DOJ Asks Federal Judge To Penalize Harvard [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread TOOLGT


DOJ Asks Federal Judge To Penalize 
Harvard $102 Million
The Moscow Times

BOSTON (AP) -- The U.S. Department of Justice has asked a federal judge to order Harvard University and two men accused of mismanaging an economic reform program in Russia to repay the government $102 million.   The government sued two years ago, alleging that staff of the now-defunct Harvard Institute for International Development had invested in companies directly affected by advice they gave the Russian government.   After settlement talks broke down, the Justice Department filed papers in federal court Wednesday asking a judge to decide the case without going to trial. Harvard lawyers also have requested a quick ruling.   The allegations focus on Andrei Shleifer, an economics professor at Harvard, and Jonathan Hay, Shleifer's former deputy at the institute, which was disbanded in 2000. Federal prosecutors say the two men ignored signed agreements and basic ethics when they invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in companies affected by the advice they were giving.   The Harvard institute had received $40 million in federal funds to advise Russia on privatization, capital markets and legal reform. 


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Re: Cheap whores! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Hcottin


Dear STOPNATO men:
 Of late I see references in the (subject posting box) to someone's "bitch" and now this. These are sexist terms, my brothers, and you need to find some other epithets and metaphors with which to excoriate the enemies of the people. Surely there are more vilifying terms you can find that do not smack of sexism and the degradation of women!
In sisterly solidarity, 

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Fwd: [WW] Anthrax and Mr. Z [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Hcottin




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--- Begin Message ---

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the July 11, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


A tremendous challenge looms for the postal workers and 
their unions. The government knows who probably sent the 
deadly anthrax letters, but has done nothing about it.

This shocking assertion doesn't come from us. It was first 
made by Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, a prominent expert on 
biological weapons who reported her findings on the American 
Society of Scientists Web site. An article about her views 
appeared in the March 18 New Yorker magazine.

Now the culpability of the government has been suggested by 
an even weightier establishment source: the New York Times. 
In an op-ed piece on July 2, Pulitzer Prize-winning 
columnist Nicholas D. Kristof describes in detail the person 
responsible, identifying him only as "Mr. Z" for obvious 
legal reasons.

He is not somebody from the Middle East, says Kristof, but a 
"true-blue American with close ties to the Defense 
Department, the CIA, and the American biodefense program."

He had access to an isolated residence last fall that could 
be a government "safe house." The FBI "knows that Mr. Z gave 
Cipro to people who visited it," says Kristof. Cipro is the 
antibiotic recommended to counteract anthrax.

While the Bush administration pretends that its 
strengthening of the repressive apparatus here and abroad is 
for "fighting terror" and "homeland security," and has put 
more than a thousand Muslim and Arab people behind bars, it 
has allowed the prime suspect in the domestic anthrax 
attacks to use multiple passports and identities and "travel 
abroad on government assignments, even to Central Asia," 
says Kristof.

His identity appears to be an open secret in Washington. 
Kristof says many experts are "buzzing about Mr. Z behind 
his back."

Kristof notes that the FBI has polygraphed him, searched his 
home twice and interviewed him four times. But the agency 
has not placed Mr. Z under surveillance or asked a 
handwriting expert to analyze any similarities between his 
writing and that on the letters that accompanied the 

The political police also declined to obtain comparison 
anthrax samples from labs until March and allowed the stocks 
of anthrax at Iowa State University to be destroyed before 
they could be tested. Scientists at two likely labs--Fort 
Detrick, Md., and Dugway Proving Ground in Utah--were not 
systematically polygraphed until June.

This person has an extreme racist political pedigree that is 
also known to Washington. Kristof says he has "claimed that 
he participated in the white army's much-feared Selous 
Scouts" in Rhodesia, before it became Zimbabwe. He "also 
claims involvement in the former South African Defense 
Force," which committed horrendous crimes against the 
African majority before apartheid was finally dismantled.

The worst recorded outbreak of anthrax in history occurred 
in Rhodesia from 1978 to 1980, exactly the period when the 
liberation movement was winning the war against the Selous 
Scouts and white minority rule. The disease raged in the 
African-owned Tribal Trust Lands. Some 10,000 Black farmers 
were sickened and 182 died, but the white elite of Rhodesia 
and their cattle were untouched. There was suspicion that 
the disease was spread by aerial spraying.

The FBI and the Bush administration appear totally 
unconcerned that a person with Mr. Z's background has worked 
high up in the biological weapons program of the U.S. and is 
viewed by his colleagues as a prime suspect in the anthrax 

But postal workers, many of whom are African American, must 
look at it differently. There have been nine known deaths 
since the letters started to appear--the majority postal 
workers. All were purposely exposed to anthrax. If that's 
not "terrorism," what is?

Don't they have the right to conduct an independent 
investigation of what is going on? Kristof ascribes a benign 
motive to the killer: he "probably had no intention of 
killing people. ... My guess is that the goal was to help 
America by raising preparedness against biological attacks 
in the future."

But what if the goal of this unregenerate racist was 
something much more sinister? To provide a pretext to 
dismantle civil liberties and strengthen a police state? 
And/or to wage war on countries U.S. imperialism wants to 
conquer, like Iraq? And what i

2/2 A serious mistake, damaging anti-imperialist unity [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Rolf Martens


2/2 A serious mistake, damaging anti-imperialist unity

[Continued from part 1/2]

6) Sixthly: Could you have *mixed up* the posting from me
with the reply to it from David Q., Javier?

