Re: Amvault for the Compleat Dummy

2017-07-11 Thread Lorenzo Marcantonio
On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 09:10:05AM +0200, Matthias Teege wrote:
> How many tapes do you use for "vaulting" and how do you rotate the
> tapes? Does the amvault job using the same settings as the daily job
> to vtapes?

It follows the storage profile. So you tell it the retention levels and
rejects 'in use' tapes. Other than that remember that the tapecycle is
only for planning and defaulting purposes, you can always use more
'tapes' than specified.

> I'm doing dailys to vtapes which are smaller as my "real" tapes. If
> I understand amvault correctly I can write more then one dump to tape
> with something like 'amvault --src-timestamp "201707..." --dst-changer
> vaulting-tape daily' but have to rotate the tapes "by hand".

Yes, the only issue is to find an adequate filter for amvault since each
invocation starts a new tape (the usual amanda "never append to a tape"
rule). And anyway the amvault interface is still in flux so maybe one
day there will be something like the file list of cpio (I want to vault
this, this and this in one vaulting run)

Lorenzo Marcantonio

Description: PGP signature

Re: Amvault for the Compleat Dummy

2017-07-11 Thread Matthias Teege
On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 08:36:16AM +0200, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:


> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 08:06:29AM +0200, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> > Sure, pls share for us to learn/copy/ask.
> The vaulting run is done with
> amvault DailySet --latest-fulls --dest-storage VAULT-STORAGE

How many tapes do you use for "vaulting" and how do you rotate the
tapes? Does the amvault job using the same settings as the daily job
to vtapes?

I'm doing dailys to vtapes which are smaller as my "real" tapes. If
I understand amvault correctly I can write more then one dump to tape
with something like 'amvault --src-timestamp "201707..." --dst-changer
vaulting-tape daily' but have to rotate the tapes "by hand".


Re: Amvault for the Compleat Dummy

2017-07-10 Thread Lorenzo Marcantonio
On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 08:06:29AM +0200, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Sure, pls share for us to learn/copy/ask.

This is the amanda.conf (disklist is not relevant)

org "DailySet"
infofile "/var/amanda/state/DailySet/curinfo"
logdir "/var/amanda/state/DailySet/log"
indexdir "/var/amanda/state/DailySet/index"

# Taperscan is needed because otherwise tape change mail doesn't work!
define taperscan OLDEST-TAPERSCAN {
plugin "lexical"

# Stuff for the VTAPE storage - daily operations
define tapetype VTAPE-TAPE {
comment "220 GB VTAPE"
length 220 gbytes
filemark 64 kbytes
part-size 8 gbytes

define changer VTAPE-CHANGER {
tpchanger "chg-disk:/vtape/DailySet"
property "NUM-SLOT" "30"
property "AUTO-CREATE-SLOT" "yes"

define storage "VTAPE-STORAGE" {
tapetype "VTAPE-TAPE"
labelstr "DailySet[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
tpchanger "VTAPE-CHANGER"
autoflush all
runtapes 1

# Stuff for the LTO drive
define device LTO-DEVICE {
tapedev "tape:/dev/nst0"
device-property "BLOCK_SIZE" "262144"
device-property "LEOM" "no"

define changer LTO-CHANGER {
tpchanger "chg-single:LTO-DEVICE"

# Note for myself: buy LTO3 tapes, double capacity and a LOT faster
define tapetype LTO2-TAPE {
comment "LTO-2 Tape in LTO-3 Drive"
length 200 gbytes
filemark 512 kbytes
speed 22000 kps
blocksize 256 kbytes

# Vaulting the full dump takes 2 LTO2 tapes
define policy "VAULT-POLICY" {
retention-days 0
retention-full 0
retention-tapes 3
retention-recover 0

define storage "VAULT-STORAGE" {
tapetype  "LTO2-TAPE"
tpchanger "LTO-CHANGER"
labelstr  "DailySetT[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
runtapes 2

# Gigabit ethernet
define interface "eth0" {
comment "Ethernet connected"
use 8000

# Send mail for tape change
define interactivity EMAIL-INTERACTIVITY {
plugin "email"
property "mailto" ""
property "resend-delay" "1800"
property "check-file" "/tmp/amanda/email-input"
property "check-file-delay" "10"

holdingdisk HOLDING1 {
directory "/var/amanda/holding/DailySet"
use 300 gbytes
chunksize 0

# application-tool and dumptype here --- not relevant

# General dump configuration to tie all together
dumpuser "amanda"
mailto ""
send-amreport-on all
displayunit "m"
columnspec "HostName=0:-10:10,Disk=1:-10:10"
tapecycle 30 tapes
dumpcycle 10 days
runspercycle 10

Now, the vtape dump is done with 'amdump DailySet', as usual.

The vaulting run is done with

amvault DailySet --latest-fulls --dest-storage VAULT-STORAGE

Where 'dest-storage' is the mandatory option (IIRC there is a default or
an option in amanda.conf to be used for automatic vaulting too)

Have fun

If only 3.4.5 wouldn't have the 'stuck taper syndrome' it would work
quite fine. I sometime I have to kill the stuck taper in the morning :(

Lorenzo Marcantonio

Description: PGP signature

Re: Amvault for the Compleat Dummy

2017-07-10 Thread Stefan G. Weichinger
Am 2017-07-10 um 13:26 schrieb Lorenzo Marcantonio:
> On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 12:37:42PM +0200, Stefan G. Weichinger
> wrote:
>> Am 2017-06-16 um 00:28 schrieb Charles Curley:
>>> I get the distinct impression I should do some setup before I
>>> can use amvault. However, none of the documentation I've found
>>> so far indicates what I should do to get set up.
>> same here, same here. Does anyone understand and use that? ;-)
> I use it, and it's still in flux... anyway you need to define in
> your amanda.conf a new storage/changer/device for the vaulting
> operation and pass it to the amvault command line.
> There is also an 'automatic' vaulting at dump time but I never
> tried it
> I can supply the conf if you want (I use a vtape directory
> vaulting manually the latest full to LTO)

Sure, pls share for us to learn/copy/ask.

Re: Amvault for the Compleat Dummy

2017-07-10 Thread Lorenzo Marcantonio
On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 12:37:42PM +0200, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Am 2017-06-16 um 00:28 schrieb Charles Curley:
> > I get the distinct impression I should do some setup before I can use
> > amvault. However, none of the documentation I've found so far indicates
> > what I should do to get set up.
> same here, same here.
> Does anyone understand and use that? ;-)

I use it, and it's still in flux... anyway you need to define in your
amanda.conf a new storage/changer/device for the vaulting operation and
pass it to the amvault command line.

There is also an 'automatic' vaulting at dump time but I never tried it

I can supply the conf if you want (I use a vtape directory vaulting
manually the latest full to LTO)

Lorenzo Marcantonio

Description: PGP signature

Re: Amvault for the Compleat Dummy

2017-07-10 Thread Stefan G. Weichinger
Am 2017-06-16 um 00:28 schrieb Charles Curley:
> I get the distinct impression I should do some setup before I can use
> amvault. However, none of the documentation I've found so far indicates
> what I should do to get set up.

same here, same here.
Does anyone understand and use that? ;-)

Amvault for the Compleat Dummy

2017-06-15 Thread Charles Curley
I get the distinct impression I should do some setup before I can use
amvault. However, none of the documentation I've found so far indicates
what I should do to get set up.


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
-- U.S. Const. Amendment IV

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