[amsat-bb] HO-68

2011-02-26 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
Does anyone have any info on HO-68,and the Camsat site? I can't seem to update 
or create an account. or get any info per the bird,and what its schedule is,or 
its health etc. 
Any input would be appreciated here. or at wa1...@yahoo.com Tnks de Ellis

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[amsat-bb] Is it 100% impossible to work a satellite belowthehorizon?

2011-03-14 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
Back in the late 70's I was working AO7 mostly on Mode A, two radios,same 
stacked 11's,and tri-bander for HF.  had few passes that were below my 
horizon,no problem for F2 downlink, but was able to get into it on 2m, with 
passive reflections off nearby MT Greylock,from 1100ft el. to 4k el. discovered 
it by accident one day, and duplicated it two or three times after.But only on 
passes aligned with the reflected 2m uplink.Where there is a will, there is a 
way! 73 ud dx'ing! de Ellis/Wa1rks.

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[amsat-bb] Re: Antenna discussions,

2011-03-19 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
Like so many before me posted, I have had gud success with linear polarized 
antennas. I have been using stacked 11 el vertically pol, on 2m since 1974, and 
recently went to 2x20 el on 432-435 mhz horizontally pol, stacked in between 
the vertical 2m ant, With great success. as most of you  that posted have 
worked me on them. fixed elevation also. from 0-30 deg. off the horizons I do 
very well, little spotty over head, although I do need some pre-amps to work 
the fm birds. but I think thats more of an radio problelm than antenna. my 2 
cents worth! Pics of my ant. on my QRZ spot,along with the "Beast" my new HB 
9el 36ft boom 6m ant.
de Ellis

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[amsat-bb] AO-51 is working fine-My First Satellite QSO Ever!

2011-04-14 Thread Ellis Foley
Congratulations Steve !. Get ready ! its an Never-Ending Bug ! I got Bit back 
in 1974 ! and I still get as excited today, as I did back then (almost!) 
Welcome to the fraternity! Gud lk and happy passes!
de Ellis Wa1rks.
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[amsat-bb] HO68

2011-07-19 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1rks@yahoo.comCan anyone give me an update as to the statis of 
HO-68? I used to be able to access the web site,but can't even do that now? I 
know the Bcn is working but what about the rest of the bird? I seemed to have 
missed something somewhere? Thanks! Ellis
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[amsat-bb] Satellite Activity Logger being Pulled?

2011-09-05 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
Back In June Bob In NJ. the provider of all the "Logger" pages ( Which I 
understand he does out of pocket on his own) said that the Satellite logger 
page was not being used enough, and that to save space on the system his was 
going to pull it.This is something provided here in the gud old USA. sad to 
watch if fall to other entities.Hence the adage "Use it or lose it" my 2 cents 
worth. irreguardless of the particulars of the situation,it still remains to be 
lost,if not used. My 2 cents worth.
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[amsat-bb] (no subject)

2011-09-16 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
Hell! Yudson!!! Nobarc's flea has been rescheduled for the 25th not this 
sunday but next. Do you want to go with Carli and I.? We are going over to 
Pittsfield to pick up Chris and then head out to the VFW on housatonic st in 
Dalton. for the flea. The Drawing for the prizes is 11am. so if you want to get 
a ticket and be there for the drawing thats the time!. you can jot down your 
answer here. just click on reply, then type in your reply.hit send. Ok be 
talkin to ya. 
de jr. & Carli
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[amsat-bb] operating FM Sats/phonetics