While *I* certainly did *not* write that David was "a spy",
"an agent provocateur", or something simliar, someone else
*did*, namely *he himself*, in his reply to me. No doubt
this was meant "ironically", but he did write:

[David, in reply to Rolf:]
 >Yes, Yes...Rolf I admit it. Aside from being David,  I am
 >also go under the Aliases of Tariq, Barry, and of course
 >Thomas, etc. Yes,, you guessed right, my man...And Yes, I
 >work for the Zionists.. And, of course, the CIA!...What

Here, even if just ironically, "the CIA" and "the Zionists",
for instance (things in no way referred to in my posting),
certainly *were* mentioned. Thus, at least something similar
to such talk of "spies", "provocateurs" etc as you wrongly
told the subscribers to ANTINATO was present in *my* posting.

Perhaps you mixed the two postings up, glancing through
David's reply only rather hastily and thinking that *that*
posting came from me?

Or perhaps you made that mistake of *believing* that some-
thing which David *implied* in his reply - by his saying he
"admitted" a lot of things including some obviously silly
ones - was actually *true*? Did you perhaps "take for gran-
ted" that I had actually "accused" him of those ridiculous
things, as he implied I had? Without your even bothering to
make that elementary check-up of this of a quick look at
what I actually *had* written, respectively, had not writ-

Neither of those two hypotheses I'm advancing here as a pos-
sible explanation for your recent action, Javier, seems very
likely to me. But they at least are less shocking, as such
possible explanations, than the thought that you might pos-
sibly have *invented*, just "out of the blue", that serious-
ly slanderous misinformation, to the ANTINATO subscribers,
that I in my reply to David Q. - a writer rather new to me -
had (clearly unjustly, then) called him "a spy", "an agent
provocateur" or something similar.

7) Seventhly (and yes, this already *is* a lot of points,
but such a thing, on your part, I cannot just "pass over",
"as if it were nothing", either, of course): Your misinfor-
mation, "tossed up into the air with the back of your hand",
so to speak, concerning things I purportedly "had stated on
various earlier occasions" about "some other writers" than
David Q. too:

[Javier, referring to Rolf:]
 >You've done it to David, did the same to Claudia, Nancy,
 >Barry, the Irishman, and I'm forgetting many others for

A "responsible" way for the owner of such a mailing list as
ANTINATO to act, vis-a-vis its subscribers, do you think?

Some "pieces of information" which these subscribers, in
particular such which may not have been on the list all
that long, might have a chance of checking on? Was that what
you "provided them with" here? Or some "information" which
they might have a chance of understanding, even, in case
they didn't know who were "Claudia", "Nancy", "Barry" and
"the Irishman"?

It's necessary, I think, that I comment a little, concrete-
ly, in so far as this is possible for me at all, on what is
the case concerning these four further pieces of slander
against me, and misinformation to all other subscribers,
which you brought here. To begin from the end:

a) "the Irishman":
I, for one, and for sure, don't even know whom, in this case,
you might be referring to. But I can assure all readers that
I've *never* called someone who might somehow be referred to
in such a manner "a spy", "an agent provocateur" or something
similar. Among those rather few who, earlier and in various
contexts, *were* established by me and/or by others to be
such, as later warned against on ANTINATO too (cf above),
there was no "Irishman".

b) "Barry":
This writer whom you mentioned I can indentify, "for sure",
as Barry Stoller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. He has only
rather recently started writing to this list, I believe, and
I've referred to him, on the basis of several facts which
emerged in some much earlier public discussions with him and
which I shall gladly show to everybody too, as that *Khrush-
chovite counter-revolutionary* and *enemy of the peoples in
the world* which he has clearly shown himself to be.

"A spy" or "an agent provocateur", which is something rather
importantly different even from that which he is, this I've
*never* called Barry Stoller.

c) "Nancy":
I think you must be referring to Nancy Hey , who has been posting to the ANTINATO list
since several years back, often reproducing some articles of
a more or less anti-imperialist nature from openly-bourgeois
or Leftist (with or without quotes) newspapers, magazines
and websites but sometimes also contributing comments on here
own on certain political questions.

I don't recall ever having even commented, 

1/2 A serious mistake, damaging anti-imperialist unity [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Rolf Martens


1/2 A serious mistake, damaging anti-imperialist unity

Javier (Francisco Javier Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>),

You wrote, to the ANTINATO mailing list list on Tue, 2 Jul
2002 21:33:59 +0100, subject "Re: Support for kicking the USA
out of the UN (#02)":

 >This is really sad, Rolf.
 >Can you please stop? You're hardly doing yourself a favour
 >with such a behaviour. Why do you have to call anyone who
 >slightly disagree in his views with those of yours a spy,
 >impersonator, agent provocateur, etc? You've done it to
 >David, did the same to Claudia, Nancy, Barry, the
 >Irishman, and I'm forgetting many others for sure.

I on my part think that this matter is *serious*, even more
than sad, which it is too.

