Re: Uptime counters (was RE: [Asterisk-Users] Bayonne and Asterisk)

2003-11-20 Thread James Sizemore
You can not rotate logs with out dropping calls,  and if logs get a 
little over 2Gbs Asterisk will crashes...
So I could figure out the average time between crashs just by log level 
and call volume! LOL
This is with out running into a single bug. smile  Thankful I can 
restart Asterisk from
time to time myself, but for a person that can not go down this would 
be a sticking
point that would need fixing!

Steven Critchfield wrote:

On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 09:53, Florian Overkamp wrote:

At 09:45 18-11-2003 -0500, you wrote:

And yes, they can run fine together(I'm not using VOIP, just a T1 out of
Asterisk to Bayonne to test and see if it would work). The IVR application
that I currently still have running on Bayonne is only still on Bayonne
because it can never go down, and Bayonne has proven itself to me to be
extremely stable, while I cannot personally say AT THIS TIME that an
Asterisk box would stay up for over 6 months with no crashes.

Actually in this light it might be cute to have an 'uptime' counter inside 
asterisk (maybe a lastlog that can also show the reason of the last restart 
- was it a stop gracefully or did it just crash?) *grin*

Hmm, maybe it wouldn't be much of a hack to get at the show uptime
information and dump it with each log as it is sent to the events.log
file so you can see if certain length runtimes cause crashes as well.
Especially with respect to the post I just read about the user who has
asterisk going nuts every day.
I wouldn't be opposed to it being put in the CLI prompt too, or maybe
just made available and then we could do something like the PS1
formatting of the prompt.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Ray Burkholder
I think the key idea is to help newbies along as much as possible so they
don't have to revert to the list to obtain answers to their questions.  This
will reduce list bandwidth, possibly significantly.

I see that we already have a four line digium footer on each and every
message.  With judicious re-arrangement, so as not to expand the footer
significantly, we put in a pointer to an FAQ, which in turn points to
valuable documentation resources such as voip-info and xvoip, plus answers
(or links) to common questions such as the moh issue, echo, ...

We will then reap a bonus.  We reduce the recurring traffic, then we can
free up bandwidth for the now being bandied about 'business' list, which in
itself, should be content heavy.  I'd actually prefer to keep it here, since
I obtain all my primary info here anyway, and managing another list is
really my idea of a good time.  If we start to see 25% or 50% coverage on
'business' related stuff, then would be a good time to slice it off on to
its own self-sustaining forum.

Ray Burkholder
704 576 5101

 I yammered:
  of public resources such as this list. put that FAQ in the list 
  subscribe welcome message or the list sig or the asterisk README or 
  handbook or all of the above...
 er, in case it wasn't obvious: s/that FAQ/a link to that FAQ/
 I am all for svng prcs bndwdth.
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Scanned for viruses and dangerous content at and is believed to be clean.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Andrew Nelson
As a newcommer I can say that saying things like Check the archive and 
whatnot do not help at all when your first exposure to the subject thread is 
someone saying It's already been answered, check the archive and that 
message is 6 months old!  Worst of all there are no hints on searching for 
this information.  You know in such situations it's helpful to say something 
like this instead, Ya this topic was discussed a few months ago and the 
outcome was XYZ and So and So started the thread, or the thread title was 
BLA  Now reading something like that in the archive does wonders towards 
directing further research!

I also think a simple Telco - Computer Networking translation guide might 
help some people with the new language of telco.

Just some of my observations.


On Wednesday 19 November 2003 17:35, Rich Adamson wrote:
 Nov 19, 2003
 To Everyone on this list...

 What's been suggested for a FAQ and other much needed information for
 such a _HIGHLY_ technical software product has been proven thousands of
 times in the past few months. Even an untrained monkey can see that,
 including many geeks. Those that are against it are the very _few_ arrogant
 self-centered egotistical few that think their middle initials are VoIP. It
 would be very easy to publish a list of such names on this list and only
 consume a half-inch of email space (even with Outlook Express in bold
 print, heaven forbid). And, their first names do not start with Mark either
 (Everyone, please note Mark's political absence from this somewhat hot
 topic; excellent posture.)

 The majority of recent postings to the list are, without a doubt, coming
 from folks that have just recently found an app they believe in and would
 like to try it. But the arrogant _few_ (about 3, if someone's counting)
 consistently discourage these same people with did you search the
 archives or any dumb fxxx should know that; just read the code!!! If I
 see one more post from those same arrogant people, I'm tempted to build
 an army of you know what and see how well their business and customers
 stand up to the DS3 pressure. (For the arrogant few, substitute the
 best-known very-well- understood words that you can come up with in between
 . It shouldn't take more then a couple of Crayons to color between the

 A minimum of ten years of Internet history has already proven that sharing
 information is a very positive thing. Yet, on this list and with this
 product, the overwhelming objective by those that have a clue is to _not_
 share the intricacies of how to accomplish basic telephony functions. Most
 of us do understand why a couple of cookie-Krums (intended) are scattered
 around though!!!

 There has been several attempts by _many_ to help document the product, but
 even _that_ effort has been consistently undermined by a select _few_.
 Until knowledge and experiences are shared openly, the product will
 likely remain in its present state. (Sorry Mark!)

 For those that have actually read this far, please express your honest
 opinion as they're truly are some people lurking that want to learn and can
 impact the negativity that is so common on this list.

 For those that are new to the list and don't understand the frustration,
 please disregard.

 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again

2003-11-20 Thread Olle E. Johansson
Mark Spencer wrote:

Why don't we just add it on the DIgium list server, wouldn't that make
more sense, to have a single place for all list memberships?
Yes, please. Doing that makes it easier to find it.
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] echo cancellation

2003-11-20 Thread Nicolas Bougues
On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 06:56:04PM -0600, Rich Adamson wrote:
  I've got an X100P  a cisco 7960. if i call from an analog line via the 
  x100p to the cisco, there is an overly audible echo on the cisco. If i 
  make a call from a cisco to cisco, there is no echo.  zapata.conf has 
  echocancel=yes  echocancelwhenbridged=yes  set.   Any ideas?
  I'm currently using the default implementation of echo 
  cancellation...which one should I try next?
 Take a look at:
 Most echo problems are not actually related to the X100P or the software,
 but rather the pstn line (including house wiring, analog phones, and other
 crap left hanging on the pstn line). It's a technical issue that can't be
 resolved with non-technical approaches.

It's called line echo. Basically, the hybrid that converts the 4 wires
(2 TX/ 2 RX) into a 2-wire analog phone line intrinsically generates

It's not noticeable (you hear your own voice while you talk, just like
your ear hears your mouth in a plain talk) when the switching is done
at the byte level in the TDM mux. But it does exist. That's why faxes
are half duplex devices, and full duplex modems incorporate full
duplex echo cancellers. 

Digital cell phones, digital phones (either ISDN or connected to
proprietary PBXs) or IP phones don't generate line echo. And they are
usually clever enough to avoid acoustic echo as well.

But then, in the case of line echo, removing it is not an easy
task. It involves quite complex signal processing. Look at the various
tries in the zaptel source.

An no, POTS phones don't have echo cancellers.

Nicolas Bougues
Axialys Interactive
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Robert G. Werner
Ray Burkholder wrote:
I think the key idea is to help newbies along as much as possible so they
don't have to revert to the list to obtain answers to their questions.  This
will reduce list bandwidth, possibly significantly.
I see that we already have a four line digium footer on each and every
message.  With judicious re-arrangement, so as not to expand the footer
significantly, we put in a pointer to an FAQ, which in turn points to
valuable documentation resources such as voip-info and xvoip, plus answers
(or links) to common questions such as the moh issue, echo, ...

I heartily endorse putting a link to the Wiki in the footer and I 
whole heartedly thank its creators.  I have to say that between the 
archives of the past few months discussions,  the Wiki and some docs 
my intern worked up befor he got a real job (wanted to actually make 
money, the hungry snot ;-P),  I've been able to get a basic little 
demo system going and we're ready to start doing some serious 
requiremnets planing and experimentation.

I think people should try to take the middle road.  Anyone who is up 
to answering the must have 500 line PBX up in 2 hours. Help Required. 
 Thanks in advance! requests,  should feel free.  But if you are 
just sick of it,  please don't feel like you have to say anything (all 
hail the might power of the delete key and in worse cases,  the kill 
file).  Even when they get annoying.

I also think a link to the FAQ (now that it is being actively 
developed,  may all the gods bless the originators) would be in order 
and a snide comment about lurking for a while befor asking questions 
would work as well.

Most of all,  don't take this too seriously.  Asterisk is cool.  But 
part of why it is cool is that this isn't some package someone will 
plunck down for you and have work instantly.  It's somehting that can 
do amazing things.  I see so much potential with this system 
(admittedly after just a couple of weeks learning about it),  that I 
get very excited (then the folks in the nice white coats come and 
evertything gets fuzzy for a while but that is none of your business).

Btw, I encourage those of the Wiki readership who can spell their way 
out of a wet paper sack to not hesitate in fixing typos. 
Mis-spellings really do make docs somewhat suspect,  to some types of 
people. Not me,  of course.  ;-)

Robert G. Werner
x5204,  ICQ #311363925
Will Rogers never met you.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

2003-11-20 Thread Paul Crick
 Mark has been very emphatic about call features not
 belonging in the dialplan.
Hmm.. I read this message, and the couple that came after it and still have
mixed thoughts..

My initial thought was that it didn't make sense - I'd rather have control
over which codes are used to activate which features, and the dial plan is
the place for that. It also gives me control over who can access or invoke
certain services, restricting with contexts and includes. It's also along
the lines of writing it once, not once for every different

The follow up though raised a valid point about different channels having
different signalling etc which is why these features should be in the
channel specific drivers and not the dial plan. I'm half swayed by this
argument, suddenly it makes a bit more sense, but as a European in North
America I still want the flexibility of defining which codes activate which
services.. *21*xxx# for divert all calls makes sense to me, it's what the
majority of Europe uses as well as all GSM networks. (tangent: I can use *70
to disable call waiting for the current call, but there's no way for a
subscriber to turn it on and off at will is there?)

