Correction - Turkey: 83rd Death Fast Martyr [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi


Name: Ali Camyar
Organisation: TIKB - Revolutionary Communist League Of Turkey.
Apologies for any confusion.

Ali Caymar of the DHKP-C is the 83rd Martyr of the revolutionary prisoners
Death Fast struggle.

A demonstration was held by supporters of the revolutionary prisoners in
protest outside the Turkish Embassy in London at 3pm this afternoon.

News has also been recieved today of a police raid on and subsequent closure
of offices of a progressive newspaper in Turkey.

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A people who want to win independence cannot confine themselves to ordinary
methods of warfare. Mass insurrections, revolutionary warfare, guerilla
detachments everywhere - such is the only way.
F Engels

A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

There is no revolution without violence. Those who don't accept violence
can cross out the word revolution from their dictionary.
Malcolm X

The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
the proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
distinction between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just,
revolutionary violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes,
and that of the masses.
General Vo Nguyen Giap

Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing
Mao Tse-Tung

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Venezuala: In The Firing Line - Frontline Magazine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi



The Venezuelan plot
The opposition parties in Venezuela, encouraged by the United States, are
making moves to unseat President Hugo Chavez, whose policies are seen as
posing a threat to U.S. hegemony.


PRESIDENT Hugo Chavez of Venezuela is counted among the most charismatic of
world leaders today. Chavez, a former army paratrooper, who has faced the
country's electorate twice in two years and won with thumping majorities,
now faces a challenge from right-wing groups and a few of his erstwhile
political allies. They are subtly encouraged by the conservative officials
in charge of the United States administration's Latin America desk.

Soon after George Bush took office as President, the U.S. Administration put
Venezuela in the firing line. Chavez, unlike many other Latin American
leaders, had refused to kow-tow to Washington on major international issues.
Statements by senior administration officials focussed on the danger posed
to U.S. interests in the region by the policies of the Venezuelan leader.

Chavez is an ardent admirer of Cuban leader Fidel Castro though he has
emphasised that he is not a Marxist. One of the first countries he visited
after assuming office in 1998 was Cuba. Both countries today have strong
diplomatic and political ties. Chavez dreams of once again integrating Latin
American countries into one confederal entity as envisaged by the 19th
century Latin American icon Simon Bolivar. Bolivar, who hailed from
Venezuela, had briefly united Latin America.

Chavez is seen by the U.S. right wing as a threat to U.S. hegemony in the
American continent. Chavez, while pursuing an independent foreign policy,
has been careful in his dealings with the U.S. Besides, the two countries
need each other. Venezuela has the sixth largest oil reserves in the world
and the U.S. is its biggest customer; around 40 per cent of the U.S.' annual
oil imports are from Venezuela. But this has not prevented Venezuela from
selling oil to Cuba despite the continuing U.S. blockade of the island
nation. In fact, since assuming office, Chavez has expanded the country's
oil export, doubling its value between 1998 and 2000.

Chavez has also been playing an activist role in international politics.
After Venezuela took over the presidency of the Organisation of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) last year, he embarked on a vigorous diplomatic
tour of member-countries of the organisation to drum up support for a united
stance on stable oil prices. His visit to Iraq, the first by a head of state
to the beleaguered country in a long time, symbolically broke the
U.S.-imposed travel embargo on Iraq. And since then many high-level
delegations, including one from India, visited Iraq, much to the annoyance
of Washington.

Chavez was successful in stabilising the price and output of oil. But in the
last few months, international oil prices plummeted for a variety of
reasons, raising alarm in Venezuela and other countries that depend largely
on oil revenues. Last month Chavez embarked on yet another whirlwind tour of
oil-producing countries.

Chavez visited both OPEC and non-OPEC countries to convince them of the
urgent need to curtail oil production so as to stabilise price. The trip
seems to be paying dividends, as Russia, a significant holdout, has
indicated that it will cut production and help boost the price of oil in the
international market. Chavez's activism has not been appreciated by
Washington. In recent months, domestic oil prices in the U.S. has dipped
below one dollar a gallon after many years.

Washington views Chavez as someone who poses a challenge to the established
order in the region. Venezuela takes a strong interest in groupings such as
the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and Chavez has emphasised the need to
establish a multi-polar world in order to check U.S. hegemonism. He is not
afraid of taking a principled stance on matters in which the U.S. has
important stakes. For instance, he has been critical of the U.S.' massive
military involvement in neighbouring Colombia, ostensibly to help the
Colombian government crack down on the illegal production of narcotics.

Many people in the region believe that the U.S. military presence is aimed
at helping the Colombian military and right-wing militias to wage a war
against the two leftist guerilla groups that have been active for more than
40 years. Chavez has maintained that he is all for finding a political
solution to the long-running conflict. Any escalation of the war would have
an adverse impact on Venezuela, which shares a long border with Colombia.
There are more than a million illegal immigrants from Colombia in Venezuela.
Besides, it is easy to shift cocoa cultivation and cocaine production from
one country to another.

After the U.S. launched its so-called war against terrorism, Chavez
expressed concern at the mounting civilian casualties in Afghanistan. He 

Nigeria: Woman leaves husband for naming baby Osama - Ananova [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi


Ananova :

Woman leaves husband for naming baby Osama

A Nigerian woman has left her Muslim husband after he named their baby son
after Osama bin Laden.

The woman, who is Christian, had threatened to leave her husband when she
was still pregnant.

She made the threat after the man said he would name the baby Osama bin
Laden if it was a boy.

The Pan African News Agency do not name the couple but reported they lived
in the city of Calabar.

The wife is quoted as saying she would not return to the matrimonial home
until her husband changed his mind.

He would have to promise to me that he has done that by undertaking a
naming ceremony in my relation's house with a new name, she said.

The husband told a local newspaper that bin Laden was his hero for teaching
America the lesson of their lives.

Story filed: 11:29 Thursday 3rd January 2002

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1951: Britain discussed dividing Afghanistan in the fifties: Records [WWW.STOP

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi


: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 10:32 PM

  discussed dividing Afghanistan in the fifties: Records 
AFP London, January 2 










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Sep 11

  British diplomats 
  in the 1950s secretly discussed dividing up Afghanistan between the 
  neighbouring powers of Russia and Pakistan, according to official files 
  made public for the first time Wednesday. 
  There were concerns then, which have a familiar ring given the events 
  in 2001, that the country might have been about to slide into 

Stratfor: U.S. Intelligence Probe Expands in Africa [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi


Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:31 AM

U.S. Intelligence Probe Expands in Africa2300 GMT, 
U.S. intelligence agencies 
are investigating links between Hezbollah, al Qaeda and mining investments in 
the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The investigations shed light on the links 
between militant groups and organized crime and more importantly, illustrate the 
freedom with which criminals and militants raise illicit funds in Africa. The 
discoveries, combined with al Qaeda's ties to drug trafficking, will lead the 
United States to expand its presence in Africa and thus build cooperation with 
African governments.
U.S. intelligence and law 
enforcement agencies are looking into links between al Qaeda, Lebanon-based 
militant organization Hezbollah and mining concerns in the Democratic Republic 
of the Congo (DRC), the Washington Post reported Dec. 30. So far, the 
investigation has uncovered a network of Lebanese diamond traders with ties to 
militants -- who have assets in the Congo -- and alleged al Qaeda members. 

The United States hopes to 
paralyze al Qaeda by uncovering and seizing its sources of funding. Doing so, 
however, will have lasting consequences only if Washington can permanently shut 
down those sources of revenue. Africa, which has a wealth of natural resources, 
also has a number of failed states where large swaths of territory are beyond 
government control. A healthy black market and the presence of foreigners also 
combine to create attractive opportunities for criminals. Permanently preventing 
al Qaeda from exploiting the lawlessness of mineral-rich countries like the DRC 
will lead Washington to expand its engagement with African governments. 

But the United States must 
back up greater engagement on issues of security and politics -- including 
closer cooperation between U.S. and African intelligence and law enforcement 
agencies -- with investment and development aid. For the government in Kinshasa, 
expanded relations with the United States could translate not only into 
increased investment but also into greater political support for its war against 
rebels in eastern DRC and their foreign backers, Rwanda and Uganda. 
The DRC has immense natural 
resources, including minerals and timber, but it has been ravaged by more than 
three years of civil war. According to a United Nations report released in April 
2001, all five of the foreign nations involved in the conflict have plundered 
the Congo's mineral resources -- including cobalt, coltan, copper, diamonds and 
gold -- in order to fund their war efforts. 
Other nations are not the 
only looters to set up shop in the Congo's provinces. The U.N. report also cites 
the systematic looting of natural resources by organized criminal cartels with 
worldwide connections. 
U.S. intelligence officials 
say one of these groups is Hezbollah. The group -- which is known to have a 
global network including Latin American drug traffickers, European diamond 
traders and Middle Eastern militants -- may be using the DRC's illicit diamond 
trade to fund its activities. It may also be working in concert with other 
militant groups, like al Qaeda, involved in illicit fundraising activities in 
the Congo. 
Though no direct evidence 
linking the two has surfaced, al Qaeda has owned and operated businesses in 
other African nations including Kenya, Tanzania and Sudan. According to the 
Washington Post report, U.S. officials are also investigating terrorist ties to 
the mineral trade in Tanzania, where suspects arrested after Sept. 11 have been 
linked to al Qaeda.
The reasons militant groups 
can operate with impunity are simple: Many African governments have little or no 
control over large swaths of territory, the network of illicit trade is well 
established and borders are porous. This description fits many African nations 
where natural resources are being exploited, including Angola, the DRC, Liberia 
and Sierra Leone.
The events of Sept. 11 
forced the United States to pursue al Qaeda's international sources of 
financing. The plethora of opportunities for illicit fundraising in places like 
the DRC or Sierra Leone will prompt Washington to explore options for uncovering 
al Qaeda's assets in these countries and finding means of shutting them down. 
But with 60 percent of sub-Saharan Africa's urban labor force employed in the 
black market, penetrating and dismantling al Qaeda's revenue streams may prove 
Faced with such a Herculean 
task, the United States will turn to African governments to serve as its proxies 
to fight terrorism. In places like Liberia, where it may be politically 
impossible to work openly with President Charles Taylor, Washington will seek 
other regional allies in hopes of pressuring the government in Monrovia. 

