DB connection from the AR Server installer

2017-08-20 Thread Peter Joran
I am trying to get the Remedy installer to connect with the DB to install
the application.

As a preliminary test I tested the connection using SQLPlus from the Remedy
Without appending the pw with @sid the connection failed (ERROR:ORA-12560:
TNS:protocol adapter error)
PW with @sid appended connects successfully

Remedy Installer
In this case I'm only installing the AR Server 8.1.02 files as the DB
(Oracle 11g) is in place.
The issue is that the application installer does a validation check and it
Without the @sid it validates and performs the installation but then fails
when its time to connect to the DB at the very end of the installation.
Appending the pw @sid the installer validation fails.

Any thoughts on how to connect to the DB (SQLPlus or application installer)
without using the @sid would be greatly appreciated.

Different servers
ping the db server, by name and IP = success
DB is started and open
lsnrctl status = success
tnsping sid = success
Adding server env var ORACLE_SID=sid did not help


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Jetty over HTTPS

2017-08-20 Thread Fawver, Dustin
Greetings, Listers!

I’ve been working on getting Jetty to run on my dev environment so that I can 
start working on REST calls.  I have ARS 9.1.02 installed.  In short, I can get 
it to run over HTTP if I make the proper mods in the jetty selector file.  When 
I configure it to run using HTTPS on port 9443 (or even the default 8443), I 
get a message that the server unexpectedly closed the connection.  Running 
“netstat –a” shows that the server is listening on the designated port.

I’ve been trying different things with the keytool program.  I have a GeoTrust 
signed cert available for me to use.  I used the following command as outlined 
at https://docs.bmc.com/docs/ars91/configuring-the-rest-api-609071434.html

C:\Program Files\BMC Software\ARSystem\jetty\etc>"\Program 
Files\Java\jre1.8.0_73\bin\keytool.exe" -import -trustcacerts -alias etsu.edu 
-file etsu.edu.crt -keystore keystore

All of the required services (ARS, email, flashboards, Mid-Tier, Tomcat, etc) 
run on the same box.  I hope this is not causing a conflict.  Any help would be 
much appreciated.
Dustin Fawver
Sr. Help Desk Technician
Information Technology Services

P: 423-439-4648

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