[Assam] Should Assam be ....

2005-11-16 Thread bg
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Re: [Assam] Let's give a round of applause to Dr . Barua's work at SUNYIT

2005-11-16 Thread mayur bora
No problem. Onle Shakespeare is in danger of being
quoted to enforce his casual comments. "What is in a
name ? A rose by "

Needless to say, we are proud of Prof Das. Any idea
where will he be based now ?


--- Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am sorry, I have to object.
>   This mindless applause to Prof. Baruah, when Prof.
> Digen Das deserves the credit is totally mind
> boggling. Do  the applauders know where they are -
> New York opera or Grand Ole Opry?
>   Dilip
> mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 'Same here to Prof. Barua at Sunyit.
>   Keep doing better!. 
>   Keep pushing the frontiers of human knowledge.
>   Some day someone will benefit from that knowledge.
>   Be  achievers  in the sea of mediocrity.
>   mm
> -
> From:  umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:  Re: [Assam] Let's give a round of applause
> Date:  Mon, 14 Nov 2005 20:33:51 + (GMT)
>   Great work by Prof. Das and Best Wishes to him for
> his new role.
>  Umesh
> Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   We are proud of this Assamese-American
> professor in New York state. He has been quietly
> working in this field for several years but he does
> not talk about it in public. 
>  Dilip Deka
>  { Digen Das, a professor in SUNYIT's Department
> of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology,
> will serve as director of the new center. He said
> SUNYIT has been working in the area of biocomputing
> for the past five years at the Air Force Research
> Laboratory in Rome.  
> Das said the seven participating schools met in the
> fall of 2004 and agreed to develop a 
> center to explore the new technology. Das will serve
> as director of the new center  
> "All of my colleagues are very excited," Das said.
> "We've been ready for this day for quite some time
> now."}   
> SUNYIT headquarters for high-tech research program 
> Marshand Boone 
> Staff  
> Observer-Dispatch 
> MARCY - SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome
> has been named the headquarters for a
> seven-university effort to conduct pioneering
> research into molecular computer technology. 
> The center was announced in statements issued
> Tuesday by Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and Rep.
> Sherwood Boehlert, R-New Hartford. The federal
> government will provide $750,000 for the SUNY
> Institute of Nano-Bio Molecular Information
> Technology Incubator, they said. 
> The center will research ways to develop more
> efficient computers through nanotechnology, a
> scientific discipline that uses the smallest
> building blocks of matter in applications such as
> computer technology. The center unique in the Mohawk
> Valley. 
> Assemblywoman RoAnn Destito, D-Rome, said the move
> would benefit the region's work force and
> institutions of higher learning. 
> "Anytime you add value   
> to our academic system, it's a plus," she said.
> "Applied technology and research are the jobs of the
> future. We can build a better economy around this
> type of activity." 
> The center would be part of a collaborative effort
> involving SUNYIT and six other state colleges - New
> York University, Cornell University, Rochester
> Institute of Technology, SUNY Geneseo, SUNY Oneonta
> and Binghamton State University. 
> The center's goal is to foster development of a new
> industrial base in New York state in a unique
> technology area, Boehlert and Schumer said. 
> "This new effort at SUNYIT will help New York state
> companies leverage this cutting-edge, NASA-fueled
> research at Rome and train the next generation of
> scientists and engineers in a promising field,"
> Boehlert said. 
> SUNYIT President Peter Spina said he was delighted
> the Mohawk Valley had been chosen as the
> headquarters for the center and that the school was
> partnered with what he called a "Who's   
> Who of high-level research." 
> "It's a real research stimulator," Spina said. "We
> have a research-oriented faculty, and this will be a
> real shot in the arm for them." 
> Spina said it could be several years before research
> could actually begin as the center seeks additional
> partners. 
> Digen Das, a professor in SUNYIT's Department of
> Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology,
> will serve as director of the new center. He said
> SUNYIT has been working in the area of biocomputing
> for the past five years at the Air Force Research
> Laboratory in Rome.  
> Das said the seven participating schools met in the
> fall 

Re: [Assam] Prateesha Suresh:An Assamese Lady's drive to bring Gayan Bayan Bhakat of Majuli Xattra to UK for the first time

2005-11-16 Thread mayur bora
Dear Rini Baidew

Thanks for the information on Prateesha Suresh. We are
proud of her. I am sure that Assamese community in UK
will also pitch in popularising this magnificent dance
form created by Sankaradeva.


--- Rini Kakati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Prateesha Suresh: An Assamese Lady's drive to bring
Gayan Bayan Bhakat of Majuli Xattra to UK for the
first time 

She is Prateesha --- a beautiful ambitious and devoted
classical dancer of Assam. Married with two children
currently residing in Mumbai. 

