Re: [Assam] moderators ..pls read

2008-03-04 Thread uttam borthakur
Sikkim vanished as an independent state and became a part of Indian boundary 
proper. That's what. Just an euphemism for annexation:-)

umesh sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  could you pl explain:


then vanishing trick done by Sikkim

uttam borthakur wrote: If I may, I think that one has the right to discuss 
about his ideas concerning freedom, liberty etc. . An individual has the right 
to his own opinion. Only thing is he does not have the right to snatch other's 
life and property or freedom. Having said that, if someone has snatched his 
life or property, he may as well have the right to defend himself against such 
crime and give vent to his opinion. The only point to be discussed is whether 
in the context of a factual matrix a particular action can be termed as crime 
or not. Do we eulogise Bhagat Singh as a patriot or condemn him as a terrorist? 
Can we support a government action to dispossess a big chunk of population from 
their land and livelihood for the cause of big business and generation of 
paltry employment? Judgment on such contentious issues will depend upon the 
relative position and therefore, the outlook of the onlooker. A condemnation 
from a particular quarter
that has a vested interest does not clinch an issue in
one way or the other. Even if Mr. Bordoloi has posed as Ruby Bhuyan or for that 
matter anyone, it may be sedition from one point of view only, that of the 
present Indian State, but we should also be aware of the fact that boundaries 
of the states and countries keep on changing all over the world. There is 
nothing sacrosanct about these things in so far as history is concerned. Prior 
to the British there was Moghul empire, then British India, after that India 
and Pakistan, then Bangladesh, then vanishing trick done by Sikkim, all these 
are parts of history and therefore there can be no cut and dried principle to 
decide the culpability of a person's action in such a milieu. It is always 
contextual. My only point is whether Mr. Bordoloi or for that matter anyone 
posing as Ruby Bhuyan or whatever, committed any crime towards other human 
beings in the context of civilisation?

umesh sharma wrote: C-da,

I may not be sure of the crime but it does appear that the ULFA newsletter is 
written and published by Mr Bordoloi - who perhaps is the Ruby Bhuyan who is 
supposed to send it to AssamNet etc.


Chan Mahanta wrote: 

I read and I was quite amused by desi-justice represented by whoever 
made the following statements:

Investigators claimed to have detected documents in the sent folder -

*** That must therefore be unimpeachable proof , right? Question is 
of WHAT? Does it prove that Lachit Bordoloi has been involved in 
forgery? If so, WHO is making the complaint? Arabinda Rajkhowa, or 
the Kolkata rag, or Kharkhowa police?

was arrested last month on charges of helping Ulfa under the cover 
of being a mediator for peace.--

*** Wow! That must be an awful crime, since he would be unique. Or 
would he? Anyone who has half a workinbg brain should be able to 
figure that out. Or so I hope.

The officer said there was also evidence of Bordoloi distributing 
Freedom, the Ulfa mouthpiece.

*** Heh-heh-heh! This is hilarious.

A senior police officer said investigators were almost sure that 
Bordoloi generated the incriminating documents. These were found 
in the sent folder and not in the inbox, implying that Bordoloi had 
been generating these documents. They did not come from Ulfa.

 No wonder these guys can never get a conviction on anything. 
Imagine 'almost sure ' as a proof presented in a court of law that is 
slightly higher in the scale than a kangaroo variety and get a 

Further more, WHAT crime would it be to 'forge' an Arabinda Rajkhowa 
document--since according to the 'almost sure' crowd they did not 
come from ULFA ? It will be interesting to find out, won't it? Burt I 
won't hold my breath.

The officer said the police had built a strong case against 
Bordoloi, based on evidence and confessions by people he was 
associated with.

*** Right! Those confessions must be very reliable. Like what earned 
a death sentence for that Kashmiri-- (what's his name?) allegedly for 
shooting up the Parliament building. Except that that world bore 
down on India, seeing what a travesty that was. I don' t see anyone 
clamoring for that speedy execution any more.

Sources in the home department said more cases would be registered 
against Bordoloi to ensure that he remained in custody.

*** Thats how desi-justice has always worked, hasn't it? Imprison 
those -- mete out out punishment--on the sly, since they can't get 
anyone convicted thru a system of ordinary justice.

