[ansible-project] How do you backup/copy a single Project?

2021-06-21 Thread Balaji
Hello All,

How do you backup/copy a single Project, template and related credentials 
in an Ansible AWX and restore it to a different AWX?


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Re: [ansible-project] Re: How can I run the commnads in Linux vm after creation with vmware_guest

2019-09-20 Thread Aravind Balaji
Hi  Phani Akkina,

In the response of vmware_guest module you can find whether VM is created
or not while executing vmware_guest module.

Use the response of  vmware_guest module  and execute vmware_vm_shell

*Thanks & Regards*,
Aravind Balaii S

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Re: [ansible-project] Re: How can I run the commnads in Linux vm after creation with vmware_guest

2019-09-19 Thread Aravind Balaji
Hi Phani Akkina

Here is the example:

- name: Create a virtual machine on given ESXi hostname
hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
validate_certs: no
folder: /DC1/vm/
name: test_vm_0001
state: poweredon
guest_id: centos64Guest
# This is hostname of particular ESXi server on which user wants VM to 
be deployed
esxi_hostname: "{{ esxi_hostname }}"
- size_gb: 10
  type: thin
  datastore: datastore1
  memory_mb: 512
  num_cpus: 4
  scsi: paravirtual
- name: VM Network
  mac: aa:bb:dd:aa:00:14
  device_type: vmxnet3
wait_for_ip_address: yes
  delegate_to: localhost
  register: deploy_vm

- name: Change hostname of guest machine
hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
validate_certs: no
datacenter: "DC1"
folder: "/DC1/vm"
vm_id: "{{ vm_name }}"
vm_username: testUser
vm_password: SuperSecretPassword
vm_shell: "/usr/bin/hostnamectl"
vm_shell_args: "set-hostname new_hostname > /tmp/$$.txt 2>&1"
  delegate_to: localhost

*Thanks & Regards*,
Aravind Balaji S

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[ansible-project] Re: How can I run the commnads in Linux vm after creation with vmware_guest

2019-09-18 Thread Aravind Balaji
Hi phani akkina,

With the help of vmware_vm_shell module(
you can execute command inside linux vm.

*Thanks & Regards*,
Aravind Balaji S

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[ansible-project] help me - error: Filespec must match the canonical format: [[namespace/]pod:]file/path

2019-04-08 Thread Balaji

Hello All,

Need your help on below issue.

I am trying to run kubernetes command on a remote host using ansible.

This command works when directly run on a remote host.

==>   kubectl cp /etc/passwd 

But when using ansible

- name: Copy commands
  shell: "kubectl cp {{ item }} baas-service/{{ jumphost.stdout_lines 
}}:{{ item }}"
- { '/etc/master.passwd' }
- { '/etc/passwd' }
- { '/etc/group' }

I get an error.

failed: [gngqnc014c] (item={u'/etc/master.passwd': None}) => {
"changed": true, 
"cmd": "kubectl cp {u'/etc/master.passwd': 
u'ssh-jumphost-6954f877bf-xrmhs']:{u'/etc/master.passwd': None}", 
"delta": "0:00:00.070410", 
"end": "2019-04-08 16:04:49.551694", 
"invocation": {
"module_args": {
"_raw_params": "kubectl cp {u'/etc/master.passwd': 
u'ssh-jumphost-6954f877bf-xrmhs']:{u'/etc/master.passwd': None}", 
"_uses_shell": true, 
"argv": null, 
"chdir": null, 
"creates": null, 
"executable": null, 
"removes": null, 
"stdin": null, 
"warn": true
"item": {
"/etc/master.passwd": null
"msg": "non-zero return code", 
"rc": 1, 
"start": "2019-04-08 16:04:49.481284", 
"stderr": "error: Filespec must match the canonical format: 
"stderr_lines": [
"error: Filespec must match the canonical format: 
"stdout": "", 
"stdout_lines": []

Can anyone help me on this issue?


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[ansible-project] Help need with regards to Netscaler playbook

2018-09-18 Thread Balaji
Hello All,

Do anyone know how to disable just a service group on netscaler using 


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[ansible-project] Ansible Python API - send file as parameter

2018-08-27 Thread Balaji
Hello All,

Can anyone please help to create an equivalent of a command 

ansible-playbook -i environments playbooks/site.yml -u user_name  -e 

I am very curious to know how to write this  " -e "@build.json" " in python.

Background - I am trying to run above command from a python script.

