[android-developers] Re: For a published application if I upgrade minSdk requirement to higher level what will happen?

2010-08-24 Thread mort
 Update your current app to do nothing more than show a dialog with a link to
 your new app in the market.

This would annoy users of old devices even more. Imagine you download
an update, and then it's just a dialog that tells you to download an
app you can't find in the Market.
However, you could query the system version in e.g. onCreate of the
main activity (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK, do NOT use SDK_INT, it
doesn't exist in 1.5!), and if it's Android 2.0 (5) or higher, show an
AlertDialog that points to the new version. You might linkt to the
Market entry with one button, like
dialog.setButton(getString(R.string.market), new
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
try {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(market://details?
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri));
catch( Exception e ) {}

 On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Warren warrenba...@gmail.com wrote:
  That may be useful in many situations, and I always appreciate suggestions,
  but it is not always feasible.
 Why not?

Because the code can get pretty messy and bloated with lots of version
checks and reflection. It also forces you to do lots of things in code
that could otherwise be done in XML files, like using THEME_WALLPAPER.
Last not least there are some possibilities that can't be easily
worked around with reflection, especially added interface methods like
BaseExpandableListAdapter.getChild/ParentType(Count) that only work
since FroYo (while with older versions you have to bloat memory by
creating a new view for each element). I think there's also some
simlyfied button listener concept that was established after 1.5, but
I can't find it currently...

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[android-developers] User request refund 20 days after purchase

2010-08-24 Thread Federico Paolinelli
I just got an email from an user that says that she want me to refund
her (0.99 eur) because my app causes her nexus one to lock up.

Now, apart from the curiosity of find out the cause of this lock up,
what is the most correct thing to do? I asked her more detail in order
to find the problem, but after this, should I give her the money
What do you all do in this kind of situation? Has this ever happened
to you?

Thanks in advance


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[android-developers] Re: How to check the Foreground Process from a Service

2010-08-24 Thread FrankG
Yes, if you have both sides in your hand. But the basis of
my assumption was, that this is not the case.

Example Requirement : Don't pop up the triggered dialog,
   if a certain 3rd Party dialog is
already shown.

Good luck ! Frank

On 23 Aug., 14:10, nation-x shawn.payme...@gmail.com wrote:
 You can send a broadcast to your foreground process using a receiver
 that triggers the foreground process to call a method in the service
 from onReceive().

 Android Workz

 On Aug 20, 4:25 pm, Call_Waiting team.mu.capt...@gmail.com wrote:

  Does anyone know how to, or if it's even possible to check the
  (foreground process/top of the activity stack) from a service?- Zitierten 
  Text ausblenden -

 - Zitierten Text anzeigen -

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[android-developers] Re: LVL found to be easy to crack

2010-08-24 Thread Hugo Visser
Even native code doesn't help you, the call to the native method can
also be decompiled and patched, without bothering with the native code
at all. Like John says, it's an inherit problem of a language that
runs on the vm: you can decompile the byte code. You can just make it
harder to find the point to patch in the decompiled code.
They will always be able to pirate your app, but it's not as easy as
copying the apk and putting it up on a website anymore. So in that
sense it helps.


On Aug 24, 6:48 am, a1 arco...@gmail.com wrote:
 It's really simple, if you use stock implementation of LVL your app
 will be cracked in no time, otherwise (if you make the code
 complicated enough and then obfuscate) it will take at least week or
 two to crack it. If you use native code and put most of the antypiracy
 code there you will be good for long time.

 Bart Janusz (Beepstreet)

 On 23 Sie, 23:50, Brad bradfull...@gmail.com wrote:

  Well, just as I was finishing adding LVL support to my apps, I come
  across this article:


  Of course we all knew that this new copy protection could be broken
  (as is the case for all DRM), but I guess I had hoped that it would
  take a little more effort.   Looks like this will turn out to be a
  one-click crack.

  Will Google up the ante?  Is it a lost cause on such an open platform?

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[android-developers] Re: User request refund 20 days after purchase

2010-08-24 Thread String
On Aug 24, 7:11 am, Federico Paolinelli fedep...@gmail.com wrote:

 Now, apart from the curiosity of find out the cause of this lock up,

Does your app use OpenGL? There's a bug deep in the Android OpenGL
implementation which can cause this. Search this group for
waitForCondition for more information, although not necessarily a
solution. :^(

 what is the most correct thing to do? I asked her more detail in order
 to find the problem, but after this, should I give her the money

It's really your call. You're under no obligation to refund it after
24-48 hours, but in the interest of customer relations, it would
probably be the right thing to do. My feeling is always that I don't
want their 0.99 at the expense of an unhappy customer, but that's me.


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[android-developers] Cannot get LED notifications to work on my Motorola Droid (with Froyo)

2010-08-24 Thread Brian Swartzfager
I know others have posted with this general problem, but I've read the
Android developer page on the topic, as well as several forum and blog
posts (such as 
and no matter what I do, the LED light will not blink.

I've tried it with DEFAULT_LIGHTS:

NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)
int icon = R.drawable.icon;
CharSequence tickerText = Test 1;
long when = System.currentTimeMillis();
Notification notification = new Notification(icon, tickerText, when);
notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_LIGHTS;
final int HELLO_ID = 1;
mNotificationManager.notify(HELLO_ID, notification);

...and with custom lighting settings:

NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager)
int icon = R.drawable.icon;
CharSequence tickerText = Test 2;
long when = System.currentTimeMillis();
Notification notification = new Notification(icon, tickerText, when);
notification.ledARGB = 0xff00ff00;
notification.ledOnMS = 300;
notification.ledOffMS = 1000;
notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS;
final int HELLO_ID = 1;
mNotificationManager.notify(HELLO_ID, notification);

...but nothing happens (no error and no light).  I can get the same
notification to play the default notification sound and to vibrate the
phone, but the LED simply won't work (and I know the light physically
works, as I see it flash for email and such).

I thought perhaps it might be a color issue, but I've tried a few
color values with no luck.

I'm pretty much looking for any sort of suggestions, whether they be
color values worth trying or any sample code from anyone who's
successfully done LED notifications on a Motorola Droid running 2.1 or
higher (I noticed one or two posts referenced some sort of bug with
LED notifications on the Droid but no details were provided).

I will also mention (in case it's relevant, though I doubt that it is)
that I am defining a custom layout for my notifications.


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[android-developers] Home screen widget container

2010-08-24 Thread Alex Roebuck
Are home screen pages exposed in the API?  Can you instantiate and control

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[android-developers] Parcelable and Inheritance

2010-08-24 Thread nirjon

(1) This thing is working:

I have written a service (say, S) and a class (say manager, M) that
uses that service and they also have a common interface defined by
aidl file. I have a custom class (say, C) that is passed from M to S,
and so I implemented parcelable interface for C and everything works

public class C implements parcelable{
  //parcelable related things

  public int foo(int n){

object_of_M.method(new C()); // within this method C's foo() is

(2) This thing is not working:

But now I am creating another class (say A) that extends C and it only
has overridden the method foo(). A looks like this:

public class A extends C {
 public int foo(int b){
   //this is the overridden method.

Then I call the method like:

object_of_M.method(new A());

My problem is, everything compiles and builds fine. But when I call
the 'method' of M, it is not working properly. foo() is not working as
a virtual method. Instead of calling A's foo(), C's foo() is being

What change I need to do so that the virtual method overriding concept
still works in this case?

NOTE: what I am trying to do is to supply user specified logic to the
service S. And I want that user can just extend C and override

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Re: [android-developers] dlopen error, with working libraries on other phone

2010-08-24 Thread David Turner
Your library seems to be linked against an internal system library (i.e. one
that is not exposed by the NDK). If this is the case, this kind of problem
is totally normal, each OEM and each platform release is free to modify
these system libraries, and sometimes this will break apps that depend
carelessly on them.

On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 7:18 PM, hadesz hades...@gmail.com wrote:


 I have a problem:
 Cant load library with my phone, but an other can open it, why?

 logcat message:I/dalvikvm( 2747): Unable to dlopen(/system/lib/
 libfmradio_jni.so): Cannot load library: link_image[
 1721]:  1959 could not load needed library 'libfmradioplayer.so' for
 'libfmradio_jni.so' (reloc_libr
 ary[1244]:  1959 cannot locate

 and yes, the other lib is there too



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[android-developers] USB ports on N1 - usable?

2010-08-24 Thread hsmith
Assuming I have a USB device I want to attach to a N1, would it be
usable? Lets assume I have the drivers or can write them to interact
with the device. Is the support for USB that extensive on Android

I can find information about making the phone a host, charging, ect,
but I can't find information beyond that.


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[android-developers] Re: Maps API - controlling size of streets, font?

2010-08-24 Thread Sari
On my Nexus One, the font is really small but it becomes larger and
looks a little more like the Maps application when I make sure
android:anyDensity=false in my supports-screens element in the
manifest. Like the following:

  android:anyDensity=false /

Hope this helps.

On Jul 29, 6:22 pm, JP joachim.pfeif...@gmail.com wrote:
 Out of the box,MapView'spresentation of streets and their labels
 (street names) is rather small-ish. Is there any way to control this?
 Comparing aMapView-based app against Google's Maps app, the
 difference is rather obvious, in particular when zooming out. Has
 anybody found a switch to modify the behavior of the underlyingMapViewto 
 get closer to where Googls Maps' behavior is?

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[android-developers] Dynamic preferences for a variable number of profiles in an Android app

2010-08-24 Thread Unitedroad
   I am looking for a way to create dynamic preferences where I don't
need to hard code the preference key and I could have a variable
number of preferences.
Basically, my application will let the user create a multiple number
of profiles and each of these profiles will save custom values for a
fixed number of preferences.
So this way, the user does not have to change the preferences every
time he wants this app to run differently, he can just switch the
One way I think will work is by subclassing all the standard
Preference classes and calling their setKey method with my custom
preference key, containing the profile name, but this is ugly.
So is there a cleaner and more standards compliant way to do this?

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[android-developers] MotionEvent HistorySize and multiple Pointers

2010-08-24 Thread sztupy
I couldn't find a definite reference for the size of a MotionEvents
history, when there are multiple pointers. The reference says that if
you use a getHistorical* function, you might pass it a history
position which is somewhere between [0..getHistorySize()-1]. But in a
lot of examples handling multitouch if there are multiple pointers
they only use history positions between [0..getHistorySize()/
getPointers()-1] (so they divide the history's size with the number of
pointers). Which one is the correct way?


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[android-developers] Best way to store restaurant data

2010-08-24 Thread Dominic
I want to have a list of restaurants with information such as
addresses and phone numbers in my app. I also want to be able to edit
this information after the app is published. What is the standard way
for doing this? Would I need to use a SQLite database?

Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks.

