[android-developers] Odd Volume Control crash - help needed

2011-01-24 Thread nation-x
I am working on an app to stream a shoutcast stream and the app works
great except that if the app is in the background for awhile and you
have the volume turned all the way down (which I was doing to just run
a long test)... when you bring the app back to the foreground and try
to adjust the volume it causes an ANR crash.

I am using setVolumeControlStream() in onCreate()


Any ideas what could cause this problem?

This is running on 2.2.1 on a Verizon Droid 1

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[android-developers] error on repo sync

2011-01-24 Thread android
repo sync
error: cannot open /home/bvrit-ic/.repo/projects/bionic.git/
FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied

error: Cannot fetch platform/bionic

 i want the source code of the default messaging app  present in
emulator .
 or some code or idea behind the  messaging app which contains inbox
outbox drafts etc .

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[android-developers] Android App login

2011-01-24 Thread Fares Askndaer

I have built app that display asp pages using WebView but some of the
page want the authentication (Username ,Password ) to login I want my
application to auto login to this page using Username and Password
from my Application

This is my code Please Help

public class eadvantage extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
WebView mWebView; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle
savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);

 HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
 HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://www.ucsi.edu.my/

try {
// Add your data
List nameValuePairs = new
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("txtUserID",
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("txtPassword",
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));

// Execute HTTP Post Request
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);

mWebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview);

mWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());

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[android-developers] Cannot See App in Emulator

2011-01-24 Thread dylanrambrick
Hi, I am using Eclipse to try to learn app programming. I am familiar
with Java but not all that fluent and what Java I have done in the
past I have used a text editor as opposed to an IDE.

I am trying to build the HelloMapView tutorial that can be found here:
but am having a problem loading it in the emulator. The console output
in Eclipse tells me that the apk has been installed on the emulator,
but the app never appears in the list of apps on the emulator. There
are no errors or anything but the list of apps on the emulator never
shows the app I loaded even though the console says it was
successfully installed.

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[android-developers] Kiosk mode

2011-01-24 Thread B M
I am writing an application that will run on an Android device that
will be used by developmently challenged individuals.  Some of the
clients function at a toddler level despite the fact they are adults.
For these clients, the application should remain running even when the
'Home' or 'Back' button is pressed.  Should the client break out of
the application, they would not understand how to get back into their

This application is the primary use for the device.  There were
several inexpensive Android tablets shown at CES. The tablets are an
ideal device to run the application.  The cost point of these devices
make them affordable by the families of these clients.  The device
essentially becomes an embedded device until a special code/gesture/
etc. is performed.  The devices are purchased by people who *want* the
device to be normally running a single application.

I have read about the controversy of applications like ToddlerLock
interfering with the expected UI Android provides.  While I agree that
this is a really good thing in general, I believe there are times when
a 'kiosk' mode is desired.  I see there are nasty hacks that subvert
the 'Home' button.

Is there a proper way in Android that allows an application to
intercept/block the home button until a special code or gesture is

Many thanks for any ideas/comments.


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[android-developers] Entering application from Task Manager

2011-01-24 Thread Joel
Hi Android Developers,

I would like to have users entering my application via my Main
Activity, from Android's menu, and from the Task Manager. Currently
all my Activities are in single instance mode, and all my Activities
have no history set to true except for the Main Activity.

When users navigate away from my Main Activity into another activity,
and pressing the hardware Back button from the second Activity will
get them back to the Main Activity.

However, when users navigate away from my Main Activity into another
activity, press the hardware Home button of the Android device to get
to Android's Home screen, access the Task Manager by holding the Home
button, and select my application from the grid of running Activities,
the application shows the second activity. If users press the hardware
Back button in the second Activity, they go to Android's Home screen
instead of Main Activity.

Note that I did not call finish() on my Main Activity when launching
the second Activity. Also, launching the application from Android's
menu displays my desired behavior when my application is running, that
is to show the Main Activity.

How could I achieve my expected behavior of closing all Activities
except for the Main Activity when I access my running application from
the Task Manager?


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[android-developers] UAC based on sip and SipDemo App not working

2011-01-24 Thread vi

I need to implement an user agent at the client side based on SIP in
Android 2.3, who does Registeration and Invite in Java on Android 2.3.
Can any body please help with some sample example. Prompt answer will
really be appreciated, as it is very urgent.

I tried to use SIPDemo client in Andoid 2.3 on Emulator but it didnt
worked, some SIP Persmission wer denied, although they were set in
Manifest file. But still SipManager instance was not getting formed,
[ Android Developers - kindly please fix this issue]


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[android-developers] UAC based on sip and SipDemo App not working

2011-01-24 Thread vikram jain

I need to implement an user agent at the client side based on SIP in Android
2.3, who does Registeration and Invite in Java on Android 2.3. Can any body
please help with some sample example. Prompt answer will really be
appreciated, as it is very urgent.

I tried to use SIPDemo client in Andoid 2.3 on Emulator but it didnt worked,
some SIP Persmission wer denied, although they were set in Manifest file.
But still SipManager instance was not getting formed, [ Android Developers -
kindly please fix this issue]


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[android-developers] Android Screen in frames just as html page

2011-01-24 Thread Pravin
I want to divide the android screen in two frames just as HTML page.
Please post me the code ot the methodology to do so. I am running
short of time.

And also there is any method other than intent to pass data from one
screen to another such as conext.

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[android-developers] Android education program

2011-01-24 Thread Alex Korovyansky
I'm instructor in Omsk State Univercity, in Russia.
Our Univercity take part in MSDN Academic Alliance, and was in Sun
Campus Ambassador program, while it was worked.

Is there Google (or somebody else) provide educational network for
I think, it will be very popular among studens, as beginner
developers.. Hope it already exists, or will be avaible soon.

Thank you!

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[android-developers] Strange thing, using HorizontalScrollView

2011-01-24 Thread Volker
I'm using a HorizontalScrollView to create a header menu on the top of
my app.
Here you can see multiple menu items which can be scrolled in a
horizontal way.
Is working, but there is a strange behaviour. After scrolling, you
have to
tab twice on an item you couldn't see before, to get the OnClick event
I created a test project to simply verify this. It can be found under


Is this a known or wanted behaviour or is there a work arround

Thanx for your ideas.

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[android-developers] How to input the multiple keyboard inputs

2011-01-24 Thread haranas

For gaming we should require the 2 ,3 key are inputting parallel  but
i am observing  that only one key takes at a time on Android( froyo 0,

can we create  events so that multiple keys are going enable ..?

Please let me How to work with multiple keys at time ...?

Thanks a lot

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[android-developers] code to invoke Android Music Player Application

2011-01-24 Thread jaishree
Dear sir,

I m using this below to call Android Music player Application

 intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
  File file = new File("/sdcard/Books/*.mp3");

 intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), "audio/*");

I m able to open the Application ,but I want to call Android
Application without giving filepath.

Please let me know the other way of calling Android music player.

Thank you in advance

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[android-developers] code to call Android Music player Application

2011-01-24 Thread jaishree
Dear sir,

I m an Android Developer but new to this field.

I stuck with some problem ,

Problem is==> how to call  "Android Music Player Application"  from my
android project.

please help me in this.

Thank you in Advance

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[android-developers] Using LAME MP3 library

2011-01-24 Thread PAolooo
I am planning to write an application that can encode audio in MP3. It
seems to me the only way of doing it is to port LAME library. So I saw
that I can either:

1. use Scratchbox to compile the library and write a small JNI
wrapper. Doing so I should be able to use the original Makefile.am
building script of the library
2. Integrate LAME C code directly into my project, and use ndk-build.
But I am slightly frighted I would struggle to make all the code
compile and work

Which would e better?


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[android-developers] lcd 18bpp problem

2011-01-24 Thread ani

My board is supporting only 18bpp format,but android is supporting
only RGB565(16bpp) format.So have somebody have faced the same issue
and help me out for it?



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[android-developers] Android beginner

2011-01-24 Thread subhashini alaguchokku

Im new one for android,when import existing project, following error came in
compile time. anybody pls help me

[2011-01-21 12:27:17 - ZOOM] (skipping index file
[2011-01-21 12:27:17 - ZOOM] (skipping index file
[2011-01-21 12:27:17 - ZOOM] (skipping index file
[2011-01-21 12:27:18 - ZOOM] Unknown error: java.lang.NullPointerException

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[android-developers] Re: How to detect Face and Smile & Face matching in Android?

2011-01-24 Thread Fred
Hello Ankit,

As far as I know Android does not have any kind of method/function to
detect smiles or faces in pictures. In order to detect faces or smiles
you need to implement algorithms that will do the job for you. Android
just gives you methods to access the camera and capture frames or take

I think it's a good idea to look for face detection algorithms and how
can you access the device camera inside you Android application (it's
not difficult at all).

Hope that helps...


On Jan 21, 4:12 am, Ankit Nigam  wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> I want to know following things is possible on Android or Not?
> 1. Pick a photo and detects faces and show rectangle, and detect smile
> of each face and show smile percentage of each.
> 2. Pick a photo from photo library and show faces. if you click faces,
> it search all photo library and show list of possible same person.
> Please help me out it's urgent.
> Thanks
> Ankit2502

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[android-developers] Webview crashes on select box or any Dialog

2011-01-24 Thread syamkrishnan
I have an application where clicking on an item in a list shows
webview with javascript injected.I need to save the webview object so
that when the user presses the same item again the existing webview is
shown instead of reloading it and injecting the javascript again.I am
able to save the webview object in Arraylist of webview inside the
application class.

I check whether the item already exists in the Arraylist and if it do
exists take the corresponding object and set the object as the content
of the activity as shown below.

 temp_WebView=new WebView(this);
 ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)

This works fine but when clicking on any of the select box inside the
webview where a dialog is populated it gets crashed  with the
following error,

WARN/WindowManager(60): Attempted to add application window with
unknown token HistoryRecord{4506d1e8 tabviewapp.com/.Webresults}.

 DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(500): Shutting down VM

 WARN/dalvikvm(500): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught
exception (group=0x4001d800)
 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): android.view.WindowManager
$BadTokenException: Unable to  add window -- token
android.os.BinderProxy@45034510 is not valid; is your activity
 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at
 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500):  at

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at android.view.Window

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at android.app.Dialog.show(Dialog.java:

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at android.webkit.WebView

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at

 ERROR/AndroidRuntime(500): at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

 WARN/ActivityManager(60):   Force finishing activity

I think the problem is with the context of the webview but not able to
figure out how to set the context for the existing object or pass
context to dialog generated inside the webview.

Thanks in advance.

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[android-developers] Intent-filter to handle *.foo.zip but avoid handling other zips

2011-01-24 Thread Kevin TeslaCoil Software

I believe I have figured things out correctly, but I would appreciate
input of others to avoid breaking things.

I'm hoping to setup my app to be able to download files such as
Gingerbread.wltheme.zip from any website and be handled with my app.
However I do not want my app to be used for normal Zip files as it's
only meant to handle these special wltheme type of zip files. I'd like
to use the .wltheme.zip filename as it makes it easy on webservers to
send the mime type correctly and it makes it easy for users to extract
the files and manually edit them. (Renaming files on Windows is a lot
more difficult than it should be).