Her selfless hard work paid when she eventually landed
at London's Heathrow airport with a group of Gayan
Bayan Bhakat on 8 November, 2005. 

Her mission completed when she gave a scintillating
performance of Xattriya at the prestigious Nehru
Centre in London --- cultural wing of Govt. of India. 

The item "Rangacharan" performed by her with the help
of Gayan Bayan for the first time. For the first time
the Bhakats of the Xattra have agreed to perform with
a women on stage. 

Prateesha Suresh commits herself to the cause of
"Xattriya". She was born in Assam. She started her
first steps in dance with Xattriya as a 3 year old and
she also played as a chid artist in the Assamese film

However her passion for classical dance led her to
Rukmini Devi's prestigious institute "kalakshetra".
She received training in Bharatnatyam. 

For the past fifteen years, Prateesha has devoted
herself to mastering the subtle nuances of this
ancient dance form. In her efforts to receive Xattriya
and the phillosophy of Shankaradeva. Prateesha has
given lecture demonstration and performed in
prestigious Dance Festivals across India. She also
took part in Edinburgh festival summer, 2005. 

Prateesha has been working closely with Shri
Haricharan Bhuyan Barbayan, one of the chief Gurus and
Shri Kamalakanta Bhuyan Barbayan of Natun Kamalabari
Xattra, Majuli. This Xattra is one of the few xattras
where the tradition of dance has been kept alive. In
her ongoing study in the music for Xattriya she has
found able support from Shri Diganta Das and Shri
Bhupen Rajbongshi as the vocalist and flautist

To propogate and popularize the Xattriya art Prateesha
has brought the Bhaona (Drama) troupe from the Natun
Kamalabari Xattra to the stages of Bangalore.
Prateesha has worked not only in the compositions but
also in the costume and stage presentations. Her
effort to use dhoti, turban, kanchi, ansol, mukut and
pearl beads has been to bring forth centuries old
tradition to stage. 

The High Commissioner of India including several
ministers of foreign affairs, Govt of India were also
present. Her performance was greeted with a standing
ovation from the selected audience present. 

Prateesha Suresh is the pride of Assam. Many Xattriya
dancer has performed and gone. But none of them were
able to promote these Bhakats to the outside world ---
as Prateesha has done. 

She is an inspiration and a message for all our
Xattriya performer to follow her lead. We salute her. 

Rini Kakati

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Messenger 7.5 today! >
> assam mailing list
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Re: [Assam] Part 1 -EFA-FTI-Revied Resume &cover - 1.50 pages -- included Dalit work, Action Research etc

