[android-beginners] Re: How can i read messages(sms) in my inbox?

2009-04-21 Thread swarup


On Apr 17, 12:58 pm, ak_  wrote:
> i want to reach sms messages that are stored to inbox?
> I dont want to delete and another operations. Just read.
> Is it possible?

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[android-beginners] Re: Having a lot of problems finding the documentation (e.g. about sendevent)

2009-04-21 Thread swarup

1) study the output of 'adb shell getevent', get high level idea of
different parameters of keyevent.
2) look at source code of getevent, sendevent command.
3) also another command might interest you: input

P.S.: if you do not know the source code locations, then follow the
below gitweb path:

[platform/system/core.git] /toolbox/sendevent.c
[platform/system/core.git] /toolbox/getevent.c
[platform/frameworks/base.git] /cmds/input/src/com/android/commands/

On Apr 20, 4:33 pm, a druid  wrote:
> Hi Kent,
> Thanks for your answer.
> I already saw the documentation for monkey.
> However this presses keys randomly.
> What I wanted to do is to programatically (via adb shell, or via a
> service like vnc server for PCs) pressing non random keys.
> The simple first example, that I'd like to try is:
> press (and release) the up button once.
> I did not find any pointers explaining how to do this:
> There seems to be a adb-shell command named 'sendevent', but I found
> no documentation at all about the
> event types / event numbers etc, that I should provide.
> On Apr 17, 7:08 pm, Kent Yip  wrote:
> > Perhaps this link will get your 
> > started,http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/adb.htmllookfor
> > monkey.
> > This link as 
> > wellhttp://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/monkey.html
> > On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:53 AM, a druid  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Is it just me or is it really difficult to get information
> > > about certain Android features?
> > > Currently I wanted to understand, what exactly can be done with the
> > > adb shell command 'sendevent'
> > > I even fail performing a very simple test, which is to press a key in
> > > the emulator.
> > > For debugging and ome other purposes I would like to press keys and
> > > perform touch screen events from the developing system and send them
> > > to either the emulator or a device connected via the adb.
> > > Somehow I am very unfortunate locating the adequate documentation.
> > > Thanks in advance for a good place to start
> On Apr 17, 7:08 pm, Kent Yip  wrote:
> > Perhaps this link will get your 
> > started,http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/adb.htmllookfor
> > monkey.
> > This link as 
> > wellhttp://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/monkey.html
> > On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:53 AM, a druid  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Is it just me or is it really difficult to get information
> > > about certain Android features?
> > > Currently I wanted to understand, what exactly can be done with the
> > > adb shell command 'sendevent'
> > > I even fail performing a very simple test, which is to press a key in
> > > the emulator.
> > > For debugging and ome other purposes I would like to press keys and
> > > perform touch screen events from the developing system and send them
> > > to either the emulator or a device connected via the adb.
> > > Somehow I am very unfortunate locating the adequate documentation.
> > > Thanks in advance for a good place to start

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[android-beginners] Re: NotePadv1 Example!!

2009-04-27 Thread swarup

you might have missed to import something. If you are using Eclipse,
check what error its showing there.

On Apr 26, 5:27 pm, weird0  wrote:
> I implemented the whole without a single error in my application. When
> I run the application, I get the error:-
> "Your project contains error(s), please fix them before running your
> application".
> Can somebody tell me the probable reason why this occuring? So, I can
> move to the next version of the tutrorial.
> Regards,
> Android Beginner
> Happy Coding
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[android-beginners] Re: Installing the android SDK on my new PC

2009-05-03 Thread swarup

SDK 1.5 supports 3 different targets: 1.1, 1.5, Google APIs. you need
to choose one for creating a project, based on the target selected,
proper Android.jar will added to your project.

Also check http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/avd.html

On May 4, 7:49 am, weird0  wrote:
> Hi!! I am working on the android platform. Prior to installing it on
> my PC, i was coding on  my laptop. The environment was ready and
> everything was going okay. I am unable to create a new project on  my
> PC.
> When I select Start-> New Project. The window opens.
> It has a red mark along with cross sign that says "An SDK target must
> be specified", upon specifying the project nam.
> Along with that, it also has two additional textboxes on the bottom
> that say(never seen before):
> Create Activity
> Min SDK version
> When i run the command 'adb' on the emulator to see whether android
> has been installed properly, they work A-okay.
> So why am I getting these kind of errors. I tried to re-install the
> API several times but cant seem to figure out what is the problem.
> Would some-one suggest what is the problem?
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[android-beginners] Re: Sending files from Android emulator to the PC

2009-05-04 Thread swarup

push is not a system/shell command,
you cant use it from the phone (in app) to store file to PC.

