Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-04-04 Thread xourov pathok

--- Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some responses to the points you have made:
> 1. As per my readings, earlier it used to be called
> just Dharma (not Varnashrama Dharma) and Dharma
> became
> Sanatana Dharma later when other religions came
> about
> on Indian soil which are also essentially Dharmic in
> origin. I haven't really found a reference to the
> whole of Hinduism being represented as Varnashrama
> Dharma anywhere. 

dharma is a general term that roughly means "duty"
(set of prescribed conduct leading to release from
life-death).  it does not signify any particular duty,
so it does not signify any particular religion. it has
been used by religions other than hinduism (eg
buddhism).  If it implied hinduism in particular,
buddhism would not have used it.

even if we ignored the other religions, dharma on its
own does not specify the hindu religion.  this is
because there are 4 different sets of dharmas for the
4 different varnas.  to specify the religion, you need
to specify the system that binds these different
dharmas together.  which is varnashrama.

"sanatana" means eternal.  so you are right, it was
another appelation used to emphasize the point that
Hinduism had no beginning, unlike say Jainism and
Buddhism.  It was the original religion.

> 2. No doubt - Manusmriti is where the Varnas are
> codified into an unjust social order. But Manusmriti
> came much much later and was not a part of the
> original scriptures - those that ONLY some consider
> as
> infallible in Hinduism. Manusmriti can be thrown
> away
> very easily. And that is where my questions were
> regarding what exactly did you find in the original
> scriptures (the Rig Veda if you may) regarding a
> hereditary system of Varna. And how much does it
> impact the core essence of Hinduism.  

according to accepted dates, the manusrimiti is closer
to the vedas in time than it is to the present. 
nevertheless, you will not find a pure original state
between the vedic and the manu times.  your
originalist attempt will therefore give you only half
a desired result and your choices will reflect your
present needs, not original edicts from the past.

i am actually not surprised that you want to just make
the varna system non-hereditary, and not remove the
varna system entirely. 

> 3. The fight for Dalits and Tribals is one of the
> many
> elements of the interest in throwing Varna out.
> There
> are others such as OBCs, SCs and in certain regions
> even Brahmins that clamor for change. By itself it
> is
> a noble enough cause for which there would be
> transformation. In fact, the VHP's highly successful
> strategy in the tribal belt of Gujarat is about 2/3
> things: Social Welfare, a non-Varna system and the
> restoration of the village deities. Is there
> anything
> wrong with the whole idea?

this is primarily a political issue.  a few decades
ago, there were anti-dalit riots in gujarat which
basically led to the KHAM electoral alliance and
decades of congress rule.  what the vhp was able to do
was turn some in the KHAM against the others.  the
muslims had protected the dalits from the rioters
then, but in the post-godhra riots, the dalits and the
adivasis turned against the muslims.  also, it turned
the fortune of the bjp party, which was reeling after
the cooperative bank scams.

so are you asking whether the "gujarat experiment",
which climaxed with the post-godhra riots, is wrong?

> I am not convinced with what has been presented that
> the Varna system as defined in the original
> scriptures
> (and NOT Manusmriti) is the most defining aspect of
> Hinduism. I am not convinced also that if the Varna
> system is thrown out or modified it will result in
> contradictions in the essence of Hinduism coming to
> the fore. My questions really was about addressing
> this point - not about whether in my personal
> capacity
> I am a Hindu or not.

its fine if you aren't convinced.  whatever makes you
happy :)


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Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-29 Thread Rajib Das


Some responses to the points you have made:

1. As per my readings, earlier it used to be called
just Dharma (not Varnashrama Dharma) and Dharma became
Sanatana Dharma later when other religions came about
on Indian soil which are also essentially Dharmic in
origin. I haven't really found a reference to the
whole of Hinduism being represented as Varnashrama
Dharma anywhere. 

2. No doubt - Manusmriti is where the Varnas are
codified into an unjust social order. But Manusmriti
came much much later and was not a part of the
original scriptures - those that ONLY some consider as
infallible in Hinduism. Manusmriti can be thrown away
very easily. And that is where my questions were
regarding what exactly did you find in the original
scriptures (the Rig Veda if you may) regarding a
hereditary system of Varna. And how much does it
impact the core essence of Hinduism.  

3. The fight for Dalits and Tribals is one of the many
elements of the interest in throwing Varna out. There
are others such as OBCs, SCs and in certain regions
even Brahmins that clamor for change. By itself it is
a noble enough cause for which there would be
transformation. In fact, the VHP's highly successful
strategy in the tribal belt of Gujarat is about 2/3
things: Social Welfare, a non-Varna system and the
restoration of the village deities. Is there anything
wrong with the whole idea?

I am not convinced with what has been presented that
the Varna system as defined in the original scriptures
(and NOT Manusmriti) is the most defining aspect of
Hinduism. I am not convinced also that if the Varna
system is thrown out or modified it will result in
contradictions in the essence of Hinduism coming to
the fore. My questions really was about addressing
this point - not about whether in my personal capacity
I am a Hindu or not.


--- xourov pathok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Here are a few questions. Hopefully you guys can
> > answer:
> >
> many of the questions you ask can be encapsulated
> into
> "why am i a hindu?"  i leave those questions alone,
> because those are personal questions which every man
> has to answer for himself.  i am merely adding my
> comments to only the varna related parts.  
> here i would like to point out that a critical (that
> is objective, not antagonistic) look at religions is
> not equivalent to challenging either their value
> systems or questioning anyone's personal religious
> choices.   
> > 1. Is Varnashrama Dharma really the original name
> of
> > Hinduism or is it Sanatana Dharma?
> > 
> sanatana dharma is a later concept that incorporates
> many other aspects of hinduism, including that of
> varnashram dharma.
> "sanatana dharma" never became a popular name for
> the
> religion.  though it is an older name, i would guess
> that it became more widely used in the 19th century
> as
> a result of the many hindu reformist movements in
> that
> period.
> > 2. Does Varnashrama Dharma refer specifically to
> and
> > only to the 4 castes and the 4 ashramas - or does
> it
> > posit on a bigger spiritual and philosophical
> > canvas?
> varnashram dharma sets down the duties for the 4
> castes with, of course, some spiritual and
> philosophical justifications.  the gita is one
> example
> but the best exposition is manusmriti.
> the dalits  do not fall anywhere in the varna
> system. 
> whereas many ethnic groups were accepted into the
> varna system, the dalits were very strongly kept
> away.
>  even though the buddha (whose religion posed the
> greatest threat to hinduism at one time) was later
> inducted into the pantheon of vishnu avatars, the
> dalits were vehemently rejected.  
> the dalits today are as large as the muslim
> population
> in india and are an important component in the
> hindutva politics.  the animosity against the
> christians is essentially rooted in the battle over
> the dalits and the tribals.  this explains the new
> interest in dumping the varna system from hinduism.
> > 2. Varna finds its mention in the Rig Veda all
> > right.
> > But do the Vedas themselves specify that the
> Varnas
> > are defined by birth? Or did it come much later
> with
> > the likes of Manu? And if the Varna system were
> not
> > to
> > be defined by birth but by someone's desire, will
> > and
> > action, would it change anything in the way we
> > percieve things about Hinduism?
> it is very likely that the varna system has always
> been hereditary, because the main function of the
> system was to put an order in the myriad jatis that
> were entering it.  manusmriti (dated to 1st-2nd
> century bc) tried to codify this order and give it a
> rigidity.  the gita, which came earlier, already
> prescribed an evolved concept of the varna system as
> a
> answer to some ills.
> the varna system has become rigid, but it is not
> absolute.  but what mus

Re: [Assam] caste system - evil Hinduism??

