[android-beginners] Why XML to define layouts/components?

2009-08-06 Thread Casper Bang

My original first post doesn't seem to get approved, so let me try
again. :)

I'm wondering whether other Android newbies than me find the empathy
on XML layout troublesome? I realize we should strive to separate view
from logic and that XML is hip and trendy, but is it really necessary
for these relatively simple Android applications?

XML layouts involves more files and what feels like a lot of
"magic" (type unsafe) properties, and makes samples harder to follow/
type. It also can't be especially efficient to use findViewById
(whether BFS or DFS based) constantly?

It sort of reminds me of the differences between JSF and Wicket, where
the former was designed by people sitting in an ivory tower while the
latter was designed for and by people at the ground, comfortable with
Java. Which also leads me to wonder how come Android uses the old type-
unsafe int enum pattern and also, why fluent-interfaces/method-
chaining isn't used in greater extend?


PS: You might want to fix the URL's to the group charter and FAQ as
they currently go into 404.

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[android-beginners] Why XML to define layouts and components?

2009-08-06 Thread Casper Bang

I'm wondering whether other Android newbies than me find the empathy
on XML layout troublesome? I realize we should strive to separate view
from logic and that XML is hip and trendy, but is it really necessary
for these relatively simple Android applications?

XML layouts involves more files and what feels like a lot of
"magic" (type unsafe) properties, and makes samples harder to follow/
type. It also can't be especially efficient to use findViewById
(whether BFS or DFS based) constantly?

It sort of reminds me of the differences between JSF and Wicket, where
the former was designed by people sitting in an ivory tower while the
latter was designed for and by people at the ground, comfortable with
Java. Which also leads me to wonder how come Android uses the old type-
unsafe int enum pattern and also, why method chaining isn't used to
greater effect.


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[android-beginners] Re: Why XML to define layouts and components?

2009-08-06 Thread Casper Bang

> XML is used to be able to have resources for different configurations:
> landscape, portrait, high dpi, French, etc. It has nothing to with
> being "hip and trendy."

Oh ok. I was under the assumption we're dealing with the same
component tree, regardless of it being set up declaratively (XML) or
procedurally (Java).

> Because enums are very costly.

Oh really, that must be unique to Dalvik then (as it goes against
Bloch's Effective Java recommendation). Surely that could be
abstracted out at the Dalvik level, giving programmers better type-
safety while remaining super efficient?!

> That's a very vague statement. Where should it be used more?

All over, for widgets and layouts, allowing for less verbose and more
streamlined Java code. I.e. have CheckBox.setText(...) return itself
rather than void, such as to make it shorter/easier setting multiple

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[android-beginners] Re: Why XML to define layouts/components?

2009-08-07 Thread Casper Bang

Exactly my point, it seems like it would be easier to learn Android
that way. It wasn't until I found Mark Murphy's "The Busy Coder's
Guide to Android Development" that I starting feeling a bit more
comfortable with all the XML (lots of examples gradually introduced,
unlike the O'Reilly and Manning books I have).

Also, Roman Guy replied in another thread, that you can't do the same
with Java as you can with XML (although that seems odd, all other XML
view technologies I know of ultimately translates into a Java
component tree):


