Re: [Amanda-users] CHS tape robot management software

2009-04-03 Thread Dustin J. Mitchell
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 7:50 AM, ricsdix wrote:
 About the CHS tape robot management software guys... i have read some about 
 CHS tape robot management software is this forum... hope this help 
 you a little...

I'm not sure what this is in response to, but please note that backup
central is a gateway between the amanda-users mailing list and the
forum you're looking at, so your archive link is somewhat circular.

To my knowledge, the chs changer is rarely (if ever) used anymore..


Open Source Storage Engineer

Re: CHS tape robot management software

2004-03-08 Thread Joshua Baker-LePain
On Mon, 8 Mar 2004 at 5:06pm, Geoff Swavley wrote

 Does anyone have the CHS source (I would not ask normally but my
 vendor is unable to supply it). This is what I have:

It seems to me that now would be a good time to look into alternative 
methods of controlling the robot.  Check out mtx (and thus chg-zd-mtx), 
and/or look into chg-scsi.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

Re: CHS tape robot management software

2004-03-07 Thread Geoff Swavley
hi all,

We purchased two Straightline SL850 tape robots 5 years ago. (5 x AIT-1
+ 50 slots). It emulates a whole host of mainstream products but we
choose the EXB-10e. Our vendor gave us the CHS software for SUN Solaris
unix with the purchase, so that shell scripts (and AMANDA!) could manipulate
the library robot without the need for trillion dollar software. Time goes by
... machines come and go and now
I seem to be stuck. We never received the source code and I have been
back to the vendor requesting it. Alas it seems those partnerships from long ago

have lapsed and they can't give me the source code.

The problem I have is that all of my hosts are now pretty much running
the 64bit Solaris  and the drivers are 32bit. All ultraSparc III chips
MUST run in 64 bit mode ... so I need the source to re-compile it.

Does anyone have the CHS source (I would not ask normally but my
vendor is unable to supply it). This is what I have:

windamere[115]% chs --version
chs: illegal option -- -
Unknown command
chs version 1.0
usage: chs [-f changername] command [-s slot] [-d drive] [-n label] [-l]
driver - Display driver information
hardware   - Display changer information
init   - Initialize changer unit
inventory [-l] - List available media
search-n search-str  - Search media by name
select-s slot -d drive - Move media from storage to drive
deselect  [-s slot] -d drive   - Move media from drive to storage
import-s slot | -d drive   - Import media to slot or drive
export-s slot | -d drive   - Export media from slot or drive
position  [-s slot | -d drive] - Position transport element
move  -s src -s dest   - Move media from slot to slot
exchange  -s src -s dest [-s dest] - Exchange medium locations
lock   - Prevent media access/removal
unlock - Allow media access/removal
reset  - Reset changer device


geoffs :-)
Geoff Swavley   Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX Sys Admin  Snail : Level 8, 10 Valentine Ave,
Support and Network Operations  Parramatta   NSW   2150
Dept of Infrastructure, PlanningSydney  Australia
and Natural Resources   Phone : 61-2-98957125 Fax   : 61-2-98957086
Mobile: 61-422-002005   Home  : 61-2-96593637
 Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs
  no risk. - Setanti, Joaquin de