The new -- and therefore 
untainted -- administration of DRC President Joseph Kabila is an attractive 

Xinhua: China Building Digital Tibet on Internet [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi


Wednesday, January 02, 2002 10:50 AM


  China Building Digital Tibet on Internet 



  Xinhuanet 2002-01-02 


  CHENGDU, January 2 (Xinhuanet) -- The days that Tibetans passed 
  oral messages by trudges on the back of horses and yaks half a century ago 
  have gone. 
  Nowadays, modern information facilities and network technologies 
  are indispensable in the life of Tibetans. 
  "Moreover, a 'digital Tibet' is being constructed to break the 
  monopoly of spreading information on Tibet by foreign countries onthe 
  Internet," Li Tao, a Tibetologist, said at a recent academic meeting in 
  Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province. 
  Zeng Zhongyi, general manager of the Tibet Telecom Company, said 
  that the "digital Tibet" refers to the information modernization in Tibet. 

  The "digital Tibet" will help overcome the traffic obstruction on 
  the "roof of the world", and let people around the world get toknow the 
  real Tibet, Zeng said. 
  Chinese central and local government will increase investment in 
  information facilities in the region and the optical fiber cables will 
  reach each counties in Tibet by 2004. 
  In addition, all of the towns of the region will be connected by 
  telephone by 2005. And the number of Internet users will witness a sharp 
  increase in the coming years. 
  Zeng said that in view of the fact that Tibet has vast land 
  andsmall population, the region has made a policy giving priority to the 
  development of information industry. 
  As a part of the "digital Tibet", a Window's platform compatible 
  with Tibetan, Chinese and English languages has recently been developed by 
  the Tibet University. 
  In December 15, a multifunctional integrated software in Tibetan, 
  Chinese and English languages developed by the Northwest China Institute 
  for Nationalities was approved by experts. Using the software, Tibetans 
  with the knowledge of computer and the Internet may compile application 
  software programs in their nativelanguage. 
  At present, the popularity rate of telephone in Tibet has reached 
  4.7 percent. Satellite communication stations covering allprefectures, 
  cities and counties of the region have been built. The optical fiber 
  cables have been laid from Lhasa to Xigaze, Nyingchi, Qamdo and other 
  The number of registered dial-up Internet users in Tibet has 
  surpassed 4,000. 
  Tibet's on-line existence was monopolized by foreign countries by 
  the mid-1990s. People outside China could only see a distorted Tibet on 
  the websites built by Dalai Lama's separatist group. 
  However, more and more websites about Tibet emerged in the mainland 
  of China in recent years.
   So far, the number of websites about Tibet in simplified 
  Chinese is more than 100, and figure of related web pages is over 
  Non-governmental and individual websites made up the majority of 
  the Tibetan websites in the early stages, while the joining of 
  governmental webs at the end of 1990s has greatly pushed forward the 
  development of Tibetan network. 
  Ma Lihua, chief inspector of the well-known website,, said that many overseas web visitors say the Tibetan 
  websites in China have plentiful and reliable contents, and are quickly 
  Statistics show that about 33 percent of the Tibetan websites are 
  about traveling, while 15 percent are about commerce and trade,and 17 
  percent in the field of culture and art. 
  Most of the websites have high visit rate. For instance, after the 
  tibet-web was launched no more than one year ago, at least 200,000 people 
  have visited the site. 
  More than 90 percent of the Tibetan websites are built in Beijing, 
  Lhasa, Xining and Chengdu. The world first Tibetan language website,, opened last year in Lanzhou, capital of northwest China's 
  Gansu Province. 
  Zeng Zhongyi said that all of the prefectures in Tibet now can be 
  connected with the Internet. "We will further encourage the development of 
  E-commerce. Tibetans have began to enjoy life in the information era." 
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UK/Afg: Arrested Scot seen as hero in Bradford - Guardian [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi


Arrested Scot seen as hero in 
Martin Wainwright and 
Kirsty ScottThursday 
January 3, 2002The 
James McLintock, the Scot arrested 
in Pakistan on suspicion of links with al-Qaida, was a hero in Bradford's Muslim 
community because of his exploits in Afghanistan fighting against the Russians. 
Dr Rasjid Skinner, a consultant psychologist who met Mr McLintock recently, 
said yesterday it was widely known that the 37-year-old had fought in 
Afghanistan with the mojahedin 10 years ago, and he was thought to have 
volunteered to serve with Muslims in Bosnia during the civil war. 
The Foreign Office was trying to confirm yesterday that a man detained on the 
Afghan border near an al-Qaida training camp recently was Mr McLintock. Dr 
Skinner said that Mr McLintock was a dignified man, modest about suggestions 
that he had been a hero in Afghanistan. 
"He was obviously someone of good character. His parents are academics and he 
was a master linguist, speaking many European languages and also Pushto, Urdu 
and Arabic," said Dr Skinner. 
"I felt I knew him before I met him, because he was such a hero to the 
Mr McLintock, originally a Catholic, converted to Islam in the mid-1980s 
after reportedly suffering from mental health problems as a youth. His father, 
Dr Ian McLintock, a former Labour councillor and university lecturer, and his 
mother, Margaret, a teacher and Amnesty International activist, have gone to 
ground with their other two children. 
Foreign Office officials have been unable to contact the family, whose house 
in Arbroath is deserted. 
Mr McLintock took the name Mohammed Yaqub and settled in Bradford where he 
married and had two sons. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 
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UK: The extremist network that sprang from 'Londonistan' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi



The extremist network that 
sprang from 'Londonistan' (Filed: 03/01/2002) 

Security services dismissed threat from 'fireside warriors', 
reports Sean O'Neill
LONDON has been a centre for Islamic extremists for years but 
only after September 11 have the activities of the militants been taken 




  to enlarge
The firebrand clerics who preached jihad and hatred of the West 
were dismissed as fireside warriors by British intelligence and security 
It was an attitude that enraged 
the French and Algerian authorities who referred to "Londonistan" - a city 
which harboured known terrorists, disseminated their propaganda and produced 
zealous new recruits.
Zacarias Moussaoui, the first man to be charged over the 
September 11 conspiracy, lived in south London for nine years and was one of 
those recruits who was alleged to have gone on to become an al-Qa'eda 
In Brixton, Moussaoui is believed to have met and influenced 
Richard Reid, the shoe bomber who 
tried to blow up an American Airlines flight from Paris to Miami.
Reid, a British convert to Islam, is now thought to have spent 
time at Khalden Camp, the same al-Qa'eda training centre in Afghanistan to which 
Moussaoui, a French-Moroccan, travelled in April 1998.
Moussaoui's family say he was radicalised in London after 
worshipping at the Finsbury Park mosque, where the imam is the Afghan war 
veteran Abu Hamza, and attending the Baker Street prayer group run by Abu 
Qatada, a Palestinian cleric.
Another disciple of the Baker Street group was Djamel Beghal, an 
Algerian arrested in Dubai in September who is accused of leading a terrorist 
cell which was plotting to bomb the American embassy in Paris.
Kamel Daoudi, Beghal's former flatmate in Paris and the alleged 
bombmaker for the embassy plot, was arrested in Leicester where he was in hiding 
after escaping French police raids. He and Beghal are now in custody in 
Qatada, a Palestinian who has political asylum in Britain, has 
been named by the Spanish authorities as Osama bin Laden's spiritual ambassador 
in Europe. He had £180,000 in various currencies seized in a police raid on his 
west London home last year.
He has been named by the United Nations as a terrorist suspect 
and has had his assets frozen.
A key figure in the network of Islamic radicals in London, Qatada 
is believed to have met bin Laden in Pakistan in the late 1980s when the Saudi 
was engaged in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union. He denies the 
His group's role appears to have been to focus on the most 
committed young men while other groups, like al-Muhajiroun, whipped up emotions 
among Muslim youth.
Run by Omar Bakri Mohammed, who is based in Tottenham, north 
London, al-Muhajiroun supported and claimed to be recruiting fighters for the 
The group has links with Dr Mohammed al-Massari, the Saudi 
dissident who has lived in Britain since 1994 and who has defeated attempts to 
deport him.
In 1996 he helped Khalid al Fawwaz, another Saudi dissident, set 
up an office in London. Fawwaz was establishing bin Laden's press office. Bin 
Laden telephoned Massari to thank him for helping Fawwaz.
Fawwaz and two Egyptians are in prison in Britain awaiting 
extradition to the United States to stand trial over the 1998 bombings of the 
American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania by al-Qa'eda.
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Galloway: The flaws in Downing Street's fatwa - Guardian [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi


The flaws in Downing Street's 

Claiming war has made us safer is a dangerous hostage to fortune 
January 3, 2002The 
Largely lost over the festive 
period, Downing Street's pre-Christmas fatwa - hailing the government's war 
triumphs, while denouncing "10 media views which proved to be wrong" - deserves 
closer scrutiny. 
Cutely entitled "100 days, 100 ways", the document declares premature victory 
and parades the scalps of its critics before they have in truth been taken. The 
principal targets of the war, Bin Laden and his key associates, remain 
uncaptured and unslain. 
Even Mullah Omar, the one-eyed obscurantist and erstwhile emir, seems to have 
been mislaid. By carefully honing down the war aims to little more than better 
gender-balanced government in Afghanistan (not something the government is 
crusading for everywhere in the Islamic world), No 10's war-room spinners claim 
the victor's spoils. 
But even in Afghanistan, the last shot is a long way from being fired. Since 
the 100-days euphoria, hundreds have been killed by maladroit US bombing or 
maliciously misguided targeting. 
And having achieved the leader-ship of the multinational force, British 
soldiers pack their kitbags for another expedition through the Khyber Pass and 
our own thin red line is strung out still farther. 
The Queen scarcely has enough soldiers to fill the foxholes we are in already 
in Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia, the Falklands, Northern Ireland, Sierra Leone, 
Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Kuwait - so much for the 1960s withdrawal east of 
Suez - yet the New Labour army marches on. 
Their arrival is unlikely to remain uncontested. As one Pashtun warlord put 
it: "To kill occupation soldiers will be a duty for all Afghans; to kill British 
soldiers will be a pleasure." But the most dangerous hostage to fortune is the 
government's claim that, as a result of the war, "you and your family live in a 
safer world". 
"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough" is always a dangerous 
chant, whether on the terraces at Millwall or aimed at the people "in 50 
countries" who, according to Colin Powell, have made a strategic turn to 
suicide. Running through government propaganda is the taunt that those who saw 
armageddon in the mounting rage of Muslims - over Palestine, Iraq and the west's 
bottomless succour for the tyrannies which rule them - were crying wolf. 
But what was September 11 if not a taste of apocalypse? And why should we 
conclude that daisy-cutting Kandahar caves has made "you and your family" safer? 
There is scant evidence that the terrorists who hijacked those planes and flew 
them to destruction went to Afghanistan, far less depended on it. 
What is certainly true is that their cells were formed in Europe and their 
crucial training in flying and martial arts took place in the sun-kissed Florida 
glades. These were men more at home in hotel lobbies and internet cafes than the 
boltholes of Tora Bora. While no doubt useful, a state-sponsored base camp is 
neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for a successful terrorist 
campaign, as decades of IRA activity in the UK proved. 
And what of the well of hatred from which the Bin Laden phenomenon draws its 
power? Do we take the hundred days of coup-less quiescence as dissipated rage? 
Does every bomb and convoy-strafing rally the world's Muslims to our side? As 
the Palestinian Authority lies comatose on life support, do we take the silence 
as a cry of surrender? Or are the Muslims merely nursing their wrath to keep it 
On New Year's Day in a top Cairo hotel, I watched a cabaret act go into into 
a kind of rap routine. The audience roared with delight as the vocalist 
improvised on current events. But they saved their loudest applause for his 
paean of praise for Bin Laden. Today the Muslim world is stretched taut, waiting 
for the storm to break. 
The Wall Street Journal calls the British prime minister "America's newest 
and brightest ambassador". Despite their widely trailed objections to a widening 
of the war, the British are about to learn that ambassadors - whether sent 
abroad to lie for their country or someone else's - don't make decisions, but 
merely carry them out. 
Puffed up and pumping "let's kick ass" braggadocio, the Nixon-Reagan-Bush 
apparatchiks now proliferating in the treaty-busting White House are buckling up 
for the next assault. I wonder how safe the government feels "you and your 
family" will be once these tough guys get going - and the going gets even 
· George Galloway is Labour MP for Glasgow Kelvin and a Scottish Mail 
on Sunday columnist. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 
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Re: Arrested Scot [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Rick Rozoff


Regarding the Guardian feature on the Scottish Talib:
A perfect parable for the Humanitarian War and
[In]Human Rights crowd if it had but eyes to see and
ears to hear.
Trace the trajectory of its protagonist and all
becomes clear.
His mother is an Amnesty International operative; he
has psychiatric problems and heads off to Pakistan to
fight in the CIA's war against secular Afghanistan;
then he's deployed to Bosnia to fight for the jailed
Gestapo agent and theocrat Izetgevovic, then the hero
of the human rights brigade; he then returns to
Afghanistan to join the Taliban in its war against the
hero's erstwhile colleagues in the now Northern
You couldn't script a better morality tale than this.
If he hadn't been captured he might have ended up in
Macedonia...or Northwest Greece.
A Western human rights poster boy, indeed.

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'Post-Yalta World': Munich Redux [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Post-Yalta world is a quote from Zbigniew
Brzezinski's latest, 1997, tome The Grand Chessboard:
American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives
which, among many fascinating items, contains a
chapter called The Eurasian Balkans which charts out
most everything that has transpired subsequently in
the Caspian Sea basin and Central Asia, including the
current Afghan campaign.
Pre-Yalta world would have been more to the point.
Eduard Benes, the president of Czechoslovakia before
the Nazi invasion and again afterwards, is noted for
selling his nation down the river at Munich as well as
his mass-scale ethnic purges of Volkdeutsch
afterwards, before the Czechoslovak people had the
good sense to elect Klement Gottwald in 1948.
Benes' daughter married the very same Zbigniew
Brzezinski, whose preeminent intern was none other
than Madeleine Albright, daughter of Joseph Korbel, a
key aide of Eduard Benes...and so it goes.  
Post-Yalta Europe looks increasingly like 1941.]

Austrian Defense Minister Demands Abolition of Benes
PRAGUE, Jan 3, 2002 -- (Radio Prague) The Austrian
Defense Minister and deputy chairman of the far-right
Freedom Party Herbert Scheibner has said he expects
the Czech Republic to abolish the Benes Decrees before
its entry to the European Union.
Under the post-war decrees issued by the Czechoslovak
president Edvard Benes, some 2.5 million Germans were
deported from Czechoslovakia and their property seized
by the state. Mr Schreibner expressed hope that a
solution to the issues of the Czech Temelin nuclear
power station and the Benes Decrees would be found in
the course of EU accession talks.
However, he refused to say whether the Freedom Party
would call for an Austrian veto of the Czech
Republic's entry to the EU over the Benes Decrees, as
the party has threatened to do if Temelin is put into
commercial operation. 
(C) 2002 Radio Prague.

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No Hard Feelings Between CIA Contras [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Rick Rozoff


[The very moving 'heartfelt recantations' toward the
end of this report should be taken in the spirit in
which they were uttered.
It's certain that the Company has other uses for the
recently released, perhaps in Kazakstan or, as always,
the Balkans.]

Thursday January 3 9:52 AM ET 
Afghan Authorities Release 269 Taliban Prisoners
By Jeremy Page
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's new government
released 269 Taliban prisoners on Thursday, most of
them captured as long as five years ago by Northern
Alliance forces.
The men were freed from a prison in central Kabul and
given 500,000 afghanis ($20) each by the International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to get back to their
homes, mostly in southern Afghanistan.
The gesture underscored the confidence of the interim
government that formally took power on December 22,
about five weeks after the Taliban collapsed, worn out
and bloodied by several weeks of blistering U.S.
``All of them are Taliban prisoners captured at the
front,´´ said Brigadier Farooq of the Ministry of
State Security, commander of a jail in northern
Afghanistan where the men were held until two days
``In order to restore peace and an atmosphere of
freedom in the country, the government decided to
release captives taken while fighting the Northern
Alliance,´´ he told Reuters.
``They say they want to go back to their villages,´´
he said. ´´I don´t know how they feel in their hearts,
but I don´t think they can do anything now.´´
Looking pale but reasonably healthy, and very
relieved, the men queued up to collect their wads of
crisp, new afghanis before gathering their few
belongings and heading out of the prison compound.
They said they had heard about the September 11
attacks on the United States, the U.S.-led campaign in
Afghanistan, and the defeat of the Taliban from guards
at the prison and the occasional radio report.
Many, such as 20-year-old Doar Mohammad, said they now
backed the new interim government of Hamid Karzai.
``I believe in God, but not in the ideology of the
Taliban any more,´´ said Mohammad who was captured two
years ago in the northern province of Baghlan. ``It
didn´t do any good, torturing people, forcing men to
have long beards and women to wear burqas.
``I joined the Taliban because they captured my
area,´´ he said. ``If you had been me, you would have
done the same. Now I just want to go home and listen
to the radio and watch television.´´
But a few said they still believed in the Taliban's
extreme interpretation of Islamic law, under which
television was banned.
``I was upset when I heard about the Taliban´s defeat
because I thought Islamic government had ended,´´ said
Qutbuddin Hanifi, 28, who was captured four years ago.
``At the beginning of the Taliban movement, everything
was all right and people were treated well,´´ he said.
``If I ask people in the street what happened for the
last four years, maybe I will change my mind.´´
Abdul Hadi, who joined the Taliban after studying in a
madrassa -- or Islamic college -- in their former
stronghold of Kandahar, said his beliefs had not
changed after five years in prison.
``It is written in the Koran that the prophet said
women should wear burqas and men should have long
beards,´´ he said. ´´It is a personal thing -- if you
are a Muslim, you must understand the rules of
ICRC spokesman Michael Kleiner said the government had
asked his organization to arrange for the prisoners to
be sent home.
This was the second major prisoner release since the
fall of the Taliban, he said. The first took place in
Kandahar last month, when anti-Taliban forces released
some 1,600 prisoners and sent them home.
``The new authorities are processing cases,´´ said
Kleiner. ´´The important thing is that people can go
home, and we are providing them with some cash to do
Farooq said senior Taliban leaders were released
earlier as part of prisoner exchanges and there were
no more Taliban in his prison in the northern district
of Dubab.
But there were 22 foreign prisoners from Pakistan,
Burma, China, Saudi Arabia and Yemen still in
captivity, he said.

