Re: A Clockwork Orange [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-14 Thread putnik1915


Lee Mager wrote: "...and many people simply 
refuse to believe the horrors that the CIA's victims went through, primarily 
through self-denial."

Not only that. It is difficult to get across 
the complete monstrosity of our 'intelligence'[sic] agencies. Even when 
THESE ATROCITIES that the US government in the 1950's-60's: 1) 
committed nuclear experimentation on unwitting Americans, 2) experimented on 
Americans by spreading 'harmless' bio-vectors to study the effectiveness of 
bio-weapons, 3) the covert drug experiments of Mk Ultra, etc ad nauseam. 

The utter stupidity of the masses is only surpassed 
their virtually unlimited ability to forget.


- Original Message - 
From: "Lee Mager" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 13:21
Subject: RE: A Clockwork Orange 
---  This is obviously the case; however 
the MK Ultra/Project Monarch mind control programs used by the CIA 
(still today) tend to be motivated by the reverse of the one used in A 
Clockwork Orange. In other words, using trauma to cause someone in a 
post-hypnotic/triggered state to do something that conflicts with their 
better morals, usually to use them as an assassin/prostitute/drug 
courier etc.   I would strongly recommend reading Trance: 
Formation of America by Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien, or indeed any 
of the multitude of first hand accounts from survivors of MK Ultra 
programmes on the net. I'd only say it is just about as distressing an 
account as can be imagined and many people simply refuse to believe the 
horrors that the CIA's victims went through, primarily through 
self-denial. Still, it's important to know about these things... 
  -Original Message- From: Miroslav Antic 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  Sent: 14 October 2002 14:36 To: 
'SNN-Yahoo' Subject: A Clockwork Orange [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK] 
---  CIA mind-control trials revealed as secret 
inspiration behind 'A Clockwork Orange'  The Independent 
(UK) | 13 October 2002 | James Morrison  Anthony Burgess was 
inspired to write his most famous novel A Clockwork Orange by his 
real-life involvement in CIA-run mind-control experiments, a new 
biography claims.  The revelations, published next month, come 
as the controversial film version gets its first mainstream 
British television screening.  The new biography claims A 
Clockwork Orange's central theme - the use of brainwashing to quell 
evil impulses in the criminal mind - arose from Burgess's involvement 
with the British secret service and the CIA experiments. 
 It argues that many of the novel's other trademarks, including 
Nadsat, the fictional slang in which it is written, stem from 
the author's dealings with secret agents.  Burgess, a 
curmudgeonly interviewee, always refused to be drawn in any detail on 
his inspiration for A Clockwork Orange. When asked about the famous 
scene in which government scientists pump images of torture into 
the mind of its delinquent antihero, Alex, to rid him of violent 
thoughts, he dismissed it as an idea that came to him in a 
dream.  Now, a decade after Burgess's death, respected 
biographer Roger Lewis believes he may have uncovered the truth, 
thanks to a mysterious retired British intelligence agent. 
 According to the anonymous source, Burgess became involved with the 
CIA while working as a Colonial Service education officer in 
Malaya in the 1950s.  There he became a party to trials for a 
mind-control process designed to trigger emotional responses in 
the brain using pain and pleasure - the inspiration, it is claimed, for 
the chilling Ludovico Technique in A Clockwork Orange.  
The ex-spy's most compelling claim was that a sequence of capital 
letters seen on Alex's bedroom wall in Chapter 3 of the novel and 
supposedly lifted from Alex's school trophies is actually an 
encryption for the location of a US military base where "psychotronic 
warfare" experiments took place. The coded wording reads: "SOUTH 
According to the spy, the figure 4 refers to the conjunction of four US 
states, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. To the south of this is 
a military reservation, based in a metropolitan location. The 
base is a training school (skol in Russian), initially supervised by the 
US Navy's Blue Division, which experimented with the Alpha waves of the 
human unconsciousness. Its name was Fort Bliss; the word "bliss" 
appears repeatedly in the chapter.  Another clue, Mr Lewis 
argues in 