Balaji Chavdi 

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[ansible-project] Please help to reduce number of lines in tasks

2018-05-28 Thread Balaji
Hello All,

I think it could better. Basically, copy module is repeated based 
application and hostname the content changes
Could you please help me to reduce the number of lines in below tasks.

  name: "Ensure file copied"
content: "PRODUCTION-A2"
dest: "{{alter_keystone_path}}/appname/environment.config"
mode: 484
  when: "app_name == \"appname1\" and ansible_hostname == \"server01\" or 
ansible_hostname == \"server02\" or ansible_hostname == \"server03\""

  name: "Ensure file copied"
content: "PRODUCTION-A3"
dest: "{{alter_keystone_path}}/appname/environment.config"
mode: 484
  when: "app_name == \"appname1\" and ansible_hostname == \"server14\" or 
ansible_hostname == \"server15\" or ansible_hostname == \"server16\""

  name: "Ensure file copied"
content: "PRODUCTION-A5"
dest: "{{alter_keystone_path}}/appname/environment.config"
mode: 484
  when: "app_name == \"appname1\" and ansible_hostname == \"server17\" or 
ansible_hostname == \"server18\" or ansible_hostname == \"server19\""  
  name: "Ensure file copied"
content: "PRODUCTION-A8"
dest: "{{alter_keystone_path}}/appname/environment.config"
mode: 484
  when: "app_name == \"appname1\" and ansible_hostname == \"server10\" or 
ansible_hostname == \"server04\" or ansible_hostname == \"server05\""  

  name: "Ensure file copied"
content: "PRODUCTION-A10"
dest: "{{alter_keystone_path}}/appname/environment.config"
mode: 484
  when: "app_name == \"appname1\" and ansible_hostname == \"server06\" or 
ansible_hostname == \"server07\""

Balaji Chavdi 

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[ansible-project] Need help to refer child group in jinja2 template file

2018-05-24 Thread Balaji
Hello All,

Please help or suggest how I can solve this problem.
I will pass 

-e group="1" when calling playbook.

*Playbook* - file.yml

hosts: servers_{{group}}

- task:







In Jinja2 template file, I am trying to assign a value to variable 
"pod_num". But I am unable to get this

If (servers_grp1) is in mainservers_1
pod_num = 2
pod_num = 4

I tried a couple of things but did not work out.

{% if hosts is in groups[mainservers_1]
{% set pod_num = 2 %}

{% else %}
{% set pod_num = 4 %}

Thanks for helping and guiding.

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[ansible-project] Sending email notifications to group once playbook is executed

2018-03-17 Thread Balaji
Hello Everyone..!

I have a scenario where I have to send an email to a group of people based 
on playbook completion.

Site.yml - > master playbook consists of all individual playbook.


host file -



1) I have app1.yml  which calls roles to perform series of task on SERVER1. 
app2.yml to call same roles to perform same set of tasks on SERVER2
I can include email module in roles at the end to send an email once all 
the tasks are completed.


2) I have site.yml ( master playbook) which calls multiple playbooks like 


Now, when site.yml calls app1.yml => tasks are execute => email sent.
   site.yml calls app2.yml => tasks are execute => email 
   site.yml calls app3.yml => tasks are execute => email 

How can I achieve to make ansible to send email only once if site.yml is 
called  OR at end site.yml tasks are completed? 

Any suggestion..!

Balaji Chavdi 

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[ansible-project] Re: git checkout to new branch and change back to local user

2018-03-17 Thread Balaji
Thanks Flowerysong...!
These answers helped me a lot..

Thanks all..!

On Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 12:22:25 PM UTC-7, flowerysong wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 1:42:19 PM UTC-4, Patrick Hunt wrote:
>> Good catch.  You're correct, it is possible, I was mistaken.  Practically 
>> is it possible to be able to provide multiple sets of credentials for your 
>> example?  I've always done a work around, such as I listed in the other 
>> comment, since I can pass my current logon (-k) username/password, and can 
>> pass 1 set of become credentials (-K), but not a 2nd or 3rd set of become 
>> credentials.
> Well, one of the advantages of sudo as a privilege escalation method is 
> that there aren't separate sets of credentials for each escalation target, 
> you just have to be permitted to run things as the users in question.
> But, yes, it is possible to provide different credentials. It's easiest to 
> do this non-interactively using a Vault-encrypted variable or another 
> secret lookup method, but there are various ways to make it interactive.
> - hosts: localhost
>   become: true
>   tasks:
> - command: whoami
>   become_method: su
>   become_user: flowerysong
>   vars:
> ansible_become_pass: "{{ user_passwords.flowerysong }}"
> - command: whoami
> TASK [command] 
> *
> changed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["whoami"], "delta": 
> "0:00:00.002181", "end": "2018-03-13 15:15:47.586117", "rc": 0, "start": 
> "2018-03-13 15:15:47.583936", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": 
> "flowerysong", "stdout_lines": ["flowerysong"]}
> TASK [command] 
> *
> changed: [localhost] => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["whoami"], "delta": 
> "0:00:00.002159", "end": "2018-03-13 15:15:47.717122", "rc": 0, "start": 
> "2018-03-13 15:15:47.714963", "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": 
> "root", "stdout_lines": ["root"]}