2006-03-28 Thread umesh sharma
I would say that all these questions are meaningless unless you wish to find a solution -- within Hinduism -- to remove casteism. Why would one wish to dwell on something which has turned out to be evil -- unless one wants to remove that.      Second, if the contention is that since caste system as practiced is evil -- then Hinduism itself must be evil .     Those who think that Hinduism is inherently evil --please do not hesitate to say it!!! Come forward we will certainly discuss it.      Do not hide behind evil caste system to take pot shots had Hindu faith.     Umeshxourov pathok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  --- Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:> > Here are a few questions. Hopefully you guys
 can> answer:>many of the questions you ask can be encapsulated into"why am i a hindu?" i leave those questions alone,because those are personal questions which every manhas to answer for himself. i am merely adding mycomments to only the varna related parts. here i would like to point out that a critical (thatis objective, not antagonistic) look at religions isnot equivalent to challenging either their valuesystems or questioning anyone's personal religiouschoices. > 1. Is Varnashrama Dharma really the original name of> Hinduism or is it Sanatana Dharma?> sanatana dharma is a later concept that incorporatesmany other aspects of hinduism, including that ofvarnashram dharma."sanatana dharma" never became a popular name for thereligion. though it is an older name, i would guessthat it became more widely used in the 19th century asa result of the many hindu
 reformist movements in thatperiod.> 2. Does Varnashrama Dharma refer specifically to and> only to the 4 castes and the 4 ashramas - or does it> posit on a bigger spiritual and philosophical> canvas?varnashram dharma sets down the duties for the 4castes with, of course, some spiritual andphilosophical justifications. the gita is one examplebut the best exposition is manusmriti. dalits do not fall anywhere in the varna system. whereas many ethnic groups were accepted into thevarna system, the dalits were very strongly kept away.even though the buddha (whose religion posed thegreatest threat to hinduism at one time) was laterinducted into the pantheon of vishnu avatars, thedalits were vehemently rejected. the dalits today are as large as the muslim populationin india and are an important component in thehindutva politics. the
 animosity against thechristians is essentially rooted in the battle overthe dalits and the tribals. this explains the newinterest in dumping the varna system from hinduism.> 2. Varna finds its mention in the Rig Veda all> right.> But do the Vedas themselves specify that the Varnas> are defined by birth? Or did it come much later with> the likes of Manu? And if the Varna system were not> to> be defined by birth but by someone's desire, will> and> action, would it change anything in the way we> percieve things about Hinduism?it is very likely that the varna system has alwaysbeen hereditary, because the main function of thesystem was to put an order in the myriad jatis thatwere entering it. manusmriti (dated to 1st-2ndcentury bc) tried to codify this order and give it arigidity. the gita, which came earlier, alreadyprescribed an evolved concept of the varna
 system as aanswer to some ills.the varna system has become rigid, but it is notabsolute. but what must be borne in mind is that itoperates not on individuals but on jatis. it isprobably easier to find a community (as opposed to anindividual) changing varna. in more recent times whenshivaji wanted to declare himself a king, the localbrahmins refused to anoint him because of his "lowlyorigins". shivaji then imported a brahman fromelsewhere who drew up an impressive lineage andanointed him. so along with shivaji, his community aswell as his ancestors became kshatriyas. it ispossible to suspect that in such cases, if thecommunity does not display the characteristics of thenew varna over time it might relapse into the oldvarna. > > 3. Does Hinduism (or if I may use the word Sanatana> Dharma) specify clearly to the infallibility of the> Vedas themselves in their entirety? Or is a
 Hindu> allowed to reject certain tenets? > > 4. Does Hinduism (and do Hindus) leave the> interpretation of the Vedas (or their religion> itself)> to be changed over time or by different scholars? > > 5. Is Varna the central tenet of Hinduism - more> specifically, is it specified anywhere in the Vedas> that a Hindu MUST believe in Varna? Even more> specifically, exactly how many shlokas (or what> percentage) of the Rig Veda mention Varna?> > 6. Since Islam has always had a bloody history right> from the time of when the transition of leadership> was> to happen from the prophet to his disciples and> since> it has enough mention in the Koran of killing of> kufrs, should it be called "Unsalaam" or something> and> should Muslims reject Islam in its entirety?> > 7. Should Christianity

Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-28 Thread xourov pathok

--- Rajib Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here are a few questions. Hopefully you guys can
> answer:

many of the questions you ask can be encapsulated into
"why am i a hindu?"  i leave those questions alone,
because those are personal questions which every man
has to answer for himself.  i am merely adding my
comments to only the varna related parts.  

here i would like to point out that a critical (that
is objective, not antagonistic) look at religions is
not equivalent to challenging either their value
systems or questioning anyone's personal religious

> 1. Is Varnashrama Dharma really the original name of
> Hinduism or is it Sanatana Dharma?

sanatana dharma is a later concept that incorporates
many other aspects of hinduism, including that of
varnashram dharma.

"sanatana dharma" never became a popular name for the
religion.  though it is an older name, i would guess
that it became more widely used in the 19th century as
a result of the many hindu reformist movements in that

> 2. Does Varnashrama Dharma refer specifically to and
> only to the 4 castes and the 4 ashramas - or does it
> posit on a bigger spiritual and philosophical
> canvas?

varnashram dharma sets down the duties for the 4
castes with, of course, some spiritual and
philosophical justifications.  the gita is one example
but the best exposition is manusmriti.

the dalits  do not fall anywhere in the varna system. 
whereas many ethnic groups were accepted into the
varna system, the dalits were very strongly kept away.
 even though the buddha (whose religion posed the
greatest threat to hinduism at one time) was later
inducted into the pantheon of vishnu avatars, the
dalits were vehemently rejected.  

the dalits today are as large as the muslim population
in india and are an important component in the
hindutva politics.  the animosity against the
christians is essentially rooted in the battle over
the dalits and the tribals.  this explains the new
interest in dumping the varna system from hinduism.

