Re: "Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch." [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-30 Thread davidquarter



What f*cking universe has this guy been living in for the last 20

From:   Steve Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:        "Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch." 
Date sent:  Sun, 30 Jun 2002 00:47:18 -0700 (PDT)
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ---
> Thu Jun 27, 7:01 PM ET
> By Ted Rall
> Bush's Palestinian Putsch
> SAN FRANCISCO-Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch.
>   When the Israeli prime minister began demanding that the Palestinian
> Authority jettison Yasser Arafat as its leader a few months back, even
> his fans knew he'd crossed the line. Israel was in no position to give
> the Palestinians this much advice. Sure, Bush had refused to even shake
> Arafat's hand, but the administration hadn't yet endorsed Sharon's
> ridiculous bid to beat the Palestinians by turning their leader into an
> Israeli puppet.
>   "(Washington) is not an honest broker or a neutral intermediary; it
> stands completely behind Israel," Hamas politburo member Mousa Abu
> Marzouk told Reuters in Damascus on June 10. Then, in a speech
> seemingly tailor-made to confirm that intifadist statement, George W.
> Bush dangled the possibility of American support for the creation of a
> Palestinian state on the West Bank in exchange for Arafat's ouster:
> "Peace requires a new and different Palestinian leadership so that a
> Palestinian state can be born," he said on June 24. Presumably that
> "new leadership" would be friendly to both American and Israeli
> interests.
>   After decades of abstention, the United States is back in the coup
> d'état business. And with the exception of an embarrassingly inept
> attempt to unseat Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez a few months back,
> Bush's back-to-the-'50s retro imperialism is working out fairly
> well...for now.
>   The administration rigged Afghanistan's loya jirga to install
> ex-Unocal executive Hamid Karzai as the head of a nation where few
> people had ever heard of him. It converted former Taliban cabana boy
> Gen. Pervez Musharraf into our wholly-owned Pakistani subsidiary. And
> it owes its own existence to the first successful domestic coup d'état
> in American history. Why not, regime tinkerers Rumsfeld and Cheney
> obviously asked themselves, pull off a Palestinian putsch too?
>   The Palestinians could obviously do better than Mohammed Abdel-Raouf
> Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. A once-brilliant, charismatic tactician
> whose leadership of the PLO forced the West to consider Palestinian
> independence, 73 years of hard living and Israeli shelling have reduced
> Arafat to a quivering wreck tottering on the brink of senility. Though
> Israel has exaggerated the generosity of the deal he turned down over
> the Jerusalem issue, Arafat clearly failed to understand that the
> favorable tide of Western opinion had crested. He should have signed up
> then and later asked for more-East Jerusalem, a corridor connecting
> Gaza to the West Bank.
>   Arafat's undemocratic moderation has become both too strident for the
> West and too soft for his increasingly radicalized people. But he's all
> they've got. He's the Palestinians' George Washington, a military
> leader striving to carve out a state which will someday stamp his
> googly-eyed image on its coins and stamps. At this point his possible
> successors-Mahmoud Abbas, Ahmed Korei, Jibril Rajoub, Mohammed
> Dahlan-just aren't popular enough to run this landlocked hellhole.
> Marwan Barghouthi, a popular Fatah leader currently in jail, wouldn't
> be acceptable to Israel. An independent Palestine can do without
> Arafat, but only after he's served one term leading to a free election.
>   But none of that matters. If another nation attempted to topple
> George W. Bush, I would be the first to fight to defend my country from
> foreign interference. Illegitimate and harmful though Bush obviously
> is, it's up to Americans to decide whether he should stay in office.
> The same goes for the Palestinians. Getting rid of Arafat may be a good
> decision, but it has to be a Palestinian decision; neither the U.S. or
> Israel has the right to impose n

"Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch." [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-06-30 Thread Steve Wagner


Thu Jun 27, 7:01 PM ET 
By Ted Rall 

Bush's Palestinian Putsch 
SAN FRANCISCO-Now it's official. Bush is Ariel Sharon's bitch. 

