Re: Digest for, issue 2244 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2003-02-28 Thread toolgt


In a message dated 2/27/2003 8:58:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Speaking to the American Enterprise Institute last night, President Bush
explained why the road to Middle East peace goes through Baghdad:

Peace goes through Israel. If Bush Sr. had taken Hussein up on his offer of regional (Israel included) disarmament when he was an ally, we wouldn't be going through this now.
Now that W wants linkage would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.


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Nato should call Bush's bluff [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-11 Thread toolgt


 The Americans need Europe at least as much as we need them 

Dan Plesch
Thursday October 10, 2002
The Guardian 

Next month George Bush will address the Nato summit in Prague. His advisers intend that Europe will agree that his doctrine of pre-emptive attack be added to Nato's policy toolkit. No doubt he will use spin and coercion to try to get his way, but now is not the time for Nato to sign up to the Bush doctrine. Instead, the strength of its 19 democracies must be applied to containing the US administration and reinforcing Nato's historical role.,12271,808881,00.html


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Operation Endless Deployment [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-08 Thread toolgt


Since September 2001 US forces have built, upgraded or expanded military facilities in Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Turkey, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan; authorized extended training missions or open-ended troop deployments in Djibouti, the Philippines and the former Soviet republic of Georgia; negotiated access to airfields in Kazakhstan; and engaged in major military exercises, involving thousands of US personnel, in Jordan, Kuwait and India. Thousands of tons of military equipment have been added to stockpiles already pre-positioned in Middle Eastern and Persian Gulf states, including Israel, Jordan, Kuwait and Qatar. And discussions are still under way with Yemen about increasing American access to facilities there and establishing an intelligence-gathering installation aimed at monitoring activities in Sudan and Somalia. These forward bases, many of which have been arranged through secretive, ad hoc arrangements, currently house an estimated 60,000 US military personnel. This includes 20,000-25,000 troops in the Persian Gulf, poised to serve as the opening wave of a US invasion of Iraq.

"The enemy is hidden. The Enemy is very often right here within our country." Colin Powell 

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier-so long as I'm the dictator." George W. Bush


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Brazil vote sets stage for deeper crisis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-08 Thread toolgt

Brazil vote sets stage for deeper crisis

By Bill Vann
8 October 2002

Workers Party candidate Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva failed to gain the outright majority needed to win Brazil’s presidency in the first round, but the turnout on Sunday for his candidacy points to his almost certain victory in the second round of voting set for October 27.The former metalworkers union leader won just under 47 percent of the vote, nearly double the support for his nearest rival, Jose Serra, the former health minister, who is backed by the incumbent government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and is the favorite of foreign investors. Two other candidates—Anthony Garotinho and Ciro Gomes—won 17 percent and 12 percent respectively.Lula won in every area of the country of 175 million people, scoring his highest vote in the most heavily industrialized areas in the south of Brazil.The run-up to the vote was dominated by a growing crisis in the Brazilian economy centered on the country’s $260 billion public debt—the largest in the so-called developing world—and exacerbated by foreign investors withdrawing capital in anticipation of an electoral victory for the Workers Party, known as the PT, for Partido dos Trabalhadores.The downgrading of Brazil’s credit rating to the level of Nigeria and the sustained attack on its currency, the real, for the better part of the last year was explained by international financial institutions as a reaction to Lula’s strong showing in the polls and fears that he would not continue policies that favor financial speculators. This led to charges in Brazil that Wall Street was attempting to intimidate the electorate into rejecting the PT candidate in order to avoid financial catastrophe.George Soros, one of the world’s biggest currency speculators whose fortune is heavily invested in Brazil, stated frankly that Brazil would not be allowed to elect Lula. “In the Roman empire, only the Romans voted,” he said. “In modern global capitalism, only the Americans vote, not the Brazilians.” The statement provoked outraged protests, including a condemnation from incumbent President Cardoso.Lula, for his part, has attempted to calm fears of foreign investors, sending leading PT members to Wall Street to assure banks and finance houses that his government would continue the same essential policies as those pursued by Cardoso.The International Monetary Fund agreed in August to grant Brazil the biggest ever loan made singly by the lending institution—$30 billion. The size of the package was proportionate to the anticipated fallout from a financial collapse in Brazil, the world’s eighth largest economy. US banks have outstanding loans totaling nearly $30 billion with several—Citigroup and FleetBoston Financial among them—dangerously exposed. The impact would be even more catastrophic in neighboring Latin American countries, which are dependent on Brazil for the sale of their exports.In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Lula, who was encouraged to get involved in trade union politics by his brother, a leading member of the Brazilian Communist Party, led a series of protests and strikes by auto and metalworkers in the industrial belt surrounding Sao Paulo in defiance of the military dictatorship.The PT emerged out of an alliance between the trade union officials involved in this movement and leftist university professors, intellectuals and students in the 1980s. Lula waged three previous presidential campaigns, but lost, twice to Cardoso. In 1989 he was favored to win and entered the second round, but was defeated after a massive media campaign vilifying both him and his party. The PT has moved steadily to the right since then, renouncing its earlier pledge to repudiate the country’s foreign debt and embracing pro-business economic policies.The thrust of Lula’s fourth electoral campaign is economic nationalism. On the campaign trail, Lula has emphasized his determination to defend “Brazilian dignity” against the dictates of Washington. “We cannot allow others to treat us as if we were a banana republic,” he tells the crowds. This nationalist approach not only cuts across class lines, but also has an appeal to some of the most right-wing sectors of Brazilian society.For his vice presidential candidate, he chose Jose Alencar, a textile tycoon who is also one of the leading figures in Brazil’s Christian evangelical movement. While the choice was meant to send a message to both Brazilian capitalists and foreign investors that the PT could be trusted to uphold private property and profit interests, it also cemented an alliance between the party and sectors of the native bourgeoisie—textile, agriculture, steel—that back a protectionist policy and advocate reduced dependence on multinational investment.These sectors, in particular, are hostile to the Bush administration’s drive to nail down a Free Trade Area of the 

German Bank Sinks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-07 Thread toolgt


Global Crash Fears As 
German Bank Sinks
By Faisal Islam, Economics Correspondent and Will Hutton 
The Observer - UK

Stockbrokers around the world are braced for a potentially calamitous week as alarm mounts over a looming, Thirties-style global financial crisis. A leaked email about the credit-worthiness of Commerzbank, Germany's third largest bank, yesterday increased fears of the international stock market malaise exploding into a fully-fledged banking crisis. Commerzbank lost a quarter of its value last week, raising the spectre of Credit-anstalt, the Austrian bank that collapsed in 1931, sparking global depression. US stock markets have fallen for six consecutive weeks, to their lowest levels in five years. European markets have collapsed even further, wiping out nearly half of the value of European corpora tions in this year alone. Japan is struggling to put together a plan to save its banking system, riddled with bad debt after a decade of recession and falling prices. Now the German economy threatens to follow. 'There are strong parallels to the Thirties after an unsustainable "new era" boom,' says Avinash Persaud managing director for economics and research at State Street Bank. 'Then, the stock market decline was not just steep, it was long, taking three years to reach the bottom.' 'Commerzbank being affected is a sign of the severity. But in today's crisis risks have been offloaded from the banks to the markets and ultimately our pensioners, which makes the problem more difficult to deal with,' he says. The leaked email about Commerzbank was in response to an inquiry from a US investment bank about rumours of huge losses on credit derivatives, which aim to spread risk. Figures due to be published on Friday will show that a toll of stock market falls, rising joblessness and war fears is finally denting the spending habits of Americans. Economists fear that the result may be a 'double-dip' US recession, taking much of the world with it. Europe's finance Ministers, including Chancellor Gordon Brown, will meet in Luxembourg on Tuesday amid deepening concern about the stability of the financial system. Tomorrow evening, the Eurogroup of finance ministers, excluding Brown, will discuss reforming Europe-wide tax and spending rules along the lines of the British system, taking stronger account of economic difficulties. In the US, the concern is that Alan Greenspan, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, has insufficient room to cut interest rates if the economy falls into recession. 'The [Bush] Administration has two lines of action: tax relief for the rich [and] reliance on the Federal Reserve. Both are without effect,' says US economist JK Galbraith in an interview with The Observer.,1598,805683,00.html   

"The enemy is hidden. The Enemy is very often right here within our country." Colin Powell 

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier-so long as I'm the dictator." George W. Bush


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Arabs seethe with anger [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-07 Thread toolgt


Arabs seethe with anger at US Mideast policy

Samia Nakhoul in Beirut, ReutersWhy did it take so long for US President George W. Bush to prepare his Middle East policy speech in June? 
Because, Arabs jest, it had to be translated from Hebrew.
The joke reflects how people in the region, from officials to ordinary folk, perceive - and resent - US policy.Arab anger is rising over a US "war on terrorism" that appears to give Israel a free hand to crush a Palestinian uprising, while targeting Iraq and demonising Muslims and Arabs.Mahmoud al-Tohami, a columnist for Egypt's business daily al-Alam al-Youm, said the United States had not modified its policies despite the widely reported wave of anti-Americanism. "It seems no one in Washington pays attention," he said.Streets and mosques are seething in countries allied to the United States as well as in Washington's regional foes.Bush's talk of ousting Iraqi President Saddam Hussein for his alleged pursuit of doomsday weapons has fuelled anti-US sentiment already fired by the two-year-old Palestinian revolt."When I hear the American position regarding Palestine, my blood boils. I feel anger, I feel injustice. It is beyond what one can take," said Syrian hotel manager Roula Rikbi, 46."America doesn't care if there is a dictator in Iraq or not, it does not care either if there are human rights or not, all it wants is control," said Jihad Tarabey, a Lebanese banker.From Beirut to Baghdad, many Arabs see themselves as victims of attacks by the United States or its ally Israel.Citing Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon and its virtual reoccupation of the West Bank two decades later, they point to thousands of Arab and Palestinian deaths inflicted by a foe that gets a generous flow of American weapons and aid dollars, and is shielded from international censure by a rarely interrupted series of US vetoes in the UN Security Council.US military or financial support for Arab governments in countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia is seen, at least at street level, more a cause for shame than gratitude.Few Arabs defend Saddam, but most are outraged at the plight of his people after 12 years of punitive UN sanctions and at the prospect of American firepower again laying waste to Iraq."Israel is America's spoiled brat," said Syrian employee Mo'taz Shihabi, asking why Bush acts resolutely only against Iraq, not Israel, which has also defied council resolutions.Many Arabs see the right-wing, evangelical Christian supporters of the US administration as especially dangerous.Bush himself has been at pains to reach out to Muslims and to tell the world that his campaign against Osama bin Laden and his followers, wanted for the September 11 attacks that killed about 3,000 people in the United States, is not a war on Islam.But many Arabs are unconvinced. They think the United States has placed a face on terrorism - an Arab and Muslim face."Bush is a spiteful enemy of Islam... It was no slip of the tongue when he called his war on Afghanistan a crusade," said a Syrian driver of Bush's use of a word that recalls mediaeval Christian Europe's attacks on a Muslim-dominated Middle East.Some Westerners feel that Arab anger is shifting from the abstractions of US policy to their own presence, for example in Saudi Arabia, home to 15 of the 19 September 11 hijackers."What's undeniable is that US foreign policy is increasingly causing concern among American expatriates, some of whom are talking about leaving," said Stephen Shroeder, an American medical specialist in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.A British employee of Saudi Arabian Airlines said radicals could strike at Westerners if the United States attacked Iraq."At the moment I don't sense any animosity just because I'm British... but if Bush's hands-off policy with Israel continues, and if that's coupled with a war in Iraq, I imagine it could expose us as easy targets for the militants and radicals who obviously do exist in Saudi Arabia," he said.An estimated 120,000 Westerners live in Saudi Arabia, including 50,000 Americans and 30,000 Britons.A string of bombings in the last two years, which killed at least three Westerners and wounded several more, has alarmed expatriates in the conservative kingdom. Saudi authorities blame score-settling between alcohol smugglers, but some analysts say they believe the blasts were motivated by hostility to the West.Many ordinary Arabs have sought to boycott Coca-Cola and other famous US brands. Tirades against the United States in media commentaries have become more frequent and virulent.One Saudi national, who declined to be named, said calling someone an American was now regarded as an insult.Burning the Stars and Stripes has become a common ritual in some Arab capitals where governments now tolerate anti-American protests which they would once have instinctively banned.In a move that 

French Oil Tanker Ablaze [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-06 Thread toolgt


What a way for SOMEBODY to get the French to support this war.

Today: October 06, 2002 at 7:40:14 PDT 
French Oil Tanker Ablaze Off Yemen

ASSOCIATED PRESS SAN`A, Yemen- A French oil tanker caught fire off the coast of Yemen on Sunday, officials said, attributing the blaze to a leak from the tanker's load of crude oil. Yemeni officials said there was no indication of terrorism. French officials said it was too early to say. Yemen has been eager to emphasize its commitment to the U.S.-led war on terror and shake off its reputation as a hotbed of extremism. It is believed to have been a longtime base for suspected members of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida, the terror network blamed for Sept. 11, and is the bin Laden family's ancestral home. The French Foreign Ministry identified the tanker as the Limburg, said it was carrying 25 crew members and said only that a serious fire had erupted on board. "To our knowledge, there have been no deaths," the ministry said. "The top priority of French authorities is to help those aboard the tanker." Authorities in Yemen were investigating, the French statement said. "At this point, while waiting for the results of the investigation, any comment on the cause of the fire would be premature," the Foreign Ministry said. French President Jacques Chirac is following the situation closely, his spokeswoman Catherine Colonna said. The French prime minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, told reporters it was "too early to comment" on the cause of the blast. The Yemeni officials said 11 members of the 25 were initially rescued and taken to shore and the 14 others were taken off later after their attempts to put out the blaze failed. The tanker caught fire about three miles from Yemen's Arabian Sea port of Mina al-Dabah, and its captain issued a distress call to port authorities, the Yemeni officials said. They said the tanker was coming from the Iranian port of Khark carrying 400,000 barrels of crude and was to load more at Mina al-Dabah, 500 miles southeast of the capital San`a. The port, 350 east of Aden, is relatively quiet and is mainly used by tankers to load oil. In 2000, an explosion nearly destroyed the USS Cole during a refueling stop at Aden port. The blast killed 17 U.S. sailors and was blamed on al-Qaida. Security has since been tightened at Yemeni ports. A Bahrain-based spokesman for the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, which has aircraft carriers, destroyers and other ships stationed the Gulf and Arabian Sea, said the French tanker's fire had prompted no changes in U.S. security measures. "We are always on a security posture ready for any kind of situation, but, to my knowledge, there hasn't been any changes to that posture yet," Lt. Chris Davis said without elaborating. The Bahrain-based Maritime Liaison Office, which coordinates communication between the U.S. Navy and the commercial shipping in the Gulf and Arabian Sea, issued an advisory in September warning ships of the possibility al-Qaida was planning attacks on oil tankers.  

"The enemy is hidden. The Enemy is very often right here within our country." Colin Powell 

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier-so long as I'm the dictator." George W. Bush


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Ashcrofts Baghdad Connection [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-27 Thread toolgt


 Why the attorney general and others in Washington have backed a terror group with ties to Iraq   

Officials say the MKO—which originally fought to overthrow the Shah of Iran—was linked to the murder of several U.S. military officers and civilians in Iran in the 1970s. “They have an extremely bloody history,” says one U.S. counterterrorism official.

Click here: Ashcroft’s Baghdad Connection 

"The enemy is hidden. The Enemy is very often right here within our country." Colin Powell 

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier-so long as I'm the dictator." George W. Bush


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Sunshine Project [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-27 Thread toolgt


 -- A Pentagon document released to the Sunshine Project indicates that the US chemical weapons program operated by the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) is planning or may have already performed experiments on humans. This indicates that the program is more advanced than previously believed. Another Pentagon document states that a test quantity of fully working "non-lethal" mortar rounds must be delivered by tomorrow. In a first reaction to Wednesday's revelations of its illegal chemical weapons research, the Pentagon claimed that it has taken a step back from funding work on sleep inducing or mind altering chemicals ("calmatives").