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[android-developers] Query regarding MMS in android emulator

2010-08-24 Thread Leeza
I am learning android myself and i stuck with one problem.  I am
trying to send MMS from one emulator to another emulator.(I got
success in sending SMS between emulator)

According to Android 1.0 SDK, Release 1--
http://developer.android.com/sdk/RELEASENOTES.html  --  it says it is
not possible to send mms for SDK 1.0. But i am using higher version of

So my question is, is it possible to send MMS between emulator and if
yes how because i am using RECEIVE_MMS  permission in Manifest file
also and still even not able to send MMS. I tried differenct code
availabe online but not getting any success in that.

Thank You!

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RE: [android-developers] Button State does not toggle automatically!! Help!

2010-08-24 Thread Marian Raafat


Try button.setEnabled(false);

I hope that would help :)


-Original Message-
From: android-developers@googlegroups.com
[mailto:android-develop...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Abhi
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 4:30 AM
To: Android Developers
Subject: [android-developers] Button State does not toggle
automatically!! Help!


I am trying to get the button in my layout to have focus as I am
programmatically changing its state. My application is a video player
using VideoView. I am toggling the state of the button based on where
my video is. So basically, I am doing videoview.getCurrentPosition()
and if it is in a certain window, I want to toggle my Button state
(enabled to disabled and vice versa). The layout is LinearLayout and I
have the VideoView and Button layed horizontally. When I first had the
MediaController in my Video, the button would change focus on touching
the videoview (which is when the MediaController would pop up). I
later removed the controller because I didn't want the button state to
change when the user touches the screen. I want it to change

I tried all sorts of combinations possible. button.setFocusable(),
button.requestFocus(), button.bringToFront() and so on. But none of
them seem to work.

Is there any way I can make it toggle programatically and without user
intervention through touch? or is it impossible to do it with the



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[android-developers] Newbie's Android problem

2010-08-24 Thread erakovic.bo...@gmail.com
Hi, I have just start to develop android, and I just cannot start my
Hello World application.
I have followed instructions about android installation, I have
changed several Eclipse IDE's, but still, when I press f11 to compile,
it 'does' some job int he background, activate my virtual device, but
wont to behave just as it should!
Only  Android . . .  is displayed on the screen, which mean that my
class isn't 'loaded', somehow.
This is sample class :

view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

   1. package test.and;
   2. import android.app.Activity;
   3. import android.os.Bundle;
   4. import android.view.View;
   5. import android.widget.Button;
   6. import android.widget.EditText;
   7. import android.widget.TextView;
  10. public class TestAppActiv extends Activity {
  11. Button button1;
  12. EditText txtbox1,txtbox2;
  13. TextView tv;
  15. /** Called when the activity is first created. */
  16. @Override
  17. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  18. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  19. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  20. txtbox1= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtbox1);
  21. button1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1);
  22. tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.lbl1);
  23. txtbox2= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtbox2);
  24. button1.setOnClickListener(new Clicker());
  25. }
  26. class Clicker implements Button.OnClickListener
  27. {
  28. public void onClick(View v)
  29. {
  30. String a,b;
  31. Integer vis;
  32. a = txtbox1.getText().toString();
  33. b = txtbox2.getText().toString();
  34. vis = Integer.parseInt(a)+Integer.parseInt(b);
  35. tv.setText(vis.toString());
  36. }
  37. }
  38. }

package test.and; import android.app.Activity; import
android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import
android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import
android.widget.TextView; public class TestAppActiv extends Activity
{ Button button1; EditText txtbox1,txtbox2; TextView tv; /** Called
when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void
onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
{ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main);
txtbox1= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtbox1); button1 = (Button)
findViewById(R.id.button1); tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.lbl1);
txtbox2= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtbox2);
button1.setOnClickListener(new Clicker()); } class Clicker implements
Button.OnClickListener { public void onClick(View v) { String a,b;
Integer vis; a = txtbox1.getText().toString(); b =
txtbox2.getText().toString(); vis = Integer.parseInt(a)
+Integer.parseInt(b); tv.setText(vis.toString()); } } }
And, also main.xml file, which reflect contains xml representation of
display window :
main.xml :
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

   1. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
   2. AbsoluteLayout
   3. android:id=@+id/widget35
   4. android:layout_width=fill_parent
   5. android:layout_height=fill_parent
   6. xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
   8. EditText
   9. android:id=@+id/txtbox1
  10. android:layout_width=145px
  11. android:layout_height=40px
  12. android:text=EditText
  13. android:textSize=18sp
  14. android:layout_x=75px
  15. android:layout_y=54px
  17. /EditText
  18. EditText
  19. android:id=@+id/txtbox2
  20. android:layout_width=144px
  21. android:layout_height=40px
  22. android:text=EditText
  23. android:textSize=18sp
  24. android:layout_x=75px
  25. android:layout_y=109px
  27. /EditText
  28. Button
  29. android:id=@+id/button1
  30. android:layout_width=106px
  31. android:layout_height=36px
  32. android:text=Button
  33. android:layout_x=88px
  34. android:layout_y=224px
  36. /Button
  37. TextView
  38. android:id=@+id/lbl1
  39. android:layout_width=141px
  40. android:layout_height=wrap_content
  41. android:text=TextView
  42. android:layout_x=76px
  43. android:layout_y=166px
  45. /TextView
  46. /AbsoluteLayout

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? AbsoluteLayout android:id=@
+id/widget35 android:layout_width=fill_parent
android:layout_height=fill_parent xmlns:android=http://
schemas.android.com/apk/res/android  EditText android:id=@+id/
txtbox1 android:layout_width=145px android:layout_height=40px
android:text=EditText android:textSize=18sp
android:layout_x=75px android:layout_y=54px  /EditText
EditText android:id=@+id/txtbox2 android:layout_width=144px
android:layout_height=40px android:text=EditText
android:textSize=18sp android:layout_x=75px
android:layout_y=109px  /EditText Button android:id=@+id/
button1 android:layout_width=106px android:layout_height=36px
android:text=Button android:layout_x=88px android:layout_y=224px
 /Button TextView android:id=@+id/lbl1
android:layout_width=141px android:layout_height=wrap_content
android:text=TextView android:layout_x=76px
android:layout_y=166px  /TextView /AbsoluteLayout

then, strings.xml :
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

   1. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
   2. resources

[android-developers] app idea?

2010-08-24 Thread Łûňąţýk
Okay well i just wanted to ask for a app ...ok well we have a.
Facebook n MySpace ...could we get a behi app ? Plz ? Thanks for

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[android-developers] Eclipse version for Windows 7 64-bit and JDK 1.6.0_21 64 bit

2010-08-24 Thread Hackenbush
I am preparing a new computer for Android development using Eclipse.
My system attributes are:

OS: Wiindows 7 Professional x64
JDK: JDK 1.6.0_21 64 bit

I am wondering whether I should install a 32 or 64 bit version of
Eclipse 3.5 (Ganymede).  Any help would be much appreciated.

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[android-developers] IPowerManager

2010-08-24 Thread apilink
Hi experts, anybody knows how can I get in my sdk the package
IPowerManager instead of PowerManager. I am trying to change the
screen birghtness programatically.

Thaks in advance

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[android-developers] New to Android and programming

2010-08-24 Thread Droidblazer00
HI everyone,
as the title says i'm new to the Android community, and i don't have
much experience on the development side either. but i am very
interested in getting started.  I see that Android apps are based off
of Java... So would it be better for me to learn Java before getting
started with the SDK and eclipse? Or is it just the same to jump right
in on App development and learn on the fly? Thank you for the help


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[android-developers] CodeSnipr Learning can be simple!!

2010-08-24 Thread bapi
 All the group members right at here, we people recently lunched a
website CodeSnipr based on Computer language like (PHP, RUBBY, HTML,
etc.). CodeSnipr will provide you access to user generated tutorials.
Here you can post your code snippet and learn from other's snippet. We
believe learning can be simple. We want your feedback about this
tutorial please visit to join this : http://www.codesnipr.com/.

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[android-developers] Memory usage profiling an openGL application?

2010-08-24 Thread 39thstreet
How do I find out how much memory my openGL application is using at
any given moment, including sounds, textures, and everything else?
I've been wrestling with DDMS for hours and all it seems to show me is
basic object allocation counts.  I must be missing something, but I
haven't had any luck searching.

I've got an otherwise operational beta Android game which crashes out
after a while on my device (Droid X).  I'm fairly sure my problem is
that my textures are not being properly cleared from memory.  I'd like
to confirm this fact before I start blindly making changes.   My game
does fairly frequent level transitions.  During these transitions I
typically dump a texture file, wait a bit, then load a new one.

Over time the application performance degrades.  After 10 or so
transitions frame rate starts to take a nose dive.  10 or so more and
it usually dies.  Prior to dying I see log messages like this:
08-23 12:26:58.038: DEBUG/Cursor(1265): fillWindow is not executed
because Cursor object is closed.
08-23 12:27:27.186: INFO/ActivityManager(1239): Low Memory: No more
background processes.

And then eventually:
08-23 12:27:46.952: INFO/ActivityManager(1239): Process
com.thup.lunchbox (pid 4927) has died.

There are no specific error messages of any sort.  I've got lots of
ideas for things to try to fix this (e,g, glDeleteTextures), but I
really want a way to measure before I start trying to fix.

Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

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[android-developers] Can I use Android source code in my Application(Commercial)

2010-08-24 Thread om
can i use android apps source code from google like calendar, todo
list directly in my commercial application..

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[android-developers] Problem with SAX parsing

2010-08-24 Thread Atokarev
Hi there. I could not get any inner elements during the xml parsing.
looks like parser see only outer tag A.
Could you show me error?

B b=ab/B
C c=ac/C
D d=ad/D
E e=ae/E
When i call parse function - only A-tag was processed.


xr.parse(new InputSource(url.openStream()));

if (localName.equals(A))
if (localName.equals(B))
String a= atts.getValue(b);
values.put(b, b);
else if (localName.equals(C))
int c = Integer.parseInt(atts.getValue(c));
values.put(c, c);
else if (localName.equals(D))
double d= Double.parseDouble(atts.getValue(d));
values.put(d, d);

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[android-developers] insert musical unicode

2010-08-24 Thread bamboolouie
I try to use the setTypeface to display musical unicode symbols, but
it doesn't work. Here is my code. Any workaround?

  .java file
public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {

TextView tv=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.minim);
Typeface face=Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),


  ,xml file
Button android:id=@+id/minim
android:text= i copy paste the note from word.doc, but is only
show up square 

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[android-developers] Re: Service start intent problem

2010-08-24 Thread anders

I got the same issue, here's my code snapshot:

(code from the Activity that starts the Service...)

