Re: [Amforth] Ref Card Generation quo vadis?

2020-09-20 Thread Erich Wälde

Dear AmForthers,

I tend to disagree on some of this ...

What you argue for is a "architecture and project-specific"
"reduced" refcard. At least this is, what I understand.

I have used the refcard extensively in the beginnings of my
AmForth journey. And I would argue any time, that the refcard
should please include /all/ /available/ things --- whether or
not they are in my build. This is akin to the "Complete
Instruction Set Summary" found in the document describing the
AVR assembly instructions.

Whether or not a given word is /in my build/ ... " words " to
rescue. Or just trying this /interactively/ on the serial
prompt. Or reading the .lst file from the build (for .asm

The examples by Tristan
look nice and clean.

However, /I/ did not notice, the words are actually links ---
only after Marks comment. For me attributes like this are pretty
much /invisible/, although they are quite common (They can be
topped by buttons that appear only /after/ I have selected
something -- sigh).

IMHO a worthwhile extension of the refcard would include a
pointer to the source (in readable form), something like

> WORD  ( stack -- effect )
> - one-line-description
> - colon definition equivalent, if the word is in .asm
> - .../path/to/file.frt -- one entry if this is a /common/ .frt file
> - .../path/to/arch/file.asm -- several entries (one per line) if
>   this is a target-specific .asm file

This way it is clear, where to look, if the word is missing in
my build. It even indirectly tells you, on what targets this
WORD is available. And all this information should be visible on
a printed version of the refcard, too.

The pre-made .hex files for the arduino targets are a double
edged sword imho: On one hand they considerably lower the bar to
get to your first AmForth-prompt. On the other hand, they do not
teach users about fuses, about .lst and .map and include files,
etc. This is where the "can we please include words X and Y"-
wishlist comes from. But with pre-made files, users give up
control over their project --- to some extent. I would encourage
everyone get on top of the complete tool chain immediately after
the first pre-made file runs successfully.

But lets assume for this paragraph we want these "target and
build specific" refcards (which formats is another question
imho). How are we going about them? Is their production included
in the project Makefile? Are they produced by /every/ build? How
long does that take and what would be an acceptable time? And
how much tools do we add as a dependency?

The minimal toolchain is already substantial (from my Linux
centric point of view):

- the sources (via tarball, subversion/git, ...)
- the assembler (AvrAsm2 plus wine, unfortunately)
- an editor (/any!/)
- make to help with the build (could be done with shell commands
  in principle)
- a programmer (hardware)
- a program to talk to the programmer (avrdude or similar)
- a serial cable of some sort (hardware)
- a program to talk to the serial interface (minicom et al.,,
- possibly some programm (evince, xpdf, ...) to read the
  documentation offline.

Even if we produce the refcard using an upgraded perl script,
imho this is going the wrong way.

One other thing I find interesting to note in this lengthy
thread: So far we have only looked at

"How to generate the documentation from the sources?"

But there is another option:

"How to generate the source from a (large) description of the
whole system?"

This is called "literate programming", as everyone and their dog
knows, of course :-)

I envision something like "every word has a description,
including any reasoning why it is implemented in such a way,
plus a description of the source code in some form. From this
description a .frt and/or .asm (variable asm formats)" is
generated, along with the Technical Handbook, the RefCard and
what not.

HOWEVER! I have tried to produce code like this. This is a not
so modest pain up the backside for a project, which is on the
move, which is not fully implemented. Literate Programming alone
is unable to track the evolution of the code, unless you rewrite
the description every time. I still think there is value to this
idea, but it is not the one answer to rule all questions.

I will not even try to convert AmForth to such a structure,
because it requires a lot of work PLUS an even larger tool
chain. :-)

Too Long; Didn't Read:

- I argue for a full refcard, not a reduced one
- I argue for a bit more information on the refcard
- I argue against pre-made .hex files
- I argue for less dependencies
- I do not argue for "produce the code from documentation" :-)

- my current priority is "how to make a release". And I'm not
  there yet.

