Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread strauss
Yes, I need to continue using commercial certificates if at all possible
- we've had them on the 5.1.2 and 6.3 mid-tiers since 2003, when we
started using AREA authentication with enterprise passwords.  We use
OpenSSL and sTunnel on the back end to LDAP, although the 7.x servers
finally use internal certificates properly so they are set to SSL in the
AREA configuration.  I put OpenSSL on the web server today while trying
to generate the keystore - maybe that's the cipher suite the GeoTrust
certificate did not like.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center 

> -Original Message-
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William H. Will Du Chene
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 9:20 PM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Apache vs IIS
> Hhrrmm... That's a new one. I've personally never tried 
> importing certs into the keystore like that. I did some quick 
> digging around on the net, and discovered a couple of pages. 
> I am not sure if these will help or not,
> but:
> Make sure to check the last comment about a code change. 
> Comments are on the bottom of the page.
> > No available certificate or key 
> > corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled.
> > SSL handshake 
> > No available certificate or key corresponds to the SSL 
> cipher suites 
> > which are enabled.
> --
> -
> Will Du Chene
> -
> -
> "'re an anti-Microsoft zealot..."
>  - Norm Kaiser
> -
> __
> _
> UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at 
> Platinum Sponsor: ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

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Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread William H. Will Du Chene
I just checked over the page and realized that the commands listed there
are for *nox boxes. If you need a hand converting them into a windows
version, shoot me an email and I can lend a hand.

Likwise, there is a version of openssl for windows available from If that one is
not available, there is another download site at

Will Du Chene
"'re an anti-Microsoft zealot..."
 - Norm Kaiser

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Platinum Sponsor: ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread William H. Will Du Chene
Hhrrmm... That's a new one. I've personally never tried importing certs
into the keystore like that. I did some quick digging around on the net,
and discovered a couple of pages. I am not sure if these will help or not,

Make sure to check the last comment about a code change. Comments are on
the bottom of the page.

> No available certificate or key
> corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled.
> SSL handshake
> No available certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher suites
> which are enabled.

Will Du Chene
"'re an anti-Microsoft zealot..."
 - Norm Kaiser

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Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread strauss
I am finally getting back to this issue.  Following your instructions
gets a generic certificate on the server so that it will do SSL, but you
get a certificate error every time you access the page.  I have never
gotten even close to that using the fragmented bits of information on - but that may be
because I have been trying to use a commercial certificate instead of
generating a generic one.  Thanks for your help with a much clearer set
of step-by-step instructions (sequential; the tomcat docs are more
random access).

I already have a GeoTrust certificate for this server, installed on IIS
months ago, so theoretically I should be able to apply it to the Tomcat
server.  I can't get another from them for the same FQDN, anyway, unless
it has to be converted to some other format which I doubt.

I followed the instructions on GeoTrust web on how to export the
certificate from IIS and convert it for apache, which yielded two files
key.pem and cert.pem.  Of course that does not fit into Tomcat, only
Apache.  Next I followed their instructions (in a completely different
part of their web site) for Tomcat which involve downloading a root cert
and an intermediate cert and creating a keystore with those plus the
purchased SSL cert.  When I install that file the Tomcat server
generates a bazillion copies of this error in the catalina log:

SEVERE: Endpoint [SSL:
ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=8443]] ignored
exception: SSL handshake No available certificate or key
corresponds to the SSL cipher suites which are enabled. SSL handshake
No available certificate or key corresponds to the SSL cipher suites
which are enabled.
Feb 7, 2008 7:24:36 PM
WARNING: Reinitializing ServerSocket

I guess I will have to contact the certificate source directly and find
out what they forgot to include in the instructions on the web site.
Ultimately we do not want every user to have to fight their way past the
bad certificate warning to get in.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William H. Will Du Chene
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 11:37 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Apache vs IIS

I never said "easy to administer." What I did say was "simple to
configure." Obviously, there is some room for interpretation there.

" the @()[EMAIL PROTECTED] do you get the damn thing to do SSL.."

Fair question. It deserves a fair answer. Here is a tutorial that took
all of about 20 minutes to put together.

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Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread William H. Will Du Chene
I never said "easy to administer." What I did say was "simple to
configure." Obviously, there is some room for interpretation there.

" the @()[EMAIL PROTECTED] do you get the damn thing to do SSL.."