Is there any documentation anywhere on the intent of the future of this? I
know there's a bug tracker ticket here: but I don't think
this discussion of where's the best place for this and why has come up

It'd be good to know what the long term intention is with regards to how
service codes will be configurable, however the functionality is

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Help configuring CISCO 7960

2003-11-20 Thread Senad Jordanovic

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tddy
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003
5:01 AM
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] Help
configuring CISCO 7960

Yes, I went to cisco site but I
could not find a lot. Maybe someone can help me?


I don't know exact sequence, but you can find whole lot of
about 7960 on


-Original Message-
From: Tddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 9:26 AM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Help configuring CISCO 7960


I have just bought a cisco 7960.
I cannot find any information how to get into configuration panel on
I need to configure cisco 7960 to work with asterisk but I do not know
where to start with cisco phone. Where in the phone I can configure all
settings ?


Asterisk-Users mailing list
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

2003-11-20 Thread Florian Overkamp
At 21:17 19-11-2003 +0100, you wrote:

Looking forward to more of these examples, Florian!

I understand I have to find more information on the local channel construct
where you use @pbx for some reason I do not understand...
Oh, thats just a matter of convenience on my part. It could be any valid 
channel driver. the @pbx designates the context to create the Local driver 
in, so it makes maintaining my dialplan a little easier (sort of a 
least-cost-routing thing).

With asterisk you have to remember there are likely to be at least two 
different, completely valid, ways to solve a problem :-))


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Olle E. Johansson
Robert G. Werner wrote:

Btw, I encourage those of the Wiki readership who can spell their way 
out of a wet paper sack to not hesitate in fixing typos. Mis-spellings 
really do make docs somewhat suspect,  to some types of people. Not me,  
of course.  ;-)
Thank you! My native language is not English, so I do add some typos here
and there. As an old editor of fact books, I take the liberty to edit other
pages, but can't see errors in my own... :-)
Thank you! to those of you who already fixed typos in my texts and
texts by other contributors. There are many more than me and James adding
to the Wiki now.
Just one more comment while I have your attention. Software development
consists both of coding and documentation. Without documentation, no one
can use the software except for the people writing the code.
Some people are much better at documentation that coding, so we
need to work together. When you add code, you have an explanation in
your head even if you don't write it down. Maybe don't even at that
moment understand that you need to explain yourself.
People like me ask questions to help you document your code in order
to get other people to understand it and use it. It also prevents other
coders to re-invent the wheel by adding functionality that existed in
the software - but no one knew about it.
Sometimes we can read the code to understand what you've done,
but not always. It can't be the default.
When I or someone else file a bug in the bug tracking system for
a documentation error or misleading text,don't just answer read the source,
please help us all in getting useful documentation, both within the
help system and on other places, like the Wiki.
I strongly believe that proper documentation will take some burden off
the mailing list.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

2003-11-20 Thread Florian Overkamp

At 16:48 19-11-2003 -0600, you wrote:
And you will have control of your devices.  The problem is that many
of the call features are intrisically related to how the channel type
signals to devices.  Hence, the functionality needs to be at the
channel driver level.
Actually, I don't agree. It is related to how the signalling toward the 
_other party's_ channel should be (for instance redirection signals instead 
of dialling, if supported - yes, that would be nice!)

There are two problems, as I see it:  first of all, you're cluttering
the dialplan with features that ought to be intrinsic to the system.
Note that you're going to have to include EVERY context in which
phones start with these programmed call features.  Second, considering
that everybody is going to have pretty much exactly the same logic in
every dialplan, that's a lot of wasted time (and a great potential for
typos and missed logic).  Asterisk is not supposed to be a barebones
system (as you seem to be describing); it is, indeed, a full-featured

You are assuming everybody is going to have the same logic. This is not 
true. First of all we want to use different access codes than are currently 
in use. Second of all, it might be possible to differentiate in what we 
supply if we are working in a billable environment. Additional services can 
be at a premium, so being able to allow or disallow access will make sense. 
And even then, people will want to make minor tweaks in the behaviour of 
the services (like playing back a confirmation prompt upon redirection, or 
just hanging up).

These all seem like minor things, but they relate very strongly to what the 
end user percieves. This is precisely why it should be accessible to system 
administrators rather than programmers - the local organisation offering a 
pbx on asterisk knows much better than anyone else what their users expect 
of them.

But if you really feel strongly about scripting your own call
features, note that you can already override existing call features
simply by including your own logic for that code in your dialplan.
Ok, now that would make sense :-)


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem

2003-11-20 Thread JanM
Hi again all,

I have searched the list for help with my problem but I can´t find an
answer. I only manage to get one port of my TDM400P card working.

When I do dmesg I get following, seems like four discovered ports:
Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 02:00.0
PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 02:07.1
PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 02:0c.0
Freshmaker version: 63
Freshmaker passed register test
Module 0: Installed -- AUTO
Module 1: Installed -- AUTO
Module 2: Installed -- AUTO
Module 3: Installed -- AUTO
Found a Wildcard FXS: Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F (4 modules)
Registered tone zone 5 (Finland)

But when I do ztcfg -vv I only get one port configured:

Zaptel Configuration
Channel map:
Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
1 channels configured.

How do I configure/load the rest of the ports?


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem

2003-11-20 Thread Michiel Betel
JanM wrote:

Hi again all,

I have searched the list for help with my problem but I can´t find an
answer. I only manage to get one port of my TDM400P card working.
When I do dmesg I get following, seems like four discovered ports:
Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 02:00.0
PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 02:07.1
PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 02:0c.0
Freshmaker version: 63
Freshmaker passed register test
Module 0: Installed -- AUTO
Module 1: Installed -- AUTO
Module 2: Installed -- AUTO
Module 3: Installed -- AUTO
Found a Wildcard FXS: Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F (4 modules)
Registered tone zone 5 (Finland)

But when I do ztcfg -vv I only get one port configured:

Zaptel Configuration
Channel map:
Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
1 channels configured.

How do I configure/load the rest of the ports?

Add them in /etc/zaptel.conf... ztcfg reads this file and configures zap 
ports accordingly


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Tdm400p FXS faults

2003-11-20 Thread Azher Amin
Hi all,

I have purchased few TDM400P from Digium, but it happened that one of my my board and 3 cards went out of order  and yesterday another working FXS module is out of order ... i.e. I am having ProSlic Errors and light for that module is not comming up at the back of the card. I am using regular analog GE phone made in china.

Digium is kind enough to replace these faulty cards  but can someone suggest me why it happens and is it happening with me only or some others also faced this problem ?


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Re: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Grzegorz Nosek
On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 00:47:08 -0500, Dorian Gray wrote
 I yammered:
  of public resources such as this list. put that FAQ in the list
  subscribe welcome message or the list sig or the asterisk README or
  handbook or all of the above...
 er, in case it wasn't obvious: s/that FAQ/a link to that FAQ/
 I am all for svng prcs bndwdth.

Actually a full FAQ sent to all newcomers to the list would be quite
useful, I think. As in: I subscribe to the mailing list and the first
message I get is the list FAQ (but no-one else sees it, naturally),
together with a link to the Wiki, digium's documentation site etc.

Alternatively, reading the FAQ might be obligatory to subscribe (must
click though it to actually subscribe).

my 0.02PLN

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] RTP timing in a SIP only world (choppy MOH)

2003-11-20 Thread Philipp von Klitzing

 It looks like RTP has a real problem with timing if it is not receiving
 RTP packets. If the outside call that is placed on hold is not generating
 any audio, the sip/fxo gateway does not send * RTP packets.
 Is this valid?

Yep, unfortunately. That's why for example in X-Lite you'll need to 
change settings to Transmit Silence=Yes. No clue how to do that on the 
GS, I don't own any of these.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] The internet needs a dialing code..

2003-11-20 Thread WipeOut
It seems to me that ITSP's like to use a US dialing code eg 1-xxx

Wouldn't it be cool to have an Internet dialing code??

I don't know what the structures are or how the allocations work but it 
would be so cool to know that 1-xxx was USA , 44-xxx was UK and yy-xxx 
was an internet phone.. That way the whole internet phone space could be 
consolidated into a single dialing structure and as VoIP takes over the 
world there will be a single dialing standard for the whole world..

The trick would be the allocation of the xxx part because when there are 
10 000 ITSP's one day the 5 digit number will be a pain in the butt.. 
the system would also have to be fair with everyone getting a 4 digit 
number so you won't get people fighting over the single digits.. Maybe 
using longitude and latitude of the ITSP would be the easiest or some 
other planetary grid reference system..

Anyway it was just a thought I had..


Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem

2003-11-20 Thread JanM

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Michiel Betel
 Sent: den 20 november 2003 11:24
 Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem
 JanM wrote:
 Hi again all,
 I have searched the list for help with my problem but I 
 can´t find an 
 answer. I only manage to get one port of my TDM400P card working.
 When I do dmesg I get following, seems like four discovered ports:
 Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
 PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 02:00.0
 PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 02:07.1
 PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 02:0c.0
 Freshmaker version: 63
 Freshmaker passed register test
 Module 0: Installed -- AUTO
 Module 1: Installed -- AUTO
 Module 2: Installed -- AUTO
 Module 3: Installed -- AUTO
 Found a Wildcard FXS: Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F (4 modules) 
 tone zone 5 (Finland)
 But when I do ztcfg -vv I only get one port configured:
 Zaptel Configuration
 Channel map:
 Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
 1 channels configured.
 How do I configure/load the rest of the ports?
 Add them in /etc/zaptel.conf... ztcfg reads this file and 
 configures zap 
 ports accordingly

When I try that I get an error:
Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe

This works:


But when I try to set up more ports/channels on the first card it stops
The following configuration doesn´t makes the Ouch... error:


What does it mean with audio data in the error message?


Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem

2003-11-20 Thread Sergio Serrano Revuelto
Next configuration must work:




-Mensaje original-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre de JanM
Enviado el: jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2003 11:27
Asunto: RE: [Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Michiel Betel
 Sent: den 20 november 2003 11:24
 Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem
 JanM wrote:
 Hi again all,
 I have searched the list for help with my problem but I
 can´t find an
 answer. I only manage to get one port of my TDM400P card working.
 When I do dmesg I get following, seems like four discovered ports:
 Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
 PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 02:00.0
 PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 02:07.1
 PCI: Sharing IRQ 11 with 02:0c.0
 Freshmaker version: 63
 Freshmaker passed register test
 Module 0: Installed -- AUTO
 Module 1: Installed -- AUTO
 Module 2: Installed -- AUTO
 Module 3: Installed -- AUTO
 Found a Wildcard FXS: Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F (4 modules)
 tone zone 5 (Finland)
 But when I do ztcfg -vv I only get one port configured:
 Zaptel Configuration
 Channel map:
 Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
 1 channels configured.
 How do I configure/load the rest of the ports?
 Add them in /etc/zaptel.conf... ztcfg reads this file and
 configures zap 
 ports accordingly

When I try that I get an error:
Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe

This works:


But when I try to set up more ports/channels on the first card it stops
working. The following configuration doesn´t makes the Ouch... error:
zaptel.conf fxoks=1-4 loadzone=fi defaultzone=fi


What does it mean with audio data in the error message?


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards

2003-11-20 Thread Robert Boardman

will this port sort out UK caller id?

--- Original Message ---
From: Mark Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:58:01 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards

 We *are* making progress, and i have a running prototype, however the
 production board is having some trouble going off hook, which is fairly
 important on an FXO interface!
 On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Surajee Ratnayake wrote:
  anyway, better if Digium can do it quickly,
  we are suffering a lot with channel banks,
  we need to replace these channel banks with 4 port cards
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 6:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards
   Surajee Ratnayake wrote:
Do Digium have any plans to release a 4 port fxo card.
If yes, when?
   I think they are in the pipeline.. Initial speculation was that they
   would be out in September but I guess there have been problems..
   I guess the best answer is they will come out when they come out.. :)
   Asterisk-Users mailing list
  Asterisk-Users mailing list
 Asterisk-Users mailing list
Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem

2003-11-20 Thread JanM
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Sergio Serrano Revuelto
 Sent: den 20 november 2003 12:41
 Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] Still TDM400P problem
 Next configuration must work:

But it doesn´t work... =(

When I try to load more than the first port I get the following message:
Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] The internet needs a dialing code..

2003-11-20 Thread Thilo Salmon
 Wouldn't it be cool to have an Internet dialing code??

The ITU reserved a code for international networks. It is 882 follow by
two digits to distinguish the networks. Last time I checked it was
difficult to apply unless you were a multinational corporation.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards

2003-11-20 Thread Senad Jordanovic
I am curious as well if UK caller ID will be supported.
Anyone else out there with the same requirement?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards

will this port sort out UK caller id?

--- Original Message ---
From: Mark Spencer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:58:01 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards

 We *are* making progress, and i have a running prototype, however the
 production board is having some trouble going off hook, which is
 important on an FXO interface!
 On Wed, 19 Nov 2003, Surajee Ratnayake wrote:
  anyway, better if Digium can do it quickly,
  we are suffering a lot with channel banks,
  we need to replace these channel banks with 4 port cards
  - Original Message -
  Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 6:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards
   Surajee Ratnayake wrote:
Do Digium have any plans to release a 4 port fxo card.
If yes, when?
   I think they are in the pipeline.. Initial speculation was that
   would be out in September but I guess there have been problems..
   I guess the best answer is they will come out when they come out..
   Asterisk-Users mailing list
  Asterisk-Users mailing list
 Asterisk-Users mailing list
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP -- PSTN via. voicemodem/soundcard.

2003-11-20 Thread WipeOut
Hans-Henrik Andresen wrote:

How do I use a voicemodem/soundcard to PSTN-gateway - is it possible ?


The same way you recieve videos through your fax machine.. :)

No, it can't be done..

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Cisco DTMF Issue

2003-11-20 Thread Andrey S Pankov


 We're having an issue with connecting a Cisco ITS installation to * such
 that DTMF tones are passed to *.  DTMF tones aren't passed to voicemail or
 to any of the interfaces behind *.

 On the Cisco Side:

 dial-peer voice 8 voip
  destination-pattern $
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  session transport udp
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte
  codec g711ulaw
  no vad

 We have also tried using rtp payload-type nte to adjust the nte port value
 to 101 versus 100.  SIP Notify doesn't work, cisco-rtp doesn't work.  I
 have tried every possible dtmfmode= option [inband, rfc2833, or info]
 within this SIP device.  Toggling session transport udp, no vad, and the
 codecs seem to be no use.  I'm frustrated and puzzled.  If anyone can
 provide some guidance, I'd be very grateful!  We're trying to get this up
 and running this morning.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Cannot do international dial with E1 in Spain

2003-11-20 Thread Antonio Castillo Villoslada

I have a problem with dialling internationals numbers, and I don't now what
is the cause.

I have one asterisk with a e100p card connected to the Telco
(spain/telefonica) and it can dial local and national numbers without
problems but when I try to dial a international number it hangs-up. I call
the Telco to ask if the E1 can do international calls and it said that it

I have tried with pridialplan=unknown / local / national / international /
private and none of this work.

I don't now what to do now, can any one give me a clue of what is happening?

The correct prefix is 00 to do international dialling in Spain with E1?

-- Attempting call on Zap/g1/0035316694 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 (Retry 1)
-- Making new call for cr 37378
 Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=40
 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 4610/0x1202) (Originator)
 Message type: SETUP (5)
 Bearer Capability (len= 3) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer
capability: Speech (0)
  Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode
  Ext: 1  User information layer 1: A-Law (35)
 Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit, PRI Spare: 0, Exclusive
Dchan: 0
ChanSel: Reserved
   Ext: 1  Coding: 0   Number Specified   Channel Type:
   Ext: 1  Channel: 3 ]
 Display (len= 1) [  Display (len= 1) [ 1 Display (len= 1) [ 1 ]
 Calling Number (len= 4) [ Ext: 0  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI:
Unknown Number Plan (0)
   Presentation: Unknown (67) '' ]
 Called Number (len=17) [ Ext: 1  TON: National Number (2)  NPI:
ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1) '0035316694' ]
 Sending Complete (len= 0)
 Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=43
 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 37378/0x9202) (Terminator)
 Message type: STATUS (125)
 Cause (len= 3) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location:
Public network serving the local user (2)
  Ext: 1  Cause: Info. element nonexist or not implemented
(99), class = Protocol Error (6) ]
  Cause data 0: 01 (1)
 Call State (len= 1) [ Ext: 0  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) Call state:
Call Initiated (1)
 Display (len=28) [  Display (len=28) [ N Display (len=28) [ NO Display
(len=28) [ NO  Display (len=28) [ NO E Display (len=28) [ NO EX Display
(len=28) [ NO EXI Display (len=28) [ NO EXIS Display (len=28) [ NO EXIST
Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE  Display
(len=28) [ NO EXISTE E Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE EL Display (len=28)
[ NO EXISTE ELE Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEM Display (len=28) [ NO
EXISTE ELEME Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMEN Display (len=28) [ NO
EXISTE ELEMENT Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMENTO Display (len=28) [ NO
EXISTE ELEMENTO  Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMENTO D Display (len=28)
IN Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMENTO DE INF Display (len=28) [ NO
Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMENTO DE INFORM Display (len=28) [ NO
-- Processing IE 8 (Cause)
-- Processing IE 20 (Call State)
-- Processing IE 40 (Display)
 Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=10
 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 37378/0x9202) (Terminator)
 Message type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
 Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit, PRI Spare: 0, Exclusive
Dchan: 0
ChanSel: Reserved
   Ext: 1  Coding: 0   Number Specified   Channel Type:
   Ext: 1  Channel: 3 ]
-- Processing IE 24 (Channel Identification)
 Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=33
 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 37378/0x9202) (Terminator)
 Message type: DISCONNECT (69)
 Cause (len= 2) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location:
Public network serving the local user (2)
  Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), class
= Normal Event (0) ]
 Progress Indicator (len= 2) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0:
0   Location: Public network serving the local user (2)
   Ext: 1  Progress Description: Inband
information or appropriate pattern now available. (8) ]
 Display (len=18) [  Display (len=18) [ N Display (len=18) [ NU Display
(len=18) [ NUM Display (len=18) [ NUME Display (len=18) [ NUMER Display
(len=18) [ NUMERO Display (len=18) [ NUMERO  Display (len=18) [ NUMERO N
Display (len=18) [ NUMERO NO Display (len=18) [ NUMERO NO  Display
(len=18) [ NUMERO NO A Display (len=18) [ NUMERO NO AS Display (len=18)
[ NUMERO NO ASI Display (len=18) [ NUMERO NO ASIG Display (len=18) [
NUMERO NO ASIGN Display (len=18) [ NUMERO NO ASIGNA Display (len=18) [
NUMERO NO ASIGNAD Display (len=18) [ NUMERO NO ASIGNADO Display (len=18)
-- Processing IE 8 (Cause)

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP -- PSTN via. voicemodem/soundcard.

2003-11-20 Thread Hans-Henrik Andresen
 Hans-Henrik Andresen wrote:

How do I use a voicemodem/soundcard to PSTN-gateway - is it possible ?

 The same way you recieve videos through your fax machine.. :)

HMM. greate sarcasm.

I had read about a driver for asterisk for voicemodems, that why i'm asking.

So if anyone had tried this, or can help hith link to documentations I
will be happy.

 No, it can't be done..


Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] The internet needs a dialing code..

2003-11-20 Thread Senad Jordanovic
Good idea :)

Also, Oftel is planning 055. code specifically to be used for VOIP...



Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP -- PSTN via. voicemodem/soundcard.

2003-11-20 Thread WipeOut
Hans-Henrik Andresen wrote:

Hans-Henrik Andresen wrote:


How do I use a voicemodem/soundcard to PSTN-gateway - is it possible ?



The same way you recieve videos through your fax machine.. :)

HMM. greate sarcasm.

I had read about a driver for asterisk for voicemodems, that why i'm asking.

So if anyone had tried this, or can help hith link to documentations I
will be happy.

It will cost you far less in terms of time and effort and stress to buy 
an X100P from Digium.. This way you know it will work, and you will also 
be supporting Digium.. :)

If you are desperate to try a voice modem I am sure there are many posts 
in the mailing list archives..