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Fw:Federal Judge Dismisses Puerto Rico Lawsuit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 4:18 
Subject:Federal Judge Dismisses Puerto Rico 
 Vieques Support 
WAR! U.S. 
_ At 
a time when the U.S. government is sounding the drums of war, 
increasing its arrogance towards other countries, while propagating 
racist hate of other peoples abroad, the court's dismissal of 
thislawsuit is a blatant disregard for the victimized people of 
Vieques. The decision to dismiss this lawsuit is for all intents 
and purposes a call for continuing the criminal U.S. Navy bombing of 
Vieques. No matter what racist court officials decide, the peoples 
struggle continues. The global war campaign the U.S. government is 
engaged in will not prevent popular opposition everywhere in the world 
and the peoples struggle to eventually get the U.S. Navy out of 
Federal Judge Dismisses Puerto Rico Lawsuit Associated 
PressThursday, January 3, 2002 A federal judge 
dismissed Puerto Rico's lawsuit to stop the federalgovernment from 
resuming Navy bombing exercises on the territory's island of Vieques. 
The Puerto Rican government said yesterday it would appeal. U.S. 
District Judge Gladys Kessler said that although the political 
andpolicy issues surrounding the case were complex, "the legal issue, 
incontrast, is simple and straightforward." Puerto Rico 
had filed its complaint last year after Gov. Sila Calderon signed a 
law banning loud noises along the island's shores. That law cited the 
U.S. Noise Control Act of 1972, which allows states -- or, as in 
Puerto Rico's case, U.S. territories -- to set noise-control 
laws. In a ruling issued Monday, Kessler said she must dismiss 
Puerto Rico's case "for lack of subject matter jurisdiction." She said 
the Noise Control Act "does not provide plaintiff a cause of action to 
sue in federal district court for the violations 
alleged." Puerto Rican Justice Secretary Anabelle Rodriguez 
pledged to appeal theruling. "We think the decision is 
erroneous," she said yesterday in San Juan. President Bush has 
said he wants the Navy to end its training on Vieques by 2003, but 
many in Puerto Rico question whether the U.S. war in Afghanistan will 
cause him to back away from the commitment. In addition, Congress 
passed legislation last month that would bar the Navy secretary from 
closing the site until he and top military leaders certify the 
availability of a site or sites that would provide "equivalent or 
superior" levels of training. A Pentagon spokesman would not 
comment because he had not seen the ruling. Puerto Rican 
researchers have linked heart disease and other health problems found 
among Vieques residents to naval gunfire and pollutants released 
during military exercises. The Navy denies the 
U.S. Navy Out Of 
U.S. Colonialism Out Of Puerto 
No To 
No To 
12 noon, 
January 26, 
St. Mary's Episcopal 
521 West 126th 
Manhattan, New York 
(Between Broadway  Amsterdam Avenues) Take the 
IRT, # 1 or the IND "A" subway trains to 125th Street.
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Fw: Uganda Women against War [fwd] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic


- Original Message -
From: hde_tollenaere [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 12:12 AM
Subject: Uganda Women against War [fwd]


 Dear Sisters,

 We the women of Kaabong Women's Group on behalf of the rural grassroots
 women in Uganda, especially Karamoja region, are opposing military
 budgets, arms fairs, and highly condemn the acts of terrorism and the
 revenge the USA has taken. Women, children are dying innocently. We bring
 this message of millions of women deprived of their basic human rights and
 status in all parts of the world and we join the International Women Count
 Network in London as we come to the third Global Women's Strike in which
 shall all participate, with the theme Invest in caring not killing.
 and children are the majority of those killed and wounded in armed
 conflicts, besides their hard work of life-giving, going through severe
 hardship, cleaning, nursing, building, walking miles for clean water. All
 of us who have joined the Global Women's Strike are here on earth as
 witnesses of thousands of people - women who suffer acts of violence and
 injustice caused by armed conflicts. We forced political and economic
 leaders to listen to us about military budgets, but we've failed to obtain
 even one satisfactory response to our demands. The demands stand

 It is up to us to continue acting with all anti-neo-liberal globalization
 and anti-sexist movements to force international financial institutions
 (World Bank  IMF) to radically change course and to make the UN assume
 veritable political leadership in the people's, particularly women's,
 interests. We must also find the means and the platform from which to
 continue our action to eliminate violence in the world. We have a lot on
 our plates.

 Members of Kaabong Women's group had a silence of prayers for all those
 died in the terrorists act in New York and Washington and for the Women
 Children who died in Afghanistan.

 Throughout history, women have crossed geographical, cultural and
 ideological borders in search of peace. We the women can find an end to
 this terrible act. Join us on the third Global Women's Strike so that we
 make it real: CARING NOT KILLING

 Yours in Power to the Sisters,

 Grace Loumo

 Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
 Herman de Tollenaere
 My Internet site on Asian history and new religions:

 See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on society:

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Fw: AlQaeda Barely Scratched [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic


Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 1:58 PM
Subject: [ctrl] AlQaeda Barely Scratched
 From WND   }}}Begin 
This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which  
follows.  To view this item online, visit 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002  
WAR ON TERROR U.S. efforts 'barely scratched' al-Qaida? Students 
of Islam express enthusiasm for 'holy war' against U.S.  
By Toby Westerman   
 © 2002   The al-Qaida leadership, 
rumored to have fled from the devastation of Afghanistan, is finding a ready 
supply of new, youthful followers who claim to be ready to fight "at every 
moment."   "Al-Qaida is still intact," and American bombing 
"barely scratched" the terrorist network, according to one student attending a 
Pakistani religious school and interviewed by the respected Italian news daily 
Corriere della Sera.   "It is not enough to 
believe American propaganda," the young Islamic militant stated.  
 Most of those attending the school firmly hold the belief that the U.S. 
began the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan as an unprovoked attack on the 
Muslim world.   Several of the approximately 3,000 students 
(including some 600 Afghans) at the school - referred to as a "madrassa" - 
revealed their determination to fight against the "great war launched by the 
Americans" against Islam.   It is the duty of 
every "good Muslim" to be "ready to fight at every moment," one of the students 
declared.   Another student, who is a recent arrival from Kabul, 
Afghanistan, quickly entered the discussion and added, "Even if Osama and Mullah 
Omar are dead, it would be of little importance, because the cause for which we 
fight"  would find leadership "in other individuals."   
The students' remarks, and the enthusiasm for a "holy war" on the part of many 
of their classmates, verify the observations of one early authority on Islamic 
extremism.   Yossef Bodansky, in his seminal work "Bin Laden: 
The Man Who Declared War on America", noted the existence of a "solid, capable 
Islamic terrorist infrastructure in the West, capable of operating both at home 
and overseas" that does not rely upon specific instructions from 
bin Laden.   The students who were interviewed attend a school 
called The Straight Path University, which is located about 30 miles south of 
Peshawar, in northern Pakistan, near the Afghanistan border and the fabled 
Khyber Pass.   There is no admission on the part of the students 
that the Taliban or al- Qaida committed any wrong, and certainly no indication 
of remorse for the actions attributed to Islamic terrorism.   
"Repentance - for what?" responded one of the young Muslim scholars when 
Corriere Della Sera asked about Islam's share in the responsibility for events 
in Afghanistan.   "The United States" uses every chance "to 
attack Islam," the student declared, and asserted that "their [U.S.] secret 
services had planned the attacks of Sept. 11 for a pretext" to use against 
al-Qaida, the Taliban and bi n Laden.   The students 
regard with contempt the new government in Afghanistan, a coalition of factions 
supported by the West.   The present Kabul regime is, according 
to the students, a "fantasy and a farce" that will fall like a "house of cards" 
and could "hardly succeed against serious opposition."   Despite 
America's war on terrorism, the school continues to operate without financial 
difficulty, with much of its funding from wealthy donors in Saudi Arabia and 
United Arab Emirates, according to the Corriere della Sera report. 
  Sympathies of those on the Pakistani side of the border with 
 Afghanistan have aided Taliban fighters in their escape from U.S. 
 bombardment and attacks from anti-Taliban forces.   
Outright bribery has also proven effective in assisting the flight of  
Taliban and al-Qaida personnel from Afghanistan, with the price for  
passage from Afghanistan to Pakistan ranging from $1,600 to $3,300,  
depending upon the importance of the refugee, according to an earlier  
Corriere della Sera report. Related offer: 
  "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America" 
   I.J. Toby Westerman, is a contributing reporter for 
WorldNetDaily who  focuses on current events in the Commonwealth of 
Independent States  and the Balkans. End{{{ 
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Re: Stratfor: U.S. Intelligence Probe Expands in Africa [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread mart