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(key1, val1);
bundle.putString(key2, val2);

Intent intent = new Intent(TheActivity.this, TheService.class);

(code that throws random NPE in Service class)

public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
super.onStart(intent, startId);
bundle = intent.getExtras(); // throws random NPE

I've never received the NPE on my HTC Hero with Android 2.1 update1,
but I've got 16 crash reports in the Developer Console, 10 from
OTHERS, 3 from Nexus One and 3 from Droid.

What is happening here?


On Aug 12, 3:35 am, Alex Xin xinxi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Frank

 I can give it a try.

 Above code snapshot works perfect and on my Android 1.6 based phone, but
 random FC on Nexus One.


 On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Frank Weiss fewe...@gmail.com wrote:
  Does it FC when you use getIntent() instead of the parameter to onStart?

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[android-developers] how to select tag

2010-08-24 Thread kids
I'm very sorry for my poor english , wish u can pardon me...thx

After anti-investigation on the latitude and longitude drawn on MAP
But I want to change into a label, I can choose the label you want to
I will show the information stored in SQL there are two activity but
I've managed to overlay the map
No way to click on the option had no idea that part of the code may
need to modify the link to getHitMapLocation

I've two activity

This is first one


and then second one


I can overlay but no way to onTap

look like http://www.flickr.com/photos/44995...@n07/4920261104/

It's my ideal

how have any way or proposed for me


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[android-developers] Re: NPE on WebView.onWindowFocusChanged

2010-08-24 Thread Fluckysan
I'm getting these report for Android 2.0 to 2.2 on Sholes and Droid
I don't know if they are the only one


On 21 août, 23:01, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 It would help if people say the device(s) and version(s) of the platform
 they are seeing this on.

 On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 3:32 AM, Jim jimblack...@gmail.com wrote:
  I am seeing this issue in the wild also.


  On Aug 18, 10:56 am, Sharyu sharyuer...@gmail.com wrote:
   I also met this issue when launch a new activity to cover a webview.
   Can anyone helps?

   On 6月29日, 下午10时13分, GJTorikian gjtorik...@gmail.com wrote:


I'm getting crash reports from my app out in the wild. Problem is, I
don't know what's causing it. The only place I'm using WebKit is when
constructing an -in-app help browser. Here's the full stack trace:

        at android.view.View.dispatchWindowFocusChanged(View.java:3788)
        at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(ViewRoot.java:1921)
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
        at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4627)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit
        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:626)
        at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

The help browser window takes the full screen, with a bar at the
bottom for help and done buttons. The only way I can conceive of
the help window losing focus is if someone clicks outside of the bar,
or the screen dims. Will catching and throwing the NPE be sufficient
for eliminating this error, or do I need to add some further metadata
in the Android Manifest XML?

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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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[android-developers] Android 2.2 Voice Recognition Sample problem And Speech Recognition with file

2010-08-24 Thread bibinours
I'm using android emulator (SDK 2.2) with Eclipse and I tried to do
work the sample VoiceRecognition.java but it returns to me this
message Recognizer not present. What's the matter? I read on
different forums a problem with the initial system image, should I
upgrade system image or there is nothing to do with this?

I have another problem, I would like to use an wav or mp3 like input
of my speech recognizer (instead of audio record with microphone), how
to do this? is it possible or not?

Thank you.

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[android-developers] How to switch the mobile network in program?

2010-08-24 Thread M.Allam
I searched the forum but didn't get the answer.
Currently I have 2 mobile networks for my mobile andriod say they are
A and B.
A has EDGE and B only has GPRS.

Is there a way to automatically detect the mobile networks if there
are A and B then choose A?
Or just simplely choose A no matter whether there is B availible?

I look into the java doc but it seems there are only
ConnectivityManager classe related to this and none of them can handle


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[android-developers] SMS to Contact

2010-08-24 Thread nirm
Hello all,
How can I send a SMS and the contact person will appear in the To
input field?
Until now I have managed to insert his phone to the To input, but
when I send his name or contact id I don’t get the DISPLAY_NAME

Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO);

//sendIntent.putExtra(address, phoneNumber); Display the actual
Have a nice day

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[android-developers] User Space Hardware Abstraction Layer Development Guide

2010-08-24 Thread Techie
Hi All,

  I would like to know if there is any documents or related web links
for device driver development on User Space Abstraction Layer .
  I would appreciate if anyone can give me how this really works in
real world scenario.


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[android-developers] Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView

2010-08-24 Thread Rohan Balakrishnan
I have a SurfaceView that is being used to draw custom animations, and
I would like to overlay them onto a live-feed from the phone's camera.
Currently, the SurfaceView that contains the animations has a white-
background, but if I were to overlay them onto the phone's camera
feed, they would have to be transparent. The camera and animation
drawing cannot be done on the same SurfaceView.

Is it possible to make a SurfaceView transparent? What is the best
course to pursue the use of multiple views?

My end goal is to essentially overlay the contents of another
SurfaceView onto the Camera SurfaceView.

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[android-developers] [IPC] Return custom objects tree

2010-08-24 Thread Giordano
Hi everyone :)

it's the first message I post in this group, even though I lurked and
posted from time to time in #android-dev.
I have a question about  IPC.

At work we are developing 2 applications:
1 - a service running in background and preparing some data.
2 - an application that takes the data from the service and uses it
for something.

The problem is that service 1) should be able to pass an object like

class CustomObject{

   private AnotherCustomObject aco = new AnotherCustomObject();

   public AnotherCustomObject getObject(){
   return aco;


and application 2) should be able to retrieve such object and call the
method getObject()

How do I achieve this? I was thinking of doing like so:
1) create an aidl file for AnotherCustomObject and for CustomObject.
Something like ICustomObject and IAnotherCustomObject.
2) on the service 1) side, make CustomObject implement ICustomObject
and Parcelable and AnotherCustomObject implement IAnotherCustomObject
and Parcelable and write the implementation of the methods.
3) on the application 2) side, import the aidl files and use the
automatically generated interfaces to manipulate the custom objects.

Is this the correct way to do this in your opinion? In point 2) should
I extend the stubs instead?

Thanks in advance for your hints.


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[android-developers] Re: Service start intent problem

2010-08-24 Thread anders

I've got the same issue, here's my code snapshot:

(code from the Activity that starts the service)

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(key1, val1);
bundle.putString(key2, val2);

Intent intent = new Intent(TheActivity.this, TheService.class);

(code from the service that throws the random NPE)

public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
super.onStart(intent, startId);
bundle = intent.getExtras(); // throws random NPE

I've never gotten the NPE on my HTC Hero with Android 2.1 update1, but
I've received 13 crash reports in Market Developer Console, 10 from
OTHERS, 3 from Nexus One and 3 from Droid.

What is going on here?


On Aug 12, 3:35 am, Alex Xin xinxi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, Frank

 I can give it a try.

 Above code snapshot works perfect and on my Android 1.6 based phone, but
 random FC on Nexus One.


 On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Frank Weiss fewe...@gmail.com wrote:
  Does it FC when you use getIntent() instead of the parameter to onStart?

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[android-developers] how to write data to the existing xml file using code in android

2010-08-24 Thread Rammi
Hi i want to add new nodes to the exiting xml file in android  to save
imageurl so plz help to find a solution to add new nodes to existing
xml file, so that i can use the xml data later..


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[android-developers] Re: Traceview only getting 5 seconds of data

2010-08-24 Thread Mike Reed
I'm seeing the same thing right now, but it's only 4300ms. One run I
got 3700ms, and another was 4000ms. I have no idea why it's missing so

On Aug 17, 7:17 am, Cleverson clevers...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm usingtraceviewto identify bottlenecks in my app. If I use the
 emulator, everything works fine. But when the device is used, no
 matter how long I run the app,traceviewonly gets the initial 5
 seconds of my session and nothing more.
 I also noticed an error message in the console:Traceview: (unknown:10301): 
 GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called
 multiple times

 Have you ever experienced this problem?
 Any tip?
 Thanks in advance!

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[android-developers] seeking information to get started

2010-08-24 Thread ashwin shekhar
hi all,
am very new to androids n want to know more abt t.
pls give me informations abt SDK ,JDK,, eclipse etc n why they r
used ???
how do i install n use tat...
pls posts links to videos n otr ...

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[android-developers] hyphenated Android directory names and SVN

2010-08-24 Thread andrew
I am having trouble committing to my svn repository changes made in
files in my Android project in folders that have a hyphen in the name.

In particular /res/layout and /res/layout-land.

It *seems* that the svn client doesn't like the hyphen and truncates
that segment of the url after the hyphen, thus mapping /layout and /
layout-land onto the same url...

Problems include:-
- can't check in two files of same name, one each in /layout and /
layout-land as they refer to the same URL
- can't delete/add files from hyphenated folder as they don't
exist/already exist
- I suspect a commit from the hyphenated folder is overwriting the
file in the non-hyphenated folder in the repository.

I have tried to avoid the problem using the subeclipse plug-in for svn
I normally use, from the svn command line (on Windows 7) and with
Tortoise SVN, without success.

Does anyone know of a workaround?

Is there anyway to avoid hyphens in these folder names?

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[android-developers] What am I looking for

2010-08-24 Thread Robert Templeton

I'm trying to build a web application. What I am trying to accomplish
in this is, go to website and take the webpage and modify it or
manipulate it to look a specific way. The webpage is an already
established page, but I want to manipulate it in android to look
differently than what is displayed usually.

I looked into a thing called parsing and was wondering if this is what
I need to continue doing research for to accomplish this or am I
heading in the wrong direction. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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[android-developers] Re: Shadow on top of a layout on ActivityGroup

2010-08-24 Thread frank.sposaro
Hi. Would you mind posting your code or an example using
I have a Widget that I want to show up on everytab in a TabHost.

On Jul 16, 5:29 am, pabbot pabloabads...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everyone,

 I'm trying to give my first steps on working with ActivityGroups. To
 be more specific, I have a parent activity with a layout containing
 several buttons, and another layout below them in order to add other
 activities' layouts by means of the addView() method. Well,
 everything works fine in functionality terms; but I'm experiencing a
 weird behavior inside the layout where other activities are kind of
 loaded into.
 A black line along the top border of the layout plus a slight shadow
 do appear when I run the application on the emulator. I have tried to
 play changing the paddings, margins, etc. with no success.

 Has any of you experienced such weird behavior?

 Many thanks in advance!

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[android-developers] Re: Greystripe experiences?

2010-08-24 Thread charlie
hey -

in full disclosure, i'm connected to the company so do not have an
unbiased opinion. that being said:

1. i know they do monthly payments. i've never heard of issues with
2. i believe their eCPM is competitive. when asking about eCPM of
networks, make sure you take fill rate into account. a really high
eCPM with minimal fill can of course be a good bit lower than a decent
eCPM on close to 100% fill.

that's my 2 biased cents!