Fair question. It deserves a fair answer. Here is a tutorial that took me
all of about 20 minutes to put together.

*Tomcat Install*
1. Download the installer from
2. Run the installer.
3. Agree to the license.
4. Choose your options.
5. Select an installation directory.
6. Select a connector port, username and password. (Add a password, accept
default port.)
7. Select path to the correct JRE.
8. Press the install button.
9. Leave the "Run Apache Tomcat" option selected.
10. Press the finish button.
11. The service will start once the installer is closed.
12. Download the "administration interface" package.

*SSL Keys*
1. Download and install the Java SDK - not the JRE.
2. Add the JDK /bin path to your path. (set PATH=C:\Program
3. Issue the command "keytool -genkey -alias kameno -keypass password
-keystore kameno.bin -storepass password"
4. Answer the following questions, or accept the defaults:
What is your first and last name?
What is the name of your organizational unit?
What is the name of your organization?
What is the name of your City or Locality?
What is the name of your State or Province?
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
Is CN=Unknown, OU=Unknown, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown
[no]:  yes
5. Copy the kameno.bin file that was created and place it into the
tomcat/webapps directory.
6. Open server.xml (tomcat/conf directory) in an editor.
7. Search for the connector description that sits on port 8443. It should
be commented out.
8. Uncomment it by removing the  "" which preceed and
follow it.
9. Add the following lines to the description:
10. Save the file and close it.
11. Stop Tomcat & Restart it.
12. Verify connectivity by pointing your web browser at

That was easy, yes?

"...Plus everything you need for BMC ITSM installation wants to install
its own instance of Tomcat..." & "...Then they all fight over the JVM..."

Well, there I am not sure that I can help you. BMC has not gotten around
to offering a - to borrow your term - @#*&@#*&# - developer-only version
of their products yet, so trying to provide any practical assistance is
out of the question. Not being able to play with the technology and learn
from it without working for someone that already has it - bites.

My gut instinct, however, says that there has to be a way to make it work.
Sorry, I know that is not too much help.

Will Du Chene
"'re an anti-Microsoft zealot..."
 - Norm Kaiser

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Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread strauss
If Tomcat is so "easy to administer," how the @()[EMAIL PROTECTED] do you get 
damn thing to do SSL.  That's about six mouse clicks in IIS, including
the entire process of obtaining and applying the certificate.  Nothing
in what passes for documentation in the tomcat space clearly describes
how to request and apply the certificate and turn on SSL, specifically
on Windows servers (Win2K3 Enterprise x64).  They frame everything in
*nix terms, and the only *nix I allow anywhere near me is well hidden
underneath OS X.  I have no problems with editing configuration files
versus clicking control panel checkboxes (they usually write out to
config files in the background anyway), but getting a certificate
applied to Tomcat is apparently not something you can do by editing

I have tested IIS/ServeltExec and IIS/Tomcat compared to Tomcat/Tomcat,
and the mid-tier runs best and pre-fetches the most reliably on
Tomcat/Tomcat.  Prefetch of the ITSM 7 application kills ServletExec 2/3
of the time, before the prefetch completes.  IIS/Tomcat is a shotgun
wedding with an extra component in the middle to degrade performance,
but if I can't get some information on tomcat SSL we may be forced to
use IIS/Tomcat.  None of our web server administrators apparently know
anything about Tomcat web server, and it is not the same as the Apache
web servers they use.  Plus everything you need for BMC ITSM
installation wants to install its own instance of Tomcat (mid-tier, RKM,
Crystal Report Server XI, also Kinetic if you have it too), or fight
over the primary instance (SLM Collector - which you are better off
using with ServletExec AS).  Then they all fight over the JVM.  It isn't
just a simple IIS or Apache (or Tomcat) question, but how many of them
and where to install them to support all of the different apps for ITSM+
without having them all stomp on each other.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center 