> 2. Varna finds its mention in the Rig Veda all
> right.
> But do the Vedas themselves specify that the Varnas
> are defined by birth? Or did it come much later with
> the likes of Manu? And if the Varna system were not
> to
> be defined by birth but by someone's desire, will
> and
> action, would it change anything in the way we
> percieve things about Hinduism?

it is very likely that the varna system has always
been hereditary, because the main function of the
system was to put an order in the myriad jatis that
were entering it.  manusmriti (dated to 1st-2nd
century bc) tried to codify this order and give it a
rigidity.  the gita, which came earlier, already
prescribed an evolved concept of the varna system as a
answer to some ills.

the varna system has become rigid, but it is not
absolute.  but what must be borne in mind is that it
operates not on individuals but on jatis.  it is
probably easier to find a community (as opposed to an
individual) changing varna.  in more recent times when
shivaji wanted to declare himself a king, the local
brahmins refused to anoint him because of his "lowly
origins".  shivaji then imported a brahman from
elsewhere who drew up an impressive lineage and
anointed him.  so along with shivaji, his community as
well as his ancestors became kshatriyas.  it is
possible to suspect that in such cases, if the
community does not display the characteristics of the
new varna over time it might relapse into the old

> 3. Does Hinduism (or if I may use the word Sanatana
> Dharma) specify clearly to the infallibility of the
> Vedas themselves in their entirety? Or is a Hindu
> allowed to reject certain tenets? 
> 4. Does Hinduism (and do Hindus) leave the
> interpretation of the Vedas (or their religion
> itself)
> to be changed over time or by different scholars? 
> 5. Is Varna the central tenet of Hinduism - more
> specifically, is it specified anywhere in the Vedas
> that a Hindu MUST believe in Varna? Even more
> specifically, exactly how many shlokas (or what
> percentage) of the Rig Veda mention Varna?
> 6. Since Islam has always had a bloody history right
> from the time of when the transition of leadership
> was
> to happen from the prophet to his disciples and
> since
> it has enough mention in the Koran of killing of
> kufrs, should it be called "Unsalaam" or something
> and
> should Muslims reject Islam in its entirety?
> 7. Should Christianity with its reference to
> slavery,
> keep continuing to celebrate slavery - after all it
> was ONE of the tenets expounded in the Bible and
> therefore you cannot ignore it and ipso facto, a
> Christian must reject the Bible in its entirety?

the case here is different.  the claim is that the
varna system *is* the most defining aspect of hinduism
(sanatana dharma if you will).  it defines who is a
hindu and who is not.  you can get away with being an

Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-27 Thread Rajen Barua

>The question for Hindus is, do we have to 
become>"non-believers" for our religion to conform to 
modern>times? Shouldn't it be easier for us to change 
our>interpretations (or reject them entirely) because we>are not 
followers of THE book?
My two cents of above:
In fact that is what is being done 
in Hinduism in every age. Hinduism is one religion which had been 
interpreted and reinterpreted any which way you like so to say   That 
is what the reformers did during the middle ages in India.   
Shankarchaya came and interpreted the Gita, the Vedanta Brahma Slwko 
and the  Vedas in such way that Hinduism became strict monism almost 
like Buddhism and  there was not room left for a personal God for Bhaktivad 
 So Ramanujam and others had to reinterpret later and prove Shankarachaya wrong 
and create new rooms for Bhaktivad. In modern days, Ram Mohan Roy, 
Vivekananda, Gandhi, Tegore, Radhakrishnan and others have been redefining 
Hinduism their way. Hinduism has one advantage for re-interpretation 
because there are so many different scriptures and so very little were 
actually written in the original texts and in such symbolic language. If 
one does like one scripture, one can always pull things from other 
scriptures.  If one does like the Vedas, one can cite one of the 
Upanishads. In other religions, there are not much scope for fresh 
interpretations, because they have THE BOOKS, and one cannot do much 
reinterpretation of the same BOOK. In Hinduism, today one may say, 'We don't 
believe the Manusmriti' and I think no damage would be done. Does one have to 
believe the Vedas to remain a Hindu?  What about the Gita? What about 
'reincurnation' or the theory of 'karma'?  If one does not believe in any 
of these, is the guy still a Hindu?  The Xongkor Xongho do not believe the 
Vedas.  In fact Vivekananda had a hard time trying to come with a proper 
definition of a Hindu as to what minimum things he would have to believe 
and still claim that he was a Hindu. The greatest re interpretation of the 
Gita was by Gandhi, because fracnkly speaking he could not reconcile the fact 
that Lord Krishna was actually advising Arjun to fight and kill his own 
relatives in the Kurukshetra war. Ultimately he came up with the vision that 
Krishna was actually telling not of the real war but a war in the minds against 
evil.  So in Hinduism, first set your belief system as to what you 
like, and then find the specific scriptures which will support your view, and 
ignore the rest. You will remain a good Hindu without any conflict.  That 
is why I say, more than any other religion, Hinduism is more a 'political 
religion' . You are a Hindu because your father was a Hindu.
- Original Message - 
From: "Rajib Das" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Chan Mahanta" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "xourov 
pathok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 3:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] caste 
> Santanuda,> > Thanks as always for very considered 
responses. Yes, I> admit I couldn't escape putting in rhetoric there 
in> those list of questions.> > Let me put in further 
questions to your responses. I> will still await responses to my 
questions from the> rest of the group here.> > Further 
questions:> > 1. Are the 4 castes really, inextricably linked to 
the> > cycle of karma and rebirth? What I mean is - does 
it> find specific reference in the Rig Veda? Does it> specifically 
say that you have to "abide by the> bondage" of your caste to escape the 
karmic cycle? > > Or does it state that you escape the karmic 
cycle when> you follow "Dharma" and Dharma is not necessarily> 
defined by varna. > > 2. As per the original scriptures, is there 
a> gradation of incentive systems or really the incentive> system 
has just one incentive - moksha? Or escape from> the karmic cycle of 
births and rebirths. Meaning - it> really does not matter you are born 
into a particular> Varna - what matters is that you are born at 
all.> > 3. We know Islam (and Islamic society) is finding> 
itself difficult to reshape itself to modern times.> Christians in Europe 
are doing it by, in essence,> becoming non-believers. > > 
The question for Hindus is, do we have to become> "non-believers" for our 
religion to conform to modern> times? Shouldn't it be easier for us to 
change our> interpretations (or reject them entirely) because we> 
are not followers of THE book?> > 4. When I argue for certain 
tenets - such as the> hereditary nature of the Varna system (or the 
Varna> system itself) - does it really mean I am arguing for> a 
new religion? I would like not to think so. >

Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-27 Thread Rajib Das

Another question:

1. Isn't the concept of Jati distinctly different from
that of Varna in its original sense? And that Jatis
were codified under the Varna system only as late as
the 19th century? I have read somewhere - and this
might be wrong - that this codification started under
Islamic rulers and was finally firmed up by the Brits.
And that this firming up was more about political axes
to grind than anything else.

And is it possible that Jatis (or clans) moved Varnas
depending on what the clan leaders had accomplished
very much in their physical lives?