On 7 Aug., 23:25, "Yusuf T. Mobile"  wrote:
> If your question is "why even use XML to layout UI?" the answer is
> "because some people like it better; they find it easier and cleaner;
> other's prefer to do it in Java". As Teal said, you don't have to use
> XML if you don't like. I at first found the XML layout method foreign,
> and the plethora of approaches daunting. I would have benefitted from
> a tutorial that first focused on only Java and then broadened to XML,
> but I survived and now find XML UI layout to be useful, sometimes.
> Yusuf Saib
> Android
> ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
> The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
> author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
> represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
> On Aug 6, 4:25 pm, Teal  wrote:
> > You can construct the UI programatically without using XML.  Follow
> > the Hello World tutorial (http://developer.android.com/guide/tutorials/
> > hello-world.html), and note how the UI is constructed in "Construct
> > the UI" section, and notice how it is alternatively implemented using
> > XML in the "Upgrade the UI to an XML Layout" section.
> > On Aug 6, 12:29 pm, Casper Bang  wrote:
> > > My original first post doesn't seem to get approved, so let me try
> > > again. :)
> > > I'm wondering whether other Android newbies than me find the empathy
> > > on XML layout troublesome? I realize we should strive to separate view
> > > from logic and that XML is hip and trendy, but is it really necessary
> > > for these relatively simple Android applications?
> > > XML layouts involves more files and what feels like a lot of
> > > "magic" (type unsafe) properties, and makes samples harder to follow/
> > > type. It also can't be especially efficient to use findViewById
> > > (whether BFS or DFS based) constantly?
> > > It sort of reminds me of the differences between JSF and Wicket, where
> > > the former was designed by people sitting in an ivory tower while the
> > > latter was designed for and by people at the ground, comfortable with
> > > Java. Which also leads me to wonder how come Android uses the old type-
> > > unsafe int enum pattern and also, why fluent-interfaces/method-
> > > chaining isn't used in greater extend?
> > > /Casper
> > > PS: You might want to fix the URL's to the group charter and FAQ as
> > > they currently go into 404.
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[android-beginners] Re: Why XML to define layouts/components?

2009-08-07 Thread Casper Bang

Thanks guys, I now understand the empathy on XML a little better. :)


On 8 Aug., 00:12, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> Casper Bang wrote:
> > It wasn't until I found Mark Murphy's "The Busy Coder's
> > Guide to Android Development" that I starting feeling a bit more
> > comfortable with all the XML
> That is due to the subliminal "angle brackets are your friends" I have
> in the watermark on the pages.
> ;-)
> > Also, Roman Guy replied in another thread, that you can't do the same
> > with Java as you can with XML (although that seems odd, all other XML
> > view technologies I know of ultimately translates into a Java
> > component tree):
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-beginners/browse_thread/thread...
> His second post was a bit confusing to me, but I think he was trying to
> echo the point he tried to emphasize in his first post.
> When you get to the Resources chapter in the aforementioned book,
> there's a section at the end that covers resource sets. Those allow you
> to have different resources loaded based on different criteria, from
> user language to screen resolution to the existence of a QWERTY
> keyboard, and beyond. While it is technically possible to do all of that
> in Java, you'll drown in a sea of if(), switch(), and ternary operators.
> Similarly, while it is technically possible to use containers like
> RelativeLayout fully in Java, it is *much* more verbose than setting
> them up in XML.
> Finally, one key reason why any development platform uses XML for
> anything is to help support the creation of tools to manipulate it.
> Admittedly, that hasn't happened much with Android, outside of the main
> SDK tools and stuff like MOTODEV's extensions on the same. But it is
> much easier to build tools to generate and modify XML-based UIs than it
> is to build tools to generate and modify Java-based UIs, IMHO.
> Those sorts of arguments may not matter much to you, which is why the
> Java-based approach is available and valid. I use it sometimes myself,
> though not terribly often. Choose the approach that you like.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android App Developer Books:http://commonsware.com/books.html
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[android-beginners] Re: Newbie to Java needing some help!

2009-08-09 Thread Casper Bang

Your problem is a classic one in Java, on this line:

 if (silenceron = true) /** If the Silencer is on this

...you are effectively testing whether you can assign the boolean
value true to silenceon, which you always can (hence it's always
true). Add another equals to test whether sileneron is equal to true.


