[Assam] on Assam..

2006-03-15 Thread bg
by homen buragohain

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Re: [Assam] Happy Phakua !

2006-03-15 Thread Alpana B. Sarangapani
Dear Himendra-da: 
Could you tell us more about it?Is it about the nirvanaof the soul? Is your bookfor sale?
Also, doesthis orany of your books talk about the soul? What exactly does hinduism say about it? Do different souls have connection to each other?
I've been reading manybooks on 'life after life'lately,where itsays thatthere is an astral world where the soul goes after leaving the earth plane and lives happilybefore deciding to re-incarnate -which could be decades in human years. The soul comes down tothe earthto acquire knowledge and then goes back to the astral plane - butto a higher level.
That higher level could bethe 'Boikuntho' (I think YajurVeda talks about it)that we hear about. Is that where one goes after theyachieve Nirvana? And is Boikuntha the paradise of Krishna only, what about Shiva and the other hindu Gods?
Again, please do let me know more about your books and keep sending those interesting anecdotes that you so beautifully put.Also, please let me know of any books that mighthave any information onthe soul - with different beliefs, and not necessarily only hinduism.
You can send me the info but I thought others might have some info and would like to chime in when they do or just would like to know. 
Thank you for sending the information.
With regards,

From: "Himendra Thakur" [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: "Rajen Barua" [EMAIL PROTECTED]CC: "Manoj Das" [EMAIL PROTECTED],"Alpana B. Sarangapani" [EMAIL PROTECTED],"Dilip/Dil Deka" [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED],"Indrajit Barua" [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTECTED],assam@assamnet.orgSubject: Happy Phakua !Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 07:06:35 -0500

Dear Rajen,

Happy Phakua ! To you and everybody in the net!

Ananda is the essential core of Existence --- that's what Shri Krishna perpetuated withHoli on the Full Moon Day of the month Phalguna. Attached please find the cover-page of my latest drama NIRVANA dedicated to sat-chit-ananda.

If you want to hear more about it, please contact me!

With love to everybody,

- Original Message - 
From: Rajen Barua 
To: Himendra Thakur 
Cc: priyankoo sarma ; Alpana B. Sarangapani ; Dilip/Dil Deka ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Indrajit Barua ; Manoj Das ; Ram Sarangapani ; assam@assamnet.org 
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: Acute inferiorty complex/ Assamese IC

If you go to any good Bookshop in Assam and ask for the Assamese dictionary written by Sumant Chaliha (I may be wrong in his spelling of the name), they will proudly sell it to you.
Yes, I think you still need to respond with your comments to the question on Illegal Immigration (Bangladesh govt has a control switch!) and on the Assamese transliteration standards (yours vs. Priyanku's).

- Original Message - 
From: Himendra Thakur 
To: Barua25 
Cc: priyankoo sarma ; Alpana B. Sarangapani ; Dilip/Dil Deka ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Indrajit Barua ; Manoj Das ; Ram Sarangapani ; assam@assamnet.org 
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: Acute inferiorty complex/ Assamese IC

Dear Rajen,

Where can I find the dictionary written by Engineer Sumant Chaliha? That will be a great help.

If I missed replying to your questions, that must have been an oversight on my part for which I apologize. Kindly send me the questions if you do not mind. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

With the best wishes,

- Original Message - 

From: Barua25 
To: Himendra Thakur 
Cc: Indrajit Barua ; Alpana B. Sarangapani ; Dilip/Dil Deka ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Manoj Das ; priyankoo sarma ; assam@assamnet.org 
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: Acute inferiorty complex/ Assamese IC

I did not "drag" Assam Sahitya Sabha into it --- I sincerely believed that Assam Sahitya Sabhahad some position in this spelling problem.

For your information, ASS never approved any standardization of Assamese transliteration ever. So when you ask the question, has the new system been approved by ASS, I would say, they never did even the old system. So now you know that it is not a good idea to approacj ASS for guidance. Let them live in haven with their ornamental positions. So far Assamese spelling is concverned, our Engineer Sumant Chaliha wrote a dictionary recently which is being claimed as an athority on this. So it is always individuals against org who actually do the work.

our real priority problem is losing the land, Bangladesh swallowing Assam with the help fromAssamese betrayers ---problem aggravated by the acute inferiority complexthat you identified  this is such a huge problem that everything else appear small. 

