Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-10-07 Thread cbrianwatkins
There are also $125 montly permits availible in the financial district for 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: dfsavgny
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 17:49:45 
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

I checked, it is citywide essentially. And I see a problem. There are 
non-resident permits as well for $300 limited to one vehicle. A resident permit 
requires you to register your car in JC. I am an honest person. AP is not my 
permanent address for tax purposes not to run afoul of NYS. It will not be for 
a lot of residents. Although I pay over $10k in real estate taxes here, I don't 
even file my taxes here but pay the higher NY taxes. I pay higher NY insurance 
for cars etc. I am not alone.

--- In, cbrianwatkins@... wrote:

 When I lived in Jersey City there was NEVER issues, its a proven method
 Again, inquire with other cities like have done. It works 
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
 -Original Message-
 From: dfsavgny dfsavgny@...
 Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 17:33:31 
 Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
 Perhaps I do not understand you because unless you make Hinge's block 
 resident only, it does not solve the problem. If its meter or permit, when 
 there are events, Hinge cant park even though he has a permit. If you make it 
 permit only, you lose revenue or you have that problem on another block 
 whether you make it free or with meter and permit.
 Anything you do will have issues. You have a beach. You want visitors to 
 come? You need parking. Charge for it I say whether its resident or visitor. 
 If we want to make the town resident only, then do it. You will hear screams. 
 Cookman is a perfect example. Cars hog the spots because there are no limits.
 This will always bring you back to the compatibility issue and knowing what 
 you are getting into. If I live over a bar I will probably have some 
 disruptions. If I live in Manhattan, or urban areas, I will probably have an 
 issue finding a parking space.
 When I was a kid in Park Slope, there were not 10 cars on the block. We sat 
 on curbs and had the whole street to play stickball. Gone.
 7 years ago I had the whole of the beach almost to myself on a 98-degree day 
 on July 4th. Gone.
 --- In, cbrianwatkins@ wrote:
  All the city needed to do was inquire with other cities in NJ
  I did some research on this when you first brought up the topic
  I found ONE municipality that has parking meters, AND charges their 
  residents the way AP does. 30+ other cities/towns that have meters followed 
  the same guidelines, which were $15-25 for year round permits and 
  designated residential parking
  Its really not rocket science, but this is AP, not a great record when it 
  comes to common sense
  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
  -Original Message-
  From: Hinge hinge98@
  Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:56:22 
  Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
  designated area - That's been my argument all along. Thanks for 
  reinforcing that.
  If I bought the $30 permit this summer, it would have been useless during 
  Summer Stage events, or busy weekend days. All it would do would hold me 
  hostage in a parking space on my block. My next door neighbor, who bought 
  the permit, experienced this every weekend. He'd park out front of his 
  home, and if he left for a few hours (like most of us) to do grocery 
  shopping or anything else, he'd return to our block being completely 
  filled. The permit states that it's only good for the block on which it's 
  issued. So this leaves the permit holder to park a block or more away. 
  Meanwhile, most of the spaces on Bergh and on the 300 block of 1st were 
  being used by boardwalk employees. This is exactly what I predicted would 
  In my opinion, the city did little or no research into this issue. Perhaps 
  they could've done a parking survey to see how many people actually own 
  cars on the affected blocks. On mine, that amounts to 3 cars in the summer, 
  2 in the winter. All the other residents on my block live in housing that 
  includes a parking lot.
  Meanwhile, they installed a parking sign post at my curb 6 months ago. It 
  still stands there, without a sign.
  --- In, cbrianwatkins@ wrote:
   I do not believe in paid parking for residents unless it is a $15 year 
   round permit just like every other city in NJ does, pay for a sticker, be 
   able to park in a designated area
   Sent from

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread cbrianwatkins
I do not believe in paid parking for residents unless it is a $15 year round 
permit just like every other city in NJ does, pay for a sticker, be able to 
park in a designated area

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Hinge
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:39:26 
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.

Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this topic), what 
do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until midnight paid 
parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?

My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between Bergh and  
Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day. You will see 
what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.

Does this make sense to anybody?

I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble. She has  2 
choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark around the 
corner, or on the 300 block.


--- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@... wrote:

 From NYT
 Reflections on a Parking Meter By CLYDE HABERMAN
 Not  to make too much of a relatively minor event, but when
 Manhattan's last  old-time parking meter was yanked down on Monday,
 it meant the end of a  symbolic target for some rebellious spirits.
   [The Day] The Day
 Clyde Haberman offers his take on the news.
 To  them, parking meters represent an infringement of their freedom of 
 movement. Did anyone in the Old West make a cowboy pay to tie up his 
 horse outside the saloon? Nor is this solely an American notion. In 
 Australia, the No Parking Meters Party   came into being a few years ago,
 running candidates in state elections  in New South Wales with a slogan
 that the basis of democracy is  non-dictated policy.
 Writing about the final curtain\
 arking-meter.html   for the parking meter in Manhattan, 60 years to the
 day after the first  one was installed, my colleague Michael M. Grynbaum
 alluded on Monday  to the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke\
 838C679EDE .  In its opening scene, the title character, played by
 Paul Newman, is  arrested and dispatched to a prison road gang for
 drunkenly lopping off  the heads of meters with a pipe cutter.
 Back in 1967, some people  in the New York theater where I saw it
 cheered as Luke went from meter  to meter, methodically decapitating
 each one.   To them, it wasn't an act of vandalism. It was a free
 spirit's  rebellion against those in power, by attacking one of
 their more  soulless creations.
 Perhaps those same people would have pumped  their fists joyfully had
 they witnessed the uprooting of Manhattan's  last single-space meter
 from its post on Frederick Douglass Boulevard in  Harlem. Not that
 meters have disappeared from the city. Hardly. Tens of  thousands remain
 in other boroughs. But they are doomed, too. In a year  or so, the
 city's Transportation Department expects multispace  Muni-Meters to
 be the rule everywhere.
 The relationship between  some New Yorkers and their parking spaces can
 run deep, even as the city  becomes ever more bicycle conscious —
 perhaps especially as the city  becomes more bike conscious. You
 don't have to own a car to understand  that. I haven't owned one
 in 33 years. Yet an available parking spot  right in front of my
 apartment building is so alluring that it almost  makes me want to rush
 off to buy something to fill the space.
 Throughout  Manhattan and in parts of other boroughs, the hunt for a
 perfect spot,  one where a driver may leave the car for days without
 fear of a summons,  is no less an obsession than the pursuit of the
 white whale was for  Ahab.
 Politicians certainly understand this. It helps explain why,  over the
 years, they have steadily expanded the exemptions to the  alternate-side
 parking rules, usually in the name of paying tribute to  some religious
 or ethnic group.
 The Transportation Department now recognizes 32 holidays
 ,  with a total of 42 days, when the rules are suspended and sanitation 
 trucks are thus unable to sweep. It is one of New York's
 peculiarities  that the chosen method for honoring various
 constituencies is to leave  the streets dirty.
 With a run of Jewish, Roman Catholic, Muslim,  Hindu and legal holidays
 upon us, there will be a 44-day stretch, from  Sept. 29 to Nov. 11,
 during which alternate-side parking regulations  will be lifted
 one-third of the time.
 For me

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread cbrianwatkins
All the city needed to do was inquire with other cities in NJ

I did some research on this when you first brought up the topic

I found ONE municipality that has parking meters, AND charges their residents 
the way AP does. 30+ other cities/towns that have meters followed the same 
guidelines, which were $15-25 for year round permits and designated residential 

Its really not rocket science, but this is AP, not a great record when it comes 
to common sense

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Hinge
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:56:22 
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

designated area - That's been my argument all along. Thanks for reinforcing 

If I bought the $30 permit this summer, it would have been useless during 
Summer Stage events, or busy weekend days. All it would do would hold me 
hostage in a parking space on my block. My next door neighbor, who bought the 
permit, experienced this every weekend. He'd park out front of his home, and if 
he left for a few hours (like most of us) to do grocery shopping or anything 
else, he'd return to our block being completely filled. The permit states that 
it's only good for the block on which it's issued. So this leaves the permit 
holder to park a block or more away. Meanwhile, most of the spaces on Bergh and 
on the 300 block of 1st were being used by boardwalk employees. This is exactly 
what I predicted would happen.