On 9 Aug., 11:37, Hugh  wrote:
> My code is quite simple. When the gunbutton is pressed it should check
> that there are bullets left. If so, it should check wether the
> silencer is on or off, if its off it should bang and if its on it
> should be a quiet bang. If there are no bulelts left it should make a
> ammo_out noise.
> It counts ammo correctly but the silencer is always on, despite me
> declaring it as off. Please help!
> The code is as follows:
> package hand.gun.app;
> import android.app.Activity;
> import android.media.MediaPlayer;
> import android.os.Bundle;
> import android.view.View;
> import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
> import android.widget.ImageButton;
> public class HandGunApp extends Activity {
>     private int roundsleft = 6;
>     private MediaPlayer gunreload, gunshot, ammo_out, silencedgunshot;
>     public boolean silenceron = false;
>         /** Called when the activity is first created. */
>     @Override
>         public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
>         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
>         setContentView(R.layout.main);
>         ImageButton GunButton = (ImageButton)findViewById
> (R.id.GunButton);
>         gunshot = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.gunshot);
>         ammo_out = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.ammo_out);
>         gunreload = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.gunreload);
>         silencedgunshot = MediaPlayer.create(this,
> R.raw.silencedpistol);
>         GunButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
>         MediaPlayer mp;
>             @Override
>             public void onClick(View arg0) {
>                 if (roundsleft <= 0)
>                 {
>                     mp = ammo_out;
>                     mp.seekTo(0);
>                     mp.start();
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                     if (silenceron = false)
>                     {
>                             mp = gunshot;
>                             mp.seekTo(0);
>                     roundsleft = roundsleft - 1;
>                     mp.start();
>                     }
>                     else
>                     {
>                     mp = silencedgunshot;
>                     mp.seekTo(0);
>                     roundsleft = roundsleft - 1;
>                     mp.start();
>                     }
>                  }
>             ImageButton ReloadButton = (ImageButton)findViewById
> (R.id.Reload);
>             ReloadButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
>             @Override
>             public void onClick(View arg0)
>             {
>             roundsleft = 6;
>             mp = gunreload;
>             mp.seekTo(0);
>             mp.start();
>             }
>             });
>             ImageButton SilencerButton = (ImageButton)findViewById
> (R.id.Silencer);
>             SilencerButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
>             {
>                         @Override
>             public void onClick(View arg0)
>             {
>              if (silenceron = true) /** If the Silencer is on this
> should turn it off */
>                  {
>                  silenceron = false;
>                  mp = gunreload;
>                  mp.seekTo(0);
>                  mp.start();
>              }else{
>                  silenceron = true; /** If the Silencer is off this
> should turn it on */
>                  mp = gunreload;
>                  mp.seekTo(0);
>                  mp.start();
>              }
>              }
>              }
>             /** Insert other buttons in here */
>         );
>       };
>     });
>   }
> }
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[android-beginners] Re: want some ebboks to download

2009-08-10 Thread Casper Bang

Wow there's a lot of PDF piracy on these groups. Just out of curiosity
Mark, when do you plan to release older versions of Commonsware
material. Evidently, it would fill a certain void.


On 10 Aug., 14:50, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> santhoshreddy gangula wrote:
> > Hi There,
> > I am Sorry for lat mails..Attachment was 2large...
> > here is the link to download the books
> Please be advised that, as far as I know, neither of these books
> (_Professional Android Application Development_ and _Android: A
> Programming Guide_) are freely distributable.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 1.0 Available!
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[android-beginners] Re: What is really locked in the HTC Magic?

2009-08-18 Thread Casper Bang

I was in the same situation, so I bought a Magic and installed another
SPL (bootloader) as well as rooted it. With a stock Magic SPL you are
unable to install unsigned Android images, as that's reserved for
Google. But if you just want to develop simple Android/Java
applications, you do not need this. My Magic came unlocked thankfully,
but I reckon if you install a rooted Android image that won't be a
problem anymore - but I could be wrong.


