Indonesia: U.S. Capitalizing On "New" Rebel Group - Stratfor [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi



Indonesia: U.S. Capitalizing On "New" Rebel Group
23 July 2002


Washington is using the alleged emergence of a new Islamic militant group in
Southeast Asia to begin resuming military training with Indonesia. The
United States wants to maintain stability in the country and keep it from
being exploited by al Qaeda.


After a full year in office, Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri is
becoming politically weaker domestically, relying more and more on the
military. At the same time, Washington has found an opening to resume
military ties with Indonesia.

The Jakarta Post marked her one-year anniversary July 23 by criticizing her
indecisiveness and lack of military and economic reform. However, at the
same time the U.S. Senate has voted to renew military cooperation with
Indonesia through the International Military Education and Training program,
which had been terminated due to violence surrounding the East Timor
independence referendum in 1999.

Although a ban on weapons sales and other military assistance would remain,
if the U.S. Congress renews the training program, it would be a first step
toward fuller ties. Despite past reticence, Washington will work with
Indonesia's armed forces to keep the country -- home to more than 200
million Muslims -- on an even course and from becoming a sanctuary for al

The program would also further empower Indonesia's military -- long
criticized for human rights abuses -- at a time when it is stepping up its
anti-separatist campaigns and when its importance to Megawati has grown.
Arbi Sanit, a political analyst at the University of Indonesia, told the
Jakarta Post that "in terms of democracy, we are seeing a regression."

Indonesia's government is already a fragile system standing on a warped
definition of democracy. The military is the strongest link maintaining
cohesion among the country's 17,000 islands.

Last month Megawati supported former military commander Sutiyoso in his
re-election bid for Jakarta governor, despite criticism from within her own
party, in order to ensure stability in the capital and continued backing
from the military. Rather than reform the military, Megawati is moving
closer to the armed forces, including supporting plans for a renewed assault
against separatists in Aceh.

Under Megawati, the government has also made steps to once again centralize
power. On July 19, the Straits Times reported that, in an alteration of the
autonomy laws, the government was shifting power from regents to the

With both Washington and Jakarta now regarding stability as the top concern
in Indonesia, an alleged new Islamic militant group may help tighten ties
between the two countries. Indonesia's police chief said last week that a
group called Nusantara is now operating in Indonesia and other Southeast
Asian states.

The sudden appearance of the heretofore unknown group -- whose purported
international influence would make it ripe for ties to al Qaeda -- is
certainly convenient, as it gives the United States an excuse to become more
involved in Indonesia. It also likely prompted the Senate -- after months of
consideration about whether and to what degree to re-engage with Indonesia's
military -- to approve a resumption of training with the country's armed
forces. And moving against a "new" militant group allows Jakarta to avoid
the internal uproar that would result by cracking down on an already active
local faction

Approving a meager $400,000 for the International Military Education and
Training program in 2003 is not a significant degree of help, but it is a
start. The Pentagon is determined to ensure that the government in Jakarta
does not collapse, and it cares less about how Indonesia's military might
use the training in eradicating the Free Aceh Movement and similar rebel


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Guardian: Drop plans to attack Saddam, Tehran tells US [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi


Drop plans to attack Saddam, Tehran tells US

Simon Tisdall
Wednesday July 24, 2002
The Guardian

Iran's president, Mohammad Khatami, warned the US yesterday to abandon its
plans to attack Iraq and denounced what Tehran believes is a calculated Bush
administration campaign to provoke mass insurrection in Iran.

"We wish to caution the great powers against further interference in the
region and against the exacerbation of the flames of war," Mr Khatami said
during a visit to Malaysia. "We live in a very frightening situation today.
We have never witnessed war being so much promoted in the US."

Iran's leadership would not bow to US "threats and insults", he said.

In a pointed reference to US hopes to depose Saddam Hussein and impose
"regime change" in Iraq, Mr Khatami said that any such action could
destabilise the entire region, with unpredictable results.

"No one has the right to decide for the people of Iraq. The people of Iraq
should decide for themselves," he said. Tehran's own disputes with Baghdad
notwithstanding, "we condemn any foreign interference in Iraq".

In a measure of how sharply US-Iranian relations have deteriorated in recent
months, he also accused Washington of colluding with Israel in a policy of
"genocide" against the Palestinians.

Mr Khatami's remarks raised the possibility that a US military attack on
Iraq could trigger a regional conflagration, drawing in Iran and possibly
even Israel, Iran's sworn enemy.

The reformist Iranian leader, who is engaged in a long-running battle at
home with conservative opponents, spoke as officials in Washington suggested
a significant hardening of US policy on Iran.

The officials indicated that the Bush administration has decided to drop the
policy of engagement supported by Britain, the EU and former US president
Bill Clinton, and instead adopt a more confrontational approach, including
open encouragement of anti-government forces in Iran.

Mr Khatami and his pro-reform supporters in government "are too weak,
ineffective and not serious about delivering on their promises", one
official told the Washington Post. "We have made a conscious decision to
associate with the aspirations of the Iranian people."

Earlier this month, George Bush appealed to ordinary Iranians, suggesting
that they were, in effect, being held hostage by the country's Shi'ite
clerical establishment. He also accused Iranian leaders of corruption.

"In the last two Iranian presidential elections... the vast majority of the
Iranian people voted for political and economic reform," Mr Bush stated.
"Yet their voices are not being listened to by the unelected people who are
the real rulers of Iran.

"Uncompromising, destructive policies have persisted... Meanwhile, members
of the ruling regime and their families continue to obstruct reform while
reaping unfair benefits. Iran's people... have no better friend than the
United States of America," Mr Bush said.

His statement was conveyed directly to Iran via the government-funded Voice
of America radio station.

Iran's supreme spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, issued a fierce
response: "America has spread the shadow of war and death in the region,
threatening officially to overthrow the people and government of Iran," he
said last week. "The great Iranian nation will not retreat."

The US policy shift concludes a process begun last January when Mr Bush
labelled Iran a "rogue state" linked to terrorism and a part of the "axis of
evil" that includes Iraq and North Korea. Mr Bush also accuses Tehran of
seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

The tougher US position puts it at odds with Britain and the EU, which
favour "critical engagement" with Iran, in the hope of encouraging reform,
and have been negotiating a trade pact with Tehran. The foreign secretary,
Jack Straw, has visited Tehran and a German government delegation is due
there next month.

"We believe engaging with the reformers is the best way forward and we still
do," a Foreign Office source said last night.

Mr Bush's statement, issued on July 12, caused anger and astonishment inside
Iran, dismaying reformists who have been struggling against a growing
conservative backlash and provoking anti-American demonstrations.

US analysts interpreted Washington's harder line as another setback for the
secretary of state, Colin Powell, and an advance for hawks within the
national security council and the Pentagon.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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Guardian: Forces chief who upset US to quit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi



Forces chief who upset US to 
Norton-TaylorWednesday July 24, 2002The Guardian 
Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, 
Britain's senior military officer who upset Washington with his comments on 
America's war on terrorism, is to retire next spring, the Ministry of Defence 
announced yesterday, in a shake-up at the top of the armed forces. 
He will be replaced by General Sir Michael Walker, now head of the army, who 
will be succeeded by General Sir Mike Jackson, who negotiated the withdrawal of 
Yugoslav forces at the end of the Kosovo war. 
An army source described Sir Mike, head of the land forces, as "the people's 
choice". Sir Mike is known for straight talking. 
He was also adjutant of the battalion of the Parachute Regiment at the time 
when its soldiers killed 14 unarmed marchers on Bloody Sunday in Derry in 
January 1972. 
Sir Michael made it clear in an interview with the Guardian last year that he 
was deeply sceptical about the White House's missile defence plan. He also irked 
Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, by saying the war in Afghanistan 
could last for years. 
He later warned that a US decision to widen its military campaign against 
al-Qaida terrorists could further radicalise Arab opinion. The US was pursuing a 
"single-minded aim" of destroying Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network, but 
the object should not be simply to get bin Laden in a "hi-tech, wild west" 
operation, Sir Michael said. It was important to rebuild Afghanistan and attack 
the causes of al-Qaida terrorism by mounting a "hearts and minds" campaign 
across the Arab world. 
Sir Michael will have served as chief of the defence staff for a little over 
two years. His predecessors held the job for three years. "Admiral Boyce has 
done a superb job and will be replaced by another superb man," Geoff Hoon, the 
defence secretary, said yesterday. 
General Walker, who will take over in April, made his name when he was 
responsible for sensitive operations in Sierra Leone, Bosnia and Macedonia. 
Commentators have suggested he would be the best choice as the army prepares 
for continuing operations abroad, including an expected invasion of Iraq. 
Sir Mike Jackson, whose appointment was enthusiastically welcomed by the 
army, will be replaced by Lieut General Sir Timothy Granville-Chapman, adjutant 
general responsible for personnel. He in turn will be replaced by Lieutenant 
General Alistair Irwin, the army's commander in Northern Ireland, who will be 
succeeded by Major General Phillip Trousdell. 

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian 
Newspapers Limited 2002 

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2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Kansan Online
July 24, 2002

Acxiom meets estimates for first-quarter earnings

Fortune magazine named Acxiom one of "the 40
stocks that can beat this market." Acxiom was cited
for having a strong "instinct toward war," in adapting
its information products for the U.S. government in
their efforts to catch potential terrorists. The
magazine was also impressed by the presence of Gen.
Wesley Clark, former NATO Supreme Commander in Europe,
on the company's board of directors.
"Acxiom is now in talks with several government
agencies and has won at least one contract so far,"
Fortune reported.