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2002-09-22 Thread toolgt


Click here:

"The enemy is hidden. The Enemy is very often right here within our country." Colin Powell 

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier-so long as I'm the dictator." George W. Bush


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Mossad hit squads activated [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-19 Thread toolgt


 Report:Dagan to reactivate hit squad

LONDON Newly apppointed Mossad chief Meir Dagan is planning to reactivate a special operations unit, code named Caesarea, to target the commanders, controllers, and financiers of terrorist groups throughout the Middle East, the London Sunday Times reports. Quoting sources close to the Mossad, the paper said Islamic extremists abroad will become as vulnerable as those in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. "There is no reason why we should not do the same abroad. They will have nowhere to hide," said one source who is said to be familiar with Dagan's plans for the Mossad. "Gone are the days of black-tie parties around the globe and fat expense accounts," he said. "Whatever we can't shoot will be closed down." The source said Dagan's regime will "trim years of useless fat and rebuild the famous Mossad muscles. We have a war to win and there's no reason why the Abdullahs and Muhammads in Damascus, Teheran, and Beirut should sleep better than their brothers in Gaza." The paper reported that Dagan is particularly determined to resurrect the reputation of the Caesarea Squad, which suffered a major setback following the abortive attempt to kill Hamas official Khaled Mashaal in Amman five years ago. The squad is said to have been responsible for hunting down Adolf Eichmann in 1960 and eliminating the Palestinian terrorists who were responsible for planning and executing the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre, which resulted in the deaths of 11 Israeli athletes. According to the Sunday Times report, the squad comprises no more than 30 individuals, all former commandos, who are considered the "elite of the elite" of Israel's security services. The report adds that all are fluent in a foreign language, their faces are never exposed even to other Mossad employees and they often live as "sleepers" in the foreign capitals to which they are assigned. Many receive no orders during a four-year tour of duty, "but when the command comes, action is immediate, be it the hiring of a vehicle for a secret commando operation or the assassination of a local target," said the paper. Former Caesarea member Mishka Ben-David was quoted by the paper as saying only one in a thousand applicants to the Mossad receives an offer; only one in a hundred who graduates from the three-year Mossad cadet course is judged suitable for the Caesarea Squad "and during an operation in a foreign city, only one of the five to ten people on the ground does the hit." Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is reportedly confident that Dagan will deal effectively with Israel's enemies abroad, and the paper quoted an insider as saying: "The Sharon-Dagan team will be the terrorists' nightmare."


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The Brazilian Dream [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-18 Thread toolgt

The Brazilian Dream
The Workers Party reshapes the country from the bottom up

By Leif Utne, Utne Reader Wall Street is in a tizzy over the October presidential elections in Brazil. When a corruption scandal involving several prominent members of the ruling Social Democratic (PSDB) Party broke in the spring, support for centrist PSDB Party candidate Jose Serra plummeted, while the stock of leftist Workers Party (PT) candidate Luis Inacio "Lula" da Silva soared. A summer opinion poll showed Lula, a machinist and labor leader before he entered politics, in the lead with 39 percent, compared to 18 percent each for Serra and another left-leaning candidate, Ciro Gomes. 

Nervous about Lula's opposition to the policies of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the PT's past threats to default on Brazil's foreign debt if the party came to power, Wall Street investment banks jumped into the fray, warning clients to limit their exposure in Latin America's largest economy and touching off a run on Brazil's currency. Billionaire currency speculator George Soros went so far as to warn the São Paulo newspaper Folha in June that if Brazilians don't vote for Serra, their economy is doomed to go the chaotic way of neighboring Argentina.

The PT called the banks' actions "financial terrorism," and several prominent conservative Brazilian economists defended the party, saying that while it may be difficult to pay for Lula's ambitious social agenda, his fiscal policies are sound. Even London's conservative Financial Times cried foul, castigating Wall Street bankers in an editorial for meddling in the election and pointing out that the PT has a far better record than the Social Democrats at managing public finances and fighting corruption in the dozens of municipal governments where it has held power. 

The Workers Party is not just a quixotic band of idealists, but a potent and rapidly growing political force. Founded by trade unionists in 1985 after Brazil's dictatorship ended, the PT has built a solid base of support in urban and industrial centers and among rural peasants. The party now runs city hall in many of Brazil's largest cities, including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, and Recife, and PT governors preside in 4 of Brazil's 26 states. The PT is also the main opposition party in Congress.


1 2 

"The enemy is hidden. The Enemy is very often right here within our country." Colin Powell 

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier-so long as I'm the dictator." George W. Bush


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For sale to the highest bidder [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-09-17 Thread toolgt


For sale to the highest bidder: Britain's secret weapons labs   

 Few were surprised when the Carlyle Group emerged at the head of the stampede to acquire the QinetiQ stake, beating fierce competition from a reputed 40 firms. Carlyle is one of the biggest venture capital groups, a leviathan that commands respect and inspires awe in equal parts. Chaired by former US Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci, the group's tentacles spread far and wide.,11581,792249,00.html

Click here: Guardian Unlimited Observer | Special reports | For sale to the highest bidder: Britain's secret weapons labs 

"The enemy is hidden. The Enemy is very often right here within our country." Colin Powell 

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier-so long as I'm the dictator." George W. Bush


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Re: US Army To Conduct Massive - Domestic - Military Exercise [WWW.STOPNATO.O...

2002-07-24 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 7/24/2002 12:51:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"Approximately 80 per cent of the experiment is being
conducted through the largest computer simulation
confederation ever built. MC'02 is the largest and
most complex military experiment of its kind in

Darn. I thought I'd be able to see a military flying over my house at midnight again. Soon enough, I suppose.

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Jennifer Harbury: Why are the FBI and CIA Targeting Me? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-23 Thread TOOLGT


 Click here: Jennifer Harbury: Why are the FBI and CIA Targeting Me?

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Fwd: [JPN] Sharon answers cease-fire offer with carnage [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-23 Thread TOOLGT




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[Last night, directly following Hamas' breakthrough call for a cease fire 
with Israel, the IDF sent F-16 warplanes to bomb the home of the Hamas 
military commander in Gaza, killing him and at least 11 other people, most 
of whom were children. The IDF destroyed at least 5 other homes in the 
attack, and wounded between 100 and 140 people.  The second piece below, by 
Suzanne Goldenberg of the British Guardian, describes the raid; the first 
piece, from the Israeli peace group Gush Shalom puts the assault in the 
context of the diplomatic breakthrough.

Actions like this demonstrate that the Israeli government is not serious 
about either peace or the security of its citizens.  In the face of what 
Gush Shalom describes as an unprecedented diplomatic initiative from 
Hamas, the IDF's immediate response is an act of carnage that has 
predictably scuttled any possibility of progress or negotiation in the 
foreseeable future. Sharon is treating peace not as an opportunity but as a 
threat, and he has once again succeeded in countering that threat.  - JN]

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -
Press release, Tuesday July 23
Sharon answers cease-fire offer with carnage
Rabin-Pelosof resigns from the government

Less than twenty-four hours ago, the Hamas leader Sheikh Ahamad Yassin made 
an unprecedented public call for a cease-fire with Israel. That call was the 
culmination of long, patient negotiations between the Palestinian Authority 
and the Hamas leadership, aimed at achieving a ceasefire between the 
Palestinians and Israel, putting an end to suicide bombings and paving the 
way to a resumption of some kind of political process Saudi Arabia, too, is 
known to have made direct approaches to the Hamas leaders in order to 
achieve the same result.

A government of Israel caring even a little bit for the well-being of its 
own citizens would have welcomed the opening. Not so the Sharon Government, 
whose response was to send an F-16 fighter plane on a bombing spree in Gaza. 
The effect of attempting to assassinate a senior Hamas leader was a carnage 
whose victims included many women and children.

Now, instead of offers of ceasefire the Hamas leadership is coming out with 
calls for revenge, which seems to suit Sharon much better. It is the PM, 
with his endless string of provocations, who bears the responsibility for 
this missed opportunity of ending the cycle of bloodshed.

Deputy Defence Minister Dalia Rabin-Pelosof resigned this evening, charging 
the Sharon government with destroying the life work of the late Yitzchak 
Rabin, her father.

For more information:
Adam Keller, Gush Shalom spokesperson
+972-3-5565804 / +972-56-709603 / +972-56-709604


12 dead in attack on Hamas
Seven children killed as Israelis assassinate military chief,2763,761746,00.html
Suzanne Goldenberg in Jerusalem
Tuesday July 23, 2002
The Guardian

Israeli F-16 warplanes bombed the house of the military commander of Hamas 
in Gaza City last night, burying him and at least 11 other Palestinians, 
including seven children, beneath the rubble of a four-storey block of 
flats, and wounding 120 others.

Last night's assassination of Sheikh Salah Shehadeh is the most serious blow 
to the military wing of Hamas since the start of the Palestinian uprising 
nearly two years ago. Shehadeh was among the founders of Hamas's Izzedine 
al-Qassem Brigades, and spent a decade in Israeli jails.

His killing may also prove to be one of the most lethal acts of 
assassination by the Israeli army since it embarked on a strategy of killing 
Palestinian militants.

We have confirmation that the leader of the military wing of Hamas, Sheikh 
Salah Shehadeh, was killed in this attack, Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas 
official, told reporters.

Announcements on loudspeakers in Gaza, however, contradicted him, saying 
that Shehadeh was wounded but still alive.

Mr Haniyeh added: Not only will Hamas take revenge for the martyrs, but all 
the Palestinian people will take revenge for the blood of the martyrs.

In a statement, the Israeli military confirmed that Shehadeh was the target, 
saying that he was behind hundreds of terror 

Fwd: [JPN] IDF Destroys Apartment Building, kill Nine Children [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-07-23 Thread TOOLGT




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[Very shortly after Hamas issued a statement floating the idea that they
might be willing to call a cease-fire with Israel in exchange for IDF
withdrawal, Israel launched an attack on an apartment building in Gaza City
where the top military Hamas official lived. He was killed along with 14
civilians, nine of whom were children, including one two-month old infant.
Below are two articles on the attack, one from Ha'aretz and one from the
Palestinian Center for Human Rights, which includes the names and ages of
the dead.

The IDF issued a statement regretting the civilian deaths, but also blamed
the Hamas official, Salah Shaheda, for using human shields. This,
apparently, is what it means to have an apartment, as this structure that
was attacked was simply the apartment building in which Shaheda lived. Such
an action is not only criminal, but blatantly murderous. The Sharon
government took this action in response to a cease-fire feeler from Hamas,
and carried it out with the knowledge that civilians and children would be
killed. Yet the response of George Bush is to call this attack
heavy-handed and to reiterate his support for Israel despite White House
spokesman Ari Fleischer acknowledging that Israel did this knowing civilians
would be killed. Ariel Sharon termed the operation a success.

By what moral reckoning is such an act anything less than a crime against
humanity? When one fires a missile at an apartment complex, how can one
possibly claim that it intended no harm to civilians and children? That
result is inevitable and exposes the disingenuity of the IDF statement. This
action is as great a crime as any that has been committed in the century of
conflict over Palestine/Israel. - MP]

100,000 attend funerals of 15 fatalies of Gaza missile strike

By Amos Harel, Ha'aretz Correspondent and Agencies

An estimated 100,000 Palestinians marched in the funeral procession Tuesday
afternoon of 15 Palestinians killed in an Israeli missile strike on a Gaza
City building.

They carried the bodies of the victims wrapped in Palestinian flags on
stretchers, including that of Salah Shaheda, the top Hamas militant targeted
by Israel.

Nine children aged between two months and 13 years were among the 13
bystanders killed in the strike, which took place shortly after midnight.

The blood of the martyrs will not be lost,  chanted the crowd and, the
Palestinian people will revenge these crimes.

Hundreds of masked men, firing their guns into the air, took part in the
procession, which was attended by all main Palestinian factions including
Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and President Yassir
Arafat's ruling Fatah party.

The IDF Spokesman's Office released a statement Tuesday saying it grieved
over the killing of civilians in the assassination of Salah Shehada, the
military chief of Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Shehada was killed shortly after midnight Monday when an Israeli warplane
blew up his house in Gaza, in what military sources called one of the most
significant strikes against the Palestinian terror infrastructure since the
start of the intifada 20 months ago.

The IDF is sorry for any harm that befalls innocent people. Regretfully,
this is what can happen when a terrorist uses civilians as a human shield
and their homes for places of refuge, the statement said.

The statement added that Tuesday's operation was aimed only at Shehada, who
has been involved in terror for many years, and that there was no
intention to hurt his family.

Shehada was the No. 1 man on the Israel Defense Force's wanted list in the
last two years.

According to Shifa Hospital reports, at least 15 Palestinians were killed in
the strike, including Shehada's wife and three children, and his bodyguard
Zaher Nasser. Doctors said more than 100 people were wounded.

The hospital list of the dead included two babies, ages 18 and 2 months,
five children aged 3-5, an 11-year-old and three adults. Palestinians said a
ninth child and two more adults were among the dead.

Re: No War for Oil! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 7/23/2002 9:06:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

No War for Oil!
 Is the United States really after Afghanistan's
resources? Not a chance.

 Ken Silverstein

And his monetary interest in dismissing this is what?

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Re: Neturei Karta synagogue in Monsey vandalized [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-21 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 7/20/2002 11:53:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Neturei Karta synagogue in Monsey

Has the ADL called this a hate crime?

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Re: Pigeons Are Latest Victims of Argentina Crisis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-18 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 7/17/2002 4:22:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 La Nacion said residents of outlying wealthy neighborhoods,
whose tree-lined avenues have been free from most protests,
have complained that the newly exiled pigeons are dumping
excrement on their patios and pavements.

Buy a mop.

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President's Bum Deal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-08 Thread TOOLGT


This is funny.

Published on Sunday, July 7, 2002 in The Sunday Herald (Scotland) 

President's Bum Deal Was a Trick Missed 

by Tom Shields

IT was not the most pleasant of tasks, but I am sure there would have been no lack of volunteers had the job been advertised. It was a time for any citizen concerned about the state of the world to step forward and say: 'Let me through, I'm a proctologist.' I am talking, of course, about the exploration of the presidential colon. Few people, I imagine, would want to miss the opportunity to stick a hopefully large and shiny surgical implement up George W Bush's rear-end and wiggle it about a bit. Or even wiggle it about a lot, saying to the patient lying there without the benefit of anaesthetic: 'I'm sorry, Mr President, this will be very painful.' Every centimetre of progress up the presidential passage would be a small step for man but a giant leap for mankind. Every centimetre and every little twist could be dedicated to some individual who has suffered at Dubya's hands. A vindictive sort of person might accompany each advance of the probe with comments such as: 'That's for all the Texans you executed so enthusiastically in your time as governor,' or, 'This is on behalf of the Afghans blasted to oblivion when the US armed forces decided that no wedding is complete without a clutch of 2000lb high explosive bombs and a bit of friendly strafing.' Citizens concerned about Mr Bush's vigilante-style disregard for civil rights might like to advance the proctological periscope a swift inch on behalf of the individuals incarcerated for having a swarthy skin and an Arab name, a crime in post-September 11 America. The green lobby might like to give the scope an enthusiastic birl in memory of Bush's abandonment of the Kyoto treaty. Those who hunger for justice might take the opportunity of making clear to the president their distaste for his decision to ignore the International Criminal Court of Justice. A few Palestinians with old-fashioned ideas of democratically electing their own leaders might like to join the queue. A great fund-raising opportunity has been missed. Who would not contribute to a sponsored probe up Dubya's anal canal at £1 an inch, all proceeds to Africa to help bridge the funding gap left by Mr Bush and his fellow G8 leaders? Personally I would have pledged a considerable sum for a minute or two at the controls of the colonic camera, if only to see if there was any sign of Tony Blair up there.

©2002 smg sunday newspapers ltd


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Bolivian vote put dent in US clout [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread TOOLGT


Posted on Tue, Jul. 02, 2002

Bolivian vote puts dent in U.S. clout
By Kevin G. Hall
Mercury News Rio De Janeiro Bureau

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - The unexpectedly strong showing of radical Indian agitator Evo Morales in Bolivian elections promises to deal a serious blow to the Andean nation's successful U.S.-backed efforts to halt cocaine production.

Morales, an Aymara Indian, campaigned on an anti-United States platform and the promise to reverse Bolivia's efforts to eradicate coca, the plant from which cocaine is made.

Preliminary returns from Sunday's presidential election, announced Monday, showed Morales battling for third place in the presidential race, with about 17 percent of the vote. Because the presidential voting determines the award of Senate seats under Bolivian law, that strong finish will give his Movement to Socialism party as many as six seats in Bolivia's 27-member Senate. That in turn will put him in strong position to thwart new legislation to punish those who grow the coca bush.

Support for Morales surged following comments from the U.S. ambassador effectively warning voters away from Morales.

Morales trailed leaders Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada and Manfred Reyes Villa by less than five percentage points and declared his strong showing ``a moral victory.''

Interviewed in the capital of La Paz days before the election, Bolivian anti-drug czar Oswaldo Antezana told Knight Ridder that Morales ``could undo everything we have done.'' Bolivia has eradicated more than 90,000 acres of coca cultivation since 1998 and taken more than 230 tons of cocaine out of the global illicit drug market.

Even if traditional parties joined to outvote Morales on future drug legislation, they would do so at their own peril. Morales' strong showing among Indian and mixed-race Bolivians, who are the majority in the nation of 8.3 million, ensures politicians may think twice before espousing new open-market reforms or penalizing the transport and possession of coca leaves as the United States advocates.

Morales, 42, showed how unpopular the coca eradication policies are among the poor, who are a majority of the electorate and who have not felt any benefit from U.S.-backed economic reforms. Morales adroitly reminded citizens in South America's poorest economy that the United States failed to reward anti-coca efforts with open markets for textiles and farm products.

Just a week before Sunday's vote, Morales was stuck in the 10-percent range in opinion polls. But U.S. Ambassador V. Manuel Rocha gave him a huge boost with ill-timed comments last Wednesday.

``As a representative of the United States, I want to remind the Bolivian electorate that if you elect those who want Bolivia to become a major cocaine exporter again, this will endanger the future of U.S. assistance to Bolivia,'' Rocha said in a widely condemned speech.

