[ansible-project] How to make an item in with_items conditional?

2015-12-11 Thread Marc Abramowitz
Take this playbook:

- hosts: mt1-dummys101
- name: Install apt packages
  sudo: true
  apt: pkg={{ item }}
- build-essential
- libyaml-dev
- python2.7-dev
- "{{ 'silversearcher-ag' if ansible_distribution_major_version == 
'14' else '' }}"

How would I make it so that silversearcher-ag is installed only on Ubuntu 
14 and is omitted for other operating systems?

The above gives:

TASK: [Install apt packages] 
failed: [mt1-dummys101] => 
(item=build-essential,libyaml-dev,python2.7-dev,) => {"failed": true, 
"item": "build-essential,libyaml-dev,python2.7-dev,"}
msg: No package matching '' is available

I also tried changing the empty string `''` to `omit` but that also fails:

TASK: [Install apt packages] 
failed: [mt1-dummys101] => 
=> {"failed": true, "item": 
msg: No package matching 
'__omit_place_holder__07ef1633a8f8d1dc718ffb780b3f0e54d7f7b02a' is available

Any way to do this?

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Re: [ansible-project] Re: How to make an item in with_items conditional?

2015-12-11 Thread Marc Abramowitz
Ah, that's clever. Probably too clever for me to want to use on my 
colleagues, but clever nonetheless.

That could be an example if anyone ever writes a book called the "The 
Little Ansibler" in the style of "The Little Schemer". :-)

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[ansible-project] Re: How to make an item in with_items conditional?

2015-12-11 Thread Marc Abramowitz
Yeah, this was what I went with for the time being. I'm curious if there 
are other ways, but this does seem to be a reasonable solution. Thanks!

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Re: [ansible-project] Re: How to make an item in with_items conditional?

2015-12-11 Thread Marc Abramowitz
Thanks, but that doesn't work.

E.g.: I used this slightly tweaked line:

- "{{ (ansible_distribution_major_version == 
'12')|ternary('silversearcher-ag', '') }}"

and if the condition is not true, then I get:

TASK: [Install apt packages] 
failed: [mt1-dummys101] => 
(item=build-essential,libyaml-dev,python2.7-dev,) => {"failed": true, 
"item": "build-essential,libyaml-dev,python2.7-dev,"}
msg: No package matching '' is available

It seems that for this kind of thing to work, there would either need to be:

- a way to tell with_items to not add the item at all (by using "omit" 
perhaps, which doesn't currently work in this context)
- "apt" module would ignore a blank string or other sentinel value like 

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Re: [ansible-project] Re: How to make an item in with_items conditional?

2015-12-11 Thread Marc Abramowitz
And I would think the former would be more preferable as it is more 
generally applicable (would work with all modules).

I think of "with_items" as being analogous to a for loop in most 
programming languages. So I guess that means the feature that I am wishing 
I had here is analogous to a "continue" statement in those same programming 

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[ansible-project] Syntax for limiting to batches?

2015-11-25 Thread Marc Abramowitz
Using the "serial:" keyword so ansible can do hosts in batches. 

Wondering if there is support for addressing those batches - e.g.: -l 
dbservers@batch1 or something like that

Use case is folks want to run a job to do half the nodes; then pause for manual 
QA; then run another job for the other half of the nodes. 

Maintaining groups with the batches in inventory seems a little cumbersome. It 
would be cool to leverage Ansible's ability to split the hosts into batches. 

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[ansible-project] Re: How to use roles from the command line?

2015-07-06 Thread Marc Abramowitz
OK, well I ended building a little thing. I haven't played with it much. 
Feedback welcome.

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[ansible-project] Re: How to use roles from the command line?

2015-07-05 Thread Marc Abramowitz
Thanks, Dave! Yeah, that's what we do now. I have a very similar playbook that 
we use to run a single role and that one playbook keeps us from having a 
zillion little playbooks. It works but it feels a little weird and and perhaps 
too clever. 

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[ansible-project] What does XXX mean?

