Re: [AMRadio] Grandpa's Radio ?

2006-02-06 Thread Phil Galasso

- Original Message - 
 Trying to kill a proposal because you believe it's out to screw you is
 just plain fantasy. The proposal is a future based plan for our Service.

And if you believe that, I have this lovely bridge in New York City that I
would like to sell you. Hell, I could even throw in the Pierce Street and
Market Street bridges in downtown Wilkes-Barre for just $11,306 extra! (The
mayflies are available for a slight extra charge.)

The League and its supporters, in clamoring for even more regulation of an
already grossly overregulated radio service, remind me of the nerdy little
kid who would always ask the teacher to assign more homework to the class.
Like that kid, the League people deserve to have the living shit beaten out
of them! Rather than doing that, we should simply refuse to buy their
publications and refuse to take out membership in that pernicious
organization. And we should totally ostracize anyone within our group who
supports the League, as the clique in Newington certainly does not have OUR
best interests in mind.

Of course, we will hear that old chestnut about members being able to
influence the League. If you believe that, I'm sure you also have faith in
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.

There is something seriously wrong with amateur radio regulation in this
country when even Castro's Cuba has more lenient regulations than we do. For
the Cubans don't have to put up with any of that subband nonsense. They have
three classes of operator license, with CL stations being restricted to two
or three bands, CM stations having most privileges, but with reduced power,
and CO stations having full privileges, with no emission or bandwidth
subbands to worry about.

But the Uncle Toms of our hobby/service will always insist that we Americans
should always have to ride in the back of the spectrum bus...

Phil Galasso

[AMRadio] Grandpa's Radio ?

2006-02-04 Thread VJB
Brad, KB7FQR --

You gave me some food for thought when you made your
point that as we get older we don't necessarily have
to lose any of life's privileges, as applied to ham

As the group in Newington tries to force the
development of digital communications, we can
legitimately question change for the sake of change.

My Comment that I shall be filing this weekend in
Opposition to the Petition RM-11306 will mention the
flawed approach of using the regulatory structure to
promote something that is not, today, becoming popular
on its own.

Indeed, there is great concern about bringing email
from the internet over ham radio that this proposal
from the ARRL would try to achieve.  I believe there's
room to encourage the development of the category of
digital communications, but feel that the operators
implementing new, controversial modes should earn a
place on the bands just like the rest of us have seen
the value of so doing.

Those who have assured the place of AM on the ham
bands over the years can take a bow, because our
record of compliance is very strong at the FCC. In
fact, based on what we know from the enforcement file,
the AM Community, as an identifyable group, is among
the most observant of the Rules today.

That should and MUST count when there are regulatory
proposals that penalize us with rules not really
matched with what we do. The imposition of a 4500 hz
audio bandpass would create problems by taking away
from us the responsible, self-determined use of
spectrum we have demonstrated, and would also hand a
tool to those who wish to file bogus complaints
against us using a phantom bandwidth standard.

We who are fighting the Petition from the ARRL hope to
wrap up a compilation of Comments opposed by Sunday
night so that they can be submitted to the FCC on the
final business day of the Comment period, Monday, Feb.

If you haven't spent a few moments expressing
yourself, please do so?


Brad, I hope you'll consider making your posting here
part of your Comment to the FCC, if you haven't

Turns out you can file more than one Comment, by the
way, so no one should feel they get only one chance by
the deadline.



Why do we have to change now?

Just because there are a few new modes comming on
board, why reduce the
rights of the founding fathers of radio.

We are being attacked, we need to stand WITH ONE
VOICE, leave the 
of radio alone.

Just because our grandparents are older, does not mean
there privileges 
life should be reduce by others.


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [AMRadio] Grandpa's Radio ?

2006-02-04 Thread david knepper

Paul, did you receive the CRA's comments?

Also, I would like to place some editorial material in this issue of the 
Collins Journal - therefore, if you wish to forward me a guest editorial, 
it would be most welcomed.  Lots of Collins owners, like myself, want to 
protect our use of our Collins on AM.

Thank you.

Dave, W3ST
Publisher of the Collins Journal
Secretary to the Collins Radio Association - the CRA Website
Now with PayPal
CRA Nets: 3805 Khz every Monday at 8 PM EST
and 14255 every Saturday at 12 Noon EST
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 9:19 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] Grandpa's Radio ?

Brad, KB7FQR --

You gave me some food for thought when you made your
point that as we get older we don't necessarily have
to lose any of life's privileges, as applied to ham

As the group in Newington tries to force the
development of digital communications, we can
legitimately question change for the sake of change.

My Comment that I shall be filing this weekend in
Opposition to the Petition RM-11306 will mention the
flawed approach of using the regulatory structure to
promote something that is not, today, becoming popular
on its own.