Bolivians of all political stripes decried as unacceptable U.S. threats in the middle of a Bolivian election campaign. The comments apparently pushed undecided voters into the camp of Morales, who dubbed Rocha his ``campaign chief.'' The U.S. Embassy in Bolivia had no comment Monday.

Bolivia once led the world in coca cultivation and cocaine trafficking. In 1998, it launched Plan Dignity, which has resulted in the eradication of at least 85 percent of the coca, which is used by the nation's Indians for medicinal purposes. Most of the eradicated coca was grown in the Chapare, a New Jersey-sized tropical region that is the hotbed of support for Morales and was home to much of Bolivia's drug trafficking.

Coca is not native to the Chapare, and the coca bush grown there is too bitter for teas or chewing. Most is geared specifically to the illegal drug trade. The United States and Europe have spent millions on helping Chapare farmers grow alternative crops, but results have been mixed.

Morales will also be influential in a planned special session of Congress designed to amend Bolivia's constitution. Native Bolivians want an article amended to explicitly grant them greater participation in government and clearer land rights. Partly at stake in the upcoming battle is whether the state or Indians should be the owners of the gold, silver and natural gas deposits beneath Bolivian soil.


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DOJ Asks Federal Judge To Penalize Harvard [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-07-03 Thread TOOLGT


DOJ Asks Federal Judge To Penalize 
Harvard $102 Million
The Moscow Times

BOSTON (AP) -- The U.S. Department of Justice has asked a federal judge to order Harvard University and two men accused of mismanaging an economic reform program in Russia to repay the government $102 million. The government sued two years ago, alleging that staff of the now-defunct Harvard Institute for International Development had invested in companies directly affected by advice they gave the Russian government. After settlement talks broke down, the Justice Department filed papers in federal court Wednesday asking a judge to decide the case without going to trial. Harvard lawyers also have requested a quick ruling. The allegations focus on Andrei Shleifer, an economics professor at Harvard, and Jonathan Hay, Shleifer's former deputy at the institute, which was disbanded in 2000. Federal prosecutors say the two men ignored signed agreements and basic ethics when they invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in companies affected by the advice they were giving. The Harvard institute had received $40 million in federal funds to advise Russia on privatization, capital markets and legal reform. 


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Re: `America' and `the world' not the same thing [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/28/2002 9:09:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

`America' and `the world' not the same thing 

``She found herself walking through an Israeli town wearing ... a backpack that was too heavy, laden as it was with nails and a bomb,'' goes a story that appeared recently in The New York Times. ``But (she) was now starting to wonder, as she walked along the pedestrian mall, if she was doing the right thing, or hell rather than Heaven awaited her.''

The story is about a 20-year-old Palestinian suicide bomber who aborted her mission at the last moment.

``I look at the sky,'' she recalled. ``I look at the people.'' She said she remembered a childhood belief ``that nobody has the right to stop anybody's life.''

Mideast security experts concur that not all would-be suicide bombers today are trained terrorists.

On the contrary, ``ordinary'' women and boys have been volunteering in growing numbers-a fact that underscores how desperate the situation has become.

I have always wondered whether these people ever have second thoughts about their missions. Personally, I think they do, even if only for a split second. And I believe such a flicker of hesitation is invaluable.

U.S. President George W. Bush has proposed a Mideast peace formula that aims to create a Palestinian state. Bush, however, is effectively telling the Palestinians they must first institute an American-style ``democracy.''

This means that Arafat can be appointed as president. :)

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Re: The Empire Whimpers: Corporate Amerika Implodes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-29 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/29/2002 3:35:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"I hope these people go to jail," says Tobias.

 Not Prison

Some of these folks might not make it to prison. The police had to be called to WorldCom yesterday.

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Re: Israel steps up military aid to India, consolidates strategic relationshi...

2002-06-28 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/25/2002 2:04:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dayan’s presence in New Delhi on Sept. 11 was, of
course, pure happenstance

Suure. :)

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Re: September 11th: Conspiracy-itis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/22/2002 9:02:58 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

To conspiracists, everything has meaning, everything happens according to plan. 

Like this?

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.

The idea may actually have originated with President Eisenhower in the last days of his administration. With the Cold War hotter than ever and the recent U-2 scandal fresh in the public's memory, the old general wanted to go out with a win. He wanted desperately to invade Cuba in the weeks leading up to Kennedy's inauguration; indeed, on January 3 he told Lemnitzer and other aides in his Cabinet Room that he would move against Castro before the inauguration if only the Cubans gave him a really good excuse. Then, with time growing short, Eisenhower floated an idea. If Castro failed to provide that excuse, perhaps, he said, the United States "could think of manufacturing something that would be generally acceptable." What he was suggesting was a pretext a bombing, an attack, an act of sabotage carried out secretly against the United States by the United States. Its purpose would be to justify the launching of a war. It was a dangerous suggestion by a desperate president.


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Re: RIM-Pobly fwds 11.09 *NO* Bush conspiracy article [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/23/2002 10:10:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

precisely the ones who would
be the *least* liable to be decieved by the stupid "offi-
cial" propaganda concerning these mass murder terror attacks
in the USA - among those who are saying "NO conspiracy by
the US imperialists"?

I don't think anyone on this list was deceived by it. It was sent to show the lengths that some people will go to discredit others.


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2002-06-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/23/2002 4:24:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Abu Ali family; the media reported on the alleged death of their nine children, and it was later revealed that no harm befell them. Says Marmari:

I've been following the news and I never read any report about nine children in one family being killed. Can you share the story with us?

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2002-06-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 6/23/2002 8:27:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

haven't spent much time looking at Hanoch Marmari's stuff, but from what I've seen, I'd say Hanoch Marmari hit the nail on the head.


Distortion of Facts EXAMPLE: In reporting on violence of Joseph's Tomb, CNN writes: 

Meanwhile, at least 77 people, mostly Palestinians have died during several fierce clashes at Joseph's Tomb during the past week. The lone Israeli soldier to die during the clashes bled to death in the tomb as rescuers tried for hours to reach him.

CNN's claim that 77 people died in one week of clashes at Joseph's Tomb is a gross factual inaccuracy. Since one Israeli was killed, 76 were obviously Palestinian. Yet in truth, six Palestinians and one Israeli soldier had died during that week of clashes at Joseph's Tomb. 

Three Palestinians were killed in the fight, including a 12-year-old boy. Six more Palestinians died in clashes elsewhere in the West Bank and Gaza. More than 1,000 people were injured, by Palestinian count. 

She didn't hit the nail on the head.


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Re: Who First Brought Terrorism to Palestine? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-05-02 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 5/2/2002 3:09:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

, Sharon understands "that the terrorists and those that give them asylum are not the real enemies. Instead, the real enemies are the moderatesYou fight terrorist - a pretty simple operation - but you must talk with moderates, and this is a very tricky, if not dangerous, business." 

Chaim Weizman said the same thing. The leaders of Israel haven't changed.

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counterSpin with Sharon Lewis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-29 Thread TOOLGT


 Click here: counterSpin with Sharon Lewis

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Re: On Anti-Semitism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-26 Thread TOOLGT


See this

Click here: 

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Ukrainian pres. for the deployment of internationals [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-25 Thread TOOLGT


Ukrainian pres. for the deployment of international forces in the Palestinian territories

(Leonid Kuchma) also called for an unconditional, immediate and complete Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian territories and "ending all violent operations and terrorist acts, a step which must be declared officially by the Israeli leadership and the President of the Palestinian Authority Yasser Arafat." 

Ukrainian president called for the deployment of international forces in the Palestinian territories 
AMMAN, (Jordan), April 24 - Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma called for the deployment of international forces in the West Bank and Gaza to set the stage for the resumption of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations. Kuchma said Wednesday that the resumption of negotiations should focus on the establishment of a Palestinian state and a cease-fire. Kuchma spoke in Jordan at the end of a Mideast tour that included Lebanon and Syria. He also called for an unconditional, immediate and complete Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian territories and "ending all violent operations and terrorist acts, a step which must be declared officially by the Israeli leadership and the President of the Palestinian Authority Yasser Arafat." 
The Ukrainian president, who arrived Tuesday in the Jordanian capital, held talks with King Abdullah II. The talks between the two men focused on the situation in the region and the escalation of violence in the Palestinian territories as well as bilateral economic cooperation. Jordan and Ukraine signed economic and cultural agreements to enhance and facilitate trade exchange, joint ventures and the establishment of trade centers in the two countries. 
Last year, the volume of bilateral trade reached 56,9 million dinars (dlrs 80 million) of Ukrainian exports to Jordan, while Jordanian exports to Ukraine reached one million dinars (dlrs 1,4 million).  


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Re: Venezuelan Coup Leaders Flee To Miami [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-24 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/23/2002 11:07:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Venezuelan coup plotter 'in Miami'
From David Adams in Miami

I thought Dubya Dubya III said that any country that harbors terrorists must be punished!!!

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Re: Israel Rejects U.N. Jenin Probe -Political Sources [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/23/2002 2:30:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer decided to suspend Israel's approval of the probe because they considered some of the members named to the United Nations team would be prejudiced against Israel, the sources said. 

LOL! Bring on the international sanctions.


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Re: World Jews call on Europe to fight anti-Semitism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/23/2002 2:38:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The union of Jewish communities in France appealed Tuesday to Jewish voters to turn out en masse to vote against Le Pen, calling him a dangerous anti-Semite.

Some fools disagree.

 Le Pen is opposed to the Arabs and is, therefore, good for the Jews." 

Arrouas does not see a paradox in the fact that the daughter of Jewish immigrants supports someone who is considered a racist and anti-immigrant. "He's not a racist and is not opposed to immigrants. He is just against illegal foreigners - those who don't work and act like parasites in France. Le Pen does not oppose foreigners who have permits and work and contribute to society," she said. 

Does she feel like a "court Jew?" 

Not at all, she said. "Lot's of Jews support Le Pen, but they're afraid to admit this in public. I'm not afraid to express my views." 

She believes that the members of the Jewish leadership in France strongly oppose Le Pen only because of their ambitions for power. "The socialist governments promised the Jewish establishment to preserve their power. They also promised to wage a battle against anti-Semitism, but didn't do a thing about this." 
Click here: Ha'aretz - Article 


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Re: Israel to Reject U.N. Investigation Into Jenin Refugee Camp [WWW.STOPNATO...

2002-04-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/23/2002 4:32:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Senior officials cited three reasons for the decision. 
 Firstly, the members appointed to the delegation differ from 
those agreed upon by Israel. Secondly, the committee has a 
political rather than a military make-up. Israel is of the opinion 
that a military make-up is necessary to investigate the issues. And
thirdly, Israel was consulted on very few matters and issues that 
were agreed upon were altered. 

And fourth, they are hiding war crimes! This from the same folks that sent the Mossad in to inspect/spy on Iraq? The nerve!

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Re: People Return Chavez!!! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/14/2002 12:56:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Venezuela's ousted President Hugo Chavez has made a dramatic return to the capital Caracas, only two days after being forced out by the country's military. 

This is the best news I've had all year!!!

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Re: U.S. Offers Tough Message to Venezuela's Chavez [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-14 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/14/2002 10:35:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

``We continue to call on all elements to avoid violence and seek ways to engage peacefully to resolve this crisis,'' the State Department said in a statement. ``Those in authority bear particular responsibility to maintain order and the conditions necessary for Venezuelans to work together to restore fully the essential elements of democracy.''


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Dr. Death cleared [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread TOOLGT


Apartheid regime's 'Dr Death' cleared 

Mungo Soggot in Johannesburg
Friday April 12, 2002
The Guardian 

Wouter Basson, the apartheid regime's notorious chemical warfare expert tried for multiple murder and fraud, walked free from the Pretoria High Court yesterday after being acquitted of all charges. The presiding judge, Willie Hartzenberg, had been widely expected to exonerate Dr Basson after several indications during the marathon trial that he favoured the man accused of being the apartheid government's deadliest scientist. In an act of solidarity, the former head of the South African defence force, General Magnus Malan, who was himself acquitted in 1996 of masterminding a politically motivated massacre, attended court. Also present was Constand Viljoen, former leader of the rightwing Freedom Front, and members of the Basson family, who applauded after the judge dismissed all 46 charges. Dr Basson, who was for 12 years the head of the state chemical weapons enterprise, Project Coast, stood accused not only of murdering and poisoning anti-apartheid activists, but also of robbing the state via front companies purportedly set up to help obtain foreign chemical and biological warfare material. Dr Basson was also charged with various acts of assault and intimidation, and of trading drugs and possessing classified documents. Judge Hartzenberg provided few details for his decisions on each charge in court yesterday, where he read highlights of his 1,400-page judgment. He said: "The state did not prove its case beyond reasonable doubt. This is how criminal courts work. The state did not prove its case." The prosecution plans to appeal. Dr Basson, dubbed "Dr Death" by the South African press, appeared relaxed throughout yesterday's judgment. As the verdict was read out, he smiled. Earlier this week, signalling his confidence that he would be cleared, he arranged to address the Pretoria press club today. The 51-year-old, highly qualified cardiologist had continued to treat patients during the trial, which began in 1999, and completed a part-time degree in commerce while preparing the case. He was arrested in 1997 for possession of the drug ecstasy, kicking off what became one of the most significant political trials since the country's transition to democracy in 1994. The 300-page indictment against Dr Basson started with 67 charges, but these were whittled down to 46 after several early setbacks for the prosecution case. These included the judge's acceptance of an amnesty which shielded Dr Basson - and all other members of the South African military - from any crimes committed in neighbouring Namibia and Angola. The blanket amnesty had been signed by the administrator-general of what was then South West Africa on the eve of Namibia's independence in 1990. This meant Dr Basson was never charged with such alleged crimes as providing muscle relaxants to kill scores of Namibian guerrillas whose bodies were then dumped into the sea from an aircraft. The state called almost 200 witnesses. Dr Basson, meanwhile, was the only witness for the defence, and portrayed himself during his gruelling cross-examination as a master spy who dodged foreign intelligence agencies in an ingenious search for chemical and biological weaponry. The prosecution dismissed his tales as fantasy, accusing him of being an expert liar who made little progress with Project Coast. Dr Basson cited mysterious foreign connections to defend himself from charges that he had defrauded the state, becoming the beneficial owner of two companies which had luxury properties across the world. The trial was marked by open hostility between the prosecution and the judge. In February 2000, the prosecution applied for Judge Hartzenberg's recusal on the grounds that he favoured Dr Basson and had prejudged the state's evidence, the first time in South African legal history that the prosecution in a criminal trial sought such a move. Yesterday's ruling will fuel perceptions that the military old guard is above the law. The decision could also stimulate criticism about the composition of the judiciary, which remains staffed by white males who, like Judge Hartzenberg, were appointed under the former government. During the trial Judge Hartzenberg, whose brother is the former head of the right wing, pro-apartheid Conservative party, signalled his support for the activities of the apartheid military. But senior barristers say he has a reputation for being reasonable and balanced. Spokesman for the ruling African National Congress, Smuts Ngonyama, said the judgment was "completely outrageous", "highly immoral" and that the ANC believed this was "not the end of the case". The New National party, successor to the party that ruled apartheid South Africa, was more guarded. Sheila Camerer, its justice spokeswoman said the ruling was "a bit of a shock" considering how much the case had cost. Meanwhile, Mr Malan, the 

Thorn in the side of new world order [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-12 Thread TOOLGT


Thorn in the side of new world order
By Vincent Browne 

Hugo Chávez may have been in Bertie Ahern's mind when he visited George Bush in Washington before St Patrick's Day. Bertie swore obedience to American world hegemony, to its "war on terrorism" and to everything it entailed.He didn't quite put it like that but that was the message and George Bush acknowledged it as such. The President of Venezuela, the most "yankified" of South American states, had failed to offer appropriate obeisance.Chávez has characterised the US bombardment of Afghanistan as responding to "terror with terror". He brandished photographs of Afghan children killed by US bombs and called for an end to "the slaughter of the innocents".The US response to this impertinence was to send its ambassador, Donna Hrinak, to see Chávez. They had what a US official said (according to the Washington Post of February 23rd) "a very difficult meeting". She told the democratically elected president (again according to the Washington Post) "to keep his mouth shut on these important issues".Washington doesn't like Chávez for other reasons. First he has had the temerity to invite Fidel Castro to Caracas. He also visited Libya, Iran and Iraq, all members, with Venezuela, of OPEC, through which he arranged for a substantial increase in the price of oil (the Americans were especially indignant over his visit to Saddam Hussein).The US administration has recently expressed worry about Chávez's democratic credentials. He became president in 1998 after he won 58 per cent of the popular vote. In 2000, under a new constitution, he won a higher percentage vote and his party won more than 80 per cent of the seats in a new congress and nobody has questioned the validity of those elections. While protesting its respect for democracy in Venezuela, there are suspicions that the US may have inspired three generals in the Venezuelan army to call for the resignation of Chávez.VENEZUELA is probably the richest country in South America because of its oil - it is by far the most important source of oil for the US economy, yet it has managed to squander the riches it has brought in the last 40 years.This came about in large part through inefficiencies of State-run industrial companies and corruption. The legacy has been vast expanses of motorways, ugly high-rise office and apartment complexes, massive wealth for a tiny minority, gigantic shopping malls, the ubiquitous rash of international hotels (the Four Seasons group has opened a new hotel in Caracas even more ostentatious than that in Ballsbridge), and vast shanty towns clinging to the hills in and around Caracas, housing millions of impoverished people.The economy is in ruins with huge debts to international banks. The IMF and World Bank have insisted on what Chávez has called "savage neo-liberal" policies - public expenditure cutbacks, privatisations and deregulation. These policies were enforced in the 1990s and caused even more misery to the millions of Venezuela's poor (the population is 22 million of whom six million are in Caracas and of whom 80 per cent are poor).Chávez, formerly an army officer, staged an unsuccessful coup in 1992 and was jailed for three years. He entered politics on his release and won the presidency in 1998, having promised to sweep away the old corrupt political system, a new constitution and a new deal for the impoverished, including land reform, health care and education.He has had enacted a new constitution, approved by a massive popular mandate. The former two main political parties have been almost extinguished and he has instituted a series of radical redistributative measures, including land-reform and relocation of shanty-town dwellers to rural areas. He has taken control of the state-owned petroleum corporation, Petróleos de Venezuela, he says, in an effort to ensure that oil riches are maximised and are used for the advancement of his social agenda (last week he announced a 20 per cent increase in the public sector minimum wage which is the equivalent to €200 a month).HE PLACED on the board of this state-owned oil corporation people who reflected his political outlook. Senior managers in the corporation and trade unions rebelled. Some of the managers have been fired for refusing to carry out the policies of the new board. Thousands of the workers have gone on strike and output has slumped.There have been street protests against him with calls for his resignation and the newspapers have reported his popularity ratings are running about 30 per cent. The privately owned media are virulently and almost unanimously hostile to Chávez.There is a further problem. The civil war in neighbouring Colombia is threatening to spill over into Venezuela. Colombia says that a FARC camp is based inside the Venezuelan border and that Chávez is supporting the rebel movement. Chávez, whose 

Re: (In San Francisco): 16 demonstrators arrested at consulate/200 protesters...

