[AOLSERVER] AOLserver Improvment Proposal

2003-03-10 Thread Tomasz Kosiak
Few days ago there was a post from Jerry Asher titled "[AOLSERVER]
virtual hosting options and a fantasy " mentioning my proposals. I
would like to present them fully to the public.

Indeed I've got two AOLserver improvement proposals. They are based on
how we use AOLserver at Zjednoczenie.com, but are probably useful in
general. We will also provide our implementation for both proposals
which is in fact quite simple, because it utilizes mechanisms already
available in AOLserver C code.

I. Support for name-based url filters and handlers.

For certain applications it is essential to manage several different
url-spaces which are accessed by different DNS names (HTTP host
headers). Real life examples are our Content Management System (CMS)
manging many websites with different url-spaces or quite a few of
sites we've build that present different url-space with different DNS
name (co-branding).

In those application you have to be able to handle many different
url-spaces in one AOLserver 3.x series server (one collection of tcl
libraries, nsvs, db pools, etc.), not from separate servers what is
available in AOLserver 4.x series server.

Currently in one server you cannot register two filters or url handlers
under the same url pattern to handle request from different sources
identified for example by HTTP host header.

I propose to add ?-vserver vserver? switch to tcl procs managing url
filters and handlers, eg.

ns_register_filter ?-vserver vserver? when urlpattern proc ?arg?
ns_regster_proc ?-noinherit? ?-vserver? urlpattern proc ?arg?

It would allow to manage many url-spaces identified by vserver
string. Current implementation of urltrie in nsd/urlspace.c (data
structure to handle url-space) already allows to have many url-spaces
identified by server parameter value (vserver string).

Additional command ns_server has to be added to manage mappings from
HTTP host header to vserver string.

ns_vserver register VSERVER HOST ?HOST? ; # register host -> vserver mapping
ns_vserver unregister HOST ?HOST? ;# unregister host -< vserver mapping
ns_vserver get HOST ; # gets VSERVER for given HOST
ns_vserver delete ?-noinherit? VSERVER ; #  unregister all hosts related to given 
VSERVER which is needed to delete the vserver
ns_vserver hosts ?-noinherit? VSERVER ; #  list of registered hosts for given VSERVER
ns_vserver base VSERVER ; # get base vserver for given vserver

By using specially crafted vserver names it is very simple to
implement url-space inheritance, eg. vs11::vs1::server1 means that
vs11 inherits from vs1 which inherits from server1 and in opposite
server1 is base for vs1 which is base for vs11.

II. Enhanced url-space management API

When you try to re-use certain AOLserver application components in
many project you have to be able to map specific website url-space to
your fixed components file-system layout. This is the approach taken by
OpenACS and its packaging system. To achieve it OpenACS uses its own
request processor fully rewritten in TCL though there is full
internal support for virtual url-spaces (urltrie structure defined in
nsd/urlspace.c) in AOLserver. But there is also very limited API for
using it. I propose to define a few Tcl commands which will expose
this functionality.

ns_register_filter ?-vserver vserver? when method url adp ?arg?
ns_register_proc ?-noinherit? ?-vserver vserver? method url proc ?arg?
ns_register_adp ?-noinherit? ?-vserver vserver? method url adp ?arg?
ns_register_proxy ?-noinherit? ?-vserver vserver? method url proxyURL ?arg?
ns_url2file ?-vserver vserver? url
ns_url2file_map ?-noinherit? ?-vserver vserver? url path ?arg?
ns_url2file_arg ?-vserver vserver? url

ns_register_filter and ns_register_proc are already there and are
referenced for completeness

ns_register_adp works for adp like ns_register_proc for Tcl procs and
was already added to AOLserver 4.x series after my proposal some time

ns_register_proxy is and interface to TCP proxying as implemented by
nsvhr module. It would allow to handle part of url-space by some
back-end. I disagree that there are already other solutions that do
that better. They do it really good indeed but they don't provide you
with the possibilities that gives you having that in AOLserver. For
example with ns_register_proxy command you can easily integrate IMP
webmail running on Apache under /webmail url subtree. By using
AOLserver filters you can implement single authorization for your
application and /webmail urlspace. Using Apache, Squid or LVS as a
front-end you cannot achieve it.