On 18 Aug., 19:54, Rafa Perfeito  wrote:
> Hey,
> Been thinkin of getting a device to get my apps on the actual road. I have
> the Dev Phone option (although its not shipped to Portugal..thanks google by
> the way...), but also the HTC Magic and soon the Samsung Galaxy. The Magic
> is locked, but what this really means? Only the SIM is locked? Do i have all
> the functionalities and developing opportunities as in the Dev Phone? Or is
> it hardware-locked? A little help from you device developers would be
> cool...
> Thanks
> Cheers
> --
> Cumprimentos,
> Hugo Rafael Augusto
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[android-beginners] Re: What is really locked in the HTC Magic?

2009-08-19 Thread Casper Bang

I guess it depends of the context of the world 'lock'. Although the
Scandinavian isn't, I believe most stock phones (certainly the carrier
branded ones) would be SIM locked as well as firmware locked (can't
flash an unsigned image). This would both be different from the ADP.

So if you get your phone SIM unlocked you should be well underway.
What I can not tell you is whether flashing new SPL and i.e. the Ion
firmware (G2 ADP) onto the device would also take care of the SIM lock
and save you some €, but I suppose you have nothing to lose by trying.
But perhaps you should consult http://www.xda-developers.com/


On 19 Aug., 12:30, Rafa Perfeito  wrote:
> Thanks Casper,
> But my doubt is what the 'lock' means. Only SIM-unlocked? 'Cause i can
> unlock that...Then i will have the same liberty as in the Dev Phone?
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Casper Bang  wrote:
> > I was in the same situation, so I bought a Magic and installed another
> > SPL (bootloader) as well as rooted it. With a stock Magic SPL you are
> > unable to install unsigned Android images, as that's reserved for
> > Google. But if you just want to develop simple Android/Java
> > applications, you do not need this. My Magic came unlocked thankfully,
> > but I reckon if you install a rooted Android image that won't be a
> > problem anymore - but I could be wrong.
> > /Casper
> > On 18 Aug., 19:54, Rafa Perfeito  wrote:
> > > Hey,
> > > Been thinkin of getting a device to get my apps on the actual road. I
> > have
> > > the Dev Phone option (although its not shipped to Portugal..thanks google
> > by
> > > the way...), but also the HTC Magic and soon the Samsung Galaxy. The
> > Magic
> > > is locked, but what this really means? Only the SIM is locked? Do i have
> > all
> > > the functionalities and developing opportunities as in the Dev Phone? Or
> > is
> > > it hardware-locked? A little help from you device developers would be
> > > cool...
> > > Thanks
> > > Cheers
> > > --
> > > Cumprimentos,
> > > Hugo Rafael Augusto
> --
> Cumprimentos,
> Hugo Rafael Augusto
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[android-beginners] Re: What is really locked in the HTC Magic?

2009-08-19 Thread Casper Bang

The process is covered other places, potentially a bit controversial
to post in detail in here. Note that you only need new SPL if you want
to flash unsigned firmwares (like the ADP allows). If all you want to
do is create programs and don't want to play around with alternative
firmwares, then you won't really gain much except perhaps the ability
to create especially powerful/rooted applications.