> -Original Message-
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William H. Will Du Chene
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 8:07 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Apache vs IIS
> If I had my choice, I'd run with Apache - each and every single time.
> There are a number of reasons for that, not the least of 
> which is that the web server itself has been time tested and 
> beaten to death repeatedly on web servers all over the 
> internet. It has seen the best and worst that can be offered 
> by end users. It is the web server that can be thought of in 
> the same category as a work truck. It's good, solid, and gets 
> the job done.
> Configuration is also very simple. No. There isn't an 
> 'explorer' to do the job with eye candy and mouse clicks. 
> There is a configuration file, and a text editor. Really that 
> is all that is needed. If you've got something in front of 
> you that says otherwise, watch out. Someone is selling 
> something again. Shake their hand, complain of a meeting, 
> give them a boot in the wazoo and close the door.
> Apache is also cross platform, so your architecture has the 
> ability to expand and change platforms if your situation 
> changes at some point in the future. Likewise, there are 
> enough modules and methods of customization for it which give 
> it a significant amount of flexibility.
> Yes. You probably saw this one coming, but - if you want to - 
> the source code is available for review and not locked away 
> in someone's internal source server because it 'represents a 
> source of IP,' or because 'they want to ensure a significant 
> return on their investment for the shareholders.' (Jeez... 
> Just typing that makes me feel the need for a
> shower.)
> Likewise, and this is probably my biggest single gripe 
> against IIS, is that the  web server is *not* divorced 
> from the operating system that it sits upon. Thus, there is 
> no single installer or package available in which you can 
> install something like IIS 6 or IIS 7 on top of an older 
> operating system such as NT4. If you could, there would be 
> one less reason to upgrade, right?
> In the same train of thought, paint my hair blond and call me 
> silly but why, ohh, why should an operating system patch 
> affect a web server so that it causes it to crash because 
> both file system permissions have been changed and the 
> internet guest account gets messed up? We had that happen 
> with a couple of our intranet servers a couple of patch cycles ago.
> Positively crap-tastic. (Yes. I actually maintain several IIS 
> servers for a living as part of my job - and I hate it.)
> An A

Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread J.T. Shyman
Just please, please...nobody start an "emacs vs vi" discussion.


-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William H. Will Du Chene
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 10:51 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Apache vs IIS

Not quite... But that last one was so good, I added it to my sig file.

> I love it, is it Friday yet?
> Axton
> On Feb 7, 2008 9:55 AM, Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So let me summarize:
>> If you're an anti-Microsoft zealot, use Apache (or whatever the open
>> source/competing product is) each and every time.
>> But if you're not really concerned about all those politics, IIS is a
>> fine choice for Windows operating systems.
Will Du Chene
"'re an anti-Microsoft zealot..."
 - Norm Kaiser

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UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at
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Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread William H. Will Du Chene
Not quite... But that last one was so good, I added it to my sig file.

> I love it, is it Friday yet?
> Axton
> On Feb 7, 2008 9:55 AM, Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So let me summarize:
>> If you're an anti-Microsoft zealot, use Apache (or whatever the open
>> source/competing product is) each and every time.
>> But if you're not really concerned about all those politics, IIS is a
>> fine choice for Windows operating systems.
Will Du Chene
"'re an anti-Microsoft zealot..."
 - Norm Kaiser

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Platinum Sponsor: ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread Axton
I love it, is it Friday yet?


