[analog-help] problem with *ARGSINCLUDE/EXCLUDE on 4.90Beta3

2001-03-09 Thread David Keppler

I've been testing out the new 4.90 betas for a site I work on. I've been
having some trouble getting the ARGSINCLUDE options to work properly for
the Referrer and Request reports. I'm trying to set the report up so it
reports back the arguments for a particular script in the referrer report
but no arguments elsewhere in the referrer or requests reports. With
ARGSEXCLUDE * , which from the documentation I think should just disable
argument reporting for the request report only, all argument reporting
everywhere is disabled. And there is no option like REQARGSEXCLUDE which
is the type of filter I want to use.

REFARGSINCLUDE and REFARGSEXCLUDE appear to have absolutely no effect on
the final report. I've tried dozens of combinations of these but nothing
works. I have a partial solution by setting REQARGSFLOOR to a ridiculously
high setting like 1000r to hide all the arguments in the request
report, but doing something similar to hide all but the one referrer I
want to display doesn't work. In fact, REFARGSFLOOR seems to do absolutely
nothing at all no matter what I set it to.

These are the lines in my analog.cfg file that relate to this:


REFARGSINCLUDE /clickthrough.php3

This gives me just argument break downs for the referrer report. But the
floor of 50 requests to display particular argument is ignored, as far as
I can tell, and it defaults to using 10r for some reason.

Am I doing something blatantly wrong here or did I run across a bug in the
new beta?


-- David Keppler


Testing can show the presense of bugs, but not their absence.
-- Dijkstra

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Re: [analog-help] problem with *ARGSINCLUDE/EXCLUDE on 4.90Beta3

2001-03-12 Thread David Keppler

I've gotten that far. Obviously I have to include the scripts in the
report before I can set floors on their arguments. But, I'm still having
script I want to report on included, the one I don't is excluded, and
the floor is set. Yet it still ignores the exclude and the floor,
reporting every set of arguments to every script in the referrer report
that has 10 requests or more.

>From my config file:

REFARGSINCLUDE /clickthrough.php3

This ought to exlude /dir.pl form arguments reporting in the referrer
report. The /clickthrough.php3 script should be included for arguments
reporting in referrer report. And the floor for the arguments reporting
should be set to 50 requests minimum.

But this is what these setting produce in the final report:
(I changed the actual arguments for security reasons)

  reqs: file
114904: /clickthrough.php3
 27236:   /clickthrough.php3?url=one set of arguments
  7323:   /clickthrough.php3?url=another set of arguments
  6473:   /clickthrough.php3?url=even more different arguments
22:   /clickthrough.php3?url=obscure set of arguments
17:   /clickthrough.php3?url=even more obscure set of arguments
12:   /clickthrough.php3?url=really obscure set of arguments
 45390: /dir.pl
18:   /dir.pl?field_name=dir 1
12:   /dir.pl?field_name=dir 2
12:   /dir.pl?field_name=dir 3

According to the config parameters any set of arguments with less than 50
requests to /clickthrough.pl should not be reported, yet it is. And no
arguments for /dir.pl should be reported at all, yet they are. All of the
referrer report is using an REFARGSFLOOR of 10r apparently from looking
through the report even though I specifically set the floor to 50r.

Can somebody please help me out here? I've been fiddling with this thing
for days now and still can't get it to work right. It's driving me crazy.

On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Stephen Turner wrote:

> I'm not exactly sure what you've done wrong, but it certainly looks as if
> you haven't understood the interaction between *ARGSINCLUDE and *ARGSFLOOR.
> *ARGSINCLUDE says whether the arguments should be read from the logfile at
> all for given filenames or referrers. It affects all the reports. The
> *ARGSFLOOR commands, on the other hand, say how many arguments to include in
> each report.
> --
> Stephen Turner   http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/
>   Statistical Laboratory, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge, CB3 0WB, England
>   "Your account can only be used for a single internet session at any one
>time and for no more than 24 hours in any one day." (NTL terms of use)
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-- David Keppler


Testing can show the presense of bugs, but not their absence.
-- Dijkstra

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