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] iaxComm new version installation problem

2003-11-20 Thread Dan

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 2:49 PM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] iaxComm new version installation problem

 i am trying to install in my
 windows xp machine. i am really messed up with the
 wxwindows and the xrc support thing. can anyone give
 me links to which i need to download for this new
 version to work? i installed he older version
 succesfully... when i installed new version it just
 disappears.. i am missing something. 

Download the executable available now on the site.
It was a bug in the previous version.
Now it works.

 i did download a
 12 M wxWin file installed it and again installed the
 ne iaxComm.. but i don't see anyting.. its running in
 the processes of the task manager in xp.

You do not need wxWindows to run Iaxcomm

Best regards,
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] calls from pstngw - Q.931 PDU failed

2003-11-20 Thread Isamar Maia

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to stablish a H323 connection from a Linejack/pstngw box
to asterisk.
The connection starts but doesn't complete appearing the following
error in my asterisk console.

H225 Answer: H225Failed to get initial Q.931 PDU,
 connection not started.

What does it mean?

THanks in advance,

Isamar Maia

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] iaxComm new version installation problem

2003-11-20 Thread C M
sorry dan,

i downloaded the file from
file  but it does not seem to
work... it just disappears in the background.. i can
see it running in the task manager thing. and my
computer gets really slow.


--- Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 2:49 PM
 Subject: [Asterisk-Users] iaxComm new version
 installation problem
  i am trying to install in
  windows xp machine. i am really messed up with the
  wxwindows and the xrc support thing. can anyone
  me links to which i need to download for this new
  version to work? i installed he older version
  succesfully... when i installed new version it
  disappears.. i am missing something. 
 Download the executable available now on the site.
 It was a bug in the previous version.
 Now it works.
  i did download a
  12 M wxWin file installed it and again installed
  ne iaxComm.. but i don't see anyting.. its running
  the processes of the task manager in xp.
 You do not need wxWindows to run Iaxcomm
 Best regards,
 Asterisk-Users mailing list


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Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Cannot do international dial with E1 in Spain

2003-11-20 Thread Steve Underwood
Hi Antonio,

This is often a pain with ISDN. What works varies from place to place. 
Ahm the wonders of standards :-). Setting the dial plan to international 
is probably right. When you do this you may need to drop the 00 prefix, 
and start with the country code. Then again, you may not. It varies. 
Experiment. Its hard to say for sure whether your line has IDD access or 
not - telco staff are about as trustworthy as used car salesmen and 
politician. However, most European countries don't seem to offer a 
non-IDD access option for most lines.

Antonio Castillo Villoslada wrote:


I have a problem with dialling internationals numbers, and I don't now what
is the cause.
I have one asterisk with a e100p card connected to the Telco
(spain/telefonica) and it can dial local and national numbers without
problems but when I try to dial a international number it hangs-up. I call
the Telco to ask if the E1 can do international calls and it said that it
I have tried with pridialplan=unknown / local / national / international /
private and none of this work.
I don't now what to do now, can any one give me a clue of what is happening?

The correct prefix is 00 to do international dialling in Spain with E1?

-- Attempting call on Zap/g1/0035316694 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1 (Retry 1)
-- Making new call for cr 37378

Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=40
Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 4610/0x1202) (Originator)
Message type: SETUP (5)
Bearer Capability (len= 3) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer

capability: Speech (0)

Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode


Ext: 1  User information layer 1: A-Law (35)
Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit, PRI Spare: 0, Exclusive

Dchan: 0

  ChanSel: Reserved
 Ext: 1  Coding: 0   Number Specified   Channel Type:


 Ext: 1  Channel: 3 ]
Display (len= 1) [  Display (len= 1) [ 1 Display (len= 1) [ 1 ]
Calling Number (len= 4) [ Ext: 0  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI:

Unknown Number Plan (0)

 Presentation: Unknown (67) '' ]
Called Number (len=17) [ Ext: 1  TON: National Number (2)  NPI:

ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1) '0035316694' ]

Sending Complete (len= 0)

 Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=43
 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 37378/0x9202) (Terminator)
 Message type: STATUS (125)
 Cause (len= 3) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location:
Public network serving the local user (2)
  Ext: 1  Cause: Info. element nonexist or not implemented
(99), class = Protocol Error (6) ]
  Cause data 0: 01 (1)
 Call State (len= 1) [ Ext: 0  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) Call state:
Call Initiated (1)
 Display (len=28) [  Display (len=28) [ N Display (len=28) [ NO Display
(len=28) [ NO  Display (len=28) [ NO E Display (len=28) [ NO EX Display
(len=28) [ NO EXI Display (len=28) [ NO EXIS Display (len=28) [ NO EXIST
Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE  Display
(len=28) [ NO EXISTE E Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE EL Display (len=28)
[ NO EXISTE ELE Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEM Display (len=28) [ NO
EXISTE ELEME Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMEN Display (len=28) [ NO
EXISTE ELEMENT Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMENTO Display (len=28) [ NO
EXISTE ELEMENTO  Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMENTO D Display (len=28)
IN Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMENTO DE INF Display (len=28) [ NO
Display (len=28) [ NO EXISTE ELEMENTO DE INFORM Display (len=28) [ NO
-- Processing IE 8 (Cause)
-- Processing IE 20 (Call State)
-- Processing IE 40 (Display)
 Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=10
 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 37378/0x9202) (Terminator)
 Message type: CALL PROCEEDING (2)
 Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit, PRI Spare: 0, Exclusive
Dchan: 0
ChanSel: Reserved
   Ext: 1  Coding: 0   Number Specified   Channel Type:
   Ext: 1  Channel: 3 ]
-- Processing IE 24 (Channel Identification)
 Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=33
 Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 37378/0x9202) (Terminator)
 Message type: DISCONNECT (69)
 Cause (len= 2) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location:
Public network serving the local user (2)
  Ext: 1  Cause: Unallocated (unassigned) number (1), class
= Normal Event (0) ]
 Progress Indicator (len= 2) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0:
0   Location: Public network serving the local user (2)
   Ext: 1  Progress Description: Inband
information or appropriate pattern now 

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

2003-11-20 Thread John Skinger
I would be happy with the features working for sip and it doesn't bother me
where they are implemented as long as they work.
- Original Message - 
From: Tilghman Lesher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

 On Wednesday 19 November 2003 10:11, John Todd wrote:
  after testing with a MGCP phone (Swissvoice ip10s) I found the
   following ASTERISK-based codes (VERTICAL SERVICE CODES) to work -
   I assume that most of those will also work with SIP, but haven't
   checked that yet:
  *67 - Calling Number Delivery Blocking
  *70 - Cancel Call Waiting
  *72 - Call Forwarding Activation
  *73 - Call Forwarding Deactivation
  *78 - Do Not Disturb Activation
  *79 - Do Not Disturb Deactivation
  *8 - Call pick-up
  # - Transfer
  - how can I enable Calling Number Delivery? *65 doesn't seem to
   do the trick:
  - how can I enable Call Waiting after having it disabled via
  No, these do not work with SIP, and there is currently a request to
  remove that functionality from the MGCP and Zap channels, since
  this type of feature should be (IMHO) in the dialplan and not built
  into the channel.  (What if I want to use *70 for something else?
  How do I read the status of Do Not Disturb, since this is embedded
  in the channel?)

 You're going to be waiting an awful long time, then, because call
 features are not going to be removed from the zap channel.  Instead,
 they will be added to more channels.  What _will_ be happening in the
 future, however, is the ability to customize the codes (in both a
 global, as well as a channel-type-specific way) used to invoke call

 Mark has been very emphatic about call features not belonging in the


 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Joe Dennick
I'm going to add my two cents to this conversation as its now taken many
turns.  This thread has produced quite a bit of good dialog, even though
some of it may not be viewed as such.

I've been playing with Asterisk now for a couple of months both at home
and at work in our Test Environment.  I (and therefore my company) first
became interested in Asterisk because of the functionality it offers at
a reduced cost.  We're not searching for a 'free' product, just one that
doesn't cost an arm and a leg to implement.  I'm coming at this from a
business perspective, not a programmer/geek/nerd perspective.  I'm very
versed in Data Networking, but am not a programmer.

Currently, we have a traditional PBX (Nortel) that is stable.  It offers
basic Queue functions and primitive Queue reporting, but little else.
We felt the need to implement an IVR system that would allow us to
identify customers calling in before sending the call to an agent.  With
IVR, we can also allow the customer to do account balance lookups
without human intervention (just like your credit card company).  A
large and well-known CTI/IVR vendor recently quoted between $300,000 and
$480,000 to implement that same technology for our 120 Queue Agents with
a system that smelled an awful lot like Asterisk tied (probably via
trunk cards) to our traditional PBX.

Another really attractive benefit of Asterisk (or VoIP in general) is
that we can communicate with our remote offices scattered around the US
over the Internet (probably VPN) for a fraction of the current cost of
traditional POTs lines.  With that ability, we can add Remote Agents to
the ACD Queues (not currently possible with a traditional ACD Queue),
and allow them to take advantage of our volume-based negotiated Long
Distance rates for out-bound calls.

So, the point that I'm trying to get to is that the product needs the
exposure to the business folks who make the decisions before it can be
implemented.  Programmers rarely have the power to persuade the decision
makers to make such a drastic move.  Everyone agrees that Asterisk is
attractive to the business people as described above.  But, if
Asterisk's documentation cannot speak to those same business people, it
will never gain acceptance!  Technology for the sake of technology is
just useless.  Technology that solves a business problem should be the
focus.  Asterisk is definitely cool technology!'s development
and documentation needs to be aimed towards the business folks who would
really use it, not the geeks like myself playing with it in their

Rich made the comment earlier on this thread that belittling newbies and
telling them to read the code isn't the answer.  Especially if those
newbies are the ones who have a business need, and the power to make
decisions!  Asterisk has come to a point where it can attract some real
users, let's make it easy for those users to get a system running so
they'll become productive users (and therefore paying customers).

For the record, in our Test Environment, we have been able to create a
system with ACD Queues that prompts callers for their customer number,
then tags Remedy (Call Ticket application) for that customer's recent
call history.  The system then pops up the Remedy Call Log and the phone
call to the agent at the same time.  We're currently working on the
Account Balance Lookup feature that would be a true use of IVR and not
require any human intervention.  I'm about to the point of being ready
to recommend this for a small pilot test, but cannot do so (in a
Production Environment) without two things.  1) Redundancy so as to
ensure 99.9% uptime; and 2) some form of commercial support to ensure
that problems are addressed rapidly and professionally.