Re: War on Iraq: Who Needs It? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-10-11 Thread putnik1915


Dear Sandeep,

I certainly hope you are not suggesting that there is even a grain of truth
in the statement: the second case, there was -- arguably -- a humanitarian disaster in
the making which only the expulsion of Slobodan Milosevic from Kosovo could
[Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)]

A more accurate statement would be:

It is unarguably true that to lessen or minimize the death and destruction
in Kosovo and the rest of Yugoslavia, HATO (lead by the brutish US) must be
EXCLUDED from Kosovo.


- Original Message -
From: Sandeep Vaidya (LMI) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 11:19
Subject: RE: War on Iraq: Who Needs It? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


 I am not a history student, but some of the arguement made in this article
can be easily proved to be misleading:

  in the second case, there was -- arguably -- a humanitarian disaster in
the making which only the expulsion of Slobodan Milosevic from Kosovo could
 [Sandeep Vaidya (LMI)]



 War on Iraq: Who Needs It?

 By Robert Skidelsky

 The United States wants to remove Saddam Hussein from power; its main
allies would be content with his disarmament. The United States, therefore,
wants to keep the United Nations weapons inspectors out of Iraq; its allies
want to get them back in.

 To reconcile these aims -- at least formally -- is the point of the
intense jockeying now going on at the UN. The United States wants a new
Security Council resolution so drawn up as to make legal the early use of
force. France and Russia, while not opposed to the use of force as a last
resort, want to use existing Security Council resolutions to give
disarmament a last chance. Britain finds itself between a rock and a hard
place. It is co-sponsor with the United States of a resolution whose
not-so-hidden aim is to force out Saddam, while being openly committed to
nothing more than his regime's disarmament.

 In one sense the maneuvers at the United Nations are a side show.

 The United States will go ahead with regime change whatever the UN
decides. So the unenviable choice for America's allies is either to accede
to the U.S. demand for a new UN resolution that brings about regime change
in Iraq -- probably by war -- or to acquiesce in unilateral U.S. action to
remove Saddam. No other choice is open, because there is no force capable of
stopping the United States. This is the reality of a world with only one

 The U.S. draft resolution -- at the time of writing -- makes eight demands
on Iraq. Under extreme pressure Iraq might be expected to accept seven of
them, but not the one which gives the inspection teams the right to declare
for the purposes of this resolution ... ground and air-transit corridors
which shall be enforced by UN security forces, i.e. which allows U.S.
forces to enter Iraq where and when they want.

 The technique of demands drawn up to be rejected rather than accepted is
not new. On July 23, 1914, Austro-Hungary presented a 10-point ultimatum to
Serbia following the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand at
Sarajevo, giving it 48 hours to reply. Serbia accepted nine points, but not
unexpectedly rejected the 10th, which would have allowed Austrian officials
to conduct the murder investigation on Serbian territory unhindered. The
Austrian invasion of Serbia followed a few days later, and led to World War

 A more recent example, also involving Serbia, was the so-called
Rambouillet accord of March 20, 1999. In order to enforce peace and
self-government in Kosovo, NATO forces were to enjoy free and ...
unimpeded access throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. U.S.
bombing started four days after Serbia's rejection of this implementing

 Monstrous though Saddam Hussein's regime is, there is much less
justification for forcing a war on Iraq today than there was for going to
war in 1914 or 1999. In the first case, the existence of Serbia did pose a
threat to the survival of Austro-Hungary; in the second case, there was --
arguably -- a humanitarian disaster in the making which only the expulsion
of Slobodan Milosevic from Kosovo could avert.

 Today, there exists no legal or security case for a pre-emptive U.S.
attack on Iraq. Saddam is not a threat to the United States, though he may
be a menace to some of his neighbors. He is not an Islamic fundamentalist,
and no evidence has been adduced of Iraqi involvement in the terrorist
attack of Sept. 11, 2001. In any case, effective disarmament of the Saddam
regime -- a legitimate peace aim following Iraq's expulsion from Kuwait --
can be secured by a toughened inspection regime: Even the much-evaded
inspectorate system in place between 1991 and 1998 succeeded in liquidating
most of its external military capacity.