Let us go with you on the above. If you really think this is the problem, then we need to address it correctly. If you remember we discussed about this problem. So far I remember, you were supposed to respond to my questions on this which you never did. That is very important so that we can go to the root of the problem.

As for the spelling of my Assamese words in the net, I 

[Assam] World Science: Hormone inspires animal 'babysitting'

2006-03-15 Thread umesh sharma
Strange thing they come up with these days. Next they would come up with that one's religious beliefs show strong correlation with one's testosterone levels (and aggression/passiveiness levels).umeshWorld Science [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  * Hormone inspires animal "babysitting":Researchers have long turned to animals to study howcooperation evolved. New findings highlight the roleof hormones, they say.http://www.world-science.net/exclusives/060315_meerkatfrm.htm* Researchers develop method to view Sun's far
 side:A new technique is said to make the Sun's hiddenface fully visible for the first time.http://www.world-science.net/othernews/060315_sunfrm.htm* Scientists to probe ethical complaint over "hand-walkers" research:A Turkish scientists' group announced plans to lookinto ethical complaints against three U.K.researchers, who meanwhile broke a long silence onthe case.http://www.world-science.net/exclusives/060315_wrist2frm.htm* Saturn moon may have liquid water:Researchers say evidence of water reservoirserupting in geysers on the moon Enceladus may expandthe search for alien life.http://www.world-science.net/othernews/060309_waterfrm.htm* Study examines how humans are still evolving:Scientists report finding more than 700 geneticvariants that evolution may have favored in thepast 10,000 years.http://www.world-science.net/othernews/060308_evolvingfrm.htmDo you have friends who would like to join WorldScience? If so, just send us their email addresses(after making sure they actually want to sign up)and we will add them to the list. Send the addressesto this email address.This is the World Science newsletter. To cancel yoursubscription, please reply to this email addresswith "cancel" in the subject line. To subscribe,write to this email address with "subscribe" in thesubject line. To change the address where youreceive the newsletter, please write to this emailaddress and
 request the change. Umesh Sharma5121 Lackawanna STCollege Park, MD 20740 1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]Ed.M. - International Education PolicyHarvard Graduate School of Education,Harvard University,Class of 2005
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Re: [Assam] Harvard Holt - challenge --quotes?