In my opinion, the city did little or no research into this issue. Perhaps they 
could've done a parking survey to see how many people actually own cars on the 
affected blocks. On mine, that amounts to 3 cars in the summer, 2 in the 
winter. All the other residents on my block live in housing that includes a 
parking lot.

Meanwhile, they installed a parking sign post at my curb 6 months ago. It still 
stands there, without a sign.

--- In, cbrianwatkins@... wrote:

 I do not believe in paid parking for residents unless it is a $15 year round 
 permit just like every other city in NJ does, pay for a sticker, be able to 
 park in a designated area
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
 -Original Message-
 From: Hinge hinge98@...
 Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:39:26 
 Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
 Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.
 Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this topic), 
 what do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until midnight 
 paid parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?
 My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between Bergh and  
 Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day. You will see 
 what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.
 Does this make sense to anybody?
 I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble. She has  2 
 choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark around the 
 corner, or on the 300 block.
 --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
  From NYT
  Reflections on a Parking Meter By CLYDE HABERMAN
  Not  to make too much of a relatively minor event, but when
  Manhattan's last  old-time parking meter was yanked down on Monday,
  it meant the end of a  symbolic target for some rebellious spirits.
[The Day] The Day
  Clyde Haberman offers his take on the news.
  To  them, parking meters represent an infringement of their freedom of 
  movement. Did anyone in the Old West make a cowboy pay to tie up his 
  horse outside the saloon? Nor is this solely an American notion. In 
  Australia, the No Parking Meters Party   came into being a few years ago,
  running candidates in state elections  in New South Wales with a slogan
  that the basis of democracy is  non-dictated policy.
  Writing about the final curtain\
  arking-meter.html   for the parking meter in Manhattan, 60 years to the
  day after the first  one was installed, my colleague Michael M. Grynbaum
  alluded on Monday  to the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke\
  838C679EDE .  In its opening scene, the title character, played by
  Paul Newman, is  arrested and dispatched to a prison road gang for
  drunkenly lopping off  the heads of meters with a pipe cutter.
  Back in 1967, some people  in the New York theater where I saw it
  cheered as Luke went from meter  to meter, methodically decapitating
  each one.   To them

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread cbrianwatkins
Visitor parking is not the issue, its residential that's the issue.

Give me a bad repercussion of having resident parking only spaces

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: dfsavgny
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 17:24:14 
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

That holds promise but I think residents should have to pay in the beachfront, 
cookman, etc. Parking is never free (always has a cost) even if its not charged 
for. Hogging spaces so customers can never park and frequent businesses. But 
even implementing some sort of resident parking has issues. Do you make it like 
Hoboken where there is a visitor parking for limited time? You have to pay 
someone to mark the tires and measure time?

--- In, cbrianwatkins@... wrote:

 I do not believe in paid parking for residents unless it is a $15 year round 
 permit just like every other city in NJ does, pay for a sticker, be able to 
 park in a designated area
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
 -Original Message-
 From: Hinge hinge98@...
 Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:39:26 
 Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
 Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.
 Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this topic), 
 what do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until midnight 
 paid parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?
 My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between Bergh and  
 Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day. You will see 
 what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.
 Does this make sense to anybody?
 I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble. She has  2 
 choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark around the 
 corner, or on the 300 block.
 --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
  From NYT
  Reflections on a Parking Meter By CLYDE HABERMAN
  Not  to make too much of a relatively minor event, but when
  Manhattan's last  old-time parking meter was yanked down on Monday,
  it meant the end of a  symbolic target for some rebellious spirits.
[The Day] The Day
  Clyde Haberman offers his take on the news.
  To  them, parking meters represent an infringement of their freedom of 
  movement. Did anyone in the Old West make a cowboy pay to tie up his 
  horse outside the saloon? Nor is this solely an American notion. In 
  Australia, the No Parking Meters Party   came into being a few years ago,
  running candidates in state elections  in New South Wales with a slogan
  that the basis of democracy is  non-dictated policy.
  Writing about the final curtain\
  arking-meter.html   for the parking meter in Manhattan, 60 years to the
  day after the first  one was installed, my colleague Michael M. Grynbaum
  alluded on Monday  to the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke\
  838C679EDE .  In its opening scene, the title character, played by
  Paul Newman, is  arrested and dispatched to a prison road gang for
  drunkenly lopping off  the heads of meters with a pipe cutter.
  Back in 1967, some people  in the New York theater where I saw it
  cheered as Luke went from meter  to meter, methodically decapitating
  each one.   To them, it wasn't an act of vandalism. It was a free
  spirit's  rebellion against those in power, by attacking one of
  their more  soulless creations.
  Perhaps those same people would have pumped  their fists joyfully had
  they witnessed the uprooting of Manhattan's  last single-space meter
  from its post on Frederick Douglass Boulevard in  Harlem. Not that
  meters have disappeared from the city. Hardly. Tens of  thousands remain
  in other boroughs. But they are doomed, too. In a year  or so, the
  city's Transportation Department expects multispace  Muni-Meters to
  be the rule everywhere.
  The relationship between  some New Yorkers and their parking spaces can
  run deep, even as the city  becomes ever more bicycle conscious —
  perhaps especially as the city  becomes more bike conscious. You
  don't have to own a car to understand  that. I haven't owned one
  in 33 years. Yet an available parking spot  right in front of my
  apartment building is so alluring that it almost  makes me want to rush
  off to buy something to fill the space.
  Throughout  Manhattan and in parts of other boroughs, the hunt for a
  perfect spot,  one