We have more explosive charges against Bordoloi and are looking 
for evidence,

*** Of course!

And assmnetters going ga-ga over it?

Shame on you .!

- Police slap more charges on Bordoloi

Lachit Bordoloi
Guwahati, March 2: Arrested rights 

[Assam] Australian to lead Charity walk

2008-03-04 Thread Ankur Bora
Dear friends ,
  Please find the following telegraph article
  http://www.telegrap 1080304/jsp/ guwahati/ story_8975840. jsp
  The charity walk has been organized by Friends of Assam and Seven Sisters ( 
  Ankur Bora

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Re: [Assam] moderators ..pls read

2008-03-04 Thread Ram Dhar

freedom of only those pieces of info we like to see and not what  gives us 
ha, ha .who should get it .ask yrself??  Sir an easy answer there 
peace loving people of Assam or the THUGS and their rudderless  leaders  ???
oh my- my -mycedar revolution in Assam like  in lebanon I  thought was 
sweeping our state  from north to south, east to west since early 1980s  
... something went really wrong isnt it?
am i asking admins to suppress free speech..**ofcourse not***.. was just fwding 
an simple as that ...
 Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 15:00:25 -0600 To: From: [EMAIL 
 PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Assam] moderators ..pls read my be held accountable for facilitating it as well   
 *** Yeah? Why?  *** Any number of Assam newspapers publish those and 
 'facilitate'  their dissemination among the public as well, don't they? How 
 is it  then assamnet should be held responsible and for WHAT? Because a  
 Kolkata rag says so? Or because one of its devotees does?  *** Those who 
 don't like to see or read an ULFA news release can  either not open it or 
 delete it. What right do they have to deprive  others form seeing them? Or 
 are we attempting to promote the idea of  freedom of only those pieces of 
 info we like to see and not what  gives us heart-burn?  At 
 9:59 AM -0500 3/3/08, Ram Dhar wrote: pls read 
 forum moderators may read this , 100s of us receive the same  e-mail 
 content coz we are subscribed to this forum  [EMAIL PROTECTED] my be 
 held accountable for facilitating  it as well ...   ..I 
 could be wrong... I am all for free speech et al but just  wondering how 
 this scenario stands ..just a thought  
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[Assam] From ToI

2008-03-04 Thread Chan Mahanta
*** Was it hard to foresee?


Gurgaon in gloom, battling a power crisis
4 Mar 2008, 1802 hrs IST,Dipak Kumar Dash,TNN
   Print SaveEMail   Write to Editor
Gurgaon, the fading dream of a Millennium City, is battling a power 
crisis that has seen power cuts up to 12 hours in winter. And now 
with summer on us, there is a mad scramble for inverters and 
generators, an expensive proposition besides being unfriendly to the 

Sixty-two-year-old Vijay Malhotra, a resident of DLF Phase-IV, says 
living in Gurgaon is a big drain on resources. We had to buy a 
generator just a week back - I invested Rs 3 lakh, he says. That's 
a huge investment besides the cost of operating it daily. Besides, I 
still pay a huge electricity bill. The crisis became so acute last 
year that my daughter-in-law had to shift to Delhi. I hold the 
government responsible.

Most residents of Gurgaon had moved for a better quality of life. 
They now feel cheated. And what rankles most is the fact the crisis 
is entirely man-made. That's the grime below the glitter. Developers 
have been issued licences at random and even the severe power crunch 
has not deterred the government from mocking the people by clearing a 
master plan to enlarge Gurgaon to three times its present size. Most 
plans for setting up plants have a 2009-2010 deadline and hold little 
hope for those who are now cursing the day they moved to Gurgaon.

There is going to be more growth without infrastructure till the city 
bloats to a point of collapse, people say. And officials are aware of 
this. They have thrown up their hands after pointing out that the 
demand for power in Gurgaon is increasing by 28% and availability is 
much less than requirement.

The combined electricity requirement of Gurgaon and Faridabad is 
equivalent to the total power demand of Himachal Pradesh and meeting 
that demand is a huge task, says Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitaran Nigam 
(DHBVN) managing director Vijayendra Kumar. We are hopeful of 
getting at least 500 MW for entire Haryana in the next three months 
from the Yamuna Nagar plant. That additional supply will bring some 
relief to urban areas.