Re: (Pass me the sickbag, Alice.) BBC: EU gives US troops immunity[WWW.STOPN

2002-09-30 Thread putnik1915


 As in the way American soldiers 
were "dealt with" by their military  tribunals for crimes against 
civilians in Vietnam?

For shame David, you neglected to 

  The way American war criminals were dealt with for 
  their war crimes in Cambodia;
  The way the American court system (or the military 
  justice system) dealt with the free-wheeling cowboys who snipped the cable car 
  cable and KILLED more than 20 innocent civilians while on 'military exercises' 
  in Italy;
  The way the US justice system (or, the 
  international justice system, for that matter) dealt with the obvious war 
  crimes and violations of the Geneva Convention perpetrted by HATO and the US 
  in the gang rape of Yugoslavia'
etc., ad nauseam.

We, Americans, reserve to ourselves (and our chosen 
lapdogs; HATO members, Sharon and IDF) the right to accuse, persecute and 
convict those WE determine are war criminals while exempting ourselves (and the 
aforementioned lapdogs) from any real consequences of their very real crimes and 

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 19:16
Subject: RE: ("Pass me the sickbag, Alice.") BBC: 
EU gives US troops immunity [WWW.STOPNA
---   Then the 
Europeans want a guarantee that Americans accused of war  crimes and 
crimes against humanity will be dealt with by American  courts. 
   As in the way American soldiers were "dealt 
with" by their military  tribunals for crimes against civilians in 
S. Conroy wrote: gives US troops immunity 
 The European Union has allowed member states to 
reach bilateral   agreements with the United States, giving American 
troops limited   immunity from prosecution by the International 
Criminal Court (ICC).   Such deals will be permitted provided 
certain conditions are met such as   granting immunity to diplomats 
and soldiers only. The decision was announced after 
a meeting of EU foreign minister in   Brussels on Monday. 
The Bush administration has argued that US citizens 
must be protected   from hostile governments prosecuting them for 
political reasons, and has   approached EU and other states to 
secure immunity agreements for   American troops.   
  Twelve countries - mostly small or poor - have signed such deals 
so far,   promising not to hand over US citizens on their territory 
to the ICC. 'Red lines' 
Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller said immunity agreements will  
 be allowed if a number of "red lines" are respected.
 First, they should apply only to soldiers or officials sent abroad. 

Then the Europeans want a guarantee that Americans 
accused of war crimes   and crimes against humanity will be dealt 
with by American courts. Finally, agreements should 
not be reciprocal: citizens of the European   state involved would 
not be similarly protected. Correspondents say this 
position is an attempt to bridge the gap between   the US, which 
wants to ensure that none of its citizens is ever   prosecuted by 
the new ICC, and the Europeans, who want to strengthen the   court's 
credibility. Human rights campaigners have accused 
Britain in particular of being   ready to undermine the court, 
rather than have a serious clash with the   US.   
  Mr Moeller denied this. "There is no 
concession," he said. "There is no undermining of the   
International Criminal Court." However his German 
counterpart, Joschka Fischer, made clear he had   wanted a clear 
rejection of the US demand for blanket immunity. "We 
did not get that, but we came very close to it," he said.


