 Thread Nina Pham
I mount using smbmount
Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 at 2:40pm, Nina Pham wrote

I have problem doing incremental backup  on mount file.  I'm using FC2 
systems. The server mount to some files and does incremental backup 

How does the server "mount to" the files?  The canonical way to use amanda 
is to install it on the client.


everyday. The proplem is the ctime  some how got changed when backing 
up, so the files endup archived even though it's not been touched. Any idea?

Amanda uses dump and/or tar to actually get the bits off the disk.  
Neither of those should touch ctime.


Re: amanda change ctime

2005-01-26 Thread Nina Pham
The files we are backing up are resigned on more than 1 servers, and we 
want to store that archive on the same place. Therefore we need to mount.

Mike Delaney wrote:
On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 03:38:36PM -0800, Nina Pham wrote:

I mount using smbmount

Don't do that then.  Install Amanda on all of the systems that need to
be backed up, and let it work the way it was designed.

Re: amanda change ctime

2005-01-27 Thread Nina Pham
Thanks folks. Now I need to learn how to configure run amanda client. 
Thanks again.

Mike Delaney wrote:
On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 07:01:31AM -0500, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 at 4:27pm, Nina Pham wrote

The files we are backing up are resigned on more than 1 servers, and we 
want to store that archive on the same place. Therefore we need to mount.

As other folks have mentioned, no, you don't.  However, what I haven't 
seen clarified yet is what OS the various servers are running.  If some 
*nix, then install the amanda client there.  If 'doze, then amanda can do 
the backups for you using smbclient (no need for you to mount).

In the origional post, she said she was using "FC2 systems", which I took
to mean Fedora Core 2, i.e. Linux.


2005-02-01 Thread Nina Pham
can amanda be configured using webmin?

amanda server and client

2005-02-01 Thread Nina Pham
I'd like to setup amanda server and client on some linux machines. are 
they separate packages?

configure for amanda server and client coordinations

2005-02-20 Thread Nina Pham
Please let me setup the scenerio first for 2 unix machines. The amanda 
server machine(amserver) is running redhat linux 9, the amanda 
client(amclient) machine is running FC2. In addition to serve the client 
machine, amserver also backups some files locally. The amserver is 
already setup to backup itself. I'm installing amanda on amclient now. 
This is my first time to set up amanda, so it's confusing how the client 
and server coordinates so that the server will backup itseft and also 
backup files from amclient.
From amclient: I do ./configure --with-user=general --with-group=disk 
--with-amandahosts --with-configdir=/Backup/Configs 
--with-config=WeeklySet --with-index-server=amserver 
--with-tape-server=amserver --prefix=/Backup/usr 

Did I get it right?
From amserver, since amanda is already installed and running, I'm not 
sure what I should change so that it will backup the file from the 
client machine.

Please help?

incremental backup grows larger and larger

2005-03-31 Thread Nina Pham
Our amanda server backups itself and backup another host machine which 
runs amanda client.  We run incremental backup 6 days a week and full 
backup 1 day a week (incremental backup is not ran on that day). Reading 
the logs, size of files backed up from amanda server is growing till the 
full backup day, and going back to small on the incremental backup day 
after full backup day. However, the totol size of files backed up from 
the amanda client host machine keeps growing. It doesn't seem to care 
about the full backup I think, but I don't know what mistake that I made 
in configuration. Any body has any idea? Thanks.

Re: incremental backup grows larger and larger

2005-03-31 Thread Nina Pham
Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 11:58:32AM -0800, Nina Pham wrote:

Our amanda server backups itself and backup another host machine which 
runs amanda client.  We run incremental backup 6 days a week and full 
backup 1 day a week (incremental backup is not ran on that day). Reading 
the logs, size of files backed up from amanda server is growing till the 
full backup day, and going back to small on the incremental backup day 
after full backup day. However, the totol size of files backed up from 
the amanda client host machine keeps growing. It doesn't seem to care 
about the full backup I think, but I don't know what mistake that I made 
in configuration. Any body has any idea? Thanks.


Is record "yes" set on both config/dumptypes?


amanda ignores full backup

2005-04-04 Thread Nina Pham

--- Begin Message ---
I wrote to this list once about my problem, but got no reply. I think I 
better explain some more.
I have a redhat linux 9 machine running amanda server to backup some 
folders of its all and backup some folders of another client amanda 
machine running fedora Core 2. I have 2 configs setup on the server 
machine, one daily config (6 days/week, Tuesday will not use this 
config) which is running incremental backup, anothe config run weekly(on 
Tuesday) runs full backup. Everything from the server itself running 
correctly. Folders from the client machine are the one having problem. 
The size backup keeps growing even after the day running full backup. 
Any idea?

