[AMRadio] Don Merz Changing e-Mails

2006-07-21 Thread Merz Donald S
As some of you know, my employer has decided that my job and the jobs of my 
entire department can best be done in India. We have spent the last 2 months 
training the Indians and the game is up. The upshot is that I am leaving this 
e-mail address and you will now find me under [EMAIL PROTECTED] I will still be 
here--you can't get rid of me as easy as they did.
73, Don Merz, N3RHT
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Re: [AMRadio] Don Merz Changing e-Mails

2006-07-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's bad enough to loose your job but an INSULT to have to train your
replacement. They probably tied your severance to staying to the end and
doing the training. At least when I was laid off from IBM we were given a
month to try to find another position within IBM, although with 14,000
loosing their jobs that year I doubt that it ever happened. My manager
allowed those of us being released to continue to use company assets such as
our laptop and office space if desired, but did not require us to report to
work. He felt that company was obligated to give us a head start on our job
search. Good luck in whatever you do whether it be retirement or another
position somewhere else. My layoff was the best thing to happen to me in one
way...I finally took the time to become a Ham, something that I thought that
I would do for many years but never got around to doing.