On Gingerbread I can get away with:

As the Download app will let you download a zip file and then when
opening from there lets my app handle it.

However for Android 2.1/2.2 it seems the file won't even download
without a generic handler for application/zip, so the above only works
if the user also has Astro or similar installed. I found that this
seems to work:

Where if the user only has my app installed then they download
a .wltheme.zip and it is allowed because of the handler for
application/zip. This also doesn't annoy the user much as if they
download a normal .zip and do have Astro or similar it won't try to
get them to open it with my app as the priority for the generic zip is
very low.
Worst case is if they user only has my app and downloads a normal zip,
then my app will try to handle it and present an error message. This
seems acceptable.

My question is, am I doing this correctly or is it likely to break


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[android-developers] Append numbers to a TextView by clicking buttons-just like a calculator

2011-01-24 Thread Laxmi Krishna
Hi i'm a beginner n stuck with a simple app. Its as simple as
appending number to a textview field while clicking on a button with
that particular number. Its just as in the case of a calculator.
Please help me..

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[android-developers] touch screen issue

2011-01-24 Thread ani

i have ported android cupkake.And while touching the lcd for testing
touchscreen getting the below error.

D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already focused, ignoring focus
gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub
D/TrackingPatternView( 1621): width=640 textureWidth=120
W/InputManagerService( 1621): Window already fo

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[android-developers] credits management in a App

2011-01-24 Thread costi


When the user downloads the app i am developing he gets a certain
amount of credits.
This credits the user can spend using a service on my server.
Now how can this be implemented?
Is there some .getSecretUserIdForThisApp() that i can send to the
server when using the service?

Thank you!

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[android-developers] How to multi select the GridView Item?

2011-01-24 Thread and.Freecomm
hi there,
  I'm seeking the methold to multi select the items in GridView.
Is there any success story or intrest tricks about this?
I searched whole the group forum, but didn't dig any relative
information about it.


My Questions:
1. how to get the state when we clicked the item in my custom
2. how to set checkable for sub ImageView?
3. how to get the subview on onItemClickListner?

Subview for GridView



getView in my adapter
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup
View iv = null;
if ( convertView == null )
iv = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.videogriditem, null);
iv = convertView;

VideoItem item =
Video videoItem = mPlayList.get(position);
if ( videoItem.thumbnailPic != null )

return iv;

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[android-developers] Showing google map on a dialog

2011-01-24 Thread subha ramkie

I am working on an android application where i am showing a map with some
I want to know if there's a way to show the map in a dialog (similar to a
pop up) on top of the current screen .
Currently it opens up as a new screen.

Will the "Dialog" work here? If so, how should i set the content view to a
Or is there a dialog class for maps?

Thanks & regards,

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[android-developers] how to get the subview in the GridView?

2011-01-24 Thread and.Freecomm
hi there,
Here is a GridView with custom ImageView in it.
How can i get the sub custom ImageView from the function
onItemClickListener ?
It will be crashed after i get the item.

videosView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view,
int position,
long id)
VideoItem item =
if ( item != null )
Log.d(TAG, "item is not empty");


the  layout mail.xml:

the gridviewItem.xml



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[android-developers] image upload

2011-01-24 Thread cyberkiwi
how it is possible to upload image from android handset to the server?
Is the image serialized, send as bytestream and deserialized on the
server? how it is different from javame version of uploading images to
the web service?

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[android-developers] Need help with layout problem.

2011-01-24 Thread Kit Ramos
i can't figure this one out I got all my items in a table view and I
want to have the text boxes be differnt sizes as  some hold smaller
some hold bigger. and others are  text entry.  but it seems as though
insted of beeing able to set size per box what it will do is take the
size of the largest box and use it for the size of all edit boxes even
if there is an explicit entry for a smaller size on that box it'll
overwrite that.  how do I avoid this problem?

here's the xml file i'm using, in this it sets all the edit boxes to
150dip wide even the one where I have it set to 12dip but I don't want
them all to be 150dip wide! I want the one I set to 12 be 12 and the
other 150 how do I do this?


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Re: [android-developers] Bitmap factory and ICC aware JPG

2011-01-24 Thread nagarjuna lingala
Internally there is difference between bitmap and jpg . You try to use
 bmp file . Or try to convert  that jpg to bmp by using mspaint.
 Dont hesitate me. it is just i hoped

On 1/21/11, Yahel  wrote:
> Thanks for your answer,
> I was going to go this way but then I read the wikipedia article about
> jpeg and I think I understood that sometimes the icc is coded in the
> pixels and sometimes it's not. Making it quite difficult to work out.
> I'm thinking of using the capture ability of a webview and the facts
> that it knows how to load the image to try to get around.
> Yahel
> --
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Sent from my mobile device


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[android-developers] sound

2011-01-24 Thread k@rthink!!!
hi guys

I was creating an app where a sound is played when i click a button. I found
in the developer site that i need to place the audio file in the res/raw
folder...my ide doesnt show any raw folder...i created one in the res folder
and the system is showing an error..can anyone please help me out with this?
karthik gadiraju

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[android-developers] Re: troubleshooting debugger issues

2011-01-24 Thread MartyParty
If you're debugging from the handset, I would recommend never
selecting the button
that forces the application to close (when you're app crashes).  Let
the debugger
control how an app starts and stops.

On Jan 20, 9:33 pm, gonzobrains  wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone recommend how to troubleshoot debugger issues, i.e., why
> the debugger doesn't always stop at breakpoints or why it seems to
> randomly disconnect.  I often have to stop the emulator and try to
> start the debugger and emulator again.  Sometimes the debugger doesn't
> seem to re-attach, too.
> Thanks,
> gb

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[android-developers] WebView; SDK

2011-01-24 Thread TGundhus

Just started with Eclipse and rly a bad programmer when it comes to
java although html and php is all fine.. Anyway, I got some problem
with the webview command.
Because of my skills all I want is to have an application showing
"www.mywebsite.com/home.html".. no buttons, options, or something like
that is needed atm (my main.xml is fine I think)


Here is a link to a tutorial, but I get an error, someone who got the
entire pure source or know it, because it rly does not work for me
(something I'm doing wrong for sure...)

Tyty all

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[android-developers] simplified push notification integration

2011-01-24 Thread Erica Xtify
Hello Android Developers-

Erica here.  I'm in charge of developer relations at Xtify and look
forward to hearing from all of you!

Notifications can increase how often your users will use your
application - driving more excitement and impressions!

Check out our smart notifications for Android (... and iOS and

Xtify's notifications are easy to integrate into your app.  We offer:

- Code samples and SDK
- Robust notifications that go beyond native OS capabilities
- Web-based console and web services for easy notification creation

Xtify is still free for up to 250,000 users, click
http://console.xtify.com/gtug-registration to get started or go to
http://www.xtify.com for more information.  Or, if you're on-the-go,
check out our mobile site http://www.xtify.com/mobile

There is a chat link at the bottom of our website where you can get me
(almost any time) to answer questions!




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[android-developers] Send an SMS message to an email?

2011-01-24 Thread Jonathan Jenne
I'm trying to code an app that sends an SMS message to an email
gateway. I know this is possible because I can send a message from my
phone number to an email, and have it receive it properly. Also, I can
reply to that email and my phone will get it as a text message. The
problem I'm having is that when I code it this way... the message just
never happens.

My code in question is as follows:

String number = "j...@edispatches.com";
 String st = "testing";
 sm.sendTextMessage(number, null, st, null, null);

So, it should be sending "testing" to my email address... but it just
seems to die when this method is called? Other operations within this
method seem to be working as well.

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[android-developers] Cache Manifest

2011-01-24 Thread arkn...@gmail.com
I have been developing a mobile web app which takes advantage of the
cache manifest for offline capability. It works well on iOS devices,
however, I have been testing on Android 2.2 (Galaxy Tab) and this is
what happens:

1. The cache manifest download correctly. (all of the files in the
manifest download)
2. Those files are used when rendering the page and offline support
does work.
3. I then update one of the js files and change the manifest file.
4. I refresh the page and it recognizes that the manifest has changed
and re-downloads.
5. However, the re-downloaded files are not used in the page (even
after several page refreshes)

Note: at seemingly random intervals the new files will be used in the
page. (could be after 3 refreshes, or 10, and sometimes never.

I have disabled the cache manifest for Android devices until I can get
it to work reliably. (still works for iOS)

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[android-developers] Quick Search Box. Content ProviderLess.

2011-01-24 Thread lomoflicker
Hi would like to use quick search box to do some sort of a network
Do I need to use a content provider ? I am not implementing
suggestions. I only want to do a full search of the text.

What I like to do is the exact behavior that your app would do if you
have you search implemented for ONLY application wide.(Which works for

Now, I would like to fire up search box from a widget (not with in my
application) and select my app as the search location ( I see yelp and
dropbox do this, they show up their app icons)  and do a search and
show a results in my activity.

Now Interesting thing is on the emulator 1.6 and 2.2 my app shows  in
the "Selectable Items" list but when I go to the widget it does not
show my app icon to select as the search location/resource.

On my phone (2.2) I can't even get it to show on my "Selectable Items"


As I mentioned I do not want to have a content provider as I am not
making any suggestions.

Thanks for all the help.

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[android-developers] Re: Attempt to read preferences file without permission

2011-01-24 Thread roflharrison
I am having the same problem with my application Android Agenda

E/ApplicationContext(15707): Couldn't rename file /dbdata/databases/
com.roflharrison.agenda_preferences.xml to backup file /dbdata/
E/ApplicationContext(15707): Couldn't rename file /dbdata/databases/
com.roflharrison.agenda_preferences.xml to backup file /dbdata/
E/ApplicationContext(15707): Couldn't rename file /dbdata/databases/
com.roflharrison.agenda_preferences.xml to backup file /dbdata/
I/global  ( 2469): Default buffer size used in BufferedInputStream
constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is
E/ApplicationContext(15707): Couldn't rename file /dbdata/databases/
com.roflharrison.agenda_preferences.xml to backup file /dbdata/

This rename operation isn't a part of my code. Perhaps Samsung are
trying to cache the preferences and I have a private lock on the file
(I cache my own preferences and use MODE_PRIVATE when setting
preference file names etc)?
I will try changing this to WORLD_READABLE and report back.