It sounds like the CIA is once again using it's hacks in 
the media to prepare 
us for a further widening of the 
war.this time a war on the Democratic 
Republic of Congo!
mart- Original Message - 
From: Stasi To: Anti-NATO Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 6:43 
AMSubject: Stratfor: U.S. Intelligence Probe Expands in Africa 
January 03, 2002 11:31 AMStratforU.S. Intelligence Probe Expands 
in Africa2300 GMT, 020102

U.S. intelligence agencies are investigating links 
between Hezbollah, al Qaeda and mining investments in the Democratic Republic of 
the Congo. The investigations shed light on the links between militant groups 
and organized crime and more importantly, illustrate the freedom with which 
criminals and militants raise illicit funds in Africa. The discoveries, combined 
with al Qaeda's ties to drug trafficking, will lead the United States to expand 
its presence in Africa and thus build cooperation with African 
governments.U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are looking 
into links between al Qaeda, Lebanon-based militant organization Hezbollah and 
mining concerns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Washington 
Post reported Dec. 30. So far, the investigation has uncovered a network of 
Lebanese diamond traders with ties to militants -- who have assets in the Congo 
-- and alleged al Qaeda members. 
The United States hopes to paralyze al Qaeda by 
uncovering and seizing its sources of funding. Doing so, however, will have 
lasting consequences only if Washington can permanently shut down those sources 
of revenue. Africa, which has a wealth of natural resources, also has a number 
of failed states where large swaths of territory are beyond government control. 
A healthy black market and the presence of foreigners also combine to create 
attractive opportunities for criminals. Permanently preventing al Qaeda from 
exploiting the lawlessness of mineral-rich countries like the DRC will lead 
Washington to expand its engagement with African governments. 
But the United States must back up greater 
engagement on issues of security and politics -- including closer cooperation 
between U.S. and African intelligence and law enforcement agencies -- with 
investment and development aid. For the government in Kinshasa, expanded 
relations with the United States could translate not only into increased 
investment but also into greater political support for its war against rebels in 
eastern DRC and their foreign backers, Rwanda and Uganda. 
The DRC has immense natural resources, 
including minerals and timber, but it has been ravaged by more than three years 
of civil war. According to a United Nations report released in April 2001, all 
five of the foreign nations involved in the conflict have plundered the Congo's 
mineral resources -- including cobalt, coltan, copper, diamonds and gold -- in 
order to fund their war efforts. 
Other nations are not the only looters to set 
up shop in the Congo's provinces. The U.N. report also cites the systematic 
looting of natural resources by organized criminal cartels with worldwide 
U.S. intelligence officials say one of these 
groups is Hezbollah. The group -- which is known to have a global network 
including Latin American drug traffickers, European diamond traders and Middle 
Eastern militants -- may be using the DRC's illicit diamond trade to fund its 
activities. It may also be working in concert with other militant groups, like 
al Qaeda, involved in illicit fundraising activities in the Congo. 
Though no direct evidence linking the two has 
surfaced, al Qaeda has owned and operated businesses in other African nations 
including Kenya, Tanzania and Sudan. According to the Washington Post report, 
U.S. officials are also investigating terrorist ties to the mineral trade in 
Tanzania, where suspects arrested after Sept. 11 have been linked to al 
The reasons militant groups can operate with 
impunity are simple: Many African governments have little or no control over 
large swaths of territory, the network of illicit trade is well established and 
borders are porous. This description fits many African nations where natural 
resources are being exploited, including Angola, the DRC, Liberia and Sierra 
The events of Sept. 11 forced the United States 
to pursue al Qaeda's international sources of financing. The plethora of 
opportunities for illicit fundraising in places like the DRC or Sierra Leone 
will prompt Washington to explore options for uncovering al Qaeda's assets in 
these countries and finding means of shutting them down. But with 60 percent of 
sub-Saharan Africa's urban labor force employed in the black market, penetrating 
and dismantling al Qaeda's revenue streams may prove impossible. Faced with 
such a Herculean task, the United States will turn to 

Cuba: lower infant mortality rate than US [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Barry Stoller


BBC. 3 January 2002. Cuba records lowest infant mortality rate

Cuba has recorded its lowest infant mortality rate for four decades,
with 6.2 children in every 1,000 dying before the age of one.

According to figures from the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF,
Cuba - along with Canada - now has the lowest infant mortality rate in
the Americas.

The United States is second with seven in every 1,000 children.

Guatemala has the highest infant mortality rate with 45 in every 1,000

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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The Balkans DU Cover-Up [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Miroslav Antic


Article by: envirodoc
Monday 31 Dec 2001

Summary: Discussion on Balkans contamination and health effects coverup

Reference at indymedia website:

The Balkans DU Cover-Up


Last November, when stories first appeared in the European press of
deaths from leukemia among Italian soldiers who had served in the
Balkans, alarm bells started ringing across the Continent. The leukemia
was--and still is--believed by many independent experts to be caused by
radiation from depleted uranium (DU) arms used in the Balkans during the
war. Since most European countries are members of NATO, most of them
have troops stationed in or near areas believed to be contaminated.

In France, the February 2000 broadcast of a documentary about DU
triggered a steadily increasing demand for more and better information.
At the same time, reports were surfacing in Belgium of illness among
that country\'s troops stationed in the Balkans. Early this year, Spain
and Greece announced they will screen their soldiers for contamination,
and Portugal has decided to remove its troops entirely from Kosovo.

Country after country summoned US ambassadors or dispatched delegations
to NATO headquarters in Brussels in search of more information about DU.
But NATO--which in effect means the United States--has stuck to the
Pentagon\'s oft-repeated refrain: If there is a problem, soldiers\'
health should certainly be studied, but it is impossible that DU is
involved because its radiation is so low as to be utterly harmless.

A major reason for Pentagon evasiveness is the almost 200,000 Gulf War
vets apparently suffering from the variety of illnesses lumped together
as Gulf War Syndrome who have filed claims against the VA for
service-related illnesses. Three-quarters of that group are now
classified by the VA as disabled, and almost 7,000 of the original total
have died.

In the case of contamination by Agent Orange in Vietnam, the Pentagon
ended up admitting claims from anybody who had served in the theater
after use of the defoliant had begun. If this were repeated in the case
of Gulf War Syndrome, most of the almost 700,000 vets who served on the
ground in the Persian Gulf would be eligible to press claims.

Further, in addition to helping solve the serious problem of what to do
with nuclear waste, DU weapons play a key role in the US military\'s
concept of a \no loss\ war. If such arms performed brilliantly against
tanks in the Iraq war, they performed equally brilliantly against the
Serbian regime\'s huge underground installations (\hardened targets\
in military jargon) in Kosovo, where NATO has admitted to using some
nine and a half tons of DU. Hence, far from planning to remove DU from
its arsenal anytime soon, the Pentagon wants to increase its use.

Thus, duly attentive to its own interests, the US government has
consistently pressured its NATO allies and the UN--which has assumed
responsibility for Kosovo--to keep the lid on DU contamination
investigations (to the extent that such inquiries cannot be thwarted
outright). Such pressure, however, has not stopped information from
slowly leaking out, as evidenced by the French documentary and the
reports from Belgium. But until the Italian government decided in
December to launch an official inquiry into DU use in Kosovo, there was
no general awareness of the danger among the European public.
Significantly, Britain, whose government has long been at odds with its
own veterans over Gulf War Syndrome and is the only country other than
the United States to admit to using DU, has been a low-key but insistent
supporter of the Pentagon line.

Much, in fact, is already known about DU. Contrary to what the Pentagon
keeps insisting, the \depleted\ in the name depleted uranium does not
indicate uranium bereft of all but weak, hence harmless, radiation.
Rather, it is depleted of its contents of the uranium isotope U-235,
which, because it is fissionable, is used for bombs and for fuel in
nuclear reactors. What\'s left, U-238, is 40 percent less radioactive
but still extremely dangerous. Anybody handling DU metal must wear
clothing resistant to high-level radiation, hermetically sealed and
equipped with a respirator.

The Pentagon itself knows the dangers. On July 22, 1990, the US Army
made public an exhaustive study of armor-piercing DU munitions (quoted
in the Military Toxics Project\'s 2000 report \Don\'t Look, Don\'t
Find\), which warned of respirable DU oxides, created during combat,
that could cause cancer and kidney problems. It further warned that
\following combat, the condition of the battlefield and the long-term
health risks to natives and combat veterans may become issues in the
acceptability of the continued use of DU kinetic energy penetrators for
military applications.\ 

America's Empire Rules an Unbalanced World [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Miroslav Antic


Copyright C 2001 The International Herald Tribune | 

America's Empire Rules an Unbalanced World  
Robert Hunter Wade International Herald Tribune 
Thursday, January 3, 2002  

LONDON Suppose you are a modern-day Roman emperor, the
leader of the most powerful country in a world of
sovereign states and international markets. What sort
of framework of international political economy
arrangements do you create so that without having to
throw your weight around more than occasionally,
normal market forces bolster the economic preeminence
of your country, allow your citizens to consume far
more than they themselves produce, and keep
challengers down?