2002-04-11 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/11/2002 8:48:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jewish demonstrators demanding that Israel pull out of Palestinian
territory were arrested in front of the Israeli Consulate in San
Francisco yesterday, and they vowed that protests would continue all

 Police hauled 16 members of A Jewish Voice for Peace out of the
middle of Montgomery Street -- where they stood for 20 minutes with
linked, chanting slogans and singing Israeli songs -- after they
refused to quit blocking traffic.

Bravo! It's people like this that may save us and themselves from this madness.


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Re: * Germany Suspends Arms Sales to Israel * [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-11 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/11/2002 11:00:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Germany Suspends Arms Sales to Israel
Decision May Foreshadow European Trade Sanctions as Criticism of
West Bank Incursions Mounts

Good. I'd take the car keys from a drunk friend too.

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Re: Diplomats, Activists Complain U.S. Jewish Groups Failing To Mobilize for ...

2002-04-10 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/10/2002 1:22:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

By Benyamin Cohen
Israel Insider
 And an unnamed senior Israeli diplomatic official in the United States told of his two-word response, three days after the deadly Seder night attack at a Netanya hotel, to an urgent telegram from Jerusalem asking for a report on what the Jewish community was doing: "Not much." Ha'aretz quoted Pinkas as criticizing the ineffectiveness of Jewish organizations. "All they know how to do is convene meetings and listen to briefings on the situation in Israel, 

And buy up our politicians who spend our money on aid and weapons so Israel can continue the massacre.

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Re: Diplomats, Activists Complain U.S. Jewish Groups Failing To Mobilize for ...

2002-04-10 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/10/2002 1:22:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Padant was criticized by Jewish students who fear that the new pro-Palestinian activism has anti-Semitic overtones that could lead to violence in America, just as it already has in Europe. 

What is this pro-Palestinian shit? What about pro-justice, self determination and human rights. These people are pissing me off.
If they want to create an anti-Semite, they'll do it by trying to silence and label people that they don't like.


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2002-04-08 Thread TOOLGT


BAGHDAD, April 8 (Reuters) - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on Monday announced an immediate suspension of Iraq's oil exports for a month in protest at Israel's incursion into Palestinian areas of the West Bank. 

web link 
In a speech broadcast over Iraqi media, the Iraqi leader,President Saddam Hussein said: "The Iraqi leadership declared the complete stoppage of oil exports starting from this afternoon April 8 for a period of 30 days when we will further decide policy, or until the Zionist entity's armed forces have unconditionally withdrawn from the Palestinian territories." 

The decision came as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon vowed to press ahead with a 10-day-old military offensive, in direct defiance of demands from Washington for a withdrawal. 

Saddam said: "The decision is basically taken against the Zionist entity, and the American aggressive policy and not against anyone else. 

It is not meant to harm anyone but those who have decided to harm the Palestinian people." 


There was no immediate response to the Iraqi decision from two other Muslim oil producing nations, Iran and Libya, who have said they too would embargo oil supplies but only if the ban found support from all Arab producers. 

Iraqi officials said their suspension would be lifted once the Iraqi leadership was satisfied that Israel had withdrawn from the West Bank. 

Iraq exports oil under a humanitarian exchange with the United Nations, permitted as an exception to 1990 Gulf War sanctions. 

Despite its hardline on Iraq, the U.S. is easily the world's biggest consumer of Iraqi crude, taking more than half of Baghdad's oil and depending on Iraqi supplies for about nine percent of its huge imports. 

Iraqi Oil Minister Amir Muhammed Rasheed confirmed the suspension of exports had been implemented at 1000 GMT from both its export points on the Gulf and through Turkey. Turkish pipeline company Botas said it had yet to be notified. 

About a third of Iraq's crude exports are piped north through Turkey to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan with the rest shippped from Iraq's Gulf port of Mina al-Bakr. 

The stoppage helped propel oil prices higher, adding $1.04 to benchmark Brent to $27.03 a barrel, near a six-month high.  


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Re: Israel's mountain of dead dogs [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-04 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/4/2002 2:30:51 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

And, to top it off, the word "Martyrs"is misspelled on the letterhead (it is spelled "Martyres"). 


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Sharon doesn't want suicide attacks to stop [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-04 Thread TOOLGT


Norman Finkelstein, (Verso)  author of Image and Reality*, and The Rise and Fall of Palestine*, and The Holocaust Industry* (BBC forum) ( 
Norman: We are approaching the point of no return.. Israel has to bear full responsibility.. about the suicide bombings.. what accounts for this massive proliferation of these suicide bombers?.. I condemn the suicide attacks, no justification for targeting civilians.. Danny Rubenstein wrote in Harretz.. two years ago 10% of Pals supported suicide attacks, now 80% support.. we need to ask: what accounts for that increase? how about the Israeli targeting of civilians.. Chris Hedges, NY Times Bureau Chief, in Harpers Magazine said, Israel the only country where the occupying power shoots children for sport.. 
Norman: (Israeli actions) are the moral equivalent of suicide bombings.. Arafat was coming down quite hard on the suicide bombers, but for Israel this was a disaster.. their problem all along they haven't had sufficient pretext for obliterating the Palestinians.. everytime Arafat cracked down, Israel escalated the assassinations.. provoking terrorist actions.. so Sharon could do what he wanted all along, to declare war.. Sharon didn't want the suicide attacks to stop.. He wants to escalate them.. the Lebanon war a blueprint.. look for a Sabra and Chatila type massacre in Gaza .. SHARON DOES NOT WANT THE SUICIDE ATTACKS TO STOP, HE WANTS TO ESCALATE THEM..
 Click here: Finkelstein: Sharon wants the suicide attacks to escalate : Palestine Indymedia


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Re: Father of American Killed in Ramallah Speaks Out, U.S. Remains Silent [W...

2002-04-04 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 4/4/2002 11:21:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Remember the case of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl and Bush's pledge to leave no stone unturned and to use the combined resorces of FBI, the CIA and the military to hunt down his killers?

I don't believe him. Daniel Pearl is a modern day Michael Horman. 

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MSNBC- Israel Is Not Americas Great=?UTF-8?Q?es

2002-04-03 Thread TOOLGT


Israel Is Not America’s Greatest Ally   

It’s time to recognize that Israel’s interests do not always match up with America’s   

By Michael Lind

April 8 issue — Once again, conflict is raging between Israel and the Palestinians—and once again, the U.S. government can see fault only on one side. Even as Israeli soldiers were demolishing his compound and threatening his life, Palestinian Authority chairman Yasir Arafat was instructed by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell to end terrorism against Israel, including that committed by groups Arafat cannot control. What passes in the United States as an evenhanded stance is perceived, not only in the Middle East but in Europe and throughout the world, as unquestioning American support of bully tactics by Israel. In fact, with his uncritical support of Israel, George W. Bush has managed to create an alliance of Arab states supporting Iraq against the United States. The Arab-Israeli conflict has also fueled divisions between the United States and its European allies over the war against Al Qaeda. One can only hope that the depth of the international opposition to America’s policies may slowly force a reappraisal of U.S.-Israel relations—for the good of both countries.   

   THE U.S.-ISRAELI relationship has gone through two phases. In the first phase, which lasted from Israel’s establishment in 1948 until the 1967 war, Washington supported or opposed Israel in light of America’s broader Middle Eastern and global strategies. Although the Truman administration supported the creation of Israel, the Eisenhower administration opposed Israel, Britain and France when they tried to seize the Suez Canal in 1956. Following the 1967 war between Israel and its neighbors, however, most Arab states sided with the Soviet Union, and a bloc of communist and Third World countries in the United Nations routinely demonized both Israel and the United States. Israel and the United States were natural allies.

 After the Berlin wall fell, if a realistic re-examination had been permitted, it would have become clear that Israel had ceased to be as valuable a U.S. asset. But for more than a decade, U.S. policy toward Israel has been shaped as much by domestic politics as by grand strategy: the pro-Israel lobby is the most powerful one in Washington. This support for Israel—no matter what its policies—has given license to Israel’s hard right to employ savage means of oppression against the Palestinians, and even against their own Arab citizens. While it is rarely noted in the American media, Israel has now occupied Palestinian lands for 35 years, denying 3 million people rights, and ruling over them with brutality. It would seem difficult to make a humanitarian case for unqualified support for such policies.
 Is it time for a third era in U.S.-Israel relations? While America should continue to guarantee the survival of Israel inside internationally recognized borders, it is time to acknowledge that the interests of Israel do not always coincide with those of the United States, any more than do the interests of other American allies like Britain or Japan.
 Since decolonization after World War II, the most fundamental norm—more fundamental even than human rights—has been the principle of national self-determination, which holds that no substantial cultural community should be ruled, against its will, by foreigners. Practical considerations do not allow every nation to have its own nation-state. Nevertheless, national self-determination is the norm that justified the independence of both the United States and Israel from the British empire—and which today justifies the independence of the Palestinians from Israel. Needless to say, when a sovereign Palestinian state joins the society of nations, it must agree to renounce revolutionary tactics and abide by the norms of international law and diplomacy, as the United States did in 1776 and Israel did in 1948. 

 In formulating a new Middle Eastern strategy based on enlightened self-interest, Americans can be guided by principles as old as the American republic. In 1793 President Washington issued a proclamation of U.S. neutrality between France and Britain, who were at war. An influential pro-French party argued that France and the United States shared common republican and liberal ideals, and looked back with nostalgia at the Franco-American alliance during the American Revolution. But Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the Treasury and the greatest foreign-policy thinker among the Founding Fathers, argued that “an individual may, on numerous occasions, meritoriously indulge the emotions of generosity or benevolence, not only without an eye to, but even at the expense of, his own interest. But a government can rarely, if at all, be justifiable in pursuing a similar course.” Hamilton warned that we 

Internationals Attacked with Live Gunfire [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-01 Thread TOOLGT


 April 01, 2002 1645: Internationals Attacked with Live Gunfire
 Moments ago international civilians and two members of the Palestinian press were wounded by live fire in Beit Jalla.The internationals were attempting to visit the people in homes that have been taken over by the Occupation Forces. 
 Among the wounded are: 
 - British citizen: Aisa Kiysue, Kunle Ibidun, Chris Dunham
 - Australian citizen: Kate Irving (currently being examined to see if surgery will be required)
 - American citizen: Said Khulil
 Wounded have been taken to Al Huissen Hospital in Bethlehem.
 Word from the hospital staff is people were hit in the back of the head, face and one was hit in the upper thigh and knees. The Palestinians were hit in the chest. 
 Images from the Shooting:


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Pro-Israel or Pro-Palestian bias in the media [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-30 Thread TOOLGT


US Columnists  Commentators 
Pro-Israel Or Pro-Palestinian

AS WE ALL TURN our attention to the "long-simmering," currently-frying Mideast, MSNBC columnist Eric Alterman has created a handy cheat sheet for figuring the bias of the pundit nearest you.
 Clip 'n' save: 

 Columnists and commentators who can be counted upon to support Israel reflexively and without qualification George Will, The Washington Post, Newsweek and ABC News; William Safire, The New York Times; A.M. Rosenthal, The New York Daily News; Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, PBS, Time, and The Weekly Standard; Michael Kelly, The Washington Post, The Atlantic Monthly, National Journal, and; Lally Weymouth, The Washington Post and Newsweek; Martin Peretz, The New Republic; Daniel Pipes, The New York Post; Andrea Peyser, The New York Post; Dick Morris, The New York Post; Lawrence Kaplan, The New Republic; William Bennett, CNN; William Kristol, The Washington Post, the Weekly Standard, Fox News; Mortimer Zuckerman, US News and World Report; David Gelertner, The Weekly Standard; John Podhoretz, The New York Post and The Weekly Standard; Mona Charen, The Washington Times; Morton Kondracke, Roll Call, Fox News; Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard, Fox News; Sid Zion, The New York Post, The New York Daily News; Yossi Klein Halevi, The New Republic; Sidney Zion, The New York Post; Norman Podhoretz, Commentary; Jonah Goldberg, National Review and CNN; Laura Ingraham, CNN; Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe; Rich Lowry, National Review; Andrew Sullivan, The New Republic; Seth Lipsky, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Sun; Irving Kristol, The Public Interest, The National Interest and The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page; Chris Matthews, MSNBC; Allan Keyes, MSNBC,; Brit Hume, Fox News; John Leo, US News and World Report; Robert Bartley, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page; John Fund, The Wall Street Journal OpinionJournal; Peggy Noonan, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page; Ben Wattenberg, The Washington Times, PBS; Tony Snow, Washington Times and Fox News; Lawrence Kudlow, National Review and CNBC; Alan Dershowitz, Boston Herald, Washington Times; David Horowitz,; Jacob Heilbrun, The Los Angeles Times; Thomas Sowell, Washington Times; Frank Gaffney Jr, Washington Times; Emmett Tyrell, American Spectator and New York Sun; Cal Thomas, Washington Times; Oliver North, Washington Times and Fox News; Michael Ledeen, Jewish World Review; William F. Buckley, National Review; Bill O'Reilly, Fox News; Paul Greenberg, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette; L. Brent Bozell, Washington Times; Todd Lindberg, Washington Times; Michael Barone, US News and World Report and The McLaughlin Group; Ann Coulter, Human Events; Linda Chavez, Creators Syndicate; Cathy Young, Reason Magazine; Uri Dan, New York Post; Dr. Laura Schlessinger, morality maven; Rush Limbaugh, radio host; The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page (Peter Kann, Editor) 

 Columnists likely to criticize both Israel and the Palestinians, but view themselves to be critically supporters of Israel, and ultimately, would support Israeli security over Palestinian rights Thomas Friedman, The New York Times; Richard Cohen, The Washington Post and New York Daily News; Avishai Margolit, The New York Review of Books; David Remnick, The New Yorker; Eric Alterman, The Nation and; The New York Times Editorial Board; The Washington Post Editorial Board; 

 Columnists likely to be reflexively anti-Israel and/or pro-Palestinian regardless of circumstance Robert Novak, The Washington Post; Pat Buchanan,; Alexander Cockburn, The Nation and New York Press; Christopher Hitchens, The Nation and Vanity Fair; Edward Said, The Nation. 

 (That last fivesome would make a funny basketball squad, don't you think? Buchanan and Novak elbowing into the paint, Cockburn backing down the pivot and Hitchens and Said set up to 


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Saudi Plan: Bush, Arafat, Arabs vs. Sharon, Bin Laden, Hamas [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-03-29 Thread TOOLGT


The Saudi Peace Plan has created unusual allies:
In favor:
Arab Nations
George Bush
Yasser Arafat   
Ariel Sharon
Osama bin Laden 

 Click here: Saudi Plan: Bush, Arafat, Arabs vs. Sharon, Bin Laden, Hamas 


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Re: Cave-Busting Thermobaric Bombs 'Useful' Against North Korea [WWW.STOPNATO...

2002-03-28 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/28/2002 4:51:47 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Thermobaric warheads used in Afghanistan to destroy
caves and fill tunnels with fireballs someday could
become part of the U.S. arsenal for protection of
South Korea, a U.S. Forces-Korea spokeswoman said

They should prepare for earthquakes too.