On May 3, 7:35 pm, "JhonatanAA(Colombia)" 
> hello,
> I am preparing my thesis for a degree and the steps that have to do is
> create a file in an application with any extension can be. xml file
> that is then sent to a PC where I'm running or another pc.
> I can help with this step which is not where Firm.
> I was thinking of using the kernel command push 
>  "but do not know how to use this command in the
> code or if there is another way ...
> and has also in the creation of the file that I'm going to do since
> the creation of files on Android, reading and writing, and if you can
> give the path to save the file.
> thank you very much .
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[android-beginners] Re: Ports used by android emulator

2009-05-05 Thread swarup

you will have 2 different serial numbers for 2 different emulators,
check it by 'adb devices'

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554   device
emulator-5556   device

use the serial number to get separate logs by 'adb -s 

$ adb -s emulator-5554 logcat  # at terminal 1
$ adb -s emulator-5556 logcat  # at terminal 2

On May 5, 10:01 pm, Meryl Silverburgh 
> Thank you. But how can I run 'adb logcat' to that emulator running on that 
> port?
> I would like to run 2 emulators on my machine and have 2 terminals
> hook up to each 'adb logcat'.
> Is that possible? I have looked at 'adb -help' , I cant' find anything.
> On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 9:54 AM, David Turner  wrote:
> > "emulator -help-port" will answer the question :-)
> > On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Meryl Silverburgh
> >  wrote:
> >> Can you please tell me what are the ports opened by android emulator?
> >> And how can I configure those ports to use different numbers?
> >> Thank you.
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[android-beginners] Re: Use external component of the phone list.

2009-05-05 Thread swarup

look at API demos example @


On May 5, 6:31 pm, rinia  wrote:
> I am using android first time.I have done some initial learning.So,I
> like to prepare one component.I like to fetch the same the contact
> detail of the phone using external provider like contact Provider.How
> can I do that?Please help me.
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[android-beginners] Re: How to create and open an SQLite database? (Based on NotePad tutorial)

2009-05-06 Thread swarup

check your table creation statements within onCreate()

On May 5, 11:29 pm, AJ  wrote:
> Hello - our dev team is looking into utilizing an SQLite DB as a means
> to store data within our application.  We've been following the
> official dev guide's NotePad tutorial (http://d.android.com/guide/
> tutorials/notepad/notepad-ex1.html) to accomplish this, but we're
> stuck on Step 2: the preliminary creation of the database itself.  We
> aren't even concerned with inserting into and retrieving from the DB
> yet.
> Basically, we re-purposed the NoteDbAdapter.java file (renamed to
> simply DbAdapter.java) to work with our main activity, called
> LifeVault.  When an instance of the DbAdapter class created within
> LifeVault.java calls the "open()" function within DbAdapter.java,
> however, the Android emulator just crashes and displays a message
> along the lines of "the process has stopped working and needs to
> close."
> The code doesn't have any compilation errors, and it's based on the
> code from the official dev guide, so we're pretty perplexed as to why
> this happens.
> /**
> DbAdapter.java
> ***/
> package com.android.lifevault;
> import android.content.Context;
> import android.database.SQLException;
> import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
> import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
> import android.util.Log;
> public class DbAdapter {
>    private static final String TAG = "DbAdapter";
>    private DatabaseHelper mDbHelper;
>    private SQLiteDatabase mDb;
>    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "FVDB";
>    private static final String DATABASE_TABLE_USER = "User";
>    private static final String DATABASE_TABLE_ACH = "Ach";
>    private static final String DATABASE_TABLE_USER_ACH = "User_Ach";
>    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
>    private final Context mCtx;
>    private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
>        DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
>            super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
>        }
>       �...@override
>        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
>            // Our "db.execSQL" statements for creating the three tables
> live here
>        }
>       �...@override
>        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int
> newVersion) {
>            Log.w(TAG, "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion
> + " to "
>                    + newVersion + ", which will destroy all old
> data");
>            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS User_Ach");
>            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Ach");
>            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS User");
>            onCreate(db);
>        }
>    }
>    /**
>     * Constructor - takes the context to allow the database to be
>     * opened/created
>     */
>    public DbAdapter(Context ctx) {
>        this.mCtx = ctx;
>    }
>    /**
>     ** Open the database - Here's where things get screwy.
>     **/
>    public DbAdapter open() throws SQLException {
>        mDbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(mCtx);
>        mDb = mDbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
>        return this;
>    }
>    public void close() {
>        mDbHelper.close();
>    }}
> /**
> END DbAdapter.java
> **/
> /**
> LifeVault.java
> **/
> package com.android.lifevault;
> import com.android.lifevault.DbAdapter;
> import android.app.Activity;
> import android.os.Bundle;
> import android.view.View;
> public class LifeVault extends Activity {
>         private DbAdapter mDbHelper;
>         @Override
>     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
>         super.onCreate(icicle);
>         mDbHelper = new DbAdapter(this);
>         mDbHelper.open();   // <- Program crashes here
>         setContentView(R.layout.main);
>         /**The rest of the code**/
>      }}
> /
> END LifeVault.java
> /
> - Am I using the Context class incorrectly?
> - Am I missing a library that the app needs to recognize the
> getWritableDatabase() funciton?
> Those are my two best guesses.  I'm so close I can taste it!
> Hopefully someone can help me see this answer that's probably right in
> front of my face.  Thank you; the help is greatly appreciated.
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[android-beginners] Re: Can't get hello android printed