  When the Israeli prime minister began demanding that the Palestinian
Authority jettison Yasser Arafat as its leader a few months back, even
his fans knew he'd crossed the line. Israel was in no position to give
the Palestinians this much advice. Sure, Bush had refused to even shake
Arafat's hand, but the administration hadn't yet endorsed Sharon's
ridiculous bid to beat the Palestinians by turning their leader into an
Israeli puppet. 

  "(Washington) is not an honest broker or a neutral intermediary; it
stands completely behind Israel," Hamas politburo member Mousa Abu
Marzouk told Reuters in Damascus on June 10. Then, in a speech
seemingly tailor-made to confirm that intifadist statement, George W.
Bush dangled the possibility of American support for the creation of a
Palestinian state on the West Bank in exchange for Arafat's ouster:
"Peace requires a new and different Palestinian leadership so that a
Palestinian state can be born," he said on June 24. Presumably that
"new leadership" would be friendly to both American and Israeli

  After decades of abstention, the United States is back in the coup
d'état business. And with the exception of an embarrassingly inept
attempt to unseat Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez a few months back,
Bush's back-to-the-'50s retro imperialism is working out fairly
well...for now. 

  The administration rigged Afghanistan's loya jirga to install
ex-Unocal executive Hamid Karzai as the head of a nation where few
people had ever heard of him. It converted former Taliban cabana boy
Gen. Pervez Musharraf into our wholly-owned Pakistani subsidiary. And
it owes its own existence to the first successful domestic coup d'état
in American history. Why not, regime tinkerers Rumsfeld and Cheney
obviously asked themselves, pull off a Palestinian putsch too? 

  The Palestinians could obviously do better than Mohammed Abdel-Raouf
Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini. A once-brilliant, charismatic tactician
whose leadership of the PLO forced the West to consider Palestinian
independence, 73 years of hard living and Israeli shelling have reduced
Arafat to a quivering wreck tottering on the brink of senility. Though
Israel has exaggerated the generosity of the deal he turned down over
the Jerusalem issue, Arafat clearly failed to understand that the
favorable tide of Western opinion had crested. He should have signed up
then and later asked for more-East Jerusalem, a corridor connecting
Gaza to the West Bank. 

  Arafat's undemocratic moderation has become both too strident for the
West and too soft for his increasingly radicalized people. But he's all
they've got. He's the Palestinians' George Washington, a military
leader striving to carve out a state which will someday stamp his
googly-eyed image on its coins and stamps. At this point his possible
successors-Mahmoud Abbas, Ahmed Korei, Jibril Rajoub, Mohammed
Dahlan-just aren't popular enough to run this landlocked hellhole.
Marwan Barghouthi, a popular Fatah leader currently in jail, wouldn't
be acceptable to Israel. An independent Palestine can do without
Arafat, but only after he's served one term leading to a free election.

  But none of that matters. If another nation attempted to topple
George W. Bush, I would be the first to fight to defend my country from
foreign interference. Illegitimate and harmful though Bush obviously
is, it's up to Americans to decide whether he should stay in office.
The same goes for the Palestinians. Getting rid of Arafat may be a good
decision, but it has to be a Palestinian decision; neither the U.S. or
Israel has the right to impose new leadership. Certainly neither
country has the moral authority to do so. 

  George W. Bush has made it official: He'll go along with whatever
Ariel Sharon wants him to do, no matter how immoral, impractical or
insane. Wait a minute. Who's paying who $3 billion a year, anyway? Bad
enough we toady up to a country we ought to own, but now the U.S. no
longer bothers to give even lip service to the principles of national
sovereignty and self-determination-especially in regard to Muslim
countries next to or on top of major oil reserves. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're the biggest, baddest bully on the block right now, but look
out-the people we're stomping on in Pakistan, Afghanistan and now,
Palestine, will be waiting to get even with us down the road. 

(Ted Rall's new book, a graphic travelogue about his recent coverage of
the Afghan war titled "To Afghanistan and Back," is out now. Ordering
and review-copy information are available at ) 

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