On Aug 22, 7:22 pm, andfan22 andfa...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all

 Is anyone using Greystrip for ads within their apps?  Care to share

 In particular:

 1. Any hassles getting payments from them?

 2. eCPM comparisons with other ad networks?

 Many thanks ...

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[android-developers] does Google forbid orientation animation on purpose?

2010-08-24 Thread Xiao
I'm reading the android source code, and wanna make orientation
animation. I've found that when I rotate the screen, the code will be
executed to public boolean setRotationUncheckedLocked(int rotation,
int animFlags){}, in which there's a line
startFreezingDisplayLocked(). If this method works, there's no
animation when I rotate the screen. Thus, I wanna know whether Google
forbid orientation animation on purpose, and if I wanna make an
animation, whether just use stopFreezingDisplayLocked() instead?
Thanks a lot.

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[android-developers] appSearchData usage

2010-08-24 Thread bennybeta

I am kicking off a search using Quick Search Bar like below, using
extra data in the appSearchData bundle:

Bundle appSearchData = new Bundle();
appSearchData.putString( EXTRA_LIST_ID, this.listId );
startSearch( null, false, appSearchData, false );

How can I access the information in the appSearchData bundle from the
triggered Search Activity?

Thank you...

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[android-developers] Re: LVL found to be easy to crack

2010-08-24 Thread Jonas Larsson
An official response would great.

As I (and many others) see it the main reason for Android app
piracy is paid app unavailability in most countries. When most
users have the option of being honest and pay, most would.
Until Google enables the full Market in all countries the
incitement to crack and distribute apps remains.

When LVL was announced I played with it a bit to see how
easy it was to crack. The fact is; it's much easier than the
article on AndroidPolice shows. No need to analyze switch
statements etc. There is a much better place to modify the
disassembled code that makes it trivial to implement a generic
patcher using available open source tools and shell scripts.
As to where in the (potentially obfuscated code) I refer to
I leave that as an exercise for the crackers. Google surely knew
all this even before LVL was announced...

The official response, or lack thereof, will be interesting.

On Aug 23, 11:50 pm, Brad bradfull...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well, just as I was finishing adding LVL support to my apps, I come
 across this article:


 Of course we all knew that this new copy protection could be broken
 (as is the case for all DRM), but I guess I had hoped that it would
 take a little more effort.   Looks like this will turn out to be a
 one-click crack.

 Will Google up the ante?  Is it a lost cause on such an open platform?

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[android-developers] keytool error - unknown format

2010-08-24 Thread David Tiago

I am trying to get a debug maps API Key, but when I run the keytool
program I get the following error in my Windows 7 64bits computer:

erro de keytool: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown format
type at

At first I thoght it was a problem about the 64 bits JDK.
But after remove the 64 bits JDK, install the 32 bits one and
reinstall Android SDK, the problem still happening.

I run the keytool using this command line:

keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:\...\.android
\debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android

The file debug.keystore exists and seems to be ok.

Is there any incompatibility between 32 bits JDK, Android SDK and 64
bits Windows 7?
Am I doing something wrong?

Please, help.

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[android-developers] Re: appSearchData usage

2010-08-24 Thread Ben Edwards
Figured it out.  Within the Search Activity access the appSearchData like

Bundle appSearchData = intent.getBundleExtra( SearchManager.APP_DATA );

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 2:40 PM, bennybeta bennyb...@gmail.com wrote:


 I am kicking off a search using Quick Search Bar like below, using
 extra data in the appSearchData bundle:

 Bundle appSearchData = new Bundle();
 appSearchData.putString( EXTRA_LIST_ID, this.listId );
 startSearch( null, false, appSearchData, false );

 How can I access the information in the appSearchData bundle from the
 triggered Search Activity?

 Thank you...

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[android-developers] airplane mode on

2010-08-24 Thread andrtuto
Hello :)

Sorry for my English, I use the Google translator.

I ask about a small application that I'm doing.

This is a custom control panel with the things I most use my own
phone, you know, something to personalize it a bit

I put a direct button to call my home, a shortcut to the music player,
another for a given e-mail address, etc..

Now I want to put a button to turn on airplane mode to at night, but
this is where I'm confused.

I found a lot about AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGED, which I understand is used
to detect changes in airplane mode, but can not get anything to work,
or what I find or what I do ... or do nothing or give forced closure.
At this point I should clarify that I'm using the permissions of the
manifest (android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS,
android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS ...)

I really do not want a button that I change the status, what I want is
a button that simply activate an airplane mode.

Someone would have an explanation or example of how I can do this?

Thank you very much in advance for everything and kind regards :)

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[android-developers] Widget RemoteViews question

2010-08-24 Thread Alex Roebuck
I have created a widget that uses a sequence of images.  I want to be able
to change the sequence of images at runtime, depending on user configuration
(e.g. Use blue theme, Use red theme).  


I thought creating a resource array for each sequence would work, but that
generates an array of drawables, whereas the setImageViewResource(int, int)
method on RemoteViews takes a resource ID.


What is the best way to abstract the images that the widget uses, so they
can be loaded during runtime?  Ultimately, I want to be able to load them
from another package, so that I can supply skins for my widget.


Will I have to use setImageViewBitmap?  





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[android-developers] creating default.properties when making a project using IntelliJ Idea

2010-08-24 Thread Ankit
I am using InteliJ Idea Community edition to develop android apps. I
was trying to write UnitTests for a HelloWorld App as described in
. However I keep on getting an error

Found main project package: com.example.helloandroid
Found main project activity: .HelloAndroid
Error: Unable to load the main project's default.properties

On going through the files that were created by InteliJ Idea, I saw
that all the files as mentioned in 
are being created except for defaul.properties and build.properties.

Is there any way we can create these files?

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[android-developers] emulator performance

2010-08-24 Thread CHENG LUO
Hi there,

So I developed a small 3d game on Android 1.6 with JPCT, the free 3d
game engine Android version. It seems the frame rate is really low on
emulator(5 frames per second)
Did I miss something to speed up the emulator or it is normal, I
should test the game with real device?


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[android-developers] Application Screenshots

2010-08-24 Thread hex6
Who is the idiot that decided to convert application screenshots to
JPG on the market?  And is it ever going to get fixed?

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[android-developers] Problem Installing app

2010-08-24 Thread Ajmer singh

I am working on a Android application , When i tried to download the My App
to My Motorola Droid 2.2 ,It gives an error that Problem in parsing,I am
using Ecllipse and Api 2.1 for development, Please let me know what could be
the issue.

Please help.

*Thanks and Regards
Ajmer Singh*

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Re: [android-developers] Re: User request refund 20 days after purchase

2010-08-24 Thread Federico Paolinelli
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 8:37 AM, String sterling.ud...@googlemail.com wrote:
 On Aug 24, 7:11 am, Federico Paolinelli fedep...@gmail.com wrote:

 Now, apart from the curiosity of find out the cause of this lock up,

 Does your app use OpenGL? There's a bug deep in the Android OpenGL
 implementation which can cause this. Search this group for
 waitForCondition for more information, although not necessarily a
 solution. :^(

Not at all. My app (DroidAlone) has a couple of broadcast receiver to
handle sms and calls, but no opengl at all.
It's the first report I get.

 what is the most correct thing to do? I asked her more detail in order
 to find the problem, but after this, should I give her the money

 It's really your call. You're under no obligation to refund it after
 24-48 hours, but in the interest of customer relations, it would
 probably be the right thing to do. My feeling is always that I don't
 want their 0.99 at the expense of an unhappy customer, but that's me.

So it's mine, but I wanted to share before taking a decision. How can
I refund her? Is there some option in google checkout?


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Re: [android-developers] does Google forbid orientation animation on purpose?

2010-08-24 Thread Dianne Hackborn
What do you mean forbid?  The standard platform doesn't have one
implemented.  This is not something that is accessible for apps, so not
relevant for this group.

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 8:12 PM, Xiao lingxiao1...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm reading the android source code, and wanna make orientation
 animation. I've found that when I rotate the screen, the code will be
 executed to public boolean setRotationUncheckedLocked(int rotation,
 int animFlags){}, in which there's a line
 startFreezingDisplayLocked(). If this method works, there's no
 animation when I rotate the screen. Thus, I wanna know whether Google
 forbid orientation animation on purpose, and if I wanna make an
 animation, whether just use stopFreezingDisplayLocked() instead?
 Thanks a lot.

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Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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[android-developers] I want to get system permission?

2010-08-24 Thread CaryWang
I have a application  I write android:sharedUserId=android.uid.system in
AndroidManifest.xml. I want to get system permission.I install to HTC mobile
phone.but install fail.error info :Package ... has no signatures that match
those in shared user android.uid.system. I application need
android.uid.system,don't remove.what can i should how to do?


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[android-developers] Re: User request refund 20 days after purchase

2010-08-24 Thread KG
Change your email address.

On Aug 23, 11:11 pm, Federico Paolinelli fedep...@gmail.com wrote:
 I just got an email from an user that says that she want me to refund
 her (0.99 eur) because my app causes her nexus one to lock up.

 Now, apart from the curiosity of find out the cause of this lock up,
 what is the most correct thing to do? I asked her more detail in order
 to find the problem, but after this, should I give her the money
 What do you all do in this kind of situation? Has this ever happened
 to you?

 Thanks in advance


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Re: [android-developers] User request refund 20 days after purchase

2010-08-24 Thread Kostya Vasilyev
 Ask her if she's running a task killer or any other kind of Android 
improvement utility.

Every time I get an email from a user saying that my app locks up, 
doesn't update, etc. - it turns out they are running one of those. Once 
they get rid of it, problems go away.

It's really curious why these users don't even consider task killers as 
a possible cause of problems.

-- Kostya

24.08.2010 10:11, Federico Paolinelli пишет:

I just got an email from an user that says that she want me to refund
her (0.99 eur) because my app causes her nexus one to lock up.

Now, apart from the curiosity of find out the cause of this lock up,
what is the most correct thing to do? I asked her more detail in order
to find the problem, but after this, should I give her the money
What do you all do in this kind of situation? Has this ever happened
to you?

Thanks in advance


Kostya Vasilev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget -- http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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Re: [android-developers] User Space Hardware Abstraction Layer Development Guide

2010-08-24 Thread lee dallas
I would suggest you to have a look of the overlay code in
In the new HAL architecutre, it introduced a stub concept which replaced
the legacy architecture which load the c/c++ library from java
application/service directly. In stub, you need to implement some
interfaces and provide them to hardware service. For example if you wanna
implement a LED, the architecture will be:

Kernel Driver (driver to control the LED hardware) - syscall (open, close,
ioctl for LED, etc.) - hardware/libhardware/module/led (the led HAL
interfaces or stub ) - framework/base/services/jni/
com_android_server_LedService.cpp (the java native interface for LED )-
framework/base/service/java/com/android/server/LedService.java (the java
interface of LED service - framwork/base/core/java
/android/hardware/LedManager (the java code of LED manager) and
ILedService.aidl (the android interface description language file for LED)
- LED application

2010/8/23 Techie tech4t...@gmail.com

 Hi All,

  I would like to know if there is any documents or related web links
 for device driver development on User Space Abstraction Layer .
  I would appreciate if anyone can give me how this really works in
 real world scenario.