ns_url2file_* family allows to define directory and file mapping. For
example you can map url prefix to whole directory tree or map single
url to single file with -noinherit option. These command expose in Tcl
functionality of alias.c module described in old AOLserver C manual
available for example from

Those commands become very useful when used with ?-vserver vserver?
option described in my fir

Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver Improvment Proposal

2003-03-10 Thread Wojciech Kocjan
Tomasz Kosiak wrote:
Few days ago there was a post from Jerry Asher titled "[AOLSERVER]
virtual hosting options and a fantasy " mentioning my proposals. I
would like to present them fully to the public.
This indeed is a big problem, even bigger since from what I see every
company using AOLserver for multiple websites is using custom solutions.
I'll investigate your patches later and see what I think of those. For
now, here's my story :-)
I also came upon such problems, however I've decided not to patch the
core in any way (at least not for these problems :).
I've came up with a couple of solutions, that really make my life easier:

1/ virtualhosting (some of you may know my module called nssmartvh):

I've worked out some C code that calls Tcl for host->docroot conversion
(so that writing custom schemes is not hard at all).
This allows me to do simple mappings like:
www.mobile-netsport.pl -> /var/www/stable/mobile-netsport
www.dq-e.com -> /var/www/stable/dq-e
I've also done an external config file which holds all the rules of
host->docroot conversion.
This allows me to work on *.dqe/*.adp files and static files.

2/ custom urlspace and mod_rewrite like module

This one is coded in C, and works in two parts:
2.1/ url_rewrite:
This part allows me to rewrite paths to files (in url2file) based on uri
and host.
For example I can do this:
test.mobile-netsport.pl/  -> /var/www/stable/mobile-netsport/test.adp
test.mobile-netsport.pl/* -> /var/www/stable/mobile-netsport/*
2.2/ url_filter redirect

This one is the trickiest part. It allows me to redirect requests based
on host and uri:
For example for dq-e.com /test can be rewritten to /test/index.adp

It can also be used a substitute to 'index.php/1'-like urls.

2.3/ tcl_obj aware cache'ing

Since my company uses db caching extensively, I've decided to write
nscache-clone, which would allow storing lists in some tcl-neutral way
(similar to tsv in thread extension) so that it can be shared between
threads and not stored as a string.
It uses two-level cache - one global which stores data in a custom way
and thread-local caches which store data s Tcl_Objs with refcount=1
(Tcl_DecrRefCount() is done when an entry is flushed so it does not leak
2.4/ session support

C+Tcl code for storing sessions with built-in authentication and user
related code.
All of this is available at www.dq-e.com/nsdqe/nsdqe1.0.tar.gz

2.1 and 2.2 all consider the same problem as Tomasz mentioned -
AOLserver does not handle real vhosting well.
I agree that his improvements should be done - though I think they
should be done as other commands and work on domain groups - something
similar to tags in Tk's canvas/text.
I also think that some standard modules should be bundled with AOLserver
- session management, rewrites (those can be quite easily be written in
Tcl, but it all takes time :).
I also think that AOLserver should include some code to manage multiple
code bases - something between package require and modules/tcl/; a code
that can be "dropped" when idle to save memory.
(written at Stardate 57189.5)
"Data typing is an illusion. Everything is a sequence of bytes."
 -Todd Coram

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Re: [AOLSERVER] sched thread waits and waits for scheduled procs but never re...

2003-03-10 Thread Mark Page
Fix for this is checked in, and will be included in the beta3 release.

In a message dated 3/9/03 2:57:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I set the following code in my private init.tcl file in AOLserver 4.0b2:

proc sleepy { } {

  ns_log Notice "Sleeping for 120 seconds."
  ns_sleep 120
  ns_log Notice "Finished sleeping."


ns_schedule_proc -thread -once 30 sleepy

I am using daemontools to send signals to AOLserver, but the same could be accomplished
with shell commands.

When I watch the log, I see the first log notice and used: 'svc -d'. (send sigterm then sigcont and doesn't restart the process)
The -sched- thread that kicks into action says 'waiting for event
threads...'. My scheduled proc sleeps for 120 seconds and then prints
the second log notice. But then -sched- keeps on waiting. Even when the
event thread is finished, it still hangs.

Using svc -k then svc -d sends sigkill, sigterm, sigcont and this seems to work.