Despite a slumping stock market, Acxiom Corp. met
earning estimates for the first quarter of fiscal
2003, according to the company.
"In this continued tough economic climate we were
pleased to achieve the revenue and earnings targets we
had established for the first quarter," Company Leader
Charles D. Morgan said. "This is particularly
gratifying since this is seasonally our weakest
Acxiom earned revenue of $225.4 million, up 10 percent
from $205 million in first quarter 2002. Earnings per
share were up to $.12, a complete reversal from the
loss of $.71 per share in the previous year.
The company attributes its recent success to its new
Abilitec software, which allows Acxiom to generate
more revenue even though the number of employees has
decreased. Company leaders also praised a stronger
cash flow, bolstered through new contracts with
companies such as Charles Schwab & Co. Inc., Staples
Inc., Sun Microsystems and Gateway Inc., valued at $16
million annually.
"Our emphasis on cash flow has generated very positive
results over the last four quarters, and it's an
emphasis we'll continue at every level of our
business," said Rodger S. Kline, company operations
leader. "We have primarily used the strong cash flow
to retire debt, and we have made substantial progress
-- reducing our revolving line of credit from a high
of $241 million during June 2001 to $2 million as of
The company took the occasion to announce that
salaries at the company, which were cut by as much as
5 percent last year, had begun to be reinstated in the
first quarter. The reinstatements, which are gradually
being phased back in throughout the company, will
continue through the end of Acxiom's second quarter in
Also today, Fortune magazine named Acxiom one of "the
40 stocks that can beat this market." Acxiom was cited
for having a strong "instinct toward war," in adapting
its information products for the U.S. government in
their efforts to catch potential terrorists. The
magazine was also impressed by the presence of Gen.
Wesley Clark, former NATO Supreme Commander in Europe,
on the company's board of directors.
"Acxiom is now in talks with several government
agencies and has won at least one contract so far,"
Fortune reported.
Fortune magazine, which screened 4,000 stocks to
identify "inexpensive stocks with momentum," has also
named Acxiom one of its "100 best places to work" for
four of the past five years.

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2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


    From: "notmilk2002" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 10:19:26 -
    The Australian dairy industry is intentionally
    sending cows afflicted with Johne's disease to
    the Middle East.
    Down under dairymen have invented a new form of
    the classic children's game, "Tag, You're It!"
    Cows diagnosed with Johne's Disease have diarrhea
    and heavy fecal shedding of bacteria. These diseased
    cows are infected by mycobacterium paratuberculosis.
    These bacteria multiply in milk, and are not destroyed
    by pasteurization. Occasionally, the milkborne bacteria
    will begin to grow in human hosts, and irritable
    syndrome and Crohn's results.
    Why are the Australians doing this dastardly deed?
    Perhaps they figure that those Arabs just don't
    any better, so why not? The desire for dollars betrays
    their act of bioterrorism. This is a crime against
    mankind. Here's the story as it apppeared in the
    Australian media:
    This is what America's dairy farmers learned about
    Crohn's and Johne's, having read this truth in the
    January 24, 1995 issue of Hoard's Dairyman:
  "Johne's disease and Crohn's disease
   remarkably similar in clinical
signs and
   intestinal pathology."
    Apparantly, Arabs do not read the Journal of
    Clinical Microbiology. The May 31, 1993 issue
    of that journal revealed:
  "Mycobacterium paratuberculosis was isolated
   from tissue taken from patients
with Crohn's
   disease and is implicated in the
etiology of
   this disease."
    The Australians must be keeping a stiff upper
    lip after having read the February 1998 issue
    of the British Medical Journal which revealed:
  "Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis crosses
   species barrier to infect and
cause disease
   in humans."
    Arabs with Crohn's disease might find it easier to
    fertilize their land, and turn a not so arable
    desert into a blooming oasis. They will have
    Australian dairy farmers to thank for this gift.
    What percentage of Crohn's victims are infected
    with this bovine bacteria? In September of 1996,
    the National Academy of Sciences published this
    bit of trivia:
  "Mycobacterium paratuberculosis RNA was
found in
   100% of Crohn's disease patients,
compared with
   0% of controls."
    Cows infected with Johne's disease are at an
    epidemic proportion in Australia. This past year,
    Australia has shipped 20,000 cows to the Middle
    East. Nearly one-third of Australian bovines are
    infected with this disease that can be passed on
    to human milk consumers. You do the math. Humans
    get irritable bowels by drinking infected milk
    from these animals, then Crohn's disease.
    This story needs to grow legs. This story
    needs your participation. Please send it to
    a friend, and demand justice. Ask that friend
    to send it to another friend so that it
    travels the world wide web.
    Yesterday (June 3, 2002), I contacted the
    embassy of the United Arab Emirates
    (202-243-2400) and gave this information to
    Sarah Fatassi. I have been assured that her
    government will be taking this matter seriously.
    I also spoke with Nasser Behbhehani of the
    Kuwaiti mission (202-262-0758). Hopefully,
    both consulates will take this important
    information back to their nations.
    Robert Cohen
    SUBSCRIBE:    send an empty Email
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    Forward this message to your milk-drinking friends:
    Learn about MILK from A to Z:


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Letter to re. animal cruelty case [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


Letter to re. animal cruelty case
To the Editor:
I am writing in response to the "Man charged with cruelty in case of
kitten" which appeared recently in your publication.  I was truly
shocked to
learn of the actions of Mr. Charles C. Benoit who burned a kitten on
grill.  This kind of barbarity twoard a totally helpless and innocent
creature should not be tolerated by a civilized society.
Such a society should recognize the rights of animals not to be subjected
this kind of torture.  Also, in light of the many studies that
show that
people who commit such acts of torture against animals often go on
to commit
violent crimes against humans, society needs to send a message that
we take
animal abuse seriously.
For this reason, I believe that Mr. Benoit should be made to serve a
jail sentence for his crime.  Only by punishing such crimes to
the full
extent of the law can we deter future acts of cruelty.
For this reason, I would like to urge readers of your publication to
do as I
did and contact the Clay County Prosecutor, Mr. Charles Norris, at
816-792-7657 to request that he demand jail time for Mr. Benoit.
Thank you.
Nancy Hey,
Bethesda, MD
(article being replied to attached):
Man charged with cruelty in case of burned kitten


The Kansas City Star

A Liberty man has been charged with animal cruelty
for allegedly barbecuing a live kitten over the weekend.

Charles C. Benoit, 24, is charged in Clay County
Circuit Court with one count of animal abuse, a felony punishable by
up to
five years in prison, a $5,000 fine or both.
He is being held in the Clay County Jail under $10,000 bond.

Liberty animal control officers were called when
witness Sherry Scottisaid Benoit and a group of 10 or 12 persons was
barbecuing a stray kitten.

Scott said she pulled the 7-week-old tabby, whom
she christened Lucky, out of the burning coals. But after a veterinarian's
examination, the kitten  was euthanized.


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2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


> Cop Joke
> An Alexander County, Missouri Deputy pulled a car over on I-57 about
> 2 miles north of the Missouri-Arkansas state line. When the Deputy asked the
> driver why he was speeding, the driver answered that he was a magician and a
> juggler and he was on his way to Branson to do a show that night and didn't
> want to be late.
> The deputy told the driver he was fascinated by juggling, and if the
> driver would do a little juggling for him that he wouldn't give him a
> ticket.
> The driver told the deputy that he had sent all of his equipment on
> ahead and didn't have anything to juggle.
> The deputy told him that he had some flares in the trunk of his squad
> car and asked if he could juggle them. The juggler stated that he could, so
> the deputy got three flares, lit them and handed them to the juggler.
> While the man was doing his juggling act, a car pulled in behind the
> squad car, a drunk got out and watched the performance briefly, he then went
> over to the squad car, opened the rear door and got in.
> The deputy observed him doing this and went over to his squad car, opened
> the door and asked the drunk what he thought he was doing.
> The drunk replied, "I give up! You might as well take me to jail, because
> there's no way I could pass THAT test!"


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Letter to Time Magazine re. their article on vegetarianism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


> Letter to Time Magazine re. their article on vegetarianism
> >From :  "Nancy A. Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject :  Your article on vegetarianism
> Date :  Fri, 19 Jul 2002 09:26:30 -0400
>  Dear Time Magazine editors,
>  I want to thank you for your recent cover story
> article about vegetarianism.  This is a very important issue, as I feel that
> more people need to know about how dietary choices affect the planet we live
> on.
>  People who consume meat need to know where that
> meat comes from, and the ethical implications of eating it.  I myself have
> been a vegetarian for over 20 years.  I became a vegetarian becasue I did
> not want to participate in the torture and killing of living, sentient
> beings.
>  Most people who eat meat do not realize that most
> meat comes from factory farms where animals suffer terribly in tiny cages,
> are de-beaked, de-horned and castrated with no pain killers, and often have
> their throats slit while fully conscious.  (The Washington Post did an
> article on this a few years ago titled "They Die Piece By Piece).  I think
> if more people were aware of the extreme cruelty involved in meat
> production, more of them would become vegetarian.
>  The only criticism I have of your article is that I
> think you might unnecessarily scare some people away from adopting a
> vegetarian, and especially a vegan diet by the cases you cited of certain
> people suffering vitamin deficiencies while on a vegan diet.  Most of these
> deficiencies were found in teen-agers, or people new to vegetarianism, who
> weren't experienced in how to eat a balanced vegetarian diet.  Also, by your
> own admissions, teen-agers often have other unhealthy habits, like junk food
> and fast food adictions.  Therefore, these habits were probably more of a
> factor in their vitamin deficiencies than their vegetarianism.
>  In contrast, there is ample evidence that people
> who eat a healthy, well balanced vegetarian diet have by far fewer health
> problems than people who eat meat.  For example, the study that you quoted
> by the American Dietetic Association which found that "appropriately planned
> vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritionally adequate and provide
> health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases" should
> hold a lot more weight than the studies of the people who ate the unbalanced
> vegetarian diets.  Also, studies done by Dr. Dean Ornish who has treated
> heart patients by putting them on a vegetarian, and close to vegan, diet
> should be taken into account.  He found that all of his patients, regardless
> of their background or ethnicity, became more healthy on a vegetarian diet
> than they were when they were eating meat.
>  I personally have benefitted from my 20 years of
> veganism, specifically in terms of greater physical endurance and a stronger
> immune system.  People who want to lead a compassionate lifestyle by not
> consuming the products of animal cruelty and death need not fear for their
> own health based on a few skewed surveys.  A vegetarian, and prefereably
> vegan diet benefits animals, humans, and the environment.  I would strongly
> encourage your readers to try it.
>  Sincerely,
>  Nancy Hey
>  Bethesda, MD