2005-11-16 Thread umesh sharma
  I am sorry I sent it to AssamNet by mistake . I was trying to send it to myself. However my revised resume - its format - only 1.50 pages and smaller font size, putting many items in one line to save space etc might seem useful. I have atleast got 5 times feedback from a World bank staffer - which helped me realize how much I still have to learn. I also realized that Harvard carries a very prestigious name - something which we graduates have come to take for granted - and do not realize how others view us.      I faced this issue at an interview on Tuesday at Edu. For All -Fast Track Initiative -Secretariat based at World Bank office in DC . The economist there was surprised that I was applying to a temp position for a Program Asst.'s  post and was not quite convinced that I would stay for the one year appointment. The other two were I think failiar with Harvard grads
 taking up smaller positionsin renowned offices to learn the basics - since they are perhaps too raw in practice or that there are hardly open posiitons at senior levels - two thirds f WB staffers are support staff. I hope I get the job -- one year in WB (renewable for another year) would give me much needed respite for my student loan payments, much sought for stay in DC and opportunity to learn at EFA-FTI www.fasttrackinitiative.org which is even bigger than WB - since it is a consortium of all UN bodies.        Yesterday my roommate was going to Philadelhpia in a rented 4*4 V8 SUV - so I wnet along and landed at Atlantic city (his favorite place) with Trump's Taj Mahal Casino etc -further we went ot New York City - covering 6 states in 12 hours and back - 450 miles. I did not feel any thril at the Casino - since I am gambling with my career moves - with hardly anything in my pocket. The
 thrashing sea nearby and full moon night was good reminded me of Dwarka's beach.       Umesh  PS: here is my revised resume---I think the last nights ride provided the thrill and emotional buffer against uncertainty which made thoughts come out about my past initiatives when I used to drive my mobike to get the thrill.   -- even now I forgot to use the word leadership anywhere (I was advised to do so) perhaps becos in India "leader": has a negative connotation - mostly about politicians   Umesh Sharma  5121, Lackwanna St,College Park, MD 20740,USA; [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] (857) 928-0174EDUCATION   .  June 2005   HARVARD UNIVERSITY, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION     Cambridge, MA,
 USA         Master of Education (Ed.M.) International Education Policy program   May 1996 HINDU INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT,      Sonipat, Nr. Delhi, INDIA      Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA), Equiv. to MBA,   April 1994   UNIVERSITY OF DELHI, Kirorimal College              Delhi, INDIA         Bachelor of Arts  (B.A.) Honors – Economics    PROFILE     .      · SCHOOL MANAGEMENT & POLICY RESEARCH -  Primary & Secondary schools at district , regional and national level:  1.    Education Policy Reform Initiatives through Research and stakeholders’ participation  2.    Setting up Educational MIS : Student Performance Analysis & (Action) Research for reform  3.    Reforms in : Teachers’  & Principals’ Recruitment, Professional Development & Welfare  4.    Increasing Student Enrollments & Welfare thru Community Participation in education 
 5.    Determining Budgets and Financial Planning for Non Profits, evaluating outcomes  · Harvard
 University - Ed.M. International Education Policy degree, GPA 3.50    _  WORK  EXPERIENCE    .  
      Intern : FRIENDSHIP-EDISON CHARTER PUBLIC SCHOOL– Washington DC.    Nov. 2005 to date   ·
 I am learning about USA’s  non traditional Charter Public School system and  its remedial instruction strategies.     Executive Member& President’s chief of staff : JAIPUR SCHOOL SAMITI , Rajasthan,  India  Jan.1995 to    date     · Reformed school’s regulations for employees – aligned them with state and national legislations.  · Community Work: Initiated and brokered peace, provided relief, improved awareness in situations of  communal tensions and violence in Rajasthan – between: Hindus & Muslims, Dalits (oppressed) and dominant caste Hindus .   · Mentored school students to help them inculcate empathy for Dalits.   · 

Re: [Assam] Part 2 -EFA-FTI-Revied Resume &cover - 1.50 pages -- included Dalit work, Action Research etc

2005-11-16 Thread umesh sharma
  Executive-Space Marketing/Public Relations INDIAN EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS  LTD.      June1996–Jan.1999  · Created Special News-based Features on educational opportunities at school and higher–ed. levels.  · Built relations with ministry officials, government bodies and corporate clients and assisted in their media campaigns.   RESEARCH PAPERS     .   Education For All:  “Is Mass Education Really For The Masses?” – the Indian case, presented at Comparative International Education Society’s (C.I.E.S.) N. E. seminar, George Washington University, Washington D.C., November 2004 ---A critical analysis of Indian public school system,
 highlighting the inefficiency and corruption.      Strategies for Achieving Educational Equality in India, presented at Student Research Conference & International Forum (SRC/IF ), Harvard Graduate School of Education, February 2005. Analyzed the causes of inequality in education in India, the current government policies and their drawbacks, and my recommendations for reform.      Beyond Dichotomies: Educational Reform - Public and Private Sector Initiatives in India: presented at C.I.E.S. National seminar
 at Stanford University,  March 2005. Government and private sector efforts in school education - for providing a competitive edge to the techno-savvy youth of current India.     Statistical Analysis in Research Papers: At Harvard I prepared various papers using tools of statistical analysis –incl. Multiple Regression & Partial Correlation - using SAS software. My main research paper with  statistical analysis compared secondary school enrollment figures --in various countries around the world – on economic , demographic and governments’ education spending criteria .    COMPUTING SKILLS: SAS Statistical package, MS Office:  Word, Excel,  Power Point,  Access, Internet   LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY   .   ENGLISH, HINDI– Proficient, SPANISH –
 Introductory, URDU - Advanced (speaking only) PUNJABI , GUJARATI -Introductory (speaking only)     _  ACTIVITIES     .   Member.  HARVARD-RADCLIFFE CHORUS, HARVARD UNIVERSITY,  Spring 2005  This spring (2005) we performed Maurice Durufle's exquisite "Requiem,", and Johannes Brahms' "Nanie."  Founder , 
 Marketing Club,  HINDU INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, March 1995 – May1996  · Organized quizzes , debates and other activities related to the subject  Member,
 Adventure Club , KIRORIMAL COLLEGE, DELHI UNIVERSITY,  August 1992 – March 1993  · Organized environmental awareness exhibitions  · Organized a Himalayan trekking expedition to Gangotri Glacier / Gaumukh – the origin of river Ganges (Ganga)  _  VOLUNTEER WORK     .  AMER FORT AREA, Rural Jaipur, INDIA December 1999Taught English and Math to children  -of a poor, uneducated, family - in junior-secondary school in a rural area. Their vocabulary and math skills improved. I learned about in public scho      umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:words like advocacy have negative conotation for WB etc. Use words like -- development, initiative and management. More words like research, reform, improvement are also useful. The
 words should be Action oriented --as per      I have tried to do that     Umesh  How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos  
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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Begalis and MIT --micro & catchy