On Jan 19, 5:2 pm, Lior  wrote:
> Uninstalling and re-installing didn't help, so it's not the backup
> file, which also abolishes Kosty'a suggestion. (Unless, of course, for
> some reason the backup file is not being removed during the
> uninstallation).
> I'll try to investigate in Mark's direction. If anyone has more ideas,
> I'd be happy to get to the bottom of this.
> In the meanwhile, thanks Mark and Kostya.
> On Jan 19, 5:15 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Lior  wrote:
> > > You are right about the path, and yes I do have a database to which
> > > the carousels are being saved.
> > > The paths of the files on my device are (as expected, obviously...):
> > > ./data/data/com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves/shared_prefs/
> > > com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves_preferences.xml
> > > ./data/data/com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves/databases/
> > > UltimateFavesPro.db
> > > As far as I know the database access is ok. (I e-mailed the user to
> > > confirm this, but without it the app would be totally useless for him,
> > > and I don't think he would have bothered otherwise...)
> > > What can cause the situation you described?
> > Beats me. Other than the .bak file still being there (see Kostya's
> > reply), it feels like your shared prefs are associated with the wrong
> > Linux user account.
> > I'd have the user unininstall and reinstall to see if that helps,
> > assuming you have some backup/restore mechanism for that database.
> > > On Jan 19, 4:50 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> > >> Well, that path is mighty strange -- /dbdata/databases is usually
> > >> /data/data on Android.
> > >> That being said, it feels like somehow your application's preference
> > >> files are owned by a different Linux user than the one that is used
> > >> for running your process. Do you have databases or other files in your
> > >> app, and do you have any idea if they are similarly affected?
> > >> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Lior  wrote:
> > >> > Hi,
> > >> > I have an app called UltimateFavesPRO on the market (http://
> > >> > ultimatefaves.com/).
> > >> > The app is quite popular, very mature and stable. I have a user with a
> > >> > problem I haven't been able to solve so far.
> > >> > The application uses SharedPreferences to keep the user's setting. For
> > >> > this user, the SharedPreferences are never saved. I asked him to send
> > >> > me the logcat from his device. The relevant lines are:
> > >> > 01-19 12:08:56.852 D/UltimateFavesHome( 4563): onCreate
> > >> > 01-19 12:08:56.856 W/ApplicationContext( 4563): Attempt to read
> > >> > preferences file /dbdata/databases/com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves/
> > >> > shared_prefs/com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves_preferences.xml without
> > >> > permission
> > >> > 01-19 12:08:56.856 E/ApplicationContext( 4563): Couldn't rename file /
> > >> > dbdata/databases/com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves/shared_prefs/
> > >> > com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves_preferences.xml to backup file /dbdata/
> > >> > databases/com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves/shared_prefs/
> > >> > com.mobilemerit.ultimatefaves_preferences.xml.bak
> > >> > The user has a T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S running standard Froyo 2.2.1
> > >> > that he updated using the Samsung Kies Windows app - from the v2.1 it
> > >> > shipped with. He performed a factory reset after the upgrade.
> > >> > He has no similar issues with any other apps.
> > >> > Any sugges

[android-developers] Re: SGS Lag while auto-brightness on?

2011-01-24 Thread Hendrik
Hi Eric,
i can confirm this, also I get lags while auto-sync. It seams that any
system activity isn't good for the game performance... I have
deactivated any automatic program i can, but there are still some

Mostly it helps to go to the home screen and rerun the game.

Can't figure out what exactly do produce the lags.
But definitely would like to see a fix.

Have tested it with 2 europe SGS, they both get the same lags. One is
rooted with a ext4 partition for apps, the other is shipped and used
with stock Froyo! The rooted phone is (much) faster in IO bench but
the lags are about the same!
So it shouldn't be the disk performance.

If there are questions please ask!


On Jan 9, 10:06 pm, miniondev  wrote:
> Hi there,
> Since the release of the game "Squibble", we've had reports from some
> users with Samsung Galaxy S phones about fairly serious lag during
> gameplay.  Not all SGS users report this, but a large number do -
> enough that it's clear that there is a real problem with the game on
> the SGS.
> One customer recently reported that the game was consistently laggy
> when auto-brightness was turned ON, but when he turned it OFF, the
> game ran smoothly.  He claims that this is reproducible, but I don't
> currently have access to a SGS phone that experiences the lag issue,
> so I can't test this out.
> I'm not sure why auto-brightness would be related to the performance
> of the game, but it's the only solid lead that I have to go on right
> now, which brings me to my question:
> Would someone out there be willing to verify this customer's claim on
> their own SGS?  It would have to be one of the SGS phones that
> experience lag (not all of them seem to).  There is a free version of
> Squibble available on the market.
> Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out!
> -Eric

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[android-developers] screenOrientation

2011-01-24 Thread jerryalex
New to Android but not new to linux.
Would like to change the screenOrientation from landscape to portrait.
it looks like the  AndroidManifest.xml  file defines this.
Would like to do this globally if possible.
Believe that  if set at the top level,  the sublevels will pick up the
when installed.
Have not been able to find which xml to add/modify the
to get the desired effect.


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[android-developers] Re: NFC Secure Element

2011-01-24 Thread gusdgg


Thanks for posting the diff's and great work! I'll patch the codebase
and see what happen. In the meantime and coming back to your question
about the Nexus S hardware containing a secure element like SmartMX,
did you get the secure element list with the method
getSecureElementList() in the patched version? I called this method
(via reflection, no patched yet) but it gets the error message
"WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission required"

As you may know, there are an excelent nexus s teardown (http://
www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Nexus-S-Teardown/4365/1) from iFixit. You'll
see there, in the step 7 - 2nd picture, the NXP PN544 NFC chip closely
located to the UICC slot, but as far I can see there isn't any SmartMx
chip in that picture, nor in the others.


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[android-developers] Force close help, my first app

2011-01-24 Thread Matt

Im new to android dev, and am getting a force close on my first
application and I cant figure it out for the life of me. Hope someone
can spot it!

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class inputTest extends Activity {

private Handler mHandler = new Handler();
public long mStartTime;

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {





Button buttonStart = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_start);
Button buttonStop = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_stop);
TextView timer = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.timer);

OnClickListener mStartListener = new OnClickListener () {
public void onClick (View v) {
if (mStartTime == 0L){
mStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
mHandler.postDelayed(mUpdateTimeTask, 100);

OnClickListener mStopListener = new OnClickListener() {
   public void onClick(View v) {

private Runnable mUpdateTimeTask = new Runnable() {
   public void run() {
   final long start = mStartTime;
   long millis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - start;
   int seconds = (int) (millis / 1000);
   int minutes = seconds / 60;
   seconds = seconds % 60;

   if (seconds < 10) {
   timer.setText("" + minutes + ":0" + seconds);
   } else {
   timer.setText("" + minutes + ":" +

   start + (((minutes * 60) + seconds + 1) * 1000));


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[android-developers] Problem regarding Broadcast event "android.intent.action.ACTION_CALL"

2011-01-24 Thread Titas Roy
Hii All,

I want to take the moment/time when the phone call is started. I make
a service, starts it after booting and  want that it do some specific
application  when the outgoing phone call is just connected. I take
the response of the current status but it is the time just after
booting. So I get only the response when CALL_STATE_IDLE but I cannot
reach to my goal. can u all give me some suggestion?

just give me the view what the step i have to do to get the specific

With Regards
Titas Roy.

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[android-developers] creating two side by side listViews in android layout

2011-01-24 Thread knotboy
i would like to be able to create a layout
that has two side by side lists that move seperately
i dont mean one below the other
i mean one on the right and one on the left


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[android-developers] simplified push notification integration

2011-01-24 Thread Erica Fox
Hello Android Developers-

Erica here.  I'm in charge of developer relations at Xtify and look forward to 
hearing from all of you!

Notifications can increase how often your users will use your application - 
driving more excitement and impressions!

Check out our smart notifications for Android (... and iOS and BlackBerry).

Xtify's notifications are easy to integrate into your app.  We offer:

- Code samples and SDK
- Robust notifications that go beyond native OS capabilities
- Web-based console and web services for easy notification creation

Xtify is still free for up to 250,000 users, click 
http://console.xtify.com/registration to get started or go to 
http://www.xtify.com for more information.  Or, if you're on-the-go, click here 
for our mobile site http://www.xtify.com/mobile.

There is a chat link at the bottom of our website where you can get me (almost 
any time) to answer questions!




Erica Fox
Developer Relations 
Xtify, Inc.
520 Broadway, 10th floor
New York, NY 10012
+1.646.395.1273 office

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[android-developers] WakeLock/Services and sleep

2011-01-24 Thread mikeee
Hi all -

I've got an app that starts a service in order to receive location
updates from the LocationManager.The use case is the service needs
to be running all the time and as such it acquires a
PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK in the onCreate() of the Service.

But it seems from testing on several different phones and user
feedback that the Service is still being put to sleep as the location
notifications will stop if the application isn't in the foreground.
This effectively renders the app ineffective for the task at hand.
I've read posts about using an Alarm to simulate a pseudo cron job but
I don't really need to be woken up in order to do a task, the app
needs to run code based on the location manager calling
onLocationChanged the service that the users position has changed.

I'm pretty sure I've coded this service and application according to
the best practices for this sort of application yet the fact that it
effectively stops running in some cases is causing problems for the

Any tips on how to keep a service going given the Android OS's
tendency to put things to sleep?  PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK
seemingly isn't a guarantee about anything which I can sort of
understand but I've seen cases where the only app that I've launched
after restarting the phone is my application and it still gets put to

Thanks for any help.


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[android-developers] startActivity with Intent - currently murderous intent :-(

2011-01-24 Thread LenseOnLife

Please bear with me, I am a newbie geriatric who started programming
when computers had discrete transistors and am only now returning
after about a decade of forced retirement.  Spent the last year
using .NET and now trying to come to grips with Android/Java.
Evidently, I still need to purchase some more books, but in the
mantime, someone out there might be able to put me back onto the
straight and narrow.

OVERVIEW:  In the manifest I start with 'inthebeginning' activity.
This does nothing more than start another activity called
MainMenuActivity which in turn has three buttons, each of which calls
their own activity.  InTheBeginningActivity works fine and amazed me
that I actually got something working so easily.


package com.cit.BroadcastSim;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class InTheBeginningActivity extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(R.layout.splash);// Inflate the
inthebeginning.xml file

startActivity(new Intent(this, MainMenuActivity.class));
// Since we wont be coming back to this activity ever again

Now for the troublesome one.  Although there are three buttons, I have
only tried coding one adn have come a cropper.

package com.cit.BroadcastSim;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.view.*;

public class MainMenuActivity extends Activity {
// Launched by InTheBeginningActivity.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(R.layout.mainmenu);  // Inflate the
mainmenu.xml file

// Set up listeners for the three menu buttons
//  Broadcast, Setup and Exit
// Firstly we have to find the buttons.
// We do this by using their IDs and findViewById()

Button btnBroadcast = (Button)
btnBroadcast.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v){
// Start Activity Class Broadcast
startActivity(new Intent(this,
// Since we wont be coming back to this activity ever

The line with startActivity has a lightbulb with a red x :-( and teh
error message when I hover over it is:
The constructor Intent(new View.OnClickListener(){},Class
) is undefined

Everything within brackets is underlined in red and when I hover it I
get the same as above with a hyperlinked hint
remove arguments to match Intent()
which works, the error goes, but then I am left with
startActivity(new Intent());
which doesn't do very much!