2015-07-04 Thread Marc Abramowitz
Trying to do:

sudo: true
file: path=/opt/webapp/profilesvc/enabled.txt state=file

and getting:

failed: [localhost] = {failed: true, path: 
/opt/webapp/profilesvc/enabled.txt, state: absent}
msg: file (/opt/webapp/profilesvc/enabled.txt) is absent, cannot continue

The directory exists:

vagrant@localmonkey:~$ ls /opt/webapp/profilesvc
bin  include  lib  local  pip-selfcheck.json  share  src

Any ideas?

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Re: [ansible-project] How to use roles from the command line?

2015-06-28 Thread Marc Abramowitz
I agree with you. I find it a bit tedious to have to create a playbook just 
to apply a role.

You might be interested in this PR, which I just submitted:


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[ansible-project] Option to make No hosts matched a FATAL error?

2015-06-22 Thread Marc Abramowitz

Hi all is there a way to make it so that No hosts matched becomes a FATAL 

I'm using a CI job to kick off ansible to deploy something and in this case 
if it cannot find a host to deploy to, I want that to be a fatal error. 
Right now, ansible returns a zero exit code so the CI job succeeds and then 
people ask my why the job succeeded but the new code wasn't deployed.


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[ansible-project] Re: Option to make No hosts matched a FATAL error?

2015-06-22 Thread Marc Abramowitz
One stab at fixing this:


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[ansible-project] Making it easier to get submodules

2014-11-24 Thread Marc Abramowitz
So I had a slight hiccup the other day when I tried to contribute to 
ansible. I have contributed in the past, but it was before the ansible 
modules were split out into separate core and extras git repos.

So when I tried to run the tests, I was missing the proper git submodules.

My attempt at making this easier for people who want to contribute:


Serge raised some concerns about it possibly hurting some other workflows, 
which I hopefully handled, but it would be good to get more eyes on it.

To be honest, I'm not sure that `hacking/env-setup` is the right place to 
add this, but this is pirobably because in my ideal world, there would be 
no `hacking/env-setup` in the first place. I would love to just create a 
virtualenv and do `pip install -e .`. Last time I tried this, it didn't 
work because ansible was installing modules globally in /usr/share and 
such. But I noticed that there were a lot of changes in how stuff is 
organized since then, so it might be possible now out of the box or perhaps 
with a little work. If that were true, then I wouldn't need 
`hacking/env-setup`, but I would still need something to initialize the git 
submodules. So perhaps there's some other place where that can be done?


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[ansible-project] Possible to have --list-tasks be aware of variable names?

2014-09-19 Thread Marc Abramowitz
I have this playbook:

- hosts: localhost
- { role: webserver, tags: ['webserver'], app_role: 'webserver' }
- { role: dbserver, tags: ['dbserver'], app_role: 'dbserver' }

The two roles have a task with a name that has {{ app_role }} in it. 

$ cat roles/webserver/tasks/main.yml
- name: Show this is the {{ app_role }} role
  debug: msg=This is the webserver role

If I execute the playbook normally, ansible shows the task names with the 
variable substituted in, which is great:

TASK: [webserver | Show this is the webserver role]
TASK: [dbserver | Show this is the dbserver role]

But with --list-tasks, it doesn't do the variable substitution:

$ ansible-playbook role_tags.yml --tags=dbserver,webserver --list-tasks

playbook: role_tags.yml

  play #1 (localhost):
Show this is the {{ app_role }} role
Show this is the {{ app_role }} role

Is it possible to get ansible to display the name with the variable 
substitutions applied when running with --list-tasks?



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[ansible-project] Way for a role to refer to files relative to the role?

2014-09-18 Thread Marc Abramowitz
So roles have a files directory and for some actions and attributes they 
are evaluated relative to this directory (e.g.: the src attribute of the 
copy module). So with:

# roles/common/tasks/main.yml
- name: Copy in ssh key files
dest=/home/{{ ansible_user_id }}/.ssh/id_rsa
- ssh_key

src=devops.pem will find my file in roles/common/files/devops.pem

For other actions, this doesn't work -- for example:

- name: Make sure that devops.pem is not group/world readable
  local_action: file path=devops.pem mode=600
- ssh_key
- ssh_key_local

In this case, it will not find the file in roles/common/files/devops.pem -- 
it seems to look for the file relative to the playbook?