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Coming To Get Their Marching Orders - And Paychecks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff

Wednesday, July 24, 2002
YUGOSLAVIA: Serbian Parliament Delegation Visits
US2002-07-24 17:25:33
Serbian parliament speaker Natasa Micic, who is at the
head of the parliament delegation which is paying an
official visit to Washington, has said that the aim of
the visit was to present what we have done so far in
transforming the society, particularily in the field
of the economy, and to require their understanding so
that funds could be unfrozen and we granted a status
of the most privileged nation, i.e. that trade
relations between the United States and Yugoslavia be
normalised. This is reported by Tanjug 
The delegation is to meet top government officials, as
well as those from the State Department, Congress and

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Message sent to PBS re. 7/11/02 segment on Iraq: [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


> Dear friends,
> If you happened to see this PBS show, and would like to submit your own
> comment on it, please see EPIC's action alert below for contact information.
>   The same show apparently did their last program on China.
> >From :  "Nancy A. Hey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject :  Message sent to PBS re. 7/11/02 segment on Iraq:
> Date :  Wed, 17 Jul 2002 18:08:01 -0400
> Message sent to PBS re. 7/11/02 segment on Iraq:
> Contrary to what the name of your show suggests,  the 7/11/02 segment you
> did on Iraq gave a very  narrow view of the situation there.
> While the use of poison gasses on Kurds in Iraq is truly tragic, what you
> failed to point out in your show was that the United States government was
> allied with Iraq in Iraq's war against Iran at the time those killings were
> happening.  Therefore, our own government shares the guilt for the suffering
> of those people, since the US turned a blind eye to what Saddam Hussein was
> doing, because he was considered a strategic ally.
> I was also very disappointed that you failed to mention in your show the
> fact that the 11-year economic sanctions against Iraq, enforced by the
> United States, have caused the deaths of over one million Iraqis, most of
> them children, acording to reports from humanitarian agencies like UNICEF.
> The US is slowly killing the Iraqi people by preventing them from importing
> spare parts to repair their water and sewage system that was severely
> damaged by US bombing during the Gulf War.  The US prevents Iraq from
> importing desperately needed medicines to treat the epidemic of infectious
> diseases which have plauged Iraq due to the polluted drinking water.
> These economic sanctions, and the frequent bombing raids by the US and
> UK of Iraq over the "no-fly" zones constitute war crimes against
> civilians, and should thus be condemned as such.
> Also, your show promoted all the unproven claims about Iraq being
> connected to al Quaida, and the attacks of September 11th.  You
> interviewed Iraqi dissidents for support of this claim, but failed to
> mention that most of the dissident groups in Iraq are heavily funded by the
> United States, and are thus going to repeat what the US government wants
> them to say.  At this time, the US government very much wants to use these
> unproven claims as a pretext to attack Iraq.  It is most irresponsible for
> you feed this war propaganda, when so many more innocent Iraqis will
> inevitibly suffer and die in such an attack by the United States.
> Serving as a tool for the government's war aims is not the kind of objective
> journalism that PBS claims to support.  Rather, it is the kind of propaganda
> and brainwashing of the public that George Orwell warned us about in his
> novel "1984".
>  Sincerely,
>  Nancy Hey
> From: "EPIC Media Watch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "EPIC Media Alerts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: EPIC Action Alert - CALL PBS TODAY!
> Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 14:24:29 -0400
> EPIC ACTION ALERT - July 12, 2002
> *
> I. PBS Documentary - War Propaganda
> II. Action Alert - Flood PBS with calls Friday 7/12 and Monday 7/15
> *
> Last night, PBS kicked off a new television series called "Wide
> Angle" with a documentary on Iraq. Hosted by former State Department
> spokesman James Rubin and featuring a documentary titled "Saddam's Ultimate
> Solution," the program should be renamed "Narrow Myopic Angle". Such
> lop-sided journalism should not have been shown on a public television
> station and was a disservice to Americans seeking to understand a very
> serious national discussion on whether or not to invade Iraq. Please see the
> alert below and call PBS to express your outrage. If we cannot demonstrate
> political power in the face of such horrendous propaganda then we will lose
> the national debate, thus leading to war.
> The first half of the documentary rightly outlined the atrocities
> committed against the Kurdish populations by Saddam's repressive and
> irresponsible regime. However it went on to connect Iraq to 9/11
> through a series of back alley interviews with unidentified sources. No
> alternative source was provided to question the alleged 9/11
> connections. Following the documentary, Wide Angle ended with an
> interview between host James Rubin and the notorious kingpin of the
> "Get Iraq" crowd, Richard Perle. By doing so, viewers were given only one
> conclusion: invade Iraq NOW.
> To demonstrate how one-sided the program was, read the following
> script that ended the documentary and framed the closing interview with
> Richard Perle.
> Narrator Gwynne Roberts: "What I found was evidence of terrorist
> training camps in Iraq and testimony that Al Qaeda fighters are
> being traine

NATO: Death Merchants' Best Friend [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


LaBarge Wins $1.75 Million Contract From United
Defense to Produce Power Supplies for Missile Launcher

 ST. LOUIS, July 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- LaBarge,
Inc. (Amex: LB) has 
been awarded a $1.75 million contract from United
Defense's (NYSE: UDI) 
Armament Systems division, Aberdeen, S.D., to produce
power supply units for the company's Mk 22 missile
canisters, which are used with its shipboard Vertical
Launching System (VLS). "LaBarge has provided United
Defense with power supply units for this program as
needed for nearly a decade," said Randy Buschling,
senior vice president at LaBarge.  "The endurance of
this relationship testifies to our commitment to
consistently provide our customers with outstanding
quality and reliable contract electronics
manufacturing services." The Mk 22 canister is
specifically designed to house the NATO SeaSparrow
missile.  The SeaSparrow missile is used by the United
States and its international allies on a variety of
surface military vessels such as destroyers and
cruisers, primarily to defend ships from incoming air
threats. LaBarge will manufacture the power supply
units at its Tulsa, Okla., facility.  Production is
expected to begin in October and continue through June
2003. United Defense is a leader in the design,
development and production of combat vehicles,
artillery, naval guns, missile launchers and precision
munitions used by the U.S. Department of Defense and
allies worldwide.  Visit United Defense on the
Internet at . 
LaBarge, Inc. is a broad-based provider of
electronics to technology- driven companies in diverse
industrial markets.  The Company provides its
customers with sophisticated electronic products and
services through contract design and manufacturing
services.  Headquartered in St. Louis, LaBarge has
operations in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and
Texas.  The Company's Web site address is . 
Statements contained in this release relating to
LaBarge, Inc. that are not historical facts are
forward-looking statements within the meaning of the
federal securities laws.  Forward-looking statements
involve risks and uncertainties.  Future events and
LaBarge, Inc.'s actual results could differ materially
from those contemplated by these forward-looking
statements. Important factors that could cause
LaBarge's actual results to differ materially from
those projected in, or inferred by, forward-looking
statements are (but are not necessarily limited to)
the following: the impact of increasing competition or
deterioration of economic conditions in LaBarge's
markets; cutbacks in defense spending by the U.S.
Government; the outcome of litigation the Company is
party to; unexpected increases in the cost of raw
materials, labor and other resources necessary to
operate LaBarge's business; and the availability,
amount, type and cost of financing for LaBarge and any
changes to that financing. 
Click here
SOURCE LaBarge, Inc.
Web Site: 

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Why We Bomb: New Adriatic Pipeline Planned [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


C E E   N e w s
Newsnewsgroup: C E E   N e w s CEE English, 24.07.2002

-The Adriatic pipeline is going to be the shortest
route for the transfer of Kazakhstan, Russian and
Caspian oil to the greatest oil importers, Central and
Western Europe. 

Croatia: New Adriatic pipeline planned 
Zagreb (Bluebull) - According to the press information
a contract was signed yesterday to finance a
feasibility study for a new oil pipeline from Costanza
in Romania, through Panceva in Serbia and Delnice in
Croatia, onto Omisalj in Croatia and Trieste in Italy.
This contract was signed by the resigned Croatian
Economy Minister, Hrvoje Vojkovic, and US Ambassador
to Croatia, Lawrence Rossin. 
The Adriatic pipeline is going to be the shortest
route for the transfer of Kazakhstan, Russian and
Caspian oil to the greatest oil importers, Central and
Western Europe. Russian, American and EU interests for
the complete takeover of INA and JANAF are
strengthened, as a key level in the western strategy
for the construction of a new Euro-Asian pipeline
network. The feasibility study for the route Constanza
to Omisalj and Trieste via Pancevo and Delnica could
be completed before next fall, and the first great
quantities of oil from western Asia could be traveling
this route to the European Union before 2005./sv 

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Blair Wants Europe To Be 'Superpower' - By Kowtowing To US, Attacking Iraq [WWW.