On Feb 7, 2008 9:55 AM, Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE
> So let me summarize:
> If you're an anti-Microsoft zealot, use Apache (or whatever the open
> source/competing product is) each and every time.
> But if you're not really concerned about all those politics, IIS is a
> fine choice for Windows operating systems.
> -Original Message-
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William H. Will Du Chene
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 8:07 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: Re: Apache vs IIS
> If I had my choice, I'd run with Apache - each and every single time.
> There are a number of reasons for that, not the least of which is that
> the
> web server itself has been time tested and beaten to death repeatedly on
> web servers all over the internet. It has seen the best and worst that
> can
> be offered by end users. It is the web server that can be thought of in
> the same category as a work truck. It's good, solid, and gets the job
> done.
> Configuration is also very simple. No. There isn't an 'explorer' to do
> the
> job with eye candy and mouse clicks. There is a configuration file, and
> a
> text editor. Really that is all that is needed. If you've got something
> in
> front of you that says otherwise, watch out. Someone is selling
> something
> again. Shake their hand, complain of a meeting, give them a boot in the
> wazoo and close the door.
> Apache is also cross platform, so your architecture has the ability to
> expand and change platforms if your situation changes at some point in
> the
> future. Likewise, there are enough modules and methods of customization
> for it which give it a significant amount of flexibility.
> Yes. You probably saw this one coming, but - if you want to - the source
> code is available for review and not locked away in someone's internal
> source server because it 'represents a source of IP,' or because 'they
> want to ensure a significant return on their investment for the
> shareholders.' (Jeez... Just typing that makes me feel the need for a
> shower.)
> Likewise, and this is probably my biggest single gripe against IIS, is
> that the  web server is *not* divorced from the operating system
> that it sits upon. Thus, there is no single installer or package
> available
> in which you can install something like IIS 6 or IIS 7 on top of an
> older
> operating system such as NT4. If you could, there would be one less
> reason
> to upgrade, right?
> In the same train of thought, paint my hair blond and call me silly but
> why, ohh, why should an operating system patch affect a web server so
> that
> it causes it to crash because both file system permissions have been
> changed and the internet guest account gets messed up? We had that
> happen
> with a couple of our intranet servers a couple of patch cycles ago.
> Positively crap-tastic. (Yes. I actually maintain several IIS servers
> for
> a living as part of my job - and I hate it.)
> An Apache/Tomcat combination is a beautiful thing. Why break them up and
> try to install something like Atlanta in there anyway? Apache is best
> suited to serve static content, such as images and regular files, html
> docs and the like. Tomcat is best for JSP. The connector that bridges
> them
> together is conceptually a work of art. All major implementations which
> I
> have been a part always use this combination. IIS and Atlanta are left
> to,
> well, smaller installations and I honestly sometimes consider them -
> ahem
> - toys. (When something goes wrong, I can be seen headed into the IIS
> server room with baby whipes, a warm bottle and a diaper, or a 40
> mega-joule crash cart depending...) Similarly, running Tomcat withouth
> Apache in front of it just seems, well, wrong... but that is a whole
> other
> topic and I digress
> In the end, setting my obvious opinion aside for a moment, you may not
> have the choice in the end. Your environment will most likely dictate
> which platform to use, simply by the ability that is present to support
> it. If you have a few good *nix people running around, chances are you
> could make an Apache/Tomcat combination work just fine. Even if it is on
> a
> Windows platform, supporting the application is similar enough that the
> skillset can be used.
> By the same token, if the current terrain in which you find yourself is
> dominated by funny-lookin', primary colored flags on everything and
> people
> with a strange fixation on blue polo shirt

Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE
So let me summarize:

If you're an anti-Microsoft zealot, use Apache (or whatever the open
source/competing product is) each and every time.

But if you're not really concerned about all those politics, IIS is a
fine choice for Windows operating systems.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of William H. Will Du Chene
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 8:07 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Apache vs IIS

If I had my choice, I'd run with Apache - each and every single time.

There are a number of reasons for that, not the least of which is that
web server itself has been time tested and beaten to death repeatedly on
web servers all over the internet. It has seen the best and worst that
be offered by end users. It is the web server that can be thought of in
the same category as a work truck. It's good, solid, and gets the job

Configuration is also very simple. No. There isn't an 'explorer' to do
job with eye candy and mouse clicks. There is a configuration file, and
text editor. Really that is all that is needed. If you've got something
front of you that says otherwise, watch out. Someone is selling
again. Shake their hand, complain of a meeting, give them a boot in the
wazoo and close the door.

Apache is also cross platform, so your architecture has the ability to
expand and change platforms if your situation changes at some point in
future. Likewise, there are enough modules and methods of customization
for it which give it a significant amount of flexibility.

Yes. You probably saw this one coming, but - if you want to - the source
code is available for review and not locked away in someone's internal
source server because it 'represents a source of IP,' or because 'they
want to ensure a significant return on their investment for the
shareholders.' (Jeez... Just typing that makes me feel the need for a

Likewise, and this is probably my biggest single gripe against IIS, is
that the  web server is *not* divorced from the operating system
that it sits upon. Thus, there is no single installer or package
in which you can install something like IIS 6 or IIS 7 on top of an
operating system such as NT4. If you could, there would be one less
to upgrade, right?

In the same train of thought, paint my hair blond and call me silly but
why, ohh, why should an operating system patch affect a web server so
it causes it to crash because both file system permissions have been
changed and the internet guest account gets messed up? We had that
with a couple of our intranet servers a couple of patch cycles ago.
Positively crap-tastic. (Yes. I actually maintain several IIS servers
a living as part of my job - and I hate it.)