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread cbrianwatkins
When I lived in Jersey City there was NEVER issues, its a proven method

Again, inquire with other cities like have done. It works 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: dfsavgny
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 17:33:31 
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

Perhaps I do not understand you because unless you make Hinge's block resident 
only, it does not solve the problem. If its meter or permit, when there are 
events, Hinge cant park even though he has a permit. If you make it permit 
only, you lose revenue or you have that problem on another block whether you 
make it free or with meter and permit.

Anything you do will have issues. You have a beach. You want visitors to come? 
You need parking. Charge for it I say whether its resident or visitor. If we 
want to make the town resident only, then do it. You will hear screams. Cookman 
is a perfect example. Cars hog the spots because there are no limits.

This will always bring you back to the compatibility issue and knowing what you 
are getting into. If I live over a bar I will probably have some disruptions. 
If I live in Manhattan, or urban areas, I will probably have an issue finding a 
parking space.

When I was a kid in Park Slope, there were not 10 cars on the block. We sat on 
curbs and had the whole street to play stickball. Gone.

7 years ago I had the whole of the beach almost to myself on a 98-degree day on 
July 4th. Gone.

--- In, cbrianwatkins@... wrote:

 All the city needed to do was inquire with other cities in NJ
 I did some research on this when you first brought up the topic
 I found ONE municipality that has parking meters, AND charges their residents 
 the way AP does. 30+ other cities/towns that have meters followed the same 
 guidelines, which were $15-25 for year round permits and designated 
 residential parking
 Its really not rocket science, but this is AP, not a great record when it 
 comes to common sense
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
 -Original Message-
 From: Hinge hinge98@...
 Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:56:22 
 Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
 designated area - That's been my argument all along. Thanks for reinforcing 
 If I bought the $30 permit this summer, it would have been useless during 
 Summer Stage events, or busy weekend days. All it would do would hold me 
 hostage in a parking space on my block. My next door neighbor, who bought the 
 permit, experienced this every weekend. He'd park out front of his home, and 
 if he left for a few hours (like most of us) to do grocery shopping or 
 anything else, he'd return to our block being completely filled. The permit 
 states that it's only good for the block on which it's issued. So this leaves 
 the permit holder to park a block or more away. Meanwhile, most of the spaces 
 on Bergh and on the 300 block of 1st were being used by boardwalk employees. 
 This is exactly what I predicted would happen.
 In my opinion, the city did little or no research into this issue. Perhaps 
 they could've done a parking survey to see how many people actually own cars 
 on the affected blocks. On mine, that amounts to 3 cars in the summer, 2 in 
 the winter. All the other residents on my block live in housing that includes 
 a parking lot.
 Meanwhile, they installed a parking sign post at my curb 6 months ago. It 
 still stands there, without a sign.
 --- In, cbrianwatkins@ wrote:
  I do not believe in paid parking for residents unless it is a $15 year 
  round permit just like every other city in NJ does, pay for a sticker, be 
  able to park in a designated area
  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
  -Original Message-
  From: Hinge hinge98@
  Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:39:26 
  Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
  Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.
  Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this topic), 
  what do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until 
  midnight paid parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?
  My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between Bergh and  
  Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day. You will 
  see what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.
  Does this make sense to anybody?
  I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble. She has  2 
  choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark around the 
  corner, or on the 300 block.
  --- In AsburyPark