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Today: July 24, 2002 at 8:10:24 PDT 
Blair Wants Europe to Be Superpower

LONDON- Europe needs to stop complaining about the
United States and instead pool its military resources
to become a superpower on par with America, Prime
Minister Tony Blair said. 
In a wide-ranging interview published in this month's
issue of the political magazine Prospect, Blair said
there was "a certain scratchiness" in European Union's
relations with the United States, an apparent
reference to countries including France and Germany
that have expressed concern at U.S. talk of
overthrowing Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. 
"My challenge to Europe is this: if we want to have
greater sway and greater power, then instead of
complaining about America, we've got to face up to
what we need to do," Blair said in the interview,
excerpts of which appeared in The Independent
newspaper Wednesday. 
"That means developing a coherent defense capability
and a set of institutions to allow Europe to speak
The United States says Saddam is a sponsor of
international terrorism and seeks nuclear weapons. But
allies have shown little appetite for a military
campaign to oust him without hard evidence that Iraq
had a role in the Sept. 11 attacks on the United
The prime minister, a strong U.S. ally, said if the
time comes for action against Iraq, "people will have
the evidence presented to them" to show that Saddam
"is trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction, in
particular a nuclear capability." 
Blair said some European criticism of America "comes
from an irritation with their huge superpower status.
If we pool our sovereignty in a way that gives us a
strong voice and, if we improve our defense
capability, we will be the strategic partner that
America needs and wants." 
European allies spend about 1.8 percent of their gross
domestic product on defense, compared with the United
States' 3 percent. 
Plans to create an EU defense force with up to 60,000
soldiers in a rapid-reaction peacekeeping unit have
stalled because Greece objects to a deal that would
allow Turkey to veto deployment in its region. Turkey
is a member of NATO but not the EU. 

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Ralph Nader interview [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


Ralph Nader interview
Published on Sunday, June 16, 2002 in the New York Times
Questions for Ralph Nader
Give Them the Business
by David Wallis
Q. Following Enron's collapse, you vowed to make the phrase ''corporate
reform'' ring throughout our land. Yet the
public seems to have reacted with resignation rather than with revulsion.
quote Bob Dole, ''Where's the outrage?''
It comes from a deep sense of powerlessness. When you feel powerless,
attitude reflects apathy, withdrawal,
resignation, and that is a telltale sign of the degree to which our
democracy has declined in the last 20, 25 years.
Why is it that, comparatively, the so-called welfare queens of the Reagan
years provoked much more anger on Main
Street than white-collar criminals do now?
This outrage was fueled by people like Reagan. There are not many top
who are fueling outrage against corporate crime and white-collar crime,
one difference. The second difference is that people can identify with
who's ripping off welfare, i.e., their taxes, rather than a very complex
scheme, off-the-books partnerships, that are very remote. There is
plenty of
outrage out there, but the political system is not organized, because
system is funded by corporate interests.
Tyco's C.E.O. was just indicted for failing to pay sales tax on paintings
worth $13
million. He's also going to get a huge severance package.
Like all of them. When C.E.O.'s are expelled they get huge payments
-- for
doing their job they get rewarded! Ovitz gets thrown out of Disney
and gets
million. The head of Columbia/HCA, a health-care company, got $10 million.
It's all
hush money. I would like to give shareholders the right to determine
they want to pay their employees at the top. You can be sure that
would never approve these crazy, wild, huge compensation packages that
nothing to do with performance.
What product on the market today makes you think Corvair every time
you see
McDonald's double cheeseburgers, a weapon of mass destruction.
You've blasted corporate America for ''commercializing everything it
touches.'' What strikes you as the most obscene
example of commercialization?
The commercialization of childhood is truly the most offensive. Basically,
corporations have decided that kids under 12
are a lucrative market, and they sell directly to them, subverting
authority. The idea is to reach these millions
of kids who are in a vulnerable, impressionable state, even starting
at 2,
3, 4 years old, to get them to nag their parents
to buy the products. What are they selling these kids? Bad diets, fat
sugar, teaching them to be addicts. They are
addicting them to watching 30, 40 hours of screens -- video, television,
computer screens. The commercialization of
childhood is a pervasive form of electronic child molestation.
Has anyone ever approached you to become a TV pitchman?
Years ago, someone wanted to put my name on a chain of restaurants.
McNader's? Is there any product that you would endorse?
Southwest Airlines. Superb airline. The lowest fares, the highest profits,
the best service.
You go to great pains to deny that you cost Al Gore the election. Why
just say: ''I cost Al Gore the election, and I'm
proud of it. I persuaded the Democratic Party to take notice of
Did Tennessee cost Gore the election? Did Gore's performance on the
cost Gore the election? There are a lot
of what ifs. It's a sterile debate. The whole thing was satirized
beautifully in a cartoon, which showed George W. Bush
looking at a guy holding up a sign: ''A Vote for Nader Is a Vote for
And Bush says: ''Really? I think I'll vote for
Are you more or less optimistic than you were when you came to Washington
age 29?
I am not afflicted by optimism or pessimism. They are not in my lexicon.
not in the mood game, because moods
affect your output, and the thing is, you must keep striving because
is no alternative to striving for greater justice.
At 68, you can say that age has not mellowed you one bit?
Why should it? Experience informs one's judgment. Judgment is very
Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company
 Common Dreams


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Petition to oppose cooperation with government spying programs [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


> Petition to oppose cooperation with government spying programs
> >From :  Carol Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject :  [Iraq-DCERN] Petition: No Cooperation with TIPS
> Date :  Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:25:37 -0400
> To sign this petition, please go to:
> >
> >No cooperation with the U.S. Stasi
> >
> >To:  US citizens and residents
>  > WE, the undersigned, categorically reject
> President Bush's Freedom Corps, Citizens Corps, Citizens Corps Councils,
> Operation TIPS (Terrorism Information and Prevention System), Volunteers in
> Police Service, and Neighborhood Watch Program.
>  >
>  > We refuse to participate in an American version
> of East Germany's Stasi or the similar citizens' spying programs established
> by Nazi Germany, Vichy France, Stalinist Russia, Mao's Cultural Revolution,
> or Khmer Rouge Cambodia.
>  >
>  > We refuse to spy on our neighbors, denounce
> people who have different religious and political beliefs than our own, or
> use our positions of employment as truck drivers, couriers, parcel
> deliverers, ship captains, train conductors, letter carriers, utility
> workers, private security guards, school teachers, book sellers, librarians,
> janitors, sanitation workers, telecommunications workers, clergy,
> journalists, social workers, doctors, nurses, web site managers, chat room
> moderators, pharmacists, sales clerks, or other positions where we interface
> with the public to assist law
> enforcement and intelligence agencies in creating files on people
> exercising their constitutional rights.
>  >
>  > We reject the Freedom Corps, Citizens Corps, and
> any other contrivance established in the future to infringe on the civil
> liberties of Americans and legal residents of the United States.
>  >
>  > Under no circumstance will we join or be coerced
> into joining any of the government groups that encourage spying on our
> fellow citizens.
>  >
>  > Sincerely,
>  >
>  > The Undersigned
>  >
>  > Signature window expires 1 Oct. Afterwards this
> petition will be sent to Tom Ridge, President Bush, John Ashcroft, and the
> congressional leadership.Its really not a petition but a statement of
> non-cooperation with these new snooping organizations ---a sort of
> cyber-oriented civil disobedience
> campaign.
> _


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[ INDIA] ML Update,Vol. 5; No. 30; July 24-30, 2002 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread pvsrinivas


ML Update
A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-5; No.-30; 24-30 July 2002


Having won the battle for Presidency and promoted LK Advani to the Deputy PM
's post, the Sangh Parivar has now once again pushed the Gujarat button. In
a clear bid to pressurise the Election Commission to order early elections
in the state, the State Assembly has been dissolved nine months ahead of
schedule. Left to itself the BJP would have already had the elections. By
the middle of March while the traumatised Muslim community in the state was
counting its dead, the state BJP unit had begun counting its votes. It was
only in the face of massive public outcry from all corners of India and
words of concern and condemnation from across the world that the BJP had to
suspend its plans for immediate elections.

Even though the Vajpayee government refused to remove Modi and continued to
give him one clean chit after another, internally the BJP is wary of a
possible backlash in the state. After all, only last year the BJP had
incurred heavy losses in the panchayat elections and even after Modi was
made Chief Minister the BJP had lost all by-elections except the one to the
Rajkot assembly seat in which Modi had managed a win with a reduced margin.
Modi knows that the effect of the genocide-induced communal polarisation
would not last indefinitely and that the BJP could hope to win the polls
only as long as the effect was around. Hence the BJP's understandable
insistence on early elections.

The BJP considers Gujarat to be an exclusive fiefdom of the Sangh and the
dissolution of the Gujarat Assembly just another 'family affair' of the
saffron brigade. The party runs the show both in Ahmedabad and New Delhi.
Modi was made the CM of Gujarat with the brief of winning the next elections
and in his Machiavellian scheme of electoral engineering even genocide is
passe. The Governor of Gujarat, the notorious SS Bhandari who had to be
called back from Patna after the President's Rule fiasco in February-March
1999, is a trusted old hand of the RSS.

For all of us, who care about democracy in India, Gujarat is crying to be
saved and reclaimed from the clutches of the Modi-Togadia-Bhandari brigade.
The Muslim community in the state is still living in the shadow of utter
insecurity. The 12 July rathyatra triggered yet another round of migration
of Muslim families along the entire route of the yatra. Reports of renewed
tension are coming in again from different parts of the state. Most of the
relief camps have been forced to close down even though rehabilitation
remains a far cry. Even in those rare cases where Muslims have been allowed
to return home, it has not been a return to the normal standards of safety
and dignity. Economic boycott, deliberate humiliation and systematic
persecution today mark their world in Gujarat. The overall situation is
still far from normal, and elections held under such circumstances could
only amount to a mockery and murder of democracy.

