[android-developers] Re: setContentView of a Custom View

2010-06-17 Thread Matt M
public class Paint extends PaintActivity implements
ColorPickerDialog.OnColorChangedListener {

private Paint mPaint;
private PaintView view;

private int wid;
private int wsize;
private int pref;

private int RESULT_TOGGLE = 1;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

view = new PaintView(this);

   mPaint = new Paint();

  Button close = (Button) findViewById(R.id.closePaint);
  close.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
 public void onClick(View View) {

  Button toggle = (Button) findViewById(R.id.togglePaint);
  toggle.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
 public void onClick(View View) {
if (pref == 0)
   //Problem - just bail
   TextView tv = new TextView(this);

public class PaintView extends View {

private Bitmap mBitmap;
private Canvas mCanvas;
private Path mPath;
private Paint mBitmapPaint;

public PaintView(Context c) {

public PaintView(Context c, AttributeSet s) {

public void initialize() {
mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(320, 430,
mCanvas = new Canvas(mBitmap);
mPath = new Path();
mBitmapPaint = new Paint(Paint.DITHER_FLAG);

public void loadImage() {
   String path = "/sdcard/image.jpg";
  Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path);
  Drawable d = new BitmapDrawable(b);
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(320, 430,
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
d.setBounds(0, 0, 320, 430);
mBitmap = bitmap;
mCanvas = canvas;

protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int
oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 0, 0, mBitmapPaint);
canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);

private float mX, mY;
private static final float TOUCH_TOLERANCE = 4;

private void touch_start(float x, float y) {
mPath.moveTo(x, y);
mX = x;
mY = y;
private void touch_move(float x, float y) {
float dx = Math.abs(x - mX);
float dy = Math.abs(y - mY);
mPath.quadTo(mX, mY, (x + mX)/2, (y + mY)/2);
mX = x;
mY = y;
private void touch_up() {
mPath.lineTo(mX, mY);
mCanvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
float x = event.getX();
float y = event.getY();

switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
touch_start(x, y);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
touch_move(x, y);

[android-developers] Re: Avoid non-static inner classes in an activity?

2010-06-17 Thread Nathan

After thinking I made a major breakthrough by stopping that thread, I
still find that Activity Instances stack up.

I'll still need to analyze all the inner classes.


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[android-developers] PopUpWindow not displaying when tapping on marker

2010-06-17 Thread Nithin

I am displaying google map and on top of that some overlay
items(Markers) are there. When tapping on the markers, I need to
display PopUpWindow. The code is executing but popup is not

popUp.showAtLocation(layout, Gravity.TOP, 0, 0);
popUp.update(0,50, 320, 70);

Here layout is an object of LinearLayout.

I created another android application, in that, I put the above code
and its working perfectly. PopupWindow is displaying.


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[android-developers] Re: setContentView of a Custom View

2010-06-17 Thread Nithin

-"it does not work properly." means what. What error are you
getting ?. Do you override all the constructors.


On Jun 17, 9:54 pm, Matt M  wrote:
> Hello,
> My current painting activity is built off of FingerPaint.java from the
> API Demos. In my xml I declared the custom view, see below. When I
> setContentView(view); everything works fine, but the problem is when I
> setContentView(paint_layout.xml) it does not work properly.
> ///PaintActivity///
> public class Paint extends PaintActivity implements
> ColorPickerDialog.OnColorChangedListener {
>      private Paint mPaint;
>      private PaintView view;
>     �...@override
>      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
>      super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
>       view = new PaintView(this);
>      setContentView(view);
>      //Set mPaint code
>      }
>      public class PaintView extends View {
>      //PaintView code
>      }
> //Paint code
> }
> ///paint_layout.xml///
> http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
> android"
> android:id="@+id/paint"
> android:layout_width="fill_parent"
> android:layout_height="fill_parent">
>  android:id="@+id/PaintView"
> android:layout_width="fill_parent"
> android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
> Can anyone inform me of why exactly? Am I missing an attribute for the
> custom layout in the xml?
> Thank you!
> Matt.

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[android-developers] Re: Avoid non-static inner classes in an activity?

2010-06-17 Thread Nathan
While my inner classes could be wrong, I have a bigger suspect.

It seems one of my custom views has a background thread that waits for
work requests and communicates back through a handler. When the
activity ends and restarts, the thread is still alive, waiting for a
work request. Since that thread references a Handler, which references
a View which has a context, so the activity stays alive even as a new
one is created.

I believe what I should do is in MyActvity.OnDestroy, propagate the
message down the chain such that the worker thread exists gracefully.

I suppose I should also make it a daemon thread - since it is one, but
that will only help when the process exits and not when there are
other activities or services running.


On Jun 17, 8:43 pm, Nathan  wrote:
> Since I seem to have caught two activity references in a heapdump,
> where the Activity is set to singleTask.
> Romain's advice on avoiding memory leaks includes:
> "Avoid non-static inner classes in an activity if you don't control
> their life cycle, use a static inner class and make a weak reference
> to the activity inside"
> What does this mean exactly? I can't find any examples, positive, or
> negative for this rule.
> I do have some non static inner classes in my activity.
> Most of them are anonymous inner classes like this one. I see hundreds
> of them in the samples:
>         button.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {
>             public void onClick(View v) {
>                 progressHorizontal.incrementSecondaryProgressBy(-1);
>                 // Title progress is in range 0..1
>                 setSecondaryProgress(100 *
> progressHorizontal.getSecondaryProgress());
>             }
>         });
> Are anonymous inner classes okay?
> I also see something like this in the samples:
>     private OnClickListener mStopRepeatingListener = new
> OnClickListener() { . . .
> Are member variables points to a non static anonymous inner class
> okay? I might think so because a member variable's lifecycle is
> controlled by the activity's lifecycle.
> Or do I assume that all the API samples leak a lot of contexts?
> Thanks for any insights
> Nathan

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[android-developers] Re: Smooth Image Rotation with Gesture Control?

2010-06-17 Thread ocdtrekkie
Can anyone help get me started?  I can program all the logic I need
for my program really well, I just need some help with designing the
UI to function the way I want it to.

On Jun 1, 6:28 pm, ocdtrekkie  wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out the best way to make an image rotate along
> with a user's finger dragging it left or right.  I want to try and
> match the rate a user's finger is moving with the rate the image is
> rotating.
> I've got the basic setup for my application going, with the menus and
> whatnot I want to have, and that's all running great on the emulator,
> I'm just not sure how to approach this part.

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Re: [android-developers] how to filter the objects (addresses) to display only the onscreen objects on map

2010-06-17 Thread Raymond Rodgers
Since I just happen to have written code for this recently, I don't mind 
sharing what I have:

boolean onVisibleMap(GeoPoint point) {
boolean visible = false;
try {
Log.v(TAG, "onvisiblemap, geopoint: lat: "
+ point.getLatitudeE6() + " , lng: "
+ point.getLongitudeE6());
GeoPoint mapCenter = this.mapView.getMapCenter(); // 
mapView is a private member of the class, set by the MapView's onCreate()
int mapCenterlatitude = mapCenter.getLatitudeE6(), 
mapCenterLongitude = mapCenter.getLongitudeE6();
int halfLatSpan = latitudeSpan / 2, halfLongSpan = 
longitudeSpan / 2;
int top = halfLatSpan + mapCenterlatitude, bottom = 

- halfLatSpan, right = mapCenterLongitude
+ halfLongSpan, left = mapCenterLongitude
- halfLongSpan;
Log.v(TAG, "top: " + top + " bottom: " + bottom + "\nright: "
+ right + " left: " + left);
if (point.getLatitudeE6() <= top && point.getLatitudeE6() 
>= bottom

&& point.getLongitudeE6() <= right
&& point.getLongitudeE6() >= left)
visible = true;
Log.v(TAG, "location is visible? "
+ (visible ? "yes" : "no"));
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
return visible;

On 06/17/2010 09:27 PM, Hasn AlTaiar wrote:

HI Frank,

Thank you very very much, really appreciate your kind reply..

Now, I need to values (minimum and maximum) to get the range of the 
visible part of the map, right?

so what is this returned number? is the starting left end of the plan? 
or is it the width? and if it is the width, how can I use it to find 
the range of (GeoLocations) that 's visible on the map??

In other words, I need to have a range of ScreenCoordinates, or 
GeoLocations (lat and long) that represent the visible part of the 
map, so that I can compare all the POI to show only the onscreen 
object and omit the off-screen ones.

Thank you very much for your time and great support.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:11 AM, Frank Weiss > wrote:

The return type of the *Span() methods is int as follows:

Latitude: 47° 30' 21", in decimal degrees 47.505833, times one million
This allows for using integers instead of floats for storing and
comparing lat/longs.

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(Hasn) Hasnain AlTaiar
Web Developer
TayTech Smart Solutions
Mob.  +61 422 04 2629
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[android-developers] Emulator and cellular access

2010-06-17 Thread Demetris

Hi all,

  I think the Android emulator has the capability to emulate incoming
phone calls but I am wondering if there is a capability to place 
outgoing calls to
existing cellular networks through the appropriate hardware interface. 
Is there any

documentation of such a functionality I look into?


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Re: [android-developers] how to filter the objects (addresses) to display only the onscreen objects on map

2010-06-17 Thread Frank Weiss
I think you're ready to write some code, since I can't really answer
your latest questions without writing code. I hope you're familiar
with Android logging and Eclipse debugging, because they make it so
much easier to see what's going on in your code. Good luck!

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[android-developers] Avoid non-static inner classes in an activity?

2010-06-17 Thread Nathan
Since I seem to have caught two activity references in a heapdump,
where the Activity is set to singleTask.

Romain's advice on avoiding memory leaks includes:

"Avoid non-static inner classes in an activity if you don't control
their life cycle, use a static inner class and make a weak reference
to the activity inside"

What does this mean exactly? I can't find any examples, positive, or
negative for this rule.

I do have some non static inner classes in my activity.

Most of them are anonymous inner classes like this one. I see hundreds
of them in the samples:

button.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Title progress is in range 0..1
setSecondaryProgress(100 *

Are anonymous inner classes okay?

I also see something like this in the samples:

private OnClickListener mStopRepeatingListener = new
OnClickListener() { . . .

