While we're on the subject of cb mixing schemes, I have a Lafayette Telsat 1023 that I want to turn into a ten meter beacon, which xtals do I need to change to what to get it somewhere in the range of 28.2 - 28.3? Have a couple generic radios I need to dig out of the closet and play with on ten AM.

It's amazing how often it's open, I can copy a half dozen beacons. I reckon folks are all listening to each other - and not beacons - so they think the band's dead. It's a shame when the only voice signals I hear some days on ten are the pirates.

Tom NU4G

I changed the first two "A" oscillator crystals to 25.325 and 25.385
MHz and
ended up with channels 1 thru 8 as follows:

29.000  MHz
29.100  MHz

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