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread Claire Davids
Issue with resident only parking on public streets is some of the weekend
folks.  If you take a look on cookman at some of the cars parked, they have
flyers on them and some of those flyers are a week old, what that means to
me is weekend residents are parking in public streets for days when they're
back in their monday to friday residences.  That means those of us who want
to go to cookman and park suffer as there's no parking and the stores suffer
as we may well go elsewhere.   Resident only parking would perpetuate that.
  If you live in a place with attractions (beach/shopping) it's price to

*Satisfied Customers on Receipt - Worldwide*
Claire Davids
Managing Partner
i-Parcel LLC
Tel:  +12015491502
Mobile: +16464316239

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 1:34 PM, wrote:

 Visitor parking is not the issue, its residential that's the issue.

 Give me a bad repercussion of having resident parking only spaces

 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

 -Original Message-
 From: dfsavgny
 Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 17:24:14
 Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

 That holds promise but I think residents should have to pay in the
 beachfront, cookman, etc. Parking is never free (always has a cost) even if
 its not charged for. Hogging spaces so customers can never park and frequent
 businesses. But even implementing some sort of resident parking has issues.
 Do you make it like Hoboken where there is a visitor parking for limited
 time? You have to pay someone to mark the tires and measure time?

 --- In, cbrianwatkins@... wrote:
  I do not believe in paid parking for residents unless it is a $15 year
 round permit just like every other city in NJ does, pay for a sticker, be
 able to park in a designated area
  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
  -Original Message-
  From: Hinge hinge98@...
  Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:39:26
  Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
  Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.
  Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this topic),
 what do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until
 midnight paid parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?
  My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between Bergh and
  Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day. You will
 see what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.
  Does this make sense to anybody?
  I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble. She has  2
 choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark around the
 corner, or on the 300 block.
  --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
   From NYT
   Reflections on a Parking Meter By CLYDE HABERMAN
   Not  to make too much of a relatively minor event, but when
   Manhattan's last  old-time parking meter was yanked down on Monday,
   it meant the end of a  symbolic target for some rebellious spirits.
 [The Day] The Day
   Clyde Haberman offers his take on the news.
   To  them, parking meters represent an infringement of their freedom of
   movement. Did anyone in the Old West make a cowboy pay to tie up his
   horse outside the saloon? Nor is this solely an American notion. In
   Australia, the No Parking Meters Party   came into being a few years ago,
   running candidates in state elections  in New South Wales with a slogan
   that the basis of democracy is  non-dictated policy.
   Writing about the final curtain\
   arking-meter.html   for the parking meter in Manhattan, 60 years to
   day after the first  one was installed, my colleague Michael M.
   alluded on Monday  to the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke\
   838C679EDE .  In its opening scene, the title character, played by
   Paul Newman, is  arrested and dispatched to a prison road gang for
   drunkenly lopping off  the heads of meters with a pipe cutter.
   Back in 1967, some people  in the New York theater where I saw it
   cheered as Luke went from meter  to meter, methodically decapitating
   each one.   To them, it wasn't an act of vandalism. It was a free
   spirit's  rebellion against those in power, by attacking one of
   their more  soulless creations.
   Perhaps those same people would have pumped  their fists joyfully had
   they witnessed the uprooting of Manhattan's  last single

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread cbrianwatkins
Well logically speaking this should happen where there is paid parking

I do not have paid parking in my neighborhood, so there is no use for 
residential permits

Even more logical, for those speaking of Cookman, would be to build a parking 
deck accessible to everyone all the time (not like the current one) 

There are PLENTY of things that could be knocked down (since the city loves to 
do this) downtown, shit there are empty lots that could house a parking deck

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: dfsavgny
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 17:41:32 
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

Are you doing it citywide? Because if you are not, then we are not sharing the 
burden. You will simply shift those visitors to another block. 

