RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-25 Thread Brian Carling
 The power may not be wasted very much in the tuner, BUT
 REFLECTED power goes back into the RF final and is disippated
 in the famil amplifier device(s) - at least many people have
 written articles for decades describing that marticular myth
 or so-called FALSE STATEMENT. I am not so sure it is false
 That is a myth.

Thanks - I stand corrected. I think I read that in some 
ham magazine years ago and it got stuck in my head!

I can accept the idea that most wattmeters give false readings 
on FWD power too!

RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-25 Thread Donald Chester

From: John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have seen
toriods used in HF tube type equipment also but they still have tuning.  I
was speaking of rigs with no internal tuning for the final amps.  Most
modern solid state equipment is this way.  This type of equipment that has
no output tuning must have a specific non reactive load attached or it will
not work as specified by the manufacture.  This is where external tuning
equipment is necessary because it is very difficult to get an antenna to be
non reactive and represent a 50 ohm load. And should you achieve this then
it would only be for a small range of frequencies.  Where as, if you had a
rig with adjustable output circuitry such as a Pi-Net with a loading and a
plate tune knob then you would be able to match a much larger range of
frequencies even though the VSWR on the coax line may be as high as 2:1.

What it boils down to is that with classic tube type rigs, the rf tank 
circuit was built into the rig.  With modern solid state rigs, the rf tank 
circuit comes as an external option that you have to pay extra for.

I recall there was a Central Electronics rig that had a no-tune broadband 
output network with a tube type final.  They sealed the whole thing in 
something like epoxy, and gave no technical data on how it worked.  I recall 
reading an article in CQ or 73 Magazine about how someone unsuccessfully 
tried to disassemble one of the networks to find out how it worked, and 
ended up with probably the only (Central Electronics rig) with a tuneable 
pi-network tank circuit.

Don k4kyv

Re: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-25 Thread Mike Dorworth, K4XM

- Original Message -
From: Donald Chester [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I recall there was a Central Electronics rig that had a no-tune broadband
 output network with a tube type final.  They sealed the whole thing in
 something like epoxy, and gave no technical data on how it worked.

Yes but it was a patented device and the patent number was shown. I sent for
the patent disclosure and built the coil as presented. It worked perfectly
and I made measurements that showed it's own impedance to be 25 ohms and it
would easily match 25 to 100 ohms 2:1 SWR. Mine was for a single 813 final.
As I recall the network was in some ceramic that was nearly impossible to
open short of an A-Bomb and many wondered what was inside since no-tune was
a mystery at that time.. Mike

RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-24 Thread Donald Chester

From: Brian Carling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The power may not be wasted very much in the tuner, BUT
REFLECTED power goes back into the RF final and is disippated
in the famil amplifier device(s) - at least many people have
written articles for decades describing that marticular myth
or so-called FALSE STATEMENT. I am not so sure it is false

That is a myth.  The power that is not  radiated by the antenna or burnt up 
as resistive loss in the wire, goes back to tank circuit of the transmitter, 
contributes to the circulating rf current in the tank circuit, and is 
re-reflected back to the antenna.  It may take several oscillations back and 
forth before all the energy is dissipated, but it is eventually dissipated 
in the antenna as radiated power and in the wire as resistive loss, not in 
the final amplifier tubes.  The standing waves can be thought of as 
circulating current on the feedline.

If the open wire line is  left open with nothing connected, or if it is 
shorted, no rf escapes the feedline to excite an antenna.  It is nearly all 
reflected back to the transmitter, and then back to the opposite end, until 
it is all dissipated as heat due to resistive losses.  The current on the 
feeders, as measured with an rf ammeter, might be very high, but there is no 
radiation resistance or radiation.  The rf ammeter may read seveal amperes 
while the final amp is dipped at resonance to near zero place current.  
There is very high circulating current in the tank circuit and the feeder, 
and at some points the voltage is very high - basically a Tesla  coil, but 
negligible radiation.

The myth I have often heard is that the rf is delivered back to the final 
and is dissipated in the plates of the output tubes.  That is not true.  If 
the plates of the tubes glow, it is due to plate dissipation (DC input to 
the final minus the power delivered to the tank circuit).  This dissipation 
is due to operating conditions of the tube, not rf power being reflected 
back into the tube.