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Re: People who equate Slobodan Milosevic with Ariel Sharon[WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-04-27 Thread putnik1915


Dear Nancy,

An enlightened and well read friend of mine and I 
were discussing this very topic earlier and we came to the following 

  Milosevic, as opposed 
  to Sharon, was conducting legitimate anti-terrorist operations ON THE 
  the other hand, has been carrying out his bloody deeds ON OCCUPIED LANDS (in 
  contravention of a plethora of UN resolutions) IN FURTHERANCE OF THAT ILLEGAL 

  The charge against Milosevic was the 
  'indiscriminate "slaughter"' of Albanian 'civilians' during the above cited 
  anti-terrorist operations. True, Albanian civilians were occasionally 
  'caught in the crossfire' during these anti-terrorist operations. 
  However, Milosevic's anti-terrorist operations could hardly be said to have 
  INFRASTRUCTURE. Sharon's bloody operations, on the other hand, are 

  When Milosevic made an agreement with the 
  'murderous asshole' Holbrooke to withdraw JNA and Serbian anti-terrorist 
  forces from Kosovo, he held to that agreement and with dispatch withdrew those 
  forces. Sharon, on the other hand, HAS HEMMED, HAWED, DAWDLED AND 
  DELAYED AT EVERY JUNCTURE. In spite of the Shrub's 'insistence' that 
  Sharon withdraw his forces from the West Bank, every such 'withdrawal' hailed 
  by the mainline media is nothing more than a strategic pullback to just 
  outside the Palestinian towns and cities accompanied by numerous and repeated 
  'sweeps' through yet more Palestinian towns and cities. All without even 
  the hint of any US military pressure (as opposed to virtually every step in 
  the US initiated wars of Jugoslav dissolution).
There I believe you have 3 rather dramatic 
and distinct points of difference between the policies of Milosevic and 

- Original Message - 
From: "Nancy Hey" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 08:22
Subject: People who equate Slobodan Milosevic with 
---  Dear friends,  I've 
noticed a very disturbing trend recently at pro-Palestinian rallies that 
I've been to, and that is the tendency of certain people to carry signs 
with slogans on them like "Sharon = Milosevic", and "Hitler, Milosevic, 
Sharon, United They Stand".  I'm disturbed by this trend, 
because these people don't seem to realize that Slobodan Milosevic, 
unlike Ariel Sharon, never was a tool of American imperialism, in fact, 
he is a victim of it through his prosecution at the "kangaroo" court in 
the Hague, and whether or not one agrees with all of his policies, one 
should recognize this fact, and condemn that court more than Mr. 
Milosevic, for being a tool of American and NATO imperialism. I 
fear that people, by carrying these signs, are just giving legitimacy to 
the imperialists' campaign of demonizing Mr. Milosevic and by extension 
the whole Serbian people. When they claim to be opposed to 
American imperialism by opposing US support for Israel, they should not 
make their point by legitimizing imperialism in its other forms. 
Would they try to make their point that Ariel Sharon is bad by comparing 
him to Fidel Castro?  I've tried to approach people carrying 
these signs, but they've always just responded by saying that they 
believe "Milosevic is a war criminal" or "he's killing Muslims". 
 I'd like to know what can be done to make poeple like this see the 
light, any kind of literature we can give them that might clarify the 
error of this analogy? Any suggestions, anyone?  
Peacefully yours, Nancy Hey  


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Re: The Not-So-New Imperialism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-13 Thread putnik1915



I was reading the 
"Why Bin Laden Is So Hard to Catch"By 
Nicholas BerryThe Moscow Times

In which was contained the 
following paragraph:

"This situation presents General Tommy Franks, chief of 
Central Command,with two major problems. To rebuff the image of an occupying force,Franks has wisely 
ordered that no permanent military bases beestablished. 
Housing, logistics, and weapons and troop deployments areall temporary and 
integrated with Afghan allies."

By logical extension, one 
would have to conclude that HATO is "an occupying force" in Kosovo, else how 
would one justify such "permanent military bases" as Camp Landsteal? Add 
to that the fact that US has extorted one of their world known"99 year 
leases" to the Camp (Gitmo anyone?).

Just how incredibly blind and 
insensible the averageAmerican is that they don't see the depredations of 
their fabled land and must ask, "Why do they hate us?!" Could it possibly 
be that the natives have had enough of their imperial overlord?