Are member variables points to a non static anonymous inner class
okay? I might think so because a member variable's lifecycle is
controlled by the activity's lifecycle.

Or do I assume that all the API samples leak a lot of contexts?

Thanks for any insights


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[android-developers] Re: The linked program is no longer installed on the phone

2010-06-17 Thread Robert Macaulay
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Robert Macaulay

> Someone upgraded my app, and receive this message
> "The linked program is no longer installed on the phone"

Google results with "your phone" subbed for "the phone" seem to indicate
it's a SenseUI problem.  So it seems this is not relevant.


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Re: [android-developers] how to filter the objects (addresses) to display only the onscreen objects on map

2010-06-17 Thread Hasn AlTaiar
HI Frank,

Thank you very very much, really appreciate your kind reply..

Now, I need to values (minimum and maximum) to get the range of the visible
part of the map, right?

so what is this returned number? is the starting left end of the plan? or is
it the width? and if it is the width, how can I use it to find the range of
(GeoLocations) that 's visible on the map??

In other words, I need to have a range of ScreenCoordinates, or GeoLocations
(lat and long) that represent the visible part of the map, so that I can
compare all the POI to show only the onscreen object and omit the off-screen

Thank you very much for your time and great support.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:11 AM, Frank Weiss  wrote:

> The return type of the *Span() methods is int as follows:
> Latitude: 47° 30' 21", in decimal degrees 47.505833, times one million
> 47505833.
> This allows for using integers instead of floats for storing and
> comparing lat/longs.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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(Hasn) Hasnain AlTaiar
Web Developer
TayTech Smart Solutions
Mob.  +61 422 04 2629

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[android-developers] Re: ScrollView and programmatically scrolling

2010-06-17 Thread Lance Nanek
There are past threads on this you can dig up. Basically you have to
give the ScrollView a chance to realize it has had stuff added to it.
For example:
scroll.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {

On Jun 17, 7:49 pm, Neilz  wrote:
> Anyone? This must have been encountered before?
> :-)
> On Jun 16, 1:32 pm, Neilz  wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > When I update the textview within my scrollview, I want the scrollview
> > to automatically scroll down to the bottom, so that the latest text is
> > displayed.
> > I've tried this code:
> > scroll.fullScroll(ScrollView.FOCUS_DOWN);
> > ...and it worked once or twice, intermittently, but generally has no
> > effect at all.
> > Anyone know a better way to achieve this?

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[android-developers] The linked program is no longer installed on the phone

2010-06-17 Thread Robert Macaulay
Someone upgraded my app, and receive this message
"The linked program is no longer installed on the phone"

What did I do wrong to cause this? The app and the upgrade were signed with
the same key as far as I know. Some of the builds were on a linux machine,
and other were on Windows. Could that cause this message?


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[android-developers] Re: ScrollView and programmatically scrolling

2010-06-17 Thread Neilz
Anyone? This must have been encountered before?


On Jun 16, 1:32 pm, Neilz  wrote:
> Hi all.
> When I update the textview within my scrollview, I want the scrollview
> to automatically scroll down to the bottom, so that the latest text is
> displayed.
> I've tried this code:
> scroll.fullScroll(ScrollView.FOCUS_DOWN);
> ...and it worked once or twice, intermittently, but generally has no
> effect at all.
> Anyone know a better way to achieve this?

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[android-developers] Re: Bitmaps and OutOfMemoryError: Best Practices needed

2010-06-17 Thread Nathan
Still stuck here.

Can anyone answer me the question of whether inPurgeable works? By
works, I mean will the JVM go and purge all of those purgeable bitmaps
before returning an OutOfMemoryError for CreateBitmap?


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[android-developers] Re: switching GPS on and off

2010-06-17 Thread kamiseq
ok, I thought that those widgets are ordinary android apps written by
other smart gays, so that s why I was confused.


On 17 Cze, 21:13, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:14 PM, kamiseq  wrote:
> > once again, maybe it is too much sun over here :)
> > 1. gps is on (powered, whatever) when some app tries to obtain
> > location info
> Right.
> > 2. gps is off if there is no app looking for location
> Correct.
> > 3. you then said that
> > "For example, HTC Sense phones have a home screen feature that looks
> > like an on/off switch for GPS. That, however, controls whether GPS is
> > enabled."
> > so there is some other state that gps can be in and it can be
> > controlled by application.
> Not an ordinary SDK application. Whether or not GPS is enabled is a
> so-called "secure setting" (Settings.Secure), which cannot be modified
> by ordinary SDK applications.
> > and yes I dont really understand the
> > difference between on and enabled.
> You cannot turn GPS on if it is disabled. Think of enabled/disabled as
> a lock, controlled by the user, which determines whether or not
> applications even have an option to use GPS.
> --
> Mark Murphy
> CommonsWare
> mmur...@commonsware.comhttp://commonsware.com

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[android-developers] Re: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

2010-06-17 Thread Nathan
Are any of those tools helpful with bitmaps?

I've analyzed an HPRof where all the bitmaps are taking up32 bytes.
that would be nice if it were true. I know that bitmaps are not on the
regular heap, so the tools don't seem to find them.

Since the bitmaps are marked as purgeable, they could be taking only
20K bytes, or as much as 256K bytes, so there is a wide range.


On Jun 17, 8:35 am, Sebastian Roth  wrote:
> Yup. We've been running in that case too many times.
> Invest in a good tool like Yourkit, use HPROF Heap dumps to find the objects
> with the sticky connects to JVM root and prepare to spend nights on trying
> again and again..
> I recommend writing automated Unit-Tests for that as well. So that you can
> call certain activities 100 times and see whether they retain in memory or
> not. Very helpful for us.
> Also check basics like background pictures can be encoded as JPG instead of
> PNG to save some memory...
> BR

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[android-developers] Handle to browser that got invoked by app under test

2010-06-17 Thread Anamika
Hi there,
As part of automating testing our app, there is test which clicks
button in the app and launch browser

(Android browser , not using webview, but creating intent and then
starting activity with that intent).
Test runs that steps and browser comes up. But now I need handle to
that browser  to verify that it openeded the expected site. But I
could not find way to do that yet.

Any help would be appreciated,

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[android-developers] SQLiteCursor on that has not been deactivated or closed

2010-06-17 Thread gcstang
I've followed the try/finally approach but still get this error.

Is there anything else that can be done?

Here is what I have.

MediaDbAdapter mDbHelper = null;
Cursor c = null;
try {
mDbHelper = new MediaDbAdapter(ctxt);
c = mDbHelper.findByX(data.getX());
if(c != null) {
   //Do an Update on the database
else if(c == null) {
  //Do an Insert on the database
} finally {
if(c != null) {
c = null;
if(mDbHelper != null && mDbHelper.isOpen()) {

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[android-developers] Re: I've found a way to stop piracy of my apps

2010-06-17 Thread keyeslabs
Biggest issues that I've seen for my own apps (and those other brave
souls who use AAL) have been related to legitimate users that somehow
can't validate their purchase.  For example:

1. user buys app on marke using a 2.0-based phone.  validation happens
just fine.
2. user backs up app, flashes rom to as-of-yet unreleased 2.2, and
restores app
3. Upon startup of the app on the newly-flashed phone, AAL properly
detects the missing license.
4. AAL fails validation, since 2.2-based devices can't "see" paid apps
on the market since Google hasn't registered that release in the
market database.

Other fringe scenarios similar to this.  When I deployed AAL into my
apps, I had a few loud complainers that has tapered off now and I
don't really have any serious problems.  I now get a lot of emails
from people in countries that can't buy from Android market.

Overall, AAL seems to be working quite well.

Lately I've been wondering if there's a way that I can offer the user
an "alternative" mechanism for purchasing the pirated app.  For
example, I upload to Android Market, pirates post on download boards,
others download, and then when validation fails offer to let them buy
from PayPal and license things that way.  I don't think that would
break any of the Android Market rules (since the pirated version isn't
being "distributed" by the market -- it's being distributed by a
pirate board), and it sure would open up distribution to markets that
Google doesn't currently serve.


On Jun 17, 3:39 pm, String  wrote:
> On Jun 17, 8:05 pm, keyeslabs  wrote:
> >AALhas now been open-sourced.  Find details here:  http://bit.ly/coz0yB.
> Cool. Thanks for sharing it.
> Are you still having good luck usingAALwith your own app(s)? Any
> downsides you've found?
> String

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[android-developers] Supplying your own custom sqlite library

2010-06-17 Thread goosedroid
I need some features of sqlite which are not compiled in the supplied
version: the R*Tree module and histograms used in query optimization

I would like to know if it is possible to bundle my own version of
sqlite with these things enabled, and still use the existing
android.database.sqlite.* bindings. If so, what are the general steps?

I am not looking to replace the existing version of sqlite on the
phone which all programs use; I just need a local version specific to
my app.

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[android-developers] Re: I've found a way to stop piracy of my apps

2010-06-17 Thread String
On Jun 17, 8:05 pm, keyeslabs  wrote:

> AAL has now been open-sourced.  Find details here:  http://bit.ly/coz0yB.

Cool. Thanks for sharing it.

Are you still having good luck using AAL with your own app(s)? Any
downsides you've found?


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[android-developers] Re: Unparsed aapt error

2010-06-17 Thread Peeyush
Dear All,

I am not able not fix this issue by given solution.
After doing right click and deleting the error, it does not show the
error in project explorer and error window.
but the project is not getting run.
if i delete "gen" folder and give clean build, it does not generate
even it is not creating apk also.

I have got one more error: "Project has no default.properties file!
Edit the project properties to set one."
how to fix it.