- I'm willing to accept patches fixing the headers of .asm

- I'm willing to rewrite the refcard scripts, since 

Re: [Amforth] Ref Card Generation quo vadis?

2020-09-19 Thread Mark Roth
Hello Tristan, Erich and AmForthers around the world.

Tristan, I really like the direction you have gone in. Coupling the build
process with the local refcard really is a solution that I can put my
support behind. When push comes to shove what really matters to the end
user? The words that have been installed into their system. From what I can
see, it just works. AHHH and I just noticed that you linked the names to
the source file. That is the solution to having the info you might need
easy to find. Super.

Since the build process would create individual refcards, it would just be
a matter of making group of refcards based on the builds. But that begs
the question of what other platforms is AmForth being used on? Is it enough
to just make a project that loads every single common and avr8 file and use
that for the website. I think maybe yes. Sort of the one refcard to rule
them all.

In any case, I really like what you've done so far Tristan. It is a big
improvement upon the oundated version. Cleaning up the source to give a
better card will be a minor issue in the long run since it will only have
to be done once. When it is done locally during the build, the created html
file should be dumped somewhere convenient, perhaps even in the build
directory so one could just click on it to load it into a browser.

All the best,

On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM Tristan Williams  wrote:

> Hello Mark, Erich, AmForthers,
> I made some more modifications to the perl reference card script so
> that it will write out an AVR8 build specific reference card in
> html. Below are example outputs for the stock UNO build and
> a custom build
> The issues relating to the presence and correctness of the
> documentation in the .asm files still remain.
> Best wishes,
> Tristan
> On 09Sep20 08:38, Tristan Williams wrote:
> > Hello Mark, Erich, AmForthers,
> >
> > Yes, I completely agree the format of my refcard excerpt has some
> > issues. I just wanted to show that, with the hard work done by the
> > perl script, all of the documentation data fields for AVR8 built-in
> > words with compliant doc headers are readily available for
> > output using the .lst file. That data could be formatted as desired
> > and then written out in html, rst, LaTeX, Lout, etc.
> >
> > For the above to be useful, the .asm source files need to have
> > compliant (and correct) doc headers. Lots of files are, but sufficient
> > are not that some coordinated way of doing this is needed.
> >
> > How is this best done?
> >
> > Part of my motivation for pursuing this is that I think there is some
> > value in having "fuller" pre-built AVR8 hex files in the distribution
> > and giving them greater prominence in the documentation[1]. A build
> > specific reference card would be helpful in such cases and it ought to
> > be created by the same process that creates the hex files. Whilst I
> > agree with [2] that it would be impractical to build hex files for an
> > extensive combinations of clock frequency/mcu/baud rate, appl/arduino
> > already exists and caters for arguably the most popular AVR8
> > development boards plus a few other interesting ones - perhaps ~6
> > pairs of hex files in total. Adding assembler words such as bm-set,
> > bm-clear, bm-toggle, sleep, spirw, store-wdc etc. to the default build
> > for these larger flash devices would just make the default build more
> > useful.
> >
> > > This does drastically change what the current refcard is. That is to
> say,
> > > right now it was just a dump of the base system without regard to
> usage,
> > > more to availability.
> >
> > It does not have to be a replacement, just something that I think fits
> > well with "fuller" pre-built AVR8 hex files and I see as achievable.
> >
> > > For the website there would have to be cards generated for different
> > > architectures and perhaps even NWWR sizes. So, what to do?
> >
> > Limiting this to AVR8 and those boards that already are in
> > appl/arduino (or perhaps should be) etc. makes it simpler.
> >
> > For existing non AVR8 pre-built hex/binary then having a matching
> > refcard would make sense. However, I don't know enough about the details
> > of the non AVR8 build process to say whether the same approach would
> > work. Also risc-v/words/1-minus.s does not use the same doc headers as
> > avr8/words/1minus.asm which suggests problems.
> >
> > > Maybe the easiest would be to have some generic setups in the appl
> > > dir (most likely many already exist) and run the refcard script against
> > > them while building for the website (or perhaps even locally, it won't
> take
> > > much time) then using that to create an array of refcards that could be
> > > grouped together as web pages. The point is, that amforth.asm will
> dictate
> > > what a more or less default system will be and that can be used for the
> > > site.
> >

Re: [Amforth] Ref Card Generation quo vadis?