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Re: Of Robert Mugabe and the cadre [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-28 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/28/2002 7:46:42 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

There is nothing remotely 
enlightened or progressive about this individual, notwithstanding the 
fact that he has adopted Marxist rhetoric when it suits his purposes. In 
fact, the only time he criticizes Western Imperialism, is when his 
presumed progressive party is under fire. Otherwise he's perfectly happy 
to work with the West.

I side with him over his opposition. So did his people.

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Brazil questions 9-11-CFR freaks out [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-27 Thread TOOLGT


Posted By: Rosalinda
Date: Wednesday, 20 March 2002, 10:52 p.m. 
[Source: Folha OnLine, Sept 14; "Anti-Americanism in Brazil," 
by Kenneth Maxwell, in Spring 2002 issue (#9), 
{Correspondence: An International Review of Culture and Society} 
BRAZILIAN ECONOMIST CELSO FURTADO WARNED right after the attacks. Furtado is one of Brazil's most famous economists, 
and a close buddy of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso 
(they roomed together in Paris for awhile in the 1970's). {Folha OnLine} published its interview with Furtado on Sept. 14. Furtado's argument was angrily cited in a recent piece 
by the Council on Foreign Relation's Kenneth Maxwell. Furtado told {Folha} that one hypothesis, which many will come to, 
is that behind the attacks were "very-well organized people of the American Right. 
To organize an operation of this breadth, with this fantastic synchronization... 
leads one to think of someone within the United States, 
an internal organization." The American Right wants the world to return to a new Cold War, 
and could use Sept. 11 to accomplish that. 
A Cold War against "undefined social movements, 
[and] against marginalized countries." If they prevail, this will mean that the United States 
will go for the Free Trade Accord of the Americas, 
and "there will not be the least space for Latin America 
to develop on its own." Furtado told {Folha} he did not foresee 
a Third World War developing, but rather a "hardline policy 
with respect to Third World countries," which will provoke 
new types of conflict and "generalized terrorism," 
in which the "grievous situation" suffered today by Africa, 
which has been totally marginalized, could spread throughout the world. The situation would be much worse, if the attacks were planned 
by the American Right, and not extremist Islamic groups, 
he commented. A domestic enemy would have to be very powerful. "The fact that something like this could arise within the United States, 
with the power and the resources which they have, 
could be a very big challenge to humanity. 
This would reproduce the Reichstag [Fire], in Germany, 
which created Hitler. The Parliament was burned by the Right, 
which blamed the Left." [Source: as cited above] KENNETH MAXWELL, DIRECTOR OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS' 
and not onboard the U.S.' post-Sept. 11 plans. Maxwell's nasty article, published in the just-released issue 
of the CFR's semi-annual publication, {Correspondence}, 
on the theme, "The World  Terrorism: What the U.S. Media Missed," 
reflects the hysteria growing in Anglo-American circles over the 
danger that Brazil might break with their globalization empire. Maxwell claims Brazilians such as Celso Furtado are 
"blaming the victim," when Furtado "suggested in one of Brazil's 
most influential newspapers that...a more plausible explanation... 
for this disaster was a provocation carried out 
by the American far right to justify a takeover," 
in an act comparable "to the burning of the Reichstag in 1933 
and the rise of the Nazis to power in Germany." Some in the U.S. argued that the U.S. Ambassador to Brazil 
should have been recalled for consultations, 
after President Fernando Henrique Cardoso told the French 
in mid-October that "barbarism is not only the cowardliness 
of terrorism, but also the intolerance or the imposition 
of unilateral policies on a global scale." The U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela was recalled, 
when its "populist" President Hugo Chavez said 
"much the same thing," he wrote. Maxwell lumps what Furtado and Cardoso said, 
as of a piece with the crazed remarks 
of psycho Liberation Theology guru Leonardo Boff, 
that he was sorry that only one plane, 
and not 25 such planes, hit the Pentagon. And he complains that polls showed that 79% of Brazilian "unequivocally" opposed 
any U.S. military attack against countries that hosted those responsible 
for Sept. 11 attacks, and 78% opposed any Brazilian military participation in any U.S. armed response. "So much for Hemispheric solidarity. 
And remember that this is not Saudi Arabia 
--mullahs do not set the cultural tone here," Maxwell writes. 


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Two million unionists descend on Rome [] [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-24 Thread TOOLGT


 Sunday, March 24, 2002 Nisan 11, 5762  Two million unionists descend on Rome   

By Reuters  

ROME - Up to two million unionists descended on Rome yesterday, painting the city center red with billowing flags in a massive show of force against plans by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to rewrite labor laws. 

The demonstration was also broadened into a protest against political violence following the killing last Tuesday of a senior government adviser who drew up changes to Italy's long-standing employment rules. 

Unionists say the proposed labor reforms will make it easier for companies to sack staff. Berlusconi says it will make the labor market more flexible and create jobs. 

More than 9,000 buses and 60 special trains carried members of Italy's largest union, the CGIL, from all corners of Italy, bringing central Rome to a standstill. 

There was a heavy police presence on the watch for any disturbances and helicopters buzzed overhead, monitoring the huge crowds. Hundreds of anti-globalization protesters mingled with the marchers. 

Television broadcasts and union leaders estimated the turnout at "up to two million" people. Police said there were at least a million protesters although they said it was too early to give a definitive figure. 

Tuesday's murder of government adviser Marco Biagi by leftist extremists cast a pall over the event, but union leaders said they would not let the killing lessen their resolve. 

Biagi was a respected economist who had worked with both the previous center-left administration and the current conservative government on labor issues. An offshoot of the Red Brigades terror movement claimed responsibility for his killing. 

"We are here to fight terrorism, to support democracy and to show the government its intentions are wrong," CGIL leader Sergio Cofferati told supporters crammed into the Circus Maximus, site of ancient Rome's chariot races. 

The CGIL said yesterday the turnout was one of the biggest in modern Italian history and exceeded a 1994 rally when more than a million people took to the streets to protest pension reforms put forward by Berlusconi, during his first stint in government. 

Shortly after that demonstration, Berlusconi's government collapsed and he was not voted back into power until last year. 

"Our fundamental rights are at stake, the rights of workers and the poor," said Pietro, 50, a construction worker who traveled to Rome from Brindisi on the heel of Italy. "I couldn't not be here." 

"I'm here not so much for myself, but for my 13-month-old daughter," said Maria Cristina, 30, a secretary. "I want to fight for the rights she should have when she starts to work." 

Berlusconi's allies were dismissive. "This is not good for the Italian people," said Renato Schifani, a senior senator from Berlusconi's Forza Italia party. 

"At this difficult time, we would have expected someone like Cofferati to try to reduce the social friction which risks feeding the atmosphere of terrorism. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case today." 

The shooting of Biagi has raised fears of a return to the politically motivated violence that scarred the country in the 1970s and 1980s. 

Click here: Ha'aretz - Article 

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Re: Bush Pushes To Send US Troops To Indonesia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-20 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/20/2002 3:52:35 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Pentagon wants to send troops to Indonesia
By Jonathan Weisman, USA TODAY

WTF?!?! Have his daughters, nieces and nephews signed up yet?


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African leaders wary of evolving US definition of 'terrorist' | csm [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-03-20 Thread TOOLGT


African leaders wary of evolving US definition of 'terrorist'

Allied warships are patrolling the Horn of Africa to intercept terrorists seeking refuge.

By Andrew West | Special to The Christian Science Monitor 

As the US-led war on terrorism draws surveillance warships and aircraft to Somalia, African nations are growing nervous that the emerging US definition of "terrorist" could put them on the wrong team in the new world order. To many Africans, the US appears fickle in its notion of what constitutes terrorism. And as US warplanes conduct surveillance over Somalia, and German warships deploy off the Horn of Africa, African leaders point at what they call a US double standard.  

"We are with the United States in that what happened on Sept. 11 was an act of horror and brutal destruction of life. But because it happened in the US, it has come to overshadow all other viewpoints and considerations," says Theo-Ben Gurirab, Namibia's foreign minister and a leader of the African Union who attended a recent summit of the Commonwealth Heads of Government in Coolum, Australia.The US is concerned that Somalia, which has been without a central government since 1991, could provide a haven for Al Qaeda fighters leaving Afghanistan. But Dr. Gurirab says the US must provide concrete proof that Somalia is sheltering Islamic terrorists before the African Union – currently chaired by America's old adversary, Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi – could support any military strike."There are accusations, but evidence is still in short supply that there are Al Qaeda members who are continuing what [Osama] bin Laden had started,'' he says. "If this is the case, the African Union would like to be informed and receive evidence, so we can talk to Somalia and tell them they would be contributing to their own destruction if they harbor known terrorists."African leaders at the summit are also rankled at attempts by the US and Britain to define terrorists. During their own liberation struggles, many Africans, including South Africa's Thabo Mbeki, appeared on State Department terrorist lists, but are now considered allies, even friends. "We are part of the international coalition," says Gurirab, "but at the same time we think the very narrow definition of terrorism is built around only enemies of the US and the West."The US supported rebel groups in Angola and Mozambique, as well as oppressive white-minority regimes in South Africa and Zimbabwe. With US help, Angolan rebel leader Jonas Savimbi not only tried to topple the Angolan government during the 1980s, but throughout the 1990s he armed rebels who undermined the newly democratic Namibia."They did this against our Constitution," says Gurirab, who for 27 years fought South African rule of the country now called Namibia, with the South West African People's Organiztion (SWAPO). "They were attempting to dismember our country by violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Namibia."At the same time as we were called terrorists," he adds, "these major Western powers provided economic and trade support to the apartheid system, assisted them militarily, and helped the regime in Pretoria to develop nuclear weapons against us."Tom Lansner, an Africa analyst with the Ford Foundation in New York, concedes that some African liberation movements used tactics that could be considered terrorist, such as blowing up a restaurant in Durban, South Africa, in the mid-1980s. But he argues that most of their targets were assets such as electrical transmission lines and bridges, which had military value to the regimes they were fighting.The US and Britain will only win African support of any offensives on the continent by sharing intelligence material with leaders they once distrusted, says Martin Schonteich, a researcher with the Institute of Security Studies in Pretoria, South Africa."If it was a very targeted attack, if [the coalition] shared what they know with African leaders, then I think it would be accepted," Mr. Schonteich says. "But if there is so-called collateral damage or attacks on state institutions, then very quickly you will see a backlash," Schonteich says.Schonteich and Lansner agree that resistance to the US campaign is already apparent among much of the African population. Even stable countries with sizable Muslim populations – such as Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, and increasingly, South Africa – are witnessing a stirring on the street. "In a lot of these places, you'll find real sympathy for the Islamic-fundamentalist position," Lansner says.Schonteich warns that some African governments may even use the war on terrorism to crack down on their Muslim minorities. "In Uganda, you already have non-Muslims exploiting the war to make accusations against Muslim communities in the hope they will get some aid from the West," he says. "They will certainly try."

 Click here: African leaders wary of evolving US 

Cheney's schedule is unlikely to include Arafat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-19 Thread TOOLGT


But he has no problem meeting the man that ordered the murder of potential witnesses against him in Belgium.

Cheney's schedule is unlikely to include Arafat 

By Judy Keen
USA TODAYDOHA, Qatar -- Vice President Cheney might meet with Palestinian officials when he arrives in Israel today as part of an intensified effort by the Bush administration to seek a cease-fire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.Senior advisers to Cheney, who is nearing the end of an 11-country tour of the Middle East, said a meeting with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat is a long shot, but other officials of Arafat's Palestinian Authority might be added to the vice president's schedule.''I would be surprised if the vice president meets Arafat,'' said Paul Patin, a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv. In the past, President Bush and Cheney have refused to meet with Arafat because they said he wasn't doing enough to stem attacks on Israelis. Secretary of State Colin Powell is the highest-ranking U.S. official to meet with the Palestinian leader since Bush took office. They met in the West Bank city of Ramallah last June.As soon as he arrives in Jerusalem, Cheney plans to meet with Bush's Middle East envoy, retired Marine general Anthony Zinni, who returned to Israel last week to try to broker a cease-fire. Later, the vice president is to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.Bush had tried to maintain a distance from the conflict on the grounds that the United States could not nudge the peace process forward until Israel and the Palestinians agreed to stop the violence. But he agreed to get more involved as killings have mounted.In Jerusalem, Israel's Defense Ministry announced that Israeli field commanders in the West Bank and Gaza held talks with their Palestinian counterparts on Sunday to stem the violence.The meetings appeared to be a first step by Israel toward beginning a withdrawal from West Bank and Gaza territory it reoccupied recently in response to increased Palestinian attacks on Israelis.The Palestinians have said they would honor a cease-fire only if Israeli pulled its forces from all Palestinian-run areas.Israel said it was prepared to meet that demand if Arafat would take responsibility for preventing further terrorist attacks on Israelis.On the eve of Cheney's visit, Zinni shuttled between Sharon and Arafat and later broke a self-imposed media blackout to denounce five attempted suicide attacks on Israeli civilians in one day.''These attacks will not deter my efforts to continue to work with both sides to bring the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation to an end,'' Zinni said. ''At the same time, it is critical that the Palestinian Authority take responsibility and act against terror and punish those responsible. There is no justification or excuse for terror.''Despite his harsh words, Zinni is hopeful a cease-fire can be achieved, U.S. officials said.Only one of Sunday's attacks claimed serious Israeli casualties. A 26-year-old gunman opened fire with a pistol in the main street of the central Israeli town of Kfar Saba, killing a 16-year-old girl and injuring seven passersby before being shot to death by police and security guards.Earlier, Israel Radio reported that two Palestinians on their way to carry out suicide attacks in Israel had been captured in the northern West Bank by a special undercover unit. There were no further details.Less than three hours after the shooting in Kfar Saba, Jerusalem police received a call from a local resident reporting a suspicious man near the French Hill junction in the north of the city, scene of several previous attacks. As police responded to the call, the 23-year-old man, a resident of the nearby village of Bir Naballah, blew himself up next to a crowded bus. No one else was seriously injured.An hour after that, there was a loud explosion in a valley a mile away. Authorities said another wosuicide bomber had detonated his explosives by mistake and had blown himself to pieces in open scrubland.One Palestinian, a member of Arafat's militia, was killed in a gunbattle in Bethlehem, where Israeli forces advanced toward the center of the city and then withdrew.Cheney's 10-day trip to the Middle East is meant to build support for a U.S.-led effort to oust Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. But some Arab leaders say they do not support a war to force Saddam's removal. The views of Arab leaders on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have become a dominant theme of the trip.Cheney had insisted that the conflict was not overshadowing his trip. On Sunday, at a news conference in Manama, Bahrain, with Crown Prince Sheik Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Cheney said, ''The ongoing conflict . . . is a preoccupation for everybody in this part of the world.''The crown prince said Sunday that Arabs are more concerned about ''Israeli violence'' than Saddam's fate. He said it's ''too soon'' to speculate on whether U.S. troops would be 

Indian comic strip spoofs US president George Bush [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-19 Thread TOOLGT


 Indian comic strip spoofs US president George Bush 

NEW DELHI, March 19 (Reuters) - "It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Dubyaman making the world safe for democracy."Dubyaman, an Indian comic strip superhero, is a parody of the gaffe-prone U.S. president, George W. Bush, and his blustering oratory through a host of problems from Afghanistan and the India-Pakistan spat to religious riots in northern India.The controversial comic strip -- being exhibited in New Delhi -- was launched in one of the country's leading newspapers, The Times of India, after Bush vowed to bring Osama bin Laden to justice "dead or alive" after the plane attacks in September."The situation has all the elements of a black comedy. I saw an American style superhero -- in the mould of a comic book Superman -- but one who had the knack of tripping over his tonsils every time he opened his mouth," said Jug Suraiya, the writer of the comic strip."And so Dubyaman was born. A deranged superhero destined to skid on the banana peel of his own ineptitude," said Suraiya, India's answer to Art Buchwald whose column has kept readers in splits for years.Dubyaman, a Caped Crusader in a red cape and a blue bodysuit, gets his name from Bush's nickname Dubya, which is also the way the Texans pronounce "W."Suraiya teamed up with veteran cartoonist Neelabh Banerjee who regularly illustrates his column to produce the cartoon.One strip showed Dubyaman using his Dubyastrength and Dubyavision to find Imad Mughniyey, who some newspaper said was responsible for the attacks on the United States.At the end of it, Dubyaman tells a news conference Osama was to blame for the plane attacks. How did he figure that out? "I used my super Dubya pronunciation. I can pronounce Osama but I can't pronounce the other guy's name."In another strip, a confused Dubyaman jogs his memory to remember the name of the place he has to attack: "Foreign names are hell to remember. It begins with an A. Albania? Alcatraz? Ayodhya?"He finally decides that if he can't remember all he has to do is "take out" every place with A and "make no mistake, sooner of later I'll get the right one!""And heck... If I'm wrong about it beginning with an A, I can always try the Bs... And so on all the way to Z."HATE MAILThe comic strip has delighted thousands of Times of India readers but has received reams of hate mail as well. Critics say the comic strip is tasteless and offensive."You make me sick. Instead of making fun of the president of a great nation why don't you pick on India's corrupt and inefficient leaders," said an angry Dolly Bhattacharya in an email to the Times of India.But Suraiya, who says he was "appalled by the atrocity" on September 11, says the strip seeks to bring alive the dangers of fighting terrorism with terrorism.He says he isn't anti-American, pro-terrorist or "some sort of commie" as one U.S. diplomat described him."But while the rubble of the twin towers was still smouldering George W. Bush began to make his first Rambospeak pronouncements. 'Osama: Dead or Alive' and 'We'll smoke them out'.""We can't fight terrorism with the blitzkrieg tactics employed in Afghanistan where bombs and food packets were dropped side by side. The Afghanistan campaign probably gave rise to more terrorists than it destroyed."So, in one strip you have Indian Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh telling Dubyaman that a newspaper report says terrorists are now threatening Kathmandu.Dubyaman's response? "Kathmandu? Kabul, Kunduz, Kandahar and now Kandahar! Don't these Afghan guys have any place that ain't spelt with a K?"Suraiya's satirical eye doesn't miss the grisly burning alive of 58 Hindu devotees in a train in Godhra town in western India by a Muslim mob last month that triggered a wave of revenge killings in which some 700 people, mainly Muslims, were slaughtered.One series has Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee telling "Dubyaji" that people believe Pakistani intelligence was behind the Godhra incident."Gee, that's great! It means that your fanatics and their fanatics are working together in a spirit of cooperation -- your first joint venture exercise," says Dubyaman.Suraiya says people can love Dubyaman or they can hate him."In either case, today Dubyaman is no longer an individual but a state of mind: a combination of arrogance, ignorance and intolerance."