On May 2, 1:24 am, Carlito  wrote:
> Thanks! Lost only 10 minutes.
> On Mar 16, 3:57 pm, Patrick Noffke  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I found some old posts on this problem, and I was having a similar issue, so
> > I thought I'd share what I learned.
> > I was getting this error after modifying an XML file, and I was unable to
> > start a debug session until I fixed the problem.  It seems if there are
> > errors that cause aapt to fail, eclipse can get in a state where it doesn't
> > know when the problem gets fixed.  Deleting R.java did not work for me.
> >  What I ended up doing after I fixed the XML file is right-clicking on the
> > error message in the Problems view, and deleting the error.  Then modify
> > some files to force a rebuild and you should be okay.
> > I found it helps to turn the android log level to Verbose (Preferences ->
> > Android -> Build).  This led me to know that once I fixed the XML file, aapt
> > was happy, but eclipse was not.
> > Hopefully this will save someone else the 3 hours I burned trying to figure
> > it out!
> > Patrick
> --
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Re: [android-developers] Re: switching GPS on and off

2010-06-17 Thread Mark Murphy
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:14 PM, kamiseq  wrote:
> once again, maybe it is too much sun over here :)
> 1. gps is on (powered, whatever) when some app tries to obtain
> location info


> 2. gps is off if there is no app looking for location


> 3. you then said that
> "For example, HTC Sense phones have a home screen feature that looks
> like an on/off switch for GPS. That, however, controls whether GPS is
> enabled."
> so there is some other state that gps can be in and it can be
> controlled by application.

Not an ordinary SDK application. Whether or not GPS is enabled is a
so-called "secure setting" (Settings.Secure), which cannot be modified
by ordinary SDK applications.

> and yes I dont really understand the
> difference between on and enabled.

You cannot turn GPS on if it is disabled. Think of enabled/disabled as
a lock, controlled by the user, which determines whether or not
applications even have an option to use GPS.

Mark Murphy

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[android-developers] Re: I've found a way to stop piracy of my apps

2010-06-17 Thread keyeslabs
AAL has now been open-sourced.  Find details here:  http://bit.ly/coz0yB.

On May 10, 4:24 pm, niko20  wrote:
> Well I will say one thing, if it was opened up, that would allow each
> dev to make small code changes, so it would never be cookie cutter
> then...however, I am not against that you are trying to make some
> income from it, I mean you still did have to do the work.
> -niko
> On May 10, 10:06 am, dadical  wrote:
> > That argument assumes that I don't respond to those cracks with
> > improvements toAALthat will make it more difficult! :)  Also, each
> > app will need to be cracked individually, and I'm trying to work out
> > some ways to make that a job that isn't cookie-cutter.  The point here
> > is to get this past the pain threshold where it won't be worth the
> > trouble for an app that is only a few bucks.
> > This is fascinating stuff, but very, very non-lucrative.  I don't
> > really want to engage in this game, but I don't see an alternative
> > until it gets solved at the platform level.
> > Given the lack of commercial interest (and the prodding of several
> > smart devs), I've considered opening this up, but I'm not sure how to
> > do that without it simply lowering the barrier for pirates.
> > On May 10, 3:55 am, MobDev  wrote:
> > > " It took several days (almost a week) for crackers
> > > to decompile Screebl Pro and find a way to circumventAAL.  Typically
> > > it takes about 90 secs from the time that we publish to the market for
> > > the various warez sites to start tweeting the location of the
> > > download."
> > > I was wondering, after the first crack-run they obviously will have
> > > devised a crack-method, which means that every other app usingAAL
> > > will be cracked within 90 seconds till a new version is released... A
> > > week of cracking will only be the case during the first attempt...
> > > --
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> > > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > athttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> > --
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[android-developers] Re: Not show a ProgressDialog from my Activity

2010-06-17 Thread sergi...@gmail.com

The problem was with the update method of widget


On 17 jun, 19:43, "sergi...@gmail.com"  wrote:
> I'm trying to create the Toast (for example) on onResume() method from
> the configuration Activity of my widget
> Thanks for all,
> On 17 jun, 18:44, String  wrote:
> > On Jun 17, 5:07 pm, "sergi...@gmail.com"  wrote:
> > > I try to show a ProgressDialog at the beginning of my application from
> > > an Activity. I debug the application and in theory the dialog is
> > > created because it prints a line from onCreateDialog... method.
> > Are you trying to create the dialog/toast on your UI thread? If so,
> > they won't appear if that thread is busy; you need to launch another
> > thread for them. Or preferably, move your long-running process (the
> > one that needs a progress indicator) from the UI thread into the
> > background, and keep the UI thread for the UI. That'll also help you
> > avoid app-not-responding errors.
> > String

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[android-developers] Re: switching GPS on and off

2010-06-17 Thread RichardC
Hope this is some help, 2 use cases:

Case 1 - starting with the GPS not enabled in the device settings
  User enables the GPS --> GPS is now enabled but not active
  Application uses the GPS --> GPS is now active
  {GPS things happen}
  Application stops using the GPS --> GPS goes back to not active

Case 2 - starting with the GPS not enabled in the device settings
  Application uses the GPS --> GPS does NOT become active
  Application stops using the GPS --> no change in GPS state


On Jun 17, 7:14 pm, kamiseq  wrote:
> once again, maybe it is too much sun over here :)
> 1. gps is on (powered, whatever) when some app tries to obtain
> location info
> 2. gps is off if there is no app looking for location
> 3. you then said that
> "For example, HTC Sense phones have a home screen feature that looks
> like an on/off switch for GPS. That, however, controls whether GPS is
> enabled."
> so there is some other state that gps can be in and it can be
> controlled by application. and yes I dont really understand the
> difference between on and enabled.
> On 17 Cze, 16:07, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:04 AM, kamiseq  wrote:
> > > ok, so if I have a widget on my desktop on the phone and gps is switch
> > > off (dispabled) how should I "enable/disable" it. I couldn't find
> > > anything on that.
> > The user does that (e.g., via the Settings application). Your code
> > cannot change whether GPS is enabled or disabled.
> > --
> > Mark Murphy
> > CommonsWare
> > mmur...@commonsware.comhttp://commonsware.com

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Re: [android-developers] Unable To run Service

2010-06-17 Thread tarek attia
How can I access another service that's inside another package ,as when I
did that using the normal way of updating the intent to the new package

i.setclassName(packageName,ClassName); && updating the AndroidManifest.xml
file with the new name ,,I got unable to start the service intent error as

Do i forget something that has to be done?

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 11:55 PM, tarek attia wrote:

> The problem was this in the AndroidManifest.xml :SS
> I was registering the service as following
> and there was no problem in the compilation,,,I changed it to a lower-case
> letter not upper-case letter it worked fine
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 10:35 PM, Mark Murphy wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 2:10 PM, tarek attia 
>> wrote:
>> > The Same Error 
>> > What could cause this?
>> I would recommend starting with an example that is known to work, then
>> determining where the differences are.
>> Here is an example of a local service:
>> http://github.com/commonsguy/cw-android/tree/master/Service/WeatherPlus/
>> --
>> Mark Murphy
>> CommonsWare
>> mmur...@commonsware.com
>> http://commonsware.com
>> --
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> --
> tarek


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[android-developers] Re: AutoCompleteTextView with autoText

2010-06-17 Thread creativepragmatic
Thank you for your help Bhavesh. My question might have been vague.
What I am trying to do is get the auto correct text to show above the
soft keyboard in addition to the auto complete options. It always
shows in EditText but not AutoCompleteTextView.  I am wondering if
what I am trying to do is impossible or if I should attempt a work

Thanks again,


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[android-developers] Re: Google Maps and KMZ Files...Please help

2010-06-17 Thread Tommy
Anyone have any suggestions on how I can get radar loops to display in
my App? Even if its not using google maps...Please?

On Jun 17, 1:37 am, Tommy  wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I am currently wanting to display radar loops from the NOAA in my app
> as an overlay... On my computer I have been able to get them to work
> using google earth. Is there a way to replicate this with android
> using google maps or earth.
> Thanks for your time and help,
> Tommy

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[android-developers] Re: switching GPS on and off

2010-06-17 Thread kamiseq
once again, maybe it is too much sun over here :)

1. gps is on (powered, whatever) when some app tries to obtain
location info
2. gps is off if there is no app looking for location
3. you then said that
"For example, HTC Sense phones have a home screen feature that looks
like an on/off switch for GPS. That, however, controls whether GPS is

so there is some other state that gps can be in and it can be
controlled by application. and yes I dont really understand the
difference between on and enabled.

On 17 Cze, 16:07, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:04 AM, kamiseq  wrote:
> > ok, so if I have a widget on my desktop on the phone and gps is switch
> > off (dispabled) how should I "enable/disable" it. I couldn't find
> > anything on that.
> The user does that (e.g., via the Settings application). Your code
> cannot change whether GPS is enabled or disabled.
> --
> Mark Murphy
> CommonsWare
> mmur...@commonsware.comhttp://commonsware.com

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[android-developers] Re: Line return when aligning to parent right

2010-06-17 Thread thanat0s
Hi all, thanks to myself... my workaround is :


On Jun 15, 11:57 pm, thanat0s  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I try to display a sum .. for example 1945€ , i use this layout in
> portrait in a relative layout.
>  android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:textSize="48sp"
>   android:layout_width="wrap_content"
>     android:layout_alignParentRight="true"
> It's works very well.. but if my number is 19.45€ the € is below the
> number on a new line.. more interesting... 919.45€ , all is displayed
> on the same line..
> This append on a "Real" Nexus One, on the emulator in QVGA or HVGA
> it's works without any problems..
> Someone got an idea ?
> Bye.

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[android-developers] Re: Two way contact sync

2010-06-17 Thread BeerBelly
The DIRTY column looks like exactly the thing I need. Didn't see it
when browsing the documentation...was like for a CHANGED flag or
something like it...

I'm gonna try my luck with this and see how it goes. Thanks for the

On Jun 17, 7:47 pm, Dmitri Plotnikov  wrote:
> There is no conceptual difference between a one-way and a two-way sync.  My
> understanding is that most people start the sync by sending local changes to
> the server and then get incoming changes.
> The DIRTY column on RawContact will tell you what changed locally.  Make
> sure you reset the flag after the changes have been successfully sent to the
> server.
> You can use the Exchange sync as a source of inspiration.  Unfortunately,
> it's crazy complex (out of necessity). Still you may dig up some copy/paste
> opportunities there, e.g. the "commit" method:
> http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/packages/apps/Email.git;a=b...
> Cheers,
> Dmitri
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:06 AM, BeerBelly wrote:
> > Hey,
> > I'm developing an application that needs a two way sync of its own
> > custom contacts. I saw the sample code on Android developer website
> > (talking about AccountManager here and the sample sync adapter code),
> > but that only syncs from the cloud to the device. Is there a way to do
> > the two way sync? Can someone point me in the right direction with
> > this?
> > Could really use the help here.
> > Thanks.
> > --
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[android-developers] Video plays audio after device sleeps (OS 2.1 only)

2010-06-17 Thread Mark Nuetzmann
To replicate:

1. Play any video with audio.
2. Put the device to sleep using the hard key (varies by device).

Audio for the selected video will start playing after a few seconds
while the
device is asleep.