- Original Message - 
From: "Rick Rozoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2002 10:56
Subject: The Not-So-New Imperialism 
---  Spiked (UK) Article11 April 
2002  The not-so-new imperialism by David 
Chandler Robert Cooper, policy adviser to UK prime minister Tony 
Blair, has caused something of a storm with his call for a 'new kind of 
imperialism'. In the Foreign Policy Centre pamphlet Reordering 
the World, Cooper argues for 'a new age of empire' - in which 
Western powers won't have to follow international law in their dealings 
with other states, will be able to use military force without 
consulting the United Nations, and will be free to impose 
protectorates in problematic areas. According to Labour MP Tam Dalyell, 
Cooper's comments go against the Labour Party's long history of 
anti-colonialism - while fellow Labour MP Alan Simpson accuses Cooper of 
offering an intellectual justification for Britain and America's 
bypassing of the UN. These MPs can't have been paying much 
attention to international affairs over the past few years - because, in 
fact, Cooper does not argue for anything new or exceptional. 
Some Labour MPs seem to have short memories. A number of Britain's 
colonial wars have been fought while Labour governments were in power: 
the war with India and the Palestine conflict in the late 1940s, 
the Northern Ireland 'Troubles' that started in 1969. Long 
before the terrorist attacks of 11 September, the UK Labour government 
was at the forefront of downgrading the role of the UN and creating new 
powers for ad hoc 'coalitions of the willing' to wage war 
without the sanction of international law. Indeed, Labour has shown 
scant need for anything as concrete as intellectual justification for 
bypassing the UN, instead relying on moral support for its new 
interventionism. The House of Commons' Foreign Affairs Committee 
concluded that the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia was justified 'on moral 
grounds', rather than legal grounds. Lord George Robertson, former 
Labour defence secretary and now NATO secretary-general, argues 
that Western leaders have the job of ', morality 
and the use of force'. Of course, once the law is secondary to what NATO 
leaders Blair and Bush consider to be morally necessary, there can be 
no legal limits to intervention across the globe - so long as 
the cause is right. Robertson explains that 'the only morality is to do 
what one has to do, when one has to do it'. In this context, the 
question of whether and when to intervene is purely a matter for 
powerful leaders' consciences. Claims that Cooper is a 'maniac' only 
show how out of touch his critics are. The new age of imperialism 
is already well established. Two years ago, the UK government's 
Joint Consultative Committee called for the UN to restore the 
Trusteeship Council for managing the growing number of international 
protectorates. And Tony Blair recently helped former Liberal 
Democrat leader Lord Paddy Ashdown get the job of high 
representative (or colonial administrator) in Bosnia. Lord Ashdown now 
has the power to pass laws by decree and to dismiss Bosnia's elected 
presidents, prime ministers and parliamentarians if he considers them 
to be obstructive. The power that had always eluded Ashdown in 
the UK, by way of the ballot box, has now been granted him by the 
self-selected Peace Implementation Council - which has 'voluntarily' 
taken upon itself the duty of running Bosnia for the indefinite 
future.  Those who kicked up a stink about Cooper's 'new 
imperialism' statement seem to have been more offended by his choice of 
words than by their political content. Cooper is not alone in 
calling for an end to the UN framework of international law and respect 
for state sovereignty. Liberal advocates of 

Re: Compensation for Rape workshop,Legal Action for Women [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-03-26 Thread putnik1915


Perhaps I'm being a bit dense but, why was this forwarded to the 

Much as I have always, always been an active fighter for women's 
rights, I must admit I lost all respect for the vast majority of 
'women's rights groups' who, almost uniformly, jumped on the 'Serb rape camp' 
canard and screamed the loudest to begin and intensifyHATO's gang rape of 
Yugoslavia (which did wonders for all the women of Yugoslavia, 
Much as rape is absolutely impermissible among civilized people (IMHO), 
these 'spokespeople' for women's groups have, (again, IMHO) totally undermined 
any credibility they had by allying themselves with the likes of Clinton (a 
known multiple abuser of women) and the entire HATO enterprise in 
gang-raping Yugoslavia.


