[android-developers] Re: onFling() Question

2011-12-13 Thread Derek Winstead
Does anyone have any help for this? I don't know enough about Android to 
look in ViewGroup.OnInterceptTouchEvent and know what I'm looking at.

Is there a working model somewhere that I can see how it happens? Or at 
least an explanation of why I need to use something.

Sorry for the lack of knowledge on this, but I've been struggling with this 
part for months now.


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[android-developers] Re: onFling() Question

2011-12-09 Thread Derek Winstead
Is there an example of this in action?

SDK's aren't very helpful to me. I'm still new to programming Android or 


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[android-developers] onFling() Question

2011-12-09 Thread Derek Winstead
I have an activity that implements GestureDetector.OnGestureListener.

This variable: GestureDetector gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this).

This @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { return 
gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event); }

My application works as expected using the onFling() when I swipe the 
screen where there are no views or other layouts (empty spaces on the 
screen). But once I try to swipe over my views (bunch of TextViews and a 
Button) the onFling() is never called.

How would I go about this to make the onFling() available anywhere on the 
screen they swipe? I have searched for answers on Google with nothing that 
addresses this that I can tell.

Thanks for any help,

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[android-developers] Re: Activity Help

2011-09-23 Thread Derek Winstead
I changed the name of my variable in the fetchLiteratureTypes function on 
the LiteratureEditor.java file so it wasn't the same as the one in the 

That seemed to work and fix my problem. I no longer error when running my 

I assume it had something to do with the variable name being used in the 
previous activity since I never called finish() on the activity when calling 
the next Intent.

Thanks for the help everyone!

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Activity Help

2011-09-23 Thread Derek Winstead
My SQL queries are fine, I copy and paste the queries into SQLite Database 
Browser with the current database that is on the VM. Runs fine and returns 
the results expected.

If it was a SQL error wouldn't the program error out before finishing the 
load? No breakpoints get hit on my debug mode and the layout loads with the 
data filled in on the VM. It's after everything runs I then get the error.

Any thoughts about that?

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[android-developers] Re: Activity Help

2011-09-21 Thread Derek Winstead
Thanks Richard,

I have directly skipped the LiteratureManager.java and run the intent 
LiteratureEditor.java from an activity before that normally calls the 
manager file. The editor works just fine and doesn't crash.

I will post a stack trace tomorrow when I'm at work and can run the 
program... This leads me to another question that has stopped any 
development on my laptop at home (I didn't upgrade my work computer).

I have upgraded the SDK and AVD to to most recent release, which has broken 
my build. Seems the code:


breaks my build. I read that I am calling android:WindowTitleBackground 
which was wrong to begin with and Google fixed this in the most recent 
release. I have no idea how to fix this and make my app work with the newest 
SDK/AVD release. I am a novice to Java and Android so this is a foreign 

I have my source publicly hosted by Google if you want to check it out and 
see for yourself.


Thanks for the help!

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[android-developers] Re: Activity Help

2011-09-21 Thread Derek Winstead
It starts in the LiteratureManager.java and the intent goes to 

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[android-developers] Activity Help

2011-09-21 Thread Derek Winstead
Hello all,

I have an issue where my activity has a spinner up top to change the 
listview below it with data from the sqlite database. Using this activity 
everything works fine. However, when I click on one of the list items it 
runs the next activity intent and after this new activity finishes loading 
(layout and java file completes) it throws a nullPointerException.

If I comment out my spinner and default the list to a number that the 
spinner would pass in and click on the list item, the next activity works 
just fine with no errors. This makes me believe it has something to do with 
my spinner and how it closes out or something. Honestly I have no idea and I 
cannot figure out why it throws this error.