2005-11-16 Thread umesh sharma
Mukul-da,     I have repeatedly inquired if you have some concrete action plan(road map) for Assam's development. I am yet to hear more than one-liners. I would add that catchy words are catchy so they catch up fast with the masses -- some more new catchy words (Western ones -if you wish) are  are micro-finance and micro-enterprise. Just last week an alum at Tufts Univ in Boson gave 100 million dollars - condition that atleast half of it be utilized in improving micro-enterprise in poor countries.     Catchy words are also sometimes very specific - micro-enterprise could be one such catchy word you might like to use when you talk about development of the masses. Further, if you have noticed the Bengali minister (MIT grad) is a Finance minister - he might have studied at the world famous economics and management programs at MIT - it is never a tech /BPO issue only. It is likely MIT is going to help develop eco.
 programs for masses as well as science. I wonder why you went to IIT-K when you don't seem to find it suitable for the masses.     Umeshmc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  What Assam needs today is useful tools for rapidly catching up.   We do not necessarily need catchy brand names like MIT,IIT,IIM,IT,BPO-  We do not need Research. What we urgently need is SEARCH and apply to the lives of 25,000,000++mm___assam mailing
Yahoo! Model Search 
 - Could you be the next 
catwalk superstar? Check out the competition now 
assam mailing list

[Assam] Revied Resume &cover - 1.50 pages -- included Dalit work, Action Research etc

2005-11-16 Thread umesh sharma
words like advocacy have negative conotation for WB etc. Use words like -- development, initiative and management. More words like research, reform, improvement are also useful. The words should be Action oriented --as per Rupa ranganathan at WB.     I have tried to do that     Umesh
		How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! 
assam mailing list

[Assam] Begalis and MIT

2005-11-16 Thread mc mahant

What Assam needs today is useful tools for rapidly catching up. 
We do not necessarily need catchy brand names like MIT,IIT,IIM,IT,BPO-
We do not need Research. What we urgently need is SEARCH and apply to the lives of 25,000,000++mm

assam mailing list

[Assam] Will be off-site at a customer site in Atlanta

2005-11-16 Thread Pranta Das

I will be out of the office starting  11/16/2005 and will not return until 11/21/2005.

I will have very limited access to email, so responsiveness may vary.___
assam mailing list

[Assam] Prateesha Suresh:An Assamese Lady's drive to bring Gayan Bayan Bhakat of Majuli Xattra to UK for the first time

2005-11-16 Thread Rini Kakati

Prateesha Suresh: An Assamese Lady's drive to bring Gayan Bayan Bhakat of Majuli Xattra to UK for the first time 
She is Prateesha --- a beautiful ambitious and devoted classical dancer of Assam. Married with two children currently residing in Mumbai. 

Her selfless hard work paid when she eventually landed at London's Heathrow airport with a group of Gayan Bayan Bhakat on 8 November, 2005. 

Her mission completed when she gave a scintillating performance of Xattriya at the prestigious Nehru Centre in London --- cultural wing of Govt. of India. 

The item "Rangacharan" performed by her with the help of Gayan Bayan for the first time. For the first time the Bhakats of the Xattra have agreed to perform with a women on stage. 

Prateesha Suresh commits herself to the cause of "Xattriya". She was born in Assam. She started her first steps in dance with Xattriya as a 3 year old and she also played as a chid artist in the Assamese film Devi. 

However her passion for classical dance led her to Rukmini Devi's prestigious institute "kalakshetra". She received training in Bharatnatyam. 

For the past fifteen years, Prateesha has devoted herself to mastering the subtle nuances of this ancient dance form. In her efforts to receive Xattriya and the phillosophy of Shankaradeva. Prateesha has given lecture demonstration and performed in prestigious Dance Festivals across India. She also took part in Edinburgh festival summer, 2005. 

Prateesha has been working closely with Shri Haricharan Bhuyan Barbayan, one of the chief Gurus and Shri Kamalakanta Bhuyan Barbayan of Natun Kamalabari Xattra, Majuli. This Xattra is one of the few xattras where the tradition of dance has been kept alive. In her ongoing study in the music for Xattriya she has found able support from Shri Diganta Das and Shri Bhupen Rajbongshi as the vocalist and flautist respectively. 