To meet those requirements, I believe it might behoove Digium to adapt
Red Hat's (or MySQL, or EMIC) business strategy.  From a corporate
standpoint, I (our company) would be willing to pay for support and
probably implementation if it were offered.  The dollars quoted above
are what Asterisk is competing against.

I'm sorry that this post is so long, but I want to ensure that Asterisk,
Digium, and it's developers and supporters recognize who the product
really should be aimed at.  There's some risk, but there's also a lot of
benefit to be gained by aiming at the Corporate Decision Makers who are
tired of being pushed around by Commercial Vendors who want to charge
too much for too little.  I believe Asterisk could become a prevalent as
Apache, MySQL, SendMail, etc. 

Thank you for listening!

Joe Dennick
IS Operations Director
Securities America Financial Corporation

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Grzegorz
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 4:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 00:47:08 -0500, Dorian Gray wrote
 I yammered:
  of public resources such as this list. 

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

2003-11-20 Thread Tilghman Lesher
On Thursday 20 November 2003 02:45, Florian Overkamp wrote:
 At 16:48 19-11-2003 -0600, you wrote:
 And you will have control of your devices.  The problem is that many
 of the call features are intrisically related to how the channel
  type signals to devices.  Hence, the functionality needs to be at
  the channel driver level.

 Actually, I don't agree. It is related to how the signalling toward
 the _other party's_ channel should be (for instance redirection
 signals instead of dialling, if supported - yes, that would be nice!)

I'm thinking of forwarding, where the digits entered influence how you
as the dialler of the digits (not of subsequent calls) hear prompts
(e.g. a special dialtone before you enter the extension to which you
want calls forwarded).

 There are two problems, as I see it:  first of all, you're
  cluttering the dialplan with features that ought to be intrinsic to
  the system. Note that you're going to have to include EVERY context
  in which phones start with these programmed call features.  Second,
  considering that everybody is going to have pretty much exactly the
  same logic in every dialplan, that's a lot of wasted time (and a
  great potential for typos and missed logic).  Asterisk is not
  supposed to be a barebones system (as you seem to be describing);
  it is, indeed, a full-featured system.

 You are assuming everybody is going to have the same logic. This is
 not true. First of all we want to use different access codes than are
 currently in use.

As I stated before, that will be part of the implementation.

 Second of all, it might be possible to
 differentiate in what we supply if we are working in a billable
 environment. Additional services can be at a premium, so being able
 to allow or disallow access will make sense.

This relates to implementation.  Precisely put, you want the ability to
turn call features on and off on a per-channel basis.

 And even then, people
 will want to make minor tweaks in the behaviour of the services (like
 playing back a confirmation prompt upon redirection, or just hanging

I suspect that this is only a minority of people.  Most users will
expect each call feature to work in exactly the same way as that
feature on the PSTN, and the users' perceptions on how things should
work strongly supports implementing this inside the channel.

 These all seem like minor things, but they relate very strongly to
 what the end user percieves. This is precisely why it should be
 accessible to system administrators rather than programmers - the
 local organisation offering a pbx on asterisk knows much better than
 anyone else what their users expect of them.

Users' perceptions are exactly why the code needs to be inside the
channel driver, but configurable for the system administrator.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] iaxComm new version installation problem

2003-11-20 Thread Dan

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] iaxComm new version installation problem

 sorry dan,
 i downloaded the file from
 file  but it does not seem to
 work... it just disappears in the background.. i can
 see it running in the task manager thing. and my
 computer gets really slow.

This is the buggy one.

Try this link (from 18nov):

This one works.

Good luck,
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Stutter Tone all the time?

2003-11-20 Thread Steve Murphy

If I have a voicemail box with a number of 1, and say (among other
things) in zapata.conf:

mailbox = 1
group  = 3
context = workext
callerid = Steves Extension(999)999-
channel = 6

(assuming I have a TDM 4 port card, and 2 FXO T100P's )

Yes, I really have a mailbox, number 1. From voicemail.conf:


And, the result is: I get stutter when I pick up the phone. Whether
there's voicemail or not. What am I doing wrong?


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

2003-11-20 Thread Tilghman Lesher
On Thursday 20 November 2003 01:54, Paul Crick wrote:
  Mark has been very emphatic about call features not
  belonging in the dialplan.

 Hmm.. I read this message, and the couple that came after it and
 still have mixed thoughts..

 My initial thought was that it didn't make sense - I'd rather have
 control over which codes are used to activate which features, and the
 dial plan is the place for that. It also gives me control over who
 can access or invoke certain services, restricting with contexts and
 includes. It's also along the lines of writing it once, not once for
 every different

You will have control over the codes used to invoke call features.

 The follow up though raised a valid point about different channels
 having different signalling etc which is why these features should be
 in the channel specific drivers and not the dial plan. I'm half
 swayed by this argument, suddenly it makes a bit more sense, but as a
 European in North America I still want the flexibility of defining
 which codes activate which services.. *21*xxx# for divert all calls
 makes sense to me, it's what the majority of Europe uses as well as
 all GSM networks. (tangent: I can use *70 to disable call waiting for
 the current call, but there's no way for a subscriber to turn it on
 and off at will is there?)

tangent response:  In my implementation, I'm using astdb to store
these values.  This will allow not only for you to examine the current
state, but it will also allow you to keep values persistent across

 Is there any documentation anywhere on the intent of the future of
 this? I know there's a bug tracker ticket here: but I don't
 think this discussion of where's the best place for this and why
 has come up before?

There have been private discussions about this functionality.  When I
have the implementation ready, I will share it on the bugtracker.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread marrandy
On Thursday 20 November 2003 02:11 am, Ray Burkholder wrote:
 I think the key idea is to help newbies along as much as possible so they
 don't have to revert to the list to obtain answers to their questions.  This
 will reduce list bandwidth, possibly significantly.
 I see that we already have a four line digium footer on each and every
 message.  With judicious re-arrangement, so as not to expand the footer
 significantly, we put in a pointer to an FAQ, which in turn points to
 valuable documentation resources such as voip-info and xvoip, plus answers
 (or links) to common questions such as the moh issue, echo, ...


It appears that digium is using postfix and mailman.

If qmail and ezmlm was being used, an unsubscribe and help footer can be 
The help sends the user a help file where there is an option to retrieve a FAQ 
file, an info file and previous mails by index, number, thread etc.

The point is, it keeps the footer small.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Walker Haddock
On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 11:22:01PM -0800, Andrew Nelson wrote:
 As a newcommer I can say that saying things like Check the archive and 
 whatnot do not help at all when your first exposure to the subject thread is 
 someone saying It's already been answered, check the archive and that 
 message is 6 months old!  Worst of all there are no hints on searching for 
 this information.  You know in such situations it's helpful to say something 
 like this instead, Ya this topic was discussed a few months ago and the 
 outcome was XYZ and So and So started the thread, or the thread title was 
 BLA  Now reading something like that in the archive does wonders towards 
 directing further research!
 I also think a simple Telco - Computer Networking translation guide might 
 help some people with the new language of telco.
Here's one link I found with lots of VoIP telephony details:

   DataCrest, Inc. -- Technically Superior   **
Walker Haddock
DataCrest, Inc.e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1634A Montgomery  1-888-941-3282, 1-205-335-8589
Birmingham, AL 35216  fax:  1-205-823-7838
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP -- PSTN via. voicemodem/soundcard.

2003-11-20 Thread Steven Critchfield
On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 06:55, WipeOut wrote:
 Hans-Henrik Andresen wrote:
 Hans-Henrik Andresen wrote:
 How do I use a voicemodem/soundcard to PSTN-gateway - is it possible ?
 The same way you recieve videos through your fax machine.. :)
 HMM. greate sarcasm.
 I had read about a driver for asterisk for voicemodems, that why i'm asking.
 So if anyone had tried this, or can help hith link to documentations I
 will be happy.
 It will cost you far less in terms of time and effort and stress to buy 
 an X100P from Digium.. This way you know it will work, and you will also 
 be supporting Digium.. :)
 If you are desperate to try a voice modem I am sure there are many posts 
 in the mailing list archives..

Actually the only messages of recent time will be either of the first
kind(sarcasm) or the last kind(buy X100P). The older messages will be
next to useless.

Basically if you want to use a voicemodem, be prepared to do your own
coding. You could ask channel questions on the -dev list, but I don't
think you will find much help with the modem part.
Steven Critchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread Mark Spencer
 Amen!  While -dev and -users may be a little too sparse, perhaps adding a
 -business list would be beneficial for discussing those types of issues.
 However business-related issues are not so common at this point, so perhaps
 a list devoted to NONTECHNICAL discussion (-nontech?) would be relevant?

 I agree that list fragmentation is a royal pain in the ass, but perhaps it
 is time to figure out just one more list to try and whittle down the
 traffic on -users.

So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:

asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)

Any others as well?  If we were to add another list, I *believe* we could
automatically subscribe everyone in -users to -whatever to help seed it a

The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in a
day, and my job is 100% asterisk.  There probably is a justification for a
new list, but I think it is less the -biz list as much as much as the
-newbies.  Keeping a business discussion on -users is probably quite
useful since often times a business discussion can involve technical
details of what Asterisk is capable of doing.



Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Wifi600 problem

2003-11-20 Thread ZyXEL - Marius Ronningen
I'm using firmware wb.00.14 without any problems, but I'm pretty sure it's a
development release and
not official as I got it for test from our PQA department at work.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Todd
Sent: 18. november 2003 18:26
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Wifi600 problem

The version of the WiFi software that I am running that is confirmed
to work with Asterisk is wb000_d.img


Thanks John,

Can you check what version you are using ?
I can start with the very same ( once I get it ).
I have sent a request to BCM but haven't got any reply yet.

-- Pertti

John Todd wrote:

At 8:49 PM +0200 11/17/03, Pertti Pikkarainen wrote:

Some of you have got Wifi600 wireless SIP phone working with Asterisk.
Specially John Todd ( nice review ).