The behavior differs from 3.5.1, which waits for the threads for a short time, then kills them and returns to finish shutting down the server.

OpenACS developers have indicated this is a showstopping bug. The effect is that if you try to reboot your server, AOLserver will never exit. This could prevent other software, such as Oracle, from shutting down, which totally screws your reboot/shutdown of the entire server.

Also if you send sigterm, sigcont, sigkill, the result is the server goes down, but some of the shutdown log messages are missing.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] Any way to time connections?

2003-03-10 Thread Michael A. Cleverly
On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, alfred wrote:

> Any chance there's a code snippet available? ;) Might be nice to tell the
> openacs folks about it too - it's just 'annoying' at some level to have a
> system log with the first two fields be basically vestigial data because
> noone on an acs / openacs instance uses the server auth - particularly
> since the admin screens disappeared when the server admin port was
> introduced.

ad_proc log_extra_fields_to_access_log {} {

Sticks extra fields into [ns_conn headers] that AOLserver can be
configured to log to the access.log file.

@author Michael A. Cleverly ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
@creation-date 8 Oct 2001
} {
ns_set put [ns_conn headers] dbook [list thread [ns_thread name] \
 user_id[ad_conn user_id] \
 session_id [ad_conn session_id] \
 conn_id[ns_conn id] \
 driver [ns_conn driver]]

return "filter_ok"

ad_register_filter trace * /* log_extra_fields_to_access_log

Then, in the nsd.tcl file, under the configuration for the nslog module, I

ns_param   extendedheaders dbook

This results in access.log entries that look like: - - [10/Mar/2003:08:38:54 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 25672
"" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0; T312461)" "thread
-conn14- user_id 396613 session_id 10616943 conn_id 34684 driver nssock"

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Re: [AOLSERVER] AOLserver Improvment Proposal

2003-03-10 Thread Tom Jackson
I like the additional exposed api's very much. However, the virtual
hosting changes to the core are unnecessary and don't have the entire
effect required for virtual hosting. The main problem is the virtual
hosting changes  only adjust the filters, they don't affect the
pageroot, making the fastpath registered proc ineffective. Static
content therefore is not handled by this virtual hosting suggestion.
I just added the nsrewrite module to sourceforge cvs. This module is a
very small and simple extension module for AOLserver that doesn't muck
with the core at all. It provides the same functionality by changing the
request url. Once the request url is changed, the next registered filter
or proc in the chain fires on the new url. The documentation for
nsrewrite gives an example of a simple virtual hosting module: a few
lines of tcl code. Each virtual server gets a new pageroot and you can
easily register new filters or procs that only fire on one virtual server.
The code provided by Tomasz is actually very nice. Instead of using this
code to provide virtual hosting, it would be better to extract the newly
exposed tcl api and include those in AOLserver. Additionally it would be
nice to also expose the use of the trie data structures and api to tcl
so that this would be made generally useful to tcl applications.
--Tom Jackson

Tomasz Kosiak wrote:

Few days ago there was a post from Jerry Asher titled "[AOLSERVER]
virtual hosting options and a fantasy " mentioning my proposals. I
would like to present them fully to the public.
Indeed I've got two AOLserver improvement proposals. They are based on
how we use AOLserver at Zjednoczenie.com, but are probably useful in
general. We will also provide our implementation for both proposals
which is in fact quite simple, because it utilizes mechanisms already
available in AOLserver C code.
I. Support for name-based url filters and handlers.