Don k4kyv


This message was typed using the DVORAK keyboard layout.  Try it - you'll 
like it.

RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-24 Thread Mark Foltarz
Hmmm,  TMC TAC1 tuner specifies 80% efficiency. So at least in this case, 20%
is lost.

Apparently it gets worse as the frequency climbs up beyond 18 Mc

I suspect the same is true for the johnson boxes that also use air coils.



 FALSE STATEMENT #3 --- Tuners waste a lot of power and just make the
 transmitter think the antenna is right.
 TRUE STATEMENT --- A tuner consists of coils and capacitors neither of
 which by mathematical definition consumes energy.  The adjustments of
 the coils and capacitors change the phase as well as the voltage to
 current ratios of input and output.   The slight amount of energy that
 may be consumed by tuners is generally so negligible that it is very
 difficult to measure.  In some cases a tuners components maybe made of
 poor quality material and too small for the job.  These types of
 components will get hot.  Heat is an obvious point of loss.  I had a
 small MFJ tuner that was manufactured some years ago. It was just a
 small external Pi-Net device and I found it to have a measurable
 insertion loss.  It turned out to be the rivets that held the connectors
 on the little chassis.  I soldered braid across the connectors to the
 chassis and then the loss was then immeasurable.
 Modern solid state equipment is designed to work into a 50 ohm non
 reactive load.  Connecting a dummy load of 60 ohms instead of 50 ohms
 will cause the rig to put out less RF current and make the automatic
 drive level circuitry start pulling back on drive prematurely.  If the
 load becomes slightly reactive as well then the RF production will
 decrease rapidly.  A tuner is nearly a must for these rigs.
 In tube type XMTRs the use of toroidal transformers for the output is
 impossible because of the high output Z of tubes.  These rigs used
 instead a Pi-NET or link coupled tuned circuitry to do the job of
 matching the tube to the low impedance output.  This type of circuitry
 could match a relatively wide range of impedances from 25 ohms to
 several hundred ohms as well as compensate for some reactance.  Because
 of this an external tuner may not have been necessary especially if
 confined to one band on one antenna.  A lot of folks put up multiple
 antennas one for each band or used a multiband trapped dipole or some
 other multiband radiator with a single coaxial down line.  The Pi-Net in
 the rig did all the compensation for them.  But with solid state rigs
 and no internal tuning it would be an near necessity to have an external
 tuner if nothing more than a small PI-Net tuner such as the one I had
 from MFJ  
 Having to do with the conservation of energy laws.  Here are some facts.
 1. High quality capacitors (especially air or vacuum type with good
 aluminum plates) have little or no measurable loss.  They give almost
 100% of the energy they absorb back to the load or source.  They are
 adjusted with the inductors so as to send the energy to the load and not
 the source.
 2. Air inductors are also almost lossless except for a small amount due
 to the resistance of the material.  The energy they absorb is stored
 magnetically and almost all given back to the load or source.  They also
 are adjusted with the capacitors so as to send the energy to the load
 and not the source.
 3. Antenna systems (including tuners) are made of material that is very
 low in resistance to electron flow (or they should be).
 With the above facts in mind, consider the following scenario. 
 1. A transmitter is connected to an antenna system made with quality
 2. The finals are not dissipating any more heat than they would if
 connected to a perfect dummy load.
 3. There is no measurable heat dissipated in any of the components of
 the antenna system.
   Then the energy that is produced from the finals must be being
 used by something irregardless of resonance.  The energy must be going
 to out into space because nothing is dissipating any heat that we can
 measure and it makes no difference what length the antenna is because th
 tuner is compensating for the reactance and transforming the current to
 voltage ratios as needed to get the energy out.
   It is being radiated, hence the term radiation resistance.
   Most folks mistakenly think of the term radiation resistance as
 a fixed value of 73 Ohms.  BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE.  73 Ohms is the
 radiation resistance of a center fed 1/2 wave dipole in free space and
 by the way increasing the size of the wire has very little effect on it.
 A center fed full wave dipole will radiate the same amount of energy but
 has a much higher radiation resistance.  It has no greater or less
 radiation efficiency than does the 1/2 wave dipole (negligible copper
 resistance loss).   It just radiates in a slightly different pattern.
   Theoretical, (neglecting copper losses) if all of the energy of
 the radiated signal could be recaptured and 

RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-24 Thread John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO)
Thanks Don and Gary for a better description.  Gary I really liked the
descriptions and explanations of radiation resistance especially the one of
the mobile antenna.  That's the one thing that a lot of folks don't quite
understand.  It's what I call antenna efficiency.  I've been told that the
radiation resistance of an 80 meter base loaded mobile antenna is less than
1 ohm.  IF YOU COULD, deliver a 100 watt signal to this there would be 100
amps of current and the Q would be so high that you wouldn't have enough
bandwidth for the audio spectrum.  

Here is a example of a real short antenna.  I tried to push some power into
the 1KW tank circuit of my final once with the final turned OFF, by
connecting the driver output to the output of the 1KW rig.  The big tank
capacitor ARCed over before I got 15 watts into it.

John Coleman  

Re: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-24 Thread Mike Dorworth, K4XM

 Actually there are a number of commercially manufactured tube
 RF finals that DO indded use toroidal transformers.
 Dentron, for one example - they made a number of linear amps
 like that, and they were/are not alone.

The Alpha 374 had nothing but toroids. It might be remembered as the legal
limit amp that ran for months with a brick on the key.. I bet most all
Alphas are the same..Had 3 each 8874's..

RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-24 Thread John E. Coleman (ARS WA5BXO)
Boy! You have to be real specific around here, HI

I should have been more specific.  I meant toroid wide band transformers not
resonated and covering the entire HF spectrum with no tuning.  I have seen
toriods used in HF tube type equipment also but they still have tuning.  I
was speaking of rigs with no internal tuning for the final amps.  Most
modern solid state equipment is this way.  This type of equipment that has
no output tuning must have a specific non reactive load attached or it will
not work as specified by the manufacture.  This is where external tuning
equipment is necessary because it is very difficult to get an antenna to be
non reactive and represent a 50 ohm load. And should you achieve this then
it would only be for a small range of frequencies.  Where as, if you had a
rig with adjustable output circuitry such as a Pi-Net with a loading and a
plate tune knob then you would be able to match a much larger range of
frequencies even though the VSWR on the coax line may be as high as 2:1.  As
Don, and perhaps another, have pointed out, these tube type rigs with build
in load and tune controls are really just built in antenna tuners.  As with
any antenna tuner they have a limited range of Z and reactance that they can
compensate for.  It may be necessary to have another tuner external for
matching balanced line etc.  And as with many things there is specific type
of circuits for external tuners that will do better jobs than others for a
specific task.  There are tuners specifically made that will match a balance
line of 600 ohms to 6000 ohms to a 50 ohm source they may have a limit with
in that as to the amount of reactance they can compensate for.  Other tuners
might be better at matching lower impedance loads.  The circuitry needs to
change for the best results.   

Now, there may be something that I have not seen that has tubes for output
and yet no tuning on the final and that requires a specific load resistance
for Z match as does the SS equipment.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Dorworth, K4XM
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 11:37 AM
To: Discussion of AM Radio
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

 Actually there are a number of commercially manufactured tube
 RF finals that DO indded use toroidal transformers.
 Dentron, for one example - they made a number of linear amps
 like that, and they were/are not alone.

The Alpha 374 had nothing but toroids
. It might be remembered as the legal
limit amp that ran for months with a brick on the key.. I bet most all
Alphas are the same..Had 3 each 8874's..

AMRadio mailing list
AMfone Website:
AM List Admin: Brian Sherrod/w5ami, Paul Courson/wa3vjb

RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-24 Thread Jim Candela

John said:

Now, there may be something that I have not seen that
has tubes for output and yet no tuning on the final
and that requires a specific load resistance for Z
match as does the SS equipment.

Jim Says, Check out the Central Electronics 100V /
200V 100 watt transmitter with a pair of 6550's or the
Central Electronics 600L linear amplifier with a grid
driven 813. These are no tune tube circuits that work
very well so long as the load is near 50 ohms
resistive. These were way ahead of their time like
standard front disc brakes on the Studebaker. Both
companies disappeared in the 1960's too.


RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-23 Thread John Coleman ARS WA5BXO
You are correct Gary, it is very confusing to many and I was one
confused guy for many years.  It's not easy to get a grip on things of
this nature.  Invisible radiation and weird parts that have no movement,
makes it all seem like wizardry and magic.  Of course this is what makes
it fascinating.  I'll just add some more to the confusion.  

I am by no way a XPERT on this stuff but I have been told that I
have a way with words as long as I can get a spell checker working.  I
have been asked to do some of this writing.  I feel that I should share
this with others and I have chosen this place to do it.  I don't have a
lot of opportunity to go get on the air much any more.  I get stuck here
at home watching kids once in a while and so this is when I type up
these long stories.  

So please excuse the long winded transmission here.
I hope some one gets something from it. 

Old Wives Tales (Misleading statements)

FALSE STEAMENT #1 -- A high SWR reading is an indication that a lot of
power is wasted and not being radiated. -  
TRUE STATEMENT --- SWR is the ratio of currents measured at physical
points on a transition line.  It is the ratio of the maximum current on
the line verses the minimum current on the line.  These two physical
points will be 1/4 electrical wavelength apart.  They do not necessarily
have to be at the load end or the source end.  IF the load end is
representative of a pure resistive load then the SWR will be the ratio
of the load resistance to the line characteristic impedance.  If the
load resistance is non reactive and equal to the line characteristic
impendence then the SWR is 1:1 and current will be the same at any point
on the transmission line that you care to measure it except for the
normal loss due to line characteristics.  Even a perfectly matched
load:line such will have slightly less current and voltage at the load
end than at the source end although as some one earlier pointed out, It
is generally a negligible difference.  It would need to be a very long
line to be significant on 80 or 40 meters.

FALSE STATEMENT #2 --- There is no need for a tuner if the antenna is
resonate and the line is matched.
TRUE STATEMENT -- If the antenna feed point is equal to the line Z and
the transmitter is made to work into this load then there may be no need
for a tuner.  This is an almost impossible task as some one pointed out
earlier, and even if it were to be done it would only be true for a very
small range of frequencies.  QSY would be a compromise.

FALSE STATEMENT #3 --- Tuners waste a lot of power and just make the
transmitter think the antenna is right.
TRUE STATEMENT --- A tuner consists of coils and capacitors neither of
which by mathematical definition consumes energy.  The adjustments of
the coils and capacitors change the phase as well as the voltage to
current ratios of input and output.   The slight amount of energy that
may be consumed by tuners is generally so negligible that it is very
difficult to measure.  In some cases a tuners components maybe made of
poor quality material and too small for the job.  These types of
components will get hot.  Heat is an obvious point of loss.  I had a
small MFJ tuner that was manufactured some years ago. It was just a
small external Pi-Net device and I found it to have a measurable
insertion loss.  It turned out to be the rivets that held the connectors
on the little chassis.  I soldered braid across the connectors to the
chassis and then the loss was then immeasurable.

Modern solid state equipment is designed to work into a 50 ohm non
reactive load.  Connecting a dummy load of 60 ohms instead of 50 ohms
will cause the rig to put out less RF current and make the automatic
drive level circuitry start pulling back on drive prematurely.  If the
load becomes slightly reactive as well then the RF production will
decrease rapidly.  A tuner is nearly a must for these rigs.

In tube type XMTRs the use of toroidal transformers for the output is
impossible because of the high output Z of tubes.  These rigs used
instead a Pi-NET or link coupled tuned circuitry to do the job of
matching the tube to the low impedance output.  This type of circuitry
could match a relatively wide range of impedances from 25 ohms to
several hundred ohms as well as compensate for some reactance.  Because
of this an external tuner may not have been necessary especially if
confined to one band on one antenna.  A lot of folks put up multiple
antennas one for each band or used a multiband trapped dipole or some
other multiband radiator with a single coaxial down line.  The Pi-Net in
the rig did all the compensation for them.  But with solid state rigs
and no internal tuning it would be an near necessity to have an external
tuner if nothing more than a small PI-Net tuner such as the one I had
from MFJ  

Having to do with the conservation of energy laws.  Here are some facts.