Have scratched my head till all the hair has fallen out, so can
someone out there in programming land tell me (gently) what I am doing


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[android-developers] Re: How to detect Face and Smile & Face matching in Android?

2011-01-24 Thread m4kz
yes it is possible, Im trying something with face recognition right
After investigation i've seen that the Face detector  wasnt enouught
for what i wanted to do 
but maybe it is ok for you. If you need something more complex like me
i could recommend http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/Android

bye and good luck!

On Jan 21, 7:12 am, Ankit Nigam  wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> I want to know following things is possible on Android or Not?
> 1. Pick a photo and detects faces and show rectangle, and detect smile
> of each face and show smile percentage of each.
> 2. Pick a photo from photo library and show faces. if you click faces,
> it search all photo library and show list of possible same person.
> Please help me out it's urgent.
> Thanks
> Ankit2502

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RE: [android-developers] Transaction Limit Google Geocoder & Maps

2011-01-24 Thread Tommy
I found the info I was looking for but it leads me to another question. In
the usage terms for the geocoding webservice it states : Note: the Geocoding
API may only be used in conjunction with a Google map; geocoding results
without displaying them on a map is prohibited. For complete details on
allowed usage, consult the
 Maps API Terms
of Service License Restrictions. 


I am using this service to get the city and state name and show that in a
textview not a map. Since this way is breaking the terms of service I can't
really use this method. I was using the android geocoder class but half the
time it returns a null value back to me. Is there a better alternative that
could be used or am I stuck using the android geocoder and all its buggy


From: android-developers@googlegroups.com
[mailto:android-developers@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of TreKing
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 12:45 PM
To: android-developers@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [android-developers] Transaction Limit Google Geocoder & Maps


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Tommy  wrote:

I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction of finding out
what the limits are for using google maps geocoder api as well as the limit
for using google maps.

Have you tried the website for these apis and / or searching Google?

TreKing   - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Creation Of Word Pad Editor

2011-01-24 Thread Vaibhav Nalwad
Respected Developers  i am Doing a Project on Creating Word Pad
Editor...I don't know...from Where to Start With...Please Help Me in
This Regard

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[android-developers] Re: Drawing a View on top of a Layout

2011-01-24 Thread nation-x
I have a game on the market called Memory Tutor where I am doing
something similar except I am using setImageDrawable() and
setBackgroundDrawable(). That way I can just change the
setImageDrawable to a transparent png when I want to show the image
and a white png when I want to hide it rather than drawing it the way
you are trying to do.


On Jan 20, 6:16 pm, Marty Miller  wrote:
> What is the reason for you not posting this?  That took a lot of time to
> write.
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 1:07 PM, MartyParty  wrote:
> > I seem to be missing a key concept here.  I want to be able to put a
> > white square on top of an image.  Seems simple right?  I can't figure
> > it out.
> > Currently, I have have an XML file describing my layout.
> > 
> >  >        xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
> >        android:layout_height="fill_parent"
> >        android:layout_width="fill_parent"
> >        android:orientation="horizontal" >
> >  >        android:id="@+id/LinearLayout01"
> >        android:orientation="vertical"
> >        android:layout_height="wrap_content"
> >        android:layout_gravity="top"
> >        android:layout_width="fill_parent">
> >         >                android:layout_marginTop="5dip"
> >                android:layout_gravity="center"
> >                android:layout_height="wrap_content"
> >                android:id="@+id/TextView01"
> >                android:textSize="18sp"
> >                android:text="@string/title"
> >                android:layout_width="wrap_content">
> >        
> >         >                android:layout_marginLeft="10dip"
> >                android:layout_marginRight="10dip"
> >                android:layout_marginTop="0dip"
> >                android:layout_gravity="center"
> >                android:id="@+id/TextView02"
> >                android:textSize="15sp"
> >                android:text="@string/description"
> >                android:layout_height="wrap_content"
> >                android:layout_width="wrap_content">
> >        
> >         >                android:id="@+id/profilePic"
> >                android:layout_marginTop="15dip"
> >                android:layout_gravity="center"
> >                android:layout_width="wrap_content"
> >                android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
> >        
> > 
> > 
> >   Next, my Activity calls a method called showImage(). Using the XML,
> > this method draws the picture taken with the camera along with some
> > text.
> > public void showImage(Drawable d)
> >    {
> >        CropView myCropView = new CropView(this);
> >        ImageView myImageView = new ImageView(this);
> >        setContentView(R.layout.main);
> >        myImageView = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.profilePic);
> >        myImageView.setImageDrawable(d);
> >        myImageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_START);
> >        setContentView(myCropView);
> >    }
> > Then I have a class CropView that extends ImageView that draws a
> > square in the middle of the screen:
> > public class CropView extends ImageView {
> >                public CropView(Context context) {
> >                        super(context);
> >                }
> >                @Override
> >                protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
> >                        super.onDraw(canvas);
> >                        Log.d("Marty", "ON DRAW");
> >                        Paint background = new Paint();
> >                        background.setColor(Color.RED);
> >                        Paint box = new Paint();
> >                        box.setColor(Color.WHITE);
> >                        box.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
> >                        int boxWidth = 100;
> >                        int topX = (getWidth()-boxWidth)/2;
> >                        int topY = (getHeight() - boxWidth)/2;
> >                        canvas.drawRect(topX,topY, topX+boxWidth,
> > topY+boxWidth, box);
> >                }
> >        }
> > As you can see, I have two calls to setContentView.  The second call
> > overlaps the other.  How do I get one View to draw on top of my
> > Layout?   I really appreciate any help you could give.
> > Marty

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Re: [android-developers] Entering application from Task Manager

2011-01-24 Thread Kostya Vasilyev

Set clearTaskOnLaunch for your Main activity:


Note that launching for debugging can interfere with the task stack (that's
my observation) - so to test this, make sure that the first time you launch
the app, you do this from the list of installed applications.

-- Kostya

2011/1/20 Joel 

> Hi Android Developers,
> I would like to have users entering my application via my Main
> Activity, from Android's menu, and from the Task Manager. Currently
> all my Activities are in single instance mode, and all my Activities
> have no history set to true except for the Main Activity.
> When users navigate away from my Main Activity into another activity,
> and pressing the hardware Back button from the second Activity will
> get them back to the Main Activity.
> However, when users navigate away from my Main Activity into another
> activity, press the hardware Home button of the Android device to get
> to Android's Home screen, access the Task Manager by holding the Home
> button, and select my application from the grid of running Activities,
> the application shows the second activity. If users press the hardware
> Back button in the second Activity, they go to Android's Home screen
> instead of Main Activity.
> Note that I did not call finish() on my Main Activity when launching
> the second Activity. Also, launching the application from Android's
> menu displays my desired behavior when my application is running, that
> is to show the Main Activity.
> How could I achieve my expected behavior of closing all Activities
> except for the Main Activity when I access my running application from
> the Task Manager?
> Thanks.
> --
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[android-developers] Re: Icon not showing for app

2011-01-24 Thread patjackson52


On Jan 14, 8:33 am, Marcin Orlowski  wrote:
> On 13 January 2011 16:32, patjackson52  wrote:
> > The icon is not showing for my app after installation.  This happens
> > on all phones.  There is no icon showing at all in the app drawer for
> > my app.  My manifest includes a LAUNCHER and this still happens.  Any
> > ideas??
> show your manifest

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[android-developers] Re: convert a C++ game to Android

2011-01-24 Thread Mubasher
It all depends what type of game you are planning to port.

I will recommend to read "Pro Android Games" by APress. It is a good

In this book author explained the basics of game development in
Android and also showed two examples - the Wolf 3D and DOOM from the
PC to the Android device.

The normal practice is to build DSO and glue it to Java with JNI.

Kind regards

On Jan 22, 5:09 am, Marcin Orlowski  wrote:
> On 22 January 2011 01:03, DanH  wrote:
> > Converting the code is the easy part.  The hard part is mapping the
> > UI.
> That depends on what game's UI really is. If it's custom, say GL based,
> then may not be that hard

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[android-developers] unexplained / unwanted "diagnostic" output in the upper right corner of emulator screen

2011-01-24 Thread Wolfgang
I have a very simple(istic) test app that produces different results
depending which emulator (Android Virtual Device AVD) I target.

I'm using Eclipse Helios with the latest SDK and ADT plugins

All I'm doing is generating an activity with an empty TextView in the
otherwise empty display window.  The title and the status bar on the
window are suppressed, so the window is supposed to be all black.

I will spare you the code for now,  just please have a look at the
screenshots of the results, and hopefully you have a clue of how / why
Android 1.5 might (automatically) produce this unexplained / unwanted
"diagnostic" in the upper right corner of the emulator screen, whereas
the 1.6 AVD (left side) is empty, as it should be.  See:


Left  side is AVD Android 1.5 - API level 3 with the unwanted stuff
right side is Android 1.6 - API level 4 and higher.

Any clue what this stuff is in the upper right corner of the left AVD?

Santa Barbara, CA

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[android-developers] Optimus S Special Drivers?

2011-01-24 Thread Garret-B
Hey guys,
So i wanted to try to start developing an application and i have the
optimus S by Sprint.  I couldn't find any information about my phone
and i was wondering if there were any special drivers i needed to
downloaded and all and maybe where i could find them?  Also, while i'm
posting, I wanted to make a wallpaper application with my own art/
photos, does google's development software work well for this?

Thanks so much for your help!

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[android-developers] Error in building Android 2.2

2011-01-24 Thread amador ayala
Hello, my name is Amador.

I have problems when I build Android. I have done the following:

repo init -u git://gitorious.org/rowboat/manifest.git -m rowboat-
repo sync

I download correctly all files.

But when I build the rootfs I get the following error:

amador@amador-desktop:~/rowboat-android$ make TARGET_PRODUCT=igepv2


*** Build configuration changed: "igepv2-tests-{mdpi,nodpi,hdpi}" ->
*** Forcing "make installclean"...
*** Done with the cleaning, now starting the real build.
build/core/java.mk:20: *** frameworks/ex/common: Invalid
LOCAL_SDK_VERSION '7' Choices are: current .  Alto.

What I can do? Can you help me? Please.


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[android-developers] Re: Best, easiest, cleanest, way to make a game and cross platfrom.

2011-01-24 Thread Hogus
People spend way too much time worrying about cross-platform
capability at the outset.

