[android-developers] AudioRecord producing no sound

2011-04-20 Thread Matt Smith
As i have re-written this several times now. It is very nasty.

Im testing on a DroidX where everything i use to record a call is
coming back empty. Anyone know why or a fix?

My recording class:
package com.call.tests;

import android.media.AudioFormat;
import android.media.AudioRecord;
import android.media.MediaRecorder;
import android.media.MediaRecorder.AudioSource;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.util.Log;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

class Record {
private MediaRecorder recorder = null;
private AudioRecord rawRecorder = null;
public boolean recording = false;
private Thread recordingThread = null;
public String path = ;
public String tempPath = ;

public void BeginRecording(String incomingNumber)
//recorder = new MediaRecorder();

if(incomingNumber.length() == 0)
incomingNumber = noNumber;

Date dateNow = new Date ();
SimpleDateFormat dateformat = new
StringBuilder now = new
StringBuilder( dateformat.format( dateNow ) );

path = incomingNumber + now.toString();
Log.d(TEST, NEW PATH:  + path);
String longPath = sanitizePath(path, false);

File directory = new File(longPath).getParentFile();
if (!directory.exists()  !directory.mkdirs()) {
  Log.d(TEST, Path to file could not be created.);
} else {
  Log.d(TEST, Path exists.);

rawRecorder = findAudioRecord();


recording = true;
recordingThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {
},AudioRecorder Thread);






Log.e(TEST, Recording values set);
//Log.e(TEST, Recording:  + recording);
//} catch (IOException e) {
//Log.e(TEST, prepare() failed :  + 
catch(Exception ex)
Log.d(TEST, BeginRecording:  + ex.toString());

private static int[] mSampleRates = new int[] { 8000, 11025, 22050,
44100 };
public AudioRecord findAudioRecord() {
for (int rate : mSampleRates) {
for (short audioFormat : new short[]
{ AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT }) {
for (short channelConfig : new short[]
{ AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO }) {
try {
Log.d(TEST, Attempting rate  + rate + Hz,
bits:  + audioFormat + , channel:  + channelConfig);
int bufferSize =
AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(rate, channelConfig, audioFormat);

if (bufferSize != AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE) {
AudioRecord recorder = new
AudioRecord(AudioSource.VOICE_CALL, rate, channelConfig, audioFormat,

if (recorder.getState() ==
return recorder;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TEST, rate + Exception, keep
return null;

public void writeAudioDataToFile()
tempPath = temp_raw_record;
String longPath = sanitizePath(tempPath, true);

File directory = new File(longPath).getParentFile();
if (!directory.exists()  !directory.mkdirs()) {

[android-developers] Re: Are the market stats for developers broken?

2010-02-09 Thread matt smith

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[android-developers] Re: Anyone noticing more uninstalls of their app than usual over last weekend/today?

2010-01-22 Thread matt smith
Still not fixed. If google can't fix this, they should feature all of
our apps or at least show some kind of concession for messing up our

Our app has fallen out of the top 4 in category and never returned
back despite always being in top 3, usually top 2 before the stats
messed up.

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[android-developers] Re: Anyone noticing more uninstalls of their app than usual over last weekend/today?

2010-01-22 Thread matt smith
Any app that updated on or around the 18th December lost 10 - 15% of
their active installs in less than a day. Active installs is the
largest component of determining ranking in the Android market and so
these apps have dropped significantly in the rankings (mine from 2nd
to 5th in category). The stats have never been restored and these apps
are still much lower placed than before the market error occurred.

Google admitted this was an error on their part (see message from
Dontae on link below) but have never reverted the stats to their
correct values.

Quoted below is the official response from Google 4 weeks ago :
'There was an issue impacting a limited number of developers that can
be traced back to December 18th. Our team has implemented a fix that
will return all impacted developers' Active User numbers to normal. We
will remain vigilant in order to ensure that any data that does not
automatically return to active user counts is properly applied. Please
allow some time for this information to return to its normal state and
per usual, be sure to let us know if anything irregular pops onto your

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[android-developers] Re: Protection Method to avoid an .apk being copied overall

2010-01-06 Thread matt smith
The general response to this question I have seen is as follows :
 - spend time improving your app, not the copy protection - it will
get hacked anyway
 - storing gmail or ime numbers is against data protection act

Personally I feel everyone is entitled to try and protect their apps
and would take the dev's not the pirate's side, but beware of stepping
into a lion's den as I saw someone do before.

I would add that any attempt you make is likely to fail as google
checkout is the only viable mechanism of selling apps in volume and it
doesn't give any mechanisms to associate a purchased non-refunded
payment with an apk. Until Google does this, I think most other
attempts will be a waste of time.
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[android-developers] Re: Anyone noticing more uninstalls of their app than usual over last weekend/today?

2009-12-26 Thread matt smith
still not fixed :(

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[android-developers] Re: Anyone noticing more uninstalls of their app than usual over last weekend/today?

2009-12-22 Thread matt smith
I don't have maxsdk but did add this change for Droid support :
supports-screens android:anyDensity=true /

My installs have dropped by 15% - maybe its auto uninstalling for
anyone with 1.5 as the supports-screens is 1.6 only - yet I need this
to make the app work correctly on Droid (rather than compatibility

Issues seems to be related after people do updates and possibly change
some of these settings.

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[android-developers] Re: Are the market stats for developers broken?

2009-12-21 Thread matt smith
phew - its not just me then - thought everyone has abandoned my app in
the last week (14% unaccounted drop in active installs in 7 days even
after staying steady for the last 8 months) - even though i haven't
changed anything!

thought i'd done something to upset all my users all at once ...

google please fix

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[android-developers] Re: ADC2 Results?

2009-12-02 Thread matt smith
Very impressed by some of the winners - World of Photo and PlinkArt in
particular - both highly original and innovative.

However, other winners are disappointing because there are already
examples of these apps done better in the market. Won't mention names
as I don't want to offend any developers.

The publicity and financial rewards are merited in some cases but in
others, it does distract from some of the market apps which have been
out longer and flourished into superb apps.

Google should be doing more to recognize the excellence that already
exists on the market.

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