To propogate and popularize the Xattriya art Prateesha has brought the Bhaona (Drama) troupe from the Natun Kamalabari Xattra to the stages of Bangalore. Prateesha has worked not only in the compositions but also in the costume and stage presentations. Her effort to use dhoti, turban, kanchi, ansol, mukut and pearl beads has been to bring forth centuries old tradition to stage. 

The High Commissioner of India including several ministers of foreign affairs, Govt of India were also present. Her performance was greeted with a standing ovation from the selected audience present. 

Prateesha Suresh is the pride of Assam. Many Xattriya dancer has performed and gone. But none of them were able to promote these Bhakats to the outside world --- as Prateesha has done. 

She is an inspiration and a message for all our Xattriya performer to follow her lead. We salute her. 

Rini KakatiThe new version of Messenger is here -  download MSN Messenger 7.5 today! 
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] The India Mindset-- the Mind-police at work

2005-11-16 Thread Chan Mahanta
Title: Re: [Assam] The India Mindset-- the Mind-police at

At 11:45 PM -0800 11/15/05, Rajib Das wrote:
Actually this is "horse sh**".
Given that the good Dr.
T lives in the remote Ozarks, he is
comletely out of
touch with reality, doesn't know what is going on
right now and perhaps a bit delusional too.

 Since Tilok Daktor is not in a position to defend himself
here, as a neighbor from the ol' country, I am forced to stand up in
his defense.

Tilok Daktor, I am sure, would give Rajib's opinions a fair
hearing, should he take a few moments of his time to

> Actually this is "horse sh**". Given that the good
Dr.T lives in the
> remote Ozarks,

 How does Rajib conclude that the substance of Dr.
Hatimuriya's analysis is akin to horse manure? Merely because the good
Daktor lives and practices his profession from the High Ozarks?

That could be an understandable response from some, well, um, how
to say it politely now --- how about a 'know-nothing hill-billy' --,
but from a high-ranking soldier of the 21st Century desi-knwledge
brigade? Doesn't seem right. In fact it is down-right

But I hope Netters would understand. It is not Rajib's fault. He
might be one of those, ( I am NOT trying to practice LAS-ology without
a license here now--just offering a lay-man's speculation) with those
turned off receptors. Why else would anyone judge a professional
opinion on the basis of where they reside, or the pedigree of the
educational institution where they trained, or their  or caste 
or their creed, if you catch my drift? Next thing you will see will be
another mutant taking issue with Tilok's diagnosis just because he is
a graduate of Bhetnari Kollez, Khonapara.

Of course the uninitiated would attribute these unenviable
conditions to one's desi upbringing. The truth, must lie, as the
Hatimuria  explained, on those turned off receptors. It could not
be a hereditary condition.

>Might want to stop in California for a bit and check the
entrepreneurs' roster. >Or check the list of folks starting up new
businesses in Mumbai or Bangalore or
>Pune. Or even Kolkata and Guwahati.

 Yeah, yeah, yeah! Sure, California is a good place to see IT
But only if we could take a few hundred highly successful IT
entrepreneurs example from California to make a case for 'desh', the
whole field of statistics would turned on its head.

Dr. Tilok, I am sure, would recognize that there have been some
improvements in the enterprising environment here and there, like in
Mumbai, or Bangalore ( when everything else fails, cite B'lore), or
Guwahati even  again the same problem arises--the percentage
factor ( darn that concept of decimals wreaking havoc here again).I
hear even B'lore reels under power shedding, even in this day and age,
doesn't it?  But it still does not, in any way, shape or form,
debunk or refute the fundamentals of the good doctor's

However, Tilok, the scientist he is, I am sure, will like to see
the field of statistics be revolutionized by the 21st Century Desi
Knowledge Brigade, and usher in an era of legitimizing making broad
conclusions on the basis of tiny sampling. Imagine how BJP and its
India Shining blitz would have kept on spreading, or Chandrababu
Naidu's fortunes  would not have bitten the dust, along with his
many devotees of Assam Net?

>And while one is at it, might just want to talk to
>Azim Premji as well.

 That, I am sure, would be an opportunity Tilok would not
want to miss. He already explained how he gets teary eyed at such
desi-accomplishments as Premzi's wealth, raising the per capita wealth
of that half-billion or more of desis still looking for two square
meals a day.

But that is my take. I hope some day, the good daktor from the
High Ozarks would be able to come down from his aerie and explain
things in his own words.


--- mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Absolute  MUST READ for anybody wanting to GROW UP.

Tilok Daktor’s Assaessment of the Indian Mindset


The bad news is that these hot-shit desis don't
realize that they are

>mutants. Yes, mutants!  Several of their neurological
receptors have been

>turned off since birth by Indian thought police. Of
course they don't know

>about it. If they did, they would hack the source
code and e-mail corrective

>patches to each one overnight and be whole again.

>They assume that their academic expertises should put
them and the country

>that they identify themselves with on top of the


>They should not be blamed though. Not their fault.
They were raised with

>turned off neuro-receptors, remember? They cannot
comprehend that academic

>preparation is just that--preparation. That it is no
guarantee of success as

>entrepreuners in industry, business, nation building.
Certainly not in a

>nation whose governance and national attitudes are is
vastly different from

>that of the USA, even though they *seem* to 

Re: [Assam] Assam's Ancient Links with Mainland India

2005-11-16 Thread mc mahant

Thanks for the best wishes.
am very happy if he or for that matter any one in>>  the assamnet has a realistic blueprint for sovereign>>  Assam. I have all the best wishes for them to>>  translate their dreams into reality in future.>>  However>>  till the time that blueprint is not shared on a>>  common>>  platform for any meaningful debate, no one can>>  prevent>>  me from taking any such claim from any one including>>  Mahanta - da with a handful (not with a pinch) of>>  salt.>>
Salt is bad for pressure-avoid it.
Wish you happy banking with Indian Rupees.
But please think about how to change over fast and seamlessly to Oxomiya Toka+Bodo Toak+ Indian Rupee +Bangla Taka+ Kyat+Rouble+ RMB + the good old Greenback.

From:  Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:  mayur bora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Dilip/Dil Deka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>CC:  assam@assamnet.orgSubject:  Re: [Assam] Assam's Ancient Links with Mainland IndiaDate:  Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:37:40 -0600>Hi Mayur:>> >>Secondly, I did not say anything about leaving assamnet.>>>I am glad to hear that :-).>>> >  >At a personal level, I have high regard for Mahanta-da> >which is clearly exemplified in some of my earlier> >mails on assamnet. I appreciate his formidable> >analytical skills to make many people believe that the colour 
of the> >blackboard >is white.>>>*** Thanks much for the kind words. But obviously you have gone way>over  with my abilities like making black appear white. In the past>people have called me assorted names, assigned ulterior motives,>tried to hurt me by citing my advancing age and unflattering physical>attributes--you name it. But attributing supernatural abilities is a>first. There has to be a far more credible and rational explanation>for it, don't you think? Allow me to give you a hint : How about>making just plain old common sense ? Is it possible  :-)?>>cm>>>At 9:53 AM -0800 11/14/05, mayur bora wrote:> >Dear Santanu-da> >> >Thank you for your kind words about my introduction. I> 
>was not exactly offended by that comparison by> >Dilip-da. I was no doubt amused and found the whole> >thing totally uncalled for. But as indicated now by> >Mahanta-da about some past episodes of impersonation> >on assamnet, I feel it might have been an outcome of> >that.> >> >Secondly, I did not say anything about leaving> >assamnet. I want to leave the debate on sovereignty> >purely on a temporary basis till the blueprint is> >offered by someone for a threadbare discussion. With> >all the humility at my command, I wish to state that I> >write only when some issue touches my heart and> >inspires me to pour out my feelings. I will keep on> >doing that.> >> >At a personal level, I have high regard for Mahanta-da> 
>which is clearly exemplified in some of my earlier> >mails on assamnet. I appreciate his formidable> >analytical skills to make many people believe that the> >colour of the blackboard is white. It is always a> >pleasure to have a debate in general on assamnet and> >with Mahanta-da in particular. I don't intend to> >deprive me of that pleasure so easily.> >> >Take care.> >> >Mayur> >> >--- "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> >>  Dear Mayur:> >>> >>  Please don't be offended by Dilip-da comparing you> >>  to a comet or a shadow. He means well.> >>> >>  Fact is that you write very well and many on this> 
>>  net, who are not active right now, find your> >>  arguments extremely relevant and laud your ability> >>  to articulate them with intellectual honesty.> >>  Perhaps, they want to see you write more often> >>  (which is understandably time consuming). In any> >>  case, please keep writing - as often as you can -> >>  and not necessarily about sovereignty.> >>> >>  Take care -> >>> >>  Santanu-da.> >>> >>  To other netters: Mayur is very real, a former> >>  student of economics from my own college in Delhi> >>  (much younger than me, of course) & now managing a> 
>>  major public sector bank in Chandigarh. Its a> >>  pleasure to have him on the net.> >>> >>  -Original Message-> >>  From: mayur bora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>  Sent: Mon 11/14/2005 10:28 PM> >>  To: Dilip/Dil Deka; Roy, Santanu; Chan Mahanta;> >>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>  Cc: assam@assamnet.org> >>  Subject: Re: [Assam] Assam's Ancient Links with> >>  Mainland India> >>> >>> >>  My knowledge about science in general and astronomy> >>  in> >>  particular is extremely poor. Even then I could not> >>  resist the 
temptation of asking the gentleman about> >>  the logic of comparing me to a comet as I joined> >>  assamnet only during August 2005. Does any comet> >>  keep> >>  on coming and vanishing so frequently ? Secondly I> >>  don't have a misplaced sense of importance about> >>  myself to think that I am trying to light the> >>  bright> >>  sky of  assamnet. What I have been trying for the> >>  last> >>  few months  is to share my concern on many issues> >>  pertaining to Assam an