2009-06-08 Thread swarup

check if "Launch Action" is set to "Launch : " in
the "Run -> Run Configuratoins -> Android TAB"

On Jun 7, 7:17 am, Fahd  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am following the hello world example and when I run it through
> eclipse, the emulater starts showing android...
> then it comes in to the system and asks me to press menu to unlock.
> When I do it, it justs unlocks but there no helloworld or application
> window, just the normal android desktop! Am I missing somthing??
> Following is the code I am running (which is the copy of the example)
> package com.example.helloandroid;
> import android.app.Activity;
> import android.os.Bundle;
> import android.widget.TextView;
> public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {
>     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
>     @Override
>     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
>         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
>         TextView tv = new TextView(this);
>         tv.setText("Hello, Android");
>         setContentView(tv);
>         //setContentView(R.layout.main);
>     }
> }
> Why isnt the helloworld window coming?? Any help plss
> Fahd
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[android-beginners] Re: Emulator not showing on screen from cmd.

2009-06-08 Thread swarup

would you provide the errors thrown on the screen?
error statement is expected before the list of syntax is shown...

On Jun 6, 6:01 pm, timberwo7ves  wrote:
> I tried the Eclipse plugin, got annoyed with how it wouldn't push the
> new versions of the app onto the emulator with each build, so wanted
> to try developing with notepad++ and cmd prompt.
> I've made an AVD, and used ant to do...something (I did this all a few
> weeks back), and the next step was to run the emulator.
> Using the "emulator -avd testavd" command, where 'testavd' is the name
> of my AVD, a list of the syntax for using the emulator came up in the
> cmd window, an instance of the JavaFX SDK 1.1 Device Manager started
> up, but the actual emulator window did not appear, though the tutorial
> says that a window should pop up.
> ideas appreciated :)
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[android-beginners] Re: New to Android

2009-12-02 Thread swarup
If you not behind a proxy(e.g. office networks), then your emulator
should be able to access internet w/o any additional setup.
If you are behind any proxy, then check

On Dec 2, 11:20 am, raj  wrote:
> how to access internet on emulator

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[android-beginners] Re: not a fan of java

2009-12-02 Thread swarup
this might help you

On Dec 2, 11:34 am, Neal  wrote:
> so I was wondering if there was any way to get around coding android
> apps in java with eclipse. I'm a lot stronger using C++ in visual
> studio and i was wondering if there was a way to do this?

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[android-beginners] Re: calling list (first time coder)

2009-12-02 Thread swarup
did you check "Lists" example in API demos?