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Re: [android-developers] emulator performance

2010-08-24 Thread lee dallas
The emulator make use of software opengl library. So it's normal to have a
low performance.

2010/8/24 CHENG LUO stand...@gmail.com

 Hi there,

 So I developed a small 3d game on Android 1.6 with JPCT, the free 3d
 game engine Android version. It seems the frame rate is really low on
 emulator(5 frames per second)
 Did I miss something to speed up the emulator or it is normal, I
 should test the game with real device?


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Re: [android-developers] seeking information to get started

2010-08-24 Thread lee dallas

2010/8/24 ashwin shekhar ashwinshekh...@gmail.com

 hi all,
 am very new to androids n want to know more abt t.
 pls give me informations abt SDK ,JDK,, eclipse etc n why they r
 used ???
 how do i install n use tat...
 pls posts links to videos n otr ...

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Re: [android-developers] Re: User request refund 20 days after purchase

2010-08-24 Thread Rocky
Change the email is not a solution,
Try to resolve the problem, it is not a matter of once u sold ur product
that it.


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 12:49 PM, KG kevinconca...@gmail.com wrote:

 Change your email address.

 On Aug 23, 11:11 pm, Federico Paolinelli fedep...@gmail.com wrote:
  I just got an email from an user that says that she want me to refund
  her (0.99 eur) because my app causes her nexus one to lock up.
  Now, apart from the curiosity of find out the cause of this lock up,
  what is the most correct thing to do? I asked her more detail in order
  to find the problem, but after this, should I give her the money
  What do you all do in this kind of situation? Has this ever happened
  to you?
  Thanks in advance

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Thanks  Regards

Rakesh Kumar Jha
Consultant(Software Developer)
Symphony Services Corp (India) Pvt Ltd
(O) +918030273740
(R) +919886336619

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[android-developers] Monkey tool: Launch a particular Activity

2010-08-24 Thread George
I want to launch only a single Activity in a package using Monkey and
allow it to perform the random event testing. The only option I see to
use -c with CATEGORY_MONKEY and modify my activity in the
AndroidManifest to add this category to my activity?  Though when I
tried with an activity with android.intent.category.DEFAULT, it exited
without running any tests.

Any idea if this is supported - launching only a single Activity with

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Re: [android-developers] Re: User request refund 20 days after purchase

2010-08-24 Thread Federico Paolinelli
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Rocky rkjhaw1...@gmail.com wrote:

 Change the email is not a solution,
 Try to resolve the problem, it is not a matter of once u sold ur product
 that it.


I wasn't considering that an option :-)

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Re: [android-developers] does Google forbid orientation animation on purpose?

2010-08-24 Thread xiao ling
I'm researching the source code, and I wanna implement an animation for
default screen rotation. I just need some help.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.comwrote:

 What do you mean forbid?  The standard platform doesn't have one
 implemented.  This is not something that is accessible for apps, so not
 relevant for this group.

   On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 8:12 PM, Xiao lingxiao1...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm reading the android source code, and wanna make orientation
 animation. I've found that when I rotate the screen, the code will be
 executed to public boolean setRotationUncheckedLocked(int rotation,
 int animFlags){}, in which there's a line
 startFreezingDisplayLocked(). If this method works, there's no
 animation when I rotate the screen. Thus, I wanna know whether Google
 forbid orientation animation on purpose, and if I wanna make an
 animation, whether just use stopFreezingDisplayLocked() instead?
 Thanks a lot.

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 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
 questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
 answer them.

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Xiao Ling

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[android-developers] Virtual KeyPad for Android on OMAP Processor

2010-08-24 Thread rakesh bohra

I've deployed Android on Omap Processor Board.
I've also created some android application which requires user
interface (Alpha -Numeric ) input from User.
Can anybody help me to invoke the android Virtual Keypad on OMAP
Processor ?

Your reply will be highly appreciated.

Thanks  Regards,
Rakesh Bohra

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Re: [android-developers] Re: So can we use Directions API or not in Android?

2010-08-24 Thread Filip Havlicek
And you are sure based on what? Your assumption? I'm just telling you what
is written.

Use of the Google Directions API is subject to a query limit of 2,500
directions requests per day.

Nothing else is written there about the public limitations. I'm pretty sure
the limitations is for all the applications because 1) for public usage, you
don't need any key 2) from user point of view, who would request 2500
directions per day? I'm sure practical user maximum would be around 100-200
request. And this limitation is there IMHO for rendering usage of this API
in a core of commercial navigation softwares (ie TomTom) impossible, because
they would make a lot of money on this basic API (I don't own any of this
software, but from what I know, that's just what they do -
directions+maps+reading, that could be done with Google APIs in a few days).

Although I'm sure I can be ultimately wrong (although in that case, I would
be curious why noone would be exploiting these APIs to make profit).

Best regards,
Filip Havlicek

2010/8/24 davemac davemac...@gmail.com

 That doesn't sound quite right. I'm sure that the limit is either
 based on the signature of the app (questionable) or based somehow on
 the user who's using it. Either way I'm not sure how Google could
 possibly figure either one out. If it's the latter as I suspect, then
 I should be fine using the Directions API in my app, with some sort of
 notice to the user that only 2500 requests per day are allowed. If
 it's the former, then I'm most likely out of luck.

 Anyone else know?

 - dave

 On Aug 22, 11:31 am, Filip Havlicek havlicek.fi...@gmail.com wrote:
  As far as I know, the 2500 requests per day is for all applications out
  there (be it desktop, mobile or whatever), so your application really
  rely on this directions API since it can be brought offline in less then
  hour by all the applications using it. (And in my opinion that's why
  is using it for anything but debugging.)
  2010/8/22 davemac davemac...@gmail.com
   I would love to be able to use the Directions API in my Android app,
   but I'm confused by the information in the Directions API
   so the short form of my question is: can Android apps use the Google
   Directions API?
   It clearly states the intended audience includes mobile developers.
   But it also states that you're limited to 2500 requests per day. Does
   this mean my app, if deployed to thousands of devices, is in total
   restricted to 2500 requests per day? How could the Google server tell
   anyway? Based on IP address? In which case I may be okay. The docs
   also say no API key is required so again it would seem the Google
   servers have nothing to use to accumulate a counter of requests per
   day. Still, I don't want to be in violation of any Google Terms of
   So is it okay or not? Thanks in advance.
   - dave
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Re: [android-developers] LVL found to be easy to crack

2010-08-24 Thread Kostya Vasilyev

 The article states:

Even when mangles in ProGuard the licensing library code is easily 
found automatically. Since you compile the licensing library into your 
own code you can make some changes to it to make it harder to find when 
obfuscated though.

Perhaps it is possible for Google to re-implement LVL with more 
attention to security, before it's widely rolled out?

Doing it as part of Market application, with only simple allow/deny 
passed over RPC is probably more secure. Market app is signed with the 
platform key, and the firmware checks the signature, right?

Various protection policies could be managed by the server, based on 
settings in the developer console. I think having two basic ones (strict 
and cached, with configurable frequency and number of checks) would 
probably cover a vast majority of what's needed.

-- Kostya

24.08.2010 1:50, Brad пишет:

Well, just as I was finishing adding LVL support to my apps, I come
across this article:


Of course we all knew that this new copy protection could be broken
(as is the case for all DRM), but I guess I had hoped that it would
take a little more effort.   Looks like this will turn out to be a
one-click crack.

Will Google up the ante?  Is it a lost cause on such an open platform?

Kostya Vasilev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget -- http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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Re: [android-developers] Re: LVL found to be easy to crack

2010-08-24 Thread Trevor Johns
So far, in all the cases of cracked apps we've seen, it's been because of
the following:

1. The developer did not run a code obfuscating tool (such as ProGuard) on
their application; and,
2. The developer implemented the LVL as a drop-in library, without making
any modifications to the library code or API.

Let be clear here: the LVL is not a panacea. As shipped, it will protect
against casual copying. However, if somebody is determined enough to take a
decompiler to your APK, you have to be a bit more diligent about how you
integrate it.

There's a reason that we ship the LVL as source code rather than as a JAR
file. We encourage you to do things like change the entry/exit points,
subtly tweak the logic in LicenseChecker and LicenseValidator, and even move
all the entire library into your project's package. Think of the LVL as a
framework for a license check mechanism: it's an excellent starting point,
and all the tools (or rather, APIs) you need are there, but don't treat it
as a black box.

And I *strongly* encourage you to run a code obfuscater, such as ProGuard.
If you decompile an application and see symbols like allow(), dontAllow(),
LICENSED, NOT_LICENSED, etc., it gives crackers a pretty good hint what they
need to modify.

On top of that, pay attention to how you integrate the LVL in your
application. For example, if your application displays a dialog on license
failure, imagine what would happen if a cracker disabled the call to display
your dialog (invoking a method is a single line of bytecode, not difficult
to comment out). Will your application still terminate if the Exit button
in that dialog never gets pressed?

And even with all of this, I need to be clear: This is a client-side license
check. It's not bulletproof -- this is the nature of client-side code.
However, implemented properly, it will make your application *difficult* to

And as long as it's not possible to create an auto-crack that works on your
application (which, if you follow the rules above, shouldn't be possible),
then it's still an improvement over the old copy protection model, which
only required a rooted phone to bypass.

And if you feel this still isn't enough protection: If your application has
an online component to it (for example, a multiplayer game), it's entirely
possible to upload the license response to your server and perform a
server-side validation there. (Remember: License responses are
cryptographically signed. Even if the application has been cracked, the
actual license response data cannot be tampered with.) You could then refuse
to serve the online component of your application. Since this is all
happening on the server-side (read: trusted code), this would be absolutely
secure against attack.

And yes, we'll be publishing some articles soon on how to use ProGuard and
other techniques for securing your code against attack -- we do mention
ProGuard in our documentation, but we should probably be more explicit about
how to use it.

Trevor Johns
Google Developer Programs, Android

On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Jonas Larsson jo...@hallerud.se wrote:

 An official response would great.

 As I (and many others) see it the main reason for Android app
 piracy is paid app unavailability in most countries. When most
 users have the option of being honest and pay, most would.
 Until Google enables the full Market in all countries the
 incitement to crack and distribute apps remains.

