[amsat-bb] Re: JUNK

2014-03-18 Thread John Wright

At 18:49 17/03/2014, you wrote:
I thought this BB was for making satellite contacts on ham birds, I 
see everything but that on here.
Come on guys lets work the birds and make grid trips and things like 
that , Leave the spam off.

Support AMSAT NA not cube sats that we cant work

Seems to me that a big part of these posts is about the capabilities 
of satellite communication,  whilst not really amateur related, it 
is satellite related  

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[amsat-bb] Re: G5400B Rotor Problem

2012-11-29 Thread John Wright

At 21:00 28/11/2012, you wrote:
Got some unexpected time today to look at the rotor. First I set the 
output at pin 6 of the external control output jack to 5.0 V. Then I 
got readings every 45 deg from 180 at the left to 180 on the right. 
The readings are of course subject to parallax in reading the 
needle. Readings from 180 on the left to 180 on the right were 
0.024, 0.606, 1.270, 1.864, 2.489, 3.074, 3.690, 4.350, and 5.000 V.

Draw a graph of AZ vs Voltage... It should be a straight line, if 
not, the pot is not linear!

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[amsat-bb] Re: G5500 N center scale

2012-10-24 Thread John Wright

At 23:01 23/10/2012, you wrote:
Still looking for a North center scale for the G5500. Several years 
ago there was a thread about the G5400, however the 5500 goes 450 
degrees. Anyone mess with this issue?

Mine was one of the threads for alternative center scale for 5400. I 
created mine by taking the scale off the meter, scanning it at as 
higher res as I could.
I loaded the BMP ( preferred to jpg because of losses in compression) 
into Paintshop Pro, re-lettered it with the appropriate figures and 
airbrushed the scanning blemishes.

I printed it onto a self-adhesive label ( took several attempts to 
get size exactly right) and stuck it on the back of the existing 
scale. couldn't tell it from the original.

Hope this may help. 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Amateur Radio in the UK during the Olympics

2012-04-28 Thread John Wright

At 10:07 28/04/2012, you wrote:

Hi All

For any of you in the AMSAT world interested in what the planned
restrictions are or visiting during the Olympics, here are links to the

I'm affected as I live close to the sailing but it will be fun listening in

This link contains downloadable pdf files detailing the restrictions.


We do need to remember of course that we are secondary users in a 
lot of our bands, so governmental use obviously takes priority!
The sat down links of course are another thing altogether, can't see 
how they can get over that!

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[amsat-bb] Re: Another ISS Video

2012-02-29 Thread John Wright

At 00:40 29/02/2012, you wrote:


WOW!!! nothing else to say!

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[amsat-bb] Re: HamSatDroid Version 0.8 (SDP4)

2012-02-07 Thread John Wright

At 09:03 07/02/2012, you wrote:


just wondering which Android tablet people are using and what is their
experience in portable use.

Tx Stefan VE4NSA

I'm using Hamsatdroid on my Samsung Galaxy S2 Smartphone.
It's compact and very quick, The phone is equipped with GPS so
it even gets your location and displays the Maidenhead locator .

An exceptional FREE bit of software! 

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[amsat-bb] Re: TS2000 ~436.798 MHz Birdie Solution

2011-12-01 Thread John Wright

At 17:55 30/11/2011, you wrote:

Hi John,

I had heard of the down converter solution before and purchased
a used down converter. Unfortunately it seemed to pick up the TS-
2000 bird nearly as well as the TS-2000. I just lashed the setup
together so maybe taking more care to isolate the converter from
the TS-2000 might improve my results. I'll have to give it a try

Mount the down convertor at the aerial/masthead! way out of range for 
the spurious
and you can use cheap cable for the 10mtr down feed line! 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Prospero

2011-10-19 Thread John Wright

At 14:29 19/10/2011, you wrote:
Some of you may have heard that a team in the UK are trying to 
re-contact and old British launched satellite for the anniversary of 
its launch (28th October 1971).

We've been given a licence to transmit and will be testing our 
re-engineered ground-segment in the next fortnight.  The passes we 
are going to concentrate on will be as far out west as possible, as 
to minimise QRM from Europe.  Earth is a lot more EM noisy than it was in 1971.

If anyone in the UK wants to try and tune in to the downlink, you 
can help ID any response we get from the old bird.  The passes are 
summarised here:

The Prospero Satellite was featured in a BBC program called Coast 
It was in the program BBC.Coast Series 2 Episode 1 Dover to Isle of White.
It shows an attempt to receive the signals, which appeared to be 
successful, showing the frequencies on the AR2000 ( I think) RX.
I have that episode, and have extracted the section that deals with 
it, you can get it ( 9.5Mb .avi) at 

The entire program also deals with the research into the propellants, 
and the launch from Australia, but is far to big to upload!

Let me know if this was useful... 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Is Prospero still TX'ing?

2011-09-06 Thread John Wright

At 11:41 06/09/2011, you wrote:

Is Prospero still transmitting?

Sometime ago, I think in 2007 the BBC TV program Coast was on the 
Isle of White

where there had been a test stand for rocket testing.

