[android-developers] Library Projects with Resources to Jar using r14

2011-10-26 Thread drasticp
When I saw the update notes for r14 regarding library projects, I was
ecstatic. It's a dream come true to be able to export a library
project as a JAR file! From the latest release notes, it looks like
things are coming along, however it appears that resources are still
not bundled in the new Jar files created in Eclipse.

In the Android Developers Blog, Xavier Ducrohet wrote:
This solves the implementation fragility in Eclipse and will allow us
to, later, enable distribution of libraries as a single jar file.

Does anyone know what parts are still missing? Is there any way to
hack the resources in? With the new resource indexes in R14 it seems
there might be a manual way to get it done now.

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[android-developers] Re: Fragment.onActivityResult is not called

2011-03-10 Thread drasticp
I think Peter's response is accurate. There seems to be a bug in the
FragmentActivity.startActivityFromFragment method.

I went back and looked at the ApiDemos code and it does work as long
as requestCode = 0. However, if you change the request code to
anything other than zero, the ApiDemos will fail.

I reported the issue here:


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[android-developers] Fragment.onActivityResult is not called

2011-03-09 Thread drasticp
I have an application that targets 2.1. I'm using the Android
Compatibility Package to migrate the code in my Activities to
Fragments. I had an Activity which was launching a contact picker as

Intent contactPickerIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
startActivityForResult(contactPickerIntent, CONTACT_PICKER_RESULT);

The result was appropriately handled in the onActivityResult for the

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent
data) {
if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) return;
switch (requestCode) {

Now, I've migrated both the startActivityForResult call and the
onActivityResult into a Fragment. I have also extended
FragmentActivity in the hosting Activity.

The contact picker still launches correctly, but onActivityResult in
the fragment is never called. If I override onActivityResult in the
FragmentActivity, it *IS* called. However, I don't want to handle the
result there because it breaks the encapsulation philosophy of the new

Shouldn't onActivityResult in the fragment be called? Am I missing
something? Thanks for your assistance!

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[android-developers] Re: Identify phone number on web page

2011-03-09 Thread drasticp
Take a look at the Linkify class. It may be quite useful. You would
need to use it to add markup to the html before the webview renders


On Mar 9, 6:22 am, Anndy see.n...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have a html page which i am going to open in a WebView. Is there a
 way I can identify a phone number on the page and when click on it,
 calls the number.


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[android-developers] Re: Honeycomb / Fragments: can't remove a fragment added in XML layout

2011-03-09 Thread drasticp
I reproduced your issue. It seems the same for me.
FragmentTransaction.hide(Fragment) seems to work, but remove does not.
Also, the second attempt generates an exception as you described.


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[android-developers] Re: HTC Incredible, unified media content provider for internal/external storage

2010-05-04 Thread drasticp
The content URI for images in the “phoneStorage” seems to be

Can you try using that Uri instead of EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI? Of course
this will require some conditional code specifically for the
Incredible, but at least you may be able to get to the content. It
*looks* like it works in my test, but my fixture doesn’t display the
image so I’m only 90% sure here. I got the URI using this:

Uri contenturi = Images.Media.getContentUri(“phoneStorage”);

… where phoneStorage is the volume name. There may be some other code
you can use to iterate volume names so that the code isn’t totally
Incredible specific. I hope this helps.

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[android-developers] ADB working with HTC Droid Eris?

2009-11-08 Thread drasticp
I'm trying to debug apps with the new HTC Droid Eris and ADB doesn't
seem to recognize the device.

I have the latest SDK installed with Usb Driver Package, Revsion 2
downloaded through the Android SDK and AVD Manager. When the device is
connected, it recognizes new hardware and I point it to the usb_driver
folder to install the drivers. Windows accepts and installs the
drivers. However, adb devices from a command prompt never lists the
phone. I've tried this on two different Windows XP systems.

I have Unknown Sources and USB Debugging checked under Application
Settings, Development.