 When LVL was announced I played with it a bit to see how
 easy it was to crack. The fact is; it's much easier than the
 article on AndroidPolice shows. No need to analyze switch
 statements etc. There is a much better place to modify the
 disassembled code that makes it trivial to implement a generic
 patcher using available open source tools and shell scripts.
 As to where in the (potentially obfuscated code) I refer to
 I leave that as an exercise for the crackers. Google surely knew
 all this even before LVL was announced...

 The official response, or lack thereof, will be interesting.

 On Aug 23, 11:50 pm, Brad bradfull...@gmail.com wrote:
  Well, just as I was finishing adding LVL support to my apps, I come
  across this article:
  Of course we all knew that this new copy protection could be broken
  (as is the case for all DRM), but I guess I had hoped that it would
  take a little more effort.   Looks like this will turn out to be a
  one-click crack.
  Will Google up the ante?  Is it a lost cause on such an open platform?

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[android-developers] Re: SSLException: Not trusted server certificate

2010-08-24 Thread Ajay

Since my app is going to access our own servers, I think I can use the
hack of trusting all certificates. I tried the following  still
fails :-(

SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();
SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory =

schemeRegistry.register(new Scheme(https, sslSocketFactory, 443));

ClientConnectionManager manager = new
ThreadSafeClientConnManager(httpParam, schemeRegistry);
DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(manager, httpParam);

Thank you,

On Aug 22, 12:10 am, Bob Kerns r...@acm.org wrote:
 The CA root certificates have very long expiration dates, so this is
 much less of a problem than you may assume.

 It's still an issue -- CA certs could possibly be revoked in the event
 of a vulnerability or theft. But those are relatively remote
 possibilities, beyond what most phone apps would need to consider.

 On Aug 21, 9:16 am, DanH danhi...@ieee.org wrote:

  The current cert may only be good for another 6-12 months.  And if the
  site isn't directly under the control of the app developer, the cert
  may change at any time, and may even be changed to use a different

  There's probably no good solution to this problem, but the best I can
  think of is to embed another app in your app that simply installs the
  necessary cert(s), then have a way for that app to be updated as

  On Aug 21, 7:09šam, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:

   Right, it does. If the site in question is part of the phone application's
   infrastructure, I personally would find it acceptable.

   Kostya Vasilyev --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

   21.08.2010 16:06 ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌØ DanH danhi...@ieee.org ÎÁÐÉÓÁÌ:

   That assumes that the web site's cert won't change for the life of the

   On Aug 21, 3:18 am, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com wrote:


A more cryptographically correct solution would be to install the
missing Óertfiicate pieces wit...
 On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.com
 š š You being able to open the site in desktop browser and on a
 š š Blackberry seems to impl...


 š š This is a hack to accept all certificates.

 š š -- Kostya

 š š 20.08.2010 16:07,...
 š š š š using the following site:http://www.digicert.com/helpandittold
 š š š š that it was installed properly on the server.

 š š š š On Aug 20, 4:39 pm, Kostya V...
 š š š š mailto:kmans...@gmail.com šwrote:

 š š š š š š šAjay,

 š š š š š š This can happen because the certificate is not signed 
 š š mailto:android-developers@googlegroups.com
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 š š android-developers+unsubscr...@googleg...
 š š 

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Re: [android-developers] LVL found to be easy to crack

2010-08-24 Thread Trevor Johns
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 12:31 AM, Kostya Vasilyev kmans...@gmail.comwrote:

  The article states:

 Even when mangles in ProGuard the licensing library code is easily found
 automatically. Since you compile the licensing library into your own code
 you can make some changes to it to make it harder to find when obfuscated

 Perhaps it is possible for Google to re-implement LVL with more attention
 to security, before it's widely rolled out?

No. Again, this is client-side code. We could spend an eternity trying to
strengthen it, and it would still be vulnerable to these kinds of attacks.
Remember: We publish the source code. Anything that Google does is also
visible to crackers. (Application developers have an advantage here: You can
modify the LVL in unique ways and *not* publish your source code.)

On top of that, once one person figured out how to crack the library, they
could write an auto-crack that would work on all applications.

The only way this works effectively is if you have heterogeneity in the
license check code between applications.

(Also: This isn't to say that there won't be future releases of the LVL
where we improve the security of the code. I'm just saying that there's no
point in completely re-implementing the LVL to magically solve all of these
issues. That's impossible. It also implies that we didn't pay attention to
security when the LVL was released -- this isn't true.)

Doing it as part of Market application, with only simple allow/deny passed
 over RPC is probably more secure. Market app is signed with the platform
 key, and the firmware checks the signature, right?

Unless you have an Android Dev Phone which allows loading custom firmware
Or a Nexus One which can have it's firmware unlocked by running 'fastboot
oem unlock'.
Or you have a phone that's normally firmware-locked but somebody figured out
how to root it anyway.

And once that's done, you could modify Android Market to return an ALLOW
response for all applications -- which would be very bad.

And on top of that, you're vulnerable to somebody decompiling the APK and
removing the code that performs the RPC check.

And you've removed the ability to perform a server-side license check if you

No, this is worse idea in every way.

Trevor Johns
Google Developer Programs, Android

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[android-developers] Re: Incoming call diverted indicator

2010-08-24 Thread mikko.martt...@arcomi.fi

I just wonder how does Nokia phones know it. I have had about 15
different models latest E90, all of them show that little arrow in
front of the callers number if the call is diverted to your number. So
this really is a phone issue.


On 19 elo, 05:36, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
 But how does the phone KNOW if it is diverted or not? Isn't the caller-
 id record exactly the same? I believe it is, since the diversion
 (redirection) is handled by the central office; you don't get the info
 that the caller dialed a different number. In that case the best you
 can do is look in your Contacts, if it isn't in your contacts, assume
 it is someone you don't know, calling the Helpdesk number diverted to
 your phone.

 There is an 'unoffical hack' to get the phone 
 number,http://markmail.org/message/bwl3zqzeyvlnnrc5. I haven't seen a cleaner
 method yet.

 On Aug 18, 12:45 am, mikko.martt...@arcomi.fi

 mikko.martt...@arcomi.fi wrote:
  I need Android program which will indicate if a call is coming from
  diverted number.

  I have a helpdesk number in my business, which is diverted to my
  normal number and I have to answer it differently. This is why I need
  to know with a sign or text or anything that the call is made to this
  helpdesk number.

  I really don't want to carry 2 phones with me.

  Please reply to my email or to forum!

  Thanks in advance!

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[android-developers] Re: USB ports on N1 - usable?

2010-08-24 Thread Chris Miller
It's not straightforward, but it is possible with a custom kernel. See this 
thread for details: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=694427

Assuming I have a USB device I want to attach to a N1, would it be
usable? Lets assume I have the drivers or can write them to interact
with the device. Is the support for USB that extensive on Android

I can find information about making the phone a host, charging, ect,
but I can't find information beyond that.


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Re: [android-developers] New to Android and programming

2010-08-24 Thread lee dallas
Just get started directly to write android app by following the dev. guide
in android offcial website.
That's what I did (I used to be a c/c++ developer).

2010/8/22 Droidblazer00 weilache...@gmail.com

 HI everyone,
 as the title says i'm new to the Android community, and i don't have
 much experience on the development side either. but i am very
 interested in getting started.  I see that Android apps are based off
 of Java... So would it be better for me to learn Java before getting
 started with the SDK and eclipse? Or is it just the same to jump right
 in on App development and learn on the fly? Thank you for the help


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[android-developers] Re: Application Screenshots

2010-08-24 Thread Yahel
This seems like a little over reaction don't you think ?

People in this group like to answer to courteous and polite questions.

That being said can we know why this such an important matter that you
feel the need to call people idiots ?


On 24 août, 01:14, hex6 hex...@gmail.com wrote:
 Who is the idiot that decided to convert application screenshots to
 JPG on the market?  And is it ever going to get fixed?

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[android-developers] Re: LVL found to be easy to crack

2010-08-24 Thread a1
If you put antipiracy check (eg. CRC checking to detect package
modification) in native code along with some other vital routines, one
will have to patch native implementation, it's of course doable, but
will take more time.

Bart Janusz (Beepstreet)

On 24 Sie, 08:34, Hugo Visser botte...@gmail.com wrote:
 Even native code doesn't help you, the call to the native method can
 also be decompiled and patched, without bothering with the native code
 at all. Like John says, it's an inherit problem of a language that
 runs on the vm: you can decompile the byte code. You can just make it
 harder to find the point to patch in the decompiled code.
 They will always be able to pirate your app, but it's not as easy as
 copying the apk and putting it up on a website anymore. So in that
 sense it helps.


 On Aug 24, 6:48 am, a1 arco...@gmail.com wrote:

  It's really simple, if you use stock implementation of LVL your app
  will be cracked in no time, otherwise (if you make the code
  complicated enough and then obfuscate) it will take at least week or
  two to crack it. If you use native code and put most of the antypiracy
  code there you will be good for long time.

  Bart Janusz (Beepstreet)

  On 23 Sie, 23:50, Brad bradfull...@gmail.com wrote:

   Well, just as I was finishing adding LVL support to my apps, I come
   across this article:


   Of course we all knew that this new copy protection could be broken
   (as is the case for all DRM), but I guess I had hoped that it would
   take a little more effort.   Looks like this will turn out to be a
   one-click crack.

   Will Google up the ante?  Is it a lost cause on such an open platform?

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[android-developers] Re: glDeleteTextures produces strange error (5572216)

2010-08-24 Thread jojoma
are you changing between the activity that uses your surface and
another one by any chance? because if you are, you're losing the EGL
context in which are kept the names/id's of the currently loaded
textures. By losing that context all this information simply
disappears, without a damn warning... took a while for me to realize
this. Anyways, if you try to delete something that does not exist
anymore, it gives some pretty unknown errors :|

you can check what I was talking about here:

On Aug 24, 5:48 am, Jason jason.poli...@gmail.com wrote:
 ok.. I may have worked this one out.

 I added an implementation of the surfaceDestroyed method in the
 GLSurfaceView and just printed a log.

 It seems the surface is being destroyed at some point before I attempt
 to delete the textures.  I can only assume it's the ViewFlipper
 causing the gl surface to be destroyed when I flip to the loading

 In this case, I'm also assuming vram will be cleared, however it does
 mean I can't have textures persisting across levels (which would be

 Still hoping someone out there has some further insight, but for now
 I'm just removing the code to delete textures.

 On Aug 24, 12:36 pm, Jason jason.poli...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi folks,

  I'm trying to get my head around how the vram is used in opengl,
  specifically when and how to clean it up.

  The Story So Far...

  I have a GLSurfaceView into which I set a Renderer implementation
  (called OpenGLRenderThread).

  This view is created (manually, by calling new) in the main Activity
  of the app.