With the above, you're making a mistake which I certainly
hope is inadvertent, but which, in its possible effects and,
even more, as to its principle, so to speak, risks causing
considerable damage to anti-imperialist unity, among sub-
scribers to and writers to the ANTINATO list in particular.

*Nowhere* in that recent reply of mine to David Q.
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, posted to some mailing lists
on Mon, 2 Jul 2002 07:44 +0200, did I call that writer "a
spy"(!), "an agent provocateur"(!), or anything similar; nor
did I even maintain that he was "an impersonator".

Last in your posting you yourself did quote *the entire text*
of that reply - and please also *check your archive of pos-
tings*. But in your comments (quoted above) you maintained
that I "had written" these things, which where clearly *not*
there at all.

All on the ANTINATO list can see for themselves that this
slanderous allegation of yours, concerning what I wrote quite
recently, was wholly and completely *an invention* by you.

You even *added some other* pure *fantasies* of your own
here, on what I purportedly on earlier occasions "had done
to" some other writers.

readers of the ANTINATO list for those QUITE SERIOUS SLAN-
DEROUS ALLEGATIONS against me with which you, as MODERATOR of
that list, thus have MISINFORMED the subscribers to it.

If you do not do this, then I certainly shall draw that con-
clusion, and publish it as widely as possible, in order to
warn people, that you in reality are someone who *wittingly*
disseminates serious misinformation and slander, in favour of
reaction in the world.

Even as caused by a MISTAKE on your part - which I do HOPE it
was - these false allegations *were* a quite serious slander.

Perhaps you not understand, or agree with, this? Please let
me explain it to you, in some detail.

It's because I hold that these false allegations of yours
*are* a quite serious mistake on your part that I'm finding
it necessary to reply to your rather brief comments - by
which you just "tossed" these things "into the air", in the
most irresponsible manner, "with the back of your hand", so
to speak - with this considerably longer present one.

1) Firstly:

There of course *are* some spies, agent provocateurs and the
like on the Internet, sent out by the arch-reactionaries in
the world in order to combat and to cause mischief, directly,
to various sincere Leftists on the Net, more indirectly to
the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples and

If and when such are discovered and made out clearly to be
precisely spies, agent provcateurs etc and nothing else, then
of course these should be publicly exposed, for all to be
warned against them. *Not* to do so, on the part of those
who because of some experience of their own have seen through
them, would be an error.

And likewise would it be an error, which may cause rather
serious harm, for some writer or writers to *maintain*, pub-
licly, that some other or others, who is/are *not* (a) such,
*has/have* such a character. For the important unity on some
questions today, also among many who may not agree recipro-
cally on everything, such wrong accusations of course are
among the most damaging things you can imagine.

Such an error it is that you now recently maintained, public-
ly, that I "had committed", Javier, and not "just once"
either, but "several times". And have you reflected on, in
which way, on what "basis", it was that you put forward this
accusation? (See the quote above from your posting.)

And *your* - actual - recent error, of *maintaining* that
someone else "had branded" some third person as "a spy" or "a
provocateur", and indeed "had earlier branded" a number of
others too (quite unclearly referred to) as "spies" or "pro-
vocateurs", when that someone else in fact had *not* done
that (quite irrespective of the question, whether this in all
or any of the cases actually might have been justified to
do), such an error too of course risks damaging that impor-
tant unity too, in the same way as someone's falsely crying
out: "Spy!".

That last I have *not* done - as, in the recent and main
case of David Q.,

Cheap whores! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


Bulgaria To Receive USD 10 M Under NATO Enlargement Act
 2002-06-11 08:49:36 


Bulgaria will receive USD 10 M US aid that will be allocated for speeding up the 
process of covering NATO accession criteria. The US President George Bush signed 
the NATO Enlargement Act, under which a military aid will be granted to 7 NATO 
aspiring countries, including Bulgaria. 
The Act approves the grant of USA 55,5 M to the seven aspiring countries in order to 
able to cover the requirements for NATO membership. The biggest part of this sum is 
for Romania and Bulgaria.
The document does not expressly invoke for the acceptance to NATO of none of the 
aspiring countries. The bill was approved with a great majority from the Chamber of 
representatives in November and from the Senate in May.


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Cheap whores! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


Bulgaria To Receive USD 10 M Under NATO Enlargement Act
 2002-06-11 08:49:36 


Bulgaria will receive USD 10 M US aid that will be allocated for speeding up the 
process of covering NATO accession criteria. The US President George Bush signed 
the NATO Enlargement Act, under which a military aid will be granted to 7 NATO 
aspiring countries, including Bulgaria. 
The Act approves the grant of USA 55,5 M to the seven aspiring countries in order to 
able to cover the requirements for NATO membership. The biggest part of this sum is 
for Romania and Bulgaria.
The document does not expressly invoke for the acceptance to NATO of none of the 
aspiring countries. The bill was approved with a great majority from the Chamber of 
representatives in November and from the Senate in May.


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Armenia not going to enter NATO [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


Armenia not going to enter NATO 
RBC, 21.06.2002, Yerevan 10:29:08.A group of officers from the Armenian Armed 
Forces will leave for the USA in July 2002 for a training course, Armenian Defense 
Minister Serzh Sarkisyan reported yesterday. He noted that this visit would be held 
within the program of military partnership between the two countries, ARMINFO 
Commenting on closer defense ties between Armenia and the USA, the Defense Minister 
announced that Russia remained the strategic ally of Armenia. "Unlike our neighbors, 
we are not going to enter NATO," he was quoted as saying.