The Election Commission must therefore refuse to sign on the dotted line and
fulfil its constitutional obligation to ensure free and fair elections in
genocide-ravaged Gujarat. For the Supreme Court, the Election Commission,
the media and various watchdog bodies of concerned citizens, Gujarat today
presents the most contemptible case of criminalisation and communalisation
of politics. If we want to stop criminals from making a mockery of India's
parliamentary democracy, Modi's killer brigade must first be stopped. Here
and now.

After all the 'care' Modi has showered on Gujarat since February 27, fair
elections are unthinkable under the continuing care of Modi's 'caretaker'
regime. While opposing the BJP's bid to force early elections, we must
therefore also insist on imposition of President's Rule in Gujarat. And yes,
we need a new Governor for the state who must not belong to the RSS. India
cannot allow the Modi-Bhandari brigade to have any further free run in
Gujarat. Too much is at stake for the future of India.


28 July is the martyrdom-day of Comrade Charu Mazumdar, the legendary leader
of communist movement in India and founder of CPI(ML). Arrested by the West
Bengal police on July 16, 1972, he was martyred in Calcutta's Lalbazar
central lock-up on July 28, 1972. The entire Party pays revolutionary homage
to Comrade CM on his martyrdom-day and pledges to redouble its energy to
carry forward the legacy of struggle Com. CM has left behind.

The killers of Com. CM and their accomplices have gone unpunished. Brutal
state-terror, which killed Com. CM, is not only alive, it has once again
raised its ugly head and is now threatening mass movements as well as the
civil society with the arsenal of draconian acts like POTA. Democratic
rights are under systematic attack and toiling people and workers are being
killed in indiscriminate 

Guardian: New archbishop issues warning on Iraq [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi


New archbishop issues warning on Iraq
Stephen Bates, religious affairs correspondent
Wednesday July 24, 2002
The Guardian

Rowan Williams, the man chosen by Tony Blair to head the Church of England,
threw down a challenge to the government within minutes of his appointment
yesterday by making clear that he would not necessarily support any
British-backed military attack on Iraq.

The words of the man who is is to become Archbishop of Canterbury later this
year, in succession to George Carey, are likely to have wide resonance
since, as head of the 70 million-strong worldwide Anglican communion, he
will have oversight of the US Episcopalian church, whose members include
many members of the US political establishment.

Answering questions at his inaugural press conference at Church House in
London, Dr Williams, who has a record as a peace campaigner and was arrested
in 1986 during a peaceful protest at a US airforce base, said: "I would only
support military action that the UN had cleared. As far as Iraq is
concerned, I want to contribute to the discussions before decisions are

His measured tone, though officially received in relaxed fashion by Downing
Street, was an early reminder that the man who could head the Church of
England for the next two decades will not be a pushover for the government.

The remarks came as the prime minister ended months of speculation by
confirming yesterday that he had accepted the will of the Church of England
in appointing Dr Williams.

The 52 year-old Welsh theologian, currently archbishop of the disestablished
church in Wales, will succeed Dr Carey as the 104th incumbent of Canterbury,
primate of all England and head of the Anglican communion later this year.
He is expected to be formally enthroned at Canterbury next spring.

Dr Williams represents a radical break from the church's traditions in more
than merely political terms. He is the youngest archbishop for 200 years,
the first since the 19th century to bring young children to Lambeth Palace
and the first since the reign of Bloody Mary in 1556 to be appointed from
outside the bench of bishops of the Church of England.

Many in the church hope he will restore its sense of confidence, inspire the
replenishment of emptying pews and provide the spiritual and moral
leadership and intellectual clarity that Anglicanism has lacked for

Yesterday Dr Williams admitted to shock and being overwhelmed by his
appointment and promised to do more listening than talking as he
acknowledged he had much to learn. "I hope with all my heart that I can
serve to nurture confidence and conviction in our church and to help
Christian faith to recapture the imagination of our people and our culture,"
he said.

"I have to go on being a priest and bishop, that is, to celebrate God and
what God has done in Jesus and to offer in God's name whatever I can discern
of God's perspective on the world around - something which involves both
challenge and comfort."

Downing Street said the prime minister believed the new archbishop's wisdom,
intellectual stature and deep spirituality would be invaluable as he sought
to lead the church through complex and challenging times.

Any hopes though that Mr Blair might consider rescinding his patronage over
appointments within the established church, after a series of rows, leaks
and delays, were quashed. A spokesman said Mr Blair remained an

Dr Williams has in the past admitted to feeling "slightly disappointed" with
New Labour, urging the government to show "a little bit more courage and

His predecessor Dr Carey, currently in the US, who has not always been one
of Dr Williams' most enthusiastic champions, said: "I greet the news... with
joy. Rowan will bring to this demanding office great abilities as a

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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Estonia split over Nazi monument - Guardian [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Stasi


Estonia split over Nazi monument
Vahur Lauri in Tallinn
Wednesday July 24, 2002
The Guardian

An organisation representing Estonian soldiers who supported Hitler during
the second world war said yesterday that it would unveil a monument next
week to honour them, reviving painful memories of Estonia's past.

The prime minister, Siim Kallas, condemned the move, which reflects
Estonia's struggle to come to terms with its tragic experience during the
1940s, when the tiny Baltic state was invaded by Germany and the Soviet

Supporters of the monument - featuring a man in an Estonian Waffen SS
uniform - say that it is meant to pay tribute to the soldiers' fight to stop
Stalin's tyranny by taking up arms with the Nazis on the Russian front.

An inscription says it is dedicated "to all Estonian servicemen who died in
the second war for the liberation of the fatherland and a free Europe in

The prime minister said that it could tarnish the country's image as it
seeks EU and Nato membership this year.

"It is regrettable that a monument with such text and strong expression
emerged," Mr Kallas told a press conference yesterday. "It will certainly
cause a lot of trouble in Estonia and abroad. I don't think government
members should attend the opening of this monument."

Estonia hopes that Nato's November summit in Prague will bring an invitation
for the country to become a member. It is also working to complete EU entry
talks by December so that it can join around 2004.

The municipal government of Parnu, the site of the monument, is expected to
meet this week to consider whether to ban it. An SS insignia had originally
been etched into the soldier's helmet, but was subsequently removed.

The Nazis occupied Estonia in 1941 after driving out the Soviets, who had
invaded the Baltic states the year before in a brutal occupation during
which tens of thousands were executed or shipped to Siberian camps.

Many in Estonia and neighbouring Latvia and Lithuania welcomed Germans as
liberators and were shocked when the Nazis began their own repression and
slaughter of Jews.

But Nazi hunters say some local people also helped carry out atrocities.
Earlier this month the Simon Wiesenthal Centre sent a list of alleged war
criminals to Estonian authorities, asking for assistance in tracking them

The Estonian security police announced yesterday they had found no evidence
that the 16 men, former members of a Nazi police battalion, attacked Jews.

"The security police have also found that none of the 16 people listed is in
Estonia at present," the police said in a statement.

When the Soviets began pushing back the Germans, many Estonians volunteered
to fight with the Nazis to prevent a second communist occupation. Others
were conscripted.

Jewish groups and several western governments, including the United States,
have urged Estonian officials to investigate Nazi crimes more aggressively
and to try any living suspects.

"Of course Europeans will not understand us," said Leo Tammiksaar, a history
enthusiast and private initiator of the monument. "We made this monument for
our soldiers and not for Brussels."

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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Israel Uses U.S. Weapons to Massacre Palestinian Civilians [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


> This is a shameful use of our tax dollars:
> Tuesday July 23, 12:38 am Eastern Time
> Israel Uses U.S. Weapons to Massacre Palestinian Civilians
> Deliberate Air Attack On Civilian Building Called 'State-Sponsored
> Terrorism'
> WASHINGTON, July 23 -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
> today strongly condemned Israel's use of American taxpayer-supplied weapons
> to massacre at least 11 Palestinians, including women and children, in an
> attack on a residential building in the Gaza Strip.
> The latest list of dead released by a nearby hospital included two babies
> ages 18 and 2 months, five children ages 3-5, an 11-year-old and three
> adults. Israel used an American-made F-16 fighter plane to launch the
> missile that struck the building.
> "The blood of these innocent children is on the hands of those in America's
> pro-Israel lobby who use their influence to promote congressional and
> administration policies that provide American tax dollars and tacit support
> for such attacks,"


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Anti-US protest in Kabul: a sign of wider anger in Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