- Original Message - 
From: "jonathan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 09:28
Subject: FW: Compensation for Rape workshop, Legal 
Action for Women [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
Message- From: leila  Sent: 26 March 2002 
14:19 To: eveyone Subject: FW: Compensation for Rape workshop, 
Legal Action for Women-Original 
Message- From: All Women Count 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  Sent: 26 March 2002 
14:00 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Compensation for Rape workshop, Legal Action for 
Women  Legal Action for Women Crossroads Women ' 
s Centre PO Box 287 London NW6 5QU Tel: 020 7482 2496 
minicom/voice Fax: 020 7209 4761 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  13 March 2002   
Self-help workshop:  Claiming compensation for rape   other 
sexual violence  Thursday 11 April 2002, 2-5.30pm, 
Crossroads Women ' s Centre   Dear 
Friends,  We are writing to invite you to a self-help workshop 
on claiming criminal injuries compensation for rape. The workshop will 
bring together rape survivors with organisations and lawyers who have supported 
them, or who want to find out how they can be helpful.   
We will hear from one of the women who brought and won the first private 
prosecution for rape in England but saw her compensation award reduced because 
she was a sex worker; other rape survivors who faced similar discrimination; and 
the organisations and legal representatives who worked on their case. 
  Whilst women who have pursued compensation claims have 
developed vital expertise, this expertise is not generally recognised nor is it 
available to others. As you know, rape is widespread, and although 
reporting is on the increase, less than 7% of reported rapes result in 
conviction. For any woman, official recognition that a serious crime has 
been committed against her is a vital first step in the healing process. 
Where the attacker is not convicted, criminal injuries compensation can provide 
that vital acknowledgement as well as some resources to help rebuild one 
' s life.   But rape survivors face many obstacles in 
claiming compensation. Some find themselves disbelieved by the Criminal Injuries 
Compensation Authority (CICA), and their sexual and medical history is used to 
humiliate and dismiss them. A woman ' s  " character and 
conduct " is routinely used to deny her compensation, 
discriminating against women on the basis of her occupation, lifestyle or 
criminal convictions for prostitution, shoplifting or possession of 
cannabis. And while a woman can apply for legal aid to get a lawyer to 
prepare her claim or appeal, there is no legal aid for representation at the 
appeal hearing.   Working with Women Against Rape, which 
has attended many hearings, we have been able to win higher awards for 
women. We hope that the workshop will encourage lawyers and others to take 
on this crucial area of work. 
  The workshop will begin 
with women ' s experiences of pursuing their own claims.  
It will address the following:  * Which experiences of claiming 
compensation are common to all claimants and which are particular to rape 
survivors.  * How rape survivors have challenged sexism, racism 
and other prejudices and discrimination by the CICA. * How to get the 
best from lawyers, and from statutory and voluntary agencies. * How to 
present or question the evidence of witnesses, police, doctors, psychiatrists 
and other professionals so that it helps rather than undermine a claim.  
* What has been won, in procedures, in decision-making and in the rules. 
* What changes to press for and how to press for them most effectively. 
* How to combine effective legal action with campaigning.   
 This is the second in a series of workshops organised by Legal Action 
for Women. The workshops aim to: give visibility to women who have 
accumulated enormous skill, knowledge and insight through their work demanding 
justice; put that experience at the disposal of others; evaluate how women 
' s self-help enhances the legal and civil rights of the most disadvantaged 
in society 

Re: Cowboy Prez rides to rescue? - Columnist Eric Margolis[WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2002-03-26 Thread putnik1915



First, allow me to start on a positive note by applauding and 
commending you on your many excellent articles, all of which I have enjoyed 

Secondly, while I agree with you that no one should arrogate 
to themselves the 'right' to dictate another person's reading list, I didn't 
take Rick's note to be an edict banning Margolis' tripe but rather more as one 
friend telling another, "Don't blow yer bucks on 'Black Hawk Down'; it's just 
another masturbatory product of Hollywood PC".