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[ansible-project] Re: git checkout to new branch and change back to local user

2018-03-13 Thread Balaji

On Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 7:35:27 AM UTC-7, Patrick Hunt wrote:Hi 
> I can help to address #2 at least for now.
> Ansible does not allow you to chain "Become" statements.  In other words 
> you cannot log in as user1, become root, and then become user2 (or even 
> user1) in the same play.  You could address this in a few different ways 
> that I know of:
> - split the play into multiple plays within a playbook where you can set 
> the become for each different play:
> ---
> - host: localhost
>   become: true
>   become_user: root
>   become_method: su
>   tasks:
>   - name: some play performed as root
> - host: localhost
>   become: true
>   become_user: user2
>   become_method: su
>   tasks:
>   - name: some other play performed as user2
> - host: localhost
>   become: false
>   tasks:
>   - name: some other play performed as user1
> ...
> - you could also use a command module workaround (at least with a Nix 
> system) such as:
> ---
> - hosts: localhost
>   become: true
>   become_user: root
>   become_method: su
>   tasks:
>   - name: some task as root
>   - name: some task as user2
> command: su - user2 -c "/home/user2/somecommand.sh"
> ...
> Hi Patrick, 

> My follow-up question is... why?  In your example you could just create 
> the file as root, set the owner, group, and mode to reflect the user you 
> want it to be.
Thank you very much for suggesting above method and sharing your knowledge.
This playbook will be used by other users in my team on their laptop. Hence 
creating a file and performing few tasks as the local user.

Balaji Chavdi 


> Hope this helps a bit.
> Thanks, 
> Patrick

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[ansible-project] git checkout to new branch and change back to local user

2018-03-13 Thread Balaji
Hello All,

Please help to find answers for two questions.

I am trying to clone a remote git repo which I am able to do with git 
module but does anyone know how I can achieve to do  

git checkout -b new branch 
git-crypt unlock

using git module or any other means. ( I can use "command" ) but any other 
better way?

2) I know how to make ansible to ssh to remote 

become_method = sudo 
become_user = name 
create a file 
set owner = name 

but how to achieve, once the owner is set on a remote host

return back to local (control) host,

become a local user,
create a file.
set owner.


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[ansible-project] master playbook calling playbooks if any playbook is modified

2018-01-27 Thread Balaji

Need advice/suggestions

I want to write playbook which shall call other playbooks if a playbook is 

Background - 

I have 6 hosts each have different tomcat/java application

Host1 - app1, app2

Host2 - app3, app4

Host3 - app5


Host6 - app6

My plan - 

Create playbook as app1.yml, app2.yml app3.yml..app6.yml. A master playbook 
should check which playbook is modified (using md5) if app1.yml is modified 
then same should be applied to Host

I have prepared few playbook but not satisfied with it.


Balaji Chavdi

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[ansible-project] How to disable the admin login page.

2017-11-16 Thread balaji m
I deployed Ansible tower successfully to my kubernetes environment by 
referring to https://github.com/rossedman/ansible-awx-kubernetes and I can 
do the admin stuff using the admin/password. 
But I would like to disable this login page and redirect to home page using 
the authentication/authorization my company uses. How can i do that. 
Please advise. 

Also, I couldn't find Dockerfile that I can use and remove adding any 
authentication using the login page.


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[ansible-project] connecting to windows machine from linux through Ansible and getting timedout exception.

2017-06-07 Thread Balaji Chowdary
getting a connection timeout, implying the host wasn't reachable

can someone help! working with Ansible and windows environment.

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[ansible-project] Skip the hosts when one host is exectued task successfully

2016-03-02 Thread Balaji Sunku
My Playbook:
- hosts: web
increaseCount: 0
  remote_user: root
  - name: Verifying HTTP endpoint
  url: "http://{{inventory_hostname}}:{{httpd_port}}/Test;
  method: PUT
  body: "{{ lookup('file',test.json') }}"
  status_code: 200
  body_format: json
  return_content: yes
register: http_verify_out
failed_when: http_verify_out.status != 200

My scenario:
I am using ansible 2.0.1
In playbook hosts: web will be having multiple hosts.
If one host is executed the task successfully i want to skip the other 
hosts to execute the tasks.