On Dec 1, 9:27 pm, "Jerome/ Ipsl"  wrote:
> This is my first time dealing with code. I've read several books but
> have no 1st hand experience. That being said, I'll keep my question to
> a minimal.
> How do I call a list? Yes I have done the list tutorial but its starts
> off as extending the list activity so its not called so simply.  I
> know this is pretty simple and all I really need is the first line.
> I'll add my current code if needed.
> Is it something like getList()  ?
> thanks for your help.

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[android-beginners] Re: Finding out which version of Andriod is running on a phone.

2009-12-02 Thread swarup
look for :


On Dec 1, 11:07 am, Brian Williamson 
> With all the different versions of Android and possible future
> versions, is there a way, using software, of determing which version
> of Andriod is on the phone? Perhaps there a class or function which
> can return the version number?
> Does anyone have any clues?
> This would be useful in preventing crashes with apps being run on
> versions of Andriod that did not support features included in one's
> app.
> Thanks in advance.

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[android-beginners] Re: turn xml string to array

2009-12-02 Thread swarup
you need SAX parser, might be useful link:


On Dec 1, 12:19 pm, Lynn Ooi  wrote:
> Hi.
> I had wrote an android app which get a string (in xml format) from a
> remote site. The string contains information needed for some other
> processes. Can anyone please provide me some solution/guidance on how
> to extract the information from the string and put it in an array
> respectively so that i am able to used the data.

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[android-beginners] Re: android.telephony.TelephonyManager.getLine1Number () returns null

2009-12-02 Thread swarup
Your MSISDN is empty in your SIM card, so getLine1Number() returning
null. As you can see Settings->About Phone->Status->My Phone Number is
"unknown", it means MSISDN is empty on the SIMcard.

At least on the vanila releases, I do not see android allows to modify
the MSISDN, I am not sure if any non-google release might come with an
option to set this.

AFAIK, If MSISDN is not set, then there is no way to know the mobile
number locally from the SIMcard. Even if its filled with some number,
there is no way to verify that its the correct MSISDN, you just need
blindly assume that its the correct MSISDN.

On Nov 30, 10:22 pm, jophes  wrote:
> (i) android.telephony.TelephonyManager.getLine1Number () seems to
> return null on real a device ( at least T-Mobile myTouch ). Anyone
> figure out a way to go around this and determine a user's phone
> number?
> (ii) I notice that my phone number viewed through Settings->About
> Phone->status->My Phone Number is unknown. IS there a way to set this?

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[android-beginners] Re: send String to pc using wifi

2009-12-02 Thread swarup
check Gmote source : http://code.google.com/p/gmote/

On Nov 30, 7:17 pm, Yourikahn  wrote:
> Hello guys!
> I'am looking for a method to send data like string to my PC using the
> Wifi on my G1...
> I've made a Socket with the data but what should I do to send it to th
> pc??
> thx

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[android-beginners] Re: Always stop at "Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched..."

2009-12-02 Thread swarup
which SDK version you are using?  are you able to run the emulator

If not try doing that and see if you can start & see if everything
1) try using Emulator command
2) in Eclipse, Window->Adnroid SDK & AVD manager ->Virtual Devices,
then select the AVD, press Start button

have patience, it will work.

On Nov 30, 6:36 pm, Igor Valente  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying run the Hello World sample, but didn't work. It always stop
> at "Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched..."
> The log:
> [2009-11-30 10:24:10 - HelloAndroid]--
> [2009-11-30 10:24:10 - HelloAndroid]Android Launch!
> [2009-11-30 10:24:10 - HelloAndroid]adb is running normally.
> [2009-11-30 10:24:10 - HelloAndroid]Performing
> com.example.helloandroid.HelloAndroid activity launch
> [2009-11-30 10:24:10 - HelloAndroid]Automatic Target Mode: launching
> new emulator with compatible AVD 'my_adv'
> [2009-11-30 10:24:10 - HelloAndroid]Launching a new emulator with
> Virtual Device 'my_adv'
> [2009-11-30 10:24:14 - HelloAndroid]New emulator found: emulator-5554
> [2009-11-30 10:24:14 - HelloAndroid]Waiting for HOME
> ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
> And nothing more.. stop here... always!
> I've trying other samples, but the same thing occurs.
> Can anyone help me?
> Thanks,
> Igor.

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