I would suggest rather developing a good game for a single platform,
getting feedback, and once you have some success worrying about

Why do I say this?

a) With all the differences in form factor and physical interfaces,
the gameplay experience is significantly different across platforms.
Games are actually a lot less cerebral than most people think. Its
mainly about feeling and flow, especially on mobile... You're not
likely to be sitting for hours on end playing a game (the battery life
on your phone doesn't allow for this anyway), you just need a
distraction that you can quickly get into. When a toy doesn't operate
smoothly you don't really want to use it.

b) There is a huge market out there... It's great to try and cover it
all, but none of the guys that really struck gold worried too much
about cross platform compatibility at the outset. Take angry birds for
instance. This is a game that slowly spread across platforms. Because
it's a good brand people are actually excited when it is finally
released on their platform. You are able to create continuous new hype
for it with different roll-outs. Not to mention the fact that it makes
supporting it a lot easier because you're not being bombarded with
bugs from 7 different directions.

c) Once you actually know what you're doing and know the kind of
balance you want to achieve it's not that much more work to re-develop
the game on another platform. If you stuck to open GL the sequence of
API calls a pretty much the same (even across different languages),
and your game loop is pretty much the same. You may just have to
instantiate timers and threads, and trawling for input in a slightly
different way.

d) In contrast if you try and use some higher level platform, it never
ends up being quite as cross platform as the advertising suggests.
There are always some tricks and traps, and workarounds that you need
to pull and you can never really count on the platform provider to
focus on the issues that are important to you (even when you're a
paying customer... actually, especially when you are a paying
customer, because they have already taken your money!). So you end up
pulling so many hacks to get it all up and running, that you might as
well just have developed separate versions at a lower level. Never
mind that you are now distracting yourself by trying to get it all
operational across different platforms, rather than just getting a
great game out there.

This actually goes for most applications, not just games. Companies
spend so much time trying to roll their product out to everyone that
they back themselves into corners where there is no way to actually
provide the functionality that they want to provide and end up with
some watered down, "me too", application that anyone else could have

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[android-developers] Customized AnalogClock widget doesn't survive screen orientation change

2011-01-24 Thread Alexander Golikov

I've created a simple analog clock widget for SonyEricsson X10 mini
pro. It just changes the style of standard android AnalogClock widget.
Widget works fine until screen orientation changes when I slide the
physical keyboard. At this moment I recieve the following error:

W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): updateAppWidget couldn't find any view,
using error
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): android.view.InflateException: Binary XML
file line
#12: Error inflating class android.widget.AnalogClock
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): Caused by:
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
(Native Method)
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): ... 11 more
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:
Can't create
handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): at
W/AppWidgetHostView( 1305): ... 15 more

My code is here:

public class ClockWidget extends AppWidgetProvider
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
String action = intent.getAction();
if (AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE.equals(action))
RemoteViews views = new
RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.widget);

And layout file is as follows:


Could you please advise what can cause such problem.


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[android-developers] Parental Control Applications for Android

2011-01-24 Thread ParentalcontrolApps.com Cell Phone Parental Control
Hello, We offer Parental Control Software for Android Cell Phones at
http://www.parentalcontrolapps.com/spy-software .  We are interested
in representing the best products to our customers.  We also have
Windows Parental Control http://www.parentalcontrolapps.com/windows-xp/
for Windows users.

If you can suggest any that we do not have please let us know so that
we can better serve our customers.

thanks for your support!

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[android-developers] Unable to install platforms in Android SDK behind a authenticated proxy server

2011-01-24 Thread caliberoviv

I am using a windows computer which is behind a windows proxy server,
which requires authentication. I entered my proxy server address and
port number in the Android SDK manager window.  But, the android SDK
manager does not ask for Username and password of my proxy server.
So, my proxy server does not allow me to install packages in android

I tried many work-arounds which are suggested in the following links.
But,nothing worked till now:(

1. http://bharathi.posterous.com/install-android-sdk-thru-proxy-with-authentic
(including the one suggested in comments for the blog post)

Could anybody care to help me?

I have a doubt why Google android team did not think of this
possibility?  I wish the Android team would give a fix for this
issue.  I was very much interested in trying out Android development.
I dont want this issue to stop me from trying Android development.

Thanks in advance.


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[android-developers] Android C++ Development with Visual Studio

2011-01-24 Thread Jack Underwood
I am trying to figure out how to setup android development with Visual
Studio. I plan on using C++ (targeting 2.3 and above), but I see very
little on the subject. Does anyone know how to do this?

I know that Android development suggests Java/Eclipse, however, I want
to do C++/VS.

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[android-developers] Problem in adding a control dynamically to a tab widget

2011-01-24 Thread dinesh . bajaj999
Hi All,

I am not able to add a control at run time to a tab widget. I asked for 
solution at  the StackOverflow site 
but didn't get any reponse. I am hoping that one of you would be kind enough 
to guide me to the solution.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [android-developers] Re: convert a C++ game to Android

2011-01-24 Thread narasimha venkat
first one thing android  game related  canvas  or opengl surface view  two
different ways  selecting one u can develop game u can  analyse the
 document  develop the game

On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 5:39 AM, Marcin Orlowski

> On 22 January 2011 01:03, DanH  wrote:
> > Converting the code is the easy part.  The hard part is mapping the
> > UI.
> That depends on what game's UI really is. If it's custom, say GL based,
> then may not be that hard
> --
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[android-developers] Re: How to investigate a system crash reported by user?

2011-01-24 Thread Mark Carter
The Log2Sd app does what I need.

On Jan 11, 10:38 pm, Mark Carter  wrote:
> For some reason he doesn't see a Report button - though I thought this was
> on all 2.2 devices?
> 2011/1/11 Stephan Wiesner 
> > Tryhttp://code.google.com/p/acra
> > If there is a "normal exception" it should be reported.
> > Greetings from Zurich,
> > Stephan
> > On 11 Jan., 15:39, Mark Carter  wrote:
> > > A user has reported that running my paid app (interestingly the free
> > > version runs fine using almost the same codebase - LVL being the
> > > biggest difference) immediately results in a Force Close and then he
> > > cannot do anything other than switch off the device (Galaxy S running
> > > official ROM). If he hold down the home key he ends up at the
> > > homescreen and all the icons have disappeared (and the Menu is
> > > inaccessible).
> > > Usually, I ask the user to use something like aLogCat to send me the
> > > logs but that's not possible in this case.
> > > Any other suggestions on how to investigate this remotely?
> > --
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[android-developers] Re: SQLite Issues - Database seems to be corrupt on occasions. Missing tables etc.

2011-01-24 Thread Bret Foreman
I've seen this exception when one thread is adding a table to the
schema and another thread is accessing a different table at the same
time. This is because SQLite maintains a master list of tables, which
is locked for both read and write access by all threads while any
thread is doing a table create. Are you doing multi-thread access to
the database in this fashion?

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Re: [android-developers] screenOrientation

2011-01-24 Thread Kostya Vasilyev
This can be set in the application's manifest (not in the activity's layout


-- Kostya

2011/1/21 jerryalex 

> New to Android but not new to linux.
> Would like to change the screenOrientation from landscape to portrait.
> it looks like the  AndroidManifest.xml  file defines this.
> Would like to do this globally if possible.
> Believe that  if set at the top level,  the sublevels will pick up the
> value
> when installed.
> Have not been able to find which xml to add/modify the
> screenOrientation
> to get the desired effect.
> Thanks,
> Jerry
> --
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Re: [android-developers] File buffer help

2011-01-24 Thread fird hardys
Im a new to java

On 2011 Jan 22 22:10, "nation-x"  wrote:

Please have patience with my noob questions... I am new to Java.

I am reading a large file (podcast) from the web which I am playing
with the mediaplayer... I have been looking at how I can truncate the
buffer during write and I think I can use FileChannel but I am not
exactly sure how to implement it. Can someone point me in the right
direction here? Basically, I want to limit the size of the downloaded
file so that I don't use up too much space on the SD Card (say 5mb or
so) but I need to be able to continue playback as I truncate the file.

Thanks in advance

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Retrieve tweets from my twitter account

2011-01-24 Thread Martin Jernberg
i always use this twitter client: http://twitter.com/SWIFTAPP

On 1/18/11, Albert  wrote:
> Cool thanks for the answers!
> Alberto
> --
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[android-developers] shape button

2011-01-24 Thread m momin
The Button shape is VEry Atractive mode

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[android-developers] Custom xfer modes for Paint/Canvas?

2011-01-24 Thread spaceraiders

I'm writing an image editing application, making use of the Bitmap and
Canvas classes, and I need to edit the colors of pixels in specific
ways for some operations. For example, I'd like to be able to XOR
pixel values and create a multiply filter that works the same way as
in desktop image software.

With the current Porter Duff modes available (http://
that you set with Paint.setXfermode(..) I can't do either of these as
the XOR mode and multiply mode available don't treat alpha values the
way that I want. For example, the XOR operation should just XOR all
the bits together and not perform any calculations based on the alpha
value (Canvas does the latter when XOR is set).

My solution at the moment is to dump the two bitmaps I'm working with
to int arrays, perform the operation by hand using the int arrays (NDK
use would speed this up) and the copy the int arrays back. This is
slow and cumbersome and also means I can't e.g. use operations like
Canvas.drawBitmap with the filters I want.

Is it possible to introduce my own Porter Duff modes (e.g. using the
NDK)? This would be a much more elegant solution for me.

I'd appreciate any advice on alternative solutions too. As far as I'm
aware, it isn't possible to modify the contents of Bitmap objects
directly without copying to int arrays first.


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[android-developers] Troubleshooting some memory leaks

2011-01-24 Thread TheRain
Hey all-

I'm fairly new to Android development and Java development and I've
discovered that an app I created recently has a serious memory leak

Due to the nature of this app, potentially Activities could be added
to the stack ad infinitum.  To make matters worse, every activity
downloads a lot of images from web feeds.

I have read a lot about bitmaps leaking in android and have
implemented many suggestions from the web about how to release these
explicitly.   I'm mainly doing this in the onStop override for each
Activity.  It seems that I still have a lot of leaking going on, I
have some lines of code tracking the memory build up as I go.

I have a few pointed questions about what I'm doing that I'm hoping
getting answers to will correct my understanding and my code:

1.) My understanding is that if an object (an Activity in this case)
is holding objects, upon being destroyed the memory for those objects
should also marked for GC as long as nothing else is holding a
reference to it.   Is that correct?  Because of that, I have been
using the current Activity as the context for any Adapters I
instantiate as well, assuming that would pair the Adapters and any
views they are holding with the Activities lifecycle.
Is that more or less correct?

2.) If I start another activity from the current activity, what
context should I pass to the constructor of Intent?  Currently I've
been either using the current activity instance, or the view who's
onclicklistener has been triggered.

3.)  If I set a reference to a new object, the previous object it held
should be ready for GC, assuming nothing else is holding it, correct?

Any other thoughts or ideas around my problems would be appreciated as
well.   I have been finding the DDMS tool to be difficult to use to
trace back leaks to their origins.


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[android-developers] Camera force to shut down problem

2011-01-24 Thread Orkun
Hi All!

Im developing a camera application however having the same error on
emulator or android 2.2 hardware, application force to shut down ..

Will be very appreciate for any kind help..