Is there anything wrong with my code? Please, any and all help would be 
greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

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http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers?hl=enpackage com.myMinistry.gui;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter;
import android.widget.Spinner;
import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener;

import com.myMinistry.R;
import com.myMinistry.db.LiteratureNameColumns;
import com.myMinistry.db.LiteratureTypeColumns;
import com.myMinistry.db.MinistryDatabase;
import com.myMinistry.models.LiteratureName;

public class LiteratureEditor extends Activity {
	private MinistryDatabase database;
	private LiteratureName _literatureName = new LiteratureName();
	private EditText literatureTitle;
	private Spinner literatureTypes;
	private int literatureNameID = 0;
	private int position = 0;

	public void onResume() {
	public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
	Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();

	if(extras != null) {
		Object[] keys = extras.keySet().toArray();
		for(int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
				literatureNameID = extras.getInt("literatureNameID");
				position = extras.getInt("position");
	database = new MinistryDatabase(this);
	if(literatureNameID > 0) {
		Cursor record = database.fetchRecord(MinistryDatabase.LIT_NAMES_TABLE_NAME, new String[] {LiteratureNameColumns._ID,LiteratureNameColumns.PUBLISHER_ID,LiteratureNameColumns.NAME,LiteratureNameColumns.TYPE_ID,LiteratureNameColumns.ACTIVE,LiteratureNameColumns.COUNT_WEIGHT,LiteratureNameColumns.SORT_ORDER}, LiteratureNameColumns._ID, literatureNameID);
			_literatureName = new LiteratureName(record);
	literatureTypes = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.literatureTypes);
	literatureTitle = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.literatureTitle);
	findViewById(R.id.cancel).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(View v) {
	findViewById(R.id.save).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(View v) {
if(literatureTitle.getText().length() > 0) {
// Failure
	literatureTitle.setError("Please enter a title.");
	private void fetchLiteratureTypes(){
		Cursor litTypes = database.fetchRecords(MinistryDatabase.LIT_TYPES_TABLE_NAME, null, LiteratureTypeColumns.ACTIVE + "=1", null, null, null, LiteratureTypeColumns.SORT_ORDER + "," + LiteratureTypeColumns.NAME, null);
	SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(getApplicationContext(), android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, litTypes, new String[] {LiteratureTypeColumns.NAME}, new int[]{android.R.id.text1});
		literatureTypes.setOnItemSelectedListener( new litTypeSelector() );
public class litTypeSelector implements OnItemSelectedListener {
		public void onItemSelected(AdapterView parent, View view, int pos, long id) {
			position = pos;
		public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView parent) {
			// Do nothing.
}package com.myMinistr

[android-developers] Re: Updated .apk wants uninstall first

2011-04-30 Thread Derek Winstead
I checked out this: 

I created a keytool as the example shows. I have now Right Click Project -> 
Export and put in the new keystore and alias on the export. I need to first 
write down everything on my phones version. Then uninstall and reinstall the 
new .apk created. Then I will make random changes to the app and do another 
export and install and see what happens.

Thanks everyone for the help so far in getting me in the right direction.

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[android-developers] Re: Updated .apk wants uninstall first

2011-04-30 Thread Derek Winstead
Ok, so when I right click my project and Run As -> Android Application it 
installs on the VM but also creates the .apk file in the bin folder and that 
is what I'm coping and sending to friends. Is this incorrect to do?

I'm still a novice with Android.

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Re: [android-developers] Updated .apk wants uninstall first

2011-04-30 Thread Derek Winstead
Where do I change the cert? That doesn't sound like something I've done 

When doing my development on the ADV with eclipse I make my changes and 
rerun the program. It reinstalls everything but I don't loose data. Only 
when I try to push it to a real phone does it want an uninstall.

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[android-developers] Updated .apk wants uninstall first

2011-04-30 Thread Derek Winstead
I have been developing an app I want to share with friends and family for 
beta testing before I publish it to the android market. Problem is, since 
I've already had them install a previous version of the app, that when I 
send them the new .apk to install the installer wants the already installed 
app to be uninstalled first before the new version can be installed or 

Is this something I'm doing wrong in my program? I want the SQLite DB to 
always be intact and never loose data which is what happens when someone has 
to reinstall/update the app.