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Re: FW: Cheney & Saddam!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread davidquarter


   I don't hypocrisy is the right word. Actually, I don't think there is
a word to describe this is the english language.

From:   "Knight, Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:FW: Cheney & Saddam!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Date sent:  Wed, 3 Jul 2002 07:58:15 +0100
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ---
> Bloody hypocrites
> Cheney Calls for the Destruction of His Client, Hussein
> (*Editors Note | This page contains two stories. The first, yesterday's
> Reuters news wire report of Dick Cheney's call for the overthrow of Saddam
> Hussein. The second is an account his business dealings with the Iraqi
> government. Cheney originally denied that Halliburton under his tenure as
> CEO had in fact circumvented US law to do business with Hussein's Iraqi
> government. He was later forced to retract his denials when presented with
> evidence of Halliburton's dealings.)
> Cheney Sees 'Gathering Danger' in Iraq
> By Reuters | New York Times
> Thursday, 20 June, 2002
> DETROIT (Reuters) - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein represents a "gathering
> danger'' to the United States, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Thursday,
> while warning that Washington will act preemptively against threats of
> terrorism.
> "We are greatly concerned about any possible linkup between terrorists and
> regimes that have or seek weapons of mass destruction,'' said Cheney. "In
> the case of Saddam Hussein, we've got a dictator who is clearly pursuing and
> already possesses some of these weapons,'' he said.
> "A regime that hates America and everything we stand for must never be
> permitted to threaten America with weapons of mass destruction,'' the vice
> president added, referring to Saddam and the Iraqi forces he fought as
> defense minister under President Bush's father during the Gulf War in 1991.
> Cheney, who spoke at a political fund-raiser here, stopped short of saying
> there were any established ties between Baghdad and the al Qaeda network, or
> the Sept. 11 attacks that took about 3,000 U.S. lives.
> But he said the possibility of such links was too great to ignore,
> especially in light of Saddam's defiance of U.N. weapons inspection programs
> and international oversight.
> "This gathering danger requires the most urgent, deliberate and decisive
> response,'' he said.
> "It is very clear that our enemies are determined to do further significant
> damage to the American people,'' Cheney said, citing recent intelligence
> reports.
> "Wars are not won on the defensive,'' he added. "We must take the battle to
> the enemy anywhere necessary, to preempt greater stress to our country,'' he
> said.
> ===
> Cheney Made Millions Off Oil Deals with Hussein
> by Martin A. Lee
> San Francisco Bay Guardian
> November 13, 2000
> Here's a whopper of a story you may have missed amid the cacophony of
> campaign ads and stump speeches in the run- up to the elections.
> During former defense secretary Richard Cheney's five-year tenure as chief
> executive of Halliburton, Inc., his oil services firm raked in big bucks
> from dubious commercial dealings with Iraq. Cheney left Halliburton with a
> $34 million retirement package last July when he became the GOP's
> vice-presidential candidate.
> Of course, U.S. firms aren't generally supposed to do business with Saddam
> Hussein. But thanks to legal loopholes large enough to steer an oil tanker
> through, Halliburton profited big-time from deals with the Iraqi
> dictatorship. Conducted discreetly through several Halliburton subsidiaries
> in Europe, these greasy transactions helped Saddam Hussein retain his grip
> on power while lining the pockets of Cheney and company.
> According to the Financial Times of London, between September 1998 and last
> winter, Cheney, as CEO of Halliburton, oversaw $23.8 million of business
> contracts for the sale of oil-industry equipment and services to Iraq
> through two of its subsidiaries, Dresser Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump,
> which helped rebuild Iraq's war-damaged petroleum-production infrastructure.
> The combined value of these contracts exceeded those of any other U.S.
> company doing business with Baghdad.
> Halliburton was among more than a dozen American firms that supplied Iraq's
> petroleum industry with spare parts and retooled its oil rigs when U.N.
> sanctions were eased in 1998. Cheney's company utilized subsidiaries in
> France, Italy, Germany, and Austria so as not to draw undue attention to
> controversial business arrangements that might embarrass Washington and
> jeopardize lucrative ties to Iraq, which will pump $24 billion o

Overwhelming majority oppose Finnish NATO membership [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal







  Home - 
  Monday 1.7.2002 
  New poll shows overwhelming majorities 
  oppose Finnish NATO membership, support referendum on 
 According to a fresh poll, only 
20% of Finns are in favour of joining the North Atlantic Treaty 
    The poll, commissioned by the Finnish news agency 
STT, showed that opposition to NATO membership is 66% among the 
population at large, while 14% had no opinion. Another poll, from this 
past winter, put support for NATO membership at 11%. 
    An even clearer majority - 81% - feel that a 
referendum should be held on NATO membership before any decision is made 
to join the alliance. 

Supporters of the National Coalition Party were the least 
enthusiastic about holding a NATO referendum, and even among them, a 
referendum had 65% support. Supporters of the Left Alliance were the 
most pro-referendum, with 95% supporting such a move. 
    The survey revealed that support for a referendum 
was strong in all parts of the country and among all professions, 
although residents of the Helsinki region and those in white-collar 
professions appeared to be slightly less enthusiastic about the idea. 