Indeed, there is great concern about bringing email
from the internet over ham radio that this proposal
from the ARRL would try to achieve.  I believe there's
room to encourage the development of the category of
digital communications, but feel that the operators
implementing new, controversial modes should earn a
place on the bands just like the rest of us have seen
the value of so doing.

Those who have assured the place of AM on the ham
bands over the years can take a bow, because our
record of compliance is very strong at the FCC. In
fact, based on what we know from the enforcement file,
the AM Community, as an identifyable group, is among
the most observant of the Rules today.

That should and MUST count when there are regulatory
proposals that penalize us with rules not really
matched with what we do. The imposition of a 4500 hz
audio bandpass would create problems by taking away
from us the responsible, self-determined use of
spectrum we have demonstrated, and would also hand a
tool to those who wish to file bogus complaints
against us using a phantom bandwidth standard.

We who are fighting the Petition from the ARRL hope to
wrap up a compilation of Comments opposed by Sunday
night so that they can be submitted to the FCC on the
final business day of the Comment period, Monday, Feb.

If you haven't spent a few moments expressing
yourself, please do so?


Brad, I hope you'll consider making your posting here
part of your Comment to the FCC, if you haven't

Turns out you can file more than one Comment, by the
way, so no one should feel they get only one chance by
the deadline.



Why do we have to change now?

Just because there are a few new modes comming on
board, why reduce the
rights of the founding fathers of radio.

We are being attacked, we need to stand WITH ONE
VOICE, leave the
of radio alone.

Just because our grandparents are older, does not mean
there privileges
life should be reduce by others.


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
AMRadio mailing list
AMfone Website:
AM List Admin: Brian Sherrod/w5ami, Paul Courson/wa3vjb 

RE: [AMRadio] Grandpa's Radio ?

2006-02-04 Thread UVCM INC

Thanks for your comments, I have made several posts to the web with little
I am one of the younger AM operators (in my mid 40's) but have been in love
with the building, restoring and collecting of tube radios for over 30
I think the future is learning from our past.
I do believe in change (The Only Thing Constant in Life Is Change) I welcome
new modes of communications, but don't sweep AM under the rug, or take our
rights away to use high quality transmitters with narrow bandwidth.
As stated last night on the news, we are lagging behind the rest of the
would in turning out new engineers. We need to keep innovation going. We are
some of those innovators.
I hold several patents in modern products on the market, one of them kills
bird flu and other airborne and waterborne diseases,
Where one of the major improvements came from was my 866 rectifiers in my
Johnson 500.
My ham radio help start a industry that has saved many lives and countless
suffering. Strange twist but true.
Why does the FAA still use AM? Our aviation industry depends on AM to keep
our people safe and we have the best safety record in the world. AM should
be eliminated as some would say ? HUMM.

Paul if you think my comments on track and the FCC and ARRL should read them
let me know and where to post them.

Thanks for listening

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of VJB
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 6:19 AM
Subject: [AMRadio] Grandpa's Radio ?

Brad, KB7FQR --

You gave me some food for thought when you made your
point that as we get older we don't necessarily have
to lose any of life's privileges, as applied to ham

As the group in Newington tries to force the
development of digital communications, we can
legitimately question change for the sake of change.

My Comment that I shall be filing this weekend in
Opposition to the Petition RM-11306 will mention the
flawed approach of using the regulatory structure to
promote something that is not, today, becoming popular
on its own.

Indeed, there is great concern about bringing email
from the internet over ham radio that this proposal
from the ARRL would try to achieve.  I believe there's
room to encourage the development of the category of
digital communications, but feel that the operators
implementing new, controversial modes should earn a
place on the bands just like the rest of us have seen
the value of so doing.

Those who have assured the place of AM on the ham
bands over the years can take a bow, because our
record of compliance is very strong at the FCC. In
fact, based on what we know from the enforcement file,
the AM Community, as an identifyable group, is among
the most observant of the Rules today.

That should and MUST count when there are regulatory
proposals that penalize us with rules not really
matched with what we do. The imposition of a 4500 hz
audio bandpass would create problems by taking away
from us the responsible, self-determined use of
spectrum we have demonstrated, and would also hand a
tool to those who wish to file bogus complaints
against us using a phantom bandwidth standard.

We who are fighting the Petition from the ARRL hope to
wrap up a compilation of Comments opposed by Sunday
night so that they can be submitted to the FCC on the
final business day of the Comment period, Monday, Feb.

If you haven't spent a few moments expressing
yourself, please do so?


Brad, I hope you'll consider making your posting here
part of your Comment to the FCC, if you haven't

Turns out you can file more than one Comment, by the
way, so no one should feel they get only one chance by
the deadline.



Why do we have to change now?