For certain applications it is essential to manage several different
url-spaces which are accessed by different DNS names (HTTP host
headers). Real life examples are our Content Management System (CMS)
manging many websites with different url-spaces or quite a few of
sites we've build that present different url-space with different DNS
name (co-branding).
In those application you have to be able to handle many different
url-spaces in one AOLserver 3.x series server (one collection of tcl
libraries, nsvs, db pools, etc.), not from separate servers what is
available in AOLserver 4.x series server.
Currently in one server you cannot register two filters or url handlers
under the same url pattern to handle request from different sources
identified for example by HTTP host header.
I propose to add ?-vserver vserver? switch to tcl procs managing url
filters and handlers, eg.
ns_register_filter ?-vserver vserver? when urlpattern proc ?arg?
ns_regster_proc ?-noinherit? ?-vserver? urlpattern proc ?arg?
It would allow to manage many url-spaces identified by vserver
string. Current implementation of urltrie in nsd/urlspace.c (data
structure to handle url-space) already allows to have many url-spaces
identified by server parameter value (vserver string).
Additional command ns_server has to be added to manage mappings from
HTTP host header to vserver string.
ns_vserver register VSERVER HOST ?HOST? ; # register host -> vserver mapping
ns_vserver unregister HOST ?HOST? ;# unregister host -< vserver mapping
ns_vserver get HOST ; # gets VSERVER for given HOST
ns_vserver delete ?-noinherit? VSERVER ; #  unregister all hosts related to given 
VSERVER which is needed to delete the vserver
ns_vserver hosts ?-noinherit? VSERVER ; #  list of registered hosts for given VSERVER
ns_vserver base VSERVER ; # get base vserver for given vserver
By using specially crafted vserver names it is very simple to
implement url-space inheritance, eg. vs11::vs1::server1 means that
vs11 inherits from vs1 which inherits from server1 and in opposite
server1 is base for vs1 which is base for vs11.
II. Enhanced url-space management API

When you try to re-use certain AOLserver application components in
many project you have to be able to map specific website url-space to
your fixed components file-system layout. This is the approach taken by
OpenACS and its packaging system. To achieve it OpenACS uses its own
request processor fully rewritten in TCL though there is full
internal support for virtual url-spaces (urltrie structure defined in
nsd/urlspace.c) in AOLserver. But there is also very limited API for
using it. I propose to define a few Tcl commands which will expose
this functionality.
ns_register_filter ?-vserver vserver? when method url adp ?arg?
ns_register_proc ?-noinherit? ?-vserver vserver? method url proc ?arg?
ns_register_adp ?-noinherit? ?-vserver vserver? method url adp ?arg?
ns_register_proxy ?-noinherit? ?-vserver vserver? method url proxyURL ?arg?
ns_url2file ?-vserver vserver? url
ns_url2file_map ?-noinherit? ?-vserver vserver? url path ?arg?

Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_vhr command not working from a .tcl script for me

2003-03-10 Thread Jerry Asher
madhusudhanarao sunkara wrote:


  i am trying to give  web interface for ns_vhr command, so that i can add
get virtual hosts at runtime .
for this i had written a small tcl file that contains only ns_vhr update
. i can not run it on slave server since it doesn't have ns_vhr module
loaded.(i got the error message unknown command when i tried it  earlier)
so i tried it to run on master server . surprisingly (for me) it is not
serving pages although i configured the master config file for  web page
root and several sections  to deal with adp and tcl pages. can't we serve
tcl/adp pages from
master server in this situation...
master server root   is at /web/master/ and www contains index.adp,
index.tcl ,test.tcl(it contains the command )
Yes, as I recall you're right about that.  The nsvhr module master
complete takes over the entire urlspace in the master so you cannot
serve pages (apart from errors) from the master.  I think.  You may need
to look at the code or experiment but you may be able to use a
registered proc to server pages.
Apart from that your options are to hack the code and modify nsvhr to
only take over a part of the urlspace, or better, to have the master
register for some urlspace that it will serve.

Madhu Sudhana Rao

> From: Jerry Asher
> Reply-To: AOLserver Discussion
> Subject: Re: [AOLSERVER] ns_vhr command not working from a .tcl script
> for
> me
> Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:04:29 -0800
> madhusudhanarao sunkara wrote:
>> hi,
>> ns_vhr command is not working for me, when it is embedded in .tcl
>> the server is responding with error something like
>>   invalid command name ns_vhr update ..
>> but when i tried it with nscp it is working . is it restricted for
>> server control port  admin ..
>> what changes shall i make to my tcl script to work
> This is surprising to me, but then I am not sure I ever used it from
> anything other than the nscp command line.  I love the nscp command
> line.  (Back when I was a kid, we had to wget | cat all of our web
> pages.)
> I haven't looked at this code in more than a year, and, I am trying not
> to use it now in fact.  I don't have time to look at it now.
> A first glance at the code itself, and I don't see anything that should
> restrict it to just the control port.  Also, "invalid command" does not
> appear in the code, although "unknown command" does.
> Best of luck, I am interested in knowing what you find out.
> Jerry

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[AOLSERVER] SSL handshake error