You want autonomy to decide on your exchange rate and
monetary policy in response only to your own national objectives, while
having other countries depend on your support in managing their own
economies. You want to be able to engineer volatility and economic
crises in the rest of the world in order to hinder the growth of centers
that might challenge your preeminence and in order to allow your vulture
funds periodically to buy up their assets at fire-sale prices. You want
intense competition between exporters in the rest of the world that
gives you an inflow of imports at constantly decreasing prices relative
to the price of your exports.

You want to invite the best brains in the rest of the
world to come to your universities, companies and
research institutes. You befriend the middle classes
elsewhere and make sure they have good material
reasons for supporting the framework. You make it
unlikely that elites and masses should ever unite in
nativistic reactions to your dominance or demand nationalistic
development policies that nurture competitors to your industries.

What features do you hard-wire into the international
political economy? First, free capital mobility.
Second, free trade (excepting imports that threaten
domestic industries important for your re-selection).
Third, international investment free from any
discriminatory favoring of national companies through protection, public
procurement, public ownership or other devices, with special emphasis on
the freedom of your companies to get the custom of national elites for
the management of their financial assets, their private education,
health care, pensions, and the like.

Fourth, your currency as the main reserve currency.
Fifth, no constraint on your ability to create your
currency at will (such as a dollar-gold link), so that
you can finance unlimited trade deficits with the rest
of the world. Sixth, international lending at variable
interest rates denominated in your currency, which
means that borrowing countries in crisis have to repay
you more when their capacity to repay is less.

This combination allows your people to consume far
more than they produce; it periodically produces
financial instability and crises in the rest of the
world, which hold back the crisis-affected countries
and also cause other governments to hold more of your
currency and therefore help to finance your deficits;
and it allows your firms and your capital to enter and
exit other markets quickly. You also need, of course,
a bail-out mechanism that protects your creditors and
displaces any losses from periodic panics onto the
citizens of the borrowing country.

To supervise the international framework you want
international organizations that look like
cooperatives of member states and carry the legitimacy
of multilateralism, but are financed in a way that
allows you to control them.

A Machiavellian interpretation of the U.S. role in the
world economy since the end of the Bretton Woods
regime around 1970? Certainly. In reality, America's engineering of its
dominance has at times been for the general good, when it used its clout
to think for the world. But often its clout has been used solely in
the interests of its richest citizens and most powerful corporations.
This latter tendency has been dominant lately.

We see it in its new single-minded unilateralism in international
relations, much exacerbated by the mixture of rage at Sept. 11th and
gung-ho jubilation at success in Afghanistan. And we see it in what
the United States is now ramming through the international supervisory

The United States has engineered the World Trade
Organization to commit itself to negotiate a General
Agreement on Trade in Services, which will facilitate
a global market in private health care, welfare,
pensions, education and water, supplied - naturally -
by U.S. companies, and which will undermine political
support for universal access to social services in
developing countries.

And it has engineered the World Bank, through
congressional conditions on the replenishment of IDA,
the soft-loan facility, to launch its biggest
refocusing in a decade - a private sector
development agenda devoted to the same end of
accelerating the private (and 


2002-01-03 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


the leader of the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo, who is likely to become the 
provinces future President , declared in Pristina on Saturday that he is to 
request the United States of America and the European Union to formally 
recognise the full independence of Kosovo. In a New Year message, Rugova 
declared that the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo, the largest Albanian political 
grouping, will work intensively on the formal recognition of the independence 
of Kosovo, with our friends in America and the European Union, to contribute to 
the calming of the situation in this part of Europe and the world. He 
added that In fact, Kosovo is already independent but we are seeking formal 
recognition and integration into NATO and the European Union. Rugova 
said that his main objectives were to build a democratic and tolerant society, 
with security and the integration of other ethnic groups. He will have 
his work cut out. The second largest Albanian party, whose president is the 
ex-UCK leader Hashim Thaci, abandoned the parliament, leaving a void which has 
yet to be filled. A coalition government has still not been formed after the 
elections in November and as a consequence, Kosovo continues to not have a 
President as the Albanians bicker among themselves. The point is that 
the Albanians never had a united political programme. What they wanted was the 
Serbs out of Kosovo, the birthplace of the Serbian nation, since these were the 
only people who knew how to keep the Albanians under control. NATOs illegal and 
murderous campaign against Yugoslavia, which incidentally left large swathes of 
Kosovo contaminated with Depleted Uranium, created the notion of the monster 
which 500 years of Balkans history had been trying to prevent: a Greater 
Albania. Kosovo was never Albanian, although these people infiltrated 
and bred so prolifically that they now constitute 90% of the population. The 
purpose of the Albanian wife is to bear as many children as possible, wherever 
that may be, preferably outside Albania since living conditions in any of its 
neighbours are far better than at home. Albanians, like Afghans, are not 
one people, but rather a collection of tribes which call themselves Shqiperije 
(Eagle People). The language itself has very little written tradition and was 
tacked together into a grammar only in the twentieth century, being a mixture of 
Gheg and Tosk, two tribal dialects. The notion of Albania (a word foreign to 
either of these dialects) is anywhere that the eagle people live. To 
recognise the full independence of Kosovo would be paramount for a foreign power 
to demand that the USA recognise the right of Mexico over Texas or California. 
It would be a victory for terrorism, providing new fuel for the fires in 
Corsica, the Basque Country, Brittany, the Liga Nord, Aztlan, Scots nationalism, 
Welsh nationalism, and any other fringe separatist group. That the 
Albanians should have their own institutions within a Yugoslav Federal Province 
of Kosovo, acting under the auspices of Belgrade, would seem reasonable. The 
atrocities committed by certain rogue Serbian elements were as lamentable as 
those caused by the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) against its own people. Many 
were the Albanian girls who fled into Serbian areas to escape being forced into 
prostitution rings by this group. That the UCK, basically a terrorist 
organisation with strong links to Osama Bin Ladens Al-Qaeda, should be handed a 
moral victory by granting full independence, would be an insult to all those who 
expressed their horror at the September 11th events. Timothy 
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World Jewish Congress Reorganizes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Miroslav Antic


World Jewish Congress Reorganizes

By Associated Press

January 2, 2002, 4:31 PM EST

NEW YORK -- The World Jewish Congress, which led the effort to gain $11
billion in restitution for Holocaust victims, says it has reorganized
its executive structure to focus on global terrorism.

Secretary General Israel Singer will become chairman of the 21-member
executive committee, and Elan Steinberg, WJC staff director for the past
15 years, will move to executive vice president, Steinberg said

Avi Becker, director of the WJC's Jerusalem office, will assume the
secretary general's title.

The Holocaust restitutions will remain our legacy, but we feel it is
the right time to move on, Steinberg said. The central issue now is
security, the threat of worldwide terrorism and the menace to all
democratic institutions.

The leadership changes follow WJC President Edgar Bronfman Jr.'s
recently announced decision to step down in 2002.

The WJC has about 250,000 members in the United States and represents
Jewish organizations in 80 countries.

Copyright C 2002, The Associated Press

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See these 4 worthwhile links [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread kev hall


A NOTE  A SHOUT OF JOY: As of Dec. 14 Phil Berrigan is out of jail and free 

Go to and hear Amy Goodman's Jan. 3 radio 
interview of Phil.

Peace to all from + Kev +

(See these 4 links below)
=== + 
The Arrival of Orwellian America
-- by Rick Gee === + 
War Propaganda at the New York
-- by Matt Taibbi
=== + 
Talkin' About the F-Word
-- by Bernard Weiner === + 
Bush to Waive Congressional
Notice of Spy Actions
-- by Heidi Przybyla

Support at and the Global Network Against 
Weapons  Nuclear Power in Space
== + ==
Please see these URGENT space links on U.S. military plans for world 
domination: (1)
(4) Report of the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space 
Management and Organization
== + ==
Please help support the Plowshares and Catholic Worker movements and similar 
peace and justice, faith and spirit groups.


Thanks from Kevin; age 47; U.S. Navy veteran (Vietnam evacuation and 
pull-out), cyber-pacifist for peace, gardener, prayer partner and stay-home 
father-of-4, in Florida (Tampa Bay area) USA.

Blessed are the peacemakers.

A prayer:
    Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Help me speak truth to 
power. Pray for one another. Be merciful. Love your enemies. Be grateful. 
Soften your heart. Forgive those who've hurt you. Come quickly, Jesus 
Christ, mighty God, son of God, Prince of Peace, Lamb of God Who takes away 
the sins of the world.