2020-09-19 Thread Tristan Williams
Hello Mark, Erich, AmForthers,

I made some more modifications to the perl reference card script so
that it will write out an AVR8 build specific reference card in
html. Below are example outputs for the stock UNO build and
a custom build

The issues relating to the presence and correctness of the
documentation in the .asm files still remain. 

Best wishes,

On 09Sep20 08:38, Tristan Williams wrote:
> Hello Mark, Erich, AmForthers,
> Yes, I completely agree the format of my refcard excerpt has some
> issues. I just wanted to show that, with the hard work done by the
> perl script, all of the documentation data fields for AVR8 built-in
> words with compliant doc headers are readily available for
> output using the .lst file. That data could be formatted as desired
> and then written out in html, rst, LaTeX, Lout, etc. 
> For the above to be useful, the .asm source files need to have
> compliant (and correct) doc headers. Lots of files are, but sufficient
> are not that some coordinated way of doing this is needed.
> How is this best done?
> Part of my motivation for pursuing this is that I think there is some
> value in having "fuller" pre-built AVR8 hex files in the distribution
> and giving them greater prominence in the documentation[1]. A build
> specific reference card would be helpful in such cases and it ought to
> be created by the same process that creates the hex files. Whilst I
> agree with [2] that it would be impractical to build hex files for an
> extensive combinations of clock frequency/mcu/baud rate, appl/arduino
> already exists and caters for arguably the most popular AVR8
> development boards plus a few other interesting ones - perhaps ~6
> pairs of hex files in total. Adding assembler words such as bm-set,
> bm-clear, bm-toggle, sleep, spirw, store-wdc etc. to the default build
> for these larger flash devices would just make the default build more
> useful. 
> > This does drastically change what the current refcard is. That is to say,
> > right now it was just a dump of the base system without regard to usage,
> > more to availability.
> It does not have to be a replacement, just something that I think fits
> well with "fuller" pre-built AVR8 hex files and I see as achievable. 
> > For the website there would have to be cards generated for different
> > architectures and perhaps even NWWR sizes. So, what to do?
> Limiting this to AVR8 and those boards that already are in
> appl/arduino (or perhaps should be) etc. makes it simpler. 
> For existing non AVR8 pre-built hex/binary then having a matching
> refcard would make sense. However, I don't know enough about the details
> of the non AVR8 build process to say whether the same approach would
> work. Also risc-v/words/1-minus.s does not use the same doc headers as
> avr8/words/1minus.asm which suggests problems.
> > Maybe the easiest would be to have some generic setups in the appl
> > dir (most likely many already exist) and run the refcard script against
> > them while building for the website (or perhaps even locally, it won't take
> > much time) then using that to create an array of refcards that could be
> > grouped together as web pages. The point is, that amforth.asm will dictate
> > what a more or less default system will be and that can be used for the
> > site.
> Yes, I would agree - with board level customisation in uno.asm etc as
> it is currently. A refcard reflecting the built-in words of hex file
> created, be that built locally or pre-built on the website.
> With the current AmForth and AVR8 it is likely the built-in refcards for
> appl/arduino boards would be very similar - if not identical. 
> So for an AVR8 builtin-ref card I think this is needed
> 1. Compliant doc headers for all the .asm files
> 2. Modify the perl script to write out refcard as desired in the desired 
> formats
> 3. Connect this to the build system
> 4. Connect the pre-built hex files and their refcards to the main 
> documentation
> All can be done for a local build setup, but most value would be with
> 1 and 4 done at the distribution/website level.  
> Best wishes,
> Tristan
> [1]
> [2] 
> On 08Sep20 13:14, Mark Roth wrote:
> > Hello Tristan, Erich and fellow lurking AmForthers (I really do like this
> > intro Tristan) :)
> > 
> > It really does seem that you may have caught the tiger by the tail Tristan.
> > For better or for worse even!
> > 
> > For the better (hey, you caught the tiger) :
> > I think your layout really goes a long way toward documenting the used
> > words. The last few days before I saw your mail I had been thinking of this
> > very thing, to use the local build for the refcard. I hadn't, however, 