I am calling VideoView.pause() in the onPause() of the activity and
VideoView.stopPlayback() in the onStop() of the activity.  This does
not happen prior to the 2.1 SDK from all our testing but in 2.1 it now
appears to happen almost every time.  We have tested this on the moto
DROID and the Google NexusOne.

Any ideas would be VERY welcome.


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Re: [android-developers] AutoCompleteTextView with autoText

2010-06-17 Thread Nandan .
hii in this code i m used autocomplete text box to display phone no from
contect list and dialed no. this can help you

phonetext = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(R.id.PhoneText);
ContentResolver content = getContentResolver();
Cursor cursor = content.query(Calls.CONTENT_URI,
PROJECTION, Calls.NUMBER+" like ?", new String[] { "%...@%" },

  CallsAdapter adapter = new CallsAdapter(this, cursor);
 String phoneno = (String) getIntent().getCharSequenceExtra(
logotab1 = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.tab1ImageView);
eventsData = new EventDataSQLHelper(getBaseContext());
SQLiteDatabase db = eventsData.getReadableDatabase();
cursor = db.query(EventDataSQLHelper.TABLE, null, null, null, null,
 null, "_id DESC");
 ContentResolver content = getContentResolver();
 Cursor cursor = content.query(Contacts.People.CONTENT_URI,
 PEOPLE_PROJECTION, null, null, Contacts.People.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
tabactivity4.ContactListAdapter adapter = new
 this, cursor);

With regrads

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:14 PM, creativepragmatic <
creativepragma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to get autoText to work with AutoCompleteTextView. Since
> AutoCompleteTextView is a subclass of EditText, it should work but
> doesn't. Is this possible?
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Orville
> --
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Re: [android-developers] Two way contact sync

2010-06-17 Thread Dmitri Plotnikov
There is no conceptual difference between a one-way and a two-way sync.  My
understanding is that most people start the sync by sending local changes to
the server and then get incoming changes.

The DIRTY column on RawContact will tell you what changed locally.  Make
sure you reset the flag after the changes have been successfully sent to the

You can use the Exchange sync as a source of inspiration.  Unfortunately,
it's crazy complex (out of necessity). Still you may dig up some copy/paste
opportunities there, e.g. the "commit" method:



On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:06 AM, BeerBelly wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm developing an application that needs a two way sync of its own
> custom contacts. I saw the sample code on Android developer website
> (talking about AccountManager here and the sample sync adapter code),
> but that only syncs from the cloud to the device. Is there a way to do
> the two way sync? Can someone point me in the right direction with
> this?
> Could really use the help here.
> Thanks.
> --
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[android-developers] Re: Not show a ProgressDialog from my Activity

2010-06-17 Thread sergi...@gmail.com
I'm trying to create the Toast (for example) on onResume() method from
the configuration Activity of my widget

Thanks for all,

On 17 jun, 18:44, String  wrote:
> On Jun 17, 5:07 pm, "sergi...@gmail.com"  wrote:
> > I try to show a ProgressDialog at the beginning of my application from
> > an Activity. I debug the application and in theory the dialog is
> > created because it prints a line from onCreateDialog... method.
> Are you trying to create the dialog/toast on your UI thread? If so,
> they won't appear if that thread is busy; you need to launch another
> thread for them. Or preferably, move your long-running process (the
> one that needs a progress indicator) from the UI thread into the
> background, and keep the UI thread for the UI. That'll also help you
> avoid app-not-responding errors.
> String

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[android-developers] Should I bother with my own sync adapter?

2010-06-17 Thread Connick
In my current app I decided to integrate into account management and create
a sync adapter. I'm wondering if it's worth doing this over an alarm manager
approach as I don't believe it's supported below 2.0? Even worse I'm
currently using a 2.2 API to set the sync interval (not possible before ??)
which is definitely a problem! Also the users accounts have no contacts
associated with them so at times my account type shows up in dialogues that
aren't really applicable.

Sounds like I've answered my own question but I'm curious to hear other


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[android-developers] Re: How to avoid PlayerDriver "invalid percentage value" error?

2010-06-17 Thread Androide
¿no help? :(

On Jun 10, 12:20 am, Androide  wrote:
> I want to play a live streaming in mp3, but when i call prepareAsync,
> "invalidpercentagevalue xxx" shows. This is a example of live
> streaming:
> And this is my simplified code:
> mp = new MediaPlayer();
>         try {
> mp.setDataSource("";);
>                 } catch (Exception e) {
>                 }
>         mp.setOnPreparedListener( new OnPreparedListener() {
>                         @Override
>                         public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) {
>                                 mp.start();
>                         }
>                 });
>         Button button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.Button01);
>         button.setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() {
>                         @Override
>                         public void onClick(View v) {
>                                 mp.prepareAsync();
>                         }
> I understand why this is happening, but other apps use this method and
> don't show any error in logcat. How can i get this?
> Regards.

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[android-developers] Two way contact sync

2010-06-17 Thread BeerBelly

I'm developing an application that needs a two way sync of its own
custom contacts. I saw the sample code on Android developer website
(talking about AccountManager here and the sample sync adapter code),
but that only syncs from the cloud to the device. Is there a way to do
the two way sync? Can someone point me in the right direction with

Could really use the help here.


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[android-developers] MarkerClusterer for MapView

2010-06-17 Thread tansaku
Hi All,

I've just been playing with MarkerClusterer in the Google Maps API.  I
love it.  Fantastic way to handle large numbers of Markers in a map.
An example here:


Does anyone know if there are plans to support this kind of thing in
an Android MapView?

Many thanks in advance

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[android-developers] setContentView of a Custom View

2010-06-17 Thread Matt M

My current painting activity is built off of FingerPaint.java from the
API Demos. In my xml I declared the custom view, see below. When I
setContentView(view); everything works fine, but the problem is when I
setContentView(paint_layout.xml) it does not work properly.

public class Paint extends PaintActivity implements
ColorPickerDialog.OnColorChangedListener {

 private Paint mPaint;
 private PaintView view;

 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  view = new PaintView(this);

 //Set mPaint code

 public class PaintView extends View {
 //PaintView code
//Paint code


Can anyone inform me of why exactly? Am I missing an attribute for the
custom layout in the xml?

Thank you!


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[android-developers] Re: Not show a ProgressDialog from my Activity

2010-06-17 Thread String
On Jun 17, 5:07 pm, "sergi...@gmail.com"  wrote:

> I try to show a ProgressDialog at the beginning of my application from
> an Activity. I debug the application and in theory the dialog is
> created because it prints a line from onCreateDialog... method.

Are you trying to create the dialog/toast on your UI thread? If so,
they won't appear if that thread is busy; you need to launch another
thread for them. Or preferably, move your long-running process (the
one that needs a progress indicator) from the UI thread into the
background, and keep the UI thread for the UI. That'll also help you
avoid app-not-responding errors.


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[android-developers] AutoCompleteTextView with autoText

2010-06-17 Thread creativepragmatic
I am trying to get autoText to work with AutoCompleteTextView. Since
AutoCompleteTextView is a subclass of EditText, it should work but
doesn't. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance for any help,


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Repackaging Android System Classes in an application

2010-06-17 Thread Dianne Hackborn
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 7:12 AM, Greg Giacovelli wrote:

> I understand "don't do this"...  trust me I don't want to, but it
> doesn't answer the question if it will work in a market app.

It means "don't do this."  That means "this won't work," or at the very
least "expect your app to break in random ways at random times because you
are very obviously using private APIs in it."

> The rationale behind it, is that the rendering implementations between
> 1.5 and newer versions forward have a minor change with a large impact
> with regards to Z ordering.

Which change is that?

> Since bug fixes aren't back ported there
> needs to be some way to intercept the call and correct it.

You can't.

> I
> understand it's fragile however it's only meant to support 1.5, which
> as much as it gets neglected, still has a decent amount of people
> using it. We use a wrapper around WindowSession to correct the Z
> ordering on calls to relayout().

You don't know what that interface may look like.  The standard open-source
platform has a particular definition -- but even that can change as the
platform is patched, and any device manufacturer can change it however
they'd like.

> Again, trust me, the fragility is known. However a better rationale
> is, that when this app, that as you said "will likely break," ...
> breaks, it would be assumed that support for the broken version of the
> OS would also be dropped ;)

How about we stepping back a bit and we can talk about what the problem is
you are trying to solve, to see if there is another better way to do it?

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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Re: [android-developers] Thread Problem

2010-06-17 Thread YuviDroid
In your thread you probably have something like:

public void run () {
while (true) {

what you need is a boolean var that checks whether to continue 'doing work',
or stop the thread. Like this:

public void run () {
while (!stopThread) {

Then, when you want to stop the thread, set stopThread to true.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:40 PM, brijesh  wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to stop currently running thread but -Thread.stop()  -
> Thread.destroy() are DEPRECATED so can any one tell me how to stop the
> Thread
> --
> Regards,
> Brijesh Masrani
> --
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[android-developers] Re: video player using hardware to encode/decode

2010-06-17 Thread Android dev
No ideas?
At least, how can I call the hardware from my ndk native application?

On Jun 8, 3:33 pm, Android dev  wrote:
> I know that the mediaplayer api uses hardware acceleration to encode/
> decode video.
> Now I want to develop my own video player application without using
> the mediaplayer api, but still using the hardware to encode/decode
> video.
> Any tips on how can I do this?

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[android-developers] Not show a ProgressDialog from my Activity

2010-06-17 Thread sergi...@gmail.com
I try to show a ProgressDialog at the beginning of my application from
an Activity. I debug the application and in theory the dialog is
created because it prints a line from onCreateDialog... method.

Any idea?

For more test, I try to show a toast with:

Toast.makeText(MyActivity.this, "test", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

And nothing is showed.

If is useful, the application is a widget.

Thanks for all,

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Re: [android-developers] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

2010-06-17 Thread Sebastian Roth
Yup. We've been running in that case too many times.
Invest in a good tool like Yourkit, use HPROF Heap dumps to find the objects
with the sticky connects to JVM root and prepare to spend nights on trying
again and again..