2003-03-10 Thread William Scott Jordan
I'm running AOLServer 3.4 with OpenSSL 0.9.6 and nsopenssl 2.2b4 on Redhat
7.0 and I'm getting this error quite a bit:
Error: nsopenssl: EOF during SSL handshake

I have no idea what's causing it and I can't recreate it.  When it happens,
it gives the end user a "Server Error" message.  Reloading the same page
never causes the problem a second time.  I really don't even know whether
it's a problem with AOLServer, a configuration issue, or a problem with
Has anybody seen this before or have any idea of how to correct it?  Any
advice would be appreciated.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] SSL handshake error

2003-03-10 Thread Scott Goodwin
Do you have session caching turned on?


On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 11:00  PM, William Scott Jordan wrote:

I'm running AOLServer 3.4 with OpenSSL 0.9.6 and nsopenssl 2.2b4 on
7.0 and I'm getting this error quite a bit:
Error: nsopenssl: EOF during SSL handshake

I have no idea what's causing it and I can't recreate it.  When it
it gives the end user a "Server Error" message.  Reloading the same
never causes the problem a second time.  I really don't even know
it's a problem with AOLServer, a configuration issue, or a problem with
Has anybody seen this before or have any idea of how to correct it?
advice would be appreciated.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] SSL handshake error

2003-03-10 Thread William Scott Jordan
ServerSessionCache is set to false.


At 11:12 PM 3/10/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Do you have session caching turned on?


On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 11:00  PM, William Scott Jordan wrote:

I'm running AOLServer 3.4 with OpenSSL 0.9.6 and nsopenssl 2.2b4 on
7.0 and I'm getting this error quite a bit:
Error: nsopenssl: EOF during SSL handshake

I have no idea what's causing it and I can't recreate it.  When it
it gives the end user a "Server Error" message.  Reloading the same
never causes the problem a second time.  I really don't even know
it's a problem with AOLServer, a configuration issue, or a problem with
Has anybody seen this before or have any idea of how to correct it?
advice would be appreciated.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] SSL handshake error

2003-03-10 Thread Scott Goodwin
Turn it on, always, always, always have session caching on, or SSL to
certain MSIE browser versions will fail in the way you're seeing. I've
just updated the nsopenssl config examples at my site to reflect this.
nsopenssl 3.0 will have session caching turned on by default, so that
if you want it turned off you'll have to explicitly do so.

On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 11:32  PM, William Scott Jordan wrote:

ServerSessionCache is set to false.


At 11:12 PM 3/10/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Do you have session caching turned on?


On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 11:00  PM, William Scott Jordan wrote:

I'm running AOLServer 3.4 with OpenSSL 0.9.6 and nsopenssl 2.2b4 on
7.0 and I'm getting this error quite a bit:
Error: nsopenssl: EOF during SSL handshake

I have no idea what's causing it and I can't recreate it.  When it
it gives the end user a "Server Error" message.  Reloading the same
never causes the problem a second time.  I really don't even know
it's a problem with AOLServer, a configuration issue, or a problem
Has anybody seen this before or have any idea of how to correct it?
advice would be appreciated.

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Re: [AOLSERVER] SSL handshake error

2003-03-10 Thread William Scott Jordan
I'll give this a shot.  Thanks for the assistance.


At 11:42 PM 3/10/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Turn it on, always, always, always have session caching on, or SSL to
certain MSIE browser versions will fail in the way you're seeing. I've
just updated the nsopenssl config examples at my site to reflect this.
nsopenssl 3.0 will have session caching turned on by default, so that
if you want it turned off you'll have to explicitly do so.

On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 11:32  PM, William Scott Jordan wrote:

ServerSessionCache is set to false.


At 11:12 PM 3/10/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Do you have session caching turned on?


On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 11:00  PM, William Scott Jordan wrote:

I'm running AOLServer 3.4 with OpenSSL 0.9.6 and nsopenssl 2.2b4 on
7.0 and I'm getting this error quite a bit:
Error: nsopenssl: EOF during SSL handshake

I have no idea what's causing it and I can't recreate it.  When it
it gives the end user a "Server Error" message.  Reloading the same
never causes the problem a second time.  I really don't even know
it's a problem with AOLServer, a configuration issue, or a problem
Has anybody seen this before or have any idea of how to correct it?
advice would be appreciated.

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