On 19 Aug., 13:06, Rafa Perfeito  wrote:
> Yeah i7500 is already available but still from a carrier, so its still
> locked...
> Casper, thanks for that, i will see if those phones compensate when compared
> with the Dev Phone 1. By the way, how did you got that firmware for the nem
> SPL?
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Atif Gulzar  wrote:
> > What About Samsung i7500 as developer device. I think it is unlocked and
> > readily available in many countres.
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > Atif Gulzar
> > I  Unicode, ɹɐzlnƃ ɟıʇɐ
> > On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Casper Bang wrote:
> >> I guess it depends of the context of the world 'lock'. Although the
> >> Scandinavian isn't, I believe most stock phones (certainly the carrier
> >> branded ones) would be SIM locked as well as firmware locked (can't
> >> flash an unsigned image). This would both be different from the ADP.
> >> So if you get your phone SIM unlocked you should be well underway.
> >> What I can not tell you is whether flashing new SPL and i.e. the Ion
> >> firmware (G2 ADP) onto the device would also take care of the SIM lock
> >> and save you some €, but I suppose you have nothing to lose by trying.
> >> But perhaps you should consulthttp://www.xda-developers.com/
> >> /Casper
> >> On 19 Aug., 12:30, Rafa Perfeito  wrote:
> >> > Thanks Casper,
> >> > But my doubt is what the 'lock' means. Only SIM-unlocked? 'Cause i can
> >> > unlock that...Then i will have the same liberty as in the Dev Phone?
> >> > On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Casper Bang 
> >> wrote:
> >> > > I was in the same situation, so I bought a Magic and installed another
> >> > > SPL (bootloader) as well as rooted it. With a stock Magic SPL you are
> >> > > unable to install unsigned Android images, as that's reserved for
> >> > > Google. But if you just want to develop simple Android/Java
> >> > > applications, you do not need this. My Magic came unlocked thankfully,
> >> > > but I reckon if you install a rooted Android image that won't be a
> >> > > problem anymore - but I could be wrong.
> >> > > /Casper
> >> > > On 18 Aug., 19:54, Rafa Perfeito  wrote:
> >> > > > Hey,
> >> > > > Been thinkin of getting a device to get my apps on the actual road.
> >> I
> >> > > have
> >> > > > the Dev Phone option (although its not shipped to Portugal..thanks
> >> google
> >> > > by
> >> > > > the way...), but also the HTC Magic and soon the Samsung Galaxy. The
> >> > > Magic
> >> > > > is locked, but what this really means? Only the SIM is locked? Do i
> >> have
> >> > > all
> >> > > > the functionalities and developing opportunities as in the Dev
> >> Phone? Or
> >> > > is
> >> > > > it hardware-locked? A little help from you device developers would
> >> be
> >> > > > cool...
> >> > > > Thanks
> >> > > > Cheers
> >> > > > --
> >> > > > Cumprimentos,
> >> > > > Hugo Rafael Augusto
> >> > --
> >> > Cumprimentos,
> >> > Hugo Rafael Augusto
> --
> Cumprimentos,
> Hugo Rafael Augusto
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[android-beginners] Re: Android SDK 2.0?

2009-08-19 Thread Casper Bang

Donut is sometimes referred to as 1.6, Eclair as 2.0 and donno about
Flam. Google is a "done with it's done" company and has been rather
vague about these things which explains all the guesswork. Of course
it doesn't help that their official roadmap is heavily dated.


On 19 Aug., 20:42, Rafa Perfeito  wrote:
> > 1. Donut is not Android 2.0.
> So what is 2.0? Eclair? What is the version correspondent to Donut then?
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Bluefish  wrote:
> > Ah ok...i was always thinking that the Hero has Android 2.0...
> > Then i can start learning :)
> > On 19 Aug., 19:08, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> > > Bluefish wrote:
> > > > Hello, i am a User of an HTC Hero device with Android 2.0(Donut)
> > > 1. Donut is not Android 2.0.
> > > 2. AFAIK, HTC Hero shipped with Android 1.5, plus extra HTC proprietary
> > > components, such as the HTC Sense UI.
> > > --
> > > Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)http://commonsware.com|
> >http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> > > _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 1.0 Available!
> --
> Cumprimentos,
> Hugo Rafael Augusto
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[android-beginners] Re: Cheapest way to acquire a development phone?

