Re: Thanks John,

2001-03-22 Thread Jason Hollinden

You know what's sad is, the more sarcasm added to a tech story, the more
_believable_ it becomes...

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

> >You are always such a great help in this mailing list, do you have a pay
> >pal account?  ...
> No (don't even know what that is).
> >I'd like to buy you a drink or a pizza or at least send you
> >the money for one :)
> Thanks.  I don't happen to drink (just a personal choice), my waistline
> doesn't tolerate pizza like it did 25 years ago (which really sucks :-),
> and Purdue pays me pretty well, but I appreciate the sentiment.
> Tell you what -- next time you're out and blissfully ignoring backups
> because you know they're running well due to Amanda, have a drink or
> pizza or whatever for me.
> Just don't blame me for the panic attack that happens when, right after
> you finish the pizza, you get a phone call:
>   Operations: "Was there anything very important on the even numbered
> backup tapes?"
>   You:(lengthy pause) "Why would you ask that?"
>   Operations: "Well, you see, someone brought in this cool magnet.  It's
> really small and you wouldn't believe the pull that thing
> has ..."
>   You:  "Yeah, yeah, but what about the tapes?"
>   Operations: "Ummm, there was this little incident.  Well, hardly an
> incident, just kind of a tiny problem.  Well, maybe not
> really a problem, more like ..."
>   You:  "GET ON WITH IT!"
>   Operations: "Oh!  Well, see, one of the other Operators (NOT ME!) was
> walking around with the magnet and they got near the Pepsi
> machine -- we could have sworn that thing was bolted down
> -- and there was this big jar of molasses on top of it
> and the tapes were sitting next to it and, well, anyway ..."
> "Sorry."
>   You:(dead silence -- literally)
>   Operations: "Oh, by the way, the boss just accidentally removed all the
> files on one of the main servers, then went to two others to
> see if the rm command he just read about worked the same way
> everywhere.  He left to get to the golf course for tee time,
> but says you need to restore those machines right away."
> At which point you realize that ignoring backups because you know they're
> running well is a really terrible idea, no matter how good the pizza.
> :-)
> >Jeff Bearer
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Jason Hollinden

   SMG Systems Admin

Re: Thanks John,

2001-03-22 Thread John R. Jackson

>You are always such a great help in this mailing list, do you have a pay
>pal account?  ...

No (don't even know what that is).

>I'd like to buy you a drink or a pizza or at least send you
>the money for one :)

Thanks.  I don't happen to drink (just a personal choice), my waistline
doesn't tolerate pizza like it did 25 years ago (which really sucks :-),
and Purdue pays me pretty well, but I appreciate the sentiment.

Tell you what -- next time you're out and blissfully ignoring backups
because you know they're running well due to Amanda, have a drink or
pizza or whatever for me.

Just don't blame me for the panic attack that happens when, right after
you finish the pizza, you get a phone call:

  Operations: "Was there anything very important on the even numbered
  backup tapes?"

  You:(lengthy pause) "Why would you ask that?"

  Operations: "Well, you see, someone brought in this cool magnet.  It's
  really small and you wouldn't believe the pull that thing
  has ..."

  You:"Yeah, yeah, but what about the tapes?"

  Operations: "Ummm, there was this little incident.  Well, hardly an
  incident, just kind of a tiny problem.  Well, maybe not
  really a problem, more like ..."


  Operations: "Oh!  Well, see, one of the other Operators (NOT ME!) was
  walking around with the magnet and they got near the Pepsi
  machine -- we could have sworn that thing was bolted down
  -- and there was this big jar of molasses on top of it
  and the tapes were sitting next to it and, well, anyway ..."


  You:(dead silence -- literally)

  Operations: "Oh, by the way, the boss just accidentally removed all the
  files on one of the main servers, then went to two others to
  see if the rm command he just read about worked the same way
  everywhere.  He left to get to the golf course for tee time,
  but says you need to restore those machines right away."

At which point you realize that ignoring backups because you know they're
running well is a really terrible idea, no matter how good the pizza.


>Jeff Bearer

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks John,

2001-03-22 Thread Jeff Bearer


You are always such a great help in this mailing list, do you have a pay
pal account? I'd like to buy you a drink or a pizza or at least send you
the money for one :)

I cc'd the list in case anyone else would like to express their
gratitude but haven't thought of how to do it yet.

Jeff Bearer, RHCE