I have a copy of that program, It was BBC Coast Series 2, Episode 1 
Dover to Isle Of Wight.
Its right at the end of the episode. It tells the story of Prospero, 
and shows a receiver connected to a small yagi, and the satellite
is audible. They use an AR8600 RX, and the displayed frequency is 
137.5610 Wide FM

Don't know about sharing, the whole episode avi is 700+meg! + copyright issues.

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[amsat-bb] Re: Adjusting true north for azimuth rotator.

2011-09-04 Thread John Wright

At 21:42 03/09/2011, you wrote:
I am planning to install my G5400 rotator inside a tower having a 
welded rotator shelf. The tower is not installed yet and will have 
one face against the side of my house which is positioned about 28 
degrees northeast (Per Google Earth).

I assume when I drill the rotator shelf, I can adjust for the gross 
28 degree offset of the tower. However how important is it to do 
this at all? Does the rotator have to be installed exactly toward 
true north or can I make up the difference when clamping down the 
antenna mast assuming the antenna is oriented true north?  Note I 
will be using a Trakbox and need the ADC to center on true north.

Surely it matters not how the rotator is mount, you just clamp MAST 
so that the antenna are north pointing, the orientation of the 
physical rotator is unimportant. 

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[amsat-bb] Re: Major ISS reboost June 12th

2011-06-12 Thread John Wright
At 13:10 11/06/2011, you wrote:
According to Roscosmos, the ISS altitude will be raised 19.2 km tomorrow.
Until updated Keps are available from Space Track, there will be a slippage
in predictions of _approximately_ 6 minutes per day!

Keps for post-burn, show altitude as 375Km

1 25544U 98067A   11166.87152924  .00016717  0-0  10270-3 0  9088
2 25544  51.6421 167.4160 0010688 287.4137  72.5851 15.61963750 40703

The PREDICTED keps are available at the following address, predicted 
for all current maneuvers several days in ahead.

There are several sets for intermediate stages of the reboost.

Most of the information about burns ect, go right over my head, but 
no doubt it will mean something to
those who are a bit more 'rocket science' than I am.


I've posted this link before, but no-one has ever commented on it.

You can also get preliminary keps for shuttle launches here.


The ISS link goes to the ISS page in first link, the shuttle link 
goes to the shuttle predictions when one is in active service.

Above links useful, or just some link I found to useless data?

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[amsat-bb] Re: drake 2880

2010-02-24 Thread John Wright
At 23:26 23/02/2010, you wrote:
Has any one used the Drake 2880 downconverter on the air.

Not been on the Sats for some time, but when AO40 was alive, I used 
the drake for the downlink.
my experiences are shown at -


 From what I gather, AO51 is a magnitude stronger than AO40 ever was. 
The Drake provided solid copy of Telemetry.

There are links in the article to various pictures I took, including 
a screen-shot of AO40 data on screen, and links to the mod pages for 
some of the many modifications done to that downconvertor.

RIP AO40... Praying for a  Battery Event  on that bird too! 

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[amsat-bb] Re: How to add Moon Keps to SatPC32

2010-02-18 Thread John Wright
Don't specifically know for SatPC32, but Pseudo keps for the moon 
that seem to work in any tracking program are available on LogSat's web site.


Right at the bottom of the page. I use LogSat 5.2 for tracking, its a 
great piece of software!

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[amsat-bb] MediaWiki Trial

2009-09-09 Thread John Wright
At 15:42 09/09/2009, you wrote:
After reading this thread, I figured it'd be worthwhile to set up a
mediawiki instance to let people get familiar with it.  I set one up last
night on a node for my own enlightenment.  The configuration is not the
best by any means.  For those interested in timeframe, it took thirty
minutes to configure this instance from a clean arch linux installation.  If
you are interested in poking around in the environment to see what it feel
like, go ahead, that's why I set it up.  I disabled email registration, so
anyone can just create an account and get a feel for creating pages /
editing / preferences / etc...  Tonight, i'm going to hack at creating my
own skin, since it would just be cool :-)  I added the amsat logo to the
main page for testing, I hope this doesn't violate any copyright rules
If it does, hollar and i'll remove it.

For the record, I have nothing to do with Amsat right now, outside of being
a first time member this year.  I also don't want anyone to think that i'm
pushing for media wiki or anything of the sort.  I just like the idea of
having a wiki.  I read the email thread and figured it'd be worthwhile to
set an instance up so Amsat folk could get familiar with it.  I have managed
two other wiki systems on my own, trac / moinmoin.  MediaWiki has quite a
bit to offer and is reasonably easy to configure.

Here's a link to the playground:

Let me know if you have any comments or questions (or if you get any weird

Thought I'd start this as a new thread. Just been on the Wiki, I 
think its a great idea. I added my comments in the discussion section 
just to get a feel for it. I'm not an Amsat-NA member, but 
non-the-less think I'm allowed to comment. I really hope this expands 
and becomes as useful as Wikipedia itself!  John G4DMF 

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