This is my Activity Class :

package com.AndroidAR;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;

public class AndroidAR extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  CustomCameraView cv = new CustomCameraView(
  FrameLayout rl = new


And this is CustomCameraView  with Surfaceview

package com.AndroidAR;

import java.io.IOException;

import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.PixelFormat;
import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.hardware.Camera.Parameters;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceView;

public class CustomCameraView extends SurfaceView
   Camera camera;
   SurfaceHolder previewHolder;
   public CustomCameraView(Context context)
  previewHolder = this.getHolder();
SurfaceHolder.Callback surfaceHolderListener = new
SurfaceHolder.Callback() {
  public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
 try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

   public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format,
int width,
 int height)
  Parameters params = camera.getParameters();
  int w = 0;
  int h =0;
params.setPreviewSize(w, h);

   public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder arg0)

Plus the manifest.xml:



Error on debug is :

01-21 01:42:12.763: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1728): >>
AndroidRuntime START <<
01-21 01:42:12.763: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1728): CheckJNI is OFF
01-21 01:42:12.763: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1728): creating instr width table
01-21 01:42:12.793: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1728): --- registering native
functions ---
01-21 01:42:13.003: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1728): Shutting down VM
01-21 01:42:13.003: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1728): Debugger has detached;
object registry had 1 entries
01-21 01:42:13.013: INFO/AndroidRuntime(1728): NOTE: attach of thread
'Binder Thread #3' failed
01-21 01:42:13.163: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1737): >>
AndroidRuntime START <<
01-21 01:42:13.163: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1737): CheckJNI is OFF
01-21 01:42:13.163: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1737): creating instr width table
01-21 01:42:13.204: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1737): --- registering native
functions ---
01-21 01:42:13.423: INFO/ActivityManager(92): Starting activity:
Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN
cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x1000
cmp=android.photo/.AndroidPhoto }
01-21 01:42:13.423: DEBUG/SurfaceFlinger(92):
Layer::setBuffers(this=0x4b4318), pid=92, w=1, h=1
01-21 01:42:13.433: DEBUG/SurfaceFlinger(92):
Layer::setBuffers(this=0x4b4318), pid=92, w=1, h=1
01-21 01:42:13.443: DEBUG/SurfaceFlinger(92):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x4b4318), index=0, pid=92, w=480, h=800
01-21 01:42:13.443: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(1737): Shutting down VM
01-21 01:42:13.453: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1737): Debugger has detached;
object registry had 1 entries
01-21 01:42:13.453: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1737): Compiler shutdown in
progress - discarding request
01-21 01:42:13.453: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1737): Compiler shutdown in
progress - discarding request
01-21 01:42:13.453: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1737): Compiler shutdown in
progress - discarding request
01-21 01:42:13.453: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1737): Compiler shutdown in
progress - discarding request
01-21 01:42:13.453: DEBUG/dalvikvm(1737): Compiler shutdown in
progress - discarding request
01-21 01:42:13.464: INFO/ActivityManager(92): Start proc android.photo
for activity android.photo/.AndroidPhoto: pid=1745 uid=10080
gids={1006, 1015}
01-21 01:42:13.473: INFO/AndroidRuntime(1737): NOTE: attach of thread
'Binder Thread #3' failed
01-21 01:42:13.523

[android-developers] Supporting motion jpeg with avi oontainer

2011-01-24 Thread Rajnish Taneja
I want to support motion jpeg with avi container in android. Is there
plan for supporting this in future version of android?


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Re: [android-developers] App Marketing and Monetization Strategies - Webinar

2011-01-24 Thread Martin Jernberg
damn i missed this :(

On 1/18/11, OrenTodoros  wrote:
> The mobile app industry is seeing a growth unlike any other before.
> To better understand the growing popularity of mobile apps, and help
> all players in the mobile app ecosystem figure out how to successfully
> promote and monetize apps, we're hosting a one-time-only, 30min
> webinar on Thursday, January 20, 2011 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM CST
> Hosted By:
> Oren Todoros, Co-founder & CEO AppsMarketing.mobi
> Robert Weber, Co-founder & Vice President at W3i.
> Join us and discover 6 app marketing strategies: Crucial to creating
> and maintain high visibility in the App Store as well as pricing and
> monetizing to benefit from your mobile app initiatives.
> Brand owners, developers, digital marketers, you'll want to make sure
> you've registered for the Mobile App Marketing and Monetization
> Strategies Webinar.
> Register FREE : https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/513273222
> --
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> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
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> android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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[android-developers] Please recommend job boards for Android developers

2011-01-24 Thread Jessica Benjamin
Please recommend job boards for Android developers. Thank you for your

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[android-developers] Post with image attachment

2011-01-24 Thread ugurbayram
hi everyone. im new in android dev and stuck on posting an image to
jersey web service.
here is code snipets of android app and web service.

Android app

HttpClient httpClint = new
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(BASE_URI);
MultipartEntity entity = new

Bitmap bmImg = 
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bmImg.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bos);
byte[] bitmapdata = bos.toByteArray();

entity.addPart("Default",new StringBody("Default",
entity.addPart("100", new
entity.addPart("jpg",new InputStreamBody(new
HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClint.execute(httpPost);

Web service

try {
newSearchOption =
newCategoryName =
newCategoryId = Integer.parseInt(newCategoryName);
numberOfResult =
BodyPartEntity bpe = (BodyPartEntity)
InputStream is = bpe.getInputStream();
bufferedImage = ImageIO.read(is);
} catch (IOException e) {

and here is the error message a receive everytime :

HTTP Status 415 - Status report
The server refused this request because the request entity is in a
format not supported by the requested resource for the requested
method ().
GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.0.1

it seems there is a problem on entity parts but couldnt figure out.
i tried afew more code snipets on this forum eigther but nothing

thanks in a advance

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[android-developers] Is there direction of developing to full compatibility linux packages(rpm, deb, tgz, etc...) which already and android?

2011-01-24 Thread myandroidmarketacc
Hi, everyone!

I mean, some great sandbox, wich will not required root privileges to
install such deb, or rpm whatever, like amarok, zenmap, sudoku...?

Every day market polluted by hundreds clones of true opensource

If there are already linux kernel and userland, and some guys have
install debian on android kernel, maybe some easy way to make such
sandbox by default on android 4.0/3.0, is?

After it, we have Wine, and all windows application there...

And after time any application including bsd's apps in particular mac
os's apps.

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[android-developers] Odd Animation/Layout Button "Hit Area" Problem

2011-01-24 Thread Aaron Buckner
Ok so here is the deal... I have a menu at the bottom of my apps
screen that works normally hits/clicks register fine.

When you select the "hide menu" button which is an arrow image the
animation works fine and the menu and the hide menu button move down
as they should, here is where it gets weird, The "hit area" or "click
area" whatever you want to call it remains where in the original
location for both the menu and the "hide menu" button, If I click on
the "hide menu" button again (where it was prior to the animation,
nothing happens when I click on its current location) it returns to
the visible position (which I defined through a state holder variable
and a couple if statements) so the code seems to be functioning
normally except that the button clickable areas aren't moving... can
someone explain where I'm going wrong or what I need to do?

Main Activity:
//Nav Button
ImageButton NavDrawerBtn = (ImageButton)
NavDrawerBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//Toast.makeText(Dashboard.this, "Nav",

 private void animateNavDrawerBtn(){
ImageButton NavDrawerBtn = (ImageButton)
View NavDrawer = (View) findViewById(R.id.nav_drawer);

//State 1 = Bottom
//State 2 = Middle
//State 3 = Top
//If State is 1 move to 2 and set to 2
if (navState == 1){
NavDrawer.startAnimation(new NavDrawerAnimMid());
navState = 2;

//If State is 2 move to 1 and set to 1
if (navState == 2){
NavDrawer.startAnimation(new NavDrawerAnimBottom());
navState = 1;
//If State is 3 move to 2 and set to 2
if (navState == 3){
navState = 2;


NavDrawerAnim Classes (only difference in the classes is the
matrix.setTRamslate(xxx,xxx) line:
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.Transformation;

public class NavDrawerAnimBottom extends Animation{
public void NavAnimation2(){}

public void initialize(int width, int height, int parentWidth,
int parentHeight){
setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime,
Transformation t){
final Matrix matrix = t.getMatrix();
matrix.setTranslate(0, 125);

I'm up against a wall here I have no idea whats going on and I'm still
trying to figure this out any help would be greatly appreciated

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[android-developers] Manaul creation of APK's

2011-01-24 Thread Aryeh Friedman
In preperation for adding android source to an existing source tree
(which has it's own build system and version control and thus we do
not want to be forced to switch to ant/git) I am attempting to do a
manual build under froyo of HelloAndroid (works perfectly with ant)
and I have been able to replicate the process (as far I can tell) all
the way up to the adb install and then it fails on bad magic numbers
in the dexopt phase of install:

D/AndroidRuntime(  519):
D/AndroidRuntime(  519): >> AndroidRuntime START
D/AndroidRuntime(  519): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime(  519): --- registering native functions ---
D/PackageParser(   79): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl20525.tmp
I/PackageParser(   79): Impliciting adding
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to old pkg com.h
I/PackageParser(   79): Impliciting adding
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to old pkg com.h
E/PackageManager(   79): Package com.h has mismatched uid: 10050 on
disk, 10041 in settings
I/PackageManager(   79): /data/app/vmdl20525.tmp changed; unpacking
D/installd(   52): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/vmdl20525.tmp' ---
W/dalvikvm(  525): DexOptZ: zip archive '/data/app/vmdl20525.tmp' does
not include classes.dex
W/installd(   52): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/vmdl20525.tmp' ---
status=0xff00, process failed
E/installd(   52): dexopt failed on '/data/dalvik-cache/
data@a...@vmdl20525.tmp@classes.dex' res = 65280
W/PackageManager(   79): Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/
D/AndroidRuntime(  519): Shutting down VM
D/dalvikvm(  519): DestroyJavaVM waiting for non-daemon threads to
D/dalvikvm(  519): DestroyJavaVM shutting VM down
D/dalvikvm(  519): HeapWorker thread shutting down
D/dalvikvm(  519): HeapWorker thread has shut down
D/jdwp(  519): JDWP shutting down net...
D/dalvikvm(  519): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm(  519): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 662676 of 4194304 (15%)
D/dalvikvm(   79): GC freed 8599 objects / 444928 bytes in 220ms

below is the script I have so far for the build:

aapt package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -I /home/aryeh/android-AOSP-2.2-
i386-distro-20100709/platforms/android-8/android.jar -S res -m -J src

javac -bootclasspath /home/aryeh/android-AOSP-2.2-i386-distro-20100709/
platforms/android-8/android.jar -sourcepath src -d obj src/com/h/
HelloWorld.java -target 1.5 -encoding ascii

dx --dex --output=classes.dex obj

aapt package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -S res -I /home/aryeh/android-
AOSP-2.2-i386-distro-20100709/platforms/android-8/android.jar -F

apkbuilder helloworld-debug.apk -u -z helloworld.apk -f helloworld.apk

jarsigner  -keystore ../.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -
keypass android -signedjar helloworld-debug-signed.apk helloworld-
debug.apk androiddebugkey

aapt list helloworld-debug-signed.apk
~/hellowolrd aryeh@flosoft-stable% sh ack

THIS TOOL IS DEPRECATED. See --help for more information.