Re: [Assam] The India Mindset-- the Mind-police at work

2005-11-16 Thread mc mahant

Bank solvency and Economic Progress are Different Things(to say the least).
Please digest Tilok Daktor's excellent Essay on the Desi mindset-dispassionately!
The Chinese do suffer from that too-- but by now they have overcome95% of that.

From:  Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To:  Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, assam@assamnet.orgSubject:  Re: [Assam] The India Mindset-- the Mind-police at workDate:  Wed, 16 Nov 2005 05:25:34 -0800 (PST)>http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item.jhtml?id=3604&t=globalization>>I actually wanted to put in a link to this article>here. Notice the part about the competing models of>development within the respective countries - India>and China.--- Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> >> > Actually this is "horse sh**". Given that the good> > Dr.> > T lives in the remote Ozarks, he is comletely out of> > touch with reality, 
doesn't know what is going on> > right now and perhaps a bit delusional too.> >> > For a mind check, the guy needs to stop talking to> > animals and come down from the hills. Might want to> > stop in California for a bit and check the> > entrepreneurs' roster. Or check the list of folks> > starting up new businesses in Mumbai or Bangalore or> > Pune. Or even Kolkata and Guwahati.> >> > And while one is at it, might just want to talk to> > Azim Premji as well.> >> >> >> >> >> > --- mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> >> > -> > Absolute  MUST READ for anybody wanting to GROW UP.> >> >> >> 
> Tilok Daktor’s Assaessment of the Indian Mindset> >> >> >> > The bad news is that these hot-shit desis don't> > realize that they are> >> > >mutants. Yes, mutants!  Several of their> > neurological> > receptors have been> >> > >turned off since birth by Indian thought police. Of> > course they don't know> >> > >about it. If they did, they would hack the source> > code and e-mail corrective> >> > >patches to each one overnight and be whole again.> >> > >They assume that their academic expertises should> > put> > them and the country> >> > >that they identify themselves with on top of the> > heap.> >> 
> >> >> > >They should not be blamed though. Not their fault.> > They were raised with> >> > >turned off neuro-receptors, remember? They cannot> > comprehend that academic> >> > >preparation is just that--preparation. That it is> > no> > guarantee of success as> >> > >entrepreuners in industry, business, nation> > building.> > Certainly not in a> >> > >nation whose governance and national attitudes are> > is> > vastly different from> >> > >that of the USA, even though they *seem* to be> > alike.> >> > >> >> > >Seem to be alike is a big problem too. How can you> > tell the difference?> 
>> > >They have same 'democrasy' wrapper. It is hard.> > Much> > harder than, say,> >> > >mukhostho kora or onko kora ( memorizing or math> > solving), statistics> >> > >spouting or debating. Takes time, interest, and> >> > >most of all, commitments of a different sort: of> > getting involved.> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >Why me, they ask if challenged? After all they grew> > up with that mantra,> >> > >didn't they? That is for the guvmint. What are they> > there for, they would> >> > >retort.> >> > >> >> > >So what happens? Mostly nothing. A few go try 'to> > do> > good 
things for the> >> > >motherland'. Still nothing much happens. They can't> > figure out why.> >> > >THey have of course no clue that nations are not> > built thru charitable> >> > >efforts. And that nothing of any substance could be> > accomplished over the> >> > >internet. They don't realize that entrepreunership> > is> > a little different> >> > >from software code writing, or doing medical> > trnscriptions for American> >> > >doctors or manning call-stations for US Industry.> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >This causes serious problems. Even though mutants,> > these *are* very bright> >> > >folks, 
let us not forget that. Pretty soon they> > begin> > to see that their> >> > >initial optimism to do better by their 'desh' does> > not go anywhere. Episodes> >> > >of hopelessness, and Sondon Kaiti is right:> > despondency, do begin to raise> >> > >their ugly heads.> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >THey then try to analyze why. They have what it> > takes> > to do the analyzing.> >> > >But what they see is big trouble. They can't come> > to> > grips with what they> >> > >see.> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >Why, you ask?> >> > >> >> > 
>> >> > >Remeber now, that being the good students, they> > were> > also always pampered,> > >given the royal treatment over their fellow> > under-performers> >> > > ___> > > assam mailing list> > > assam@assamnet.org> > >> >>http://assamnet.org/mailman/listinfo/assam_assamnet.org> > >> >> >> >> >> > __> > Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in> > one click.> > http://farechase.yahoo.com> >> > ___> > assam mailing list> > assam@assamnet.org> 

