Re: [Assam] video; Book : Innovation is not just about Technology - Yunus etc

2008-03-30 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
Great Umesh,
  Prof Unus is always taken heart of like me ordinary man and he did showed the 
way of doing from poverty etc.Necessity if creation of invention. he did and 
showed.Sorrowfully our Indian or Govt of India did all the wrong. finding place 
nowhere to implement, they did implemented a name in Assam only- because this 
the only dumping yard to Govt of India or Indian.
  Very popular regional Nalbari based Pragjyotish Gawoliya Bank was re-named 
immediately after Unus Grameen Bikash Bank Ltd.When I did objected, the 
management told they are with UTI(Now Axis)Ho at Kolkata and so cant refuse 
their proposal as it came from Kolkata HO.Tat was the end of all in Assam.Only 
named after- not to follow the path.
  Bikash da

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Re: [Assam] video; Book : Innovation is not just about Technology - Yunus etc

2008-03-30 Thread umesh sharma

You miss out a very important point. Yunus's non-profit was NOT started by the 
government so why should we expect Indian govt to take the initiative?



  Prof Unus is always taken heart of like me ordinary man and he did showed the 
way of doing from poverty etc.Necessity if creation of invention. he did and 
showed.Sorrowfully our Indian or Govt of India did all the wrong. finding place 
nowhere to implement, they did implemented a name in Assam only- because this 
the only dumping yard to Govt of India or Indian.
  Very popular regional Nalbari based Pragjyotish Gawoliya Bank was re-named 
immediately after Unus Grameen Bikash Bank Ltd.When I did objected, the 
management told they are with UTI(Now Axis)Ho at Kolkata and so cant refuse 
their proposal as it came from Kolkata HO.Tat was the end of all in Assam.Only 
named after- not to follow the path.
  Bikash da

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Re: [Assam] video; Book : Innovation is not just about Technology - Yunus etc

2008-03-30 Thread DR BIKASH KUMAR DAS
Dear Umesh,
  Not to mis quote- this was India Govt to follow the wrong route.I mentioned 
why did they wanted to implement only the name as Pragjyotish Gawolia Bank was 
doing well in rural Assam having their first branch at my village-Kalaigaon.It 
was Kolkata based then UTI to rename after Unus Grameen Bikash Bank..haa.. got 
it?Still a big mystery behind it. I am against of following their system at 
  By the way I am unable to locate  your face book.either please add me.See for 
Bikash Kumar Das, India,kalaigaon,Bangalore
  Bikash da.

umesh sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Bikash-da,
You miss out a very important point. Yunus's non-profit was NOT started by the 
government so why should we expect Indian govt to take the initiative?

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Re: [Assam] video; Book : Innovation is not just about Technology - Yunus etc

2008-03-29 Thread umesh sharma
BA Yale Univ/college, MD Yale Medical School, Harvard MBA, Harvard Bus School 
professor and now..
originally from China.

It seems he does a strange , global job - for an Asian - interviewing 
countries' leaders.


umesh sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Probably, the most widely shared misconception about innovation is that it’s 
all about science and high tech. The rise of microlending, one of the most 
powerful innovations in recent years, shatters that notion. 
Economist Muhammad Yunus came up with the idea of micro-credit in 1974, after 
giving a woman in the village of Jobra, Bangladesh, $27 from his own pocket to 
help her make bamboo furniture. Previously, women in a village like Jobra 
either had no access to capital or they had to pay usurious rates to local loan 
sharks. Realizing that poor women were actually excellent credit risks and that 
giving them small loans could transform an entire local economy, Yunus formed 
Grameen Bank in 1976 to institutionalize what he called mi-crocredit. The bank 
has now loaned more than $6 billion to  more than 7 million borrowers, and 
Yunus took home a Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 in recognition of his innovative 
Microlending is not the only social innovation of recent years. We can also 
cite the advent of impartial consumer testing of products, carpool lanes on 
busy highways, carbon-offset schemes, and a thousand other examples.

My own definition of innovation is both integrative and aspirational. I define 
it as the ability of individuals, companies, and entire nations to continuously 
create their desired future. Innovation depends on harvesting knowledge from a 
range of disciplines besides science and technology, among them design, social 
science, and the arts. And it is exemplified by more than just products; 
services, experiences, and processes can be innovative as well. The work of 
entrepreneurs, scientists, and software geeks  alike contributes to innovation. 
It is also about the middlemen who know how to realize value from ideas. 
Innovation flows from shifts in mind-set that can generate new business models, 
recognize new opportunities, and weave innovations throughout the fabric of 
society. It is about new ways of doing and seeing things as much as it is about 
the breakthrough idea. Seen in this way, innovation is always in a state of 
evolution, with the nature of its practice evolving
 along with our ideas about the desired future. That is why innovation has 
meant different things at different periods in our nation’s history, a state of 
flux that has made it difficult to fashion a consensus around any one meaning 
of innovation itself. 
Version 1.0 of our national innovation capability, for instance, featured 
individual visionary inventors. Central casting gave us Benjamin Franklin and 
his kite, what we might call the  artisanal model of innovation.

Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005 (Edu info) (Management Info)  (where the above 2 are used )
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