Re: [amsat-bb] Amazon Smile

2014-07-22 Thread Bryan Herbert
I also signed up and have bought a few things but it is my understanding
only 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products goes to AMSAT. So if
you buy a DVD worth $19.99 and it's eligible for AmazonSmile, roughly $0.10
of that $19.99 will go to AMSAT but I think Amazon waits until something
like $100 is collected before sending any money to AMSAT.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA
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[amsat-bb] Re: HamSatDroid now AmsatDroid FREE

2013-06-09 Thread Bryan Herbert
Any chance of getting a Windows RT version of AmSatDroid?

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 2:18 PM, David A B Johnson wrote:


 As part of the transition to a 'paid' version of the application. The
 original HamSatDroid has been
 removed from 'Google Play' and replaced with 'AmsatDroid FREE'.

 It has all the functionality of HSD and can now

 - support 4/7/10 inch displays in landscape for the current satellite
 position and next two orbits
 - take the user location as a IARU locator

 The requirement to access user email info has been removed (the original
 thought was to issue
 remeinders, but was never implemented)


 Dave, G4DPZ
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Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA
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[amsat-bb] Re: AO27

2012-12-30 Thread Bryan Herbert
AMSAT Weekly Satellite Report 366 released yesterday (12/29) has AO-27 
lumped in with the 'non-operational' satellites and the status still 
showing 'recovery efforts in progress'.

So I would have to say, no.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA
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[amsat-bb] SO-50 during 0215 UTC pass

2012-07-19 Thread Bryan Herbert
I was doing a demo for the Santa Clarita Amateur Radio Club during the 
0215 UTC pass. I know I made contact with K6YK in CM97 but then another 
station called, I want to say it was K0OU in EM28, however it was the 
end of the pass and there's just too much static on the recorder for 
play back. Does anyone else have a copy of the audio that they can send me?

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Membership

2012-04-04 Thread Bryan Herbert
When I joined in November my membership packet arrived a few weeks later 
with a laminated satellite frequency list, some documentation on AO-51, 
a membership card with your member number on it and they threw in two 
old Journals. I'm not sure how often the Journals are published but the 
next one didn't arrive until a couple weeks ago so I am assuming quarterly.

On 4/4/2012 18:44, Douglas Phelps wrote:

I joined AMSAT on their website.� Do I get any kind of confirmation or member
number?� How long should I expect it to process.� Thanks.

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Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] Rather frustrating AO-27 pass

2012-03-01 Thread Bryan Herbert
I usually have no problems working AO-27 but a few minutes ago during 
the 2100 UTC pass over DM04 the pass started out with telemetry, some 
odd beeping and what sounded like packet. The pass was from south to 
north so like usual Spanish comms were heard but as AO-27 approached max 
elevation instead of getting a loud signal the bird went quiet and a few 
seconds later I found it jumped 10 kHz. I tried calling CQ and stations 
directly but apparently no one heard me. For those of you on at that 
time was I getting into the bird at all?

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] ARISSAT-1 Pass Over SoCal Tuesday

2011-12-20 Thread Bryan Herbert
If these keps are correct then hams in DM04rj will be treated to a 53 
degree pass from ARISSAT-1 around 2331 UTC (331pm local) this afternoon 
(Tuesday). Here in the Santa Clarita Valley, 30 miles north of Downtown 
Los Angeles, we are surrounded by 3000-6000 foot peaks. We have not seen 
a pass above 20 degrees since mid-October. To date I have only managed 
to successfully receive ARISSAT-1 twice, I'm hoping this afternoon I 
will be able to receive a SSTV image, decode some telemetry or contact 
someone through the transponder.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO27 - Last Man Standing?

2011-11-29 Thread Bryan Herbert

SO-50 is alive and well, in fact, very active on Thanksgiving.

On 11/29/2011 15:02, Patrick Green wrote:

I haven't been following, where's SO-50?  Is it dead too?

73 de Pat --- KA9SCF.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 - Last Heard Reports

2011-11-28 Thread Bryan Herbert
Looks like theres a sweet 62 degree pass tomorrow afternoon around 
2251UTC |1451PT - I'll be monitoring for activity but really want to try 
and work you, Clint.

On 11/28/2011 18:32, Clint Bradford wrote:
 I hope it is premature, and that '51 will be back in some mode soon ...

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-51 current status

2011-11-25 Thread Bryan Herbert
Yesterday afternoon (T-Day) there was a good high elevation pass over 
DM04 around 2300 UTC. AO-51 was extremely weak but I was still able to 
make out some voice just above the noise floor using my TH-F6a and 
SRH-320a whip antenna. When the conversation ended I gave my callsign 
followed by my grid square and just before the sat dropped below the 
horizon I was able to make out a male with a subtle accent calling me 
back. It almost sounded like K6VUG whom I talked to just an hour before 
on AO-27, but I cant be sure. Anyways, shes weak but hangin in there and 
certainly a tough bird. Hopefully she will be around a while longer.