The signer certificate will expire within six months.
705 KB/s (21643 bytes in 0.029s)
   pkg: /data/local/tmp/helloworld-debug-signed.apk

adb install helloworld-debug-signed.apk

just for ref here is the output of the above manual procedure:

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[android-developers] Data Transfer between Android Phone and PC

2011-01-24 Thread Joseph bates
So, I'm in the early stages of developing an Android app that is
supposed to transfer data between it and the PC (Windows Only for
now). Not really files, but data. (I can't reveal what the app will be/
do just yet. Sorry)
Anyways, I am having trouble thinking of a way to complete data
transfers. So far I've considered using Bluetooth, however I am having
trouble finding Bluetooth api's for Windows that use Visual C# (the
language im using). I was wondering if there was a way to do what
Google did with chrome2phone. I believe they transfered data through a
user's google account. If anyone has any other ideas, let me know!

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[android-developers] Advice on building an SMS/Texting client

2011-01-24 Thread Sidu Ponnappa
Hello everyone,

I'm moderately dissatisfied with the SMS app on my Android phone and
wish to write a more productive one (think DialerOne for SMS). I'm
unable to find any docs online with clear instructions on how to go
about configuring my app so that the user can set it as the default
messaging client.

Any advice, links etc. would be very welcome.


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[android-developers] manual building of apk's

2011-01-24 Thread Aryeh
In preperation for adding android source to an existing source tree
(which has it's own build system and version control and thus we do
not want to be forced to switch to ant/git) I am attempting to do a
manual build under froyo of HelloAndroid (works perfectly with ant)
and I have been able to replicate the process (as far I can tell) all
the way up to the adb install and then it fails on bad magic numbers
in the dexopt phase of install:

D/AndroidRuntime(  519):
D/AndroidRuntime(  519): >> AndroidRuntime START
D/AndroidRuntime(  519): CheckJNI is OFF
D/AndroidRuntime(  519): --- registering native functions ---
D/PackageParser(   79): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl20525.tmp
I/PackageParser(   79): Impliciting adding
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to old pkg com.h
I/PackageParser(   79): Impliciting adding
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE to old pkg com.h
E/PackageManager(   79): Package com.h has mismatched uid: 10050 on
disk, 10041 in settings
I/PackageManager(   79): /data/app/vmdl20525.tmp changed; unpacking
D/installd(   52): DexInv: --- BEGIN '/data/app/vmdl20525.tmp' ---
W/dalvikvm(  525): DexOptZ: zip archive '/data/app/vmdl20525.tmp' does
not include classes.dex
W/installd(   52): DexInv: --- END '/data/app/vmdl20525.tmp' ---
status=0xff00, process failed
E/installd(   52): dexopt failed on '/data/dalvik-cache/
data@a...@vmdl20525.tmp@classes.dex' res = 65280
W/PackageManager(   79): Package couldn't be installed in /data/app/
D/AndroidRuntime(  519): Shutting down VM
D/dalvikvm(  519): DestroyJavaVM waiting for non-daemon threads to
D/dalvikvm(  519): DestroyJavaVM shutting VM down
D/dalvikvm(  519): HeapWorker thread shutting down
D/dalvikvm(  519): HeapWorker thread has shut down
D/jdwp(  519): JDWP shutting down net...
D/dalvikvm(  519): VM cleaning up
D/dalvikvm(  519): LinearAlloc 0x0 used 662676 of 4194304 (15%)
D/dalvikvm(   79): GC freed 8599 objects / 444928 bytes in 220ms

below is the script I have so far for the build:

aapt package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -I /home/aryeh/android-AOSP-2.2-
i386-distro-20100709/platforms/android-8/android.jar -S res -m -J src

javac -bootclasspath /home/aryeh/android-AOSP-2.2-i386-distro-20100709/
platforms/android-8/android.jar -sourcepath src -d obj src/com/h/
HelloWorld.java -target 1.5 -encoding ascii

dx --dex --output=classes.dex obj

aapt package -f -M AndroidManifest.xml -S res -I /home/aryeh/android-
AOSP-2.2-i386-distro-20100709/platforms/android-8/android.jar -F

apkbuilder helloworld-debug.apk -u -z helloworld.apk -f helloworld.apk

jarsigner  -keystore ../.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -
keypass android -signedjar helloworld-debug-signed.apk helloworld-
debug.apk androiddebugkey

aapt list helloworld-debug-signed.apk
~/hellowolrd aryeh@flosoft-stable% sh ack

THIS TOOL IS DEPRECATED. See --help for more information.

The signer certificate will expire within six months.
705 KB/s (21643 bytes in 0.029s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/helloworld-debug-signed.apk

adb install helloworld-debug-signed.apk

just for ref here is the output of the above manual procedure:

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[android-developers] NFC Android

2011-01-24 Thread yogmen
In my application are some activity first login to application and
second where I should touch tag and when I'm touching the tag Android
asking me which application I want to use, I need some thread which
allow me to check the activity action without asking me which
application I want to use, how to do it?

And second let's say we have more than one tag close to Android phone
which of the tag will be discovered and how is it work?

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Re: [android-developers] How to set a dynamic View size

2011-01-24 Thread Nikini Ayodaya
Hellooo Dear Friends,

Do u want to download free latest Movies
Click Here

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[android-developers] use android media player native components at application layer

2011-01-24 Thread Rajnish Taneja
I want to use android media player native components at application
layer. Is it possible to do that?


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[android-developers] Re: Using internal Android string resources

2011-01-24 Thread Kevin TeslaCoil Software
I actually had this very conversation with my (bilingual) wife the
other day. Another potential problem with using system strings in your
own project is that if your default language is English and a user has
their phone set for a language you don't support, they'll then see
English for all your strings, but all the buttons and what not will be
in their language. This happens sometimes in localized software.
My wife's opinion was that even if the user doesn't speak English
well, they will already know the Yes/No/OK/Cancel buttons. But if they
do speak English well, they'd rather see the app all in English or all
in their language, not some messy hybrid. It makes the app feel

One neat tool for dealing with the common translations is http://crowdin.net/
which will suggest translations from it's own database of previously
translated strings.


On Jan 22, 7:48 am, DanH  wrote:
> Yeah, while TPTB have a legitimate reason to object to using any/all
> of the system translations willy-nilly, it seems like it would be
> simple and very useful to "harden" a set of the most common stuff --
> yes/no, continue/cancel, etc.  Minimal effort on the part of TPTB --
> just commit to never deleting those words.
> On Jan 22, 1:32 am, Brill Pappin  wrote:
> > Yes, and I think thats a good strategy for graphics.
> > However there are thousands of string in different language value
> > resources... which is why I say it it would save a heck of a lot of time.
> > IMO it's worth having to test with each new platform.
> > - Brill Pappin

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[android-developers] Browser plugin development in Android 2.3

2011-01-24 Thread Ankit
I am new to Android.I am using Android 2.3
I tried to build the sample browser plugin which comes with the source
code but was unable to build it .

To compile :- [ README.txt ]
1. run "make SampleBrowserPlugin" (compiles libsampleplugin.so and
builds the apk)
2. the previous command produces an apk file so record its location

I tried it but was unable to build the plugin.
So can anyone tell me how to build the Sample Browser Plugin in the
source code.

Thanks and Regards,

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[android-developers] Re: npapi plugin for android

2011-01-24 Thread Ankit
Hi ,

I tried building the sample plugin but was unable to build it.

I am new to Android and using Android 2.3 .
 There is sample Browser plugin in the source code I am trying to
 it but unable to do so.

 To compile plugin [ In README.txt ]

 1. run "make SampleBrowserPlugin" (compiles libsampleplugin.so and
 builds the apk)
 2. the previous command produces an apk file so record its location.

Using the above steps I am unable to build it.

I thought to build the code in JNI folder first so as to get the
plugin  ".so"  so that after getting the ".so" would build the project
apk using the eclipse .Is my understanding correct?

So  I tried building the code in the JNI folder using NDK build.The
 was not geting build it was giving "undefined reference to
JNIRegisterNativeMethod in JNIHelp.h ".

Can you please tell me how to build the Sample plugin and install it
 on Emulator.

Thanks and Regards,

On Dec 26 2010, 10:12 pm, maha rm  wrote:
> Hi,
>     I have attached the sample browser plugin using NPAPI for Android Froyo.
> Please try to compile Android.mk which is under the BrowserPlugin folder.
> After compilation, the apk file would be generated at
>  out/target/product/generic/data/app/SampleBrowserPlugin.apk
>   Thanks,
>   Maha
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 2:21 PM, bill_tn  wrote:
> > I tried the last 2 days to download the sources from development/
> > samples/BrowserPlugin, but in vain.
> > is there any other link to download these sources apart from :
> >http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/development.git;a=tree;f=sa...
> > thanks a lot.
> > On 21 déc, 15:29, maha rm  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >    NPAPI plugin is available right from Donut. I never used sdk to
> > develop
> > > the plugin. Download the source code and the sample plugin is available
> > in
> > > source code itself.  In Android FROYO code, the sample plugin is there in
> > > development/samples/BrowserPlugin.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Maha
> > > On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 6:48 PM, bill dr  wrote:
> > > > hi,
> > > > I am trying to write an npapi plugin for android browser.
> > > > i found that the android 2.2 sdk supply only the pluginstub interface
> > for
> > > > that purpose.
> > > > has anyone any idea about the manner that we could implement that
> > > > interface. is there any example to clarify that issue.
> > > > Please help me, all clues are welcome.
> > > >  --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to
> > android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > cr...@googlegroups.com>
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
>  BrowserPlugin.tar.gz
> 59KViewDownload

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Re: [android-developers] Ramesh Solanki wants to chat

2011-01-24 Thread Martin Jernberg
added you on my jabber account bit...@jabber.se if anyone wants to
chat with me :p

On 1/21/11, Ramesh Solanki  wrote:
> ---
> Ramesh Solanki wants to stay in better touch using some of Google's coolest
> new
> products.
> If you already have Gmail or Google Talk, visit:
> http://mail.google.com/mail/b-334a51fa6f-fc6de9aa5f-J5fLFhz4rffQYDk9d9RXgcEV-H4
> You'll need to click this link to be able to chat with Ramesh Solanki.
> To get Gmail - a free email account from Google with over 2,800 megabytes of
> storage - and chat with Ramesh Solanki, visit:
> http://mail.google.com/mail/a-334a51fa6f-fc6de9aa5f-J5fLFhz4rffQYDk9d9RXgcEV-H4
> Gmail offers:
> - Instant messaging right inside Gmail
> - Powerful spam protection
> - Built-in search for finding your messages and a helpful way of organizing
>   emails into "conversations"
> - No pop-up ads or untargeted banners - just text ads and related
> information
>   that are relevant to the content of your messages
> All this, and its yours for free. But wait, there's more! By opening a Gmail
> account, you also get access to Google Talk, Google's instant messaging
> service:
> http://www.google.com/talk/
> Google Talk offers:
> - Web-based chat that you can use anywhere, without a download
> - A contact list that's synchronized with your Gmail account
> - Free, high quality PC-to-PC voice calls when you download the Google Talk
>   client
> We're working hard to add new features and make improvements, so we might
> also
> ask for your comments and suggestions periodically. We appreciate your help
> in
> making our products even better!
> Thanks,
> The Google Team
> To learn more about Gmail and Google Talk, visit:
> http://mail.google.com/mail/help/about.html
> http://www.google.com/talk/about.html
> (If clicking the URLs in this message does not work, copy and paste them
> into
> the address bar of your browser).
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
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> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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[android-developers] Android Application testing on real device