A clear majority of Finns - 66% - remain opposed to joining 
NATO, while just 20% are in favour of NATO membership. Support for 
joining NATO was greatest among supporters of the National Coalition 
Party, but even there, it fell far short of a majority - just 32%. 
    Most opposed to giving up Finland's non-aligned 
stance are supporters of the Left Alliance - 89% of whom are opposed to 
NATO membership. 
    The survey was conducted on June 18 - 25, and 
involved interviews with 1,000 Finns aged 15 or over. The margin of 
error was put at three percentage points in either direction. 


  Helsingin Sanomat 

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Ukraine: Experts Say Kiev Has Unclear Strategy For Joining NATO [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-07-03 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


"...Ukraine should rethink 
its position on the presence of Russian naval bases in the 
Ukrainian Black Sea port of Sevastopol. He cited Kyiv's possible future membership in 
NATO as the reason."

Ukraine: Experts Say Kyiv Has 
Unclear Strategy For Joining NATO
By Valentinas Mite 
Ukrainian officials recently suggested 
the country, as a potential NATO member, may 
have to rethink the presence of Russian military bases in the Black Sea port of 
Sevastopol. The statement caused an uproar in the Russian press, and Ukraine 
immediately said the remarks were informal and that the presence of Russian naval 
bases is not under discussion. Some analysts say Ukrainian steps toward possible 
membership in NATO are too hasty and that the country has no strategy for joining the 
Prague, 1 July 2002 (RFE/RL) -- 
Two weeks ago, the first deputy secretary of the 
Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, Serhiy Pyrozhkov, made a 
suggestion that Ukraine should rethink its position on the presence of Russian naval 
bases in the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Sevastopol. He cited Kyiv's possible future 
membership in NATO as the reason. 
The suggestion caused an uproar 
in the Russian press. On 29 June, Pyrozhkov said he 
was speaking informally and that the presence of Russian bases in Ukraine is not under 
discussion. Some political analysts say the suggestion was simply a feeler for Kyiv to 
gauge Moscow's reaction. Others say Ukraine does not have a clear-cut strategy toward 
both Russia and NATO. 
Five years ago, Ukraine, as well 
as Russia, developed special partnership relations with 
NATO. However, in the middle of May, Ukraine announced that it wanted to explore 
actual membership in the NATO alliance itself. 
Such a move would cause tense relations 
with Russia, especially if Ukraine decided to 
reconsider the status of Russian bases on its territory. Russia agreed to rent part of the 
Black Sea port of Sevastopol from Ukraine for 20 years beginning in 1997. Russia says 
it would cost several billion dollars to build a new base in the Black Sea. 
Andrei Ryabov, an analyst from the 
Moscow Carnegie Center, a think-tank based in 
Moscow, tells RFE/RL that statements about reconsidering the future of Russian naval 
basis in Ukraine are nothing more than probes to see how Russia reacts. 
Ryabov says that in practical terms, 
it is nearly impossible for Ukraine to be serious in 
asking the Russians to leave the bases. 
"The treaty on the bases of 
the Russian fleet in the Black Sea is linked with other very 
important topics. Primarily, it is linked with the writing down of Ukrainian debt for 
Russian gas. The two treaties are in one packet. Maybe that's why the official reaction 
of Russia [to the suggestion made by Pyrozhkov] was so mild. Russia knows that 
Ukraine would hardly decide to rethink the problem of the debt." 
Ukrainian debts for Russian gas 
amount to about $3 billion. 
Ryabov says Ukraine is seeking to 
make the policy of joining NATO legitimate in the 
eyes of the Russian authorities and politicians. Ryabov says on the whole, Ukraine's 
NATO bid will not aggravate relations with Russia. 
"It may sound strange and paradoxical, 
but it can be used by [Russian President 
Vladimir] Putin to illustrate that Russia also must move in the direction of integration 
with Atlantic structures." 
Ryabov says there is no doubt that 
Ukraine is serious in seeking NATO membership. 
Besides its recent declaration, Ukraine also plans to take more concrete steps toward 
cementing its relationship with the alliance. It says it plans to amend its Special 
Partnership Charter with NATO during a meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Commission 
on 9 July. 
Pyrozhkov, spoke about this Ukrainian 
plan last week: "It will be a political document. 
If we sign it with NATO, it will mean that we officially will join the Action Plan and 
take some responsibilities. The Action Plan is not a declaration. We must have financial 
calculations and must ensure that we will fulfill the obligations put into the plan." 
Ukraine hopes to sign a Membership 
Action Plan (MAP) during the NATO summit this 
autumn in Prague. The MAP is a list of standard requirements for entering NATO. The 
standards concern the political, economic, military, legal, and national security fields. 
Serhiy Zgurec is an expert at the 
Center for Peace, Conversion, and Foreign Politics, 
based in Kyiv. Zgurec does not approve of the way Ukraine is acting in its ambitious 
plans to join the alliance. He says the authorities do not have a clear-cut strategy of 
Zgurec says Ukraine is testing the 
reaction not only of Russia but also of NATO 
countries. He says Ukrainian plans to join the MAP will be premature and have 
negative consequences if the country fails to fulfill its commitments in the spheres of 
human rights, freedom of the press, and economic reform. 
"This wish [to join NATO] ca

Statement from families of political prisoners being held in Peru's notorious Ch

2002-07-03 Thread poblachtach dearg
The Committee to Support the Revolution in Peru recently received this statement from families of political prisoners being held in Peru's notorious Challapalca prison. The government of Peru has been using Challapalca prison to meet out especially brutal treatment to revolutionary prisoners who have carried out heroic resistance from inside the prison walls. June 2002.