Please help! Thanks so much.


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[android-developers] App function help

2011-03-08 Thread Derek Winstead
I am not sure this is the right place/group to post this but I am looking for a 
way to respond to incoming phone calls with a text (canned response is fine).

I have the app Locale with the calendar plugin. I would like to know I'm 
receiving a call and respond to that call with a text saying "I'm in a meeting, 
call you shortly."

Is this an option available using other plugins for Locale? I've seen somewhat 
similar using the app Taskr.

Please let me know my options.


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[android-developers] Re: Multiple TextViews Inside a Button

2010-12-19 Thread Derek Winstead
I've already done this before in my app (layout with textviews and the
layout has the onclicks), however I do have a new question. Adding the
statelist as the background works for the layout but what about the
text changing colors?

I've had a hard time figuring out how to do style changes on the fly
with android.

Thanks for all the input everyone!

On Dec 19, 11:39 pm, Sarwar Erfan  wrote:
> Hi,
> You missed one element. There is two text elements and one icon also in
> right side of the number of connections (see attached image):
> I can confirm its not a button. Create your own layout. Use a statelist as
> background. And, use 9 patch images in the statelist (if you want it to look
> good in both orientations).
> Put two TextView and one ImageView in the layout.
> --
> State list:  
> http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource...
> 9 Patch:    
> http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/draw9patch.html
> Regards
> Sarwar Erfan
>  linkedin_connections_layout.png
> 5KViewDownload

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[android-developers] Re: Multiple TextViews Inside a Button

2010-12-19 Thread Derek Winstead
I don't have a screen shot available right now. It is a button with
left aligned text and then the count is right aligned inside the same
button. Doing the .setText() will only place the text inside the
button however the gravity is instead of the left/right aligning.

On Dec 19, 10:21 pm, TreKing  wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 8:33 PM, Derek Winstead 
> wrote:
> > The buttons that say "Connections" and then on the right has the count
> > of your connections.
> Do you have a screen shot? Because from your description, I can't imagine
> it's anything more than something like this:
> btn.setText("Connections " + numConnections);
> --- 
> --
> TreKing <http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking> - Chicago
> transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Multiple TextViews Inside a Button

2010-12-19 Thread Derek Winstead
I want to make a button like the ones in the LinkedIn beta app. The
buttons that say "Connections" and then on the right has the count of
your connections.

To me this looks like a button with two textviews inside it. Is that
even possible. I tried creating that and got errors at runtime. Do I
need to create style for a layout that looks like a button and put the
two textviews inside there and have the layout do the onClick()
events? This seems like a hack to me, but I wanted to know if anyone
else has a solution for this.


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[android-developers] Re: Passing an ArrayList of Objects

2010-11-12 Thread Derek Winstead
Awesome! That worked. Thanks.

On Nov 12, 4:57 pm, TreKing  wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Derek Winstead 
> wrote:
> > Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
> > myObjArray = extras.getParcelableArray("myObjArray");
> The list of items you stored in the intent is NOT placed in the "extras"
> Bundle - it's stored in the intent 
> itself.http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#ge...
> --- 
> --
> TreKing <http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking> - Chicago
> transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Passing an ArrayList of Objects

2010-11-12 Thread Derek Winstead
Is there a way to pass an ArrayList of objects between activities? The
myObject implements Parcelable and I'm able to successfully pass the
objects around individually, but that means I need to have an exact
amount of "myObjects" coded. I want this to dynamically grow/shrink by
what the user does with the app.

I have seen some posts on the web about doing:

Activity A

ArrayList myObjArray = new ArrayList();

Then when passing this into the intent I would use:

intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("myObjArray", myObjArray);

Activity B

ArrayList myObjArray = new ArrayList();

Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
myObjArray = extras.getParcelableArray("myObjArray");

However, the myObjArray always gets filled with "null". How can I
achieve this? Thanks.