--- In, cbrianwatkins@... wrote:

 Visitor parking is not the issue, its residential that's the issue.
 Give me a bad repercussion of having resident parking only spaces
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
 -Original Message-
 From: dfsavgny dfsavgny@...
 Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 17:24:14 
 Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
 That holds promise but I think residents should have to pay in the 
 beachfront, cookman, etc. Parking is never free (always has a cost) even if 
 its not charged for. Hogging spaces so customers can never park and frequent 
 businesses. But even implementing some sort of resident parking has issues. 
 Do you make it like Hoboken where there is a visitor parking for limited 
 time? You have to pay someone to mark the tires and measure time?
 --- In, cbrianwatkins@ wrote:
  I do not believe in paid parking for residents unless it is a $15 year 
  round permit just like every other city in NJ does, pay for a sticker, be 
  able to park in a designated area
  Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
  -Original Message-
  From: Hinge hinge98@
  Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 16:39:26 
  Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
  Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.
  Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this topic), 
  what do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until 
  midnight paid parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?
  My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between Bergh and  
  Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day. You will 
  see what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.
  Does this make sense to anybody?
  I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble. She has  2 
  choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark around the 
  corner, or on the 300 block.
  --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
   From NYT
   Reflections on a Parking Meter By CLYDE HABERMAN
   Not  to make too much of a relatively minor event, but when
   Manhattan's last  old-time parking meter was yanked down on Monday,
   it meant the end of a  symbolic target for some rebellious spirits.
 [The Day] The Day
   Clyde Haberman offers his take on the news.
   To  them, parking meters represent an infringement of their freedom of 
   movement. Did anyone in the Old West make a cowboy pay to tie up his 
   horse outside the saloon? Nor is this solely an American notion. In 
   Australia, the No Parking Meters Party   came into being a few years ago,
   running candidates in state elections  in New South Wales with a slogan
   that the basis of democracy is  non-dictated policy.
   Writing about the final curtain\
   arking-meter.html   for the parking meter in Manhattan, 60 years to the
   day after the first  one was installed, my colleague Michael M. Grynbaum
   alluded on Monday  to the 1967 film Cool Hand Luke\
   838C679EDE .  In its opening scene, the title character, played by
   Paul Newman, is  arrested and dispatched to a prison road gang for
   drunkenly lopping off  the heads of meters with a pipe cutter.
   Back in 1967, some people  in the New York theater where I saw it
   cheered as Luke went from meter  to meter, methodically decapitating
   each one.   To them, it wasn't an act of vandalism. It was a free
   spirit's  rebellion against those in power, by attacking one

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread Claire Davids
But if you did that then people would just start parking there instead of
the paid areas and you'd be back to the no parking scenario.

*Satisfied Customers on Receipt - Worldwide*
Claire Davids
Managing Partner
i-Parcel LLC
Tel:  +12015491502
Mobile: +16464316239

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Hinge wrote:


 All I'd like to see is one simple thing. Suspend paid parking on the 200
 blocks between Labor Day and Memorial Day. I can live with the issues during
 the summer. But being asked to pay to park on an empty residential block is
 absolutely absurd.

 --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@... wrote:
  My point, reserve spaces on your block so when there is the demand
 present that leaves you with no spaces, those excess cars (visitors) go go
 to the next block perhaps. That causes residents on that block not to be
 able to park (the number displaced by the excess cars) and now they have the
 same complaints, so we do the same there, and so forth and so on.
  It is only going to get wore unless the whole thing fails. 1.5 cars off
 street parking requirement per new unit in the waterfront area. Can you
 imagine the implications if even 25% of it gets built? Who has 1.5 cars? No
 guests? You think the folks in Ocean Grove have complaints about parking in
 the summer?
  --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
   Why not reserve spaces for residents only on my block?
   --- In, Hinge hinge98@ wrote:
Why curtail the hours when there is zero demand?
I would have bought the permit if the city designated a number of
 spaces Resident Parking Only.
Wouldn't it make sense for the city to have done a parking survey
 first? Find out how many residents park in the designated area, and reserve
 spaces for residents in those areas. On my block this summer that would have
 amounted to 3 spaces. I realize that varies from block to block, but as I've
 said, the current system is great for the city, but useless for residents
 such as myself. What's the value in paying to park when you can't find a
 space to use it? If I bought the permit should I get a refund on the perhaps
 24 days when visitors took up all the spaces?
--- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:

 Tough one, but I am probably leaning towards relaxing in that area
 off season or curtailing the hours BUT if that's done and during a concert
 at the Pony there's no spaces on your block what will you say? This is my
 entire point about the compatibility/incompatibility of uses. Residences
 near or in the middle of uses that draw high visitor traffic have issues.
 You will not be able to solve them. I do not think anyone has.

