Re: [arch-general] busted system after update

2020-11-16 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general
Many of use have been there! Earlier this year I overwrote /etc/shadow with 
pacnew in a moment of madness.

[arch-general] PSA: OpenVPN no longer runs scripts as root

2020-11-10 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general

OpenVPN now runs scripts as the user `openvpn`, not as root.

This tripped me up recently, because I use the `update-systemd-resolved` 
script, but it can't do its thing without root.

Just thought I'd put this out there in case anyone else was having issues.

Re: [arch-general] adding Polybar to offical Repos

2020-07-22 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general

On 2020-07-22 14:54:13, Ram Kumar via arch-general wrote:

is is possible to include Polybar to the official packages under extra or
community? if not could u plz explain?

Polybar requires optional modules to be already installed before you compile 
it. Once built with those, it won't run without those dependencies installed.

So to have a pre-compiled version you would need to either force-install every 
optional dependency with the Arch package (no longer 'optional', and kills 
extendability), or make decisions on which features to include/exclude (no 
longer 'customisable').

Unless this changes I don't see that polybar is compatible with Arch 
packaging. However, the AUR is an ideal place for it.

Re: [arch-general] I3 installation

2019-06-26 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general

On 2019-06-26 13:44:41, Khorne wrote:

On June 26, 2019 1:42:15 PM GMT+02:00, Ben Oliver via arch-general 

On 2019-06-26 17:05:31, Ram Kumar via arch-general wrote:

Hey Archers,
I have a fresh installation now. Can you please guide me to install I3


wm? I have seen sites but they are confusing me.. i need detaied step


step instruction please

The wiki is quite good:

For i3 gaps you need the package from the AUR.


That is very much *not* an AUR package.

Agh! I don't know what I was thinking!

In that case it's even simpler than what I said.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-general] I3 installation

2019-06-26 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general

On 2019-06-26 17:05:31, Ram Kumar via arch-general wrote:

Hey Archers,
I have a fresh installation now. Can you please guide me to install I3 gaps
wm? I have seen sites but they are confusing me.. i need detaied step by
step instruction please

The wiki is quite good:

For i3 gaps you need the package from the AUR.

To install an AUR package, follow this guide:

Once i3-gaps is intalled, generally you will want to run it from a 
Display Manager.

For what it's worth, I use LightDM.

Hope this helps!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-general] How long do you make the passphrase for the private key?

2019-06-25 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general

On 2019-06-25 09:35:53, Ralph Corderoy wrote:

Yes, they exist. is a
comprehensive introduction that will give you terms to feed Google, and
his compares
some of the keys then on the market.  Yubico do well, IIRC.

FWIW I can also vouch for the NitroKey Pro. It's not U2F, but then 
barely anything I use supports U2F.

You can store TOTPs on it for 2 Factor (but it's limited to 15, which is 
not enough for me, so I'm still using andOTP on my phone...).

The main use I have for it is as a GPG smartcard. It lets you carry your 
GPG key around with you everywhere, or a subkey if you wish.

This unlocks loads of possibilities, like being able to decrypt my 
password store, signing and encrypting emails, files etc etc. I also use 
it for SSH authentication.

It's allowed me to use GPG a lot more than I otherwise would have.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [arch-general] gscan2pdf - could it be included in the official arch repositories?

2017-10-26 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general
I can vouch for it too. I have to scan all the mail at work and before
we got a printer that scanned to FTP I went through loads and loads of
options trying to find some suitable scanning software.

Eventually I settled on gscan2pdf because it seemed to be one of the
few that could reliably make multi-page PDFs.

Re: [arch-general] Good gif recorder

2017-07-16 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general
I have a little script in my PATH that does kind of what Nicolas
mentioned. I stole it from somewhere but I can't remember the source,

I should probably switch to webm or something but this has worked well
for me so far when it comes to just recording 1-6 second UI/UX stuff.

Re: [arch-general] Suppressing specific pacman warnings

2017-04-05 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general is a good place to shop around on.

Re: [arch-general] Archlinux i3wm i3-scrot copy clipboard

2017-02-21 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general
Would this work?

bindsym Print exec scrot 'screenshot.png' -e 'xclip -selection c
-t image/png $f'

(note that this binds it to the print screen key)

On 21 February 2017 at 16:38, Maykel Franco via arch-general
> Hi, I love with muy installation. Archlinux + i3wm but I like take
> screenshots with tool i3 called i3-scrot but I don't see option to copy
> clipboard, only save screenshots in folder...

Re: [arch-general] [OT] Favorite/best desktop in archlinux

2016-11-07 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general
I agree with all the above.

XFCE is my go-to when I need a lightweight and reliable DE.

Otherwise I'm strictly a WM guy - tried xmonad, liked it, but then
found out that i3 has the setup I was using as default, so I switched.
Plain text config files are also nice (although I imagine somewhat
limiting if you actually know Haskell).

Re: [arch-general] fail to export gpg private key

2016-07-06 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general
This may or may not be related, but a recent caused lots of permissions
in my gnupg homedirs. Happened on three machines.

Re: [arch-general] SLiM DM

2016-06-12 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general
I used Slim for years only to find out it was abandoned when I tried to use
it in a fresh install (and therefore checked the wiki).

Moved to LightDM and have not noticed any major difference, but I don't do
anything fancy with my login screens...

Re: [arch-general] ML is being sent to Spam by Gmail

2016-06-08 Thread Ben Oliver via arch-general
I have been meaning to write here about this issue too, 70% of ML stuff has
been going straight to spam.

A way to quickly create filters is to click the little drop down arrow at
the top
of the message, next to the 'to Foo'. Next to the 'mailing list:' title,
there's a button
that says 'filter messages from this mailing list'.