[amsat-bb] Re: VU2MKP Silent Key

2009-06-10 Thread Steve Meuse
Gopal  Madhavan expunged (gopal.madha...@gmail.com):
> I have just got the very sad news from VU2RCR Chandru, that our friend
> Robert Kohli VU2MKP became a silent key in Bangalore just a few minutes ago
> in a hospital where he had been admitted a few days ago.

That is sad to Hear. Bob was was on my longest (in distance) QSO's on AO-40. 
I remember that we only had a 10 minute window to work each other before the 
squint angle became a problem. We'll miss him...


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[amsat-bb] Re: Satellite Log Software

2009-06-13 Thread Steve Meuse
Larry Teran expunged (satva...@hotmail.com):

> I looking for any satellite log software any recomendations?

I use VQLog, they've had good sat support for a while now.


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[amsat-bb] Re: BoD Elections

2009-08-28 Thread Steve Meuse
rwmcgw...@gmail.com expunged (rwmcgw...@gmail.com):

> We don't need legal counsel, we already have a surplus with ITAR and 
> reclaiming our property.
> I join joanne, I am sick of lawyers and whining malcontents, and want to have 
> fun with this.

Just a friendly internet reminder.

Don't feed the troll under the bridge!

This guy is going to make me re-read how to procmail him to /dev/null :)

smeuse @ twitter

P.S. I'm an area coordinator, volunteer at Dayton for the last 5 of 6 years, 
ran the booth at Boxboro '08. What have *you* done lately? (pointing at the 

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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Symposium Breaking News: Low Cost Airfares

2009-09-02 Thread Steve Meuse
Roger Kolakowski expunged (rogerk...@aol.com):

> >From this morning's email:
> On Sale Today Only...
> $19 one way from Boston to Baltimore on JetBlue...

I just looked, seems like you needed to travel on Wednesday to make that work. 
PVD to BWI was the cheapest I could find in the regional airports here in MA. 

I'm flying in Friday morning, hoping to spend the day at the Electronics and 
Crypto museums. This will be my first Symposium, I typically have another 
meeting that week, but it didn't conflict this year. 


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: Any Hams on Kwajalein?

2009-09-19 Thread Steve Meuse
Nathaniel S. Parsons expunged (ns...@cornell.edu):

> Hi,
> If you are a ham currently on Kwajalein (or just know one) and interested in
> helping our student team, please respond to me and I'll tell you how. If
> you're not on Kwaj, you can disregard this message.

You might try probing any contacts you have at MIT Lincoln Labs or maybe 


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: [Hearsat] Opinions on receivers

2009-10-06 Thread Steve Meuse
Greg D. expunged (ko6th_g...@hotmail.com):

> But, as a general coverage receiver or scanner, it's 20-year age clearly 
> shows.  First of all, it's a bit deaf by modern standards.  The local NWS 
> weather channel is an S6 or S7, being fed by a very large TV antenna, with 
> Preamp, in the attic.  It's full scale on my HT with its rubber duck antenna 
> in the shack.  My S-band equipment (Drake 2880, and all that) barely gets 
> above S1 or S2.  You get the idea. 

Keep in mind that the lack of receive sensitivity in the R7000 most likely is 
due to old leaking electrolytic caps. Specifically, there is a DC-DC converter 
board on the underside of the receiver that ends up generating broadband noise 
as the caps fail over time. I recently rebuilt this board and have regained 
nearly all of the sensitivity that I've lost. I suspect that if I replaced more 
electrolytics I could have it back to factory specs. 


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Symposium News Posted to the Web

2009-10-15 Thread Steve Meuse
Bob McGwier expunged (rwmcgw...@gmail.com):

> Did I ever tell you about the time I cranked 130w on 435 in Providence, 
> R.I. and I received an admonishing phone call from OTIS, AFB asking me 
> if I was on the air, reminding me of the limitations and my obligation 
> to warn them?  I hope I was not the cause of a false alarm, but I don't 
> know.  I had never spoken to them and didn't even know about the 
> exclusion zones.  This was ancient days, right after AO-10 was 
> launched.  I don't know the state of the rules or enforcement today but 
> that caused some consternation let me tell you.  Fred at least has the 
> obligation to ask what the rules are currently.

>From Part 97: 

(f) No station may transmit with a transmitter power exceeding 50 W PEP on the 
UHF 70 cm band from an area specified in footnote US7 to §2.106 of the FCC 
Rules, unless expressly authorized by the FCC after mutual agreement, on a 
case-by-case basis, between the District Director of the applicable field 
facility and the military area frequency coordinator at the applicable military 
base. An Earth station or telecommand station, however, may transmit on the 
435-438 MHz segment with a maximum of 611 W effective radiated power (1 kW 
equivalent isotropically radiated power) without the authorization otherwise 
required. The transmitting antenna elevation angle between the lower half-power 
(-3 dB relative to the peak or antenna bore sight) point and the horizon must 
always be greater than 10°. 