  When the onSurfaceCreated method of the OpenGLRenderThread is called,
  I load a bunch of textures in a fairly standard way:

  gl.glGenTextures(mTextureHash.size(), mTextureNameWorkspace, 0); //
  mTextureHash is just a pseudo hashmap of texture structs,
  mTextureNameWorkspace is an int array
  // Then...
  int textureName = mTextureNameWorkspace[textureIndex]; // textureIndex
  is just an index into the mTextureNameWorkspace array
  gl.glBindTexture(GL10.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureName);

  The app runs fine, however when I try to clean up these textures at
  the end of the level (the app is a game).. I do the following:

  mTextureNameWorkspace[0] = texture.openGLName; // openGLName is the
  int reference (textureName) obtained from the previous call to
  gl.glDeleteTextures(1, mTextureNameWorkspace, 0);

  On the emulator it works fine, but on the device (HTC Desire, 2.1) I
  get a GL Error 5572216

  I have no idea what this error code is as I can't seem to find any
  reference to it.

  Now.. I understand that the VRAM references are bound to the thread
  that created them.  Hence they can only be destroyed by the same
  thread.  In my case, this thread is the OpenGLRenderThread  (Renderer)
  during the onSurfaceCreated call.  Unfortunately the Renderer
  interface does not expose an onSurfaceLost method, so I created my

  When the Level is complete, my main activity queues a request on the
  OpenGLRenderThread using the following call to the GLSurfaceView:

  queueEvent(new Runnable() {
                  public void run() {
                          // Reset the texture library

  According to javadoc for queueEvent:

  Queue a runnable to be run on the GL rendering thread

  Ok fine, so this should mean that the OpenGLRenderThread  is
  performing the call to onSurfaceLost.  This method is the one that
  then calls glDeleteTextures, and produces the error.

  So.. what am I doing wrong here?  I am not destroying the
  OpenGLRenderThread or the GLSurfaceView at any point (other than game
  exit) so I'm worried that if I don't explicitly delete the textures my
  vram will eventually fill up, or worse get into a corrupt state.

  The only other thing that may be relevant is the use of a
  ViewFlipper.  Because I want to load each level asynchronously I am
  using a ViewFlipper in the main activity to flip to a loading screen
  while all the level resources are rebuilt.  Hence when the call to
  glDeleteTextures is made, the GLSurfaceView is not actually visible...
  not sure if this is meaningful or not.

  Anyone got any bright ideas here?


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Application Screenshots

2010-08-24 Thread Miguel Morales
I agree it's a little harsh, but developers tend to have a short fuse.
I would be curious about this myself.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 1:29 AM, Yahel kaye...@gmail.com wrote:
 This seems like a little over reaction don't you think ?

 People in this group like to answer to courteous and polite questions.

 That being said can we know why this such an important matter that you
 feel the need to call people idiots ?


 On 24 août, 01:14, hex6 hex...@gmail.com wrote:
 Who is the idiot that decided to convert application screenshots to
 JPG on the market?  And is it ever going to get fixed?

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http://www.youtube.com/user/revoltingx, ~Isaiah 55:8-9

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Re: [android-developers] Re: startLayoutAnimation in reverse order

2010-08-24 Thread Klaus Kartou
I did some more research and found others with the same problem, but
no solution:


It looks like the issue is related to how the convertViews are re-used
in the adapter.
Any ideas how to solve this?

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 2:17 AM, Indicator Veritatis mej1...@yahoo.com wrote:
 As far as you can see might not be far enough. After all: if I had
 to judge by this post of yours, I would have to say tha the reason you
 do not get answers has nothing to do with any failure on the part of
 the Android team. I would say rather that you need to take to heart

 On Aug 23, 2:22 am, avigadl avig...@gmail.com wrote:
 I far as I can see questions regarding animations do not get serious
 attention from Android team.
 I have posted 3 questions, none of them got a respond.

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[android-developers] Give back memory to OS

2010-08-24 Thread Nanard

My app uses big external libraries (it will take me several months to
slowly  safely optimize it).
Anyway,my app will still be big (8-9Mo once installed).

Depending on the file the user opens, it may happend that I get Out Of
Memory.  I now catch almost all of them, display a message and stop

The user can then close the Activity (release RAM :   set variable to
null,  do gc()  runFinlanization() ..)  and get back to a 'list'

Anyway, my app still use 16Mo  (even after gc()   cleaning
objects !), and I have crash (OOF) when clicking on menu, or OOF (no
crash) when sliding in the list, or I have some OOF when opening even
small files.

It is possible to give back to the OS some RAM ?

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[android-developers] Knowledge about app ratings...

2010-08-24 Thread djdamage06
Hello everybody,

I want to know if there is a way (by the code) to know if an user have
rated our application in the Market...

Thanks a lot for your answers :)

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[android-developers] creating Hierarchical menu.

2010-08-24 Thread crajesh
Hi All,

  I am new in android. I want to create Hierarchical menu. So will you
please guide me how to create the Hierarchical menu

Thanks everyone in Advance.

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Re: [android-developers] Home screen widget container

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Murphy
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Alex Roebuck maroeb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Are home screen pages exposed in the API?

No. The home screen is an application. There are dozens of them. While
some may have some APIs you can use, I am not aware of any that do.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.1 Available!

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Re: [android-developers] I want to get system permission?

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Murphy
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 3:17 AM, CaryWang wangjf...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a application  I write android:sharedUserId=android.uid.system
 in AndroidManifest.xml. I want to get system permission.I install to HTC
 mobile phone.but install fail.error info :Package ... has no signatures that
 match those in shared user android.uid.system. I application need
 android.uid.system,don't remove.what can i should how to do?

Write your own firmware and sign it with your own signing key.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.1 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: glDeleteTextures produces strange error (5572216)

2010-08-24 Thread Jason
Hi.. thanks for the insight.

I actually considered the same case and implemented and override for
the surfaceDestroyed method of the GLSurfaceView, just to see if it
was being destroyed.

Sure enough, the gl surface is destroyed when I flip it out of view
with the ViewFlipper.

That's fine, as I can assume that the textures are destroyed
automatically, but just out of curiosity I disabled the view flipper
to prevent the surface destruction, and even when the surface is not
destroyed I still can't seem to delete textures.  I am 100% sure that
it is the Renderer thread creating, and destroying the textures,
however clearly this is NOT the thread that owns the GL context.  I
also tried executing the texture delete from within the activity
thread (via a queued message), but same problem.

I'm at a bit of a loss because they are the only two threads that I
create.. but I got side-tracked on some unexpected crashes in native
land (which may or may not be related (http://groups.google.com/group/
android-developers/browse_thread/thread/d7967cc89fe6c9cd#)) so I am
staying with the destroy the entire surface approach for now.

Not ideal, but works and I need to move onto other things so it'll
have to do.  I'd love to understand this more as I hate to use these
sort of work-arounds just because I can't solve the underlying
problem.. but too much to do...

Thanks again.

On Aug 24, 6:51 pm, jojoma thanat...@gmail.com wrote:
 are you changing between the activity that uses your surface and
 another one by any chance? because if you are, you're losing the EGL
 context in which are kept the names/id's of the currently loaded
 textures. By losing that context all this information simply
 disappears, without a damn warning... took a while for me to realize
 this. Anyways, if you try to delete something that does not exist
 anymore, it gives some pretty unknown errors :|

 you can check what I was talking about 

 On Aug 24, 5:48 am, Jason jason.poli...@gmail.com wrote:

  ok.. I may have worked this one out.

  I added an implementation of the surfaceDestroyed method in the
  GLSurfaceView and just printed a log.

  It seems the surface is being destroyed at some point before I attempt
  to delete the textures.  I can only assume it's the ViewFlipper
  causing the gl surface to be destroyed when I flip to the loading

  In this case, I'm also assuming vram will be cleared, however it does
  mean I can't have textures persisting across levels (which would be

  Still hoping someone out there has some further insight, but for now
  I'm just removing the code to delete textures.

  On Aug 24, 12:36 pm, Jason jason.poli...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi folks,

   I'm trying to get my head around how the vram is used in opengl,
   specifically when and how to clean it up.

   The Story So Far...

   I have a GLSurfaceView into which I set a Renderer implementation
   (called OpenGLRenderThread).

   This view is created (manually, by calling new) in the main Activity
   of the app.

   When the onSurfaceCreated method of the OpenGLRenderThread is called,
   I load a bunch of textures in a fairly standard way:

   gl.glGenTextures(mTextureHash.size(), mTextureNameWorkspace, 0); //
   mTextureHash is just a pseudo hashmap of texture structs,
   mTextureNameWorkspace is an int array
   // Then...
   int textureName = mTextureNameWorkspace[textureIndex]; // textureIndex
   is just an index into the mTextureNameWorkspace array
   gl.glBindTexture(GL10.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureName);

   The app runs fine, however when I try to clean up these textures at
   the end of the level (the app is a game).. I do the following:

   mTextureNameWorkspace[0] = texture.openGLName; // openGLName is the
   int reference (textureName) obtained from the previous call to
   gl.glDeleteTextures(1, mTextureNameWorkspace, 0);

   On the emulator it works fine, but on the device (HTC Desire, 2.1) I
   get a GL Error 5572216

   I have no idea what this error code is as I can't seem to find any
   reference to it.

   Now.. I understand that the VRAM references are bound to the thread
   that created them.  Hence they can only be destroyed by the same
   thread.  In my case, this thread is the OpenGLRenderThread  (Renderer)
   during the onSurfaceCreated call.  Unfortunately the Renderer
   interface does not expose an onSurfaceLost method, so I created my

   When the Level is complete, my main activity queues a request on the
   OpenGLRenderThread using the following call to the GLSurfaceView:

   queueEvent(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                           // Reset the texture library

   According to javadoc for queueEvent:

   Queue a runnable to be run on the GL rendering thread

   Ok fine, so this should 

[android-developers] Re: How to invoke hide method?

2010-08-24 Thread Bin Dou
anybody could help me?

2010/8/23 Bin Dou doubin...@gmail.com

 I want to judge the call has been connected.
 So I want to invoke method called isAlive() in the hide abstract class

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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to invoke hide method?

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Murphy
Don't do it. It is not part of the Android SDK.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Bin Dou doubin...@gmail.com wrote:
 anybody could help me?

 2010/8/23 Bin Dou doubin...@gmail.com

 I want to judge the call has been connected.
 So I want to invoke method called isAlive() in the hide abstract class

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Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.1 Available!

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[android-developers] How can i copy the contains of data/ to sdcard/

2010-08-24 Thread Shrikk
Hi is there a way to move/copy some file on device to sdcard , once im
in shell using sudo ./adb shell

need to copy/move the contains of data/tombstones to sdcard/tombstones

im using below command

mv data/tombstones /sdcard/tombstones

failed on 'tombstones' - Cross-device link

but im getting above error.