 --- In, Hinge hinge98@ wrote:
  Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.
  Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this
 topic), what do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until
 midnight paid parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?
  My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between
 Bergh and Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day.
 You will see what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.
  Does this make sense to anybody?
  I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble.
 She has 2 choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark
 around the corner, or on the 300 block.
  --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
   From NYT
   Reflections on a Parking Meter By CLYDE HABERMAN
   Not to make too much of a relatively minor event, but when
   Manhattan's last old-time parking meter was yanked down on
   it meant the end of a symbolic target for some rebellious
   [The Day] The Day
   Clyde Haberman offers his take on the news.
   To them, parking meters represent an infringement of their
 freedom of
   movement. Did anyone in the Old West make a cowboy pay to tie
 up his
   horse outside the saloon? Nor is this solely an American
 notion. In
   Australia, the No Parking Meters Party came into being a few years
   running candidates in state elections in New South Wales with a
   that the basis of democracy is non-dictated policy.
   Writing about the final curtain\
  arking-meter.html for the parking meter in Manhattan, 60 years to
   day after the first one was 

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread cbrianwatkins
Not sure about that, although Cookman is bustling in the Winter months, the 
waterfront hardly fills the spaces

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Claire Davids
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 14:11:52 
Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

But if you did that then people would just start parking there instead of
the paid areas and you'd be back to the no parking scenario.

*Satisfied Customers on Receipt - Worldwide*
Claire Davids
Managing Partner
i-Parcel LLC
Tel:  +12015491502
Mobile: +16464316239

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Hinge wrote:


 All I'd like to see is one simple thing. Suspend paid parking on the 200
 blocks between Labor Day and Memorial Day. I can live with the issues during
 the summer. But being asked to pay to park on an empty residential block is
 absolutely absurd.

 --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@... wrote:
  My point, reserve spaces on your block so when there is the demand
 present that leaves you with no spaces, those excess cars (visitors) go go
 to the next block perhaps. That causes residents on that block not to be
 able to park (the number displaced by the excess cars) and now they have the
 same complaints, so we do the same there, and so forth and so on.
  It is only going to get wore unless the whole thing fails. 1.5 cars off
 street parking requirement per new unit in the waterfront area. Can you
 imagine the implications if even 25% of it gets built? Who has 1.5 cars? No
 guests? You think the folks in Ocean Grove have complaints about parking in
 the summer?
  --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
   Why not reserve spaces for residents only on my block?
   --- In, Hinge hinge98@ wrote:
Why curtail the hours when there is zero demand?
I would have bought the permit if the city designated a number of
 spaces Resident Parking Only.
Wouldn't it make sense for the city to have done a parking survey
 first? Find out how many residents park in the designated area, and reserve
 spaces for residents in those areas. On my block this summer that would have
 amounted to 3 spaces. I realize that varies from block to block, but as I've
 said, the current system is great for the city, but useless for residents
 such as myself. What's the value in paying to park when you can't find a
 space to use it? If I bought the permit should I get a refund on the perhaps
 24 days when visitors took up all the spaces?
--- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:

 Tough one, but I am probably leaning towards relaxing in that area
 off season or curtailing the hours BUT if that's done and during a concert
 at the Pony there's no spaces on your block what will you say? This is my
 entire point about the compatibility/incompatibility of uses. Residences
 near or in the middle of uses that draw high visitor traffic have issues.
 You will not be able to solve them. I do not think anyone has.