US7 §2.106  (http://www.fcc.gov/oet/info/maps/us7/)

(e) In the State of Massachusetts within a 160-kilometer (100 mile) radius 
around locations at Otis Air Force Base, Massachusetts (latitude 41°45' North, 
longitude 70°32' West);

Technically, if you were in R.I. you were not restricted because the regs 
specifically state "In the State of Massachusetts". Also, you were exepemt most 
likely from the earth station exemption, depending on your ERP and if you are 
pointed up :)


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: AMSAT Symposium News Posted to the Web

2009-10-15 Thread Steve Meuse
Steve Meuse expunged (sme...@mara.org):

> (e) In the State of Massachusetts within a 160-kilometer (100 mile) radius 
> around locations at Otis Air Force Base, Massachusetts (latitude 41°45' 
> North, longitude 70°32' West);

Also, I don't know if this has any legal basis, but technically there is no 
such thing as "Otis Air Force Base". Pave Paws is location on Cape Cod Air 
Force Station, which is on the Massachusetts Military Reservation. There is 
(recently closed) an Otis Massachusetts Air National Guard Base, but OTIS AFB 
ceased to exist back in the 60's. 


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: Mode J filter

2009-12-16 Thread Steve Meuse
Jabi expunged (ea2...@euskalnet.net):

> I want to buy one Mode J filter for work  V/U mode.

I've been meaning to try this filter, I know PAR makes good quality products:


Of course, you could also just use a diplexer...


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: Here is a very nice video about XW-1

2009-12-16 Thread Steve Meuse
Andrew Glasbrenner expunged (glasbren...@mindspring.com):

> http://english.cctv.com/program/chinatoday/20091216/100966.shtml

Makes me wondering if our German friends have had any discussions with the 
Chinese launch authority


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: RARE Photo of AMSAT ACs

2011-03-08 Thread Steve Meuse
Clint Bradford expunged (clintbradf...@mac.com):

> Some of my fellow AMSAT friends may not have seen this group photo of AMSAT 
> area coordinators ... I use it in my presentations ...
> http://tinyurl.com/SKEDS

What's that funny thing you're holding? ;)

Is that an abacus or something?


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - smeuse@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: MESSENGER About To Go Into Orbit Around Mercury

2011-03-18 Thread Steve Meuse
JoAnne Maenpaa expunged (k9...@comcast.net):

> NASA TV is carrying coverage right now ... http://www.nasa.gov/ntv

I was happy to discover there is now a NASA-TV app for the Roku box. I finally 
get NASA TV! Yay!



N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - smeuse@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: searching advice on low pass filter for 146 MHz

2011-04-27 Thread Steve Meuse
Werner Kullmann, HB9BNK expunged (hb9...@uska.ch):

> What an amazing responsetime on this list !
> (post the question, go shopping, find valuable advice !)
> thank you all very much !

Since you have plenty of gainr, one cheap alternative might be to try a tuned 
stub inline with the feedline.


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - smeuse@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: IT/vista

2010-01-04 Thread Steve Meuse
Bob- W7LRD expunged (w7...@comcast.net):
> Thanks for the many suggestions I received for getting IT to run on a Vista 
> (os) laptop.  Unfortunately I can not get it working.  A local ham/computer 
> guru will, perform the "laying on of hands".  Why computer manufacturers and 
> software companies (MS) seemingly make things obsolete before their time I 
> find unconscionable.  

Bob, while I can sympathise, I don't think this is Microsoft's fault. IT was 
written 20 years ago for a different operating system. We can't expect 
Microsoft to support this forever, it's just not practical.

It's probably worth the time investment to learn a new client.


P.S. That is about the only time you will ever hear me defend Microsoft :)

N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: It's NOT Censorship

2010-01-15 Thread Steve Meuse
Joel Black expunged (jbblac...@gmail.com):

> What I disagree with is the statement, "AMSAT is not 'censoring' anyone."
> Now, I'm no lawyer by any stretch, but I can read.  Censoring is 
> limiting speech based on what one finds objectionable.  What is 
> objectionable is completely subjective.

When you are using the private resources of the AMSAT corporation, they can do 
whatever they like.

That's not censorship, that's protecting their own resources.

I, for one, welcome our new mailing list overlords :)


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: LVB Tracker and Kenpro

2010-02-07 Thread Steve Meuse
n4hy expunged (n...@flex-radio.com):

> After the 2 feet of snow melts, I will be refurbishing the rotator where 
> needed. I am hoping this and the antenna deployment coincides with the 
> arrival of my U/V full duplex 60w on both bands, transverter block 
> arrives from Flex and I get back on satellites again.

