Re: Debian packages for Amanda

2006-09-11 Thread Dave Ewart
Hash: SHA1

On Friday, 08.09.2006 at 15:58 -0500, Phil Howard wrote:

> | For what it's worth, on a Debian Stable system, I've found that the
> | AMANDA packages Just Work very nicely, especially on the clients, since
> | there is basically no configuration required.
> Wouldn't I need to at least tell it where the backup server is?

OK, I said "basically" :-)

In the simplest scenario (assuming you're not doing any complicated
authentication of client/server) is that you will need to set
/etc/amandahosts on the client to contain the FQDN of the server and the
backup user, e.g.

ourbackupserver.our.domain backup

Unless you have further preferences or requirements, that should be
enough to get that client being backed up.

- -- 
Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
PGP: CC70 1883 BD92 E665 B840 118B 6E94 2CFD 694D E370
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N 51.7518, W 1.2016
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian packages for Amanda

2006-09-11 Thread Ronan KERYELL
> On Fri, 8 Sep 2006 22:23:45 -0400, Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>> Wouldn't I need to at least tell it where the backup server is?

Jon> The server initiates the backup session, so the client does
Jon> not need server knowledge for this.

Yes, but often an authentication scheme is used where you need the server
to be specified on the client side, for example.

Jon> For recovery a default server is compiled in, but that can be
Jon> overridden with command line arguments.

Jon> The system I'm typing this on was my backup server, and of course
Jon> a client of itself.  I have now moved the amanda service to a
Jon> different computer.  When I did, I made no changes to the current
Jon> system.  It is just responds as a client when the new server
Jon> contacts it.

I guess then you need to modify some entry in the DNS if you have a
dedicated entry (IP) for the AMANDA service (because I'm not sure
amandahost can deal with CNAME for security reasons) or you use an
authentication based for example on a pure public-private key approach.
  Ronan KERYELL   |\/  Tel:(+33|0)
  Département Informatique|/)  Fax:(+33|0)
  ENST Bretagne, CS 83818 KGSM:(+33|0)

Re: Debian packages for Amanda

2006-09-08 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 03:58:11PM -0500, Phil Howard wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 11:01:10AM +0100, Dave Ewart wrote:
> | On a Debian system, the backup user is a member of the appropriate
> | system groups to allow backups to function, i.e. a member of 'disk'
> | 
> | For what it's worth, on a Debian Stable system, I've found that the
> | AMANDA packages Just Work very nicely, especially on the clients, since
> | there is basically no configuration required.
> Wouldn't I need to at least tell it where the backup server is?

The server initiates the backup session, so the client does
not need server knowledge for this.

For recovery a default server is compiled in, but that can
be overridden with command line arguments.

The system I'm typing this on was my backup server, and of
course a client of itself.  I have now moved the amanda service
to a different computer.  When I did, I made no changes to
the current system.  It is just responds as a client when the
new server contacts it.

 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road(609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322  (609) 683-7220 (fax)

Re: Debian packages for Amanda

2006-09-08 Thread Phil Howard
On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 11:01:10AM +0100, Dave Ewart wrote:

| Hash: SHA1
| On Friday, 08.09.2006 at 01:28 -0500, Phil Howard wrote:
| > These packages configure the user to run Amanda as "backup".  But it
| > seems the "backup" user also does other things.  Does anyone see any
| > possible conflict in this?
| I'd say "may be used for other things", rather than "also does other
| things", really.
| To be honest, a user called backup makes more sense than a user called
| 'amanda' - we used to have a staff member called Amanda who existed
| prior to an AMANDA installation and things got ... messy.

I can imagine.

| On a Debian system, the backup user is a member of the appropriate
| system groups to allow backups to function, i.e. a member of 'disk'
| For what it's worth, on a Debian Stable system, I've found that the
| AMANDA packages Just Work very nicely, especially on the clients, since
| there is basically no configuration required.

Wouldn't I need to at least tell it where the backup server is?

| Feel free to ask further related questions, because I've been using
| AMANDA on Debian systems for many years...

I'm also trying to document the steps.  This server may not actually be
used, but rather, someone with less experience than I (which is not very
much with either Amanda or Debian) may be re-installing everything by my
instructions.  Amanda is very flexible, so I don't know how specific I
can be if they change things.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN   | |
| (first name) at | |

Re: Debian packages for Amanda

2006-09-08 Thread Dave Ewart
Hash: SHA1

On Friday, 08.09.2006 at 01:28 -0500, Phil Howard wrote:

> These packages configure the user to run Amanda as "backup".  But it
> seems the "backup" user also does other things.  Does anyone see any
> possible conflict in this?

I'd say "may be used for other things", rather than "also does other
things", really.

To be honest, a user called backup makes more sense than a user called
'amanda' - we used to have a staff member called Amanda who existed
prior to an AMANDA installation and things got ... messy.

On a Debian system, the backup user is a member of the appropriate
system groups to allow backups to function, i.e. a member of 'disk'

For what it's worth, on a Debian Stable system, I've found that the
AMANDA packages Just Work very nicely, especially on the clients, since
there is basically no configuration required.

Feel free to ask further related questions, because I've been using
AMANDA on Debian systems for many years...

- -- 
Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Cancer Epidemiology Unit
Cancer Research UK / Oxford University
PGP: CC70 1883 BD92 E665 B840 118B 6E94 2CFD 694D E370
Get key from
N 51.7518, W 1.2016
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Debian packages for Amanda

2006-09-08 Thread Geert Uytterhoeven
On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, Phil Howard wrote:
> Any Debian users/gurus around?
> I found that Debian has Amanda broken into 3 packages:
> amanda-common
> amanda-client
> amanda-server
> What I expected was I could install amanda-client on client machines and
> amanda-server on a server machine (both on a machine that is the tape
> server _and_ has data to be backed up).  I expected amanda-common to be
> needed on either client or server.


> However, when installing amanda-common, it also installs amanda-client.
> Anyone know why Debian has things arranged this way?

None of the amanda-common packages (I checked stable, testing, and unstable)
depend on amanda-client.

I had no problem (on Debian testing) removing amanda-client (and keeping
amanda-common), or installing amanda-common only.

But amanda-common does suggest amanda-client | amanda-server. Perhaps you have
some `auto install suggested packages' option enabled?



Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In personal conversations with technical people, I call myself a hacker. But
when I'm talking to journalists I just say "programmer" or something like that.
-- Linus Torvalds

Debian packages for Amanda

2006-09-07 Thread Phil Howard
Any Debian users/gurus around?

I found that Debian has Amanda broken into 3 packages:

What I expected was I could install amanda-client on client machines and
amanda-server on a server machine (both on a machine that is the tape
server _and_ has data to be backed up).  I expected amanda-common to be
needed on either client or server.

However, when installing amanda-common, it also installs amanda-client.
Anyone know why Debian has things arranged this way?

These packages configure the user to run Amanda as "backup".  But it
seems the "backup" user also does other things.  Does anyone see any
possible conflict in this?

For this machine, I'm not going to have the usual means to test it very
readily available.  Once it is re-located to where it will be used (and
finally gets a real tape drive) I won't have direct access anymore.  I
had originally hoped to try out Amanda on my home Slackware machines,
but I ran into compatibility issues between the machines I now run and
the SCSI controller to access my DAT drive.  I'll deal with that in time,
but I hope I can do some preliminary tests on the Debian machine first
(e.g. backup up to disk should test most things, I think).

Any other Amanda on Debian experiences I should be advised of?

| Phil Howard KA9WGN   | |
| (first name) at | |