1. High quality capacitors (especially air or vacuum type with good

RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-23 Thread uvcm inc.
Very nice work, thanks for taking the time to write this

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Coleman ARS
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 4:59 PM
To: 'Discussion of AM Radio'
Subject: RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

You are correct Gary, it is very confusing to many and I was one
confused guy for many years.  It's not easy to get a grip on things of
this nature.  Invisible radiation and weird parts that have no movement,
makes it all seem like wizardry and magic.  Of course this is what makes
it fascinating.  I'll just add some more to the confusion.  

I am by no way a XPERT on this stuff but I have been told that I
have a way with words as long as I can get a spell checker working.  I
have been asked to do some of this writing.  I feel that I should share
this with others and I have chosen this place to do it.  I don't have a
lot of opportunity to go get on the air much any more.  I get stuck here
at home watching kids once in a while and so this is when I type up
these long stories.  

So please excuse the long winded transmission here.
I hope some one gets something from it. 

Old Wives Tales (Misleading statements)

FALSE STEAMENT #1 -- A high SWR reading is an indication that a lot of
power is wasted and not being radiated. -  
TRUE STATEMENT --- SWR is the ratio of currents measured at physical
points on a transition line.  It is the ratio of the maximum current on
the line verses the minimum current on the line.  These two physical
points will be 1/4 electrical wavelength apart.  They do not necessarily
have to be at the load end or the source end.  IF the load end is
representative of a pure resistive load then the SWR will be the ratio
of the load resistance to the line characteristic impedance.  If the
load resistance is non reactive and equal to the line characteristic
impendence then the SWR is 1:1 and current will be the same at any point
on the transmission line that you care to measure it except for the
normal loss due to line characteristics.  Even a perfectly matched
load:line such will have slightly less current and voltage at the load
end than at the source end although as some one earlier pointed out, It
is generally a negligible difference.  It would need to be a very long
line to be significant on 80 or 40 meters.

FALSE STATEMENT #2 --- There is no need for a tuner if the antenna is
resonate and the line is matched.
TRUE STATEMENT -- If the antenna feed point is equal to the line Z and
the transmitter is made to work into this load then there may be no need
for a tuner.  This is an almost impossible task as some one pointed out
earlier, and even if it were to be done it would only be true for a very
small range of frequencies.  QSY would be a compromise.

FALSE STATEMENT #3 --- Tuners waste a lot of power and just make the
transmitter think the antenna is right.
TRUE STATEMENT --- A tuner consists of coils and capacitors neither of
which by mathematical definition consumes energy.  The adjustments of
the coils and capacitors change the phase as well as the voltage to
current ratios of input and output.   The slight amount of energy that
may be consumed by tuners is generally so negligible that it is very
difficult to measure.  In some cases a tuners components maybe made of
poor quality material and too small for the job.  These types of
components will get hot.  Heat is an obvious point of loss.  I had a
small MFJ tuner that was manufactured some years ago. It was just a
small external Pi-Net device and I found it to have a measurable
insertion loss.  It turned out to be the rivets that held the connectors
on the little chassis.  I soldered braid across the connectors to the
chassis and then the loss was then immeasurable.

Modern solid state equipment is designed to work into a 50 ohm non
reactive load.  Connecting a dummy load of 60 ohms instead of 50 ohms
will cause the rig to put out less RF current and make the automatic
drive level circuitry start pulling back on drive prematurely.  If the
load becomes slightly reactive as well then the RF production will
decrease rapidly.  A tuner is nearly a must for these rigs.

In tube type XMTRs the use of toroidal transformers for the output is
impossible because of the high output Z of tubes.  These rigs used
instead a Pi-NET or link coupled tuned circuitry to do the job of
matching the tube to the low impedance output.  This type of circuitry
could match a relatively wide range of impedances from 25 ohms to
several hundred ohms as well as compensate for some reactance.  Because
of this an external tuner may not have been necessary especially if
confined to one band on one antenna.  A lot of folks put up multiple
antennas one for each band or used a multiband trapped dipole or some
other multiband radiator with a single coaxial down line.  The Pi-Net in
the rig did all the compensation for them.  But with solid state

RE: [AMRadio] antenna tuners transmision lines and more

2006-04-23 Thread Brian Carling
Some of these MYTHS may actually be myths about myths.

