[Apertium-stuff] Apertium-eng generation errors

2018-01-08 Thread Marc Riera Irigoyen
Hello all,

I've noticed some weird behaviour when generating English output in the
English-Catalan pair. When translating "àrtic" to English, for example, the
adjective "Arctic" is found, but right at the end of the pipeline, in the
English generator, "Arctic" becomes Arctic/Arctic and is sent as is in
the output text.

The entry in the English monodix is "artic" without caps, but this was the
case in the old en-ca pair and it worked. Moreover, I've altered the bidix
to simulate the same situation when generating to Catalan and it works as
expected, so it looks like it's specific to English.

Anyone who knows what's going on here?


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[Apertium-stuff] EAMT 2018 Call for Papers

2018-01-08 Thread Mikel L. Forcada

1stCall  for  papers

EAMT  2018: The 21th Annual Conference of the European Associationfor  Machine 

Universitat d'Alacant
Sant Ferran 40 building
03001 Alacant/Alicante, Spain
May 28 to 30,2018


The European Associationfor  Machine Translation (EAMT) invites everyone 
interested in machine translation, translation-related tools and resources to 
participate in this conference - developers, researchers, users, professional 
translators and translation/localisation managers: anyone who has a stake in 
the vision of an information world in which language barriers and issues become 
less visible to the information consumer. We especially invite researchers to 
describe the state of the art and demonstrate their cutting-edge results, and 
professional MT users to share their experiences. Note also that individual 
translators are invited to share their insights in the use of MT and these will 
be addressed at a special track.

We expect to receive manuscripts in these four categories:

(R) Researchpapers

Long-paper submissions (up to 10 pages including references) are invitedfor  
reports of significant research results in any aspect of machine translation 
and related areas. Such reports should include a substantial evaluation 
component, or have a strong theoretical and/or methodological contribution 
where results and in-depth evaluations may not be appropriate.Papers  are 
welcome on all topics in the areas of machine translation and 
translation-related technologies, including:

* Novel deep-learning approachesfor  MT and MT evaluation
* Advances in classical MT paradigms: statistical, rule-based, and hybrid 
* Comparison of various MT approaches
* Technologiesfor  MT deployment: quality estimation, domain adaptation, etc.
* MT in special settings: low resources, massive resources, high volume, low 
computing resources
* MT applications: translation/localisation aids, speech-to-speech, 
speech-to-text, OCR, MTfor  user generated content (blogs, social networks), 
* Linguistic resourcesfor  MT: dictionaries, terminology, corpora, etc.
* MT evaluation techniques, metrics, and evaluation results
* Human factors in MT and user interfaces
* Related multilingual technologies: natural language generation, information 
retrieval, text categorisation, text summarisation, information extraction, etc.

Papers  should describe original work. They should emphasise completed work 
rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state of completion 
of the reported results. Where appropriate, concrete evaluation results should 
be included.

Papers  should be anonymized, prepared according to the templates specified below , and no longer than 10 pages (including references); the resulting PDFs submitted tohttps://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eamt2018 
   (Submission type: EAMT2018 Research).

(U) User studies

Short-paper submissions (up to 6 pages, including references) are invitedfor  
reports on users' experiences with MT, be it as individual translators, in 
small- or medium-size business (SMB),  in the enterprise, in the government, or 
in NGOs. Contributions are welcome on:

* Integrating MT and computer-assisted translation into a translation 
production workflow (e.g. transforming terminology glossaries into MT 
resources, optimizing TM/MT thresholds, mixing online and offline tools, using 
interactive MT, dealing with MT confidence scores);
* Use of MT to improve translation or localisation workflows (e.g. reducing 
turnaround times, improving translation consistency, increasing the scope of 
globalisation projects);
* Managing change when implementing and using MT (e.g. switching between 
multiple MT systems, limiting degradations when updating or upgrading an MT 
* Implementing open-source MT in the SME or enterprise (e.g. strategies to get 
support, reports on taking pilot results into full deployment, examples of 
advanced customisation sought and obtained thanks to the open-source paradigm, 
collaboration within open-source MT projects);
* Evaluation of MT in a real-world setting (e.g. error detection strategies 
employed, metrics used, productivity or translation quality gains achieved);
* Post-editing strategies and tools (e.g. limitations of traditional 
translation quality assurance tools, challenges associated with post-editing 
* Legal issues associated with MT, especially MT in the cloud (e.g. copyright, 
* Use of MT in social networking or real-time communication (e.g. enterprise 
support chat, multilingual contentfor  social media);
* Use of MT to process multilingual contentfor  assimilation purposes (e.g. 
cross-lingual information retrieval, MTfor  e-discovery or spam detection, 
MTfor  highly dynamic content);
* Use of standardsfor  MT.

Papers  should highlight problems and solutions in addition to describing MT 
integration process o