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[android-developers] Re: Home screen widget container

2010-08-24 Thread skink

On Aug 24, 12:55 pm, Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:06 AM, Alex Roebuck maroeb...@gmail.com wrote:
  Are home screen pages exposed in the API?

 No. The home screen is an application. There are dozens of them. While
 some may have some APIs you can use, I am not aware of any that do.

most likely its 


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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to invoke hide method?

2010-08-24 Thread Bin Dou
 So how could I detect the call has been connected ? I have already knew
three kinds of telephone states,CALL_STATE_IDLE, CALL_STATE_RINGING,
CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK,and what i can do?

2010/8/24 Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com

 Don't do it. It is not part of the Android SDK.

 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:07 AM, Bin Dou doubin...@gmail.com wrote:
  anybody could help me?
  2010/8/23 Bin Dou doubin...@gmail.com
  I want to judge the call has been connected.
  So I want to invoke method called isAlive() in the hide abstract class
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 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
 http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
 http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.1 Available!

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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to invoke hide method?

2010-08-24 Thread Mark Murphy
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Bin Dou doubin...@gmail.com wrote:
  So how could I detect the call has been connected ? I have already knew
 three kinds of telephone states,CALL_STATE_IDLE, CALL_STATE_RINGING,
 CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK,and what i can do?

CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK means a phone call is in progress. Or, as the
documentation puts it:

Device call state: Off-hook. At least one call exists that is
dialing, active, or on hold, and no calls are ringing or waiting.


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.1 Available!

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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to invoke hide method?

2010-08-24 Thread Bin Dou
ok,i got it ,thanks

2010/8/24 Mark Murphy mmur...@commonsware.com

 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Bin Dou doubin...@gmail.com wrote:
   So how could I detect the call has been connected ? I have already knew
  three kinds of telephone states,CALL_STATE_IDLE, CALL_STATE_RINGING,
  CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK,and what i can do?

 CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK means a phone call is in progress. Or, as the
 documentation puts it:

 Device call state: Off-hook. At least one call exists that is
 dialing, active, or on hold, and no calls are ringing or waiting.


 Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
 http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
 http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

 _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.1 Available!

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[android-developers] Max bitrate for mp4 files in Android

2010-08-24 Thread Darshan
Hi All,

I have 2 mp4 video files for playing in Android.

Here is the information on both those files:

mp4 File 1:
Audio Codec: AAC
Audio BitRate = 16000
Audio SampleRate = 16000
Audio SampleSize = 16
Video Codec: H264
Video BitRate = 114000
Video FrameRate = 15
Video Resolution = 176x132
Total BitRate = 16000 + 114000 = 13

mp4 File 2:
Audio Codec: AAC
Audio BitRate = 24000
Audio SampleRate = 22050
Audio SampleSize = 16
Video Codec: H264
Video BitRate = 36
Video FrameRate = 30
Video Resolution = 480x360
Total BitRate = 24000 + 36 = 384000

When playing mp4 File 1 (low bit rate) in Android Emulator 2.2 
device, both audio and video gets played out successfully.

But, when playing mp4 File 2 (high bit rate) in Android Emulator 2.2 
device, only the audio gets played out successfully whereas the video
doesn't get displayed. The progress bar shows the progressing of the
video but the actual video is not visible. Only black screen is
visible. But when trying to pull the progress bar, the video frame at
that particular position gets displayed like an image.

I am not sure of what the problem might be with the high bitrate video
file. Does anybody know the reason for this issue? Are there any known
problems in playing high bit rate videos in Android? What is the
maximum recommended bit rate / frame rate values for the mp4 videos in
Android? Will changing any of the above-mentioned parameters of mp4
File 2 fix this issue?

Expecting some guidance at the earliest.

Thanks and Regards,

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Re: [android-developers] Newbie's Android problem

2010-08-24 Thread Filip Havlicek
Hi Boban,

if you see Android written or Android picture in some blue colors on
your virtual device's screen, it means your device is still booting. You
have to wait until it shows the typical screen with unlocking options.

Best regards,
Filip Havlicek

2010/8/22 erakovic.bo...@gmail.com erakovic.bo...@gmail.com

 Hi, I have just start to develop android, and I just cannot start my
 Hello World application.
 I have followed instructions about android installation, I have
 changed several Eclipse IDE's, but still, when I press f11 to compile,
 it 'does' some job int he background, activate my virtual device, but
 wont to behave just as it should!
 Only  Android . . .  is displayed on the screen, which mean that my
 class isn't 'loaded', somehow.
 This is sample class :

 view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

   1. package test.and;
   2. import android.app.Activity;
   3. import android.os.Bundle;
   4. import android.view.View;
   5. import android.widget.Button;
   6. import android.widget.EditText;
   7. import android.widget.TextView;
  10. public class TestAppActiv extends Activity {
  11. Button button1;
  12. EditText txtbox1,txtbox2;
  13. TextView tv;
  15. /** Called when the activity is first created. */
  16. @Override
  17. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  18. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  19. setContentView(R.layout.main);
  20. txtbox1= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtbox1);
  21. button1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button1);
  22. tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.lbl1);
  23. txtbox2= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtbox2);
  24. button1.setOnClickListener(new Clicker());
  25. }
  26. class Clicker implements Button.OnClickListener
  27. {
  28. public void onClick(View v)
  29. {
  30. String a,b;
  31. Integer vis;
  32. a = txtbox1.getText().toString();
  33. b = txtbox2.getText().toString();
  34. vis = Integer.parseInt(a)+Integer.parseInt(b);
  35. tv.setText(vis.toString());
  36. }
  37. }
  38. }

 package test.and; import android.app.Activity; import
 android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import
 android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import
 android.widget.TextView; public class TestAppActiv extends Activity
 { Button button1; EditText txtbox1,txtbox2; TextView tv; /** Called
 when the activity is first created. */ @Override public void
 onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
 { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main);
 txtbox1= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtbox1); button1 = (Button)
 findViewById(R.id.button1); tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.lbl1);
 txtbox2= (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtbox2);
 button1.setOnClickListener(new Clicker()); } class Clicker implements
 Button.OnClickListener { public void onClick(View v) { String a,b;
 Integer vis; a = txtbox1.getText().toString(); b =
 txtbox2.getText().toString(); vis = Integer.parseInt(a)
 +Integer.parseInt(b); tv.setText(vis.toString()); } } }
 And, also main.xml file, which reflect contains xml representation of
 display window :
 main.xml :
 view plaincopy to clipboardprint?

   1. ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
   2. AbsoluteLayout
   3. android:id=@+id/widget35
   4. android:layout_width=fill_parent
   5. android:layout_height=fill_parent
   6. xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android;
   8. EditText
   9. android:id=@+id/txtbox1
  10. android:layout_width=145px
  11. android:layout_height=40px
  12. android:text=EditText
  13. android:textSize=18sp
  14. android:layout_x=75px
  15. android:layout_y=54px
  17. /EditText
  18. EditText
  19. android:id=@+id/txtbox2
  20. android:layout_width=144px
  21. android:layout_height=40px
  22. android:text=EditText
  23. android:textSize=18sp
  24. android:layout_x=75px
  25. android:layout_y=109px
  27. /EditText
  28. Button
  29. android:id=@+id/button1
  30. android:layout_width=106px
  31. android:layout_height=36px
  32. android:text=Button
  33. android:layout_x=88px
  34. android:layout_y=224px
  36. /Button
  37. TextView
  38. android:id=@+id/lbl1
  39. android:layout_width=141px
  40. android:layout_height=wrap_content
  41. android:text=TextView
  42. android:layout_x=76px
  43. android:layout_y=166px
  45. /TextView
  46. /AbsoluteLayout

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8? AbsoluteLayout android:id=@
 +id/widget35 android:layout_width=fill_parent
 android:layout_height=fill_parent xmlns:android=http://
 schemas.android.com/apk/res/android  EditText android:id=@+id/
 txtbox1 android:layout_width=145px android:layout_height=40px
 android:text=EditText android:textSize=18sp
 android:layout_x=75px android:layout_y=54px  /EditText
 EditText android:id=@+id/txtbox2 android:layout_width=144px
 android:layout_height=40px android:text=EditText
 android:textSize=18sp android:layout_x=75px
 android:layout_y=109px  /EditText Button android:id=@+id/
 button1 android:layout_width=106px android:layout_height=36px

Re: [android-developers] Dynamic preferences for a variable number of profiles in an Android app

2010-08-24 Thread TreKing
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Unitedroad dhruwatbha...@gmail.com wrote:

 So is there a cleaner and more standards compliant way to do this?


Look at the first parameter.

TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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Re: [android-developers] app idea?

2010-08-24 Thread TreKing
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 12:33 AM, Łûňąţýk lunao...@gmail.com wrote:

 could we get a behi app ? Plz ? Thanks for reading

I have no idea what behi is but, it's probably something you want to ask
them, whoever or whatever it is. Plz? Thanks for posting.

TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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Re: [android-developers] how to write data to the existing xml file using code in android

2010-08-24 Thread Filip Havlicek
Hi Rammi,

what about writing XML reader for your file, adding new nodes
programatically and then writing XML writer to write it back? Doesn't work?

Best regards,
Filip Havlicek

2010/8/23 Rammi ram...@stellentsoft.com

 Hi i want to add new nodes to the exiting xml file in android  to save
 imageurl so plz help to find a solution to add new nodes to existing
 xml file, so that i can use the xml data later..


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Re: [android-developers] What am I looking for

2010-08-24 Thread Filip Havlicek
Hi Robert,

yes, I believe that through parsing the webpage and building it's form in
some Java object way will let you manipulate the webpage contents and/or
looks afterwards.

Best regards,
Filip Havlicek

2010/8/23 Robert Templeton robertjtemple...@gmail.com


 I'm trying to build a web application. What I am trying to accomplish
 in this is, go to website and take the webpage and modify it or
 manipulate it to look a specific way. The webpage is an already
 established page, but I want to manipulate it in android to look
 differently than what is displayed usually.

 I looked into a thing called parsing and was wondering if this is what
 I need to continue doing research for to accomplish this or am I
 heading in the wrong direction. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [android-developers] New to Android and programming

2010-08-24 Thread TreKing
On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 1:32 AM, Droidblazer00 weilache...@gmail.comwrote:

 So would it be better for me to learn Java before getting started with the
 SDK and eclipse? Or is it just the same to jump right
 in on App development and learn on the fly?

Well, it's definitely not the same, but whether it's better really
Do you have other programming experience? Are you good at learning quickly
on your own?

If no to either, probably a good idea to take some time to learn Java on
it's own. It has some quirks you need to learn. Android has quirks you need
to learn. Depending on your background, learning both those quirks, at the
same time, will be an exercise in frustration.

Good luck.

TreKing http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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