2011-10-03 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
I agree whole heartily with the use of phonetics any time ! anywhere!. lots of 
old ears out there, (mine included) but not just that, conditions on any medium 
is always subject to degradation,Faraday,phaseshift,doppler,you name it-It can 
happen.especially with the "E" sounding letters,namely T,Z,E,B,C,V to name a 
few. I can't count the times I called for another ID to get one of them that I 
missed the first time around. Even under ideal conditions, not 
everyone's grammar and .diction is understandable. My other pet peeve is the 
use of improper phonetics, The world has one set, use them only, I don't like 
hearing "Zebra, Zink,Zorch!!" for Zulu. A few Good operatiing practices makes 
for an enjoyable Qso, not just a "zip it lip it,get on with it,and wheres the 
next guy?". My two cents worth.:-)Thanks 73 Gud dx ! Happy Dx  Hunting !. de 
Ellis Wa1rks
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[amsat-bb] Vucc and other $

2011-01-25 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
I have been a league member since 1972,and am on the verge of not being that.I 
see no justification for the monies that have been passed on to the members on 
a lot of things. I dub it poor management on their part.We seem to be getting 
less and less provided for us. Things that used to be free. I do all the 
awards, collect cards for all of them. For my own satisfaction. I will not pay 
those exorbitant fees ! Fixed incomes don't allow for such extravaganza's and I 
think it hurts all way round. As far as previous explanations,? you can put 
lipstick and a dress on a pig, its still a pig! My 2 cents worth.

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[amsat-bb] HF AMSAT CHAT

2011-01-30 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
Yep ! I remember "Rip" he also was net control on 75/80m net tues nights also. 
We used to go there ( late 70's early 80's) to get the keps for all the birds 
back then. AO7,AO8,RS 1-11, etc, then a buddy of mine (now SK) Dick WB1H'IH 
(his son has his call) Dick and I devised a formula for calculating the orbits 
from the keps on a calculator converting 60minute type values to dec. so 
calculator would post times correctly, We'd sit down with calculator and large 
yellow note pad, and spend few hours, calculating weeks worth of Birds and 
their times and passes. Used Mylar over lays back then to "see" birds. This is 
akin to "walking to school every day, uphill both ways in a snowstorm" with no 
shoes. HI.
73 gud dx to all . CUOTBRDS.
de Ellis

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[amsat-bb] Linear xnspdr birds fm

2011-02-05 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
Nice to see I wasn't the only "Fool" around in those days! my first satellite 
station and contacts were made with an old Regency HR2A fm rig. I took one of 
the xstals, put an eraser to it to get it in the cw passband. of AO7,and cut 
and keyed the B+ line to the final transistor,brought that out thru a jack to 
my hand pump,and worked cw! no chirps, just rock bound,but worked tons of qso's 
with that before getting my FT221 SSB/CW rig.where there is a will, there is a 
de Ellis

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[amsat-bb] VO-52 last Pass

2012-02-29 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com

Just listened for VO52, could not pass signal thru it, nor did I hear 
de Ellis/Wa1rks. 
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[amsat-bb] Tis Me,

2012-05-14 Thread Ellis Foley

Return Mail to wa1...@yahoo.com
Alls quiet on the home front, got trash cans emptied, bed made, and laundry is 
in the works one load drying another washing ,quiet all way round 
nothing happening on the airwaves even the bands are dead. so time to go check 
the laundry later Dudette.
de "Das Washer Man"
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[amsat-bb] (no subject)

2013-12-05 Thread Ellis Foley
Hi Joe, the link below is for a coax calculator. its self discribatory, it will 
let you see the difference the various coax's have agains each other vs freq. 
The hight you go in Freq, the lossier the cables are. Two good barometers are 
to run comparisons on 2m and 400 mhz. ie. 144, and 432 Mhz, 100ft runs leave 
the 100 watt input the same and watch the watts out !. that will give you a 
really good idea of cable loss. now you can see why I recommended some RG213 
over the RG58 you're running now. you are losing over 50% of your power to the 
cable loss. that's way to costly for operation performance. We all cut corners 
but there are some things not to cut and running "a good" not necessarily the 
best feed lines out there is a good thing to get in the habit of. and a good 
cable will last you your lifetime almost. Ok have fun with the calculator.
de Ellis

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