Just because there are a few new modes comming on
board, why reduce the
rights of the founding fathers of radio.

We are being attacked, we need to stand WITH ONE
VOICE, leave the
of radio alone.

Just because our grandparents are older, does not mean
there privileges
life should be reduce by others.


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
AMRadio mailing list
AMfone Website:
AM List Admin: Brian Sherrod/w5ami, Paul Courson/wa3vjb

Re: [AMRadio] Grandpa's Radio ?

2006-02-04 Thread Peter Markavage
The FCC has already said in a past proceeding that the current Amateur
Radio Service rules hinder the growth and experimentation of new
technologies on the amateur bands. So, I suspect, change will be coming,
sooner or later, regardless of how many negative comments you want to
throw at RM-11306. Actually, I would spend my energies throwing all I
could at RM-11305, which, if accepted, would create total anarchy all
over the HF bands. 

RM-11306's intent is to create a structure for the future of the Amateur
Radio Service. It was not designed to please individual amateurs in the
near term. RM-11306, as written, does little, except maybe to a small
subset of AM operators, to create any operating problems. Using
their(ARRL) terms defining bandwidth by necessary bandwidth rather than
occupied bandwidth, should have little to no impact on the majority of
AM operators. If you don't like their Winlink pitch, tell the FCC to
retain the current 97.221 rule, which keeps Winlink stuff confined to
their current small segment of certain bands. If you don't like the note
exemption for AM, tell them you want to see AM identified in the proper
tables along with other identified bandwidths. If you want strong band
plans, you should demand that all amateurs provide input into creating
such band plans.

Trying to kill a proposal because you believe it's out to screw you is
just plain fantasy. The proposal is a future based plan for our Service.
You may think hobby but that won't win you any points with the FCC. I
will agree that the proposal is not without its problems as written, but
provide input on the parts of the structure that you feel are wrong and
need to be corrected. The Amateur Radio Service is going to move forward.
It has to in order to stay alive. Keeping the status quo, i.e. I like
it the way it is, don't change anything, isn't going to work. It might
work today but, for sure, it won't work tomorrow.

If you're have already filed your comments on both RM-11305 and RM-11306,
I would encourage you to go back and consider filing additional comments.
As Paul, I want no rules has said, you can file more than one time.
Let's have a hand at shaping our Amateur Radio Service, not so much for
us, but for our future generations.

Pete, WA2CWA

On Sat, 4 Feb 2006 06:19:02 -0800 (PST) VJB [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Brad, KB7FQR --
 You gave me some food for thought when you made your
 point that as we get older we don't necessarily have
 to lose any of life's privileges, as applied to ham
 As the group in Newington tries to force the
 development of digital communications, we can
 legitimately question change for the sake of change.
 My Comment that I shall be filing this weekend in
 Opposition to the Petition RM-11306 will mention the
 flawed approach of using the regulatory structure to
 promote something that is not, today, becoming popular
 on its own.
 Indeed, there is great concern about bringing email
 from the internet over ham radio that this proposal
 from the ARRL would try to achieve.  I believe there's
 room to encourage the development of the category of
 digital communications, but feel that the operators
 implementing new, controversial modes should earn a
 place on the bands just like the rest of us have seen
 the value of so doing.
 Those who have assured the place of AM on the ham
 bands over the years can take a bow, because our
 record of compliance is very strong at the FCC. In
 fact, based on what we know from the enforcement file,
 the AM Community, as an identifyable group, is among
 the most observant of the Rules today.
 That should and MUST count when there are regulatory
 proposals that penalize us with rules not really
 matched with what we do. The imposition of a 4500 hz
 audio bandpass would create problems by taking away
 from us the responsible, self-determined use of
 spectrum we have demonstrated, and would also hand a
 tool to those who wish to file bogus complaints
 against us using a phantom bandwidth standard.
 We who are fighting the Petition from the ARRL hope to
 wrap up a compilation of Comments opposed by Sunday
 night so that they can be submitted to the FCC on the
 final business day of the Comment period, Monday, Feb.
 If you haven't spent a few moments expressing
 yourself, please do so?
 Brad, I hope you'll consider making your posting here
 part of your Comment to the FCC, if you haven't
 Turns out you can file more than one Comment, by the
 way, so no one should feel they get only one chance by
 the deadline.
 Why do we have to change now?
 Just because there are a few new modes comming on
 board, why reduce the
 rights of the founding fathers of radio.
 We are being attacked, we need to stand WITH ONE
 VOICE, leave the 
 of radio alone.
 Just because our grandparents are older, does not mean
 there privileges 
 life should be reduce by others.

Re: [AMRadio] Grandpa's Radio ?

2006-02-04 Thread W5OMR/Geoff

Peter Markavage wrote:

I thought the campaigning was deemed taboo, here?