2011-01-24 Thread DANI
Dear All,
I am new to android development. I was wondering how can
we test android application on real device. As there are so many
devices in the market and all these have different display size or
dimensions and differnt . How can we ensure that our application will

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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[android-developers] How to get notified when layout is ready

2011-01-24 Thread MikeO
How can I get notified when the layout is fully calculated? The short
answer is to attached a listener for a callback when the layout is
calculated. Here's what it looks like.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
  RelativeLayout vMain = (RelativeLayout)
 this.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.main, null);
  new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {

public void DisplayLayoutDimensions()
  StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(1000);
  PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw);
  TextView t = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textview);
  ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.hp67);
  out.printf("\nImage Drawable\n");
  out.printf("ImageView Height dp: %d\n", img.getHeight());
  out.printf("ImageView Measured Height dp: %\n",

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[android-developers] to startup with developing apps

2011-01-24 Thread Nithyanandam
thanks a lot.
i have to start developing an app of barcode reader on my own
that is where ALL it goes.
CAN any one help me out how to start with the methods

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[android-developers] Re: NFC doubts. JSR 257 - 177

2011-01-24 Thread Gorka Hernando

The thing is what Andrew says. I am working with an sticker always
connected to the mobile phone, so once the mobile detects the sticker
and reads it, is not possible to read it again unless I remove it and
stick it again (what obviously is not acceptable to me). What I want
to do is somehow whenever I start my application is to be able to read
the tag without having to remove it from the mobile phone.

The sticker is similar to these ones

Thanks and regards

On 23 ene, 03:55, Ben Dodson  wrote:
> I had trouble cut/pasting from the git source to google group as well.
> The package is here:
> android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/packages/apps/Tag.git;a=summary
> On Jan 22, 4:30 pm, davemac  wrote:
> > H. Dianne's link doesn't appear to work. Any help here?
> > - dave
> > On Jan 18, 9:12 pm, Dianne Hackborn  wrote:
> > > There are links at the bottom of the page to the full source.  This is 
> > > also
> > > part of the platform sample code, so it is included with all of the other
> > > sample code you can download.
> > > Also of course you can always look at the actual code of the standard NFC
> > > Tag app:
> > >http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/packages/apps/Tag.git;a=tree
> > > On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 5:10 AM, mduffy215  wrote:
> > > > Has anyone been able to create a demo for NFC on Android 2.3?
> > > > The support from Google is incredibly lame:
> > > >http://developer.android.com/resources/samples/NFCDemo/index.html
> > > > The "demo" does not even give you the ability to download the source
> > > > code!!!
> > > > The demo is very generic and is not a working application.
> > > > In order to be a full demo developers must have access to a sample NFC
> > > > tag or reader.  Does anyone have any recommendations for a tag/reader
> > > > they have actually used in creating a demo for NFC on Android 2.3?
> > > > On Jan 18, 3:11 am, Gorka  wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > I´ve been working on NFC with my Samsung 5230 mobile, and now I am
> > > > > considering to move to Android. Before I do that I have some
> > > > > questions. I´ve been reading the group and the developers web page,
> > > > > but still have some doubts.
> > > > > - Is it possible to read MIFARE DESFire tags using the standard API.
> > > > > In order to do that I have always used the JSR 257 spec. but I don´t
> > > > > know if it is possible to do something similar with the current
> > > > > Android version.
> > > > > - Suppose that I have a tag that is a sticker always affixed to the
> > > > > mobile phone. Is it possible to read it always my application is
> > > > > started?? In the mobile I used to work with it was a limitation since
> > > > > once the sticker was detected the first time it could not detect it
> > > > > anymore until I removed the sticker from the mobile NFC range and got
> > > > > it close again. Would be possible using Android API to detect it
> > > > > anytime I start the app without having to remove it??
> > > > > - I am working on JavaCard too and I have developed an applet in order
> > > > > to complete the authentication steps in a secure way. Is it possible
> > > > > to access JavaCard applets in my SD card using Android API. Until that
> > > > > moment I have used the JSR 177 (APDU Connection, ...) in order to do
> > > > > that. The problem with others mobile is that to access the SD you have
> > > > > to sign your midlet with a Verysign certificate, but I don´t want to
> > > > > do this.
> > > > > Thanks a lot.
> > > > > Best regards.
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > > >  cr...@googlegroups.com>
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> > > --
> > > Dianne Hackborn
> > > Android framework engineer
> > > hack...@android.com
> > > Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> > > provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> > > questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see 
> > > and
> > > answer them.

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[android-developers] How to disconnect call from our application.

2011-01-24 Thread Nagesh
Hello Everyone,

Please help in as soon as possible,

I am developing an android application which needs to disconnect call
in one minute,after that another call should connect automatically
from numbers list.i tried to search through google but no result i
found. please help me any experience guys this will be helpful to many
beginners like me.

Thank you in advance...

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Groups "Android Developers" group.
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[android-developers] Re: npapi plugin for android

2011-01-24 Thread Ankit
Hi ,

I tried building the sample plugin but was unable to build it.

I am new to Android and using Android 2.3 .
 There is sample Browser plugin in the source code I am trying to
 it but unable to do so.

 To compile plugin [ In README.txt ]

 1. run "make SampleBrowserPlugin" (compiles libsampleplugin.so and
 builds the apk)
 2. the previous command produces an apk file so record its location.

Using the above steps I am unable to build it.

I thought to build the code in JNI folder first so as to get the
plugin  ".so"  so that after getting the ".so" would build the project
apk using the eclipse .Is my understanding correct?

So  I tried building the code in the JNI folder using NDK build.The
 was not geting build it was giving "undefined reference to
JNIRegisterNativeMethod in JNIHelp.h ".

Can you please tell me how to build the Sample plugin and install it
 on Emulator.

Thanks and Regards,

On Dec 26 2010, 10:12 pm, maha rm  wrote:
> Hi,
>     I have attached the sample browser plugin using NPAPI for Android Froyo.
> Please try to compile Android.mk which is under the BrowserPlugin folder.
> After compilation, the apk file would be generated at
>  out/target/product/generic/data/app/SampleBrowserPlugin.apk
>   Thanks,
>   Maha
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 2:21 PM, bill_tn  wrote:
> > I tried the last 2 days to download the sources from development/
> > samples/BrowserPlugin, but in vain.
> > is there any other link to download these sources apart from :
> >http://android.git.kernel.org/?p=platform/development.git;a=tree;f=sa...
> > thanks a lot.
> > On 21 déc, 15:29, maha rm  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >    NPAPI plugin is available right from Donut. I never used sdk to
> > develop
> > > the plugin. Download the source code and the sample plugin is available
> > in
> > > source code itself.  In Android FROYO code, the sample plugin is there in
> > > development/samples/BrowserPlugin.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Maha
> > > On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 6:48 PM, bill dr  wrote:
> > > > hi,
> > > > I am trying to write an npapi plugin for android browser.
> > > > i found that the android 2.2 sdk supply only the pluginstub interface
> > for
> > > > that purpose.
> > > > has anyone any idea about the manner that we could implement that
> > > > interface. is there any example to clarify that issue.
> > > > Please help me, all clues are welcome.
> > > >  --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to
> > android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > cr...@googlegroups.com>
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en
>  BrowserPlugin.tar.gz
> 59KViewDownload

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[android-developers] How to disconnect call from our application.

2011-01-24 Thread Nagesh
Hello everyone,

I am developing one android application which needs to disconnect call
automatically in one minute. please experience guys can u help me with
sample code. i tried to find through google. in many forums many
people rised this question but no response for this question. if u
reply for this question it will be helpfull to many people like me...

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Re: [android-developers] Display PDF in an application

2011-01-24 Thread Madhusuthanan Seetharam
May be this helps you

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 1:34 PM, peria abirami wrote:

> I need to display/view pdf in Application..
> can any one help me on this issue..
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "Android Developers" group.
> To post to this group, send email to android-developers@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> android-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=en

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[android-developers] Re: how to get the subview in the GridView?

2011-01-24 Thread nation-x
VideoItem item = (VideoItem) gridView.getChildAt(position);

On Jan 21, 4:03 am, "and.Freecomm"  wrote:
> hi there,
> Here is a GridView with custom ImageView in it.
> How can i get the sub custom ImageView from the function
> onItemClickListener ?
> It will be crashed after i get the item.
> onItemClickListener:
>         videosView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
>         {
>             @Override
>             public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view,
> int position,
>                     long id)
>             {
>                 VideoItem item =
> (VideoItem)view.findViewById(R.id.video_grid_item);
>                 if ( item != null )
>                 {
>                     item.setOverlay(R.drawable.box);
>                     Log.d(TAG, "item is not empty");
>                     mVideoAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged();
>                 }
>             }
>         });
> the  layout mail.xml:
>                     android:orientation="vertical"
>            android:layout_width="fill_parent"
>            android:layout_height="fill_parent"
>            android:layout_weight="1.0">
>                          android:drawSelectorOnTop="false"
>                 android:columnWidth="113dip"
>                 android:numColumns="auto_fit"
>                 android:cacheColorHint="#00"
>                 android:background="#00"
>                 android:listSelector="#00"
>                 android:stretchMode="spacingWidthUniform"
>                 android:layout_width="fill_parent"
>                 android:layout_height="fill_parent"/>
> the gridviewItem.xml
>    xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android";
>   android:layout_width="113dip"
>   android:orientation="vertical"
>   android:layout_height="wrap_content">
>   http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/
> android"
>     android:orientation="vertical"
>     android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"
>     android:layout_width="fill_parent"
>     android:layout_height="wrap_content">
>              android:id="@+id/video_grid_item"
>         android:layout_width="105dip"
>         android:layout_height="105dip"
>         android:scaleType="centerCrop"
>     />

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[android-developers] Re: code to call Android Music player Application

2011-01-24 Thread nation-x
Intent >>

On Jan 20, 7:28 am, jaishree  wrote:
> Dear sir,
> I m an Android Developer but new to this field.
> I stuck with some problem ,
> Problem is==> how to call  "Android Music Player Application"  from my
> android project.
> please help me in this.
> Thank you in Advance

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[android-developers] Detect bluetooth headset status changes

2011-01-24 Thread João Neves

I'm trying to launch my app when a BT headset is connected to the
device although I haven't succeded.

In the manifest I have:

and a class:

public class BluetoothNotificationReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent arg1) {
Toast.makeText(context, "This is a test.\n",

But nothing happens when I connect or disconnect the BT headset
besides the system headset plug message.
What am I doing wrong?

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  1   2   3   4   >