The major cause of the crisis is non-availability of power. The 
present demand of Gurgaon is 1.2 crore units a day and we get only 75 
lakh units, explains superintending engineer A K Jain of the Nigam. 
Additional supply from Yamuna Nagar should bring some relief.

Haryana has about 4,068 MW of power available daily of which it 
generates only 1,587 MW. The state wants to generate an additional 
5,000 MW daily by 2010 but that's three years away. In the first 
phase, a 300-MW capacity unit has become operational in Yamuna Nagar 
and a second unit of same capacity will be synchronised this month. 
How this power is distributed remains to be seen with many political 
and farm lobbies at work.

About 1,200 MW will be made available from the Hissar thermal power 
plant. The first unit of 600 MW will be operational in December 2009 
and the second in March 2010. The state will also get 750 MW from the 
upcoming 1500 MW Aravali plant in Jhajjar. The three units - each of 
500 MW - are scheduled to be completed in April, June and August of 

So, there is no immediate relief in sight and all hopes for now are 
pinned on the supply from the Yamuna Nagar plant. Official estimates 
show that during non-peak hours Gurgaon's power demand is 450 MW 
while during peak hours it's about 550 MW. At any given time, the 
power supply falls short by at least 100 MW.

In the neighbouring capital of Delhi, there are only two categories 
of power consumers - domestic and non-domestic (commercial and 
industrial). But in Gurgaon, there are three - agricultural, domestic 
and non-domestic. The agriculture sector consumes 20-25% of the power 
available, domestic consumers get a 40% share and non-domestic 
consumers another 40%.

Consumers have learnt the hard way not to trust officials. We had a 
tough time even during the winter and then they had said that only 
winter rain could bring some relief. They will come up with some 
other excuse to pass the buck. Actually, they are clueless and don't 
know how to deal with the situation, says B S Tripathy, a resident 
of Sector-23. ==

assam mailing list

[Assam] New Bangalore airport to be opened on March 30th, Hyderabad on its way too

2008-03-04 Thread Ram Dhar

opening  this March 30th , Bangalore.
1. Bangalore - 
Photos -
Also check  photos  from the new hyderabad airport under construction..looks 
like almost done
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[Assam] The video of General Body Meeting of JEC Alumni Association

2008-03-04 Thread Buljit Buragohain
  Dear Joencovites,
  From the below link you can watch the  video of  the  General Body meeting of 
Jorhat Engineering College Alumni Association formation on 17th Feb 2008.
  Thank You.
  Buljit Buragohain

  Dear Joencovites,
  The Jorhat Engineering College Alumni Association was formed on 17.02.2008 
and an executive body was elected in the general body meeting. The executive 
committee has 
  Dr.H K Barua as President,
  Professor B N Choudhury as working president and
   Dr.Parimal Bakul Barua as General Secretary. 
  *The constitution and Logo of the Association was also adopted in the general 
body meeting on that day.

  According to the JEC Alumni Association ,the official web site of JEC will be 
created soon and the Alumni Association's membership  form will be uploaded in 
the web site, so that form can be down loaded from the site. The Association 
has also informed that the Alumni Association Bank Account will be created.
  I have collected few phone nos of the committee members. You can directly 
contact with them to know  the latest activities of the Association.
  I have also uploaded the JEC song which was sung during General Body meeting 
of Jorhat Engineering College Alumni Association formation on 17th Feb 2008 as 
file in different JEC yahoo groups .
  If you want the song, I can mail the song to you.
   The video of the meeting (17.02.2008) will be uploaded in the internet soon.
  Few phone nos:
  Dr.Parimal Bakul Barua(General Secretary):0376-2330044(R),094350-91412(M)
  Dr. S.K. Dutta (Treasurer):0376-2330040(R),  099544-55457(M)
  Diganta Hatibaruah(Joint Secretary): 0376-2330337(R), 099544-86973(M)
  Dr. Rita Sharma(Member):0376-2330208(R), 094357-38684(M)
  Ajoy Krishna Dutta  (Member):0376-2330214(R), 094350-50246(M)
  Thank you.
  Buljit Buragohain (1996-2000 Batch)
  * The constitution of the Alumni Association and Logo's picture has also been 
uploaded in different yahoo groups of JEC.