On 11/25/2011 14:39, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
Next pass the repeater was still on but that the very low power levels 
we saw earlier. I crashed the IHU and attempted to restart, but ran 
out of elevation. More after tomorrow's afternoon passes.

Just as an FYI, and to answer some emails sent privately to me, 
AMSAT-Fox is designed to continue in zombie mode despite a battery 
or IHU failure, while maintaining control to FCC standards. See page 4 

73, Drew KO4MA

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] DM04 T-Day Passes

2011-11-23 Thread Bryan Herbert

It appears I have three sweet passes tomorrow

SO-50 @ 1816 UTC
AO-27 @ 2100 UTC
AO-51 @ 2252 UTC

I don't know how busy the birds are on holidays but if anyone needs DM04 
or just wants to chat I'm going to try for those passes. Hope to work a 
few of you.

*~*Happy Holidays*~*

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] RAX-2 Launch In 30 Minutes

2011-10-28 Thread Bryan Herbert
They're in the final hold, weather is awesome and everything looks good 
to go for the 0948 UTC launch. Much like RAX-1, RAX-2 will have an 
Amateur Radio beacon spitting out 500mW of 9600 baud GMSK every 20 
seconds from it's right handed circularly polarized antenna... Such a 
spunky lil bird... Once she reaches orbit and the ground stations are 
able to track her they will upload the TLE data to their site.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] SO-50 over DM04 at 0400 UTC

2011-10-19 Thread Bryan Herbert
I saw SO-50 was doing a pass tonight with a max elevation of 71 degrees 
and decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately I was in an area surrounded 
by buildings and only had a couple of minutes of clear audio but still 
managed to get in on my HT and whip, I would like to say thanks to the 
ham that returned my call, unfortunately it was at the end of my window 
and the only part of your call I could copy was NVF in DM04. On the next 
decent pass I'll be sure to be out in a wide open area like I usually am.

Thanks again and 73,
Bryan, KE6ZGP

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] AO-27 pass at 2115 UTC over DM04

2011-10-16 Thread Bryan Herbert
My recorder failed during the pass and I cant remember the callsign of 
the station I worked. I want to say it began with WD9 and he was near 
Phoenix? If anyone knows or if the station I worked sees this please 
send me an email. 73 and TIA!

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] Re: AO-27 pass at 2115 UTC over DM04

2011-10-16 Thread Bryan Herbert

Rick, Stephen,
  Thank you for the help. Patrick emailed me and confirmed the QSO. 
Next time I'll be sure to use the camcorder on my phone like I usually 
do, it's much more reliable.

Thanks again and 73

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] Re: Old Oscar Sub Band 144.300-144.500

2011-09-30 Thread Bryan Herbert
This is some of the activity that I know of currently taking place in 
the New OSCAR Subband

144.3400 FM ATV Network Calling Primary (Secondary freq is 146.4300)
144.3600 AM Military Radio Collectors Association - East Coast (WW2 
Aircraft Sets)
144.3900 FM Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) Primary (Secondary 
freq is 144.9900)

144.4000 AM Old Nationwide Calling/Simplex (New freq is 144.4500)
144.4000 AM Military Radio Collectors Group (West Coast)
144.4000 AM Pacific Northwest
144.4250 AM New England
144.4500 AM Military Radio Collectors Association - East Coast
144.4500 AM Military Radio Collectors Group - West Coast
144.4500 AM Arizona, California, New Jersey, New York

The regional AM net info is current as of this year, the info was 
collected from several blogs and reflectors with recent date/time 
stamps. The MRCA info is listed on their website. The MRCG info I 
collected from the Santa Paula event in August, there was a lot of 
interference on 144.4000 from APRS due to the wideband filters used on 
the older green radios so comms were moved to 144.4500 MHz.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] UARS Keps Enclosed

2011-09-20 Thread Bryan Herbert
These are current as of this morning and seem to be accurate when 
compared to the NASA mission status page.

1 21701U 91063B   11263.18833764  .01299762  11120-4  56017-3 0  6054
2 21701  56.9440 281.4376 0013731  14.2607 345.8929 16.21836581108546

Until last night the altitude of UARS varied between 130-140 miles. As I type 
this it is at 127 miles and appears to be gradually dropping. If you have Ham 
Radio Deluxe v.5 add the 'Visual' sats group and you will see UARS listed.

Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP
Newhall, CA. DM04RJ USA

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[amsat-bb] Re: Fastrac Keps

2010-12-15 Thread Bryan Herbert

On 12/15/2010 11:50, Tony wrote:

 Not seeing FASTRAC keps on Celestrak. Where can I find the most recent

 Tony -K2MO
Bryan Herbert - KE6ZGP | WQKW261

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