2009-08-25 Thread Casper Bang

Search on ebay or wait a few months, as current owners of the HTC
Magic with 6 month contract (like me), will want to move on to newer


On 24 Aug., 21:01, Ron  wrote:
> I need an actual Google phone with GPS to get some idea of what
> applications are out there.  I already have a plan with a non-Google
> provider, so I only need a plan to try out the apps themselves.  Any
> ideas on how to most efficiently achieve this?
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[android-beginners] Re: C# on Android

2009-09-03 Thread Casper Bang

Koushik Dutta has at least partly got it to run on Android. I don't
know how active he is pursuing this, but you can check out his project
on github: http://github.com/koush/androidmono/tree/master


On 3 Sep., 14:27, Cao  wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> My name is Cao
> I'm going to start a project base on Windows mobile devices. But I
> don't really like this OS... At all.
> I want to work on an Android mobile phone but the software we are
> using was coded in C# (it is a kind of logging client).
> My question is this : can we run or code C# software on Android?
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[android-beginners] Re: HTC Question

2009-09-03 Thread Casper Bang

If you tell us where you bought it, we can infer it for you. However
you may also simply shut down your phone and then turn it on again by
holding down  + . This will lead you to the fastboot
console where you can read the info. To exit from there again, press
the  button.

Rooting is pretty easy these days, consult xda-developers forums,
locate your phone here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/


On 3 Sep., 19:45, Jose Ayerdis  wrote:
> I have a couple of question concerning with my phone
> First... How do i know if my HTC is   32A or 32B??
> Second... anyone here has root his phone to cynanogen? any advice i've heard
> only work with pohone on the US so...
> --
> Atte
> [[Jose Luis Ayerdis Espinoza]]http://blognecronet.blogspot.com
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[android-beginners] Re: How to load the developer image under a rooted G1?

2009-09-08 Thread Casper Bang



On 8 Sep., 18:39, Marcio David  wrote:
> Hi all. I got a G1 with root access running the Cyagonen image. But this
> image is a little unstable and not official, and I would like to run the
> official developer edition of Android. Is there a official developer edition
> image of the OS anywhere?
> ps: I need root for some low level developing stuff, and I can't buy a dev
> edition phone, since they don't send it to the country I live in.
> Thanks.
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[android-beginners] Re: Android 2.1 SDK

2010-01-11 Thread Casper Bang
It says here [http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html] to
add Android support to Eclipse by adding the following URL:

However not much is happening. Indeed, navigating the above URL
results in a 404. What gives... is this deprecated documentation or is
the site down?

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[android-beginners] Re: Android 2.1 SDK

2010-01-12 Thread Casper Bang
Hmm I have been able to find something that works at:

...but sadly no Android plugin there, only GAE and GWT plugins.


On Jan 12, 3:01 am, Casper Bang  wrote:
> It says here [http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html] to
> add Android support to Eclipse by adding the following 
> URL:https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
> However not much is happening. Indeed, navigating the above URL
> results in a 404. What gives... is this deprecated documentation or is
> the site down?
> /Casper
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[android-beginners] Re: Android 2.1 SDK

2010-01-12 Thread Casper Bang
Thanks Sean, but have you actually tried looking what can be found at
http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ ?

cas...@workstation:~$ wget http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
--2010-01-12 13:48:23--  http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
Resolving dl-ssl.google.com...,,, ...
Connecting to dl-ssl.google.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2010-01-12 13:48:24 ERROR 404: Not Found.


On Jan 12, 1:43 pm, Sean Hodges  wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:01 AM, Casper Bang  wrote:
> > It says here [http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html] to
> > add Android support to Eclipse by adding the following URL:
> >https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
> > However not much is happening. Indeed, navigating the above URL
> > results in a 404. What gives... is this deprecated documentation or is
> > the site down?
> Use:http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/(HTTP not HTTPS)
> If you have installed the plugin already (for 1.5 or 1.6), you only
> need to install the correct SDK from the AVD manager within Eclipse.
> Xavier:
> Thanks for the info!
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[android-beginners] Re: Android 2.1 SDK

2010-01-13 Thread Casper Bang
Thanks Sean. My primary Ubuntu with Eclipse 3.5 refuses to do download
anything in that dialog - it simply sits there with no feedback. And
my other Ubuntu (laptop) gives me a dependency error when trying to
install Android Development Tools. I will try NetBeans.