From the family members of the Political Prisoners, arbitrarily imprisoned in the Challapalca-Tacna prison.
We address ourselves to public opinion and to the national and international press to publicly expose and denounce the following authorities: Fernando Olivera Vega, the Minister of Justice; Javier Bustamante, the President of the INPE; Hilma Luna Frisancho, the Puno Regional Director of the INPE; and Rolando Delgado Zea, the Warden of the Challapalca Prison, as the responsible parties for the following violations of national and international law:
For the application of a prison policy in Challapalca prison which infringes on the fundamental human rights of every individual, specifically, increasing isolation of prisoners, killing of prisoners and systematic genocide.
For the theft of personal belongings of the prisoners as they were moved from Yanamayo prison to Challapalca prison.
For the inhumane conditions and constant intimidation that family members of the prisoners are subjected to.
For the ongoing relocations of the prisoners to the Challapalca prison without complying with the required procedures for such relocations.
In the following section we document the above-mentioned abuses.
1. Violation of Fundamental Human Rights
1.1 Isolation
The policy at the Challapalca prison is officially called "The Special Closed Regimen" but it is commonly known as the "punishment" prison because the guiding philosophy at the prison is that prisoners can be "rehabilitated" through the application of pressure, torture and even death. Challapalca's character as being in an extremely remote, "extra-territorial" region serves these ends, since international and national laws regarding human rights are completely disregarded at the prison. The injustices, continuous abuses and repression have been happening for a long time now as is shown by what happened in Yanamayo prison February 6th and 7th of 2000, when the prisoner, Carlos Ponce Perez, was killed. It is now known, through the release of a Vladivideo (Montesinos video-La Republica newspaper Sept. 30, 2001) that Vladimir Montesinos orchestrated an attack against the prisoners by authority forces inside the prison. The government and press version of the assault at that time said that "the shining path prisoners had staged a rebellion and that they themselves had killed their own companion". This version of events was thoroughly exposed as a lie with the release of the Montesinos video.
Visits: Due to the extreme remoteness, high cost of transport and harsh traveling conditions to the prison, family members cannot visit frequently. Upon entering the prison, freedom of movement is severely restricted, and family members and prisoners are harassed, and threatened. This is further aggravated and great pain and suffering is caused when family members finally do arrive to the prison, and then are not allowed to have direct contact with imprisoned family members who have to pass 30 days in total isolation without visits and then pass 120 more days with only visits through phone/waiting room booths. Intimate visits are also denied. Authorities claim that these measures are applications of DS 005-97-JUS and DS 006-2001. But DS-005-97 was repealed and DS-006-2201 (sic?) allows authorities to put restrictions on, but not deny the rights of the prisonersRight to a Defense: Many of the prisoners need to submit court papers for the review of their cases, arrangements for upcoming release etc., but they cannot do so because the prison is so remote and because they are extremely poor and do not have the economic resources to carry out a defense. This makes it impossible to pay a lawyer, much less have a lawyer visit them. It should also be said that the INPE does not offer any legal services to the prisoners and what is worse, if an order to release a prisoner were to arrive they would simply throw the prisoner out on the street without even notifying their family.News, Information and Education/Culture: Challapalca prison violates article 39 of the document of the United Nations (protection of persons who are detained or imprisoned) to which Peru is a signatory and article 74 of the Penal Code because it does not allow radio or TV. The only books in the prison are from the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's and there are a few magazines from the 1990's which do not serve in any way to educate or raise the cultural level of the prisoners. With great personal effort, fam

Campaign call for Nepalese journalist [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread poblachtach dearg

Wednesday, 3 July, 2002, 10:43 GMT 11:43 UK 
Campaign call for Nepalese journalist
Security forces have been criticised for rights violations

By Bhagirath Yogi BBC reporter in Kathmandu 

An umbrella organisation of journalists in Nepal has warned the government that it will launch a protest movement if the latter does not disclose the whereabouts of a missing pro-Maoist editor. 

Police detained many under emergency rulesThe Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) has urged the authorities to reveal the whereabouts of Krishna Sen, editor of pro-Maoist Janadisha daily. 
Mr Sen was reportedly tortured to death last month while in custody although this has not been confirmed. 
International press freedom organizations too have asked the Nepalese government to conduct inquiries into Mr Sen's reported death. 
Human rights violations 
The FNJ President, Taranath Dahal, says the FNJ will launch a phased protest campaign if the government does not make public the whereabouts of the missing editor immediately. 
But he did not say what form the campaign would take or when it would start. 