My phones register ok. They can also receive calls from other phones.
But for some reason I can't make them call out ( anybody, ie. SIP or

This seems to be due to the phone not understanding what it
should do when it receives 'Proxy Authentication Required'.
In my case it does nothing.

Can someone tell me what Wifi600 software version was used when
this phone was succesfully tested
with Asterisk.  Any other hint is also appreciated.

--  Pertti

I had the same problem initially.  However, the vendor gave me a
software update which fixed the authentication problem.  I had
hoped that it would have made it out to general distribution by
now. Please contact your vendor to see if they have the software
that they can give to you.

If not, let me know who you're talking with and I'll see what I can
do as far as information transfer to the company that sold you
the phone so they start doing the right thing.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Uptime counters (was RE: [Asterisk-Users] Bayonne and Asterisk)

2003-11-20 Thread Andrew Kohlsmith
 You can not rotate logs with out dropping calls,  and if logs get a
 little over 2Gbs Asterisk will crashes...

Why not?  Why are the logfiles kept open for the entire life of Asterisk?  
Hell even my heavily loaded qmail server isn't this braindead in that 

If * can be patched to open, write, close for every log write it is trivial 
to rotate logs:

mv /path/to/logfile /path/to/logfile.old
while fuser -s /path/to/logfile.old ; do sleep 1 ; done
bzip2 -1 /path/to/logfile.old

and you're done.  mv does not change the inode, so asterisk does not notice 
it if it _is_ in the middle of a write, and the fuser do/while loop waits 
patiently until asterisk is done with the file.  Next time Asterisk tries 
to open the file it will fail (since it doesn't exist) and will recreate 
it.  Piece of cake.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] IAX2 Ethereal Plugin initial release

2003-11-20 Thread Alastair Maw
Lots of people seem to want this, so I've stuck it up here:
Note that it currently only does IAX-2. I might expand it to cope with
IAX-1 at a later date, but no promises. It's fairly basic - unzip the
file and follow the README instructions.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Wifi600 problem

2003-11-20 Thread ZyXEL - Marius Ronningen
It's compiled on Nov 4th.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ZyXEL -
Marius Ronningen
Sent: 20. november 2003 15:42
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] Wifi600 problem

I'm using firmware wb.00.14 without any problems, but I'm pretty sure it's a
development release and
not official as I got it for test from our PQA department at work.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Todd
Sent: 18. november 2003 18:26
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Wifi600 problem

The version of the WiFi software that I am running that is confirmed
to work with Asterisk is wb000_d.img


Thanks John,

Can you check what version you are using ?
I can start with the very same ( once I get it ).
I have sent a request to BCM but haven't got any reply yet.

-- Pertti

John Todd wrote:

At 8:49 PM +0200 11/17/03, Pertti Pikkarainen wrote:

Some of you have got Wifi600 wireless SIP phone working with Asterisk.
Specially John Todd ( nice review ).

My phones register ok. They can also receive calls from other phones.
But for some reason I can't make them call out ( anybody, ie. SIP or

This seems to be due to the phone not understanding what it
should do when it receives 'Proxy Authentication Required'.
In my case it does nothing.

Can someone tell me what Wifi600 software version was used when
this phone was succesfully tested
with Asterisk.  Any other hint is also appreciated.

--  Pertti

I had the same problem initially.  However, the vendor gave me a
software update which fixed the authentication problem.  I had
hoped that it would have made it out to general distribution by
now. Please contact your vendor to see if they have the software
that they can give to you.

If not, let me know who you're talking with and I'll see what I can
do as far as information transfer to the company that sold you
the phone so they start doing the right thing.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread David Gomillion
Would a -softphone and -hardphone be too granular?  Sometimes I just
don't have the energy to sift through hundreds of messages...

Of course, the danger becomes making it too granular and losing out on
people who can help.  I like the helpful nature of most of this list.
I want to thank everyone who puts in the time to assist their friends.

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:asterisk-users-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Spencer
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 8:40 AM
 Subject: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business
 discussion again)
  Amen!  While -dev and -users may be a little too sparse, perhaps
  -business list would be beneficial for discussing those types of
  However business-related issues are not so common at this point, so
  a list devoted to NONTECHNICAL discussion (-nontech?) would be
  I agree that list fragmentation is a royal pain in the ass, but
  is time to figure out just one more list to try and whittle down the
  traffic on -users.
 So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:
 asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)
 Any others as well?  If we were to add another list, I *believe* we
 automatically subscribe everyone in -users to -whatever to help seed
it a
 The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in
 day, and my job is 100% asterisk.  There probably is a justification
for a
 new list, but I think it is less the -biz list as much as much as the
 -newbies.  Keeping a business discussion on -users is probably quite
 useful since often times a business discussion can involve technical
 details of what Asterisk is capable of doing.
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] PSTN intercepted announcement

2003-11-20 Thread Michael Manousos
Michael Ulitskiy wrote:

I have asterisk functioning as SIP to H.323 gateway for local SIP endpoints and I have H.323 to PSTN
gateway (Lucent MAX TNT) connecting my LAN VOIP to PSTN via PRI.
Everything works fine with one exception. I seem to be unable to figure out why I cannot hear 
PSTN intercepted announcement  (number is not in service etc.) when I'm calling 
a disconnected number through asterisk. The phone just keeps ringing.
I know everything's fine with my PSTN connection and gateway, because I have other
H.323 endpoints connecting directly to gateway without asterisk involved and it works for them.
It seems that somehow both available h323 drivers for asterisk cannot handle those messages.
I did some experimenting and found that H.323 FastFtart must be enabled in order for this to work
(without faststart enabled it doesn't work for h.323 endpoints too). 
I tried to explicitly enable it on both h323 and oh323 drivers, but it didn't work with asterisk anyway.
For the case of OH323, can you send me more details
(conf file, log, tracefile) to check it?
I'm not a telecom professional and I'm stucked here. So I thought I'd ask for help 
here :)
Has anybody noticed this? Any ideas?

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread Linus Surguy
 So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:
 asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)

Maybe asterisk-install ? 

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Controlling asterisk in a dynamic way

2003-11-20 Thread Philipp von Klitzing

 Now given the above, how do we encourage newbies to look for past
 answers first? 

Answer: By making the FAQ part of the * install and display that very 
document on screen after make install. I'd say 95% of the new users 
first get * onto their box and THEN start to ask questions.

To my mind this is much better than a) a scheduled FAQ (you'd have to 
post it once a day to prevent the obvious questions), and b) an FAQ link 
as part of the ML footer (although I think that'd be a good complementary 


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread WipeOut
Mark Spencer wrote:

Amen!  While -dev and -users may be a little too sparse, perhaps adding a
-business list would be beneficial for discussing those types of issues.
However business-related issues are not so common at this point, so perhaps
a list devoted to NONTECHNICAL discussion (-nontech?) would be relevant?
I agree that list fragmentation is a royal pain in the ass, but perhaps it
is time to figure out just one more list to try and whittle down the
traffic on -users.

So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:

asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)
Any others as well?  If we were to add another list, I *believe* we could
automatically subscribe everyone in -users to -whatever to help seed it a
The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in a
day, and my job is 100% asterisk.  There probably is a justification for a
new list, but I think it is less the -biz list as much as much as the
-newbies.  Keeping a business discussion on -users is probably quite
useful since often times a business discussion can involve technical
details of what Asterisk is capable of doing.



I am not sure a newbies list would help all that much, all that would 
happen is that they would cross post to both lists and we would get 
everything twice.. What may be better would be either a better way to 
search the list archive or a new users FAQ, of course the FAQ option 
requires that someone maintain it which is also a problem..

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Play a sound after dialing a user...

2003-11-20 Thread Matteo Brancaleoni
I made a patch sometimes ago, that allows this
Look into the asterisk cli:
'show application dial' ...
basically you should be able to do
exten = blah,1,Dial(SIP/blah,30,A(/path/to/file)r) 

this patch has been added to cvs, so
you should already have that.


Il mer, 2003-11-19 alle 20:51, Lenny Tropiano / Mailing
list ha scritto:
 I'd like to play a sound to a user I dial (via SIP) once
 they answer play the sound and then allow me to talk to them.
 The new Cisco 7960 SIP code allows to set lines to autoanswer
 via the speaker phone, I'd like to play a tone after it rings
 through and then talk...
 Any thoughts on how to do this?
 Asterisk-Users mailing list
Matteo Brancaleoni
Espia System Administrator
Web   :
Phone : +39 02 70633354  - ext 201
IAX(2): [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ext 201
Iaxtel: 1-700-56-62458   - ext 201

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] ATA-186 Double Digit problems

2003-11-20 Thread Tais M. Hansen
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 20 November 2003 04:38, John Todd wrote:
 I'm using ATA-186 devices, with RFC2833 DTMF encoding.  I am
 having problems with routines that input long strings of numbers, in
 that I am getting more than a small number of double digit entries.
 As an example, I have a section that asks for the user to enter a
 call forwarding number, and then puts that number into a database.
 Almost always, there are double digits when the user only intended to
 type a single digit, no matter how carefully they entered their

Sounds very much like the problem we're having when using RFC2833. We're not 
using an ATA device however.

If the endpoint doesn't properly remove the tone sound from the stream and 
sends the RFC2833 equivalent tone event, Asterisk might parse both the inband 
tone and the RFC2833 tone, which will result in two tones.

- -- 
Tais M. Hansen
ComX Networks
Tel: +45-70257474
Fax: +45-70257374
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Cisco to use * as a gateway?

2003-11-20 Thread Joseph Finley

I'm not sure if I am wording this correctly, but I'll try.

I have a Cisco 2621 w/ a couple FXO and FXS ports.  I have a couple cheap
analog phones plugged into the FXS ports.  I am able to get * to ring those
phones when a call comes in, but I cannot get the phones to dial out.  I
guess it's all syntax that I'm doing wrong.  Does someone have a couple
small snip-its to accomplish this?


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread Andrew Kohlsmith
 So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:

 asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)

 The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in a
 day, and my job is 100% asterisk.  There probably is a justification for
 a new list, but I think it is less the -biz list as much as much as the
 -newbies.  Keeping a business discussion on -users is probably quite
 useful since often times a business discussion can involve technical
 details of what Asterisk is capable of doing.