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Check out In These Times * Explosive Revelation$ [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-19 Thread TOOLGT


 Explosive Revelation$
The world’s biggest banks and multinational corporations have set up a shadowy system to secretly move trillions of dollars—a system that can be exploited by tax evaders, drug runners and even terrorists.

Ernest Backes exposed this dubious system and has launched a personal crusade for international oversight—earning him some high-powered and dangerous enemies.
by Lucy Komisar
n the tax haven of Luxembourg, a little-known outfit called Clearstream handles billions of dollars a year in stock and bond transfers for banks, investment companies and multinational corporations. But a former top official of this “clearinghouse” says Clearstream operates a secret bookkeeping system that allows its clients to hide the money that moves through their accounts.
In these days of global markets, individuals and companies may be buying stocks, bonds or derivatives from a seller who is halfway across the world. Clearinghouses like Clearstream keep track of the “paperwork” for the transactions. Banks with accounts in the clearinghouse use a debit and credit system and, at the end of the day, the accounts (minus “handling fees,” of course) are totaled up. The clearinghouse doesn’t actually send money anywhere, it just debits and credits its members’ accounts. It’s all very efficient. But the money involved is massive. Clearstream handles more than 80 million transactions a year, and claims to have securities on deposit valued at $6.5 trillion.
It’s also an excellent mechanism for laundering drug money or hiding income from the tax collector. Banks are supposed to be subject to local government oversight. But many of Clearstream’s members have real or “virtual” subsidiaries in offshore tax havens, where records are secret and investigators can’t trace transactions. And Clearstream, which keeps the central records of financial trades, doesn’t get even the cursory regulation that applies to offshore banks. On top of that, it deliberately has put in place a system to hide many of its clients’ transactions from any authorities who might come looking.
According to former insiders:

Clearstream has a double system of accounting, with secret, non-published accounts that banks and big corporations use to make transfers they don’t want listed on the official books.

Though it is legally limited to dealing with financial institutions, Clearstream gives secret accounts to multinational corporations so they can move stocks and money free from outside scrutiny.

Clearstream carried an account for a notoriously criminal Russian bank for several years after the bank had officially “collapsed,” and clearinghouse accounts camouflaged the destinations of transfers to Colombian banks.

Clearstream operates a computer program that erases the traces of trades on request from its members.

Clearstream was used to try to hide a dubious arms deal between French authorities and the Taiwanese military.
Many of these charges were first made in a controversial book called Révélation$, written by Denis Robert, a French journalist, and Ernest Backes, a former top official at the clearinghouse who helped design and install the computer system that facilitated the undisclosed accounts. The book’s impact was explosive. Six European judges called it “the black box” of illicit international financial flows. Top Clearstream officials were fired. The scandal made headlines in big European newspapers; TV networks broadcast specials; the French National Assembly’s financial crimes committee held a hearing. Luxembourg authorities ordered an investigation, and then they effected a cover-up. Yet Révélation$ remains unpublished and relatively unknown in the United States.
 bearded, heavyset man in his mid-fifties, Backes spoke with In These Times in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where he’d gone to attend a conference on international crime, and explained how he’d started fighting “organized crime in banking.”
Click here to read about Clearstream’s connection to the October Surprise.

Ernest Backes was born in 1946 in Trier, Germany. (As he likes to joke, “There were two important people born in Trier; the other is Karl Marx.”) His father was a Luxembourg metal worker, his mother a German nurse. From 14, he worked on an assembly line to pay for school and joined the Young Catholic Workers. After a job in the Luxembourg civil service, he was hired in 1971 by Clearstream’s predecessor Cedel (short for “central delivery” office), set up the year before by a consortium of 66 international banks. Backes helped design and install Cedel’s computerized accounting system in the ’70s.
Cedel and its main competitor, Brussels-based Euroclear, were started to manage transfers of “eurodollars,” U.S. currency kept in banks outside the United States. According to Barbara Garson’s book Money Makes the World Go Around, eurodollars were invented in the ’50s by the Chinese and the Soviets so they would not 

Colombia's 'peace bishop' is gunned down [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-18 Thread TOOLGT


March 18, 2002

Colombia's 'peace bishop' is gunned down

ONLY days after denouncing the influence of drug money on Colombia’s national elections, the Archbishop of Cali was shot dead on the steps of a church as he was leaving a mass wedding. Mgr Isaías Duarte Cancino, 69, known to parishioners as “the peace bishop” for his courageous stand against political violence and drug-money corruption, was one of the country’s most respected champions of peace and social justice.

The Pope condemned the killing and said that Mgr Duarte Cancino had paid a high price for his opposition to violence. The archbishop’s death stunned Colombian church leaders, politicians and laypeople, who paid homage to his long career spent in some of the country’s poorest and most violent communities. “This is disgusting, the dirtiest ignominy. This country has no future,” John Maro Rodríguez, the Mayor of Cali, said. Mgr Alberto Giraldo, a spokesman for the Colombian Roman Catholic Church, said: “One is left speechless, knowing what his commitment to the country was and the fondness and appreciation we had for him.” Shortly after 8.30pm on Saturday, Mgr Duarte Cancino was leaving the Church of the Good Shepherd in the Aguablanca suburb of Cali, Colombia’s second-largest city, where he had blessed the marriages of 104 couples. Witnesses said that he was about to get into his car when he was approached by two men who opened fire before escaping on a motorbike. The archbishop was hit by at least five bullets in the head, neck and chest. A priest was wounded in the arm. An amateur cameraman who was filming the church ceremony told the Cali newspaper El País: “The gunfire was tremendous. Everyone threw themselves on the ground. We did not know what was going on.” The Rev Gersain Paz, the archbishop’s press secretary, blamed the archbishop’s death in part on a lack of police security, despite an appeal for added protection made several hours before the ceremony. “The Church of the Good Shepherd saw several suspicious people at four o’clock in the afternoon. They called the police and asked for extra security,” he said, adding that none arrived. No one claimed has responsibility for the killing. Colombian analysts said that it could have been the work of a number of different groups, including left-wing guerrillas or right-wing paramilitaries involved in the country’s conflict over drugs. Cali was notorious in the 1990s as the headquarters of one of the country’s most powerful drug cartels. After the arrest of one of its leaders, the cocaine trade fell into the hands of a number of gangs, which have fought a series of bloody turf wars. The region around Cali has also been a stronghold of the left-wing National Liberation Army (ELN), which is engaged in peace talks with the Government. But the area has also come under the influence of the largest left-wing rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), which recently began an offensive after the Government called off peace talks with it last month. Mgr Duarte Cancino excommunicated the ELN leadership after guerrillas kidnapped more than 100 members of a Cali church congregation in the middle of a service and held them for months in a mountain hideout. Last month he denounced the influence of money from drug-trafficking in national elections. His accusations prompted a government investigation. Ordained a priest in 1963, Mgr Duarte Cancino gained national prominence in the 1980s when, as Bishop of Uraba, in the north, he spoke out against a series of massacres by guerrillas and paramilitaries. He became Archbishop of Cali in 1995. His murder will draw further attention to recent statements by the US that it will increase military aid to Colombia. The Bush Administration plans to ask Congress to loosen restrictions on military aid, which until now has been limited to counter-narcotics operations. The change would allow US military trainers, weapons and equipment to be used directly against left-wing guerrillas. Despite spending more that £900 million on a joint effort with Bogotá to intensify the eradication of coca crops, the plant used to process cocaine, the US admits that its policy has failed. Coca production there rose last year by 25 per cent.   

 Click here: Times Online 


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The War And Peace Report With Amy Goodman [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-18 Thread TOOLGT


 Monday, March 18
A Mid-term Review by Johan Galtung: Six months after the Twin Towers fell and Bush declared his "War on Terror," the world-renowned founder of peace studies discusses the bombing of Afghanistan, war in the Middle East, and “Deep culture," his visionary approach to conflict and conflict transformation
Click Here To Order a Video Copy of Johan Galtung's Speech Full stories, links and Realaudio files
Listen the entire show 
(MP3, 60min., 34MB  

Click here: Democracy Now! In Exile - The War And Peace Report With Amy Goodman 


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more- The War And Peace Report With Amy Goodman [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-18 Thread TOOLGT


Friday, March 15
A Report from the Hague: Milosevic cross-examines NATO leader 
Robert Mugabe: Demon or Demonized? A debate on Zimbabwe's contested presidential elections 
An interview with Ralph Nader: The man who has spent a lifetime taking on the corporate elite talks about fuel efficiency, anthrax, Afghanistan, and healthcare
Full stories, links and Realaudio files
Listen the entire show 
(MP3, 60min., 34MB  

 Click here: Democracy Now! In Exile - The War And Peace Report With Amy Goodman 


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I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-17 Thread TOOLGT


I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry 
by W. David Jenkins III 
March 15, 2002 " order for people to give me sound advice, that information not oughta be public." - GWB in reference to a GAO lawsuit. 3/1/02 George, are you out of your mind? Did you hear what you said in Des Moines? Did you really mean that? George, I played that line over and over in context to the question you were asked and no matter what way I hear it, your response was still stupid. Did you hear yourself? " order for people to give me sound advice, that information not oughta be public." Okay, let me make sure I understand. In order for you to get "sound" advice, the American people need to butt out. In other words, no one can give you sound advice if they think we're gonna find out about it. Is that right? Wait; let me go look this up just to be sure. SOUND - Adjective: capable of being depended on; dependable, reliable, responsible, solid, trustworthy, trusty (see Trust) Oh, there it is. It's that trust word again. But wait a minute, George. Didn't you say during the campaign that you "trust the American people?" Sure you did. Of course, you also promised the people of Nevada that that you wouldn't turn their state into a nuclearI mean, "nucular" waste site too. You lied to us again didn't you George? Okay, wait a minute, according to what you said, we the people are entitled to crappy advice but not the good stuff, right? Nobody is going to give you advice that's good for us if we're gonna find out about it, right? I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if this whole "stupid act" is meant to throw everybody off. Then this bone head turns around and waves at Stevie Wonder. Okay, I guess we all have to admit that George W. Bush is a flaming idiot. The events of the last few days have convinced me that either Dubya has no idea what's going on or he's not really in charge. Those are the only two choices. No, really. Either George has no idea how stupid and hypocritical he sounds or he just doesn't care because he knows it's not really his show anyway. I mean, consider the following. On the 13th of March, Little Bush said that "flaws in Zimbabwe's election will prevent the United States from recognizing the government's claim that incumbent Robert Mugabe was the winner." Then Colin Powell turns around and says, "Mr. Mugabe may claim victory but not democratic legitimacy." These guys are kidding, right? Apparently there was evidence of a government-orchestrated campaign of intimidation and violence. Powell went on to say that "the policies of Mugabe's government have been marked by a blatant disregard for the rule of law, serious human rights abuses, a broad repression of the Zimbabwean electorate, and ultimately the disenfranchisement of thousands of Zimbabwean voters." Umm.. Does Florida ring a bell with these people? Actually, does Florida ring a bell with anybody anymore? How many of us have said that if what happened in Florida during the sham that was Election 2000 took place in a third world country that we'd be sending in the troops. As it stands, Bush has announced that the US may have to impose sanctions against Zimbabwe. And he did it with a straight face. I swear, I've never been so embarrassed and scared in my life. Then there was Sheriff Shrub's remarks concerning Sharon and the Israeli offensive the last week or so. After spending the last year or so telling Sharon and Arafat, "Hey, you guys work it out yourself," Boy George decides to play school marm and shake the finger that used to stir his drinks with at these two. In his press conference on the 13th, George had the audacity to say that Sharon's actions were "not helpful" and went way beyond "self-defense." Oh really? Although I agree with the little brat (just this once). is he really listening to himself? Sharon is way out of line, trying to get his jollies and revenge while he can. But, how does that differ from Bush's reckless policies and smart mouthing concerning his adding to the "Axis of Evil?" Like a toddler having a snit fit, Bush has raised the stakes and named Russia, China, Syria and Libya to his hit list. By golly, we're gonna warm up the nukes and aim them at these guys if they don't toe the line on the Bush way of thinking. If George thinks you guys are being bad, well, you might as well paint a bulls-eye on your ass 'cause we're gonna "ready, aim, fire" at you people until you say "uncle." Of course, there's the Philippines, Yemen and anywhere else Bush Inc. decides to wage this "just war." And don't give us any lip about it because God says it's okay. Just ask Ashcroft. I just can't believe how far Bush has thrown America and all it stands for in the trash. Our standing in the international community is failing. We look like a schoolyard bully imposing a pathetically disguised sense of revenge because of a loser who squats in the White House thinking he represents the will of America. 

Re: Niggers, Old and New [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-17 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/17/2002 3:36:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

. But after the attack, all that mattered was that he wasn't 
wearing a turban. 

LOL! Give it another six months and he'll be one me.

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Re: Bush Designates Bahrainis Honorary Aryans [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-16 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/16/2002 2:52:12 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bush had agreed to make the designation after meeting
the Gulf state's Crown Prince, Salman bin Hamad
al-Khalifa, on October 25.

What happened to his niece after her marriage to the soldier didn't work out? She was afraid to go home but after 9-11 she was more afraid to stay in the US.

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Japan Cuts All Aid To Zimbabwe [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-15 Thread TOOLGT


Japan Cuts All Aid To Zimbabwe

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan said on Friday that its economic aid to Zimbabwe, on hold since 1999, would stay frozen after Japanese election monitors had determined that President Robert Mugabe was returned to office in an unfair poll. "Because of the problem of the election, there are no prospects at all that Japan will resume its economic assistance to Zimbabwe," a foreign ministry official told Reuters. The ministry said in a statement that the government endorsed the judgment of Japan's election monitors that the Zimbabwe presidential election had not been conducted fairly. "Japan will continue to observe the domestic situation in Zimbabwe and consider what actions to take upon coordination with the international community," the statement said. Japan had extended economic, technical and humanitarian aid totaling about $30 million to Zimbabwe each year until 1998. But it has offered only a small amount humanitarian aid since then because of the unsettled political situation, including the illegal seizure of white-owned farms, the official said. Mugabe, in power since 1980, was declared re-elected for a six-year term on Wednesday with 56% of votes cast. A Commonwealth observer group issued a damning preliminary report on the poll, saying conditions did not adequately allow for a free expression of will by voters. The verdict was a blow to the 78-year-old Mugabe, whose re-election has been condemned by the West as massively rigged, but the outcome was defended by other observer groups from South Africa, Namibia and Nigeria, who said the vote was legitimate. Aid groups say more than half a million Zimbabweans are in desperate need of food and that four million of its 13 million people are at risk of going hungry soon. Economic analysts say Mugabe's victory would further debilitate the economy as donors shun what is widely seen in the West as an illegitimate government.  


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Re: Bush Continues To Threaten The World With Nuclear Weapons [WWW.STOPNATO.O...

2002-03-14 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/13/2002 9:59:46 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bush tells foes to beware nuclear response 

And he STILL can't pronounce nuclear.

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UN to Israel: Get out of Palestine! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-14 Thread TOOLGT


03/13/02 UN to Israel: Get out of Palestine! Time for Israel's agents-provocateurs to blow up something really impressive to blame on the Palestinians. 


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Re: Zionists quibble over strategy... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-14 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/13/2002 8:25:53 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

EL AVIV - The political partners that advocate the hardest line against 
Palestinians in the occupied territories withdrew last night from Prime 
Minister Ariel Sharon's national unity coalition, a development that 
many political activists and analysts said marked the beginning of the 
end of Sharon's political life. 

And hopefully the end of this racist state. I've HAD IT!!