Clashes between rebels and the troops continue
He said the government had arrested more than 100 journalists without any formal charges since the imposition of a state of emergency in November and nearly two dozen were still being held. 
The government imposed the state of emergency to fight a Maoist insurgency after the rebels pulled out of peace talks and resumed violence late last year. 
The Nepalese security forces have come under heavy criticism from within the country and beyond for alleged violations of human rights during their counter-insurgency operations. 
International criticism 
Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has admitted there could have been some lapses in the security operations and said he has instructed the security forces to respect the people's human rights. 
He has alleged that some professionals were assisting the rebels in their violent activities. 
Human rights groups say that the government should not take people into custody without evidence and should produce them before the court. 
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists and Paris-based Reporters sans Frontiers, among others, have demanded independent probes into reports of Mr Sen's death in custody. 
Local media reports said that Mr Sen was taken into custody in the third week of May and was allegedly tortured to death within a few days. 
Mr Deuba says the government will provide details at "an appropriate time" without specifying when that might be.


Year of chaos
Political woes

Meeting the Maoists
Bitter war
Rebel assault

Royal massacre
Tourism slumps
Nepal profile
Nepal timeline


News in Nepali

Internet links
Kantipur Online
Nepal News

See also:
27 Jun 02 | South AsiaNepal journalist 'tortured to death' 
27 May 02 | South AsiaNepal emergency re-imposed 
27 Mar 02 | South AsiaNepal press freedoms under fire 
11 Jan 02 | South AsiaNepal journalists 'must be freed' 
23 Nov 01 | South AsiaAnalysis: Maoist threat to Nepal peace 
06 Jun 01 | South AsiaNepal journalists charged with treason 

Internet links:
Government of Nepal
Reporters Without BordersThe BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites

Top South Asia stories now:
Al-Qaeda 'fighters' killed in Pakistan 
Pakistan denies Kashmir incursions 
Doubts over Gujarat train attack 
Bush regret over Afghan deaths 
Campaign call for Nepalese journalist 
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Protests over Pakistan gang rape 
Pakistani police kill four gunmen  
Links to more South Asia stories are at the foot of the page. 

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PUBLIC MEETING : Women, Violence and Genocide in Gujarat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread poblachtach dearg

Women, Violence and Genocide in Gujarat
Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1,
(nearest tube Kings Cross)
Tuesday 16th July 2002
Asiya Sareshwala, Indian Council of Muslims
Bina Fernandez, Forum Against Oppression of Women, India 
a new documentary film about events in Gujarat 
Why are women singled out for such horrific violence during communal attacks?
What does the ‘Hindutva’ ideology of India’s ruling BJP and the internationally active VHP mean for women?
What are the implications of what is happening in Gujarat for South Asian women in Britain?
How can we support the demands of women’s organisations working with those affected in Gujarat?
Gujarat has moved out of media focus. But the toll of death and destruction there is still mounting. Violence has not yet ceased . The attacks on the Muslim community in March have left more than 2,000 dead, more than 100,000 homeless and property worth millions of rupees destroyed. Now. relief camps are being closed down and Muslim survivors are being forcibly and systematically prevented from returning to their homes and resuming their occupations . 
It is now clear that what happened in Gujarat was planned, premeditated and cold blooded . As in the case of the killings of Jews in Nazi Germany, in Gujarat, for months before these attacks, lists of intended victims identified on the basis of religion were being collected. In other words this was genocide. And it happened with the complicity of the state government. The fact that the Chief Minister Narendra Modi and others like him who implicitly or openly supported these attacks and police officers who participated in killings have not been dismissed underlines the role of the central government. In these genocidal attacks women and children were the main targets. As the Citizen’s Initiative report, The Survivors Speak, put it "Among the women surviving in relief camps are many who have suffered the most bestial forms of sexual violence - including rape, gang rape, mass rape, stripping, insertion of objects into their body, and molestations. A majority of rape victims have been burnt alive". The extent of sexual violence and brutality witnessed during the carnage in Gujarat since the 28th of February is likened by many to the horrors of the post-Partition riots in 1947. We must speak out against this violence. 
Further details from South Asia Solidarity Group 0207 267 0923, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] c/o 293-299 Kentish Town Road London NW5 2TJ. (Venue booked with assistance from Unison)
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Relevant information sources (french-sorry but it is truely important) [WWW.STOP

2002-07-03 Thread kiosk


Veille documentaire relative à la promotion des libertés et de la laïcité.
Édition du 1er juillet 2002, # 92.
Abonnements et désabonnements :

Caribbean Offshore Financial Centers : Past, Present, and Possibilities for the Future
Fonds monétaire international (Pdf : 1203 Ko)
Le Paradoxe de la puissance américaine et le dilemme transatlantique après le 11 
Institut d'études de Sécurité (Pdf : 531 Ko)

Nouveaux défis pour la coopération euro-américaine en matière de sécurité
Rapport présenté par Jean-Pierre Masseret
Assemblée européenne intérimaire pour la Sécurité et la Défense

Le développement d'une capacité européenne d'observation spatiale pour les besoins de 
la sécurité de l'Europe
Rapport présenté par Edward O'Hara
Assemblée européenne intérimaire pour la Sécurité et la Défense

L'évolution de l'opinion publique en Europe en matière de sécurité et de défense après 
les attentats terroristes du 11 septembre 2001
Rapport présenté par Giovanni Crema
Assemblée européenne intérimaire pour la Sécurité et la Défense