Re: [Amforth] Ref Card Generation quo vadis?

2020-09-07 Thread Tristan Williams
Hello Mark, Erich, AmForthers,

I agreed with Mark's comment below 

>> It seems that the intent of the refcard was to document the things that
>> are compiled into the system.

and commented  

> For me, the scope of the/each refcard is defined by the
> distribution build for each architecture (AVR8, msp430, etc.). If the
> refcard script were part of the hex build process then a custom
> refcard could be a product of the build process also. 

For AVR8, the .lst file produced as part of the build process lists
all the .asm files used in building the hex files. Modifying Mark's
perl script from

so that it uses only the included files listed in the .lst file, a
list of words with the their documentation fields can output. These
are specific to the individual build, rather than to the general
assembly source tree.  Giving something like this (see end of
message). As Mark pointed out

>> There is still the issue of files that don't have the 3 lines at the top
>> of stack effects, category and description.

Making these (assembly) files compliant would require some coordinated
effort - some of which has been already done I believe, but after that
a build specific ref card documenting built-in words could just
be another automated part of the hex build process. 

Not perhaps the perfect ref card - whatever that is, but achievable
and with a clearly defined scope. Certainly something I would make use

Best wishes,

Edited example (text) output of the modified script for uno.lst


VOC  : 1- 
DSTACK   : ( n1 -- n2 )
DESC :  optimized decrement
CATEGORY :  Arithmetics
ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/avr8/words/1minus.asm

VOC  : 1+ 
DSTACK   : ( n1|u1 -- n2|u2 )
DESC :  optimized increment
CATEGORY :  Arithmetics
ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/avr8/words/1plus.asm

VOC  : 2/ 
DSTACK   : ( n1 -- n2 )
DESC :  arithmetic shift right
CATEGORY :  Arithmetics
ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/avr8/words/2slash.asm


VOC  : 2literal 
DSTACK   : ( -- x1 x2 )
CSTACK   : (C: x1 x2 -- )
DESC :  compile a cell pair literal in colon definitions
CATEGORY :  Compiler
ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/common/words/2literal.asm

VOC  : again 
DSTACK   : ( -- )
CSTACK   : (C: dest -- )
DESC :  compile a jump back to dest
CATEGORY :  Compiler
ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/common/words/again.asm

VOC  : ahead 
DSTACK   : ( f -- )
CSTACK   : (C: -- orig )
DESC :  do a unconditional branch
CATEGORY :  Compiler
ASM_FILE : amforth-6.92/common/words/ahead.asm

Amforth-devel mailing list for

Re: [Amforth] Ref Card Generation quo vadis?

2020-08-02 Thread Tristan Williams
Hello Mark, Erich, AmForthers,

Mark - I have chopped and reordered selected parts of your message to
form my reply. I hope this is OK.

> It seems that the intent of the refcard was to document the things that
> are compiled into the system.


For me, the scope of the/each refcard is defined by the
distribution build for each architecture (AVR8, msp430, etc.). If the
refcard script were part of the hex build process then a custom
refcard could be a product of the build process also. 

> Since the Forth source code could be nearly anything AND has to be
> uploaded after the hex files are uploaded to the device you are now
> entering into the realm of full generated documentation.