Is anyone else debugging with the Eris?

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[android-developers] Re: My appwidget broken Donut when keyboard slide out/in

2009-10-27 Thread drasticp

I'm seeing the same issue. I've even tried commenting out all of the
onUpdate code and the widget still crashes aCore. This problem only
seems to occur with 1.6. Any ideas? Anyone else having the same issue?
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[android-developers] launch calendar app with generic intent

2009-09-13 Thread drasticp

There's seemingly no way to launch the calendar app in a generic way.
I've written a widget which allows you to launch the calendar. I use
the following Intent:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

However, this doesn't work on the Hero because HTC has apparently
replaced the calendar in their Sense UI. I'm looking for a standard
way to reach the calendar. I'd like for something like this to be

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

Does anyone think it would be worth trying to add this to the source?
It seems like there is a missing chunk of standards around calendar
events and/or iCal / vCal support. Does anyone know why?
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[android-developers] Re: WM-DRM Support

2009-09-04 Thread drasticp

PacketVideo has all of the answers. They contributed heavily to the
development of the OpenCore and I think they could sell you some WM-
DRM if you have a commercial product.

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[android-developers] Re: Create/Send Email using Draft/Template

2009-09-04 Thread drasticp

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
i.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, new String[]{webmas...@website.com});
i.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, mySubject);
i.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, myBodyText);

have fun.

On Sep 3, 9:16 pm, rooster 808 rich.al...@gmail.com wrote:
 I've been trying to do the following:

 A user is viewing content/page on my View/Activity, and I have an
 email button, they select email and popup a prefilled in email/
 subject asking for the to: addressor some way to launch teh
 default email client with a pre-composed email awaiting the sender to
 be filled in.  . . .ala, check out this link/content'

 Possible? I can see how to do a mailto:// link, but trying to leverage
 the built-in contacts and email app, but to compose and stuff the
 email contents with contents.

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[android-developers] Re: how to re-draw the listview ?

2009-04-14 Thread drasticp

Look at the notifyDataSetChanged() and notifyDataSetInvalidated()
methods on your adapter. I'm not sure if this is the most elegant way
to get the job done, but they will cause the list to dump any cached
views and redraw them.

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[android-developers] Any way to use getChildDrawingOrder? where do we set FLAG_USE_CHILD_DRAWING_ORDER?

2009-03-16 Thread drasticp

I'm writing a custom widget in which I need to control the child
drawing order. My control extends AbsoluteLayout. I can see that
getChildDrawingOrder is overrideable. The following note is in the
javadocs for this method:

NOTE: In order for this method to be called, the

However, I can find no setter to allow me to set this flag. There are
setters for similar flags such as the add states for children, but
seemingly nothing for the child drawing order. GalleryView uses this
flag, but it does so by accessing mGroupFlags which is a protected and
hidden property of ViewGroup. What am I missing? Shouldn't this flag
be exposed in some way to allow widget developers to utilize it?
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[android-developers] Re: Extending AdapterView - getting only 1 level of children

2009-02-22 Thread drasticp

Diane, et. al.

I've looked at this extensively without resolution. The widget that is
most similar to what I'm trying to create is the Gallery. In the
Gallery, there is a private setUpChild method. This method has the
following (stuff omitted for brevity):

Gallery.LayoutParams lp = (Gallery.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams
addViewInLayout(child, fromLeft ? -1 : 0, lp);
child.measure(childWidthSpec, childHeightSpec);
child.layout(childLeft, childTop, childRight, childBottom);

The gallery calls setUpChild from it's onLayout override. So I
understand the basic process to be 1. addViewInLayout, 2. measure it
3. layout the child. However, when I follow these steps in my
extension of AdapterView, I get no visible sub children. If you notice
my magicitem.xml the children expand to an ImageView nested inside a
FrameLayout. I can see the frame , but not the image. I know the
ImageView is inflated because an eclipse breakpoint and watch reveals
the ImageView as a child of the FrameLayout. All of the properties of
the ImageView seem to be set appropriately. I've tried to create
extensions up and down the hierarchy, extending ViewGroup,
AdapterView, and even Gallery. All tests have the same result.
Children do not show their child view collections.