2006-03-15 Thread umesh sharma
Some quotes from Holt's Book: "How children learn",:(In the revised edition) "A friend said to me after reading this book, 'I always was very fond of little children, especially my own. But until now I could never have imagined that they might be interesting.'They interest me now evenmore than when I wrote this book. Watching babies and children explorte and make sense of the world around them is for me one of the most exciting things in the world. I have watched them and been with them at many times and places , and I find not just pleasure but much more food for serious thought in what they say and dothan inthe sayings and doings of a great many older people. Not to like children, or find them interesting and enjoy their company, is no crime . But it is surely a great misfortune and a great loss, like having no legs or being deaf or blind," (Holt,
 1967 1983)."All I am saying in this book can be summed up in two words -- Trust Children. Nothing could be more simple -- or more difficult. Difficult, because to trust children we must trust ourselves -- and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted. And so we go on treating children as we ourselves were treated, calling this 'reality,' or saying bitterly, 'If I could put up with it, they can too,' " (Holt, 1967 1983).Umeshumesh sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2006/03.09/05-summers.htmlSummers praised
 Harvard's "authority of ideas," saying there are few places in the world where a freshman in a seminar class can challenge the findings and conclusions of his or her instructor - even the president of an august institution - as one did in Summers' freshman seminar two years ago.   "And nobody thinks that it's a big deal, and the only thing they think worth discussing is whether he is right or not," Summers said, describing the class's reaction. "That is a beautiful and remarkable thing. And if it happened in more places, it would be a much better world. And so I believe what is most important about a place like this is that it is one of the very few institutions in the world that is about the authority of ideas rather than the idea of authority.   "And if there is anything that I want for your students coming out ... of a Harvard education, it is a sense that there is no issue that cannot be debated or challenged, that we may never approach personal truth, that
 we will never find ultimate wisdom, but that the search is a thing of profound importance and is something that everyone can be a part of through their whole lives." ---UmeshPS:   I had read John Holt's book "Why children fail?" - while in India - translated in Hindi. Perhaps the only book on school education before coming to Harvard's Ed. school. I think it shapes my quest of knowledge still. He also was given problem children of elementary grade (like I am handling nowadays) and he correctly said that such children only teach you how to improve teaching (see http://www.holtgws.com/edofjhp.2.html) . teaching already excelling students can teach you little about schooling . Students need to be able to challenge the teacher's concepts -and be allowed to learn in their own way. 
   My students -who make more noise than other classes - challenge me all the time. About the way I teach, the way I sit (yesterday I crossed by legs - a girlexclaimed! that I was sitting like a girl!! -legs crossed tightly together. Others offered to show me how to sit like a man - legs crossed but widely spaced. I have also learned to say "Excuse me Kiara!!!, shall we continue our class" -- and not interrupt their talking bluntly. If I show good behavior then only they would show good behavior. Many more details - but now I readinganother classic by Holt - How children learn." Holt was a former navy submarine driver and bachelor (like me -atleast till date)and taught primary school students. I think he also must have faced lots of questions about his ability - when it is generally felt that married men and most woman are most capabale of handling small kids. At day care centers where I work as a temp
 -like I did today - i am often asked -about my interest in small children and how to handle them. Now that I am in 30s - then correctly reason that most of my firends must have children and I must have learnt to play with theirkids. Ofocurse, I never mention that my father has been running aschool since Iwas a kid. Umesh Sharma5121 Lackawanna STCollege Park, MD 207401-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]Ed.M. - International Education PolicyHarvard Graduate School of Education,Harvard University,Class of 2005   Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
 Umesh Sharma5121 Lackawanna STCollege Park, MD 20740 1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]Ed.M. - International Education PolicyHarvard Graduate School of Education,Harvard University,Class of 2005
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[Assam] origin of the name Ahom and the Buranjis

2006-03-15 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
I do not have an agenda but I do have curiosity. So I am asking two questions. Please do not take it as an affront to anyone or any ethnic group.  1. What is the origin of the name "Ahom" that is ascribed to the group of people who came from northern Burma and were part of the "Shan" ( did they pronounce it as Shan?) tribe before they entered Assam ?  2. Where are the "Buranjis" that we hear so much about? I was taught in school that the word Buranji and the tradition of keeping Buranji came with the Ahoms and it is unique. I'd think the Buranjiswould be available today in Xansipat or whatever other medium was used, for us to view. I have seen many Xansipat puthis, but I am yet to see a Buranji that lives upto its reputation of being the history of Ahom kings or the state. I'd like to know where these Buranjis are hidden. I talked to an Ahom friend of mine and he said they are family heirlooms. Is that true?I am
 expecting an avalanche of replies on this. I hope I do get them.Thanks,  Dilip Deka  ___
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[Assam] Who Were The First Americans?

2006-03-15 Thread jaipurschool
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[Assam] Some of the best tourist places of North East

2006-03-15 Thread Pradip Kumar Datta
Some of the best tourist places of North EastVisit all the links below:http://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/arunachal_pradesh/holiplaces.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/assam/kajiranga.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/assam/jatinga_bird_mystery.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/assam/kamakhya.htm   
 http://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/meghalaya/shillong.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/meghalaya/cheerapunjee.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/manipur/lake_island.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/manipur/moirang.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/mizoram/wild_life.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/sikkim/holiplaces.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/sikkim/advance_sports.htmhttp://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/tripura/tripura.htmList of Travel Places to visit (state wise):  http://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/topvisitarea.htm  List of NGO's working in The North East : http://www.silchartoday.com/tour_travels/assam/ngoassam.htm   
   Our silchartoday members are trying to update more, so visit frequently and get more updates.Happy HoliPradip Kumar Datta  www.silchartoday.com
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