Re: [AMRadio] 10 Meter AM Frequencies

2006-04-05 Thread Tom Norris
While we're on the subject of cb mixing schemes,  I have a Lafayette  
Telsat 1023 that I want to turn into a ten meter beacon, which xtals  
do I need to change to what to get it somewhere in the range of 28.2  
- 28.3?  Have a couple generic radios I need to dig out of the closet  
and play with on ten AM.

It's amazing how often it's open, I can copy a half dozen beacons.  I  
reckon folks are all listening to each other - and not beacons - so  
they think the band's dead.  It's a shame when the only voice signals  
I hear some days on ten are the pirates.

Tom NU4G

I changed the first two "A" oscillator crystals to 25.325 and 25.385
MHz and
ended up with channels 1 thru 8 as follows:

29.000  MHz
29.100  MHz

[AMRadio] For sale items, today only

2006-04-01 Thread Tom Norris
I'm considering getting out of tube radio entirely, but it's a hard  
Thought I'd offer the decent gear up to the list, and will let folks  


2 Collins '51 R-390
2 Imperial '63 R-390A
1 '67 EAC R-390A
1 Oneida T-368E

Also 1 '63 W.E. R-392, an RBL-5 vlf receiver, a National WRR-2 HF  
receiver, and an SP-600 barn-worn, but no mouse nests - those wishing  
mouse nests I can provide sanitized hantavirus-free simulated rodent  
nests upon request.  Several large boxes of tubes, assorted cobwebs  
and black widow spiders, various pieces of hollow state test gear  
including very rare hamster-wheel powered vtvm used by unknown WWII  
era entity.  Buyer must supply own hamster.

Available as a lot only, though due to abundance of cobwebs and  
spiders, I should have extras if other people are interested.

Offer good today only, April 1, 2006.  *ONLY* offers received before  
1200Z today will be considered. *ALL* other offers will be discarded  
without being read.

Best 73

[AMRadio] re:the $4k 833A

2006-03-06 Thread Tom Norris
I was mean.  I asked them what was the unique reason that their item  
was selling for this price when the same vintage tube by RCA, etc can  
be had NOS for around $50 and Penta still manufactures them new for  
I sent links with the examples, and asked where they got the ten- 
grand figure.  No, I didn't say "Where did you get that price, did  
you pull it outta yer ...??" I simply wished them the best of luck.  

Figure I'll either get no reply or something that'll burn up my monitor.


Tom NU4G

Re: [AMRadio] Politically Correct Holiday Greetings

2005-12-20 Thread Tom Norris


I'm the public affairs director of a large non-profit agency in
Washington, DC. One of my responsibilities is editing our monthly
magazine.  Last year, at the direction of our Executive Director, I
included holiday greetings in the magazine accompanied by a small
graphic. It was a nice, simple and warmly artistic lit photograph of a
Christmas candle next to a Hanukah menorah.  Subsequently, I received
angry missives from followers of the Christian, Jewish and Islamic
faiths as well as a celebrant of Kwanzaa for either a) juxtaposing  

symbol next to the "opposition", or b) excluding their symbol from the
graphic.  (What's the Kwanzaa icon, by the way, a "Kwanzaa Hut"?)  :-)

No greetings this year...



[AMRadio] OT: Joke Ebay Auctions

2005-11-12 Thread Tom Norris
What is so sad about foolish joke auctions like this "40,000 watt  
is that there are going to be folks out there that are going to take  
it seriously!!
There was a fellow that had something like a "100 GHz Pull-Start  
Computer with
Infinite Ram and Googlebyte Hard Drive." There were bidders right and  
left for
it, and the picture was a photoshopped image, and it *said the item  
did not really
exist* in the description.  What happened to peoples sense of humor?   
I guess it's
like the reason most magazines don't do April first articles any  
more, folks just

don't "get" things like that any more.

Tom NU4G


2005-07-25 Thread Tom Norris

Ooop, I meant on the NWS network. I'm a member
of the Greenkeys list, so know there are bunches on
the air for ham use. :-)

Tom NU4G

Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 14:50:20 EDT


My M28  ASR is on the air daily!



[AMRadio] NNNN and other cryptic messages of olde

2005-07-24 Thread Tom Norris

From what I remember from my old mechanical tty days
of 25+ years ago,  ZCZC at the beginning and  at the
end controlled the autostop. The first ZCZC told your TTY
to wake up - it was usually followed by a few seconds of
diddle to let machines get up to speed. While your machine
was receiving traffic the autostop did nothing and the machine
stayed up and running. If, after the last  there was no
traffic, then it would turn the TTY off. Lots better than
letting it run all the time. Quieter too.

The NWS still uses ZCZC/. I think now it's just
tradition, unless there really ARE still a few model 28's
lurking around out there somewhere.

Tom NU4G

Where does the text "" originate (radio history) in text messages
below the "signature" line? I see  used sometimes, depending on  

particular NWS forecaster, with the National Weather Service text
messages about active tropical storms/hurricanes (which I might add,
seem to be frequenting my area lately HI).  Also there is sometimes  

"$$" being used along with the ""

[AMRadio] Re: Test?

2005-07-07 Thread Tom Norris

I took a test a while back, but haven't
gotten the results back. I think it was
one of them eye kyoo tests.

Or maybe I was bitten by a møøse,
I don't remember. I was a very small
møøse  though.

Tom NU4G

Subject: [AMRadio] Test?

Bob Macklin
Seattle, Wa.


[AMRadio] Re: Globar's/inrush current limiters

2005-06-01 Thread Tom Norris

Thank you George


Go to page 389 of Mouser catalog #621. Look for Inrush current  

I would guess the CL90 part number should do the job.
George KE4HJ

Tom Norris wrote:

At one time either Digi-Key or Mouser stocked a brand
of inrush limiters by Keystone. They apparently no longer

[AMRadio] Re: Globar's/inrush current limiters

2005-05-31 Thread Tom Norris

At one time either Digi-Key or Mouser stocked a brand
of inrush limiters by Keystone. They apparently no longer
have that item. Any suggestions on where to get some
sort of thermistor that will take the current of an R390?

Tom NU4G

[AMRadio] Grounds (was AM Amps)

2005-01-13 Thread Tom Norris

You know the old saying -- "Been there, done that, still have the scars"
(and with a bit of time may be able to find the paramedic's report.)

*Always* make sure AC powered gear has a GOOD earth/safety ground,
even RF gear of *any* sort. You don't really want to know what happens
when parts of you become part of the counterpoise for a 5 KW medium
wave antenna system. And never ever defeat interlocks. Don't ask how
I know.

(OT-I've even got a couple good scars from my land mobile days
from 1 watt UHF HTs)

Tom NU4G
"lockout-tagout poster child"


If anyone believes that they don't need a good earth ground on their
equipment, I'd be glad to set them straight.

Darrell, WA5VGO

At 06:07 PM 1/12/2005 -0600, you wrote:


That amp you built with the 4-1000 was a "killer" in more ways than one!
Time for a confession..