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Re: [Assam] New Bangalore airport to be opened on March 30th, Hyderabad on its way too

2008-03-04 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
Dhar Dangoriya,
  Dhanyabad.But for Bangalore BIAL- no road to go!! Amazingbut true.Roads 
are digged up for modifications and the trsffic congestions will be more than 
existing Bangalore HAL airport.People have to pay more money for taxi/Auto etc 
as its out of city.Specially night /evening it will be real nightmare as 
Bangalore officials are not cable enough to handle any situations.Passenger 
safety during the journey is a big question with growing criminal incidents at 
Bangalore.So before going to board a flight to BIAL- one need to go to Mandir 
for safety pooja.The way is unsafe enough and City commisioner admits only 
15000 police with him..
  So fly at your own risk.

Ram Dhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

opening this March 30th , Bangalore.

1. Bangalore - 

Photos -


Also check photos from the new hyderabad airport under construction..looks like 
almost done

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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] New Bangalore airport to be opened on March 30th, Hyderabad on its way too

2008-03-04 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
Dhar Dangoriya,
  Dhanyabad.But for Bangalore BIAL- no road to go!! Amazingbut true.Roads 
are digged up for modifications and the traffic congestions will be more than 
existing Bangalore HAL airport.People have to pay more money for taxi/Auto etc 
as its out of city.Specially night /evening it will be real nightmare as 
Bangalore officials are not cable enough to handle any situations.Passenger 
safety during the journey is a big question with growing criminal incidents at 
Bangalore.So before going to board a flight to BIAL- one need to go to Mandir 
for safety pooja.The way is unsafe enough and City commisioner admits only 
15000 police with him..
  So fly at your own risk.

Ram Dhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

opening this March 30th , Bangalore.

1. Bangalore - 

Photos -


Also check photos from the new hyderabad airport under construction..looks like 
almost done

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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] New Bangalore airport to be opened on March 30th, Hyderabad on its way too

2008-03-04 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
Dhar Dangoriya,
  Dhanyabad.But for Bangalore BIAL- no road to go!! Amazingbut true.Roads 
are digged up for modifications and the traffic congestions will be more than 
existing Bangalore HAL airport.People have to pay more money for taxi/Auto etc 
as its out of city.Specially night /evening it will be real nightmare as 
Bangalore officials are not capable enough to handle any situations.Passenger 
safety during the journey is a big question with growing criminal incidents at 
Bangalore.So before going to board a flight to BIAL- one need to go to Mandir 
for safety pooja.The way is unsafe enough and City commisioner admits only 
15000 police with him..
  So fly at your own risk.

Ram Dhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

opening this March 30th , Bangalore.

1. Bangalore - 

Photos -


Also check photos from the new hyderabad airport under construction..looks like 
almost done

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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] New Bangalore airport to be opened on March 30th, Hyderabad on its way too

2008-03-04 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
Dhar Dangoriya,
  Dhanyabad.But for Bangalore BIAL- no road to go!! Amazingbut true.Roads 
are digged up for modifications and the traffic congestions will be more than 
existing Bangalore HAL airport.People have to pay more money for taxi/Auto etc 
as its out of city.Specially night /evening it will be real nightmare as 
Bangalore officials are not capable enough to handle any situations.Passenger 
safety during the journey is a big question with growing criminal incidents at 
Bangalore.So before going to board a flight to BIAL- one need to go to Mandir 
for safety pooja.The way is unsafe enough and City commisioner admits only 
15000 police with him..
  So fly at your own risk.

Ram Dhar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

opening this March 30th , Bangalore.

1. Bangalore - 

Photos -


Also check photos from the new hyderabad airport under construction..looks like 
almost done

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[Assam] Nagas need to be saved; Naga regiment

2008-03-04 Thread umesh sharma

Nagas' history -  evangelists' viewpoint - they need to be saved still
it is surprising that Naga regiment is HQed in North India and not in Nagaland 
in NE India. 