--- "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Rajib: 
> I cannot answer all of your questions. I can see
> that some of them are
> rhetorical. There are others I really don't know the
> answers to.But I
> can try to put some kind of response for a few. 
> 2. Does Varnashrama Dharma refer specifically to and
> only to the 4 castes and the 4 ashramas - or does it
> posit on a bigger spiritual and philosophical
> canvas?
> SR: As I understand it, the 4 castes are
> inextricably tied to the reward
> and punishment structure posited by karma and
> rebirth. If you do very
> well, you will be reborn as a higher caste. If you
> do very badly, you
> may become a shudra or even worse, born as an
> animal. In each life, you
> pay or reap the rewards for your earlier lives.
> Therefore, you should
> accept your current station in life as a temporary
> state and abide by
> the bondages dutifully so that you can rise up in
> later lives. And if
> you do this very very well, you may even escape the
> cycle of birth and
> death some day. 
> 2. Varna finds its mention in the Rig Veda all
> right.
> But do the Vedas themselves specify that the Varnas
> are defined by birth? Or did it come much later with
> the likes of Manu? And if the Varna system were not
> to
> be defined by birth but by someone's desire, will
> and
> action, would it change anything in the way we
> percieve things about Hinduism?
> SR: Answer to last question: it would. It would
> screw up the incentive
> system tied to cycles of life and death as posited
> in the early
> scriptures. 
> 6. Since Islam has always had a bloody history right
> from the time of when the transition of leadership
> was
> to happen from the prophet to his disciples and
> since
> it has enough mention in the Koran of killing of
> kufrs, should it be called "Unsalaam" or something
> and
> should Muslims reject Islam in its entirety?
> SR: Islam is very much face to face with the
> contradictions between some
> of its core narrative and the values of modern
> society. This is the
> basic clash of civilizations we are supposed to be
> in the midst of. 
> 7. Should Christianity with its reference to
> slavery,
> keep continuing to celebrate slavery - after all it
> was ONE of the tenets expounded in the Bible and
> therefore you cannot ignore it and ipso facto, a
> Christian must reject the Bible in its entirety?
> SR: I don't know much about this. The New Testament
> in effect does
> reject some of the tenets of the old testament. I am
> not aware of
> slavery being a central tenet of Christian faith at
> any point of time. I
> thought Christians themselves were enslaved and fed
> to lions in the
> first few centuries after Christ. As a
> philosophical, the Christian
> doctrine does not - as far as I am aware - propose
> slavery as a crucial
> element in the chain of earth and heaven.  I'd like
> to hear more about
> this. However, there are other aspects of core
> Christian tenets that may
> be in contradiction to modern life. Homosexuality,
> premarital sex,
> divorce and so on.  
> 9. Why is the option of plainly denying the
> existence
> of "all these aspects" the only other way? Did any
> one
> of us really grow up with our parents teaching us
> the
> gunas of the Varnashrama system? Or did we really
> look
> forward to the excitement of Durga Puja and other
> religious/social events? Has anyone denied my right
> to
> a Hindu religion when I married a Brahmin woman?
> SR: The question you ask is whether you are still a
> Hindu (or why not)
> even though you may have violated or not believed in
> all this stuff.
> Nobody told you that you are not. I think this is
> not sufficient. 
> More so, why would not a re-interpretation of the
> meaning of Varna (I assume no one has problems with
> Ashrama) be in the order of things? Or even the
> rejection of it?
> After all there were enough reformers within the
> Hindu
> fold (and even Buddha wasn't exactly outside the
> Hindu
> fold in his life, was he?) who had enough following
> through the times to change things. 
> SR: You are probably arguing in effect for a new
> philosophical system
> that is more in accordance with your view of life.
> That is a new
> religion. You may not call it so. 
> 10. And why should we forget what our forefathers
> did
> to our religion? Why should our kids not learn that
> there was for t

Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-27 Thread Rajib Das

Thanks as always for very considered responses. Yes, I
admit I couldn't escape putting in rhetoric there in
those list of questions.

Let me put in further questions to your responses. I
will still await responses to my questions from the
rest of the group here.

Further questions:

1. Are the 4 castes really, inextricably linked to the

cycle of karma and rebirth? What I mean is - does it
find specific reference in the Rig Veda? Does it
specifically say that you have to "abide by the
bondage" of your caste to escape the karmic cycle? 

Or does it state that you escape the karmic cycle when
you follow "Dharma" and Dharma is not necessarily
defined by varna. 

2. As per the original scriptures, is there a
gradation of incentive systems or really the incentive
system has just one incentive - moksha? Or escape from
the karmic cycle of births and rebirths. Meaning - it
really does not matter you are born into a particular
Varna - what matters is that you are born at all.

3. We know Islam (and Islamic society) is finding
itself difficult to reshape itself to modern times.
Christians in Europe are doing it by, in essence,
becoming non-believers. 

The question for Hindus is, do we have to become
"non-believers" for our religion to conform to modern
times? Shouldn't it be easier for us to change our
interpretations (or reject them entirely) because we
are not followers of THE book?

4. When I argue for certain tenets - such as the
hereditary nature of the Varna system (or the Varna
system itself) - does it really mean I am arguing for
a new religion? I would like not to think so. 

--- "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Rajib: 
> I cannot answer all of your questions. I can see
> that some of them are
> rhetorical. There are others I really don't know the
> answers to.But I
> can try to put some kind of response for a few. 
> 2. Does Varnashrama Dharma refer specifically to and
> only to the 4 castes and the 4 ashramas - or does it
> posit on a bigger spiritual and philosophical
> canvas?
> SR: As I understand it, the 4 castes are
> inextricably tied to the reward
> and punishment structure posited by karma and
> rebirth. If you do very
> well, you will be reborn as a higher caste. If you
> do very badly, you
> may become a shudra or even worse, born as an
> animal. In each life, you
> pay or reap the rewards for your earlier lives.
> Therefore, you should
> accept your current station in life as a temporary
> state and abide by
> the bondages dutifully so that you can rise up in
> later lives. And if
> you do this very very well, you may even escape the
> cycle of birth and
> death some day. 
> 2. Varna finds its mention in the Rig Veda all
> right.
> But do the Vedas themselves specify that the Varnas
> are defined by birth? Or did it come much later with
> the likes of Manu? And if the Varna system were not
> to
> be defined by birth but by someone's desire, will
> and
> action, would it change anything in the way we
> percieve things about Hinduism?
> SR: Answer to last question: it would. It would
> screw up the incentive
> system tied to cycles of life and death as posited
> in the early
> scriptures. 
> 6. Since Islam has always had a bloody history right
> from the time of when the transition of leadership
> was
> to happen from the prophet to his disciples and
> since
> it has enough mention in the Koran of killing of
> kufrs, should it be called "Unsalaam" or something
> and
> should Muslims reject Islam in its entirety?
> SR: Islam is very much face to face with the
> contradictions between some
> of its core narrative and the values of modern
> society. This is the
> basic clash of civilizations we are supposed to be
> in the midst of. 
> 7. Should Christianity with its reference to
> slavery,
> keep continuing to celebrate slavery - after all it
> was ONE of the tenets expounded in the Bible and
> therefore you cannot ignore it and ipso facto, a
> Christian must reject the Bible in its entirety?
> SR: I don't know much about this. The New Testament
> in effect does
> reject some of the tenets of the old testament. I am
> not aware of
> slavery being a central tenet of Christian faith at
> any point of time. I
> thought Christians themselves were enslaved and fed
> to lions in the
> first few centuries after Christ. As a
> philosophical, the Christian
> doctrine does not - as far as I am aware - propose
> slavery as a crucial
> element in the chain of earth and heaven.  I'd like
> to hear more about
> this. However, there are other aspects of core
> Christian tenets that may
> be in contradiction to modern life. Homosexuality,
> premarital sex,
> divorce and so on.  
> 9. Why is the option of plainly denying the
> existence
> of "all these aspects" the only other way? Did any
> one
> of us really grow up with our parents teaching us
> the
> gunas of the Varnashrama system? Or did we really
> look
> forward to the excitement of Durga Puja an

Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-27 Thread Roy, Santanu
gt; >forward with a very >selective view of Hinduism
> that is in 
> >consonance with modern society and >liberal values.
> The trouble with 
> >this approach is that in all honesty, you >cannot
> be very sure of 
> >what it is you are clutching on to & therefore, in
> the >long run, 
> >are bound to run into certain contradictions -
> perhaps as 
> >your >children question you
> *** Well said Santanu. But I am not sure the
> inquisitive children are 
> enough  of a deterrence to that attempt at living in
> a make-believe 
> world. I have seen 'children' of those who would
> choose to live in a 
> delusion, raised, indoctrinated and molded in the
> image of their 
> parents :-), who grow up perfectly willing  to
> perpetuate the myths 
> and the delusions.
> At 9:57 PM -0600 3/26/06, Roy, Santanu wrote:
> >Saurav,
> >
> >Thanks for your knowledgeable note.
> >
> >Two observations:
> >
> >1. There are probably quite a few historical
> instances where castes 
> >have been fostered within a non-Aryan jati or
> community that has 
> >come into contact with mainstream Hinduism at a
> late stage. Indeed, 
> >the process by which an outside jati enters into
> mainstream Hindu 
> >society must logically consist of at least two
> social processes. 
> >First, the way the existing mainstream society -
> the upper castes - 
> >in particular, view the community in question - an
> exogenous aspect. 
> >Second, the way the jati views itself and reshapes
> & redefines its 
> >own social stratification using the adopted
> language and mirrors of 
> >mainstream Hindu society -an endogenous aspect.
> Indeed, these two 
> >processes need not be congruent. The relics of
> these processes are 
> >found in several low caste untouchable communities
> that have their 
> >own "Brahmins". To the mainstream outsider, they
> are all 
> >untouchable, but to the insider there is a caste
> system within - a 
> >microcosm of the society that lies above them. A
> similar stru!
> >  cture is also observed with respect to many
> tribes prior to the 
> >importing of Brahmins from mainstream society.
> >
> >2. The varna system, like many other aspects of
> Hindu society, is in 
> >fundamental contradiction with modern society. The
> question in my 
> >mind is not whether Hinduism can be reformed. The
> real question is 
> >how will Hindus resolve these contradictions
> between what they ought 
> >to hold sacred and the needs of actual material
> life in today's 
> >society.
> >
> >One option is to stand by the varna system and all
> other traditional 
> >mores, to oppose liberal western values and in
> effect, do a 
> >fundamentalist jig.
> >
> >The other option is to gloss over and plainly deny
> the existence of 
> >all these aspects (as many on this net do) and then
> to march forward 
> >with a very selective view of Hinduism that is in
> consonance with 
> >modern society and liberal values. The trouble with
> this approach is 
> >that in all honesty, you cannot be very sure of
> what it is you are 
> >clutching on to & therefore, in the long run, are
> bound to run into 
> >certain contradictions - perhaps as your children
> question you 
> >
> >A third option would be to abandon the grand
> tradition altogether 
> >and, in effect, convert to religious orders that
> have their own 
> >philosphical systems that, even though historically
> rooted in the 
> >grand narrative, actually offer a distinct
> axiomatic system 
> >(Buddhism and Jainism were among the many such
> early orders, as were 
> >some of the Vaishnava orders). The third option is
> essentially 
> >fractious and inimical to the cause of a grand
> Hindu identity. But 
> >it may well be the most honest and logical way out
> for those who 
> >seek a religion.
> >
> >Santanu-da.
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of
> xourov pathok
> >Sent: Mon 3/27/2006 4:37 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: [Assam] caste system
> >
> >a short note on the caste system:
> >
> >the varna system, which found its first mention in
> the
> >rig veda itself, has been the only unbroken
> tradition
> >of hinduism.  gods have come and gone (from indra
> to
> >rudra to krishna), forms of worship has changed
> (from
> >yajnas to puj

Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-27 Thread Ram Sarangapani
or> community that has> >come into contact with mainstream Hinduism at a
> late stage. Indeed,> >the process by which an outside jati enters into> mainstream Hindu> >society must logically consist of at least two> social processes.> >First, the way the existing mainstream society -
> the upper castes -> >in particular, view the community in question - an> exogenous aspect.> >Second, the way the jati views itself and reshapes> & redefines its> >own social stratification using the adopted
> language and mirrors of> >mainstream Hindu society -an endogenous aspect.> Indeed, these two> >processes need not be congruent. The relics of> these processes are> >found in several low caste untouchable communities
> that have their> >own "Brahmins". To the mainstream outsider, they> are all> >untouchable, but to the insider there is a caste> system within - a> >microcosm of the society that lies above them. A
> similar stru!> >  cture is also observed with respect to many> tribes prior to the> >importing of Brahmins from mainstream society.> >> >2. The varna system, like many other aspects of
> Hindu society, is in> >fundamental contradiction with modern society. The> question in my> >mind is not whether Hinduism can be reformed. The> real question is> >how will Hindus resolve these contradictions
> between what they ought> >to hold sacred and the needs of actual material> life in today's> >society.> >> >One option is to stand by the varna system and all> other traditional
> >mores, to oppose liberal western values and in> effect, do a> >fundamentalist jig.> >> >The other option is to gloss over and plainly deny> the existence of> >all these aspects (as many on this net do) and then
> to march forward> >with a very selective view of Hinduism that is in> consonance with> >modern society and liberal values. The trouble with> this approach is> >that in all honesty, you cannot be very sure of
> what it is you are> >clutching on to & therefore, in the long run, are> bound to run into> >certain contradictions - perhaps as your children> question you> >
> >A third option would be to abandon the grand> tradition altogether> >and, in effect, convert to religious orders that> have their own> >philosphical systems that, even though historically
> rooted in the> >grand narrative, actually offer a distinct> axiomatic system> >(Buddhism and Jainism were among the many such> early orders, as were> >some of the Vaishnava orders). The third option is
> essentially> >fractious and inimical to the cause of a grand> Hindu identity. But> >it may well be the most honest and logical way out> for those who> >seek a religion.
> >> >Santanu-da.> >> >-Original Message-> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of> xourov pathok
> >Sent: Mon 3/27/2006 4:37 AM> >To:> >Subject: [Assam] caste system> >> >a short note on the caste system:> >
> >the varna system, which found its first mention in> the> >rig veda itself, has been the only unbroken> tradition> >of hinduism.  gods have come and gone (from indra> to
> >rudra to krishna), forms of worship has changed> (from> >yajnas to puja) but the varna system has persisted.> >there is an oft repeated dictum, that hinduism did> not> >have a name for itself earlier.  this is not true.
> >the name of the religion was varnashram dharma.> the> >varna system is the most defining aspect of> hinduism.> >> >another dictum is that it divides.  this also is
> >untrue.  in fact the varna system makes it possible> >for a jati to place itself in a readymade order.> this> >is important because there is no personal> conversion> >system in hinduism.  instead entire jatis are
> >converted (by placing them in the varna system),> like> >the scythians and the koches were made hindus by> >placing them in the kshatriya varna.  this is> >important.  because it lets, say, a sarma or a
> barua> >from assam relate in a some meaningful way with a> >aiyar or an iyengar from tamil nadu.> >> >since the varna system is the most defining aspect> of> >hinduism, how can you remove or reform it out of
> the religion?> >> >__> >Do You Yahoo!?> >Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam> protection around> >> >> >___> >assam mailing list> >
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Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-27 Thread Rajib Das
ogically consist of at least two
> social processes. 
> >First, the way the existing mainstream society -
> the upper castes - 
> >in particular, view the community in question - an
> exogenous aspect. 
> >Second, the way the jati views itself and reshapes
> & redefines its 
> >own social stratification using the adopted
> language and mirrors of 
> >mainstream Hindu society -an endogenous aspect.
> Indeed, these two 
> >processes need not be congruent. The relics of
> these processes are 
> >found in several low caste untouchable communities
> that have their 
> >own "Brahmins". To the mainstream outsider, they
> are all 
> >untouchable, but to the insider there is a caste
> system within - a 
> >microcosm of the society that lies above them. A
> similar stru!
> >  cture is also observed with respect to many
> tribes prior to the 
> >importing of Brahmins from mainstream society.
> >
> >2. The varna system, like many other aspects of
> Hindu society, is in 
> >fundamental contradiction with modern society. The
> question in my 
> >mind is not whether Hinduism can be reformed. The
> real question is 
> >how will Hindus resolve these contradictions
> between what they ought 
> >to hold sacred and the needs of actual material
> life in today's 
> >society.
> >
> >One option is to stand by the varna system and all
> other traditional 
> >mores, to oppose liberal western values and in
> effect, do a 
> >fundamentalist jig.
> >
> >The other option is to gloss over and plainly deny
> the existence of 
> >all these aspects (as many on this net do) and then
> to march forward 
> >with a very selective view of Hinduism that is in
> consonance with 
> >modern society and liberal values. The trouble with
> this approach is 
> >that in all honesty, you cannot be very sure of
> what it is you are 
> >clutching on to & therefore, in the long run, are
> bound to run into 
> >certain contradictions - perhaps as your children
> question you 
> >
> >A third option would be to abandon the grand
> tradition altogether 
> >and, in effect, convert to religious orders that
> have their own 
> >philosphical systems that, even though historically
> rooted in the 
> >grand narrative, actually offer a distinct
> axiomatic system 
> >(Buddhism and Jainism were among the many such
> early orders, as were 
> >some of the Vaishnava orders). The third option is
> essentially 
> >fractious and inimical to the cause of a grand
> Hindu identity. But 
> >it may well be the most honest and logical way out
> for those who 
> >seek a religion.
> >
> >Santanu-da.
> >
> >-Original Message-
> >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of
> xourov pathok
> >Sent: Mon 3/27/2006 4:37 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: [Assam] caste system
> >
> >a short note on the caste system:
> >
> >the varna system, which found its first mention in
> the
> >rig veda itself, has been the only unbroken
> tradition
> >of hinduism.  gods have come and gone (from indra
> to
> >rudra to krishna), forms of worship has changed
> (from
> >yajnas to puja) but the varna system has persisted.
> >there is an oft repeated dictum, that hinduism did
> not
> >have a name for itself earlier.  this is not true.
> >the name of the religion was varnashram dharma. 
> the
> >varna system is the most defining aspect of
> hinduism.
> >
> >another dictum is that it divides.  this also is
> >untrue.  in fact the varna system makes it possible
> >for a jati to place itself in a readymade order. 
> this
> >is important because there is no personal
> conversion
> >system in hinduism.  instead entire jatis are
> >converted (by placing them in the varna system),
> like
> >the scythians and the koches were made hindus by
> >placing them in the kshatriya varna.  this is
> >important.  because it lets, say, a sarma or a
> barua
> >from assam relate in a some meaningful way with a
> >aiyar or an iyengar from tamil nadu.
> >
> >since the varna system is the most defining aspect
> of
> >hinduism, how can you remove or reform it out of
> the religion?
> >
> >__
> >Do You Yahoo!?
> >Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
> >
> >
> >___
> >assam mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >assam mailing list
> >
> ___
> assam mailing list

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Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-27 Thread Chan Mahanta
>The other option is to gloss over and plainly deny the existence of 
>all these >aspects (as many on this net do) and then to march 
>forward with a very >selective view of Hinduism that is in 
>consonance with modern society and >liberal values. The trouble with 
>this approach is that in all honesty, you >cannot be very sure of 
>what it is you are clutching on to & therefore, in the >long run, 
>are bound to run into certain contradictions - perhaps as 
>your >children question you

*** Well said Santanu. But I am not sure the inquisitive children are 
enough  of a deterrence to that attempt at living in a make-believe 
world. I have seen 'children' of those who would choose to live in a 
delusion, raised, indoctrinated and molded in the image of their 
parents :-), who grow up perfectly willing  to perpetuate the myths 
and the delusions.

At 9:57 PM -0600 3/26/06, Roy, Santanu wrote:
>Thanks for your knowledgeable note.
>Two observations:
>1. There are probably quite a few historical instances where castes 
>have been fostered within a non-Aryan jati or community that has 
>come into contact with mainstream Hinduism at a late stage. Indeed, 
>the process by which an outside jati enters into mainstream Hindu 
>society must logically consist of at least two social processes. 
>First, the way the existing mainstream society - the upper castes - 
>in particular, view the community in question - an exogenous aspect. 
>Second, the way the jati views itself and reshapes & redefines its 
>own social stratification using the adopted language and mirrors of 
>mainstream Hindu society -an endogenous aspect. Indeed, these two 
>processes need not be congruent. The relics of these processes are 
>found in several low caste untouchable communities that have their 
>own "Brahmins". To the mainstream outsider, they are all 
>untouchable, but to the insider there is a caste system within - a 
>microcosm of the society that lies above them. A similar stru!
>  cture is also observed with respect to many tribes prior to the 
>importing of Brahmins from mainstream society.
>2. The varna system, like many other aspects of Hindu society, is in 
>fundamental contradiction with modern society. The question in my 
>mind is not whether Hinduism can be reformed. The real question is 
>how will Hindus resolve these contradictions between what they ought 
>to hold sacred and the needs of actual material life in today's 
>One option is to stand by the varna system and all other traditional 
>mores, to oppose liberal western values and in effect, do a 
>fundamentalist jig.
>The other option is to gloss over and plainly deny the existence of 
>all these aspects (as many on this net do) and then to march forward 
>with a very selective view of Hinduism that is in consonance with 
>modern society and liberal values. The trouble with this approach is 
>that in all honesty, you cannot be very sure of what it is you are 
>clutching on to & therefore, in the long run, are bound to run into 
>certain contradictions - perhaps as your children question you 
>A third option would be to abandon the grand tradition altogether 
>and, in effect, convert to religious orders that have their own 
>philosphical systems that, even though historically rooted in the 
>grand narrative, actually offer a distinct axiomatic system 
>(Buddhism and Jainism were among the many such early orders, as were 
>some of the Vaishnava orders). The third option is essentially 
>fractious and inimical to the cause of a grand Hindu identity. But 
>it may well be the most honest and logical way out for those who 
>seek a religion.
>-Original Message-
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of xourov pathok
>Sent: Mon 3/27/2006 4:37 AM
>Subject: [Assam] caste system
>a short note on the caste system:
>the varna system, which found its first mention in the
>rig veda itself, has been the only unbroken tradition
>of hinduism.  gods have come and gone (from indra to
>rudra to krishna), forms of worship has changed (from
>yajnas to puja) but the varna system has persisted.
>there is an oft repeated dictum, that hinduism did not
>have a name for itself earlier.  this is not true.
>the name of the religion was varnashram dharma.  the
>varna system is the most defining aspect of hinduism.
>another dictum is that it divides.  this also is
>untrue.  in fact the varna system makes it possible
>for a jati to place itself in a readymade order.  this
>is important because there is no personal conversion
>system in hinduism.  instead entire jatis are
>converted (by placing th

Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-27 Thread Chan Mahanta
Thanks Xourov for another extremely well researched, informative and thoughtful

At 11:37 AM -0800 3/26/06, xourov pathok wrote:
>a short note on the caste system:
>the varna system, which found its first mention in the
>rig veda itself, has been the only unbroken tradition
>of hinduism.  gods have come and gone (from indra to
>rudra to krishna), forms of worship has changed (from
>yajnas to puja) but the varna system has persisted.
>there is an oft repeated dictum, that hinduism did not
>have a name for itself earlier.  this is not true.
>the name of the religion was varnashram dharma.  the
>varna system is the most defining aspect of hinduism.
>another dictum is that it divides.  this also is
>untrue.  in fact the varna system makes it possible
>for a jati to place itself in a readymade order.  this
>is important because there is no personal conversion
>system in hinduism.  instead entire jatis are
>converted (by placing them in the varna system), like
>the scythians and the koches were made hindus by
>placing them in the kshatriya varna.  this is
>important.  because it lets, say, a sarma or a barua
>from assam relate in a some meaningful way with a
>aiyar or an iyengar from tamil nadu.
>since the varna system is the most defining aspect of
>hinduism, how can you remove or reform it out of the religion?
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>assam mailing list

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Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-26 Thread Manoj Das

The case of Srimanta Sankaradeva Sangha in Assam is an example of
people revolting against the old varna order and yet maintaining a
Hindu identity. Here Sankaradeva's teachings came handy to built a new
socio-religious system. The yuga dharma is 'naam' as per the tenets
followed by SSS, as well as neo vaishnavite; while the reigning
deities remain almost the same. The population of gods also maintained
at 33 crores, on an average of 1 per 5 Hindus.

Somewhere "shastra"s have mentioned - 'xatya yugot dhyan, tretat tapp,
dwaporot puja, kolit 'naam'. Buddhism, Islam and Christianity are
mostly 'naam' based. I think Assam's transition to Islam will be very


On 3/27/06, Roy, Santanu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Saurav,
> Thanks for your knowledgeable note.
> Two observations:
> 1. There are probably quite a few historical instances where castes have
> been fostered within a non-Aryan jati or community that has come into
> contact with mainstream Hinduism at a late stage. Indeed, the process by
> which an outside jati enters into mainstream Hindu society must logically
> consist of at least two social processes. First, the way the existing
> mainstream society - the upper castes - in particular, view the community in
> question - an exogenous aspect. Second, the way the jati views itself and
> reshapes & redefines its own social stratification using the adopted
> language and mirrors of mainstream Hindu society -an endogenous aspect.
> Indeed, these two processes need not be congruent. The relics of these
> processes are found in several low caste untouchable communities that have
> their own "Brahmins". To the mainstream outsider, they are all untouchable,
> but to the insider there is a caste system within - a microcosm of the
> society that lies above them. A similar structure is also observed with
> respect to many tribes prior to the importing of Brahmins from mainstream
> society.
> 2. The varna system, like many other aspects of Hindu society, is in
> fundamental contradiction with modern society. The question in my mind is
> not whether Hinduism can be reformed. The real question is how will Hindus
> resolve these contradictions between what they ought to hold sacred and the
> needs of actual material life in today's society.
> One option is to stand by the varna system and all other traditional mores,
> to oppose liberal western values and in effect, do a fundamentalist jig.
> The other option is to gloss over and plainly deny the existence of all
> these aspects (as many on this net do) and then to march forward with a very
> selective view of Hinduism that is in consonance with modern society and
> liberal values. The trouble with this approach is that in all honesty, you
> cannot be very sure of what it is you are clutching on to & therefore, in
> the long run, are bound to run into certain contradictions - perhaps as your
> children question you
> A third option would be to abandon the grand tradition altogether and, in
> effect, convert to religious orders that have their own philosphical systems
> that, even though historically rooted in the grand narrative, actually offer
> a distinct axiomatic system (Buddhism and Jainism were among the many such
> early orders, as were some of the Vaishnava orders). The third option is
> essentially fractious and inimical to the cause of a grand Hindu identity.
> But it may well be the most honest and logical way out for those who seek a
> religion.
> Santanu-da.
> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of xourov pathok
> Sent: Mon 3/27/2006 4:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Assam] caste system
> a short note on the caste system:
> the varna system, which found its first mention in the
> rig veda itself, has been the only unbroken tradition
> of hinduism.  gods have come and gone (from indra to
> rudra to krishna), forms of worship has changed (from
> yajnas to puja) but the varna system has persisted.
> there is an oft repeated dictum, that hinduism did not
> have a name for itself earlier.  this is not true.
> the name of the religion was varnashram dharma.  the
> varna system is the most defining aspect of hinduism.
> another dictum is that it divides.  this also is
> untrue.  in fact the varna system makes it possible
> for a jati to place itself in a readymade order.  this
> is important because there is no personal conversion
> system in hinduism.  instead entire jatis are
> converted (by placing them in the varna system), like
> the scythians and the koches were made hindus by
> placing them in the kshatriya varna.  this is
> important.  becaus

Re: [Assam] caste system

2006-03-26 Thread Roy, Santanu

Thanks for your knowledgeable note. 

Two observations: 

1. There are probably quite a few historical instances where castes have been 
fostered within a non-Aryan jati or community that has come into contact with 
mainstream Hinduism at a late stage. Indeed, the process by which an outside 
jati enters into mainstream Hindu society must logically consist of at least 
two social processes. First, the way the existing mainstream society - the 
upper castes - in particular, view the community in question - an exogenous 
aspect. Second, the way the jati views itself and reshapes & redefines its own 
social stratification using the adopted language and mirrors of mainstream 
Hindu society -an endogenous aspect. Indeed, these two processes need not be 
congruent. The relics of these processes are found in several low caste 
untouchable communities that have their own "Brahmins". To the mainstream 
outsider, they are all untouchable, but to the insider there is a caste system 
within - a microcosm of the society that lies above them. A similar structure 
is also observed with respect to many tribes prior to the importing of Brahmins 
from mainstream society. 