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Re: Libya supports Palestine. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-14 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/13/2002 9:11:14 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Two Libyan airliners arrived last night in Amman airport carrying aid.

It's a miracle Israel didn't blast them out of the sky.

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During Gaza Raid, Some Civilians Slain Without Apparent Provocation [WWW.STOPNAT

2002-03-14 Thread TOOLGT


 Published on Wednesday, March 13, 2002 in the Washington Post 

Father, Son Dead; Family Wonders Why
During Gaza Raid, Some Civilians Slain Without Apparent Provocation

by Lee Hockstader

GAZA CITY, March 12 -- As Israeli forces rumbled close to his house, 54-year-old Abdul Rahman Izzadin headed up the stairs and called down to his wife, children and grandchildren to stay indoors. Those were the last words they heard him say. 

Click here: During Gaza Raid, Some Civilians Slain Without Apparent Provocation 

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Re: Palestine: Israel commits almost entire combat force to Palestinian offen...

2002-03-12 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/12/2002 1:57:03 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Deputy defence minister, Dalia Rabin-Pelossof, said she expects the
operation to stop by the time US peace envoy Anthony Zinni arrives in the
region on March 14.

"I assume that when Zinni is here, this will not be the way things are
done," she said

Translation: We're killing and rounding up as many as possible.

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Re: Hunt The Boeing [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-12 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/12/2002 4:47:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

OK, I see no plane-evidence. 
What happened to the people who were supposed to have died? There was some wife of a Bush flunky. She called on her cell to talk to her husband. Was much made of her sacrifice in the DC press?? 

I saw plane debris in another photo near the Pentagon. A plane hit it. End of story.

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Georgia Denies U.S. Possible Use of Its Airfields [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-11 Thread TOOLGT


Story Filed: Sunday, March 10, 2002 12:18 PM EST

 MOSCOW, Mar 10, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- The Georgian Foreign Ministry on Sunday denied the possibility of "Americans' use of airfields and territory of Georgia in case of an operation against Iraq," according to reports reaching here from Tbilisi. "The Georgian skies have been actively used for cargo shipments from Europe to Afghanistan within the past few months," said Kakhi Sikharulidze, a ministry spokesman. However, "there are no plans to use the Georgian skies for other purposes. The issue has not been discussed with anyone," he remarked. The press reports claiming the U.S. intention to set up military bases on the Georgian territory are "absolutely groundless," the spokesman said. Military bases of the United States in Georgia "have not been discussed," he stressed. Georgia and the U.S. have an agreement on the assistance of American servicemen to training a number of Georgian units only for special operations on the national territory. The training will be done this year under bilateral military cooperation program, Sikharulidze said. On the same day, the Georgian defense ministry also denied the reports that the U.S. is setting up its army bases in the ex- Soviet republic. Recently, some media said that American military experts are upgrading two Georgian airports for receiving U.S. air force planes. Copyright 2002 XINHUA NEWS AGENCY. 


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Russian customs seize controversial tape [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-03-11 Thread TOOLGT


I'd like an opinion on this story.

Russian customs seize controversial tape 
Published 3/10/2002 12:01 PM
MOSCOW, March 10 (UPI) -- Customs officials in Russia's second-largest city of St. Petersburg on Sunday seized 100 copies of a videotape alleging that the Federal Security Service masterminded the 1999 bombings of residential areas in Russian cities that killed several hundred civilians. 

Just as Berezovsky was about to reveal the controversial tape, the Prosecutor General's office announced it was collecting evidence that could the link Berezovsky with the killing of Russian Police Gen. Gennady Shpigun, a top-level Interior Ministry official who was first abducted and then killed by his captors in Chechnya early in 1999.

In case the collected evidence proved Berezovsky's involvement in the crime, Russia would have him placed on Interpol's wanted list, a spokesman for the Prosecutor General's office said Wednesday. 
Click here: United Press International: Russian customs seize controversial tape 


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Re: Third former militiaman with links to Sabra and Chatila is murdered. [WWW...

2002-03-11 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 3/11/2002 1:49:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michael Nassar, who was a former associate of Elie Hobeika – the Phalangist leader murdered in a car bombing in Beirut in January – was shot dead in Brazil by a man firing a pistol equipped with a silencer. His young wife, Marie, was shot down beside him.

Where is the US outrage regarding international terrorism?

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Uzbek Leader Chides West [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-29 Thread TOOLGT


Uzbek Leader Chides West, Defends Firm Rule in Vote

By Dmitry SolovyovTASHKENT (Reuters) - Uzbek President Islam Karimov, voting in a referendum to extend the presidential term of office, chided the West on Sunday for demanding too much democracy too quickly in his Central Asian state.
Karimov, a 63-year-old former Communist party boss, has enthusiastically embraced the U.S.-led campaign to oust the Taliban in next-door Afghanistan and allowed the deployment of at least 1,500 U.S. troops at Uzbekistan's Khanabad airbase.
But hosting U.S. troops has not spared him harsh Western criticism for cracking down on the opposition and putting on hold economic reforms in his nation of 25 million.
"At a certain stage of historic change in your country, you need a strong will and a certain figure," Karimov said after casting his ballot. "And you have to use some authoritarian methods at times."
"Nobody should press us into moving too quickly," he said. "We must take (from the West) only what suits us, keeping in mind thousands of years of history and our national mentality."
The referendum asks voters to say "yes" or "no" to extending the president's five-year term to seven years. Though Karimov's name is not on the ballot paper, the West has criticized the poll as a ploy to prolong his stay in power.
Karimov's current second term, which constitutionally must be his last, expires in 2005 but an official hinted on Friday the constitution might be amended after the vote to allow Karimov to run for a third term.
Quizzed by reporters, Karimov said he would comment on a new term in office only after completing the current one.
More than 13 million people are eligible to vote. A Central Election Commission spokesman said the poll was already valid as over 80 percent of voters had turned out by late afternoon. 
With the opposition muzzled, the free press banned and thousands of opponents in prison, many view the referendum as a political routine act similar to sham Soviet-era polls. But many voters also hailed Karimov as a source of stability.
"I have just voted to prolong President Karimov's term in office by two years," retired school teacher Klara Shakarova told Reuters after voting at a station in central Tashkent.
"Just look at the map of the world -- we must be the only country living in peace. Many thanks to our leader for this."
Those voting in favor need only drop the papers in a ballot box, while those opposed must mark their choice in an adjacent booth in the same manner as Soviet-era elections.
Officials say monitors from 32 countries would attend the vote, including many ex-Soviet states.
But the United States said it would send no observers as previous votes had been "neither free nor fair." Human Rights Watch described the referendum as "a blatant grab for power."
A 1995 referendum, staged when Karimov was part-way through his first five-year term, extended his mandate to 2000.
Karimov, in power almost without interruption since taking over as the communist boss in 1989, overwhelmingly won a second term in January 2000 in a poll largely ignored by international observers who said there was no chance of a genuine contest.
Copyright 2001 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. 


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Re: Phillipines: Manila asks UK to help rout rebels - Guardian [WWW.STOPNATO....

2002-01-29 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/28/2002 9:09:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Manila asks UK to help rout rebels 

I heard the Philippine ambassador say that a whole hundred of them exist.


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2002-01-29 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/29/2002 3:23:20 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Zinni denies saying this. I wonder how he's feeling about telling them anything now?

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Milosevic case faces collapse [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-27 Thread TOOLGT


Milosevic war crimes case faces collapse

By Vesna Peric Zimonjic in Belgrade

26 January 2002The trial of Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes in Kosovo is on the verge of collapse because former aides have refused to testify against him.The case hinges on evidence collected by Western intelligence officers rather than the UN's own investigators, and some of the 90 witnesses who provided testimony against the former Yugoslav president have died.Three weeks before it is due to open, Europe's most important war crimes trial since Nuremberg is reported to be in such disarray that prosecutors travelled to Belgrade earlier this week to try to shore up the case. But despite visiting several of Mr Milosevic's allies in their jail cells and homes, the team led by the British barrister Geoffrey Nice came away empty-handed, according to sources in Belgrade.Mr Nice flew to Belgrade on the same flight as Mr Milosevic's wife, Mira, who had been visiting her husband in his cell in Scheveningen in the Netherlands.Mr Milosevic is accused of the murder of 900 Kosovo Albanians and the forced eviction of 800,000 civilians from their homes in 1999.The UN tribunal was adamant yesterday that it was "ready" to try Mr Milosevic for crimes against humanity in Kosovo. But Florence Hartmann, a spokeswoman for the UN chief prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, said the court may decide next week to postpone the case, which is due to begin on 12 February.Prosecutors want judges to join the Kosovo trial with indictments against Mr Milosevic for war crimes in Bosnia and Croatia, for which there is said to be abundant evidence. Judgesare due to discuss unifying the indictments at a hearing on Wednesday. If they do, they would have to postpone the trial to allow more time for preparation of the Bosnian and Croatian cases against Mr Milosevic.Ms Hartmann denied that the Kosovo case was collapsing: "We are ready. We don't have any problem with the Kosovo case," she said.But the case has a fundamental weakness in that the testimonies it relies on are exclusively from Western officials based in Kosovo before Nato air raids began in March 1999, and from ethnic Albanian victims. The credibility of some of these testimonies is in doubt because they were gathered by intelligence officers, and not by the tribunal's own investigators.Members of Mr Milosevic's inner circle could provide the missing pieces of the puzzle, but it is unlikely that any regime insiders, who share Mr Milosevic's Serb nationalist views, would travel to The Hague to testify against the so-called "Butcher of the Balkans".His supporters still describe the armed ethnic Albanian rebellion in Kosovo as "terrorism", and view the trial against Mr Milosevic as a Western conspiracy against freedom-loving Serbs. They fear being branded "traitors of the Serb nation" if they testify.Serb authorities are still balking at Mr Nice's request for two top Milosevic aides be handed over. Nikola Sainovic and Vlajko Stoiljkovic were respectively the official in charge of the security forces in Kosovo and the Interior Minister. The pair, along with their boss, were indicted for war crimes in Kosovo in 1999.The UN team interrogated Rade Markovic, chief of the secret service under Mr Milosevic, in his Belgrade prison cell three times. Mr Markovic is on trial for his alleged role in an assassination attempt against the former opposition leader Vuk Draskovic.Mr Markovic's lawyer, Dusan Masic, said his client was willing to go to The Hague, but analysts doubt that his testimony would benefit the prosecution. 

Click here: Independent News 


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Re: US reporter held in retribution for X-Ray [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-27 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/27/2002 1:25:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The Journal quoted the e-mail as saying Pearl was being held "in very
inhuman circumstances quite similar in fact to the way Pakistanis and
nationals of other sovereign countries are being kept in Cuba by the
American army."

This puts the US in a tricky position. How can they dare complain?

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Warlord had revelations to make in =?UTF-8?Q?

2002-01-26 Thread TOOLGT


Warlord had ‘revelations to make in court’ 
Trial in Belgium proceeds, key witness dead 
Nicholas Blanford 
Daily Star staff 

The killing of Elie Hobeika has deprived lawyers seeking the prosecution of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of a potential key witness to events surrounding the massacre of hundreds of Palestinian refugees in the Sabra and Shatila camp in 1982. 
In Belgium, Chibli Mallat, one of the lawyers representing survivors of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, said that Hobeika’s death was unhelpful, but should not prevent the case against Sharon proceeding. 
“From the point of view of the evidence he had promised to provide, the loss of his testimony is not going to be helpful,” he told The Daily Star. While he would not be drawn on the perpetrator of the deadly bombing, Mallat said that Hobeika’s death suited Sharon. 
“Clearly his disappearance coincides with a very harsh campaign by the Israeli prime minister to have the case dismissed,” he said. The plaintiffs’ legal team was swift to link Hobeika’s death to the lawsuit against Sharon. 
“The elimination of a key protagonist, who had offered to assist with the inquiry, appears as an evident attempt to undermine the case, and reinforces the international campaign which seeks to prevent any examination before a neutral forum of a crime against humanity which has remained unpunished,” a statement from the lawyers said. 
Hobeika had said that he would testify to the Brussels court if, as looks likely, the trial against Sharon proceeds. 
The Brussels court of appeals declared Wednesday that it would rule on whether the case was admissible under Belgian law on March 6. 
The lawsuit against Sharon was filed last June under a 1993 Belgium law that permits the 
trial of foreigners for crimes against humanity regardless of where they occurred. 
Sharon was Israeli defense minister in 1982 and the architect of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in June that year. The 1983 Kahan Commission, an Israeli inquiry into the massacre, concluded that Sharon bore “personal responsibility” for the slaughter, in which at least 1,000 Palestinians perished. 
Hobeika had said that he was willing to travel to Belgium and testify in court against the Israeli prime minister if asked. 
Last July, Hobeika broke his silence over the Sabra and Shatila massacre to plead innocence on any involvement, claiming to have documents and tapes that proved he was not in the vicinity of the camps at the time. 
In a secret meeting in Beirut with two visiting Belgian senators Tuesday, Hobeika reportedly informed them that he feared for his life. One of the senators, Josy Dubie, said in Brussels Thursday that when he asked Hobeika if he felt threatened, he replied: “I feel threatened. I have revelations to make.” 
“I then asked why he did not make these revelations now,” the senator said, “and he replied to me: ‘I am saving them for the trial’.” Several published accounts of the circumstances of the massacre place Hobeika at the Israeli Army command post in a six-storey building overlooking Shatila during the slaughter. 
An Israeli officer testified to the Kahan Commission that a Lebanese militiamen had asked Hobeika over the radio what he should do with 50 Palestinian women and children that had been rounded up in the camp. 
Hobeika’s reply was: “This is the last time you’re going to ask me a question like that; you know exactly what to do.” 
According to the Kahan Commission report, this was followed by “raucous laughter,” leaving no doubt in the mind of the Israeli witness that the prisoners were to be executed.  



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Re: Guardian: French general fined for army torture book [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-26 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/26/2002 11:47:23 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Gen Aussaresses said during the trial that he would "do it all again if necessary", but the acts gave him "no pleasure". 

He was interviewed on CNN in their pathetic bid to get us to support this barbarism.


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Debt Collection, Not Aid, Was the Real Priority of [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-25 Thread TOOLGT


the Afghan Reconstruction Conference
by Yoichi Shimatsu
January 25, 2002

Tokyo – Afghan interim leader Hamid Karzai dropped a bombshell at the International Conference on Reconstruction Assistance to Afghanistan on January 21, but the media failed to pick it up. While outlining his blueprint for a stable new government, Karzai promised the meeting of donor nations: "Afghanistan will assume responsibility for the foreign debt incurred by all previous governments.'' U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell nodded in smug approval.   

 Click here: Debt Collection, Not Aid, Was the Real Priority of 


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Hobeika taped evidence against Sharon [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-25 Thread TOOLGT


Hobeika taped "evidence" against Sharon before assassination: Beirut press

Agence France Presse
January 25, 2002

BEIRUT, Jan 25-- Former Christian warlord Elie Hobeika taped "evidence" on
Sabra and Shatila massacres during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon
before he was assassinated, a Beirut newspaper reported Friday.

The Daily Star said the evidence allegedly implicated Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon, who was defence minister at the time of the
massacres in the Palestinian refugee camps of Beirut.

"On a pair of occasions ..., including one just two months ago,
Hobeika told editors from this newspaper that he has recorded his
account of Sabra and Shatila," said the Daily Star. It said Hobeika,
a former minister and intelligence chief of the Lebanese Forces
militia who was killed in a Beirut car-bomb attack on Thursday, had
told the newspaper that he "entrusted copies of the tape to

"According to him, he had evidence that would implicate Sharon even
more directly than is widely believed," said the English-language

An Israeli commission of inquiry in 1983 found Sharon "indirectly
responsible" for the camp massacres in which Christian militiamen
slaughtered between 800 and 2,000 Palestinian refugees in September

It charged that Hobeika ordered the massacres, which took place as
the Israeli army held positions near the two camps.

"Hobeika feared being assassinated" because of the trial being filed
against Sharon in Belgium by survivors of the massacres, said
An-Nahar, another Lebanese daily. "What will become of his secrets?"

It also asked what "revelations" he could have made to a delegation
of Belgian senators he met secretly in Beirut earlier this week.

"Assassination of Hobeika, the man who knew too much," headlined
L'Orient Le Jour. "He was in the front row of the (Lebanese civil)
war and without doubt held many of its secrets, which history will
now have more trouble unearthing."

Israel has slammed Lebanese accusations that it had a hand in the
assassination of Hobeika. Sharon himself said the "allegations do
not even merit a reaction from Israel."

Lebanese President Emile Lahoud implicitly accused Israel of being
behind the killing in a bid to prevent Hobeika from testifying
against Sharon.

A Belgian court is studying whether it can accept a case brought
against the Israeli premier, who resigned from the post of defence
minister as a direct result of the massacres.

A Belgian senator, Josy Dubie, said after the killing that Hobeika
told him and a colleague Tuesday he had new evidence on the camp
massacres and would be prepared to testify in any trial against


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Re: Bring down the I'll-Shredda Network [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-25 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/25/2002 12:13:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The I'll-Shredda
Network must be brought down.