 --- In, Hinge hinge98@ wrote:
  Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.
  Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this
 topic), what do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until
 midnight paid parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?
  My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between
 Bergh and Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day.
 You will see what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.
  Does this make sense to anybody?
  I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble.
 She has 2 choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark
 around the corner, or on the 300 block.
  --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
   From NYT
   Reflections on a Parking Meter By CLYDE HABERMAN
   Not to make too much of a relatively minor event, but when
   Manhattan's last old-time parking meter was yanked down on
   it meant the end of a symbolic target for some rebellious
   [The Day] The Day
   Clyde Haberman offers his take on the news.
   To them, parking meters represent an infringement of their
 freedom of
   movement. Did anyone in the Old West make a cowboy pay to tie
 up his
   horse outside the saloon? Nor is this solely an American
 notion. In
   Australia, the No Parking Meters Party came into being a few years
   running candidates

Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

2011-09-20 Thread cbrianwatkins
There is no logical rebuttal to that

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Hinge
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 18:23:24 
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking

I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here. Here's my final thought (sorry to 
repeat myself).
On Friday night, a friend is coming over to play Scrabble. My street is nothing 
but potholes and empty parking spaces. She has 2 choices, pay $3 to park out 
front on an empty street, or park around the corner or a block away. I'd love 
to hear somebody in this city logically defend that. 

--- In, cbrianwatkins@... wrote:

 Not sure about that, although Cookman is bustling in the Winter months, the 
 waterfront hardly fills the spaces
 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
 -Original Message-
 From: Claire Davids claire.davids@...
 Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 14:11:52 
 Subject: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: Reflections on Parking
 But if you did that then people would just start parking there instead of
 the paid areas and you'd be back to the no parking scenario.
 *Satisfied Customers on Receipt - Worldwide*
 Claire Davids
 Managing Partner
 i-Parcel LLC
 Tel:  +12015491502
 Mobile: +16464316239
 On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Hinge hinge98@... wrote:
  All I'd like to see is one simple thing. Suspend paid parking on the 200
  blocks between Labor Day and Memorial Day. I can live with the issues during
  the summer. But being asked to pay to park on an empty residential block is
  absolutely absurd.
  --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
   My point, reserve spaces on your block so when there is the demand
  present that leaves you with no spaces, those excess cars (visitors) go go
  to the next block perhaps. That causes residents on that block not to be
  able to park (the number displaced by the excess cars) and now they have the
  same complaints, so we do the same there, and so forth and so on.
   It is only going to get wore unless the whole thing fails. 1.5 cars off
  street parking requirement per new unit in the waterfront area. Can you
  imagine the implications if even 25% of it gets built? Who has 1.5 cars? No
  guests? You think the folks in Ocean Grove have complaints about parking in
  the summer?
   --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
Why not reserve spaces for residents only on my block?
--- In, Hinge hinge98@ wrote:

 Why curtail the hours when there is zero demand?
 I would have bought the permit if the city designated a number of
  spaces Resident Parking Only.

 Wouldn't it make sense for the city to have done a parking survey
  first? Find out how many residents park in the designated area, and reserve
  spaces for residents in those areas. On my block this summer that would have
  amounted to 3 spaces. I realize that varies from block to block, but as I've
  said, the current system is great for the city, but useless for residents
  such as myself. What's the value in paying to park when you can't find a
  space to use it? If I bought the permit should I get a refund on the perhaps
  24 days when visitors took up all the spaces?

 --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
  Tough one, but I am probably leaning towards relaxing in that area
  off season or curtailing the hours BUT if that's done and during a concert
  at the Pony there's no spaces on your block what will you say? This is my
  entire point about the compatibility/incompatibility of uses. Residences
  near or in the middle of uses that draw high visitor traffic have issues.
  You will not be able to solve them. I do not think anyone has.
  --- In, Hinge hinge98@ wrote:
   Thanks for posting this. I read it yesterday.
   Since we're talking about parking ( I know I'm annoying with this
  topic), what do you or does anybody else feel about keeping year round until
  midnight paid parking on the 200 blocks west of Kingsley?
   My answer is easy. Take a drive to my block, 1st Ave between
  Bergh and Kingsley, on any day, at any time between now and Memorial Day.
  You will see what looks like an abandoned street. Absolutely ZERO demand.
   Does this make sense to anybody?
   I have a friend coming to visit Friday night to play Scrabble.
  She has 2 choices - pay $2 or $3 to park out front, or park in the dark
  around the corner, or on the 300 block.
   --- In, dfsavgny dfsavgny@ wrote:
From NYT