Actually there are a number of commercially manufactured tube 
RF finals that DO indded use toroidal transformers.
Dentron, for one example - they made a number of linear amps 
like that, and they were/are not alone.

When we speak of SWR, we are actually measuring VSWR 
in most cases,  i.e. VOLTAGE standing wave ration - not 
current. Although they are related of course.

The power may not be wasted very much in the tuner, BUT
REFLECTED power goes back into the RF final and is disippated
in the famil amplifier device(s) - at least many people have 
written articles for decades describing that marticular myth
or so-called FALSE STATEMENT. I am not so sure it is false 

   You are correct Gary, it is very confusing to many and I was one
 confused guy for many years.  It's not easy to get a grip on things of
 this nature.  Invisible radiation and weird parts that have no movement,
 makes it all seem like wizardry and magic.  Of course this is what makes
 it fascinating.  I'll just add some more to the confusion.  
   I am by no way a XPERT on this stuff but I have been told that I
 have a way with words as long as I can get a spell checker working.  I
 have been asked to do some of this writing.  I feel that I should share
 this with others and I have chosen this place to do it.  I don't have a
 lot of opportunity to go get on the air much any more.  I get stuck here
 at home watching kids once in a while and so this is when I type up
 these long stories.  
 So please excuse the long winded transmission here.
 I hope some one gets something from it. 
 Old Wives Tales (Misleading statements)
 FALSE STEAMENT #1 -- A high SWR reading is an indication that a lot of
 power is wasted and not being radiated. -  
 TRUE STATEMENT --- SWR is the ratio of currents measured at physical
 points on a transition line.  It is the ratio of the maximum current on
 the line verses the minimum current on the line.  These two physical
 points will be 1/4 electrical wavelength apart.  They do not necessarily
 have to be at the load end or the source end.  IF the load end is
 representative of a pure resistive load then the SWR will be the ratio
 of the load resistance to the line characteristic impedance.  If the
 load resistance is non reactive and equal to the line characteristic
 impendence then the SWR is 1:1 and current will be the same at any point
 on the transmission line that you care to measure it except for the
 normal loss due to line characteristics.  Even a perfectly matched
 load:line such will have slightly less current and voltage at the load
 end than at the source end although as some one earlier pointed out, It
 is generally a negligible difference.  It would need to be a very long
 line to be significant on 80 or 40 meters.
 FALSE STATEMENT #2 --- There is no need for a tuner if the antenna is
 resonate and the line is matched.
 TRUE STATEMENT -- If the antenna feed point is equal to the line Z and
 the transmitter is made to work into this load then there may be no need
 for a tuner.  This is an almost impossible task as some one pointed out
 earlier, and even if it were to be done it would only be true for a very
 small range of frequencies.  QSY would be a compromise.
 FALSE STATEMENT #3 --- Tuners waste a lot of power and just make the
 transmitter think the antenna is right.
 TRUE STATEMENT --- A tuner consists of coils and capacitors neither of
 which by mathematical definition consumes energy.  The adjustments of
 the coils and capacitors change the phase as well as the voltage to
 current ratios of input and output.   The slight amount of energy that
 may be consumed by tuners is generally so negligible that it is very
 difficult to measure.  In some cases a tuners components maybe made of
 poor quality material and too small for the job.  These types of
 components will get hot.  Heat is an obvious point of loss.  I had a
 small MFJ tuner that was manufactured some years ago. It was just a
 small external Pi-Net device and I found it to have a measurable
 insertion loss.  It turned out to be the rivets that held the connectors
 on the little chassis.  I soldered braid across the connectors to the
 chassis and then the loss was then immeasurable.
 Modern solid state equipment is designed to work into a 50 ohm non
 reactive load.  Connecting a dummy load of 60 ohms instead of 50 ohms
 will cause the rig to put out less RF current and make the automatic
 drive level circuitry start pulling back on drive prematurely.  If the
 load becomes slightly reactive as well then the RF production will
 decrease rapidly.  A tuner is nearly a must for these rigs.
 In tube type XMTRs the use of toroidal transformers for the output is
 impossible because of the high output Z of tubes.  These rigs used
 instead a Pi-NET or link coupled tuned circuitry to do the job of
 matching the tube to the low impedance output.  This type