I'm saving my pennies for the same setup, but to get my Sat antennas back up I 
need to trench some conduit across the back yard. Hard to do when the ground is 
frozen solid :)


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: Wish List, The Ideal VHF/UHF Sat Rig

2010-03-01 Thread Steve Meuse
Ken Ernandes expunged (n2...@mindspring.com):

> 1.  Can I come up with a design to these specifications that I can sell in 
> the realistic price range of the typical amateur operator?
> 2.  Is there a large enough market out there that I can make a profit on this 
> exercise?

I generally agree with these questions, but how do you explain the Icom 
IC-7800? That's a $10,000 rig!

I personally am planning on skipping the "all-in-one" box (even if it actually 
existed) and will be building an SDR/Transverter based system eventually. I 
think you have much better control of your environment with the SDR/Xverter 


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: New audio stream for Houston AMSAT Net

2010-03-24 Thread Steve Meuse
Bruce expunged (kk...@arrl.net):

> The Houston AMSAT Net now has a new Icecast streaming server, thanks to 
> Mike, N0VZC. During our net, Tuesday 8PM Central Time (Wednesday 0100 
> UTC), our audio can be heard by pasting the following into your URL, 
> Winamp, iPhone, iTunes or almost any other player.
> radio.arert.net:8000/amsat.m3u

Thanks Bruce, I miss listening to the net!


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: Heil Headset

2010-04-05 Thread Steve Meuse
David expunged (max...@shaw.ca):

> Greetings. Is there anyone that is using a Heil headset on the FT-736R, and 
> if so which one, which  mike cartage and what adapter. I would like to 
> replace the hand mike on the 736R, which will free up both my hands. Thanks 
> for any help you can pass on.

I've used one for years, I think the proset-plus, which has the dual element. 
The adapter is the yellow Yaesu, I don't have the part number in front of me. 


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: Heil Headset - IC-736R

2010-04-06 Thread Steve Meuse
Clint Bradford expunged (clintbra...@earthlink.net):

> >> ... Heil headset on the FT-736R ...
> For some reason, the '736 is not specifically mentioned on the Heil products 
> page for headsets.
> http://heilsound.com/amateur/adapters/headsets.pdf

It would be the same for hte FT-847, which I also use regularly. 

AD-1Y appears to be the right part.


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Spring Sprints start tonight!

2010-04-12 Thread Steve Meuse

In between making satellite Q's tonight, point your antennas toward the horizon 
and make some noise!


Note: The rules have changes, we go to distance scoring. Make sure you have 
your 6 digit grid locator handy!


N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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[amsat-bb] Re: Email etiquette - was Re: Re: Moon

2010-04-13 Thread Steve Meuse
Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF expunged (ni...@ngunn.net):

> Top posting is the better option.

My favorite annoyance are people who post 1 line of text but have 5 lines of a 
.sig :)

> -- 
> Nigel A. Gunn,  1865 El Camino Drive, Xenia, OH 45385-1115, USA.  tel +1 937 
> 825 5032
> Amateur Radio G8IFF W8IFF (was KC8NHF),  e-mail ni...@ngunn.net   www  
> http://www.ngunn.net
> Member of  ARRL, GQRP #11396, QRPARCI #11644, SOC #548,  Flying Pigs QRP Club 
> International #385,
> Dayton ARA #2128, AMSAT-NA LM-1691,  AMSAT-UK 0182, MKARS,  ALC, 

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[amsat-bb] Eastern VHF Conference Arecibo EME video

2010-04-20 Thread Steve Meuse

This past weekend was the 36th Eastern VHF Conference in Endfield, CT, hosted 
by the Northeast Weak Signal Group. 

We had a complete 432 EME station on the air and used the club calsign, W1RJA, 
to make contact with Arecibo, KP4AO. Dave Olean, K1WHS, and Bob Petersen, 
KB2RWW,  provided a tower, rig, KW amp, antennas and everything else to make it 
all happen. It was a great event!

I put together a 10 minute video of the event up on Youtube:




N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

P.S. (I accidentally mis-named our club in the intro, will fix at some point)

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[amsat-bb] Re: Grid Location

2010-08-14 Thread Steve Meuse
John Neeley expunged (w6...@att.net):

> First Mike, you are in EN81gq, per QRZ.com, and second you dont need the last 
> 2 

I would avoid using QRZ.com *if you want your 6 digit grid locator*

I discovered they use the geographical center of your zip code, or some other 
method that isn't accurate. It's easy enough to get your lat-long from google 
earth and plug it into the Amsat grid calculator as well



N1JFU -  http://n1jfu.blogspot.com - sme...@twitter

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