Re: [Assam] The India Mindset-- the Mind-police at work

2005-11-16 Thread Rajib Das

I actually wanted to put in a link to this article
here. Notice the part about the competing models of
development within the respective countries - India
and China.

--- Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually this is "horse sh**". Given that the good
> Dr.
> T lives in the remote Ozarks, he is comletely out of
> touch with reality, doesn't know what is going on
> right now and perhaps a bit delusional too.
> For a mind check, the guy needs to stop talking to
> animals and come down from the hills. Might want to
> stop in California for a bit and check the
> entrepreneurs' roster. Or check the list of folks
> starting up new businesses in Mumbai or Bangalore or
> Pune. Or even Kolkata and Guwahati. 
> And while one is at it, might just want to talk to
> Azim Premji as well.
> --- mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -
> Absolute  MUST READ for anybody wanting to GROW UP.
> Tilok Daktor’s Assaessment of the Indian Mindset
> The bad news is that these hot-shit desis don't
> realize that they are
> >mutants. Yes, mutants!  Several of their
> neurological
> receptors have been
> >turned off since birth by Indian thought police. Of
> course they don't know
> >about it. If they did, they would hack the source
> code and e-mail corrective
> >patches to each one overnight and be whole again.
> >They assume that their academic expertises should
> put
> them and the country
> >that they identify themselves with on top of the
> heap.
> >
> >They should not be blamed though. Not their fault.
> They were raised with
> >turned off neuro-receptors, remember? They cannot
> comprehend that academic
> >preparation is just that--preparation. That it is
> no
> guarantee of success as
> >entrepreuners in industry, business, nation
> building.
> Certainly not in a
> >nation whose governance and national attitudes are
> is
> vastly different from
> >that of the USA, even though they *seem* to be
> alike.
> >
> >Seem to be alike is a big problem too. How can you
> tell the difference?
> >They have same 'democrasy' wrapper. It is hard.
> Much
> harder than, say,
> >mukhostho kora or onko kora ( memorizing or math
> solving), statistics
> >spouting or debating. Takes time, interest, and
> >most of all, commitments of a different sort: of
> getting involved.
> >
> >
> >Why me, they ask if challenged? After all they grew
> up with that mantra,
> >didn't they? That is for the guvmint. What are they
> there for, they would
> >retort.
> >
> >So what happens? Mostly nothing. A few go try 'to
> do
> good things for the
> >motherland'. Still nothing much happens. They can't
> figure out why.
> >THey have of course no clue that nations are not
> built thru charitable
> >efforts. And that nothing of any substance could be
> accomplished over the
> >internet. They don't realize that entrepreunership
> is
> a little different
> >from software code writing, or doing medical
> trnscriptions for American
> >doctors or manning call-stations for US Industry.
> >
> >
> >This causes serious problems. Even though mutants,
> these *are* very bright
> >folks, let us not forget that. Pretty soon they
> begin
> to see that their
> >initial optimism to do better by their 'desh' does
> not go anywhere. Episodes
> >of hopelessness, and Sondon Kaiti is right:
> despondency, do begin to raise
> >their ugly heads.
> >
> >
> >THey then try to analyze why. They have what it
> takes
> to do the analyzing.
> >But what they see is big trouble. They can't come
> to
> grips with what they
> >see.
> >
> >
> >Why, you ask?
> >
> >
> >Remeber now, that being the good students, they
> were
> also always pampered,
> >given the royal treatment over their fellow
> under-performers
> > ___
> > assam mailing list
> > assam@assamnet.org
> >
> > 
> __ 
> Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in
> one click.
> http://farechase.yahoo.com
> ___
> assam mailing list
> assam@assamnet.org

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