I recommend writing automated Unit-Tests for that as well. So that you can
call certain activities 100 times and see whether they retain in memory or
not. Very helpful for us.

Also check basics like background pictures can be encoded as JPG instead of
PNG to save some memory...


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Romain Guy  wrote:

> When you get such an error it's because *your* process is running out
> of memory. Other processes have nothing to do with it. You are using
> too much memory in your process and blowing past the heap limit (16 MB
> or 24 MB depending on the device you're using.)
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Amit  wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
> > I am getting this message in my log. As I investigated and found out
> > while loading contact image this error comes.I checked  size of the
> > image file and it was normal so came to a conclusion that other
> > processes filling up the memory and hence at the time this image is
> > being loaded ,VM running low of memory.
> >
> > My question is that, is there any tool to figure out which process is
> > responsible for occupying memory so that we can look into the process
> > for the exact reason.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Amit
> >
> > --
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> > For more options, visit this group at
> > http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> >
> --
> Romain Guy
> Android framework engineer
> romain...@android.com
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
> to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
> public forums, where I and others can see and answer them
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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[android-developers] Re: Unmarshal Parcleable in Broadcast Reviever

2010-06-17 Thread mac-systems
Of course this is always an option. But sometimes its just annoying.
But its always wise to keep informations together without always
asking the Database.


On 17 Jun., 15:56, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:51 AM, mac-systems  wrote:
> > Yes, docu sucks big time there, no bock even has examples how to do
> > this!
> > Any way to go around this ?
> Don't use custom Parcelables in Intents used with alarms. Whatever you
> are putting in the Parcelable is hopefully backed by a database or
> other persistent storage. If so, put the key to the data in the Intent
> as a primitive extra (e.g., string, integer), and load in the rest of
> the data as needed.
> --
> Mark Murphy
> CommonsWare
> mmur...@commonsware.comhttp://commonsware.com

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Making the Java assert statement work

2010-06-17 Thread Frank Weiss
I think most Java programmers use Exceptions or logging instead of
asserts. The philosophy is that your code should always be able to
gracefully handle any "impossible" condition.

The great advantage of Exceptions is they can be caught and handled by
your code, re-thrown with wrapper Exceptions, and they can propagate
up the call chain. The downside is you need to code them
intelligently. I won't go into all the details here, and a good Java
book would do the topic better justice than I.

Logging usually provides a better time-sequence context for
exceptional conditions.

Additional code quality tools are unit tests and a good IDE with
debugger (I always get a kick out of debugging Java servlets with

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Re: [android-developers] what is the better application to implement XML program

2010-06-17 Thread Frank Weiss
I suppose you are asking for a recommendation for an XML parsing
library. There are about four on Android. I mostly use org.xml.sax.
Which one is better? I think you can understand that means better for
what. So you have to tell us what you're trying to do. Or you can do
some research on the web to understand the pros and cons of the
different XML parsing technologies.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to change the divider height of listview dynamically?

2010-06-17 Thread Mark Murphy
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:52 AM, javame_android
> Can you let me know how can one return two different views from
> getView method?

Override getViewTypeCount() and getItemViewType() in your Adapter.

Mark Murphy

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[android-developers] Re: How to change the divider height of listview dynamically?

2010-06-17 Thread javame_android

Can you let me know how can one return two different views from
getView method?

I am able to return the row from the getView method but have no idea
about how to return the listview height.

Let me know how to do that in case you know it.

Thanks & Regards

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[android-developers] How to interrupt a blocked URLConnect call?

2010-06-17 Thread Moto
I'm having issue when I'm trying to connect to a url and it takes
longer than expected.  My code tries to close the connection but
sometimes it is blocked by the URLconnection connect call.  The block
happens even before I can get my InputStream.

What are good ways to stop the request fast without waiting for the
timeout set for the connection?


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[android-developers] Re: Repackaging Android System Classes in an application

2010-06-17 Thread Greg Giacovelli

I understand "don't do this"...  trust me I don't want to, but it
doesn't answer the question if it will work in a market app.
The rationale behind it, is that the rendering implementations between
1.5 and newer versions forward have a minor change with a large impact
with regards to Z ordering. Since bug fixes aren't back ported there
needs to be some way to intercept the call and correct it. I
understand it's fragile however it's only meant to support 1.5, which
as much as it gets neglected, still has a decent amount of people
using it. We use a wrapper around WindowSession to correct the Z
ordering on calls to relayout().

Again, trust me, the fragility is known. However a better rationale
is, that when this app, that as you said "will likely break," ...
breaks, it would be assumed that support for the broken version of the
OS would also be dropped ;)


On Jun 16, 6:57 pm, Dianne Hackborn  wrote:
> Don't do this.  This is not a security issue at all; it just makes an app
> that will likely break itself.
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Greg Giacovelli wrote:
> > Hi,
> > So I came across this today and was wondering does this work in
> > production app or does it merely work because my phone allows non
> > market apks.
> > Here is an example,
> > Take a class like, android.view.IWindow, and copy it's source into
> > your project and recompile it after changing a few things. (Don't
> > rename or repackage it).
> > Now when your APK loads in the VM, something odd happens.
> > 06-15 23:30:32.148: DEBUG/installd(555): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/
> > vmdl22987.tmp' ---
> > 06-15 23:30:32.818: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1062): DexOpt: 'Landroid/view/
> > IWindow;' has an earlier definition; blocking out
> > 06-15 23:30:32.818: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1062): DexOpt: 'Landroid/view/
> > IWindowSession;' has an earlier definition; blocking out
> > 06-15 23:30:33.218: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1062): DexOpt: not verifying
> > 'Landroid/view/IWindow;': multiple definitions
> > 06-15 23:30:33.218: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1062): DexOpt: not verifying
> > 'Landroid/view/IWindowSession;': multiple definitions
> > So the logging is a little ambiguous, but is it saying that the
> > classes in this APK are blocking out previous versions and that these
> > new classes aren't being verified. If so I hope this is only
> > succeeding because as developers most targets are in development mode
> > when allowing non market apks (non rooted phones). However does this
> > work in market released apps as well? This seems like a really nasty
> > security exploit if I can override system interfaces just for my
> > application.
> > -Greg
> > -Greg
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > cr...@googlegroups.com>
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> hack...@android.com
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.

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[android-developers] Re: usb driver mytouch slide

2010-06-17 Thread dlugolinski
All you need to do is open the android_winusb.ini file that is in the
drivers folder of the SDK. then add this to the file

;MyTouch Slide
%SingleAdbInterface%= USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0E03
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0E03&MI_01
%SingleBootLoaderInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_0BB4&PID_0FFF

then reinstall the driver for your device

On Jun 3, 12:00 am, dlugolinski  wrote:
> I need the adb driver for the mytouchslide.  does it exist yet?

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Re: [android-developers] Re: switching GPS on and off

2010-06-17 Thread Mark Murphy
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:04 AM, kamiseq  wrote:
> ok, so if I have a widget on my desktop on the phone and gps is switch
> off (dispabled) how should I "enable/disable" it. I couldn't find
> anything on that.

The user does that (e.g., via the Settings application). Your code
cannot change whether GPS is enabled or disabled.

Mark Murphy

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[android-developers] Re: switching GPS on and off

2010-06-17 Thread kamiseq
ok, so if I have a widget on my desktop on the phone and gps is switch
off (dispabled) how should I "enable/disable" it. I couldn't find
anything on that.

the other thing is that when I use ddms to fake gps and I send long/
lat-d manually my location listener is telling me that for first time
status is temporary unavailable then it is available but no updates on
positions comes as I click. is it a bug or feature. I need to try this
in my phone.

On Jun 16, 2:04 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 7:42 AM, kamiseq  wrote:
> > funny cos I ve always turned on GPS before using maps or other
> > application :-)
> You may be confusing "enabled" and "on".
> For example, HTC Sense phones have a home screen feature that looks
> like an on/off switch for GPS. That, however, controls whether GPS is
> enabled. GPS is only truly powered on if some application is looking
> for location data. GPS receivers consume a fair bit of battery life,
> so you do not want to keep them powered on all of the time.
> --
> Mark Murphy
> CommonsWare
> mmur...@commonsware.comhttp://commonsware.com

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Unmarshal Parcleable in Broadcast Reviever

2010-06-17 Thread Mark Murphy
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:51 AM, mac-systems  wrote:
> Yes, docu sucks big time there, no bock even has examples how to do
> this!
> Any way to go around this ?

Don't use custom Parcelables in Intents used with alarms. Whatever you
are putting in the Parcelable is hopefully backed by a database or
other persistent storage. If so, put the key to the data in the Intent
as a primitive extra (e.g., string, integer), and load in the rest of
the data as needed.

Mark Murphy

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[android-developers] Re: Unmarshal Parcleable in Broadcast Reviever

2010-06-17 Thread mac-systems
Yes, docu sucks big time there, no bock even has examples how to do

Any way to go around this ? If tried to set the ClassLoader like this:

public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent)

Now i get new exception output (first line):

06-17 15:37:45.456: ERROR/Bundle(226): readBundle: bad magic number
06-17 15:37:45.456: ERROR/Bundle(226): readBundle: trace =
06-17 15:37:45.456: ERROR/Bundle(226): at
06-17 15:37:45.456: ERROR/Bundle(226): at
06-17 15:37:45.456: ERROR/Bundle(226): at
06-17 15:37:45.456: ERROR/Bundle(226): at
06-17 15:37:45.456: ERROR/Bundle(226): at

Whatever Magic Number there means, i beginn to think google wont like
to fix any bugs just add features!


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Re: [android-developers] Unmarshal Parcleable in Broadcast Reviever

2010-06-17 Thread Mark Murphy
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 8:53 AM, mac-systems  wrote:
> anyone can point me why i get alway a ClassNotFoundException in my
> BroadcastReviever using a custom Parcleable ?

I've seen mention of this before on this list. IIRC, Android attempts
to de-serialize the Parcelable inside the AlarmManagerService, and it
does not have your class in the OS, just in your process. Hence, the
operation fails.