World Socialist Web Site
WSWS : News & Analysis : Asia : Afghanistan
Anti-US protest in Kabul: a sign of wider anger in Afghanistan
By Peter Symonds
6 July 2002
The slaughter of at least 45 civilians by US warplanes in a raid in
Uruzgan province on Monday has prompted the first anti-US demonstration
Around 200 Afghans, many of them women clad in traditional burqas, marched
through the street bringing mid-morning traffic to a halt on Wednesday,
protest against the rising toll of civilian casualties. Most of the
dead and
injured in the latest incident were women and young children who were
at a wedding celebration in the
small village of Kakarak.
The protest is just the tip of the iceberg. Ongoing US bombing and
search-and-destroy operations in rural towns and villages along with
contemptuous indifference to the rising toll of civilian casualties
generated widespread hostility, anger and opposition to the American
presence. Just nine months after the Bush administration
launched its military intervention, any pretence that the US is waging
a war
of liberation for the benefit of the Afghan people is rapidly being
away. What is being revealed is that Washington is conducting a brutal
neo-colonial occupation to further its own strategic and economic interests
in the region.
The protest in Kabul made a very cautious appeal. Outside the UN compound,
one of the organisers read from a prepared statement that declared:
condemn terrorism. We are not against the Americans, but it doesn’t
they should drop bombs on residents, happy ceremonies and sanctuaries
instead of military targets. The US should get through to its officers
this kind of incident could destroy relations and the trust between
the two
But the demonstration is symptomatic of far deeper resentment and hostility.
Uruzgan provincial governor Jan Mohammed Khan, who was himself appointed
the US-backed regime in Kabul, demanded that the US military hand over
“spies” who had provided the information that led to the air attack
Kakarak. “If Americans don’t stop killing civilians, there will be
a holy
war against them in my province... This has to stop, or people will
Americans just like they did Russians [in the 1980s].
Uruzgan, along with other largely Pashtun provinces in the south and
east of
the country, have borne the full brunt of US attacks. No official tally
been made of the number of civilians killed by US bombing raids and
operations. But conservative unofficial estimates place the figure
in the
thousands and do not include those
that have subsequently died from their injuries.
Anger is clearly mounting throughout Afghanistan. Reacting to news of
Monday’s attack, Jabbar, a grocer, in Kabul told Associated Press:
consider the Americans our liberators, but after this, they may soon
occupiers. They should be here for peace, not death.” A customer in
store, Raz Mohammed, commented: “Americans made so many mistakes here,
we cannot accept that hitting a wedding party was just another one.
should set their aiming devices
right, or just pack up and go. We fought the Russians in the 1980s,
fight the Americans if need be.”
Another Kabul resident, Sahibad, who lost two of his own children during
US bombing raid in October told a reporter for the EurasiaNet website:
I heard about the bombing in Uruzgan, I thought the day I lost my kids
returned. My heart bleeds for the families who now have to dig through
rubble for their loved ones, like I did. The people that are supposed
to be
helping us are hurting us. We don’t want to start hating Americans,
but if
they keep making mistakes like this, we have no choice... Why do they
bombs, it is such an inaccurate way of getting the enemy. One slip
of the
hand and you could kill hundreds or thousands of people.”
Such is the hostility that Afghanistan’s transitional president Hamid
felt compelled for the first time to make a muted criticism of US actions.
He summoned Lieutenant General Dan McNeill, commander of US forces
Afghanistan, and other US officials to his office on Tuesday. According
an official statement, Karzai “strongly advised them of the grave concern
and sorrow” over the incident and called on the US military to “take
necessary measures to ensure that military activities to capture terrorist
groups do not harm innocent Afghan civilians.”
Karzai’s actions will, however, do nothing to restrain US military which
acts as an occupying force, carrying out its operations without even
reference to the pro-US regime in Kabul. Among ordinary Afghans, Karzai’s
timid protest has been met with contempt. As Safiqulluh, a merchant
Kabul, angrily told the press:
“What is this ‘all necessary measures’? He should’ve told the Americans:
this happens again, out of our country.’ The Am

Group seeks improvement of chicken-farm conditions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Nancy Hey


> Note: Letters to the editor can be emailed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:
> Group seeks improvement of chicken-farm conditions
> Carroll operation is used to illustrate birds' plight
> --
> By Childs Walker
> Sun Staff
> Originally published July 15, 2002
> Stacked rows of metal cages, each crammed with eight hens, extend
> longer than a football field in the chicken sheds at Westminster's
> County Fair Farms. The birds peck at one another. They live suspended
> above pits of their own waste, shut off from sunlight and fresh air.
> The conditions, which allow a half-million hens to produce millions
> of eggs a year, meet all legal and industry standards, say those who
> run the farm. But their henhouse recently was the site of a covert
> operation in which a group of animal activists known as Compassion
> Over Killing shot video and still pictures and abducted several birds
> for delivery to a veterinarian.
> "It was a horrible place," said Paul Shapiro, the group's spokesman
> and a proud vegan (a strict form of vegetarian diet) who believes
> that if people knew the truth about most egg farms they'd never eat
> an omelet. "And the worst thing is, it's typical."
> Compassion Over Killing is a small organization, with only two
> full-time employees, and its cause might strike some as frivolous.
> But the issue of chickens' rights has drawn attention from a growing
> number of corporate giants -- including McDonald's, which has
> required that the egg farms it buys from give hens more space.
> "Those are just the first steps, but certainly, it's a relief to see
> companies taking notice," Shapiro said.
> The conditions on egg and poultry farms first drew the attention of
> animal-rights activists in the late 1980s, as they shifted their
> focus from endangered species to farm animals. Activists accused the
> poultry industry of genetically engineering chickens raised for meat,
> called broilers, to carry more flesh than their skeletons can
> comfortably support. Then, national groups such as People for the
> Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, began protesting the use of
> battery cages, the term for the long rows of metal cages at most egg
> farms.
> Responding to these protests, the European Union announced it will
> require more spacious cages after 2012, and corporations such as
> McDonald's have decreed that they won't buy eggs from companies that
> induce greater production through starvation, a process called forced
> molting.
> Compassion Over Killing, founded in 1995 and based in Takoma Park,
> did not take up the chickens' cause until last year, when the group
> sneaked into a farm in Cecil County and shot footage that was later
> compiled for a video titled Hope for the Hopeless.
> Looking for another farm to infiltrate, Shapiro and his cohorts
> picked County Fair based on an anonymous tip suggesting they might
> find hens in poor condition. County Fair lies north of Westminster,
> where the city gives way to farmland.
> Shapiro, 23, said the mission was not carefully planned.
> "We just showed up and walked in, basically," he said.
> The video shot during visits over several nights last spring shows
> young adults wearing gray sweat shirts with "Compassion Over Killing"
> printed across the chest in bold black letters.
> Hens in the videotape and pictures purportedly shot during the raid
> appear gaunt and sluggish, their scant feathers are yellowish-brown
> and their bodies covered with scars and infections. Live birds appear
> to be caged with dead ones, and several birds appear to have died
> after entangling themselves in cages. During their last incursion,
> the activists seized 10 birds from their cages and took them to a
> veterinarian for treatment.
> Farm supervisors at County Fair said the birds might not have a lot
> of space (about 53 square inches per bird), and they said the hens
> pluck one another's feathers. But, said Chris Pierce, a consultant
> who works with the farm, the birds' diets are carefully managed, and
> their cages are ventilated. He also said that workers regularly walk
> the aisles to remove dying birds and untangle those who have become
> stuck in cages.
> "When a bird is stressed, she doesn't perform as well, so we want
> them to be as comfortable as possible," Pierce said.
> Shapiro says his attempts at lobbying Maryland legislators to expand
> animal cruelty laws to livestock haven't succeeded. But he hopes that
> by documenting conditions at egg farms he will inspire voters to
> demand action from their elected officials.
> He said he's not interested in singling out Maryland -- which
> produces about 845 million eggs a year, a figure dwarfed by industry
> leaders such as Indiana, which pr

Yet Two More Arrests Of CP of Spain (Reconstituted) members [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-07-24 Thread mart-remote


From:   "Irina Malenko"   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Fw: Yet two more arrests of CPE(r) (CP of
Spain (reconstituted)) 
Date:   Wed, 24 Jul 2002 17:09:20 +0100

- Original Message -
From: democrite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
La Forge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; lgossel
Sent: 22 July 2002 21:07
Subject: Yet two more arrests of CPE(r) (CP of Spain
Two more militants fo the Communist Party of Spain
(reconstuted) (PCE(r)) arrested in Spain. The wave of
arrests that begun on the 18 of July brings their
number to 17 Nine in Paris, seven in Madrid and one in
Vitoria (Basque country). Solidarity urgently

 Alexandre Moumbaris
Les "Editions Democrite" publient un mensuel en
francais  "Les dossiers du BIP" avec des traductions
d'articles provenant de la presse communiste(grecque,
allemande, anglaise, turque, russe, espagnole,
portugaise...)sur des evenements qui interessent des
lecteurs communistes.

Editions Democrite, 52, bld Roger Salengro, 93190

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Re: US Army To Conduct Massive - Domestic - Military Exercise [WWW.STOPNATO.O...

2002-07-24 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 7/24/2002 12:51:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"Approximately 80 per cent of the experiment is being
conducted through the largest computer simulation
confederation ever built. MC'02 is the largest and
most complex military experiment of its kind in

Darn. I thought I'd be able to see a military flying over my house at midnight again. Soon enough, I suppose.

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US Pulls On NATO Ties To Get Missile Shield Base In Greenland [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Denmark, US to hold consultations over anti-missile
shield Tuesday

COPENHAGEN, July 23 (AFP) - Top US and Danish
officials will meet Wednesday in Copenhagen to discuss
a planned controversial missile defense shield as part
of Washington's consultations with its allies on the
issue, the Danish foreign ministry said.

The United States will "in the course of this summer
consult with its allies, both bilaterally and within
NATO," a statement released on Tuesday said.

The ministry said it was sticking to its promise to
involve the authorities in Greenland in the
discussions, and local government officials would be
taking part in Wednesday's meetings, it added.

The Danish territory, which is home to a key US radar
base in Thule, has expressed concerns it could again
be caught in the middle if a new Cold War between
Russia and the United States develops because of the
missile shield.

The Danish government has not yet taken a position on
the Thule base, which could become an important
component within the missile shield once it is built.

Copenhagen said it would only express itself once it
"has received a concrete demand from Washington"
regarding Thule, the ministry said.

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Macedonia: NATO To *Add* Troops [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff

July 23, 2002

MACEDONIA: NATO To Engage Additional 100 Solders To
Secure Observers 
NATO is very likely to engage additional 100 solders
to safeguard the security of OSCE’s and EU’s observers
in Macedonia, foreign diplomats told Makfax news
agency, speaking on condition of anonymity. 