An Apache/Tomcat combination is a beautiful thing. Why break them up and
try to install something like Atlanta in there anyway? Apache is best
suited to serve static content, such as images and regular files, html
docs and the like. Tomcat is best for JSP. The connector that bridges
together is conceptually a work of art. All major implementations which
have been a part always use this combination. IIS and Atlanta are left
well, smaller installations and I honestly sometimes consider them -
- toys. (When something goes wrong, I can be seen headed into the IIS
server room with baby whipes, a warm bottle and a diaper, or a 40
mega-joule crash cart depending...) Similarly, running Tomcat withouth
Apache in front of it just seems, well, wrong... but that is a whole
topic and I digress

In the end, setting my obvious opinion aside for a moment, you may not
have the choice in the end. Your environment will most likely dictate
which platform to use, simply by the ability that is present to support
it. If you have a few good *nix people running around, chances are you
could make an Apache/Tomcat combination work just fine. Even if it is on
Windows platform, supporting the application is similar enough that the
skillset can be used.

By the same token, if the current terrain in which you find yourself is
dominated by funny-lookin', primary colored flags on everything and
with a strange fixation on blue polo shirts and khackis, well, IIS &
Atlanta may be your only choice because the point-and-click crowd is 'in
the house' (Hey, did I get the reference right that time?).

> Hello everyone,
>   If you have to choose between IIS and Apache which one would you opt
> for? I mean in term of ease of administration, performance, security
> we are planning to install this in a clustered environment with load
> balancing software and would like to know if you had issues if any
> running Mid-Tier against IIS or Apach

RE : Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread Frex Popo
thanks Kaiser

Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :  I think the 
answer all boils down to which operating system you're
using. If it's Unix/Linux, go with Apache. If it's Windows, go with

In my opinion IIS is easier to administer and it's rock solid. It just

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wesley Schwengle
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 7:17 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Apache vs IIS

On 07.02.08 10:48 Frex Popo wrote:

> If you have to choose between IIS and Apache which one would you opt
for? I mean in term of ease of administration, performance, security ..
we are planning to install this in a clustered environment with load
balancing software and would like to know if you had issues if any with
running Mid-Tier against IIS or Apache?

I would use Apache, since you can use this on both Windows and Unix. IIS
is only available for Windows. And since we are running ARS on Unix, the
choice is obvious.

The great plus is that with using Apache is that you can change from a
Unix to Windows (or vice versa) and keep your Apache configuration file.
Some adjustments are needed due to different pathnames c:\path/to/dir
vs /path/to/dir. And also modules which are loaded LoadModule
mod_something.dll vs But these changes are trivial.

IMO Apache is easier to configure, but IIS admins might disagree on


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RE : Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread Frex Popo
Sorry Wesley ...  just had lunch.. .and somehow started reading my email 
downward and missed this one :)
  Thanks for the comments.

Wesley Schwengle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
  On 07.02.08 10:48 Frex Popo wrote:

> If you have to choose between IIS and Apache which one would you opt for? I 
> mean in term of ease of administration, performance, security .. we are 
> planning to install this in a clustered environment with load balancing 
> software and would like to know if you had issues if any with running 
> Mid-Tier against IIS or Apache?

I would use Apache, since you can use this on both Windows and Unix. IIS
is only available for Windows. And since we are running ARS on Unix, the
choice is obvious.

The great plus is that with using Apache is that you can change from a
Unix to Windows (or vice versa) and keep your Apache configuration file.
Some adjustments are needed due to different pathnames c:\path/to/dir
vs /path/to/dir. And also modules which are loaded LoadModule
mod_something.dll vs But these changes are trivial.

IMO Apache is easier to configure, but IIS admins might disagree on


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 Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail 

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RE : Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread Frex Popo
..point taken ... I guess you should start publishing your work in a computer 
journal :-)
  This surely will come handy in the next few weeks in my "which one to go for 
debate" with the big boss.
  Many thanks dude.

"William H. Will Du Chene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
  If I had my choice, I'd run with Apache - each and every single time.

There are a number of reasons for that, not the least of which is that the
web server itself has been time tested and beaten to death repeatedly on
web servers all over the internet. It has seen the best and worst that can
be offered by end users. It is the web server that can be thought of in
the same category as a work truck. It's good, solid, and gets the job

Configuration is also very simple. No. There isn't an 'explorer' to do the
job with eye candy and mouse clicks. There is a configuration file, and a
text editor. Really that is all that is needed. If you've got something in
front of you that says otherwise, watch out. Someone is selling something
again. Shake their hand, complain of a meeting, give them a boot in the
wazoo and close the door.