Mark Murphy

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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread skink

On Jun 17, 10:48 am, Christophe 
> Shink, thank you for your answer.
> the add() and insert() work as expected.
> However it is a lot easier for me to manipulate directly my ArrayList
> (it is more flexible and the ArrayAdapter API lack some methods). I
> think I will keep my current code with the overrided getCount() method
> so I don't have to add to code to keep the ArrayAdapter in sync with
> my ArrayList.

so extend BaseAdapter or ResourceAdapter then, not ArrayAdapter


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[android-developers] Re: blank screen with opengl

2010-06-17 Thread Simone
Thank you SO much, it's just what I needed.
Awesome tutorial.

On 16 Giu, 23:40, Max Gilead  wrote:
> I'd suggest going with some basic tutorial 
> likehttp://insanitydesign.com/wp/projects/nehe-android-ports/and building on
> what you learn, modifying code little step by step so you're always a couple
> of Ctrl-Zs from a working version.
> Max

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[android-developers] Unmarshal Parcleable in Broadcast Reviever

2010-06-17 Thread mac-systems

anyone can point me why i get alway a ClassNotFoundException in my
BroadcastReviever using a custom Parcleable ?

I enqueue Alarms, which trigger the BroadcastReciever:

for (int i = 0; i < alertsToEnqueue.size(); i++)
final Alert alert = alertsToEnqueue.get(i);
final Intent intent = new Intent(_context,
intent.putExtra(IntentConstants.ALERT, alert);

final PendingIntent pendingIntent =
intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);

alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, now +
INITIAL_DELAY, (10L * 1000L), pendingIntent);

if (Logging.isLoggingEnabled())
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Enqueued Alert " + 

// In my Manifest:

Thx for your help,

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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread Christophe
Shink, thank you for your answer.

the add() and insert() work as expected.
However it is a lot easier for me to manipulate directly my ArrayList
(it is more flexible and the ArrayAdapter API lack some methods). I
think I will keep my current code with the overrided getCount() method
so I don't have to add to code to keep the ArrayAdapter in sync with
my ArrayList.

On Jun 17, 1:53 pm, skink  wrote:
> On Jun 17, 9:37 am, Christophe 
> wrote:
> > myArrayList is a simple ArrayList :
> > ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList();
> > which I give to my adapter in my ListActivity :
> > adapter = new StepItemAdapter(this, myArrayList);
> > this.setListAdapter(adapter);
> if your StepItemAdapter extends ArrayAdapter you dont need myArrayList
> > Later I add item to my list and try to refresh the view :
> > myArrayList.add(position, new Step());
> > adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
> just use adapter.add() and/or adapter.insert()
> pskink

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Re: [android-developers] Problem in stopping thread

2010-06-17 Thread Olivier Guilyardi
I personally do that kind of thing:

class MyThread extends Thread {
  private boolean done;

  public void run() {
while (true) {
  synchronized (this) {
if (done) break;

  /* do a small part of the heavy work */

/* cleanup, close files, etc.. */

  /* Call release() to stop/cancel */
  public void release() {
synchronized (this) {
  done = true;

/* Wait for run() to return */
try { join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { }


On 06/17/2010 12:42 PM, Abdul Mateen wrote:
> Hi,
> Thread.stop() and destroy were risk in the Threading class. the method I
> use to stop thread is to use return; statement where I want to stop the
> thread.
> like
> new Thread ( new Runnable() {
>  public void run(){
> if ( condition ) return; // this will stop the thread.
> }
> }).start();
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:37 PM, brijesh masrani
> mailto:masrani.brij...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to stop currently running thread but -Thread.stop()
>  -Thread.destroy() are DEPRECATED so can any one tell me how to stop
> the Thread
> -- 
> Regards,
> Brijesh Masrani
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> -- 
> Regards,
> Abdul Mateen,
> Software Engineer at Rounded Labs Ltd.
> Linux Administrator at Addictive Mobility Inc
> Mobile : +92-333-3265875.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread skink

On Jun 17, 9:37 am, Christophe 
> myArrayList is a simple ArrayList :
> ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList();
> which I give to my adapter in my ListActivity :
> adapter = new StepItemAdapter(this, myArrayList);
> this.setListAdapter(adapter);

if your StepItemAdapter extends ArrayAdapter you dont need myArrayList

> Later I add item to my list and try to refresh the view :
> myArrayList.add(position, new Step());
> adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();

just use adapter.add() and/or adapter.insert()


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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread Christophe
myArrayList is a simple ArrayList :

ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList();

which I give to my adapter in my ListActivity :

adapter = new StepItemAdapter(this, myArrayList);

Later I add item to my list and try to refresh the view :

myArrayList.add(position, new Step());

On Jun 17, 12:42 pm, skink  wrote:
> On Jun 16, 11:07 am, Christophe 
> wrote:
> > hello everyone,
> > I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> > the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> > filled the adapter with an ArrayList.
> > If I insert an element on the list and then call
> > notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter everything works fine.
> > But if I insert an element at the END of the list and then call
> > notifyDataSetChanged(), the new element doesn't  appear ...
> > And finally if I override getCount() on my adapter like this :
> > @Override
> > public int getCount() {
> >         return myArrayList.size();
> > }
> what's myArrayList and how do you append items to your ArrayAdapter?
> pskink

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Re: [android-developers] AlarmManager ceasing to function. Dropping single shot alarms.

2010-06-17 Thread Mark Murphy
On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 10:28 PM, Robert Macaulay
> What does the numbers in Alarm stats mean here? I'm assuming its the alarm
> count totals, but not sure on the time or the flg parts.

The flg=0x4 is the set of flags on the Intent in the PendingIntent. I

The 142 alarms is the number of times this alarm was fired, near as I
can tell. The 51759ms running is the aggregate time spent in
onReceive(), again, near as I can tell.

Mark Murphy

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Re: [android-developers] Prevent application from showing up when dialing.

2010-06-17 Thread Mark Murphy
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:41 AM, Achanta  wrote:
> But I just discovered that whenever I try to add another call when I
> am in a call, it promps me to complete the action using.
> 1. my app
> 2. The normal phone
> And when I click on my app, it just opens my app. I do not understand
> what is causing this and do not want my app to be shown in that list.
> Here is the snippet from manifest
>                        android:label="@string/main_header">
>                 android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Get rid of your .

> and here is what I have in my onClick method of the emergency button.
>                Intent dial_911 = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL,
> Uri.parse("tel://911"));
>                startActivity(dial_911);

Use new Intent(this, MyReallyScaryActivity.class) instead.

Mark Murphy

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Re: [android-developers] Problem in stopping thread

2010-06-17 Thread Abdul Mateen

Thread.stop() and destroy were risk in the Threading class. the method I use
to stop thread is to use return; statement where I want to stop the thread.


new Thread ( new Runnable() {

 public void run(){
if ( condition ) return; // this will stop the thread.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:37 PM, brijesh masrani

> Hello,
> I want to stop currently running thread but -Thread.stop()
>  -Thread.destroy() are DEPRECATED so can any one tell me how to stop the
> Thread
> --
> Regards,
> Brijesh Masrani
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

Abdul Mateen,
Software Engineer at Rounded Labs Ltd.
Linux Administrator at Addictive Mobility Inc
Mobile : +92-333-3265875.

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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread skink

On Jun 16, 11:07 am, Christophe 
> hello everyone,
> I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> filled the adapter with an ArrayList.
> If I insert an element on the list and then call
> notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter everything works fine.
> But if I insert an element at the END of the list and then call
> notifyDataSetChanged(), the new element doesn't  appear ...
> And finally if I override getCount() on my adapter like this :
> @Override
> public int getCount() {
>         return myArrayList.size();
> }

what's myArrayList and how do you append items to your ArrayAdapter?


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[android-developers] Thread Problem

2010-06-17 Thread brijesh

I want to stop currently running thread but -Thread.stop()  -
Thread.destroy() are DEPRECATED so can any one tell me how to stop the

Brijesh Masrani

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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread skink

On Jun 16, 11:07 am, Christophe 
> hello everyone,
> I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> filled the adapter with an ArrayList.
> If I insert an element on the list and then call
> notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter everything works fine.
> But if I insert an element at the END of the list and then call
> notifyDataSetChanged(), the new element doesn't  appear ...
> And finally if I override getCount() on my adapter like this :
> @Override
> public int getCount() {
>         return myArrayList.size();
> }

what's myArrayList and how do you append items to your ArrayAdapter?


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[android-developers] Re: Problem in stopping thread

2010-06-17 Thread brijesh masrani
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 4:07 PM, brijesh masrani

> Hello,
> I want to stop currently running thread but -Thread.stop()
>  -Thread.destroy() are DEPRECATED so can any one tell me how to stop the
> Thread

Brijesh Masrani

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[android-developers] Problem in stopping thread

2010-06-17 Thread brijesh masrani

I want to stop currently running thread but -Thread.stop()
 -Thread.destroy() are DEPRECATED so can any one tell me how to stop the

Brijesh Masrani

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Re: [android-developers] power manager (Light off) in android

2010-06-17 Thread Richard C. Cox
Hi Nandan,

  I think it's impossible to do...maybe it's possible on a rooted phone, but 
that's not what I'm after.  Maybe it will be possible in the future, with 
Gingerbread.  It appears to be something that only apps with Google's 
signature can access.

  On that quote you have from my previous message, I was just wondering if 
running the app from the emulator (rather that going through the normal 
install process) somehow was bypassing some important part of the the phones 
security process.  But, it's clear it isn't.  You are testing on a real phone 
and have the same issue.