In the daily set (incremental backup) I have
   dumpcycle 7 days
   runspercycle 6
   define dumptype incremental {
  index yes
  record yes
  strategy nofull
In the Weekly set (full backup) I have
   dumpcycle 0 days
   runspercycle 1
   define dumptype always-full {
  index yes
  record yes
I think my setup is correct since backup locally is running fine, but 
not the one from eth0

dailyset disklist is
   server1   /Shared incremental local
  # this is running fine
   client1/Mail incremental  eth0 
 # this has problem

Also, I let cron job call amanda functions.
--- End Message ---

amanda webmin module

2005-05-23 Thread Nina Pham

Anybody is using webmin to configure amanda?
I'm having an amanda webmin module on 1 of my server and can't not 
figure out where  Igot it. Now I'm building another server with fedora 
core 3, found 1 amanda webmin module but it failed when I tried to 
intall it. anyone knows where I can download the module which works?

configure error

2005-05-23 Thread Nina Pham
I'm trying to configure and install amanda-2.4.5 to my new server 
running fedora core 3. It reported error when i tried to configure. The 
configure command is:

   *./configure --with-user=general --with-group=disk --with-amandahosts \
   --with-configdir=/Backup/Configs --with-config=WeeklySet \
   --with-index-server=myserver1 --with-tape-server=myserver1 \
   --prefix=/Backup/usr --with-gnutar-listdir=/Backup/amanda/gnutar-listdir

*The error is
   *checking how to run the C++ preprocessor .. /lib/cpp
   configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check

*Note: I have gcc-3.4.3 installed on the system.

any idea what I shoud do?

can not run amanda check

2005-05-27 Thread Nina Pham
I can't run amcheck, the error message is : amcheck:running as user 
"root instead of "general".
I configure amanda to run --with-user=general, and the attribute for 

   -rwsr-x--- 1 root disk usr/sbin/amcheck

Please help.


reconfigure amanda on fedora core

2007-03-12 Thread Nina Pham
is there anyway to reconfigure amanda on fedora core 6? i have to use 
diferent user other than default user amanda.
I couldn't find the way to reconfigure, so i uninstalled amanda and 
amanda package on the system which serves as client, and configure from 
source. But then I always get error message

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check

WARNING: localhost: selfcheck request timed out. Host down?
Client check: 1 host checked in 29.997 seconds, 1 problem found

amanda failed to report via email

2004-07-16 Thread Nina Pham
I have amanda running in a cron job, it suppose to backup 3 things. 
However, for some permission problem, 1 thing is failed to back up. I 
thought it would send the report via email to the email address 
specified in mailto no matter what. But that day, I didn't recieve the 
report via email. When I fix the permission problem, it successfully 
backup and I received email report everyday since then. What might cause 
the problem of sending email? is it a amanda bug? I doesn't make sense 
to me that amanda doesn't send report when there's a problem .

tape changer status

2004-07-23 Thread Nina Pham
hi, our backup didn't run the day before because our server crashed on 
that day. So last night when backup is running, it suppose to stored 
data in dailyset2, but it stored data in dailyset1 since it din't get 
run the day before and the file changer.stat  say curslot 1 and 
curloaded 1. So tonight, it will store data in dailyset2, instead of 
dailyset3, I want to change the curslot to 2 and curloaded to 2, but the 
file changer.stat say DO NOT EDIT. What can I do so that backup is 
running in the right order, meaning running dailyset3 today, and 
dailyset4 tommorow, and soforth?


turn off hardware compression

2004-12-01 Thread Nina Pham
I having problem with the backup. The backup tape capacity is 20/40G, I 
tried to backup only around 17 G compressed. Following are the error message

tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
tar: /dev/st0: Wrote only 0 of 10240 bytes
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
So I tried tar -M, it shows that the tape is out of space. I suspect something 
wrong with the hardware compression. Is there a command to check if the 
hardware compression is on or off? how can I turn it on or off?
Thanks in advance

backup client on SUSE

2009-08-13 Thread Nina Pham
I have 3 systems: S1( Fedora Core 9, amanda,amanda-client, amanda-server 
2.5.2p1-13) which runs amanda server, C1(FC8, amanda , amanda client, 
amanda server 2.5.2p1-8) which runs amanda client, C2(opensuse11, 
amanda- which run amanda client.

S1 can backup files from S1, and C1. but can't backup files from C2. 
When I run amcheck from S1, it said C2: selfcheck request failed: 
timeout waiting for ACK. S1 sends requests to C2, however, C2 doesn't 
send any ACK back. I try to setup amanda client stuff from C2 just the 
same as C1, but it's no help.

On C2, in xinetd.d/amanda, I have users as amanda, same server_args with 
S1. I created .amandahosts files as directed.

I hope someone can help me.

Nina Pham

Gibbons and Associates, Inc
Phone: (408) 984-1441