2. The varna system, like many other aspects of Hindu society, is in 
fundamental contradiction with modern society. The question in my mind is not 
whether Hinduism can be reformed. The real question is how will Hindus resolve 
these contradictions between what they ought to hold sacred and the needs of 
actual material life in today's society. 

One option is to stand by the varna system and all other traditional mores, to 
oppose liberal western values and in effect, do a fundamentalist jig. 

The other option is to gloss over and plainly deny the existence of all these 
aspects (as many on this net do) and then to march forward with a very 
selective view of Hinduism that is in consonance with modern society and 
liberal values. The trouble with this approach is that in all honesty, you 
cannot be very sure of what it is you are clutching on to & therefore, in the 
long run, are bound to run into certain contradictions - perhaps as your 
children question you  

A third option would be to abandon the grand tradition altogether and, in 
effect, convert to religious orders that have their own philosphical systems 
that, even though historically rooted in the grand narrative, actually offer a 
distinct axiomatic system (Buddhism and Jainism were among the many such early 
orders, as were some of the Vaishnava orders). The third option is essentially 
fractious and inimical to the cause of a grand Hindu identity. But it may well 
be the most honest and logical way out for those who seek a religion. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of xourov pathok
Sent: Mon 3/27/2006 4:37 AM
Subject: [Assam] caste system
a short note on the caste system:

the varna system, which found its first mention in the
rig veda itself, has been the only unbroken tradition
of hinduism.  gods have come and gone (from indra to
rudra to krishna), forms of worship has changed (from
yajnas to puja) but the varna system has persisted. 
there is an oft repeated dictum, that hinduism did not
have a name for itself earlier.  this is not true. 
the name of the religion was varnashram dharma.  the
varna system is the most defining aspect of hinduism.

another dictum is that it divides.  this also is
untrue.  in fact the varna system makes it possible
for a jati to place itself in a readymade order.  this
is important because there is no personal conversion
system in hinduism.  instead entire jatis are
converted (by placing them in the varna system), like
the scythians and the koches were made hindus by
placing them in the kshatriya varna.  this is
important.  because it lets, say, a sarma or a barua
from assam relate in a some meaningful way with a
aiyar or an iyengar from tamil nadu.

since the varna system is the most defining aspect of
hinduism, how can you remove or reform it out of the religion?

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[Assam] caste system

2006-03-26 Thread xourov pathok
a short note on the caste system:

the varna system, which found its first mention in the
rig veda itself, has been the only unbroken tradition
of hinduism.  gods have come and gone (from indra to
rudra to krishna), forms of worship has changed (from
yajnas to puja) but the varna system has persisted. 
there is an oft repeated dictum, that hinduism did not
have a name for itself earlier.  this is not true. 
the name of the religion was varnashram dharma.  the
varna system is the most defining aspect of hinduism.

another dictum is that it divides.  this also is
untrue.  in fact the varna system makes it possible
for a jati to place itself in a readymade order.  this
is important because there is no personal conversion
system in hinduism.  instead entire jatis are
converted (by placing them in the varna system), like
the scythians and the koches were made hindus by
placing them in the kshatriya varna.  this is
important.  because it lets, say, a sarma or a barua
from assam relate in a some meaningful way with a
aiyar or an iyengar from tamil nadu.

since the varna system is the most defining aspect of
hinduism, how can you remove or reform it out of the religion?

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Re: [Assam] Caste System

2005-12-17 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka

The incident is surely deplorable. Here are the signs that show changes are taking place in India albeit slow:
1. The women had the courage to challenge the system by entering the temple.
2. The incident of beating and fine made the headlines.
3. BJD MP Mohan Jena said, "If the women who entered the temple are Hindus, then why should they be barred from entering the temple? The mindset of such upper-caste people who oppose the entry of Dalits into temples should change, otherwise the Hindu religion will crumble." 
4. Kendrapara SP Pratik Mohanty said: "The district collector has ordered a probe. Depending upon the findings, the district police will take action."
Let's hope that the priests of the temple and the Panchayat will be penalized, in stead of the four women who were wronged.
===- Original Message From: Barua25 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: assam@assamnet.orgSent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 8:45:12 PMSubject: [Assam] Caste System
BHUBANESWAR, INDIA, December 15, 2005: Another controversy over temple entry has hit Orissa. In Keraragard village in Kendrapara district, four Dalit women who entered a temple were beaten and later fined US$22.24 (a considerable sum) by the village panchayat. Sebati Muduli, Annapurna Mahali, Jharana Jena and Sakuntala Muduli had entered the Jagannath temple in Keraragard as a matter of right, as only non-Hindus are barred from entering some temples. But this invited the wrath of the priests and upper-caste villagers. After the women were beaten, the village panchayat issued a decree to recover $22.24 from them -- to spend on temple-purification rituals. BJD MP Mohan Jena said, "If the women who entered the temple are Hindus, then why should they be barred from entering the temple? The mindset of such upper-caste people who oppose the entry of Dalits into temples should change, otherwise the Hindu religion will crumble." The priests, however, remained unmoved. Niranjan Panda, head priest of the temple in Kerargard, defended the practice. "The entry of scheduled caste people has been prohibited for many years," he said. Kendrapara SP Pratik Mohanty said: "The district collector has ordered a probe. Depending upon the findings, the district police will take action."
Is it not shame for India. How the village Panchayat, the whole group of perople still can do such thing.
Is it not against the law to discrininate on caste basis?
This simply shows that, like Child Labor, caste system is not condemned by the peopel in India.
It is in Indian blood and will be there.
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[Assam] Caste System

2005-12-17 Thread Barua25
BHUBANESWAR, INDIA, December 15, 2005: Another controversy over 
temple entry has hit Orissa. In Keraragard village in Kendrapara district, four 
Dalit women who entered a temple were beaten and later fined US$22.24 (a 
considerable sum) by the village panchayat. Sebati Muduli, Annapurna 
Mahali, Jharana Jena and Sakuntala Muduli had entered the Jagannath temple in 
Keraragard as a matter of right, as only non-Hindus are barred from entering 
some temples. But this invited the wrath of the priests and upper-caste 
villagers. After the women were beaten, the village panchayat issued a decree to 
recover $22.24 from them -- to spend on temple-purification rituals. BJD MP 
Mohan Jena said, "If the women who entered the temple are Hindus, then why 
should they be barred from entering the temple? The mindset of such upper-caste 
people who oppose the entry of Dalits into temples should change, otherwise the 
Hindu religion will crumble." The priests, however, remained unmoved. Niranjan 
Panda, head priest of the temple in Kerargard, defended the practice. "The entry 
of scheduled caste people has been prohibited for many years," he said. 
Kendrapara SP Pratik Mohanty said: "The district collector has ordered a probe. 
Depending upon the findings, the district police will take action."
Is it not shame for India. How 
the village Panchayat, the whole group of perople still can do such 
Is it not against the law to 
discrininate on caste basis?
This simply shows that, like 
Child Labor, caste system is not condemned by the peopel in 
It is in Indian blood and will 
be there.
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