I think AmForth's documentation is very good, but as Mark's draft 6.8+
refcard pointed out to me, there are words I did not know
existed. There is more to AmForth than made it to the existing 
documentation. Complete, exhaustive and automated documentation would
clearly be great, but as has already been noted, doing this across
AVR8/msp430/risc-v/arm + various assembler formats + common/uncommon
Forth is challenging. As previously mentioned, part of the challenge
being agreeing on what a refcard should be.

My vote would be to 

1. Limit the refcard to the words written in assembler that contribute
   to the distribution build of the hex files.

2. Limit the refcard improvements for AmForth 6.9 to AVR8 only

3. Take this as an opportunity to review the distribution builds for
   AVR8 (which words to include) and make the existence and location of
   the hex files more prominent in the documentation.

> I think that we will really need a roadmap to head for v6.9 and more
> importantly v7.0.

I think the distinction between 6.9 and 7.0 is a very helpful one. My
opinion is that AVR8 has been and currently is the core platform for
AmForth. From the from the mailing list archive it is certainly the
one that generates the most activity. Whilst I probably have more than
enough AVR8 development boards in the parts box to see out my list of
projects, I think Matthias saw a longer term future for AmForth beyond
AVR8. Perhaps answers to these two questions go someway towards
defining a roadmap for 7.0  

1) which, if any, of the other mcus AmForth can run on do AmForthers 
think is the one to focus on?

2) is there a desire/will for AmForth on AVR8 to be extended to run on newer 
AVR8 such
as the ATMEGA4809[1] ? 

Best wishes,


On 02Aug20 09:53, Mark Roth wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 1, 2020 at 10:50 PM Erich Wälde  wrote:
> > thread hijacked intentionally.
> >
> 'Thar be pirates!
> >
> > today I spent some time trying to understand the "make-refcard*"
> > scripts in some detail.
> >
> > The script works roughly like this:
> >
> > 
> > - the first three lines are comments expected to produce
> >   1. the stack effects (data, return, compile stacks)
> >   2. the category to which this word belongs
> >   3. a one line description, what this word is supposed to do.
> >
> >
> Indeed. It also happens to be the reason the perl script works so well, as
> well as being so easy to break. It's just too rigid. One thing that the
> original has as well is that the 4th line needs to be the "VE" or "XT"
> part. If it isn't it will fail. That was the reason for poking around with
> the 3 prior lines part of the the script and hardwiring it for the first 3
> lines.
> >
> > Now I could commit Marks patches and not look further. However, there
> > are several shortcomings with the current state.
> >
> > Yeah, don't do that. I really just put up the diff as a reference for
> someone that knows Perl. At best right now I would say you could replace
> the very outdated refcard.html with the one my changes generate. It is an
> improvement just because of the age difference (5.5 to 6.8). For the long
> term however, this tool needs to either be fixed entirely or replaced with
> something that the build system can use. Having a refcard generated
> directly from the source tree is fantastic IMHO.
> >
> > - The script will currently only read "one" directory, whereas we have
> >   several directories with /different/ asm styles!
> >   - arm/words/-- gnu asm style
> >   - avr8/words/   -- avr asm style
> >   - common/words/ -- avr, msp430 asm style with .if directives
> >   - msp430/words/ -- msp430 asm style
> >   - risc-v/words/ -- riscv asm style
> >   - shared/words/ -- looks like some macro style for generators
> >
> > - The generated output (LaTeX, ReST) is done with two different
> >   scripts.
> >
> > - The generated output does currently not have any indication, on
> >   which ports a particular word is available.
> >
> > This gets to the guts of how to march from here (Google's rendition of the
> Latin in the title). Each of the flavors could be determined from their
> location in the source tree. The additional information would 

Re: [Amforth] Ref Card Generation quo vadis?

2020-08-02 Thread Mark Roth
On Sat, Aug 1, 2020 at 10:50 PM Erich Wälde  wrote:

> thread hijacked intentionally.
'Thar be pirates!