Agreed...  biz is just a special class of users, but what would go in 
nontech...  newbies wouldn't get much traffic since nobody wants to really 
admit they're a newb and moreso they'd get frustrated that the people who 
really do know wouldn't hang out there.

Although I do like -biz on a separate list because you can also see who's 
offering what, and get help on how to set it up and interop -- think of all 
the vonage, nuphone, p8, ich and other how do I do this traffic we've 
seen on -users lately...

Ugh.  I hate trying to figure things like this out.  :-) 

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

2003-11-20 Thread John Todd
On Wednesday 19 November 2003 15:16, John Todd wrote:
 On Wednesday 19 November 2003 10:11, John Todd wrote:
   after testing with a MGCP phone (Swissvoice ip10s) I found the
following ASTERISK-based codes (VERTICAL SERVICE CODES) to
work - I assume that most of those will also work with SIP,
but haven't checked that yet:
   *67 - Calling Number Delivery Blocking
   *70 - Cancel Call Waiting
   *72 - Call Forwarding Activation
   *73 - Call Forwarding Deactivation
   *78 - Do Not Disturb Activation
   *79 - Do Not Disturb Deactivation
   *8 - Call pick-up
   # - Transfer
   - how can I enable Calling Number Delivery? *65 doesn't seem
to do the trick:
   - how can I enable Call Waiting after having it disabled via
   No, these do not work with SIP, and there is currently a
  request to remove that functionality from the MGCP and Zap
  channels, since this type of feature should be (IMHO) in the
  dialplan and not built into the channel.  (What if I want to use
  *70 for something else? How do I read the status of Do Not
  Disturb, since this is embedded in the channel?)
 You're going to be waiting an awful long time, then, because call
 features are not going to be removed from the zap channel.
  Instead, they will be added to more channels.  What _will_ be
  happening in the future, however, is the ability to customize the
  codes (in both a global, as well as a channel-type-specific way)
  used to invoke call features.
 Mark has been very emphatic about call features not belonging in
  the dialplan.
 That doesn't make much sense.
Actually, it does.  Read on for why I agree with Mark.

 Reason: call control features need to be managed from the center
 of the network, not at the edges.
And you will have control of your devices.  The problem is that many
of the call features are intrisically related to how the channel type
signals to devices.  Hence, the functionality needs to be at the
channel driver level.
 I want full control of my end devices, and full visibility into
 their states.
Putting the functionality inside the channel driver says nothing about
visibility.  Indeed, one of the things I'd like to do with Zap channel
forwarding, for example, is to expose that forwarding with astdb.  In
addition, this will allow call forwarding on Zap channels to persist
across Asterisk restarts.
 If the CLASS features are handled within the channel,
 then that implies that either a) a new set of applications or
 variables exist that can provide visibility and configuration into
 each channel (yuck!) or
That's only if the call features are exposed in the dialplan (which
they will not be).  Call features will be intrinsic to the channel.
  b) there is no visibility into set/get on CLASS features (worse.)

Again, this is a matter of implementation, not a criticism of the
basic concept.
 I have implemented a full CLASS featureset in the dialplan,
 including customized voice feedback prompts, speed dials,
 music-on-hold selection, call forwarding (timed AND unconditional),
 telemarketer block selection, blah blah blah.   It took me some
 time, but it wasn't impossible, obviously - anyone can do it -
 that's what the dialplan DOES; it's not hardcoded.  The concept
 here is that we want to move the programming into the hands of the
 admin in a scriptable way, not put the  programming inside of the C
 code of the application package (meaning the chan_* drivers.)
There are two problems, as I see it:  first of all, you're cluttering
the dialplan with features that ought to be intrinsic to the system.
Note that you're going to have to include EVERY context in which
phones start with these programmed call features.
There is always exactly one context that handles incoming calls from 
a channel, I think, so this is not a major issue. Using include is 
trivial enough once the code is written.

 Second, considering
that everybody is going to have pretty much exactly the same logic in
every dialplan, that's a lot of wasted time (and a great potential for
typos and missed logic).  Asterisk is not supposed to be a barebones
system (as you seem to be describing); it is, indeed, a full-featured
But if you really feel strongly about scripting your own call
features, note that you can already override existing call features
simply by including your own logic for that code in your dialplan.
OK, I have no complaints as long as what is in the dialplan takes 
precedence over the hardcoded entries in the channel drivers.  My 
feelings are pretty strong that this shouldn't be channel-specific, 
and I want to handle methods and feedback in my own way (as I have 
done already.)  As long as I can turn OFF the hardcoded features in 
the channel drivers, and/or insert my own dialplan logic such that 
the hardcoded features are never accessed, then that satisfies my 

I am still unclear on your arguments as to why (as an example) *69 
should be _hardcoded_ into the 

Re: Uptime counters (was RE: [Asterisk-Users] Bayonne and Asterisk)

2003-11-20 Thread Ken Godee
Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

You can not rotate logs with out dropping calls,  and if logs get a
little over 2Gbs Asterisk will crashes...

Why not?  Why are the logfiles kept open for the entire life of Asterisk?  
Hell even my heavily loaded qmail server isn't this braindead in that 

Maybe I missed part of this thread, but as of like 10/05/03 cvs
there was a new app added for this called (I think) logrotate.
It's supposed to allow you to send * a remote command and rotate
your logs. I upgraded for this feature but have not had time to test it 
yet, it's  on my look at list. Like I said maybe I missed part of 
thread but you should be able to setup a cron job and forget about it.
Anybody using the logrotate app?

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] VOIP -- PSTN via. voicemodem/soundcard.

2003-11-20 Thread Philipp von Klitzing

 How do I use a voicemodem/soundcard to PSTN-gateway - is it possible ?
 The same way you recieve videos through your fax machine.. :)
 No, it can't be done..

If you skip the voicemodem part it _can_ be done; start with make 
samples or take a look at:

Greetings, Philipp

Tip of the day [2003-05-14] 

Using asterisk as a softphone 

If you are tired of all the linux softphones, give * and chan_oss a try.
To make it work together with other audio applications (and artsd) I had 
to make some small changes to chan_oss.
The modifications also solved the problem for me that * sometimes hung up 
the call without any obvious reason.
Grab a diff here.
; Default context (is overridden with @context syntax)
; Default extension to call
; extension.conf
exten = _X.,Hangup

exten = _1700X.,Hangup   

chan_oss provides the console commands answer, dial and hangup.
You dont even have to run asterisk as root, since all the VoIP channels 
use ports above 1024, see non-root Asterisk.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Scope of the h extension..

2003-11-20 Thread WipeOut
I have the following setup..

; all extensions defined here.
exten = 1234,
exten = 1235,

; PSTN dialout config
ignorepat = 9
exten = _9,

exten = h,

; phone context in sip.conf is here..
include = extensions
include = dialout
The question is where will the h extension be active?? it appears to 
run for ALL, both internal and PSTN calls, not just the calls to the 
PSTN.. Is that correct?? is there any way to limit it to PSTN calls??


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] IAX2 Ethereal Plugin initial release

2003-11-20 Thread Matteo Brancaleoni
works great here!
I can analize each iax2 packets easily now.

good work.


Il gio, 2003-11-20 alle 15:46, Alastair Maw ha scritto:
 Lots of people seem to want this, so I've stuck it up here:
 Note that it currently only does IAX-2. I might expand it to cope with
 IAX-1 at a later date, but no promises. It's fairly basic - unzip the
 file and follow the README instructions.
 Asterisk-Users mailing list
Matteo Brancaleoni
Espia System Administrator
Web   :
Phone : +39 02 70633354  - ext 201
IAX(2): [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ext 201
Iaxtel: 1-700-56-62458   - ext 201

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Steven Critchfield
On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 07:45, Joe Dennick wrote:
 I'm going to add my two cents to this conversation as its now taken many
 turns.  This thread has produced quite a bit of good dialog, even though
 some of it may not be viewed as such.

 So, the point that I'm trying to get to is that the product needs the
 exposure to the business folks who make the decisions before it can be
 implemented.  Programmers rarely have the power to persuade the decision
 makers to make such a drastic move.  Everyone agrees that Asterisk is
 attractive to the business people as described above.  But, if
 Asterisk's documentation cannot speak to those same business people, it
 will never gain acceptance!  Technology for the sake of technology is
 just useless.  Technology that solves a business problem should be the
 focus.  Asterisk is definitely cool technology!'s development
 and documentation needs to be aimed towards the business folks who would
 really use it, not the geeks like myself playing with it in their
 Rich made the comment earlier on this thread that belittling newbies and
 telling them to read the code isn't the answer.  Especially if those
 newbies are the ones who have a business need, and the power to make
 decisions!  Asterisk has come to a point where it can attract some real
 users, let's make it easy for those users to get a system running so
 they'll become productive users (and therefore paying customers).

These two paragraphs are kind of arrogant. The X100P is basically a card
directed at home users, or very small offices. Last I talked to Mark, he
was selling a lot of these cards. The T100P can marginally be called a
home card, but is more for smallish companies, again selling fairly
well. The T400P and TE410P cards are for larger installs, and I didn't
ask about their sales.

It has to be pointed out that outside of Digium and a few other people,
it is geeks in the basement/bedroom helping out here. I say this as I am
writing from bed. I remind you that not all of us are here to make
money. You need to understand that we also aren't here to develop for
you or businesses. We will develop for what we deem will fix the problem
we are experiencing.

 For the record, in our Test Environment, we have been able to create a
 system with ACD Queues that prompts callers for their customer number,
 then tags Remedy (Call Ticket application) for that customer's recent
 call history.  The system then pops up the Remedy Call Log and the phone
 call to the agent at the same time.  We're currently working on the
 Account Balance Lookup feature that would be a true use of IVR and not
 require any human intervention.  I'm about to the point of being ready
 to recommend this for a small pilot test, but cannot do so (in a
 Production Environment) without two things.  1) Redundancy so as to
 ensure 99.9% uptime; and 2) some form of commercial support to ensure
 that problems are addressed rapidly and professionally.