Having read, and become infuriated by, many of Margolis' 
outpourings of bile, that was the way in which I took Rick's 'advisory'. I 
hardly ever read any of Margolis' tripe anymore, being now fully acquainted with 
his bias and slant. Much in the manner of the ever voluble Thos. 
(McDonald's wouldn't exist but for McDonnel-Douglas) Friedman, if I read any of 
his screed, it is purely to obtain a view of what passes as the 'establishment 
view' at any given point.


- Original Message - 
From: "Stephen Gowans" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 11:17
Subject: Re: Cowboy Prez rides to rescue? - 
Columnist Eric Margolis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK---Rick,I've never read a single 
column written by Eric Margolis, and nor I haveever dipped into his book, 
(what is it called -- War at the Top of theWorld?), and that may be because, 
being Canadian, I'm more familiar with theToronto Sun (Margolis's paper) 
than others are, and so I know what toexpect. But if you keep going on 
about him, I swear I'll read him.You've created an impression, 
unintended I'm sure, which only those inclinedto submit to intellectual 
bullying will tolerate: that only the incissivewit of the didactic Rick 
Rozoff can protect the dull and lumbering minds ofthe rest of us from being 
able to sort nonsense from truth, misinformationfrom untainted information. 
"No need to read Margolis. Rick's already donethat for us. There are others, 
more worthy of reading, Rick says, who makethe same points. What a handy guy 
Rick is to have around to do our thinkingfor us."Can one be blamed 
for expecting you'll next present a list of proscribed andprescribed 
journalists and columnists, followed by an enemies lists,comprised of names 
of people who have disagreed with you on some matter inthe past, (but of 
course you'll do it in a courtly way, as is your wont,leaving the uttering 
of imprecations and name-calling to the snarling Mart,who has a penchant for 
that kind of thing)?Your importuning others not to post Margolis because 
it gives himcredibility strikes me as nonsensical, and objectionable. 
Presumably, he wasposted by whoever posted him because the poster liked 
Margolis's ideas onsome topic, (and the post wasn't on the Balkans or 
socialism or Canada'shealth care system.) This blanket dismissing of people 
as agents ofmisinformation or for disagreeing with you on some other matter 
(theBalkans) and not for what they say on an ad rem matter amounts to 
nothingmore than ad hominem argument, and is no different from dismissing 
others ongrounds they're --- oh my gosh! -- communists, or anarchists, 
orauthoritarian, or conspiracy theorists, or Wicans, or those crazy people 
from Emperor's Clothes. Maybe we can put everyone into boxes, and all carry 
onour discussions within our own ever shrinking, marginalized worlds, as 
weall descend into a paranoid lunacy about those who surround us being 
CIAoperatives, agents of misinformation, and PsyOps specialists. Who 
isMargolis? ANTINATO's own Emanuel Goldstein, on whom we're to vent our 
twominutes of hate?Your intolerance, I fear, will only guarantee 
that what you can't tolerateprevails, like all those town fathers who 
thought they could protect youngimpressionable minds from the filth of 
Flaubert and Miller and Lawrence, orthe subversiveness of Brecht, by 
urging librarians not to give "ourenemies" credibility by carrying their 
books.Steve- Original Message -From: Rick Rozoff 
Tuesday, March 26, 2002 1:25 AMSubject: Re: Cowboy Prez rides to rescue? - 
--- Dear 
For anyone not already acquainted with the fact, Eric Margolis is a 
Western disinformation agent who boasts, inter alia, of smuggling 
rockets into the Afghan mujahedin in the 1980s and possessing a 
host of intelligence contacts, including with the CIA. A quick 
Google search with the words "Eric Margolis socialism" will demonstrate 
with whom we're dealing. There is nothing remotely enlightened or 
progressive about this individual, notwithstanding the fact that 
his columns, from the very establishment Toronto Star where he is the 
official foreign correspondent, have been crossposted and linked on 
several US