> today I spent some time trying to understand the "make-refcard*"
> scripts in some detail.
> The script works roughly like this:

> - the first three lines are comments expected to produce
>   1. the stack effects (data, return, compile stacks)
>   2. the category to which this word belongs
>   3. a one line description, what this word is supposed to do.
Indeed. It also happens to be the reason the perl script works so well, as
well as being so easy to break. It's just too rigid. One thing that the
original has as well is that the 4th line needs to be the "VE" or "XT"
part. If it isn't it will fail. That was the reason for poking around with
the 3 prior lines part of the the script and hardwiring it for the first 3

> Now I could commit Marks patches and not look further. However, there
> are several shortcomings with the current state.
> Yeah, don't do that. I really just put up the diff as a reference for
someone that knows Perl. At best right now I would say you could replace
the very outdated refcard.html with the one my changes generate. It is an
improvement just because of the age difference (5.5 to 6.8). For the long
term however, this tool needs to either be fixed entirely or replaced with
something that the build system can use. Having a refcard generated
directly from the source tree is fantastic IMHO.

> - The script will currently only read "one" directory, whereas we have
>   several directories with /different/ asm styles!
>   - arm/words/-- gnu asm style
>   - avr8/words/   -- avr asm style
>   - common/words/ -- avr, msp430 asm style with .if directives
>   - msp430/words/ -- msp430 asm style
>   - risc-v/words/ -- riscv asm style
>   - shared/words/ -- looks like some macro style for generators
> - The generated output (LaTeX, ReST) is done with two different
>   scripts.
> - The generated output does currently not have any indication, on
>   which ports a particular word is available.
> This gets to the guts of how to march from here (Google's rendition of the
Latin in the title). Each of the flavors could be determined from their
location in the source tree. The additional information would have to be
added to the hash tables and the generation end would have to be made aware
of all this of course. But in those cases it would seem that you would just
end up with a mess of duplication. The script would need to determine if
something exists already then act accordingly. However, what would be
appropriate? How do you deal with differences in the stack effects because
of the platform? It seems that the end user would be better served if they
could just pull up their flavor of refcard and be done with it. As you
mentioned, right now it is the AVR8 refcard. I don't know how different
each platform is since I am personally only concerned with the AVR one. But
there is of course a wider audience out there and each needs to be dealt
with equally. Having individual refcards would seem to align with the way
that the website documents already work for the different platforms
(sections for linux and windows etc) so that is where I'd cast my vote.

> - The script will currently not read any forth code. And words like
>   "value" or "c," should show up in the refcard as well, shouldn't
>   they? And should the refcard not have the information that you have
>   to include one of these files:
>   :avr8/lib/forth2012/core/c-comma.frt
>   : msp430/lib/forth-2012/core/c-comma.frt
>   I kind of remember that Matthias decided to move some code from the
>   pre-assembled form /back/ to pure Forth. This was in order to help
>   dealing with the new, additional architectures.
> - in the .asm files I would also like to see a pure Forth equivalent
>   as a comment. I have missed this in the past already.
> It seems that the intent of the refcard was to document the things that
are compiled into the system. Since the Forth source code could be nearly
anything AND has to be uploaded after the hex files are uploaded to the
device you are now entering into the realm of full generated documentation.
In that case it may be better to look into something like Doxygen (or
whatever the kids are using these days) and properly generate all that. Of
course that would take a one time scouring of all the sources to align with
something of that nature.
As for the Forth source in the asm file I'm not sure about that. I think
I'd rather see the .frt file alongside the .asm file. That is just personal
preference though and I can see the value in having them together. It does
seem like it could complicate the build and/or uploading process.

Perl script needs to be updated entirely by someone fluent.
Sources need to be properly commented for the refcard/doc generation.
Maybe define the style to be used (indentation, tabs, spaces etc) for the
Forth source for