Deo Gratias ... inscription on Dorothy Day's tombstone

What is to give light must endure burning. -- Viktor Frankl

It's either NONVIOLENCE or NONEXISTENCE - Martin Luther King Jr.
= + ===

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

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Thousands of Afghans Likely Killed in Bombings [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Thursday, January 3, 2001 in the Toronto Globe  

  Thousands of Afghans Likely 
  Killed in Bombings 

  by Murray Campbell

The Afghan village of Qalaye Niazi 
  vanished in a rain of bombs, with only craters, remnants of mud walls and 
  scraps of flesh and hair to show that it once existed. 
  The people who used to live there say as many as 107 civilians died 
  when U.S. warplanes, including a B-52 bomber, swooped down early 
  The Pentagon says the village in eastern Afghanistan was a haven for 
  al-Qaeda and Taliban loyalists and that, in any event, the estimate of 
  casualties is "unfounded."
  Such conflicting information has been a staple of the three-month-old 
  Afghan war and, critics say, has served to obscure the toll exacted from 
  There is no agreement yet about how many ordinary Afghans have died 
  from the U.S.-led bombardment, but one American academic estimates that 
  the toll stands at 4,050 -- surpassing the number of people killed in the 
  Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the United States. 
  The Pentagon has played down the number of civilian dead, dismissing 
  many early reports as Taliban exaggerations.
  The bombing campaign is controversial in Afghanistan, with some members 
  of the interim government suggesting it be stopped. Washington has 
  refuses, and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai said this week the bombing must 
  continue, to "finish terrorists completely."
  The bombing campaign remains largely uncontroversial in the United 
  States, where President George W. Bush's war on terrorism enjoys strong 
  Marc Herold, a University of New Hampshire economics professor who has 
  monitored the campaign, said yesterday that U.S. officials again have 
  demonstrated their ability to manage the news and mainstream U.S. media 
  have shown their willingness to be managed.
  "It's been a concerted effort to keep this kind of news off the front 
  pages," he said. "The record of the Bush administration is pretty clear: 
  This is a non-topic."
  Prof. Herold has gathered media reports (many of them unverified) from 
  around the world for his estimate that 4,050 Afghan civilians have been 
  killed in the bombing. Other organizations, whose monitoring has been less 
  rigorous, offer lower figures.
  Human Rights Watch, a U.S.-based organization, offers an estimate of at 
  least 1,000 civilian deaths, while the Reuters news agency said that 
  perhaps 982 people have died in 14 incidents.
  Prof. Herold's estimate, updated to include Qalaye Niazi and four other 
  recent incidents, follows his initial calculation three weeks ago that 
  3,767 Afghan civilians had died since the first bombs fell on Oct. 7.
  He said he decided to study the effects of the bombing because he 
  suspects that modern weaponry is not as precise as advertised, and because 
  he found hardly any mention of civilian casualties in the U.S. media.
  He noted there have been news reports that Washington was spending 
  millions of dollars to buy exclusive rights to accurate satellite images 
  of the areas under bombardment. "Preventing the images of human suffering 
  caused by the U.S. bombing from reaching U.S. audiences creates precisely 
  what the Pentagon and Bush seek -- a war without witnesses."
  Sidney Jones, Human Rights Watch's Asia director, suggests there are 
  several reasons for the muted reaction to the Afghan civilian toll.
  She said other Afghan topics -- the rebuilding of the country and the 
  hunt for Osama bin Laden -- crowd the news agenda.
   2002 Bell Globemedia Interactive 
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An Interview with ELN Commander Antonio Garcia, helpful links [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-01-03 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... ]

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- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 11:29 AM
Subject: [C-I] An Interview with ELN Commander Antonio Garcia, helpful links

Some people on the listserves have questioned the tactics/grassroot support of the
armed leftist groups in Colombia.  This interview, see below, is very enlightening and
can be found at:
or for the ELN website:

also see the FARC-EP website:
for some other helpful links for human rights/social justice struggles worldwide in:

Sri Lanka:
African people:

Hope these links and this interview can help people understand the hope and
inspiration of the struggles, and the grave danger of both the human rights/social
justice workers in the movement and the innocent populations that are targeted by the
repressive, USA-sponsored death-squad governments in all these countries.

NorteAmericanos for Bolivar

An Interview with ELN Commander Antonio Garcia

Guerrilla leader Antonio Garcia has over-all military command of the National
Liberation Army (ELN), Colombia's second largest guerrilla movement. An engineer by
profession Garcia, now 44, joined the ELN when he was 19.


Q. Who does the ELN represent?

A. The ELN is an organization of Colombians who feel excluded by the state, the
economic system, and the social injustices they create. We are an organization born of
the people and we fight to build a political and economic order in Colombia where
political exclusion no longer exists and where problems can be solved through the
participation of the majority of the population. We represent the excluded - the
majority of Colombians.

Q. In what areas of Colombia do the ELN operate?

A. The ELN operates in all of the three major mountain ranges of Colombia. We also
have a strong presence in the north east of the country and in the plains of Casanare
and Arauca. In the eastern plains and Amazonian regions we have neither political nor
organizational presence. At the moment the ELN has 43 fronts in rural areas, 10 urban
fronts and 22 mobile companies that perform operations in various parts of the

Our fronts tend to be grouped together depending on their geographical position. For
example the fronts in the departments of Arauca, Casanare and Boyaca are grouped
together. There is another group made up of fronts based in the north eastern
departments of Norte de Santander, Santander and Cesar, and another made up of fronts
from the south of Bolivar department and north east of Antioquia department. Also in
Antioquia, around the city of Medellin, we have an important grouping. We also have
important groupings in the south west of Colombia, the departments of Cauca, Narino
and Valle, and in the north around the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Guajira
peninsula. All the ELN fronts are located close to main roads or the more important
areas of natural resources - the bases of Colombia's economic infrastructure.

Q. In the areas where you operate how much control do you have, do you function
similarly to a local government?

A. The regions in which we operate are totally neglected in terms of social, economic
and political justice. They are basically stateless regions and this lack of authority
is filled by the guerrillas who try to become an instrument to help the people to
organise and to resolve for themselves the needs that they have.

Although the ELN is a military force that confronts the establishment and its military
forces we are also a force that contributes to the organisation of the society in
which we operate. We try to develop the organisational processes within society
because this is the only way that we can guarantee stability for the future. Only an
organised society can guarantee its future and if a society is not organized any
authority can impose their criteria. In the areas where the ELN operates, we are in
constant communication with the surrounding communities; we try to coexist with the
communities, we support them and help them to resolve their social, health,
educational and economic needs.

Q. How do you finance yourselves?

A. The vast majority of our members are working people; teachers, peasants,
housewives, intellectuals, factory workers, professionals, etc. Therefore we have a
great number of wage earning people and most of the ELN's social and political work is
financed by donations from these people. Those members who are part of the

Omar 'may already have been arrested' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 4 January 2002. Mullah Omar may already have been arrested: Afghan

Mullah Mohammad Omar, the head of the Taliban who has a 10 million
dollar bounty put on his head by the United States, has maybe already
been arrested, an Afghan minister told German television.

Mohammed Amin Farhang, the Afghan minister for reconstruction, made the
comment late Thursday in reply to a question on Germany's ARD state
television network.

 I heard that Mullah Omar had been arrested. I do not know any more
than that for the moment, Farhang said.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Fw: [C-I] Fw: Cuba: lower infant mortality rate than US [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... ]

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- Original Message -
To: com-int [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; People's Voice
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sean O'Donoghue [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 10:56 PM
Subject: [C-I] Fw: Cuba: lower infant mortality rate than US

- Original Message -
From: Barry Stoller
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 5:47 PM
Subject: [pttp] Cuba: lower infant mortality rate than US

BBC. 3 January 2002.
Cuba records lowest infant mortality rate

Cuba has recorded its lowest infant mortality rate for four decades,
with 6.2 children in every 1,000 dying before the age of one.

According to figures from the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF,
Cuba - along with Canada - now has the lowest infant mortality rate in
the Americas.

The United States is second with seven in every 1,000 children.

Guatemala has the highest infant mortality rate with 45 in every 1,000
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Re: World Jewish Congress Reorganizes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/3/2002 4:40:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

NEW YORK -- The World Jewish Congress, which led the effort to gain $11
billion in restitution for Holocaust victims, says it has reorganized
its executive structure to focus on global terrorism.

How soon will the assets of the Mossad be seized?
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re World Jewish Congress Reorganizes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread mart


The WJC - quote - "has 
reorganizedits executive structure to focus on 
global terrorism"??? This is not news. The WJC has always supported 
Isreal'suse of terrorism 
against the Palestinians! Maybe the 
on the word"global " is what's different???
Original Message - From: Miroslav Antic 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:13 
PMSubject: World Jewish Congress Reorganizes HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK 
---World Jewish Congress 
ReorganizesBy Associated PressJanuary 2, 
2002, 4:31 PM ESTNEW YORK -- The World Jewish Congress, 
which led the effort to gain $11billion in restitution for Holocaust 
victims, says it has reorganizedits executive structure to focus on 
global terrorism.Secretary General Israel Singer will become 
chairman of the 21-memberexecutive committee, and Elan Steinberg, WJC 
staff director for the past15 years, will move to executive vice president, 
Steinberg saidWednesday.Avi Becker, director of 
the WJC's Jerusalem office, will assume thesecretary general's 
title."The Holocaust restitutions will remain our legacy, 
but we feel it isthe right time to move on," Steinberg said. "The 
central issue now issecurity, the threat of worldwide terrorism and 
the menace to alldemocratic institutions."The 
leadership changes follow WJC President Edgar Bronfman Jr.'srecently 
announced decision to step down in 2002.The WJC has about 250,000 
members in the United States and representsJewish organizations in 80 
countries.Copyright C 2002, The Associated 
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Fw: Oil company adviser named US representative to Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-01-03 Thread mart