How can I reference a file relative to the role I'm referencing it in? -- 
e.g.: something like:

- name: Make sure that devops.pem is not group/world readable
  local_action: file path={{ current_role_dir }}/files/devops.pem mode=600
- ssh_key
- ssh_key_local

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[ansible-project] Re: Way for a role to refer to files relative to the role?

2014-09-18 Thread Marc Abramowitz
local_action: file path={{ inventory_dir 
}}/../roles/common/files/devops.pem mode=600

works, but hopefully there's a cleaner way that doesn't have to include 
../roles/common in it...?

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Re: [ansible-project] List of Ansible default variables

2014-07-02 Thread Marc Abramowitz
On Tuesday, July 1, 2014 6:43:32 PM UTC-7, Michael DeHaan wrote:

 Ansible variables seem to have a global scope, because if I set one 
 within the role it seems to be visible to all roles

 No exactly true for roles.

 Ansible variables set in one role are available in roles further down so 
 you can have roles that describe an environment, but they do have scope. 
  In fact, you are guaranteed access to that particular value, without it 
 being clobbered.

When you say further down, are you referring to:

1. further down in a hierarchy (i.e.: a parent/child relationship where 
role A depends on role B so that role B is further down than role A in a 
2. further down in a sequential flow (i.e.: role A is applied and then role 
B so role B is further down in the playbook)


Talking with a colleague, I was assuming #1 and he was assuming #2.

I created a git repo that illustrates some behavior that surprised me. Most 
likely this is because I'm misunderstanding the paradigms at play; there's 
a small chance that it's a bug, but I figure the misunderstanding is more 


I would love to see an explanation of why this works the way it does so 
that I can have a deeper understanding of Ansible.


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Re: [ansible-project] List of Ansible default variables

2014-07-02 Thread Marc Abramowitz
On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 2:38:48 PM UTC-7, Michael DeHaan wrote:

 I mean Roles utilized after other roles.

OK, thanks for clarifying. That's good to know, since I want to understand 
clearly how things work before we get deep into this and start advocating 
for company-wide usage.

You might consider adding a note to the documentation about this (probably 
the Variables page). I looked around quite a bit and couldn't find 
anything that quite covered this inter-role behavior of variables. The 
basic gist being variables set in one role are available to roles that 
execute sequentially afterwards.

I think we now understand and we've worked around our issue with a 
parameterized include, which we found to work by trial and error on our own.

That said, you may or may not be interested to know that in the git repo 
that I mentioned, I actually saw behavior that looks like a role was 
getting a value for a variable set in a LATER role. Not a big deal to us as 
we're using parameterized includes now, but I mention it just in case it's 
interesting or surprising.

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Re: [ansible-project] List of Ansible default variables

2014-07-02 Thread Marc Abramowitz
On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 3:49:28 PM UTC-7, Michael DeHaan wrote:

  I actually saw behavior that looks like a role was getting a value for 
 a variable set in a LATER role

 I am occasionally incorrect.

 Vars do get compiled down first, tasks run in order, as variables do run 
 in order, but I'd expect that.

 My apologies on not remembering correctly - I do think that's still fine 
 due to the built-in protections around variable clobbering in roles (won't 
 happen, etc).

Cool. Mistakes happen. The important thing is that you explained why it 
works the way it does, so we understand what to expect.

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Re: [ansible-project] List of Ansible default variables

2014-07-01 Thread Marc Abramowitz
On Tuesday, July 1, 2014 10:19:16 AM UTC-7, John Anderson wrote:

 So we configure a pool for all the nodes in the addressbookweb group to 
 listen on nginx port 6014, and then when a request to
 /addressbook comes into the loadbalancer it routes to that specific pool. 
  But when we setup the addressbook nodes we also need
 to configure nginx properly to listen on that port.

 So we do this by doing:


 But do access current_role we had to set a variable for *every* role.

How about this?

# roles/anonweb/tasks/main.yml
{ include: ../../../roles/pythonapp/tasks/main.yml, app_role: anonweb } 

# roles/addressbookweb/tasks/main.yml
{ include: ../../../roles/pythonapp/tasks/main.yml, app_role: 
addressbookweb }

# ../../../roles/pythonapp/tasks/main.yml
# do stuff nginx config stuff with {{ app_role }}

Ansible variables seem to have a global scope, because if I set one within 
the role it seems to be visible to all roles (which surprised me as I was 
expecting roles to be more self-contained since they're supposed to be 
reusable, shared on Galaxy, etc.). All roles are referencing the same named 
variable are sharing the same global variable. But the parameterized roles 
and parameterized includes are more akin to parameter passing and so the 
state is not shared.