I'm sure there's a simple step I'm missing or something is out of
order. Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing here? Has anyone
else tried an extension of ViewGroup or more specifically AdapterView?
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[android-developers] Re: How to add transparent button to screen

2009-02-22 Thread drasticp

Try using an image drawable or ninepatch drawable PNG with some alpha
in it.

This is an example that's already in the framework. Set this as the
background of a FrameLayout:

On Feb 22, 12:08 am, cindy ypu01...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 When I use android's camera, the buttons are transparent. Does anyone
 knows how to do that?

 A lot of thanks!

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[android-developers] Extending AdapterView - getting only 1 level of children

2009-02-16 Thread drasticp

I'm creating a custom widget that extends AdapterView. Imagine
something like a ListView except that the list items can overlap each
other with some transparency. Because of the overlap, I'm trying to
control the layout and drawing order of the children.

My issue is that the control renders it's children, but ONLY one level
deep. Each child is inflated from an XML resource that contains a
FrameLayout and an ImageView. The FrameLayout draws, but the ImageView
is never visible. I assume I need to call some method to tell the
FrameLayout to layout or draw it's children, but I'm not sure what,
why, or where. Does anyone know what I'm missing?

Here is the relevant code for my custom widget:

public class MagicList extends AdapterViewAdapter
// blah stuff omitted...

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)

// fetch only the visible views
for(int i = 0; i  vcount; i++)
layeredviews[i] = allviews[vfirst+i];

// sort them in drawing order
Arrays.sort(layeredviews, new ViewComparator());

// add them back as children in the right order
for(int i = 0; i  vcount; i++)
this.addViewInLayout(layeredviews[i], i,

public void setAdapter(Adapter value) {
adapter = value;
allviews = new View[adapter.getCount()];

// more blah omitted

Here is relevant stuff from the adapter used to inflate the list

public class MagicAdapter extends BaseAdapter
// blah adapter stuff omitted.

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.magicitem, null);
return v;


Here is the magicitem XML that is inflated as the child views that the
MagicList is handling. Note that I NEVER see the image view. I only
see the drawable background for the FrameLayout.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
FrameLayout xmlns:android=http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/

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[android-developers] Broken Gallery View? using Gallery.setSelection(int position, boolean animate)

2009-02-06 Thread drasticp

I'm trying to set the selection of a Gallery in code. I would like to
have the Gallery smoothly roll down a few items over the duration of a
second or two. At frist glance, it appears that two members would to
the trick:

Gallery.setAnimationDuration(int animationDurationMillis);
Gallery.setSelection(int position, boolean animate);

It turns out that the setAnimationDuration only seems to affect the
rubber-bandy return-to-center effect of the Gallery. In other words,
when a gallery comes to rest after a fling, and a gallery item is off
center, the animationDurationMillis is used to control the duration of
the Gallery centering up the item. However, the value seems to have no
effect on the setSelection. No matter what value is set with
setAnimationDuration, the Gallery seems to render about 2 or 3 frames
when flying between items 1 and 10 for example.

Is this working as designed? Does anyone know a trick or workaround
that would let me properly animate setSelection? I'd be especially
grateful if we could do it with an Ease Out effect.
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[android-developers] Re: Scale a View's Frame

2009-01-23 Thread drasticp

Hey Ryan. I saw you never got an answer to this. Hopefully this helps:

I'm scaling a view by overriding onDraw. Inside the onDraw method of
my view I'm calling layout(l1, t1, r1, b1). The l,t,r, and b values
are external to the view so as they change, the view changes size. The
effect looks the same as an animation.