> hi Richard
> i m running my application on device . any solution you find about this
> problem.
> i cant understand this line
> "   I'm wondering if you have to
> officially install the package to get it recognized by the emulator?   "
> what this mean...
> thank you
> With Regrads
> bhavesh
> On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 6:09 AM, Richard Cox  wrote:
> > I'm having the same issue.  I made sure the permission was set as a child
> > of
> > the manifest element in the manifest file.  It always fails in the
> > emulator with the same security exception you have.  I'm wondering if
> > you have to officially install the package to get it recognized by the
> > emulator?  I just run
> > it from eclipse with the 'run as' command.
> > 
> > Also, does anybody know why the 'reboot' method in the PowerManager class
> > seems to be missing in 2.1?
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > Richard
> > 
> > > hii .
> > > 
> > > Currently i m facing a problem to switch off light in android
> > 
> > application.
> > 
> > > i m trying to power manager  gotosleep method but its giving a
> > > below problem .
> > > 
> > > *java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity
> > > ComponentInfo{org.bhavesh/org.bhavesh.mainactivity}: *
> > > *
> > > *
> > > *java.lang.SecurityException: Neither user 10024 nor current process
> > > has android.permission.DEVICE_POWER.*
> > > 
> > > but i already given  a android.permission.DEVICE_POWER in manifest
> > > file.
> > > 
> > > can any one tell me why its happened in android. yaa any other method
> > > to off the light in android..
> > > 
> > > Thank you in advanced
> > > 
> > > With Regrads
> > > bhavesh
> > 
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
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> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > bscr...@googlegroups.com> For more options, visit this group at
> > http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread skink

On Jun 16, 11:07 am, Christophe 
> hello everyone,
> I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> filled the adapter with an ArrayList.
> If I insert an element on the list and then call
> notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter everything works fine.
> But if I insert an element at the END of the list and then call
> notifyDataSetChanged(), the new element doesn't  appear ...
> And finally if I override getCount() on my adapter like this :
> @Override
> public int getCount() {
>         return myArrayList.size();
> }

what is myArrayList and how do you append item to your ArrayAdapter?


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[android-developers] Re: Android finishActivity()

2010-06-17 Thread UD
Hi Mike,

I have mailed u a sample project.
Check out and reply back in case of any issues.


On Jun 17, 8:15 am, mike  wrote:
> hi UD,
> thanks for your explanation. but this solution will not work for Blur
> Screen. i have tried it out before.
> if you starts Activity C (Blur Activity) like
>                 Intent i = new Intent(ActivityB.this,
> ActivityC.class);
>                 startActivityForResult(i, 1001);
> then the Activity C will not appear as blur.
> have you tried this before. or i'll send you a simple sample
> regards,
> Mike

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RE: [android-developers] How to launch browser from wallpaper?

2010-06-17 Thread Ericson, Anders

Activity activity = new Activity()
is probably not a good idea.

instead, get the application context from the wallpaper:

That will probably work better.


-Original Message-
From: android-developers@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Stu.Axon
Sent: den 17 juni 2010 11:30
To: Android Developers
Subject: [android-developers] How to launch browser from wallpaper?

I'm trying to launch the browser from a wallpaper, but I get a
code looks like this:

Intent i = new Intent();


Activity activity = new Activity();

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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread Christophe
by "overriding the default ArrayAdapter" I mean overriding the
getView(), getViewTypeCount() and getItemViewType() methods.
This is the recommended way of changing the ways the items are
displayed according to the javadoc, so I guess it should not cause
problem :

"To use something other than TextViews for the array display, for
instance, ImageViews, or to have some of data besides toString()
results fill the views, override getView(int, View, ViewGroup) to
return the type of view you want."

Anyways, I have tried to remove all my overrided methods and the
problem is still there ...

On Jun 17, 10:42 am, Kumar Bibek  wrote:
> > > > I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> > > > the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> > > > filled the adapter with an ArrayList.
> This is a custom array adapter.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kumar Bibekhttp://tech-droid.blogspot.com
> On Jun 17, 1:27 pm, Christophe 
> wrote:
> > the only example I have found for ArrayAdapter in the API example
> > doesn't show how to add element in the array :
> >http://developer.android.com/resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/examp...
> > and getCount() is not overrided in this example ...
> > On Jun 16, 9:39 pm, Kumar Bibek  wrote:
> > > You have to override the getCount method. Please go through the
> > > examples to check how the Adapters work.
> > > Thanks and Regards,
> > > Kumar Bibekhttp://tech-droid.blogspot.com
> > > On Jun 16, 6:07 pm, Christophe 
> > > wrote:
> > > > hello everyone,
> > > > I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> > > > the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> > > > filled the adapter with an ArrayList.
> > > > If I insert an element on the list and then call
> > > > notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter everything works fine.
> > > > But if I insert an element at the END of the list and then call
> > > > notifyDataSetChanged(), the new element doesn't  appear ...
> > > > And finally if I override getCount() on my adapter like this :
> > > > @Override
> > > > public int getCount() {
> > > >         return myArrayList.size();
> > > > }
> > > > then everything works fine.
> > > > Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?

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[android-developers] How to launch browser from wallpaper?

2010-06-17 Thread Stu.Axon
I'm trying to launch the browser from a wallpaper, but I get a
code looks like this:

Intent i = new Intent();


Activity activity = new Activity();

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[android-developers] Re: Android finishActivity()

2010-06-17 Thread UD
Hi Mike,

Yes I have done similar thing earlier. And it surely works.
You should have missed some entries in Activity, manifest, styles etc
for making the Activity background blur/translucent.

I have created a demo project to demonstrate this. Tell me how can I
send u the project. mail or some web upload?

Udayan Warnekar
Android Application Developer

On Jun 17, 8:15 am, mike  wrote:
> hi UD,
> thanks for your explanation. but this solution will not work for Blur
> Screen. i have tried it out before.
> if you starts Activity C (Blur Activity) like
>                 Intent i = new Intent(ActivityB.this,
> ActivityC.class);
>                 startActivityForResult(i, 1001);
> then the Activity C will not appear as blur.
> have you tried this before. or i'll send you a simple sample
> regards,
> Mike

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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread Kumar Bibek
> > > I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> > > the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> > > filled the adapter with an ArrayList.

This is a custom array adapter.

Thanks and Regards,
Kumar Bibek

On Jun 17, 1:27 pm, Christophe 
> the only example I have found for ArrayAdapter in the API example
> doesn't show how to add element in the array :
> http://developer.android.com/resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/examp...
> and getCount() is not overrided in this example ...
> On Jun 16, 9:39 pm, Kumar Bibek  wrote:
> > You have to override the getCount method. Please go through the
> > examples to check how the Adapters work.
> > Thanks and Regards,
> > Kumar Bibekhttp://tech-droid.blogspot.com
> > On Jun 16, 6:07 pm, Christophe 
> > wrote:
> > > hello everyone,
> > > I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> > > the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> > > filled the adapter with an ArrayList.
> > > If I insert an element on the list and then call
> > > notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter everything works fine.
> > > But if I insert an element at the END of the list and then call
> > > notifyDataSetChanged(), the new element doesn't  appear ...
> > > And finally if I override getCount() on my adapter like this :
> > > @Override
> > > public int getCount() {
> > >         return myArrayList.size();
> > > }
> > > then everything works fine.
> > > Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?

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[android-developers] Misplaced Layout after “home ”-button and/or powersave screen

2010-06-17 Thread MobDev

Hi, I have an app which also includes a service with a Notification.
Right now I am experiencing the foillowing problem :

* I start my app which will work fine
* after couple of minutes the powersave kicks in and I get a black
* I (or hte user) click the Menu-button to dismiss the black
screen and to unlock the screenlock
* Now my (fullscreen) app will have "moved" like 30-40 pixels
downwards, creating an ugly black border or hole. When I move the
scrollwheel it will move up and down, and when I press the Menu button
(showing my ap''s menu) it will "fix" the view...


* I start my app which will work fine
* I press the Home button exiting the app, my service though will
(correctly) keep running
* when selecting my service from the notification-bar I will get
once again : -Now my (fullscreen) app will have "moved" like 30-40
pixels downwards, creating an ugly black border or hole. When I move
the scrollwheel it will move up and down, and when I press the Menu
button (showing my ap''s menu) it will "fix" the view...

Any idea what the problem is ? The app is running on a ADP2 with
Android 1.6 Thanks in advance !

Ok, after some testing I noticed that if I don't run the Activity on
Fullscreen, but just leave the TtileBar away this won't happen...
Still this is no solution to me, I want it to be fullscreen...

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[android-developers] Re: ProgressBar.setProgressDrawable bug

2010-06-17 Thread David

@IS02 I have faced the same Problems. I Defined my own
ProgressDrawable and changed the PrimaryProgess Drawable inside it but
then the Backgrounddrawable still was there but the Progress
@Droidsan could you post an example please? I don't quite get what you



On 17 Jun., 10:02, droidsan  wrote:
> When using the progress drawable provided by the Android platform it
> should not be possible to change the color dynamically as you cannot
> access the GradientDrawable. The resource ID for the GradientDrawable
> used as progress indication is defined in com.android.internal.R and
> you do not have access to it from your application. Changing colors
> dynamically should be possible if you use your own drawable as
> progress drawable.
> The platform's (horizontal) progress drawable is a clipped
> GradientDrawable inside a LayerDrawable 
> (seehttp://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/frameworks/base.git;a=blob_...).
> You can use it in your application and replace the progress drawable
> with it. However, to get access to the GradientDrawable from Java you
> should package the GradientDrawable inside a ScaleDrawable (instead of
> packaging it inside of a ClipDrawable). Then you can get access to it
> via ScaleDrawable.getDrawable().
> Kind regards
> Droidsan
> On Jun 17, 7:39 am, haric zhu  wrote:
> > Have you made an xml like default theme does?
> > 2010/6/17 ls02 
> > > Apparently ProgressBar.setProgressDrawable has bug, if called to set
> > > new drawable, progress bar disappears completely. Is there any other
> > > way to change progress bar color dynamically at run time?
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> > > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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> > > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> > --
> > Best Regards
> > Haric

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[android-developers] Re: ProgressBar.setProgressDrawable bug

2010-06-17 Thread Dave Rowntree
hi is02
I found the same problem :(
It only occurs setting the ProgressDrawable in code. If you set it in
xml it works ok.

A workaround is to define another (dummy) ProgressBar/SeekBar in your
xml layout (you can define it as invisible), and set that one's
ProgressDrawable in your xml to your drawable (e.g.

You can then access and use the invisible progressbar's
progressDrawable in code (dummyProgressBar.getProgressDrawable), and
set it as the progressDrawable of any other progressbar/seekbar  (e.g.

If you need several alternative progressdrawables for your
progressbar, you can define a dummy invisible progressbar for each
alternative. (adds an overhead to screen layout of course but hey, it
is a workaround).

Putting dummy progressbar's progressdrawables into Drawable objects in
your activity is better than re-acquiring them every time from a dummy
progressbar. e.g.