According to them, unofficial talks have been held
between Skopje and Brussels over the past few days.
“The Macedonian Government is to take the final
decision and inform NATO whether there is a need for
additional engagement of NATO solders for protection
of the foreign observers.” 

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Spain Explains Its Actions To NATO Masters [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


July 24, 2002

Spain explains to EU, NATO its actions over islet  
Brussels, Jul 23, 2002 (EFE via COMTEX) -- Spanish
Foreign Minister Ana Palacio on Tuesday explained
Spain's recent actions over a disputed island to the
heads of the EU and NATO. 
The island in question, known as Perejil to Spaniards
and Leila to Moroccans, is claimed by both nations,
although it is located about 200 yards off Morocco's
coast and has been void of a Spanish presence for 40

Palacio also defended Spanish sovereignty over the
cities of Ceuta and Melilla on the North African
mainland, saying that the country they belong to "is
not a matter of discussion." 

Last Wednesday, Spanish forces "retook" Perejil Island
from a small Moroccan police squad that had "occupied"
the previously uninhabited island on July 11. 

On Tuesday, Palacio met with European Commission
President Romano Prodi, NATO Secretary General George
Robertson and the EU's top foreign policy official,
Javier Solana of Spain, whom she thanked them for
their support during the dispute. 

The first item on the agenda when Moroccan Foreign
Minister Mohamed Benaissa visits Madrid in September
will be the return of both nations' ambassadors to
their posts, Palacio said. 

Rabat recalled its ambassador to Spain last year as
relations soured over several issues, including
fishing rights and immigration. 

Madrid called in its ambassador for consultations last

Palacio also said Spain's ownership of the North
African cities of Ceuta and Melilla was beyond

The issue of the two Spanish enclaves on Morocco's
coast "was not raised" as part to the talks with
Rabat, she said. 

By Jose Manuel Sanz. 


By Jose Manuel Sanz. 


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Huge Arms Cache Seized in 'NATO Disarmed' Southern Serbia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Serbian police discover ammunition in tense border
Tue Jul 23,11:52 AM ET
By DRAGAN ILIC, Associated Press Writer 

-The cache consisted of more than 100 crates of 60 and
82 millimeter caliber mortar bombs and more than
10,000 of 0.50 caliber rounds for anti-aircraft
machine guns. 
-Last year, ethnic Albanian militants in the area
fought in a failed attempt to join the region with
Kosovo, administered by the United Nations and

DOBROSIN, Yugoslavia - Serbian police Tuesday arrested
an ethnic Albanian after uncovering the largest
ammunition cache to date in a tense border area next
to the southern Serbian province of Kosovo. 
The ammunition was discovered in a built-in basement
partition in the family home of Memet Azemi, an ethnic
Albanian resident of the Dobrosin village, 280
kilometers (175 miles) southeast of Belgrade. 

Azemi, 60, denied any knowledge of the Chinese and
Serbian-made ammunition, which filled two army trucks
before being towed away. 

The discovery came five days ahead of local elections
to be held in the area straddling the boundary line
separating NATO-run Kosovo from Serbia proper,
Yugoslavia's larger republic. 

The ballot is seen as a crucial test of Belgrade
government efforts to preserve peace in the region
after last year's insurgency there. 

The cache consisted of more than 100 crates of 60 and
82 millimeter caliber mortar bombs and more than
10,000 of 0.50 caliber rounds for anti-aircraft
machine guns. 

Western monitors observed as police piled the
ammunition into two military trucks. 

After Tuesday's discovery, Nebojsa Covic, a Belgrade
official in charge of the border region, said police
would upgrade security measures to ensure a peaceful
poll Sunday. 

The election will determine the makeup of local
governments in three districts with a predominantly
ethnic Albanian community. 

Last year, ethnic Albanian militants in the area
fought in a failed attempt to join the region with
Kosovo, administered by the United Nations and NATO
since 1999, following the alliance's air war to halt
former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's
crackdown on the province's ethnic Albanians. 

After Milosevic lost power in Belgrade in 2000, NATO
negotiated a peaceful settlement to the insurgency in
southern Serbia. The Sunday vote — held two years
ahead of schedule — is part of a Western-backed peace
plan expected to create multiethnic local governments.

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US Steps Up Militarization Of Oman [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Middle East Newsline
July 24, 2002


-The Bush administration has approved a $42 million
sale of munitions for Oman's F-16 multi-role fighter
fleet. The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency
said the munitions include 20mm high explosive and
training projectiles, the MK-82 and MK-83 general
purpose bombs and the Joint Direct Attack Munitions.


WASHINGTON [MENL] -- Oman has ordered advanced air
munitions from the United States in an effort to
bolster the coastal defenses of the Gulf Arab

U.S. officials said Oman requires the munitions for
its air force to repel any attack from the Persian
Gulf. They said the sultanate's coastline,
desalinization plants and oil fields are vulnerable
from both regional powers such as Iran and Iraq as
well as Islamic insurgents.

The Bush administration has approved a $42 million
sale of munitions for Oman's F-16 multi-role fighter
fleet. The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency
said the munitions include 20mm high explosive and
training projectiles, the MK-82 and MK-83 general
purpose bombs and the Joint Direct Attack Munitions.

Officials said Congress has not expressed objection to
the sale. They said the sultanate will not have any
difficulty absorbing the order of more than 120,000
munitions and bombs. 

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Irish Troops In Kosovo To Double, Assume Infantry Role [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


[To help free up NATO troops for deployment to various
points East.]

The Irish Times
July 24, 2002

Irish peacekeeping force in Kosovo to double in size
and have new infantry role
By Jim Cusack, Security Editor 


The Irish peacekeeping presence in Kosovo is to be
doubled to around 250 in the next eight months, and
its mission changed from a transport unit to a
light-armed infantry role.

The new Kosovo role will be the Defence Forces'
largest peacekeeping commitment, replacing the
battalion-sized (around 550-strong) contingent which
served for 23 years in Lebanon.

The Minister for Defence, Mr Smith, is visiting the
Irish transport unit's headquarters today after
spending a day with the 59-member Irish military
police contingent serving in Sarajevo.

He is spending three days in the Balkans meeting Irish
personnel and having discussions with senior UN and
NATO officials.

The MPs' role in Sarajevo is to continue unchanged for
the near future.

This follows the resolution of a dispute between the
US and the UN over the International Criminal Court.
The transport unit in Koslov, based in Laputan,
outside the capital Pristina, has served for over
three years and the last unit will complete its
six-month tour in early autumn.

The 112 transport and logistics specialists will be
replaced on the next tour of duty by a similar number
of infantry troops.

This group will establish the new role and will be
expanded to a unit of around 250 in April. It will
serve with Scandinavian battalions under British
command in the Multinational Brigade Centre (MNBC).
This is deployed in the central and north-eastern
region of Kosovo. Most of the 700,000 living in the
area are Albanians and in the early days of the
mission the force had to deal with retaliatory attacks
on the minority Serbs remaining in the area.

In the north-east of the mission area there is a
border with Serbia and the brigade has responsibility
for three boundary-crossing points. There were
frequent clashes at these crossings in the early days
of the mission but these have become fewer in the past
two years.

The mission of MNBC is to "establish and maintain a
secure environment and to assist the UN-mandated
mission in order to promote peace and stability in

This includes the monitoring and enforcement of the
Military Technical Agreement.A Finnish battalion
(Finbatt) has served in Kosovo since August 1999, and
like the Irish unit it is among the non-NATO
peacekeeping troops participating in the 55,000-strong

The Irish infantry unit, using new armoured personnel
carriers (APCs), will assist in the roles of "security
of the area", monitoring "transformation and
compliance" towards the establishment of democratic
institutions and "civil military operations".

The Irish battalion served alongside Finnish and
Norwegian troops for most of the duration of the
UNIFIL mission in Lebanon and this experience
contributed to the decision to locate the Irish
infantry unit under their direction.

It has been the Defence Forces' intention to establish
a battalion-sized peace mission abroad since leaving
Lebanon two years ago.

The other foreign missions abroad are the 200-strong
logistics and security element in Eritrea and an
infantry unit of around 50 serving in East Timor.
There are also observers on other UN missions.


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Senior French Officials In Uzbek Capital To Train Officers, Set Up NATO Center [

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Senior French officials offer military assistance to
Tue Jul 23,12:30 PM ET

-Coldefy said France could share military expertise
with Uzbekistan through training Uzbek officers,
providing equipment and giving advice on military
tactics and planning. He said France would be involved
in setting up a peacekeeping center in Uzbekistan
within NATO's Partnership for Peace program. 

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan - Senior French defense and
foreign ministry officials on Tuesday offered military
assistance to Uzbekistan and discussed closer
political and economic ties during meetings in the
Central Asian nation. 

Vice Adm. Alain Coldefy, deputy chief of the General
Staff in charge of international relations, and Hugues
Pernet, director in the French Foreign Ministry's for
continental Europe, discussed ways to boost
cooperation between the two countries with Uzbek
Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Komilov and Defense
Minister Kadyr Gulyamov. 

They also talked about regional security in the
context of instability in neighboring Afghanistan, the
French officials told reporters after the talks. 

Uzbekistan's international standing has increased
since last fall when the former Soviet republic
emerged as the U.S.-led anti-terrorism coalition's key
regional ally. Uzbekistan provided its territory and
airspace for coalition troops involved in operations
in Afghanistan. 

Coldefy said France could share military expertise
with Uzbekistan through training Uzbek officers,
providing equipment and giving advice on military
tactics and planning. He said France would be involved
in setting up a peacekeeping center in Uzbekistan
within NATO's Partnership for Peace program. 