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[android-developers] Re: Multiple Object Passing Between Activies

2010-10-14 Thread Derek Winstead
OK, I solved my own problem.

You can pass multiple objects using parcelable. As long as the key
names are different. In my parcelable code for the object I missed a
new variable I added in the creation of the parcelable. So when the
object is called to reconstruct itself it is going off an array that
is bigger than what I parcelabled out.

This was causing an error and making my code return a null when trying
to grab the object out of the bundle.

Thanks for the help!

On Oct 14, 3:25 pm, Kumar Bibek  wrote:
> Haven't tried this yet, never felt the need, but I am guessing that it
> should work
> On 15-Oct-2010 12:54 AM, "Kostya Vasilyev"  wrote:
>  14.10.2010 23:16, Derek Winstead пишет:
> > I have an application that I would like to have multiple objects
> > passed around the activities...
> You can attach as many Parcelable (or any other type) extras to an Intent as
> you like - just make sure that the String key is unique for each.
> Think hash tables.
> --
> Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget 
> --http://kmansoft.wordpress.com
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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[android-developers] Multiple Object Passing Between Activies

2010-10-14 Thread Derek Winstead
I have an application that I would like to have multiple objects
passed around the activities. It seems that when I'm passing multiple
objects using Parcelables it seems it only grabs the first object and
the rest become null. Is this a issue with android not able to handle
more than one object made parcelable or am I just doing it wrong

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[android-developers] Re: Custom DatePickerDialog

2010-10-11 Thread Derek Winstead
I read over what you posted. Thanks for the links.

Do you have any place to look for how to setup my framework/project? I
haven't had much luck at how to setup my project in Eclipse (like how
to structure my folders and any data access objects). I wanted to have
more than one DAO class, but in doing so the first one accessed worked
but the second would not. I know its just my lack of knowledge on how
to set this up. Any help pointing me in the right direction would help
me out.

I have a working app for the most part connected to the sqlite
database but it's a huge file that has all my SQL statements and
creation of the database. I wanted to have it more pulled apart into
separate files. Comes down to it works, but not as efficiently and
visually as appealing as I would hope. I am a programmer, but in the
web world so native applications are a new beast for me and setting up


On Oct 10, 7:15 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Derek Winstead
>  wrote:
> > I am still new to Android and Java in itself. How would I create a
> > subclass of a class? Do I make a class the extends the DatePicker or
> > does it implement the DatePicker? Or is it done totally different.
> You would do something like this:
> public class DerekDatePicker extends DatePicker {
>    // add constructors
>    // override other methods as needed to accomplish your aims
> }
> If you're new to Java, I really recommend spending some time learning
> Java outside of Android. Android is somewhat funky and, IMHO, would
> make learning Java a bit difficult, since it will not line up with
> many traditional Java books.
> FWIW, here's a blog post where I list the key topics in Java I think
> you need to know to be reasonably effective with Android:
> http://commonsware.com/blog/2010/08/02/java-good-parts-version.html
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _Android Programming Tutorials_ Version 3.0.1 Available!

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[android-developers] Re: Custom DatePickerDialog

2010-10-10 Thread Derek Winstead
Thanks for the info Mark.

I am still new to Android and Java in itself. How would I create a
subclass of a class? Do I make a class the extends the DatePicker or
does it implement the DatePicker? Or is it done totally different.


On Oct 1, 2:27 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Derek  wrote:
> > Is there a way to use the DatePickerDialog widget but only show/use
> > the year/month and not the day? I would like to do a magazine entry
> > type screen which would be a year/month setup without the day. Any
> > advice would be helpful.
> Unfortunately, the dialog is not configurable. Neither is the
> underlying DatePicker widget, AFAIK. You may be able to subclass
> DatePicker and have it use a different layout, or clone the DatePicker
> source code to create your own YearAndMonthPicker. Then, you can wrap
> that in an AlertDialog.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://github.com/commonsguyhttp://commonsware.com/blog|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Android Training in Atlanta:http://bignerdranch.com/classes/android

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