Defense Space Activities: Status of Reorganization
US Government Accounting Office (Pdf : 129 Ko)

The Pentagon's New Budget, New Strategy, and New War
Project on Defense Alternatives

After 9/11, Preventing Mass-Destruction Terrorism and Weapons Proliferation
Center for Nonproliferation Studies (Pdf : 990 Ko)

Rapport d'activité 2001
Office français des Réfugiés et Apatrides (Pdf : 520 Ko)

Free Speech and the Constitution
Parliament (Australie) (Pdf : 44 Ko)

La Peine de mort aux Etats-Unis
Fédération internationale des Ligues des droits de l'homme (Pdf : 799 Ko)

La Torture au sein de l'armée russe
Organisation des Mères de soldats de Saint-Petersbourg (Pdf : 170 Ko)

Le Recours à la torture par l'armée russe en Tchétchénie
Centre des droits de l'homme - Mémorial (Pdf : 156 Ko)

Children of Lesbian and Single Women Parents
Parliament (Australie) (Pdf : 31 Ko)

De la représentation institutionnelle de la société civile
Conseil économique et social (France) (Zip : 295 Ko)

Trombinoscope des députés de la XIIe législature
Assemblée nationale (France)

Rapport 2001
Ministère de la Fonction publique et de la Réforme de l'État (France) (Pdf : 514 Ko)

Priorité de la Coopération pour l'Afrique subsaharienne (le NEPAD)
Haut Conseil de la Coopération internationale (France) (Pdf : 216 Ko)


Bolivian vote put dent in US clout [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread TOOLGT


Posted on Tue, Jul. 02, 2002

Bolivian vote puts dent in U.S. clout
By Kevin G. Hall
Mercury News Rio De Janeiro Bureau

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - The unexpectedly strong showing of radical Indian agitator Evo Morales in Bolivian elections promises to deal a serious blow to the Andean nation's successful U.S.-backed efforts to halt cocaine production.

Morales, an Aymara Indian, campaigned on an anti-United States platform and the promise to reverse Bolivia's efforts to eradicate coca, the plant from which cocaine is made.

Preliminary returns from Sunday's presidential election, announced Monday, showed Morales battling for third place in the presidential race, with about 17 percent of the vote. Because the presidential voting determines the award of Senate seats under Bolivian law, that strong finish will give his Movement to Socialism party as many as six seats in Bolivia's 27-member Senate. That in turn will put him in strong position to thwart new legislation to punish those who grow the coca bush.

Support for Morales surged following comments from the U.S. ambassador effectively warning voters away from Morales.

Morales trailed leaders Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada and Manfred Reyes Villa by less than five percentage points and declared his strong showing ``a moral victory.''

Interviewed in the capital of La Paz days before the election, Bolivian anti-drug czar Oswaldo Antezana told Knight Ridder that Morales ``could undo everything we have done.'' Bolivia has eradicated more than 90,000 acres of coca cultivation since 1998 and taken more than 230 tons of cocaine out of the global illicit drug market.

Even if traditional parties joined to outvote Morales on future drug legislation, they would do so at their own peril. Morales' strong showing among Indian and mixed-race Bolivians, who are the majority in the nation of 8.3 million, ensures politicians may think twice before espousing new open-market reforms or penalizing the transport and possession of coca leaves as the United States advocates.

Morales, 42, showed how unpopular the coca eradication policies are among the poor, who are a majority of the electorate and who have not felt any benefit from U.S.-backed economic reforms. Morales adroitly reminded citizens in South America's poorest economy that the United States failed to reward anti-coca efforts with open markets for textiles and farm products.

Just a week before Sunday's vote, Morales was stuck in the 10-percent range in opinion polls. But U.S. Ambassador V. Manuel Rocha gave him a huge boost with ill-timed comments last Wednesday.

``As a representative of the United States, I want to remind the Bolivian electorate that if you elect those who want Bolivia to become a major cocaine exporter again, this will endanger the future of U.S. assistance to Bolivia,'' Rocha said in a widely condemned speech.

Bolivians of all political stripes decried as unacceptable U.S. threats in the middle of a Bolivian election campaign. The comments apparently pushed undecided voters into the camp of Morales, who dubbed Rocha his ``campaign chief.'' The U.S. Embassy in Bolivia had no comment Monday.

Bolivia once led the world in coca cultivation and cocaine trafficking. In 1998, it launched Plan Dignity, which has resulted in the eradication of at least 85 percent of the coca, which is used by the nation's Indians for medicinal purposes. Most of the eradicated coca was grown in the Chapare, a New Jersey-sized tropical region that is the hotbed of support for Morales and was home to much of Bolivia's drug trafficking.

Coca is not native to the Chapare, and the coca bush grown there is too bitter for teas or chewing. Most is geared specifically to the illegal drug trade. The United States and Europe have spent millions on helping Chapare farmers grow alternative crops, but results have been mixed.

Morales will also be influential in a planned special session of Congress designed to amend Bolivia's constitution. Native Bolivians want an article amended to explicitly grant them greater participation in government and clearer land rights. Partly at stake in the upcoming battle is whether the state or Indians should be the owners of the gold, silver and natural gas deposits beneath Bolivian soil.


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