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )
Sent from Yahoo! Mail.
A Smarter Inbox.
assam mailing list

[Assam] World's top college gets new dean - Harvard College

2008-03-04 Thread umesh sharma
unlike the Business School (which is rolling with Indians) - there are only two 
Indians who joined Harvard College in 2007 Fall. 

For most Indians Harvard College would be free - since there is need-based 
scholarship covering all expenses (for family income less than $45000 - 60,000  
-- way over most Indian family incomes). Just get a score on SATI and SAT II 
higher than 2350 out of 2400 etc etc and be an all rounder.

Hammonds named dean of Harvard College  SUBHEAD  By X
  Harvard News Office
  --   Cambridge, Mass.-March 4, 2008 - Evelynn Hammonds, the University's 
senior vice provost for Faculty Development and Diversity and the Barbara 
Gutmann Rosenkrantz Professor of the History of Science and of African and 
African American Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, has been 
appointed dean of Harvard College, effective June 1, 2008. 
   I am very pleased that someone as thoughtful, talented, and skilled as 
Evelynn Hammonds will take on the leadership of Harvard College, said Michael 
D. Smith, dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS). During the search I 
heard repeatedly that it was important that the College dean exercise broad 
oversight of the undergraduate curriculum in addition to overseeing the College 
more broadly, and she will do this work superbly. She is an outstanding leader 
with a keen understanding of the changing and diverse needs of our 
undergraduates both inside and outside the classroom. She also recognizes the 
extraordinary talents and promise that these students possess. I look forward 
to working with her. 
   I would also like to take this opportunity to thank David Pilbeam for his 
dedication to our undergraduates and his extraordinary commitment to this 
institution as he took on the role of dean of the College this year. David, as 
always, has provided strong leadership and wise guidance and, more than anyone, 
deserves our thanks for the smooth running of the College during a period of 
transition. I am very grateful to him for his service as dean and for his being 
willing to stay on through the end of this term, Smith said. 
   I am honored to have this extraordinary opportunity to lead the College 
with its exceptional students at such an important period in its history, 
Hammonds said. I know that there are many challenges facing the College, and I 
am ready to tackle them with my colleagues' help. Thanks to the strong 
leadership of David Pilbeam, I know that there is a dedicated, hardworking 
staff in place eager to help the College reach its goals. I am excited to work 
with them and, most of all, to work with our wonderful students. 
   Hammonds has a distinguished record of service to Harvard University. In her 
position as senior vice provost, she advises the provost and president on 
faculty appointments and supports the recruitment and advancement of minorities 
and women. She also advises the provost and president on issues related to the 
tenure process, reviews junior faculty and other term appointments, and 
oversees the administration of funds designated to facilitate appointments of 
outstanding scholars who also increase the diversity of our faculty. In 2005, 
she chaired the Task Force on Women Faculty. The senior vice provost's position 
was created in response to recommendations from that task force and the Task 
Force on Women in Science and Engineering, and in this capacity she was charged 
with implementing the recommendations of both task forces. A search for her 
successor in this position will begin promptly. 
   I have come to know and greatly admire Evelynn Hammonds these past few 
years, as a fine scholar, as a strong institutional leader, and as someone who 
cares profoundly about the educational experience of our students in all its 
dimensions, said President Drew Faust. This is an exciting moment of change 
for the College, and Evelynn's academic values and leadership qualities promise 
to serve our undergraduates well. I want to thank her for all she has 
accomplished as our first senior vice provost, and at the same time to express 
my gratitude to David Pilbeam for his extraordinary continuing service to the 
College and the FAS. 
   I am enormously grateful to Evelynn Hammonds, not only for the vital work 
that she has accomplished through the establishment of the Office of Faculty 
Development and Diversity, but for the exceptional vision, intelligence, and 
dedication she brings to all she does, said Provost Steven E. Hyman. Evelynn 
has been a galvanizing force in our efforts to build the faculty across the 
University, and her imaginative intellect and open, engaging manner will 
benefit undergraduate education and student life. She'll be a hard act to 
follow as senior vice provost, but we will begin the search for her successor 
  In addition to her experience and accomplishments as senior vice provost, 
Hammonds is