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prosecute Mr Chomsky's Turkish [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-24 Thread TOOLGT


 By Robert Fisk, Middle East Correspondent

24 January 2002Noam Chomsky, one of America's greatest philosophers and linguists, has become the target of Turkey's chief of "terrorism prosecution".Scarcely two months after the European Union praised Turkey for passing new laws protecting freedom of expression, the authorities in Ankara are using anti-terrorism legislation to prosecute Mr Chomsky's Turkish publisher.Fatih Tas of the Aram Publishing House faces a year in prison for daring to print American Interventionism, a collection of Mr Chomsky's recent essays including harsh criticism of Turkey's treatment of its Kurdish minority.Mr Chomsky, a linguistics professor at Harvard, is planning to fly to Turkey for Mr Tas's first court appearance on 13 February and has already written to the offices of the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, pointing out that amendments to Turkish law were supposed to have provided greater freedom of expression, not less.Mr Chomsky plans to visit the Turkish city of Diyarbakir to meet Kurdish "activists" and it will be a test of Turkey's freedoms to see if he is allowed to visit the area.In one of his essays, originally a university lecture, he says that "the Kurds have been miserably oppressed throughout the whole history of the modern Turkish state ... In 1984, the Turkish government launched a major war in the south-east against the Kurdish population ... The end result was pretty awesome: tens of thousands of people killed, two to three million refugees, massive ethnic cleansing with some 3,500 villages destroyed."This, according to the Turks, constitutes an incitement to violence. Mr Chomsky has been suitably outraged, regarding the trial as part of a much broader wave of repression directed against Kurds appealing for greater use of the Kurdish language. Bekir Rayif Aldemyr, Turkey's chief prosecutor, claims that the Chomsky essay "propagates separatism".A spiky, inexhaustible academic of Jewish origin who has been an inveterate critic of Israel and especially of the United States, Mr Chomsky's condemnation of Turkey's treatment of the Kurds – and of the vast arms shipments made to Turkey by the United States – was bound to enrage Ankara.Mr Chomsky describes the prosecution as "a very severe attack on the most elementary human and civil rights". The EU, so impressed by those changes in Turkish law last November, has remained silent. 

Click here: Independent News 


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Smith Reps Northern Alliance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-24 Thread TOOLGT


January 17, 2002

Afghanistan's Northern Alliance Junbish Party is using Philip S. Smith  Associates, Washington, D.C., to make sure it plays a leading role in the post-Taliban government.
Smith is a former Asia policy advisor for the House Republican Research Committee and senior legislative assistant to Rep. Don Ritter (R-Pa.). 
He reports to Gen. Rashid Dostum, a former Communist who switched sides and fought the Soviet Union after it invaded Afghanistan.
Dostum is the former warlord who controlled the key Afghanistan city of Mazar-e-Sharif.
Smith's firm receives about $150,000 for the work.He also represents the Royal Lao Foundation and the Vietnam National Assn. 

 Click here: Smith Reps Northern Alliance 


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Re: The LIEberman Doctrine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-24 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/24/2002 12:49:09 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It should be noted that Lieberman who wants to use the military to force so called 
"American values" on the Muslim world is also (naturally) an outspoken Zionist 
and supporter of Israel as well staunchly anti -Cuban. 

This is an example of the values that he wants to spread. 

(10:50) Sabra and Shatilla warlord killed in Beirut bombing
By The Jerusalem Post Internet Staff
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Former Lebanese Christian warlord Elie Hobeika was killed in a bomb explosion at his house a short time ago, witnesses said. 

Hobeika, 45, led the right-wing Phalangist Lebanese Forces militia forces who scythed through the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in Muslim west Beirut, slaughtering hundreds of men, women and children, in 1982. 

Several months before the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Hobeika was assigned liasion officer with the IDF. Following the war, he turned his back on Israel and joined the pro-Syrian camp in Lebanon, Israel Radio reported. 

A car bomb exploded today outside his house in Beirut's eastern Hazmieh neighborhood. Lebanese security officials said Hobeika had just entered his Humvee, a military style armored truck, with three body guards inside when the explosion occurred at 9:40 a.m. 

The explosion killed Hobeika and at least three of his bodyguards, police officials said. 

There was no immediate claim of responsibility. 

It was not immediately clear whether the bomb was planted in Hobeika's Humvee, which was left a charred ruin. The Voice of Lebanon, radio station of the Christian Phalange faction, said the bomb was in a limousine parked nearby. 

Ambulances, fire engines, civil defense and police vehicles rushed to the scene of the explosion just off the Beirut-Damascus highway five kilometers east of Beirut. 

Several buildings were heavily damaged and a huge fire broke out, said the officials, speaking on customary condition of anonymity. 

Four charred bodies, including that of Hobeika, were taken to a morgue while five injured people were rushed to hospital for treatment, the officials said. 

Voice of Lebanon and Lebanon's Future TV said the number of dead was five, including a man standing on the balcony of his nearby apartment when the explosion occurred. 

Hobeika will be remembered for the Sabra and Shatilla massacre in September 1982. 

The Christian militiamen went into the refugee camps after their leader, President-elect Bashir Gemayel, was assassinated in a bombing at Phalange headquarters initially blamed on the Palestinians. 

It turned out that Gemayel was eliminated by the Syrians, who opposed his alliance with the Israelis. 

Lebanese sources said Hobeika met with a Belgian parliamentary delegation this week in Beirut and agreed to testify against Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in a war crimes trial that may be held later this year in a Brussels court. 

A group of Palestinian survivors of the Sabra and Shatilla massacres have filed suit in Belgium against Sharon, who was minister of defense during the invasion of Lebanon. 

The complaint filed in June with a Belgian judge demanded that Sharon be indicted for crimes against humanity in accordance with Belgian law that allows for such trials of foreigners in another country. The complaint did not mention Hobeika's role. 

Hobeika has said he had "irrefutable proof" of his innocence in the killings. 

A Belgian appeals court is expected to rule on March 6 on whether Sharon should stand trial. 

To read more about the possible upcoming trial, click here. 

Hobeika served in several cabinets as, variously, minister of electriticity, refugee resettlement, and handicapped people. 

Hobeika's death echoed the turmoil of Lebanon's war years. During the 1975-90 conflict, numerous car bombs by rival militias targeted politicians, militia leaders and civilians as a way to settle scores. Two presidents and a prime minister were assassinated by explosions. 

In 1992, police said that there were 3,641 car bombings during the 1975-90 civil war. They killed 4,386 people and wounded 6,784. 

Today's bombing was the first major car bombing in Beirut since a 1994 explosion at a church that killed 11 worshippers and the first political assassination of a leader since 1995, when a Muslim cleric was shot on a Beirut street. 

In other Lebanese news, IAF warplanes struck at suspected Hizbullah targets in the eastern sector of southern Lebanon yesterday, after the Muslim terrorist group broke a three-month period of cross-border quiet with a barrage of mortar and anti-tank missile fire on IDF outposts in the Mount Dov region of the Golan. click here. 



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Fwd: 01-24-02 -- ACLU Action Update: Oppose Attempts to Allow Unchecked Domes...

2002-01-24 Thread TOOLGT




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TO: ACLU Action Network Members
FR: Jared Feuer, Internet Organizer
DT: January 24, 2002

Attorney General John Ashcroft is reportedly considering a plan to relax restrictions 
on the FBI's ability to spy on domestic organizations, a move that would loosen some 
of the most fundamental protections against FBI misconduct and threaten 
constitutionally protected advocacy of unpopular ideas and political dissent.

The domestic spying restrictions were originally imposed in the 1970's after the 
country learned of the FBI's widespread, unchecked and politically motivated domestic 
surveillance of such figures as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The FBI's campaign against 
Dr. King included tactics such as planting bugs in hotel rooms and threats to release 
the recordings, all done without evidence of criminal activity.

Current domestic guidelines already provide broad authority to conduct investigations, 
but we must not allow the war on terrorism to permanently expand unchecked government 

Take Action!  You can read more about this plan and send a FREE FAX to Attorney 
General John Ashcroft from our action alert at:

Help Strengthen the ACLU's Voice in Congress ... 
Click Below to Become a Card-Carrying Member today!

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2002-01-23 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/23/2002 11:29:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The European Union could ask Israel to pay for the 
damage its forces have inflicted on Palestinian projects 
funded by EU taxpayers, according to the French 

Since they disrupted the Durban conference it's only fair. :)

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Re: US Torture techniques [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-21 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/21/2002 7:32:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Pictures released of the men show them blindfolded, tightly shackled and
forced to wear face masks, ear covers and gloves, denying them use of
key senses.

I thought back to how angry Americans were when the hostages in Iran were shown wearing blindfolds. Anyone that doesn't have a problem with this is just BLIND.
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Robert Fisk: Congratulations, America. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-21 Thread TOOLGT


Robert Fisk: Congratulations, America. You have made bin Laden a happy man

'We are turning ourselves into the kind of deceitful, ruthless people whom bin Laden imagines us to be'

Independent22 January 2002

Shackled, hooded, sedated. Taken to a remote corner of the world where they may be executed, where the laws of human rights are suspended. Sounds to me like the Middle East. Shackled, hooded, threatened with death by "courts" that would give no leeway to defence or innocence. In fact, it sounds like Beirut in the 1980s.
I've written this story before. Last time, I remember writing about the threats to my kidnapped journalist friend Terry Anderson of the Associated Press, tied up, hooded, always threatened by his "Islamist" captors in Lebanon. That was between 1986 and 1991 and Terry – let us remember this distinction – was no man of violence. He was a journalist, a comrade, a friend. But he was most cruelly treated, allowed no contacts with his family, held in cold confinement, threatened with death every bit as absolute as the American military courts that know they hold the fate of al-Qa'ida's men in their hands.
And then I remember the revolting prison of Khiam where Israel locked up its Lebanese adversaries – real and presumed, none tried by a court – and where prisoners were brought, shackled, hooded, sedated, for questioning. Their interrogation included electric torture – electrified metal attached to penis and nipples (there were women prisoners, too) – which could never happen at Guantanamo Bay, as America's Israeli allies taught their Lebanese militia men in 1980. They in turn taught it to their Lebanese Shia militia enemies who used electricity on their captives.
America, Israel's friend, could have closed down this sick, disgusting prison if it had insisted. But Washington remained silent. The Lebanese Shia prisoners were left to face the men who applied electrodes to their testicles. The nation that would later declare a war of good against evil didn't see much wrong at Khiam.
And now, a trip down memory lane. In the 1980s, when I was covering the war in Afghanistan between the brave mujahedin guerrillas and the Soviet occupiers, Arab fighters – armed by the Americans, paid by the Saudis and the West – would occasionally be captured by the Russians or by their Afghan communist satrap allies. For the most part, the Arabs were Egyptians. They would be paraded on Kabul television and then executed as "terrorists''. We called them "freedom fighters". President Reagan claimed that their masters were not unlike the Founding Fathers.
From time to time, these revolutionary forces would sally forth across the Amu Darya river to attack the Soviet Union itself. The "Arab" Afghans would attack a foreign country from Afghanistan. They would do so in their war against occupation. We supported them. For, yes, they were "freedom fighters". Now, having opposed America, having dared to oppose US forces inside Afghanistan, in order to destroy US forces "occupying'' part of the Arab world – in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait – they have become "unlawful combatants'', "battlefield detainees''. That, in essence, is what the Russians called them in the 1980s. It justified their detention in the hideous Pol e-Chowkri prison outside Kabul, their incarceration like animals – partly exposed to the elements – before their appearance in front of unfair, drumhead courts.
Minus the torture, the United States is now doing what most Arab regimes have been doing for decades: arresting their brutal "Islamist" enemies, holding them incommunicado, chained and hooded, while preparing unfair trials. President Mubarak of Egypt would approve. So would King Abdullah of Jordan. So would the Saudis, whose grotesque, hopelessly unfair system of Islamic "justice" would be familiar to America's prisoners. The jails of Saddam would be far worse - let us keep things in proportion – but in most of the Arab world and Israel, al-Qa'ida would receive similar treatment.
And whether we like it or not, many Saudis believe that American troops are occupying their country, that the very presence of US soldiers in the Kingdom is a crime. King Fahd, of course, invited the Americans into Saudi Arabia in 1990, after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. President Bush senior promised the Arabs they would leave when the threat of Iraqi occupation was over. But they are still there. Several years ago, I reported in The Independent that Crown Prince Abdullah – the effective ruler now that the King is so badly incapacitated – wanted the Americans to leave. Much jeering there was from American commentators. But now the Washington Post, no less, has reported that the Saudis want the Americans to quit and the commentators are silent. Not so US Secretary of State Colin Powell. For him, the American presence in Saudi Arabia may last until the world 


2002-01-15 Thread TOOLGT



Reported on: April 17, 2001 
Last Updated on: January 11, 2002 at 10:46:25 AM PST

Symantec Security Response encourages you to ignore any messages regarding this hoax. It is harmless and is intended only to cause unwarranted concern. Type: Hoax Description:
The following hoax email was first reported in Brazil, and the original email was in Portuguese. Other language versions are in circulation. Currently, the English language versions are most common.

This particular email message is a hoax. The file that is mentioned in the hoax, however, Sulfnbk.exe, is a Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me utility that is used to restore long file names, and like any .exe file, it can be infected by a virus that targets .exe files.

NOTE: The Sulfnbk.exe file is not required to run Windows. It may be necessary if you need to restore long file names if the file names become corrupted. For additional information, read the Microsoft Knowledge Base article Description of Sulfnbk.exe and How to Replace the Program File (Q301316) 

The virus/worm W32.Magistr.24876@mm can arrive as an attachment named Sulfnbk.exe. The Sulfnbk.exe file used by Windows is located by default in the C:\Windows\Command folder.

NOTE: The C:\Windows\Command folder is the usual default location for this file. It is possible that if you have a custom installation, or a special configuration that was installed by the computer manufacturer, the file could be in a different location.

If the file is located in any other folder (except as noted), or arrives as an attachment to a email message, then it is possible that the file is infected. In this case, if a scan with the latest virus definitions and with NAV set to scan all files does not detect the file as being infected, quarantine and submit the file to SARC for analysis by following the instructions in the document How to submit a file to SARC using Scan and Deliver. 

If you have deleted the Sulfnbk.exe file from the C:\Windows\Command folder and want to know how to restore the file, see the How to restore the Sulfnbk.exe file section at the end of this document.
English versions

NOTE: Several versions are shown, with the most recent ones shown first. Many more have been reported. All have the same basic theme.

Version 1
Hello! I just got this letter from my friend and yes I had the virus as well please follow the directions to see if you have the virus and then follow the directions to get rid of it. Like my friend I am sorry that I passed it along as well. 

Dear All: We received a virus on a message. I followed the instructions below and found that it had been spread to our computer. I followed the instructions and located the virus and was able to delete it. The bad news is that you probably have it, as you are in My Address book! More bad news is that my anti virus program did not detect this virus. The virus lies dormant for 14 days and then "kills" your hard drive.

Here is what to do. If you follow the instructions and then see that you have the virus, you need to send a similar e-mail to everyone in your address book.

Remove the virus by following these steps:
1. Go to "Start." Then to "Find" or "Search".
2. In the "Search for files or folders" type sulfnbk.exe -- this is the name of the virus.
3. In the "Look in" section, make sure you are searching Drive C.
4. Hit "Search" or "Find".
5. If your search finds this file, it will be an ugly blackish icon that will have the name sulfnbk.exe. DO NOT OPEN IT! If it does not show up on your first "Search", try a "New Search."
6. Right click on the file -- go down to "Delete" and left click. 
7. You will be asked if you want to send the file to the Recycling Bin -- say "Yes".
8. Go to your Desktop (where all your icons are) and right click on the Recycle Bin and either manually delete the sulfnbk.exe program or empty
the entire bin.
9. If you found the virus on your system, send this or a similar e-mail to all in your address book because this is how it is transferred.

Sorry for the trouble and my apologies for having unwittingly "infected" you. You'll want to check for this virus again for the next couple days
until everyone in your address book has seen it and deleted it, otherwise, being in their address book, your PC will get infected all
over again so don't forget to check!

Version 2
This is very real, and I may have passed it on to you. Check it out as below right now. Your drive may crash!!
"I had a virus which apparently attaches itself to everyone in my address book. I deleted it successfully. you may have it as well. Follow these instructions to see if you have it. It transfers to whomever is in your address book. It lies dormant for 14 days, then kills your hard drive. If you've got it send these instructions to everyone in you address book. Otherwise, it may be sent back to you by somebody else.
1. go to start-then to "find or search" 2. 

Re: Bush faints eating a bad pretzel [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-13 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/13/2002 8:16:41 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Tubb said Bush believes he was out only for a few seconds because when
he awoke, his two dogs were sitting in the same position they were when
he lost consciousness.

I know that my dog wouldn't have been in the same position. Shakman might have tried to dial the phone. His dogs have no loyality or are as dumb as he is. 
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Re: McCain-Lieberman Traveling War Circus Demands Iraq Be Attacked [WWW.STOPN...

2002-01-11 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/11/2002 4:38:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lieberman said that for many Americans, the war
against terrorism will not be over until (Ariel Sharon) has been killed or captured. 

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