[AMRadio] Email accounts the list

2004-09-23 Thread Brian Sherrod
I am starting to get a lot of messages sent to the list again that are being 
from the wrong email account.

If you have _more_than_one_account for your email, please be more careful when 
post to this list.  Make certain you use the SAME account you subscribed to the
amradio list before sending.  The software has no way to know who you are, and 
if you
are a member if you do not use your subscribed email account.  In this case, I 
to sift through each and every one of them.

From this point forward, I will not approve ANY postings if the account 
manager flags
them as unknown.  They will be deleted.

If you know you are a member and get an automated message back from mailman 
your email was not accepted, etc., then it is likely you sent it from the wrong 


Brian / w5ami

RE: [AMRadio] RE: Testing Transmitting Tubes

2004-09-23 Thread Donald Chester

Yes, but there are practical issues. This is certainly not a speedy method. 
Changing tubes out of a working rig puts a good tube in jeopardy of a 
mis-handling accident. How are results interpreted for a single tube 
changed into a push-pull final? You have to keep a different transmitter 
around for each tube type that you want to test (h, maybe this is an 
advantage, not a disadvantage). Etc. Etc.

I once built up a panel with meters, and variable bias supply and plate 
supplies, to simulate actual operation.  The problem is measuring the peak 
emission capability of a tube.  I have seen tubes that seemed to have plenty 
of emission at normal voltages go belly-up on modulation peaks.

When I test tubes that have been sitting for a long time, I go through the 
standard burn-in process with periods of filament-only, filament with 
reduced grid drive, filament with full grid drive plus reduced plate 
voltage, and finally full filament, grid and plate voltage.  Once I have 
determined that the tube appears to be reasonably good, I run the plate 
voltage and grid drive so that the tube operates at about 95% of its rated 
plate dissipation for about 4 hours, then observe the tube again.  I usually 
do this with the test panel, not in a transmitter.  I have seen apparently 
soft tubes test normal after the 4-hour burn.

I'd say it is best to check each tube using several different methods to see 
every possible aspect of the tube, and then you have a fairly good idea of 
its condition.  There is no magic test to plug a tube in and instantly get a 
good, fair or poor evaluation for sure.  I have seen tubes that tested 
extremely high, but went completely soft after only a few hours of 

I also have one 833A with a bright shiney spot burnt on the plate, and the 
glass envelope is actually sucked in over that spot.  Obviously someone let 
it run at extreme overload for a substantial length of time.  The glass has 
a silvery-smokey appearance on the inside of the envelope.  Yet that tube 
operates just as well as any of the best, well cared for ones in my 

And yes, I have lost tubes due mishandling.  However, it is still a good 
idea to rotate spares occasionally to keep t h e tubes from gassing up, so 
you always run that risk.  I just try to be extra careful when handling 
tubes, including removing them from the sockets and removing grid and plate 
caps.  It is very easy to break a tube at the grid or plate cap if you 
stress it too much.

Ideally, you would need a pulsed power supply and oscilloscope or some kind 
of accurate peak reading instrument, so you could operate a tube at its 
maximum rated voltage times current without exceeding plate dissipation and 
burning it up.  It would then be simple a matter of comparing the observed 
plate voltage/plate current/grid voltage curves with the charts in the 
manufacturer's published specs.

I run pushpull triodes in my rig.  To test one tube, I use a neutralising 
dummy in the other socket.  It consists of a defunct tube on which I have 
cut off one of the filament pins.  I insert it in the socket opposite the 
one I want to test.  I have found that you have to back off the loading of 
the transmitter.  Otherwise one good tube tries to run the full plate 
current of a pair of good tubes.  I back off the loading until the plate 
current registers one half the rated plate current.  That way, I can run the 
tube in the final (final running at half power), and check the envelope and 
trapezoid patterns on the scope, and be sure that I am really checking the 
tube in question, without the influence of its mate.

Of course, the same problem exists with a parallel tube amplifier.  The idea 
is to make the amplifier work with just the one tube you want to test at its 
normal parameters.

If you don't have a defunct tube to use as a neutralising dummy, just 
disconnect one of the filament leads to the socket and use a good tube as 
the dummy.  Just make sure the filament by-pass caps stay in place so the rf 
circuitry is unaffected.

I try to keep a log of each tube, and match them as closely as possible in 
the final.  I use a Staedtler Lumocolor black permanent ink overhead 
projector marker to write a number on the tube for positive identification 
later.  I usually mark the number on a plate or grid cap or base of the tube 
in addition to the glass envelope just to make sure it doesn't rub off, but 
I have tubes with still legible markings that I marked over 15 years ago.  
The heat doesn't seem to affect the permanent ink of that brand of marker.

Most of the tubes I keep around and most concerned with testing are the same 
ones I use in my various transmitters, so the availability of a test unit is 
not a problem.


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[AMRadio] Manual needed, RCA BTA-250L

2004-09-23 Thread Patrick Jankowiak
I am looking for an original manual for an RCA BTA-250L. I would 
like to scan it in. I would return it with a CD ROM of it 
including the raw images and a PDF or WWW page, if anyone could 
loan me one. I am in Dallas, TX.

If anyone has a question about my scanning, I generally do 
200-300 dpi for text, and 600 for images (although they become 
huge files) and then I resample them down to a viewable size for 
the web. For PDF or printing, of course, the 600DPI is great due 
to the halftone.

I have found only one source on the internet, paper copies for 
sale, and it's $35. I think that is quite a high price 
considering it says the schematic is blurry.

Heck, maybe I would also send that fellow a high quality copy..

OK so I am begging..


[AMRadio] BTA-250L Tech Support question please

2004-09-23 Thread Patrick Jankowiak
Does anyone know what the four large resistors (it's hard to see 
them all) mounted on the rails in the top right corner of the 
picture, high above the modulator tubes, are for?

and.. drum roll.. There's a power reduction switch. a small one 
which could not handle much voltage. What's the method used in 
this beast?