Apache is also cross platform, so your architecture has the ability to
expand and change platforms if your situation changes at some point in the
future. Likewise, there are enough modules and methods of customization
for it which give it a significant amount of flexibility.

Yes. You probably saw this one coming, but - if you want to - the source
code is available for review and not locked away in someone's internal
source server because it 'represents a source of IP,' or because 'they
want to ensure a significant return on their investment for the
shareholders.' (Jeez... Just typing that makes me feel the need for a

Likewise, and this is probably my biggest single gripe against IIS, is
that the web server is *not* divorced from the operating system
that it sits upon. Thus, there is no single installer or package available
in which you can install something like IIS 6 or IIS 7 on top of an older
operating system such as NT4. If you could, there would be one less reason
to upgrade, right?

In the same train of thought, paint my hair blond and call me silly but
why, ohh, why should an operating system patch affect a web server so that
it causes it to crash because both file system permissions have been
changed and the internet guest account gets messed up? We had that happen
with a couple of our intranet servers a couple of patch cycles ago.
Positively crap-tastic. (Yes. I actually maintain several IIS servers for
a living as part of my job - and I hate it.)

An Apache/Tomcat combination is a beautiful thing. Why break them up and
try to install something like Atlanta in there anyway? Apache is best
suited to serve static content, such as images and regular files, html
docs and the like. Tomcat is best for JSP. The connector that bridges them
together is conceptually a work of art. All major implementations which I
have been a part always use this combination. IIS and Atlanta are left to,
well, smaller installations and I honestly sometimes consider them - ahem
- toys. (When something goes wrong, I can be seen headed into the IIS
server room with baby whipes, a warm bottle and a diaper, or a 40
mega-joule crash cart depending...) Similarly, running Tomcat withouth
Apache in front of it just seems, well, wrong... but that is a whole other
topic and I digress

In the end, setting my obvious opinion aside for a moment, you may not
have the choice in the end. Your environment will most likely dictate
which platform to use, simply by the ability that is present to support
it. If you have a few good *nix people running around, chances are you
could make an Apache/Tomcat combination work just fine. Even if it is on a
Windows platform, supporting the application is similar enough that the
skillset can be used.

By the same token, if the current terrain in which you find yourself is
dominated by funny-lookin', primary colored flags on everything and people
with a strange fixation on blue polo shirts and khackis, well, IIS &
Atlanta may be your only choice because the point-and-click crowd is 'in
the house' (Hey, did I get the reference right that time?).

> Hello everyone,
> If you have to choose between IIS and Apache which one would you opt
> for? I mean in term of ease of administration, performance, security ..
> we are planning to install this in a clustered environment with load
> balancing software and would like to know if you had issues if any with
> running Mid-Tier against IIS or Apache?
> Many thanks
> frexpopo


Will Du Chene

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Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread William H. Will Du Chene
If I had my choice, I'd run with Apache - each and every single time.

There are a number of reasons for that, not the least of which is that the
web server itself has been time tested and beaten to death repeatedly on
web servers all over the internet. It has seen the best and worst that can
be offered by end users. It is the web server that can be thought of in
the same category as a work truck. It's good, solid, and gets the job

Configuration is also very simple. No. There isn't an 'explorer' to do the
job with eye candy and mouse clicks. There is a configuration file, and a
text editor. Really that is all that is needed. If you've got something in
front of you that says otherwise, watch out. Someone is selling something
again. Shake their hand, complain of a meeting, give them a boot in the
wazoo and close the door.

Apache is also cross platform, so your architecture has the ability to
expand and change platforms if your situation changes at some point in the
future. Likewise, there are enough modules and methods of customization
for it which give it a significant amount of flexibility.

Yes. You probably saw this one coming, but - if you want to - the source
code is available for review and not locked away in someone's internal
source server because it 'represents a source of IP,' or because 'they
want to ensure a significant return on their investment for the
shareholders.' (Jeez... Just typing that makes me feel the need for a

Likewise, and this is probably my biggest single gripe against IIS, is
that the  web server is *not* divorced from the operating system
that it sits upon. Thus, there is no single installer or package available
in which you can install something like IIS 6 or IIS 7 on top of an older
operating system such as NT4. If you could, there would be one less reason
to upgrade, right?