Hmmm?? Just a complete and total coincidence I'm sure. 
Despite irrefutable 
proof to the contrary, America's greed and lust for oil couldn't have been the 
reason for this war?? Could 
- Original Message -From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: 
Thursday, January 03, 2002 9:03 PMSubject: [PeaceNoWar] Oil company adviser 
named US representative toAfghanistanOil company adviser 
named US representative to AfghanistanBy Patrick Martin3 
January 2002 
Bush has appointed a former aide to the American 
oilcompany Unocal, Afghan-born Zalmay 
Khalilzad, as special 
envoy toAfghanistan. The nomination was 
announced December 
31, nine daysafter the US-backed 
interim government of Hamid 
Karzai took officein 
Kabul.The nomination underscores the real economic and 
financialinterests at stake in the US military intervention in Central 
Asia.Khalilzad is intimately involved in the long-running US efforts 
toobtain direct access to the oil and gas resources of the 
region,largely unexploited but believed to be the second largest in 
theworld after the Persian Gulf.As an adviser for 
Unocal, Khalilzad drew up a risk 
analysis of aproposed gas pipeline from 
the former 
Soviet republic ofTurkmenistan across 
and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean.He 
in talks between the 
oil company and Talibanofficials 
in 1997, which were 
aimed at implementing a 1995agreement to build the pipeline across 
Afghanistan.Unocal was the lead 
company in the formation 
of the Centgasconsortium, whose purpose 
to bring to market natural gas fromthe 
Field in southeastern Turkmenistan, one of 
theworld’s largest. The $2 billion project involved a 
48-inch diameterpipeline from the 

Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border, passing near 

thecities of Herat and Kandahar, 
crossing into 
Pakistan near Quettaand linking with existing 
pipelines at Multan. An additional $600million 
extension to India was also under 
consideration.Khalilzad also lobbied publicly for a more 

sympathetic USgovernment policy towards 
the Taliban. Four years ago, in an op-ed
article in the 
Washington Post, he defended 
theTaliban regimeagainst accusations that it 
was a sponsor of terrorism, writing,“The 
Taliban does not practice the anti-U.S. style 
offundamentalism practiced by Iran.”“We should ... be willing to offer 
and humanitarianassistance and to promote 
international economic reconstruction,”he 
declared. “It is time for the United States to 
reengage” theAfghan regime. 
“reengagement” would, of course, have 
beenenormously profitable to Unocal, which was 
otherwise unable 
tobring gas and oil to market 
from landlocked Turkmenistan.Khalilzad only shifted his position on the 
after theClinton administration fired cruise missiles 
at targets inAfghanistan in August 1998, claiming 
that terrorists under thedirection of 
Osama bin Laden were 
responsible forbombing US 
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. One day after 
theattack, Unocal put Centgas on hold. Two months 

later it 
abandonedall plans for a trans-Afghan pipeline. 
The oil interests began tolook towards a 
Afghanistan, and so 
did theirrepresentatives in the 
US national security 
establishment.Liasion to Islamic 
guerrillasBorn in Mazar-e Sharif in 1951, Khalilzad hails 
from the old rulingelite of Afghanistan. His father 
was an aide to King Zahir Shah,who ruled the 
country until 1973. Khalilzad was a graduate 
studentat the 
University of Chicago, an intellectual 

center for theAmerican right-wing, when the Soviet 
Union invaded 
Afghanistan in 1979.Khalilzad 
became an American 
citizen, while serving as a 
key linkbetween US imperialism and the Islamic 

fundamentalistmujahedinfighting the Soviet 

backed regime in 
Kabul—the milieu out of which
both the 
Taliban and bin 
Laden’s Al Qaeda group 
arose. He was aspecial adviser to the State 

Department during 
the Reaganadministration, 
lobbying successfully for accelerated US military
aid to the mujahedin, including hand-held 
Stinger anti-aircraftmissiles which 
played a key 
role in the war. He 
later becameundersecretary 
of defense in the administration ofBush’s 
during the US war against Iraq, then went to the 

Rand Corporation,a top US military think tank.After 
Bush was installed as president by a 5-4 
vote of the 
USSupreme Court, Khalilzad headed 

the Bush-Cheney 
transition team 
forthe Defense 
Department and 
advised incoming Defense 
SecretaryDonald Rumsfeld.Significantly, 
he was notnamed to asubcabinet position, which 
would have required 
Senate confirmationand might 
have provoked 
uncomfortable questions about his 
role asan oil company adviser in Central Asia and 

intermediary with theTaliban. Instead, he was named 
to the National Security 

Fw: Michael Moore:Hail George-Conqueror of Evildoers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread mart


- Original Message - From: John Clancy 
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 12:02 AMSubject:Michael Moore:Hail 
George-Conqueror of Evildoersfrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

:Michael Moore:
Hail George,Conqueror of 
Evildoers!Dear George W. Bush:Hats off to you, sir, 
for a job well done! The Soviets tried forten years to do what it took you 
only two months toaccomplish in Afghanistan. How did you do that? It's funny 
howa couple months ago there were all these Taliban, and now --there 
aren't any! You must be some kind of super magician --almost as good at 
disappearing acts as ol' Osama (or, as theysay on the Fox Nuisance Channel, 
"Usama" -- I like theirspelling better, like "We put the 'USA' in USAma!"). 
He didexist, didn't he? I would hate to have gotten myself all workedup 
over the wrong evildoer! I loved that last tape of his, thehome video of his 
sleepover with that sheik. What a partyanimal, that guy!
And how 'bout that Northern Alliance! Thanks to 
them, myweekly supply of heroin will finally be reinstated. Whoo-hoo 
--and just in time for New Year's Rockin' Eve! Those Talibansimply did 
NOT have the best delivery system for the stuff,kinda like why you never see 
Beaman's gum anymore -- poordistribution and shelf placement. According to 
the New YorkTimes, the Northern Alliance has put all the poppy farmers 
backto work, and they are promising a "bumper crop" by spring.But Mr. 
Bush, I am most impressed with how you have usedthose who died on September 
11th to justify your lining thepockets of your rich friends and campaign 
contributors. Your"Economic Stimulus Bill" -- pure genius! You actually got 
theHouse of Representatives to pass a bill eliminating the law thatsaid 
corporations have to pay at least a token minimum taxevery 
See, most people forget that back in your 
daddy's day (whenhe was VP) thousands of companies were able to lawyer 
theirway out of paying any taxes at all! Then a law was passed tostop 
that. Now you got the House to agree to give all thesecorporations back ALL 
the minimum taxes they have paid since1986!! That's $140 billion of 
givebacks ($1.4 billion to IBM, abillion to Ford, $800 million to GM, etc.). 
And you got thispassed, all under the guise of "September 11th!" How do 
youget away with this without the American public whoopin' yourbehind? 
Man, you are THE MAN!
Hey, and tell your top sheriff, Big John 
Ashcroft, that his refusalto let the FBI look at the files of gun background 
checks thatthe Justice Department keeps -- to see if any of the 
terroristsor suspected terrorists have purchased weapons in the pasttwo 
years -- took some balls! Even though checking those filesmight turn up 
information that could protect us in possiblefuture attacks, Ashcroft was 
more concerned with notupsetting the NRA than in helping his own FBI catch 
the badguys. Now that's what I call getting your priorities straight. 
BigJohn may have lost his Senate seat last year to a dead guy,but he 
sure as heck ain't gonna lose me as a huge admirer!
Well, I better go before someone from the Office of 
HomelandSecurity mistakes me for someone who needs to be"interviewed!" 
Rest assured I'm doing my part for the countryby shopping my sorry ass off 
in this week before Christmas.Buy! Buy! Buy! Tora! Tora! Tora! Bora! 
Whoo-hoo, Prince O'Peace!! Fight Team Fight! Go get 'em, George, Jr. -- 
we'recounting on you to kill all evildoers!Yours,Michael 
MooreThird in Line to the King of [EMAIL PROTECTED] P.S. You'll beat that 
Enron rap, just like you beat your other raps! 
Chin up!Who needs "energy traders" 
anyway? I never saw that job 
on the list from my high school counselor!! 

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SCMP: Taipei 'fostering military ties with India' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-03 Thread Stasi



  Thursday, January 3, 
  2002Taipei 'fostering 
  military ties with India'


  Prev. Story 
| Next 




  Taiwan and India are secretly 
developing military co-operation despite a lack of diplomatic ties, 
a report said yesterday. 
The two countries had started exchanging military intelligence 
and Taipei had sent a military attache to India, the 
Chinese-language United Daily News reported. 
India's top air force officials visited 
the island some time ago to exchange views with Taiwan's air force 
commander Chen Chao-min, the paper quoted sources as saying. 
Contacts between the two sides started during the administration of 
former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui, it added. Taiwan defence 
sources said developing military co-operation with India was like 
setting an ambush on China's backdoor, the paper said. 
India recognises Beijing, instead of Taipei, as the legitimate 
Government of all of China, but ties between the two neighbours have 
often been rocky, with Beijing maintaining warm relations with 
Closer military links between India and Taiwan might trigger US 
concern that Taipei could some day obtain nuclear weapons from India 
to deter the constant missile threat from China. 

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