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NATO On Russia's Doorstep: Joint Italian-Ukrainian Exercise Re: 'Ethnic And Reli

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Kyiv Press
July 24, 2002

Ukrainian and Italian paratroopers start joint
The Associated Press

-The exercise involved several Mi-8 and Mi-24
helicopters transporting peacekeepers to stop mass
rallies in a mock national conflict.

KYIV, July 24 - More than 200 Ukrainian and Italian
paratroopers started joint military exercises Tuesday
aimed at quelling potential ethnic and religious
conflicts. Some 120 soldiers from a special Ukrainian
paratrooper battalion and 120 troops from the Italian
Al Alamein and Folgore army units started maneuvers at
the Shyroky Lan military range in the southern region
of Mykolaiv, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
The exercise involved several Mi-8 and Mi-24
helicopters transporting peacekeepers to stop mass
rallies in a mock national conflict. The exercise is
expected to continue until Thursday. "Its goal is to
increase battle skills of the armed forces," Defense
Ministry spokesman Ihor Kholevinsky said.

Since gaining independence from the Soviet Union in
1991, Ukraine has pursued a nonaligned policy but has
participated actively in multinational military
training and peacekeeping missions.

In May, Ukraine declared its intention to join NATO,
prompting the government to intensify cooperation with
the alliance

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4 US troops feared dead in Gardez attack [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Frontier Post
July 24, 2002

4 US troops feared dead in Gardez attack

MIRANSHAH (NNI): Four American troops are feared dead
and score of others believed injured when some
unknowns fired four rockets on a mobile US-led
coalition force at Lak Dewal in Gardez on Tuesday
evening.“The US-led coalition troops were on patrol in
the area of Lak Dewal in Gardez when they were
attacked by some unknown with four rockets. 

The rockets hit the convoy of the coalition troops. 

Four US troops are feared dead and many others were
injured,” an intelligence source revealed to NNI
correspondent from across the border. 

The militants also attacked Argoon airport in Paktika
on Tuesday. 

“So far 28 missiles have been fired, targeting the US
troops at the airport but no information of any
causalities was received till the filing of this
story,” the NNI correspondent referring an
intelligence source from across the border said. 

According to the information the attack of rockets at
the Argoon airport in Paktika is still continued. 

It is believed that a life loss at the Argoon airport
was being kept in secret. 

However, the eyewitnesses say that many military
vehicles of the allied troops are seemed set on fire
due to rocket attack. 

It is believed that the attackers are militants of
al-Qaeda or Taliban. 

The US helicopters were immediately sent in the areas
where they are flying over and patrolling parties are
assembling in the vicinity for searching and haunting
the attackers in Gardez and Paktika. 

It is feared that the continuous rockets’ attack at
the Rangoon airport might have also killed some US

The source also confirmed the burning of more than two
US vehicles in a rocket attack at Lak Dewal, Gardez. 

The injured were immediately rushed to the nearby
medical center being set up to meet any contingency. 

Following the rocket attacks the security at the
Pakistan-Afghanistan border in South And North
Waziristan has been beefed up. 

According to the eyewitnesses, the movement of the US
troops at the borders (inside Afghanistan) is quite

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Implications of US intervention in Afghanistan: Iranian report [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Islamic Republic News Agency
July 24, 2002

Implications of US intervention in Afghanistan: report

-On the Taliban, she said that this group was formed
by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the US to diminish
Iran's role in Afghanistan.   
The other aim was to monopolize the oil and gas route
from Central Asia and to exclude Iran from the route,
she said.

New Delhi, July 23, IRNA -- Iran's strategic location
and its focus on West Asia and Middle East are the
reasons why the US wants to isolate this country more
than ever before and expand its military presence   
around it, said an eminent professor in a seminar.
Prof. Gulshan Deitl of the Centre of West Asian
Studies in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,
while presenting a paper entitled `The Iranian View of
Development in Afghanistan' in a day-long seminar on
"The Geo-Political and Socio-Economic Implications
of the US Involvement in Afghanistan" said on Monday. 
According to an IRNA correspondent, Professor Gulshan
said that although Iran lies in a secluded corner in
West Asia, due to its strategic location in the world
map the US that is being haunted by its old animosity
against Iran and is therefore trying to exclude it  
from the business of supplying energy resources out of
Central Asia to Europe by propping the BCT--Baku
(Azerbaijan), Cehan (Turkey) and Tiblisi (Georgia)
pipeline project.   
Outlining the contours of US policy in the Middle
East, Gulshan Deitl, in the seminar which was
organized by the Academy of Third World Studies of
Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi, said   
that during the Persian Gulf War in 1990, the US
rallied 30 countries around Kuwait and against Iraq.
At that time, he said, Iran because of the losses it
sustained from the war imposed on it by Baghdad, did 
not oppose the US war against Iraq.   
But, after the war, Washington declared a new venom in
its Middle East policy by propounding the doctrine of
`Dual Containment' to contain Iran and Iraq, she
On Iran-Afghanistan relations, she said that during
Afghanistan's occupation by the former USSR, Iran,
because of its close cultural and linguistic links,
became the land Afghans easily turned to for refuge.  
However, she added, when the Taliban invaded
Afghanistan, they converted it into a center of the
narcotics and drug trade that flowed into Iran and
blocked the flow of water from Hilmand river into
Hamun lake.   

Moreover, she said, the Taliban, after capturing
Mazar-e-Sharif in northern Afghanistan, killed one
Iranian journalist and several diplomats as a result
of which relations between Iran and the Taliban regime
went bitter, she said.

On the Taliban, she said that this group was formed by
Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the US to diminish Iran's
role in Afghanistan.   
The other aim was to monopolize the oil and gas route
from Central Asia and to exclude Iran from the route,
she said.
In such a situation, Iran was on the verge of
declaring war against the Taliban but Iranian leaders,
with their political erudition, avoided war, said
Prof. Gulshan Deitl. 
It is surprising that it was the US which finally
attacked the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, he pointed
out. At this time, "Iran unlike during the Persian
Gulf War, supported US military actions against the
Taliban," she said.   
This time around Iran gave a positive reaction to the
US military action and offered help to American
soldiers if their plane crashes within Iranian
territory during the war with the Taliban, she said.  

Also, after the fall of the Taliban, Iran played a
positive role in the Bonn Conference which led to the
formation of the Afghan interim government, she said,
adding that George W. Bush, instead of appreciating
the goodwill measures of Iran, declared Tehran as 
part of an "axis of evil" along with Iraq and Korea.  
After declaring the doctrine of `Dual Containment' in
the aftermath of the Persian Gulf War and accusing
Iran of being part of an "axis of evil" after the fall
of Taliban, the US is now trying to expand its
military presence around Iran, she said.  
Under such circumstances Iran, which maintains an
anti-drug trafficking, anti-Taliban and anti-terrorism
stance, should be cautious in its dealings with
countries in the region, she advised.   
In the seminar, other speakers also pointed out the
threat of US interventionist designs in the region and
vowed to draw regional actors to play a positive role
in regional stability. 

Zimbabwe To Defend Itself Against Western Global Hegemony, Bullying [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Gulf Daily News (Bahrain)
July 24, 2002

Zimbabwe hits out at 'bullies'  

-"We are caught up in an era of undiminished
unipolarity, with some Western countries unashamedly
ganging together and unjustly riding roughshod over
small but still sovereign nations." 

President Robert Mugabe vowed yesterday to defend his
government against Western "bullies", as he opened
parliament, a day after the EU slapped targeted
sanctions on more of his close associates.

Mugabe said parliament was opening at a time of
"continued British machinations and the consequences
of the drought" in Zimbabwe and the region.

Opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)
lawmakers boycotted Mugabe's speech.

Mugabe said Zimbabwe was constantly under attack from
"bullying states" of the world which use their
"political and economic prowess to achieve global

"We are caught up in an era of undiminished
unipolarity, with some Western countries unashamedly
ganging together and unjustly riding roughshod over
small but still sovereign nations," he said. Mugabe
also strongly defended his government's right to take
possession of white farmers' land. 

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US Army To Conduct Massive - Domestic - Military Exercise [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-24 Thread Rick Rozoff


Dawn (Pakistan)
July 24, 2002

US army to carry out massive exercise 

WASHINGTON, July 23 (AFP): Some 13,500 people in 26
locations across the United States will take part in
one of the largest US Army exercises in history
beginning Wednesday and lasting three weeks. 

The "Millennium Challenge 2002" will combine computer
simulations and live military exercises with two
headquarters, one in Suffolk, Virginia, and the other
in San Diego, California. 

The scenario, which is secret, will "cover the whole
spectrum, everything from terrorism to potentially a
major theater of war and the threats that loom in
between there," said General William Kernan, commander
in chief of the Joint Forces Command, which
coordinates air, sea and land military forces. 

One of the keys to future supremacy is
"interoperability" between different government
departments. Such cooperation has already been seen in
Afghanistan, for example US Navy planes dropped bombs
on targets "painted" by commando units on the ground. 

The details of Operation Enduring Freedom in
Afghanistan which fought the Taliban and Al Qaeda
after the September 11 attacks, were largely taken
from a scenario examined by Central Command in May
2001, Kernan said. 

The challenge, which will cost about 250 million
dollars, will incorporate "lessons learned" from the
Afghanistan campaign, and will concentrate on
minimizing the risks of "friendly fire" against allied
or civilian forces, Kernan said. 

Mastering the tools of war and information, should,
according to the Pentagon, "maintain knowledge
superiority," over a multi-pronged adversary who is
often very knowledgeable about US vulnerabilities in
this Internet age. 

"Approximately 80 per cent of the experiment is being
conducted through the largest computer simulation
confederation ever built. MC'02 is the largest and
most complex military experiment of its kind in

"We will provide our military planners and those who
execute the plan with an improved view of our
adversary, the battle space and possible solution to
the crisis," including preventative strikes, Kernan

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