On Jan 6, 4:23 am, Ryan ryankelly...@hotmail.com wrote:

 I'm looking for a way to scale a view's frame. E.G. I would like to
 apply the same effect to a view as running a scale animation. However,
 without having to run the animation.

 I have discovered how to scale the view's canvas. But this doesn't
 seem to increase the views frame size, like a scale animation does.
 Maybe I'm missing something obvious?

 Many thanks,

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[android-developers] Re: RunningTaskInfo.thumbnail is always null and onCreateThumbnail never called

2009-01-23 Thread drasticp

Hey Dianne, Thanks for your reply! I need this functionality and I've
built something similar into the internals. However, something tells
me that you guys did a much better job. :)  I can see that most of
your work is still there, but I can't seem to follow it completely.
Can you tell me where to turn it back on and/or move this thread to
the internals discussion?

On Jan 21, 1:46 pm, Dianne Hackborn hack...@android.com wrote:
 This is not currently supported.  We weren't using it anywhere in the UI on
 the G1, so we turned it off to avoid wasting time/space.

 On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 6:46 AM, drasticp drast...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'd like to get some thumbnail images of the running applications. The
  combination of RunningTaskInfo.thumbnail and
  Activity.onCreateThumbnail seems like just the thing but I don't see
  it working. I've overridden onCreateThumbnail in my main Activity.
  According to the documentation, this method is called by the framework
  when the activity is paused. I've set a breakpoint in the method and
  it never seems to be hit. The base implementation of onCreateThumbnail
  would work just fine if it would fire.

  public boolean onCreateThumbnail(Bitmap outBitmap, Canvas canvas)
         return super.onCreateThumbnail(outBitmap, canvas);

  Also, I've written some simple code to getRunningTasks from the
  ActivityManager. The RunningTaskInfo.thumbnail property is always
  null. Is there something I need to set within an application so that
  it will generate it's thumbnail before onPause? Is something needed in
  the manifest. The documentation on this feature is sparse.

  Here's some [simplified] code I use in an extension of BaseAdapter  to
  fetch the running tasks:

  ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager)context.getSystemService
  ListRunningTaskInfo tasks = manager.getRunningTasks(10);
  RunningTaskInfo info = tasks.get(arg0);
  LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService
  View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.taskitem, null);
  ImageView image = (ImageView)view.findViewById(R.id.image);
  TextView label = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.label);
  Bitmap bmp = info.thumbnail;

 Dianne Hackborn
 Android framework engineer

 Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
 provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
 forums, where I and others can see and answer them.
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[android-developers] RunningTaskInfo.thumbnail is always null and onCreateThumbnail never called

2009-01-21 Thread drasticp

I'd like to get some thumbnail images of the running applications. The
combination of RunningTaskInfo.thumbnail and
Activity.onCreateThumbnail seems like just the thing but I don't see
it working. I've overridden onCreateThumbnail in my main Activity.
According to the documentation, this method is called by the framework
when the activity is paused. I've set a breakpoint in the method and
it never seems to be hit. The base implementation of onCreateThumbnail
would work just fine if it would fire.

public boolean onCreateThumbnail(Bitmap outBitmap, Canvas canvas)
return super.onCreateThumbnail(outBitmap, canvas);

Also, I've written some simple code to getRunningTasks from the
ActivityManager. The RunningTaskInfo.thumbnail property is always
null. Is there something I need to set within an application so that
it will generate it's thumbnail before onPause? Is something needed in
the manifest. The documentation on this feature is sparse.

Here's some [simplified] code I use in an extension of BaseAdapter  to
fetch the running tasks:

ActivityManager manager = (ActivityManager)context.getSystemService
ListRunningTaskInfo tasks = manager.getRunningTasks(10);
RunningTaskInfo info = tasks.get(arg0);
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.taskitem, null);
ImageView image = (ImageView)view.findViewById(R.id.image);
TextView label = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.label);
Bitmap bmp = info.thumbnail;

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