In the same train of thought, paint my hair blond and call me silly but
why, ohh, why should an operating system patch affect a web server so that
it causes it to crash because both file system permissions have been
changed and the internet guest account gets messed up? We had that happen
with a couple of our intranet servers a couple of patch cycles ago.
Positively crap-tastic. (Yes. I actually maintain several IIS servers for
a living as part of my job - and I hate it.)

An Apache/Tomcat combination is a beautiful thing. Why break them up and
try to install something like Atlanta in there anyway? Apache is best
suited to serve static content, such as images and regular files, html
docs and the like. Tomcat is best for JSP. The connector that bridges them
together is conceptually a work of art. All major implementations which I
have been a part always use this combination. IIS and Atlanta are left to,
well, smaller installations and I honestly sometimes consider them - ahem
- toys. (When something goes wrong, I can be seen headed into the IIS
server room with baby whipes, a warm bottle and a diaper, or a 40
mega-joule crash cart depending...) Similarly, running Tomcat withouth
Apache in front of it just seems, well, wrong... but that is a whole other
topic and I digress

In the end, setting my obvious opinion aside for a moment, you may not
have the choice in the end. Your environment will most likely dictate
which platform to use, simply by the ability that is present to support
it. If you have a few good *nix people running around, chances are you
could make an Apache/Tomcat combination work just fine. Even if it is on a
Windows platform, supporting the application is similar enough that the
skillset can be used.

By the same token, if the current terrain in which you find yourself is
dominated by funny-lookin', primary colored flags on everything and people
with a strange fixation on blue polo shirts and khackis, well, IIS &
Atlanta may be your only choice because the point-and-click crowd is 'in
the house' (Hey, did I get the reference right that time?).

> Hello everyone,
>   If you have to choose between IIS and Apache which one would you opt
> for? I mean in term of ease of administration, performance, security ..
> we are planning to install this in a clustered environment with load
> balancing software and would like to know if you had issues if any with
> running Mid-Tier against IIS or Apache?
>   Many thanks
>   frexpopo


Will Du Chene

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Platinum Sponsor: ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread Kaiser Norm E CIV USAF 96 CS/SCCE
I think the answer all boils down to which operating system you're
using.  If it's Unix/Linux, go with Apache.  If it's Windows, go with

In my opinion IIS is easier to administer and it's rock solid.  It just

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wesley Schwengle
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 7:17 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: Apache vs IIS

On 07.02.08 10:48 Frex Popo wrote:

>  If you have to choose between IIS and Apache which one would you opt
for? I mean in term of ease of administration, performance, security ..
we are planning to install this in a clustered environment with load
balancing software and would like to know if you had issues if any with
running Mid-Tier against IIS or Apache?

I would use Apache, since you can use this on both Windows and Unix. IIS
is only available for Windows. And since we are running ARS on Unix, the
choice is obvious.

The great plus is that with using Apache is that you can change from a
Unix to Windows (or vice versa) and keep your Apache configuration file.
Some adjustments are needed due to different pathnames c:\path/to/dir
vs /path/to/dir. And also modules which are loaded LoadModule
mod_something.dll vs But these changes are trivial.

IMO Apache is easier to configure, but IIS admins might disagree on


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Platinum Sponsor: ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Re: Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread Wesley Schwengle

On 07.02.08 10:48 Frex Popo wrote:

 If you have to choose between IIS and Apache which one would you opt for? I 
mean in term of ease of administration, performance, security .. we are 
planning to install this in a clustered environment with load balancing 
software and would like to know if you had issues if any with running Mid-Tier 
against IIS or Apache?

I would use Apache, since you can use this on both Windows and Unix. IIS
is only available for Windows. And since we are running ARS on Unix, the
choice is obvious.

The great plus is that with using Apache is that you can change from a
Unix to Windows (or vice versa) and keep your Apache configuration file.
Some adjustments are needed due to different pathnames c:\path/to/dir
vs /path/to/dir. And also modules which are loaded LoadModule
mod_something.dll vs But these changes are trivial.

IMO Apache is easier to configure, but IIS admins might disagree on


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Apache vs IIS

2008-02-07 Thread Frex Popo
Hello everyone,
  If you have to choose between IIS and Apache which one would you opt for? I 
mean in term of ease of administration, performance, security .. we are 
planning to install this in a clustered environment with load balancing 
software and would like to know if you had issues if any with running Mid-Tier 
against IIS or Apache?
  Many thanks

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