Is there away to achieve this ?. If yes please let me know the solution 

Thanks in advance :)

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[ansible-project] Skip the other hosts when one host is exectued task successfully

2016-03-01 Thread Balaji Sunku
Hi ,

I am new to Ansible. Please find query details below:

I need to invoke REST API(I am Using uri module). I need to skip the hosts 
when one host is executed the task successfully.
Is there any existing solution for this?. If yes, Please post me.

Thanks in advance :)

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[ansible-project] Skip other hosts once one host is executed successfully

2016-03-01 Thread Balaji Sunku
Hi ,

I am new to Ansible. I have query regarding Skipping the execution of task. 
May be it is simple or stupid question :).

Scenario : 
Task is invoking REST API(using URI Module).
Is it possible to Skip other hosts once one host this Task is executed 

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[ansible-project] Re: Run .exe on windows command prompt

2016-01-19 Thread Balaji Chandrababu
Hi Dimitri,

I'm trying to do pretty much the same with our own installer.

This is what i have got in the playbook.

- name: Install ZoneSense and Niva latest version
  raw: 'C:\Temp\ZoneSense /S'

I tried other options as well: raw: '"C:\Temp\ZoneSense" /S' 
and raw: "C:\\Temp\\ZoneSense /S"

But none of them seems to work. It fails with the following error:

fatal: [uk-lon01-cs08.mirriad.corp]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, 
"failed": true, "invocation": {"module_args": {"_raw_params": 
"\"C:TempZoneSense\" /S"}, "module_name": "raw"}, 
"rc": 1, "stderr": "#< CLIXML\r\nhttp://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04\;>At 
line:1 char:39_x000D__x000A_+ \"C:TempZoneSense\" /S_x000D__x000A_+   
~_x000D__x000A_You must provide a value 
expression following the '/' operator._x000D__x000A_At 
line:1 char:39_x000D__x000A_+ \"C:TempZoneSense\" /S_x000D__x000A_+   
~_x000D__x000A_Unexpected token 'S' in 
expression or statement._x000D__x000A_+ CategoryInfo 
 : ParserError: (:) [], 
FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedValueExpression_x000D__x000A_ _x000D__x000A_", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

Please let me know how to workaround this.


On Monday, 28 September 2015 20:57:34 UTC+1, Dimitri Yioulos wrote:
> Try the raw command without any quotes, as in raw: 
> D:\builds\router\bin\wrapper.exe.  The following worked for me, and 
> installed vlc on a test win2k8 box:
> ---
> - hosts: all
>   gather_facts: false
>   tasks:
> - name: installing app ...
>   raw: c:\temp\vlc-2.2.1-win32.exe /S
> On Monday, September 28, 2015 at 8:32:49 AM UTC-4, Jugal Porwal wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to run a .exe on windows command prompt from my centos control 
>> node. The command is as follows :
>> wrapper.exe  -t wrapper.conf
>> Initially i tried to atleast run the .exe without any args using my 
>> following playbook :
>> ---
>> - hosts: windows
>>   tasks:
>> - name: Register as a service
>>   raw: 'D:\builds\router\bin\wrapper.exe'
>> But i got the following error:
>> fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, 
>> "rc": 1, "stderr": "#< CLIXML\r\n> http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04\;>> S=\"Error\">D:_x0008_uilds : The term 'D:_x0008_uilds' is not recognized as 
>> the name of a cmdlet, _x000D__x000A_function, script 
>> file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or 
>> _x000D__x000A_if a path was included, verify that the 
>> path is correct and try again._x000D__x000A_At line:1 
>> char:1_x000D__x000A_+ D:_x0008_uilds_x000D__x000A_> S=\"Error\">+ _x000D__x000A_+ 
>> CategoryInfo  : ObjectNotFound: (D:_x0008_uilds:String) [], 
>> CommandNot _x000D__x000A_   
>> FoundException_x000D__x000A_+ 
>> FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException_x000D__x000A_> S=\"Error\"> _x000D__x000A_outer_x0008_in\\wrapper.exe 
>> : The module 'outer_x0008_in' could not be loaded. For more 
>> _x000D__x000A_information, run 'Import-Module 
>> outer_x0008_in'._x000D__x000A_At line:2 
>> char:1_x000D__x000A_+ 
>> outer_x0008_in\\wrapper.exe_x000D__x000A_> S=\"Error\">+ _x000D__x000A_+ 
>> CategoryInfo  : ObjectNotFound: (outer_x0008_in\\wrapper.exe:String) 
>> [] _x000D__x000A_   , 
>> CommandNotFoundException_x000D__x000A_> S=\"Error\">+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : 
>> CouldNotAutoLoadModule_x000D__x000A_> S=\"Error\"> _x000D__x000A_", "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
>> Is it achievable what i'm trying to do?

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