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[ansible-project] How to replicate local user account to remote system?

2014-06-27 Thread Marc Abramowitz
I feel like this probably comes up a lot and is a solved problem, but my 
Google-fu is failing me.

I'm using Ansible with vagrant to create development virtual machines.

The one thing that bugs me a little (and this was true with our previous 
Chef-based solution as well to be fair) is that I have to log into this 
system as a user called vagrant and I don't have my preferred dotfiles 
and what-not. So this means my vim isn't the way I like it and if I do a 
git commit it's going to show up in the log as vagrant.

This is of course all solvable by copying my dotfiles over; I could even 
create an account with my name. I haven't bothered to do this, because I'm 
lazy to do this manually. Like most developers, I refuse to do a few 
minutes of manual work if I can spend a couple of hours and make it 
automated ;-) And of course this is Ansible, so it should totally be 
possible to do this -- I'm just missing a bit of knowledge to make it 

So if my user on the local system that I'm running ansible on is marca -- 
how do I get at this information? I couldn't find a built-in variable for 
this. Reading ansible_env.USER is going to get me the USER on the *remote* 
system; not what I want.

My current, possibly hacky solution is to invoke ansible-playbook 
with --extra-vars=invoking_user=$USER and then my playbook can do:

- name: Create user for invoking user
  sudo: true
  user: name={{ invoking_user }} comment=John Doe uid=1040 group=admin 
  - user

- name: Set authorized_key for invoking user
  sudo: true
  authorized_key: user={{ invoking_user }} key={{ lookup('file', 
/Users/marca/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) }}

This is pretty crude, as ideally I wouldn't have to pass the --extra-vars 
and ideally there would be some existing solution that sets the user, 
comment, uid, group, etc. all automatically using the local values. Note 
that I also want to copy my ssh key but I can't figure out how to replace 
marca with {{ invoking_user }} -- that doesn't work, because it would 
nest the double curly brace syntax so it won't get expanded. Actually it 
would be even better to use $HOME but it's the same problem.

I guess the ideal would be some kind of module that replicates my local 
user to the remote system, including uid and ssh key.

If there wasn't such a role/playbook available, I might write it, if I knew 

Would be grateful for any tips to point me in the right direction.


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Re: [ansible-project] How to replicate local user account to remote system?

2014-06-27 Thread Marc Abramowitz

On Friday, June 27, 2014 9:12:52 AM UTC-7, Michael DeHaan wrote:

 This is of course all solvable by copying my dotfiles over; I could even 
 create an account with my name. I haven't bothered to do this, because I'm 
 lazy to do this manually

 Write a playbook?  :)

Yes. I would like to do this. I kinda sorta have the beginnings of 
something, but it's perhaps a little clunky. My playbook has:

  - group_vars/user.yml

and then group_vars/user.yml has my local settings:

  name: marca
  full_name: Marc Abramowitz
  uid: 502
  home: /Users/marca
  ssh_public_key: /Users/marca/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

and then I do this in my playbook:

  - name: Create user for invoking user
sudo: true
# debug: var=invoking_user
  name: {{ invoking_user.name }}
  comment: {{ invoking_user.full_name }}
  uid: {{ invoking_user.uid }}
- user

  - name: Set authorized_key for invoking user
sudo: true
  user: {{ invoking_user.name }}
  key: {{ lookup('file', invoking_user.ssh_public_key) }}
- user

I would've preferred something more automatic, but I guess I could always 
have a simple Python configure.py script that generates group_vars/user.yml

 Most people would keep their dotfiles as a repo, managed centrally, rather 
 than trying to discover them.

 It's more explicit, and translates over to Ansible easier than trying to 
 discover them from some arbitrary remote system, copy them back, move them 
 to the other, etc.

Yeah that's a good point. And in fact I do have my dotfiles in a git repo, 
so maybe checking them out is better. The alternative is to rsync them from 
the host running ansible.

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