Re: MidTier 7.1 - Scrollbars

2007-10-10 Thread vital3d
I submitted this to BMC Support a couple weeks back, I just got
confirmation of it being reproducible on their end.

I've reproduced the behavior you've reported, and I've also confirmed
that the problem does not exist in Mid-tier 7.0.1p4.  I've submitted
defect SW00278685 against the issue.  As is standard with defects, a
resolution would be expected in the next major release of Mid-tier.



On Oct 9, 10:36 am, Christian Janovic
 Hi Listers,

 I have installed MidTier 7.1 and while it seems much more performant and
 also more robust I have an annoying issue.

 When I open a (small) Dialog-Window in the browser (both Firefox and IE) via
 MidTier the scroll bars are ALWAYS visible - even though I have adjusted the
 size of all dialogs and removed any (hidden) fields in the form parts I
 don't want to be displayed. In the html source code there is a hidden field
 (the CustomResultsList, ID= 1020) with a width of 640 that seems to cause
 this effect. I have not included this field, it seems to come by default.

 The code reads:

 div id=ResultsList

 div arid=1020 artype=Table ardbn=CustomResultsList class=arfid1020
 ardbnCustomResultsList style=top:0#59; left:0#59; width:640#59;
 height:64#59;visibility:hidden#59;z-index:0#59; arcols= arcolws=
 arcoldlen= ardrill=1 arserver=@ arschema=@ armaxrows=0 ardtype=1
 arcsize=0 arfixhdr=1 arselrows=0 arselinit=0 arselrefresh=0 arautofit=0
 arsort= arqual={qual:quot;quot;, ids:[],extids:[]}img
 src=../../../../resources/images/menu_down.gif alt=
 class=TableSortImgUp arindom=1 /img
 src=../../../../resources/images/menu_up.gif alt=
 class=TableSortImgDown arindom=1 /div class='TableHdr'table
 class='TableHdr' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0tbodytrtd nowrap
 valign=middle class='TableHdrL'/tdtd nowrap valign=middle
 class='TableInner'/divdiv class='TableFtr'table class='TableFtr'
 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0tbodytrtd nowrap valign=middle
 class='TableFtrL'/tdtd nowrap valign=middle


 Of course this field is unnecessary in a dialog. But even in a regular form
 a fix and unchangeable hidden field is not very nice for the administrator.

 Does anybody know how to avoid this effect. Is there perhaps any means to
 change the default width of those omnipresent and hidden ar system fields.

 It's not necessary to say that it can be quite a bit of work to adjust all
 forms so that they are displayed without scroll bars in the browser.

 Any help will be appreciated.

 Kind regards,

 Christian Janovic

 ApproLogic GmbH

 Waldstraße 92

 63128 Dietzenbach

 Tel: 06074 - 4811814

 Mob: 0177-4932072

 Fax: 06074 - 4811816


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Re: Maximizing Form from a Dialog

2007-05-31 Thread vital3d
You can do this by utilizing javascript.

Place this in the header or footer of the current view of the form you
want maximized:

script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript


On May 31, 5:28 pm, Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE
 Hi everyone:

 I seem to have discovered an oddity in the 6.3 Midtier.  I have workflow
 tied to a dialog box.  When the user clicks an OK button on the dialog
 box, I have an AL that performs an OPEN WINDOW action.  When the new
 window opens, I want it to be maximized, but it's not.  Instead it's the
 size of the dialog box.  I have the new window opening with a Window
 Type of SUBMIT and it's Target Location is NEW.

 It seems like since the new window is a child of the dialog, it's
 picking up its sizing dimensions from the dialog rather than from the
 full browser space.

 Anyone seen this before? Anyone have any work around ideas?


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Re: mid-tier config issue

2007-04-18 Thread vital3d
The cause of the error is here:
401 1 0

It's a security issue.

0.4.2 401 Unauthorized

The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a
WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge
applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the
request with a suitable Authorization header field (section 14.8). If
the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401
response indicates that authorization has been refused for those
credentials. If the 401 response contains the same challenge as the
prior response, and the user agent has already attempted
authentication at least once, then the user SHOULD be presented the
entity that was given in the response, since that entity might include
relevant diagnostic information. HTTP access authentication is
explained in HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access
Authentication [43]. 

On Apr 17, 2:06 pm, patrick zandi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ok, I am working with a new mid-tier, and now attempting to get her
 I did something squirrelly, not sure what ..
 Pages getting are Service unavailible.
 log says
 2007-04-17 17:33:24 W3SVC1 POST
 /servletexec/admin/j_security_check - 80 HD1\USER;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506.30)
 302 0 0
 2007-04-17 17:33:24 W3SVC1 GET /servletexec/admin/login.jsp
 failed=true 80 -;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506.30)
 401 1 0
 2007-04-17 17:33:24 W3SVC1 GET /servletexec/admin/login.jsp
 failed=true 80 HD1\USER;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.04506.30)
 200 0 0
 NewAtlanta - just put in the latest patch 5.0.13 I think.
 Anyone see this ?

 Patrick Zandi

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Re: FYI: BMC Knowledge base searching tip....

2007-01-08 Thread vital3d
I've worked with this knowledge base for about 2-3 years now, when it
was still called KMR.  It utilizes Hummingbird SearchServer, while it's
great for text/natural language queries, it's more difficult to find
data regarding what you are exactly looking for here.

The reason you get more records for KM-... it is looking through the
entire document contents NOT the actual Document ID you are trying to
find.  So if the document ID KM-10005381 is mentioned in any
content it will increase that document's ranking.  What's more, is that
it will approximations, it will look for the substring KM- in the
content making the result sets even larger.

0 (zero) and the word other is a wildcard. *shrug*

Perhaps, a RFE should be submitted to request that a field be provided
that you can search by specific Document ID.  I know this is in the now
defuct KMR, I can't speak for RKM.



Ryan Sherrer -- Senior Developer
Progressive -- ETG -- SMT

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Re: FYI: BMC Knowledge base searching tip....

2007-01-08 Thread vital3d
Wow, nice spelling mistakes there. *laugh*

defuct == defunct



Ryan Sherrer -- Senior Developer 
Progressive -- ETG -- SMT

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Re: FYI: BMC Knowledge base searching tip....

2007-01-08 Thread vital3d

The simple answer is if the string KM- shows up more the document
population it is going to rank that resultset higher than a unique
string regardless of the search query.  There is a way around this
however, just as Matt suggested using the Document ID sans the KM-.

Again, the proper route would be to provide a new field for searching
on Document ID only, not this backwards way.  Good luck, as I don't see
that happening soon. :(

I am just providing information from my own experience with the
technology that is being used here.

Thanks for the reply!


Ryan Sherrer -- Senior Developer
Progressive -- ETG -- SMT

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