On Jan 12, 5:18 pm, Sean Hodges  wrote:
> At the top of this page:
> http://developer.android.com/intl/fr/sdk/index.html
> There is a blue box at the top with a "show more" link. Click the link
> and you'll get a run-down of the new ADT/SDK management. I have no
> idea why it is hidden like that though.
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:59 PM, ryan alford  wrote:
> > I thought thehttp://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/was for the ADT
> > plugin for Eclipse.  Going by the blog post, there was no mention of an
> > update to the ADT plugin.  So all we really need to do is download the new
> > SDK using the SDK Setup, correct?
> > Ryan
> > On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 7:48 AM, Casper Bang  wrote:
> >> Thanks Sean, but have you actually tried looking what can be found at
> >>http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/?
> >> cas...@workstation:~$ wgethttp://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
> >> --2010-01-12 13:48:23--  http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
> >> Resolving dl-ssl.google.com...,,
> >>, ...
> >> Connecting to dl-ssl.google.com||:80... connected.
> >> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> >> 2010-01-12 13:48:24 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> >> /Casper
> >> On Jan 12, 1:43 pm, Sean Hodges  wrote:
> >> > On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:01 AM, Casper Bang 
> >> > wrote:
> >> > > It says here [http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html] to
> >> > > add Android support to Eclipse by adding the following URL:
> >> > >https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/
> >> > > However not much is happening. Indeed, navigating the above URL
> >> > > results in a 404. What gives... is this deprecated documentation or is
> >> > > the site down?
> >> > Use:http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/(HTTPnot HTTPS)
> >> > If you have installed the plugin already (for 1.5 or 1.6), you only
> >> > need to install the correct SDK from the AVD manager within Eclipse.
> >> > Xavier:
> >> > Thanks for the info!
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >> Groups "Android Beginners" group.
> >> NEW! Try asking and tagging your question on Stack Overflow at
> >>http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/android
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> >> android-beginners+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>http://groups.google.com/group/android-beginners?hl=en
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Beginners" group.
> > NEW! Try asking and tagging your question on Stack Overflow at
> >http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/android
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> > android-beginners+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
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> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-beginners?hl=en
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[android-beginners] Wiki for snippets?

2010-05-01 Thread Casper Bang
Is there an official wiki or somewhere for the community to add

I continue to find less than ideal sample code as well as lacking
documentation. For instance just did some Threading work in an app,
but is unable to find out what the boolean return value for the
android.os.Handler.Callback.handleMessage(Message) signature is all

I just always return true - seems to work. But it's a little odd to
have to guess like that considering it's been in the public API since
Android 1.5.

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[android-beginners] Re: Wiki for snippets?

2010-05-01 Thread Casper Bang
Thank you Mark. Had not run into andmob.org, you sure are a busy guy!


On May 1, 6:13 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> Casper Bang wrote:
> > Is there an official wiki or somewhere for the community to add
> > snippets?
> Official? No.
> There ishttp://androidsnippets.org, but it seems to be overrun by spam.
> I maintain an Android wiki athttp://wiki.andmob.org, which you are
> welcome to post to. I put a reasonable amount of energy into it at the
> outset, but didn't get much support. If others wish to use that as a
> repository of stuff like this, I am happy to authorize accounts and work
> on contributing more there myself.
> > I continue to find less than ideal sample code as well as lacking
> > documentation. For instance just did some Threading work in an app,
> > but is unable to find out what the boolean return value for the
> > android.os.Handler.Callback.handleMessage(Message) signature is all
> > about:
> >http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Handler.Callback.ht...)
> > I just always return true - seems to work. But it's a little odd to
> > have to guess like that considering it's been in the public API since
> > Android 1.5.
> From a quick glance at the source via Google Code Search, it would
> appear that returning false means that the message gets handled by the
> Handler itself, if you extended it and implemented handleMessage().
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android 2.x Programming Books:http://commonsware.com/books
> --
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