Drawable progressDrawableDefault;
Drawable progressDrawable2;

progressDrawableDefault = myProgressBar.getProgressDrawable();
progressDrawable2 = dummyProgressBar2.getProgressDrawable();

You can then allocate any of your drawables to your main progressbar.

Do remember though, allocating the same drawable to multiple progress
bars is NOT good. e.g. changes to one ProgressBar.progress affects the
display of ALL progress bars progress sharing the same
progressdrawable resource(hence the need to use dummy progressbars).

Hope this helps.

On Jun 16, 11:38 pm, ls02  wrote:
> Apparently ProgressBar.setProgressDrawable has bug, if called to set
> new drawable, progress bar disappears completely. Is there any other
> way to change progress bar color dynamically at run time?

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[android-developers] Re: bug with notifyDataSetChanged() in ArrayAdapter ?

2010-06-17 Thread Christophe
the only example I have found for ArrayAdapter in the API example
doesn't show how to add element in the array :


and getCount() is not overrided in this example ...

On Jun 16, 9:39 pm, Kumar Bibek  wrote:
> You have to override the getCount method. Please go through the
> examples to check how the Adapters work.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kumar Bibekhttp://tech-droid.blogspot.com
> On Jun 16, 6:07 pm, Christophe 
> wrote:
> > hello everyone,
> > I have a strange problem with one of my ListActivity. I have overrided
> > the default ArrayAdapter in order to customize my list. I have then
> > filled the adapter with an ArrayList.
> > If I insert an element on the list and then call
> > notifyDataSetChanged() on the adapter everything works fine.
> > But if I insert an element at the END of the list and then call
> > notifyDataSetChanged(), the new element doesn't  appear ...
> > And finally if I override getCount() on my adapter like this :
> > @Override
> > public int getCount() {
> >         return myArrayList.size();
> > }
> > then everything works fine.
> > Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong ?

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[android-developers] Re: ProgressBar.setProgressDrawable bug

2010-06-17 Thread droidsan
When using the progress drawable provided by the Android platform it
should not be possible to change the color dynamically as you cannot
access the GradientDrawable. The resource ID for the GradientDrawable
used as progress indication is defined in com.android.internal.R and
you do not have access to it from your application. Changing colors
dynamically should be possible if you use your own drawable as
progress drawable.

The platform's (horizontal) progress drawable is a clipped
GradientDrawable inside a LayerDrawable (see
You can use it in your application and replace the progress drawable
with it. However, to get access to the GradientDrawable from Java you
should package the GradientDrawable inside a ScaleDrawable (instead of
packaging it inside of a ClipDrawable). Then you can get access to it
via ScaleDrawable.getDrawable().

Kind regards


On Jun 17, 7:39 am, haric zhu  wrote:
> Have you made an xml like default theme does?
> 2010/6/17 ls02 
> > Apparently ProgressBar.setProgressDrawable has bug, if called to set
> > new drawable, progress bar disappears completely. Is there any other
> > way to change progress bar color dynamically at run time?
> > --
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> --
> Best Regards
> Haric

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[android-developers] what is the better application to implement XML program

2010-06-17 Thread Muataz aziz
what is the better application to implement XML program , XML Schema
please I have problem with  implement XML >


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[android-developers] Re: Disabling back button when the alert dialog box is on the screen

2010-06-17 Thread Kumar Bibek
Alert Dialogs have a few methods to achieve this.

setCancellable ... Check them out.

Thanks and Regards,
Kumar Bibek

On Jun 17, 10:34 am, beneesh baby  wrote:
> Hi,
>     How to disable the back button when the alert box  is on the
> screen 
> I used onKeyDown function in the activity.but when back button
> button is clicked it first cancels the dialog box and goes to our
> activity...I want both either both activity and dialog box closed when
> clicking the back button or disable the back button when the dialog
> box is shown...
> can any one suggest any solutions for this
> Thanks in advance,
> Beneesh

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Re: [android-developers] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

2010-06-17 Thread Romain Guy
When you get such an error it's because *your* process is running out
of memory. Other processes have nothing to do with it. You are using
too much memory in your process and blowing past the heap limit (16 MB
or 24 MB depending on the device you're using.)

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Amit  wrote:
> Hi
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
> I am getting this message in my log. As I investigated and found out
> while loading contact image this error comes.I checked  size of the
> image file and it was normal so came to a conclusion that other
> processes filling up the memory and hence at the time this image is
> being loaded ,VM running low of memory.
> My question is that, is there any tool to figure out which process is
> responsible for occupying memory so that we can look into the process
> for the exact reason.
> Thanks,
> Amit
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
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Romain Guy
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time
to provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on
public forums, where I and others can see and answer them

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[android-developers] Re: Playing live stream (RTP) in MediaPlayer

2010-06-17 Thread Jez

I'll give this a try on the 2.1 (Desire) and see if it'll work - as
I'm slightly suspiscious that
it may have problems with TRUE live video (aka from an encoder) but
will post here with what I find.

Hoping always

On Jun 9, 9:00 am, Andy Savage  wrote:
> On the subject of this thread I have submitted a bug report... For those
> interested you may want to star it or add any useful 
> comments:http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=8959&q=rtp&colspec=...
> I hope we can get this resolved. I'm not really a skilled enough coder to
> fix this issue myself (in the C sources). But anybody who could help would
> be much appreciated.
> --
> "The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that
> will allow a solution"
> - Bertrand Russell
> Andy Savage
> Cell Phone: +852 936 34341
> Skype ID: andy_savage
> Linked In:http://www.linkedin.com/in/andysavage
> On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Andy Savage  wrote:
> > You simply pass the RTSP url to MediaPlayer (although I think this
> > functionality was somewhat broken before 2.1 so I can't be certain that it
> > will work in 1.6-2.0).
> > You can play it in the same way that you would play a file (but instead of
> > passing the file descriptor pass the URL as a string).
> > --
> > "The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that
> > will allow a solution"
> > - Bertrand Russell
> > Andy Savage
> > Cell Phone: +852 936 34341
> > Skype ID: andy_savage
> > Linked In:http://www.linkedin.com/in/andysavage
> > On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Jez  wrote:
> >> I'm confused by RTSP streaming - I've been trying to stream a LIVE
> >> video to Android (2.1)
> >> and not sure from the discussion here and previous posts that I've
> >> seen if Android can actually receive and play
> >> a LIVE video stream? I don't need any control of the video at all so
> >> just need to stream it.
> >> Jez
> >> On Jun 1, 2:30 am, Andy Savage  wrote:
> >> > In my example I am using SIP, so the SDP information is actually
> >> exchanged
> >> > this way.
> >> > The RTSP is simply for receiving as a hack to Android's built in
> >> (arbitrary)
> >> > limitations. So the idea is to take the SDP for receiving and wrap it
> >> over
> >> > RTSP.
> >> > --
> >> > "The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way
> >> that
> >> > will allow a solution"
> >> > - Bertrand Russell
> >> > Andy Savage
> >> > Cell Phone: +852 936 34341
> >> > Skype ID: andy_savage
> >> > Linked In:http://www.linkedin.com/in/andysavage
> >> > On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Ignas 
> >> wrote:
> >> > > There is a technical limitation to what SDP can legally convey. A
> >> > > single SDP document can contain only one end of media "conversation".
> >> > > Therefore it is technically impossible to setup streaming with just
> >> > > one SDP document there have to be an exchange. When using RTSP or SIP
> >> > > terminals exchange their SDP information and thus get to know where to
> >> > > stream to and from where to accept the stream.
> >> > > MediaPlayer could accept just one SDP (i.e. streamer's), but then how
> >> > > would streamer would know where to transmit? Both of them have to
> >> > > exchange at least supported CODEC information and connection
> >> > > information (port and IP).
> >> > > Maybe I am just not aware of SDP format with two node's information.
> >> > > Can someone share an example?
> >> > > On May 27, 3:22 pm, debelyoo  wrote:
> >> > > > I agree with Andy's comment:
> >> > > > On May 25, 8:36 am, Andy Savage  wrote:
> >> > > > > There seems to be a limitation that means that it will only accept
> >> SDP
> >> > > > > information with RTP streams inside if it gets them from the RTSP
> >> > > stream
> >> > > > > (e.g. it gets this information from SETUP in the RTSP protocal).
> >> > > > It is possible to play a stream by requesting it via a RTSP request
> >> > > > (both audio and video are sent over RTP and the MediaPlayer is able
> >> to
> >> > > > decode and play them).
> >> > > > But it is not possible to play live RTP stream by requesting the SDP
> >> > > > file directly (via an HTTP request). The RTP streams (audio and
> >> video)
> >> > > > are sent to the device from the server. The MediaPlayer should
> >> "just"
> >> > > > get the SDP file, listen on the proper ports and decode the streams.
> >> > > > But it generates an error and do not play the streams.
> >> > > > Jean
> >> > > --
> >> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >> > > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> >> > > To post to this group, send email to
> >> android-developers@googlegroups.com
> >> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >> > > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> >> 
> >> > > For more options, visit this group at
> >> > >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en-Hide quoted
> >> text -
> >> > - Show quoted text -
> >> 

[android-developers] Re: Droid Incredible Not Returning Valid DeviceID?

2010-06-17 Thread Maps.Huge.Info (Maps API Guru)
Have you considered using Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID instead? It seems
relatively stable and doesn't require additional permissions to use

-John Coryat

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[android-developers] How to use AudioManager.OnAudioFocusChangeListener in FroYo?

2010-06-17 Thread mort
I'd like to respond in my music player to other apps (like Maps)
gaining an audio focus.
However, I only found requestAudioFocus to pass a listener. But I
don't want the focus (it's just fine to have music in background), I
just want to be notified if some other app requests it.
Did I miss(understand) something? Or isn't own handling necessary at
all and Android mutes/softens the volume itself? However, esp. for
audio books it might be a good idea to pause instead of just mute the
sound, so having a listener wound be nice anyway...

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[android-developers] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget

2010-06-17 Thread Amit

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
I am getting this message in my log. As I investigated and found out
while loading contact image this error comes.I checked  size of the
image file and it was normal so came to a conclusion that other
processes filling up the memory and hence at the time this image is
being loaded ,VM running low of memory.

My question is that, is there any tool to figure out which process is
responsible for occupying memory so that we can look into the process
for the exact reason.


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