See this is where you hire a company that will develop what you need.
Most of the redundancy will just be purchasing hardware. I'm sure you
will possibly be contacted by vendors shortly that would like to take
your money for developing asterisk. 

 To meet those requirements, I believe it might behoove Digium to adapt
 Red Hat's (or MySQL, or EMIC) business strategy.  From a corporate
 standpoint, I (our company) would be willing to pay for support and
 probably implementation if it were offered.  The dollars quoted above
 are what Asterisk is competing against.

I believe it is offered. I have personally called and had quotes made
for them to do the coding I needed.

Steven Critchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Controlling asterisk in a dynamic way

2003-11-20 Thread Matteo Brancaleoni

Il gio, 2003-11-20 alle 15:55, Philipp von Klitzing ha scritto:
 Answer: By making the FAQ part of the * install and display that very 
 document on screen after make install. I'd say 95% of the new users 
 first get * onto their box and THEN start to ask questions.

I agree with that.

 To my mind this is much better than a) a scheduled FAQ (you'd have to 
 post it once a day to prevent the obvious questions), and b) an FAQ link 
 as part of the ML footer (although I think that'd be a good complementary 
for a) I say nope! , since a daily post for FAQ could be annoying
for experienced users (alot), perhaps newbies will not wait
for that post, as soon as they're subscribed and so on.

I vote yes on B) and why not using a footer like
mplayer-users ML, where it says something like
RTFM! link to some docs here :)


Matteo Brancaleoni
Espia System Administrator
Web   :
Phone : +39 02 70633354  - ext 201
IAX(2): [EMAIL PROTECTED] - ext 201
Iaxtel: 1-700-56-62458   - ext 201

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Re: Asterisk Lists

2003-11-20 Thread Alastair Maw
On 20/11/03 14:58, WipeOut wrote:
I am not sure a newbies list would help all that much, all that would 
happen is that they would cross post to both lists and we would get 
everything twice..
To a certain extent this is true. Newbie lists also inevitably become 
filled with people with less experience telling each other things that 
are wrong or sub-optimal, which can confuse people even more.

I think the best things would be a much more prominent link to the wiki, 
which IMHO is the best place to find answers to newbie questions. It's 
more up to date and contains more information than the handbook, for 

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Rich Adamson
  What's been suggested for a FAQ and other much needed information for such 
  a _HIGHLY_ technical software product has been proven thousands of times in
  the past few months. 
 I think you are trying to make more of an issue out of this than there
 is. I don't think you have seen anyone here try and stand in the way of
 a FAQ, just in the regular mailing of one to the entire group.

It obviously is a much bigger issue then what you think, otherwise there
wouldn't be half as many arrogant responses to newbie questions. Part of
the issue really is not 'stand in the way' but rather 'how can I 
contribute to reducing the chatter'.

  consistently discourage these same people with did you search the archives 
  or any dumb fxxx should know that; just read the code!!!
 As this is probably directed at me, at least in part, I should point out

No, it wasn't directed at any one individual. We've both been around
the list long enough to understand the more general comment and its 
certainly easy to look back over the last 30 day archive to see where
the shoe fits.
 Simple questions tend to get answered very abruptly. Interesting, harder
 questions get more time and effort. While it isn't an excuse to be rude,
 and I know I can be from time to time, everyone would do well to read
 this page or at least the Before you Ask section.

Having been around the open source community since linux was installed
from floppy disks on a 8 meg system, there are lots of well-proven ways
to spoon feed implementation data and reduce the negative postings.
Having just gone through that process during the last 60 days with *,
I can fully understand that frustration. Olle and many others have made
a significant effort to address that, but put yourself in the newbie's
position (just walk through those exact same steps from app discovery
to simple implementation) and you'll see the recommended approach is
post to the list. Those first ten steps don't actually give a newbie
any firm steps on how to find answers or advance their knowledge.

 how much effort is there to open google, THERE IS TONS of documentation on
 * now, READ and understand, its simple, hundreds if not thousands have
 done this before, so can you ...

Using google isn't the issue at all. Here's a quote from earlier today:
I am newbie in asterisk. Yes. That's a fact. I've been searching for
these answers for two days (around 5/6 hours each day). Found nothing.
Google or anything else : na, found nothing. Either on the web or this
list.  And a different person today, Worst of all there are no hints on 
searching for this information. 

Part of the problem truly revolves around the fact that * can be extremely
sophisticated with few self-imposed limits, and unless you already 
know the keywords that apply to *, one doesn't have a chance at finding 
real answers. Been there done that in the last 60 days, and obviously 
the frustration shows. The arrogant (and frequently incomplete) responses 
only increases the frustration level for _everyone_ on the list.

Absolutely none of this was intended to belittle developers, etc. Its
target was simply those more experienced people that complain (one way
or another) about the newbie questions and do absolutely nothing to help
fix the problem. (And, yes I have volunteered to help with documentation!)

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Can I soft-link a voicemailbox?

2003-11-20 Thread Philipp von Klitzing
Hi there,

see subject. 

I'd like to be able to use the vmbox prompt of VoiceMailMain2 and use 
1234 and 4321 to point to the same mailbox. Will it be sufficient to 
create a soft link for 4321 -- 1234 in /var/spool/asterisk/default or 
will I get myself into horrible trouble? 

Background: I like to be able to map certain functions (boss, 
peasant, secretary) to personal(ized) mailboxes. Who knows, maybe the 
peasant will be boss in six weeks? :-

Cheers, Philipp

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread Ken Godee
Mark Spencer wrote:

Amen!  While -dev and -users may be a little too sparse, perhaps adding a
-business list would be beneficial for discussing those types of issues.
However business-related issues are not so common at this point, so perhaps
a list devoted to NONTECHNICAL discussion (-nontech?) would be relevant?
I agree that list fragmentation is a royal pain in the ass, but perhaps it
is time to figure out just one more list to try and whittle down the
traffic on -users.

So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:

asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)
Any others as well?  If we were to add another list, I *believe* we could
automatically subscribe everyone in -users to -whatever to help seed it a
asterisk-newbies bad idea, been tried many times, who's going to 
subscribe to that to try to get answers. It's important the newbies 
get help from people with the knowhow (if they want to help them).
Not just avoided, besides that they'll just join the users list anyway 
and ask the question again.

I'm on a couple high volume list (python/qmail) and I hate to say
it but, the best ways I've seen to keep posts down are.
1. A link to guidelines for posting to the list ie.

Instead of someone coming accross wrong, you send them to a link
like the above.
2. Having a couple of guys around that don't mind coming accross a 
little brash. It's sets the feel for the list and people WILL spend
more time researhing it before writing the list. Hell, I've been told
many times to RTFM, google it, etc.
I guess I'm just not that thin skinned, and because of it, that's what 
I've learned to try to do first.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] TE410P ERRORS under load

2003-11-20 Thread Scott Stingel
Hi all-


This is actually a revisit of a problem that I had earlier with E400P's at a
customer site.  Customer still gets locked up channel problem, but has
learned to live with it  (channels clear themselves after several minutes).
The symptoms, which I  believe are directly related:

I'm having problems with tons of framing and read errors on my E1
connections (and occasional stuck channels) when I run a very simple IVR
script under anything other than light load.  Previously, I had thought this
problem related to my customer's PBX connections (Nortel DMS100), but in the
last week I've had the opportunity to work in-house with a couple of
TE410P's, with one span making calls to another on the same machine.

I have two simple scripts running under the dialplan.  On span 1, I simply
answer each call, play a short message, and hang up.  On span 2, I run a
Perl script that formats and drops calls (into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing)
for all channels at staggered times.  These calls are simple outgoing calls
that dial a number, wait 2 seconds, and hangup.  After a few seconds, each
call repeats.

I can run this scenario on up to 10 channels at once with *no errors*.
Above 10 channels, I start to get many (several per second when running 30
channels) framing and read errors, with text similar to the following:

WARNING[1167272128]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5670 (zt_pri_error): PRI: !! Got
reject for frame 26, retransmitting frame 26 now, up_dating n_r!
(repeating for each error several times, with ascending retransmitted frame

and also, less often:
WARNING[1167272128]: File chan_zap.c, Line 5670 (zt_pri_error): PRI: Read on
NN failed: Unknown error 500   (NN is the channel)

Tyan S2723, with dual Xeon's running at 2.4 GHz, 1MB memory
Redhat 9
Two TE410P's, spans set for E1.  Problem happens between spans on different
boards, or spans on the same board.
Sending board setup in zaptel.conf, for example:  span=2,1,0,ccs,hdb3
(adding crc4 makes no difference)
Recving board setup in zaptel.conf, for example:  span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3 

In zapata.conf, sender is pri_net and receiver is pri_cpe

ANYONE: Has anyone else experienced these framing problems in any scenario,
and if so, what did you do about it please?

FOR THE ISDN GURU's: What exactly does the framing error indicate? 


Scott M. Stingel 
Emerging Voice Technology Inc.
Palo Alto, California and London, England  

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] tunnel iax via gnophone with ssh?

2003-11-20 Thread Chris Hirsch
Hey all...I'm trying to use gnophone to connect to my asterisk box 
behind my firewall..I thought I could just setup a tunnel with something 
like ssh -L5036:asteriskserver:5036 and just change my gnophone 
to connect to localhost:5036 but I never see anything happen on the 
asterisk server. I'm even trying this on the same network just in case 
there is something funky with NAT.

Anybody have any ideas? I did notice that when I start gnophone I see

iax.c line 654 in iax_init: Started on port 5036
Listening on port 5036
and it doesn't seem to matter what I do inside the config. Are these 
ports in some way hardcoded? If if they are can't I do something like above?

Exceptional Dogs for Exceptional People - Help Out Today!

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again

2003-11-20 Thread Michael Graves
Forgive my inexperience...but when does a newsgroup, or series of
newsgroups become preferable to a list?


On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 17:50:41 +1100, Adam Goryachev wrote:

I agree that a nontech list would be fantastic. The only problem I have
with multiple lists is where people post the same thing to every list.
That is a REAL pain in the ...


 However business-related issues are not so common at this 
 point, so perhaps 
 a list devoted to NONTECHNICAL discussion (-nontech?) would 
 be relevant?

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Michael Graves   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Product Specialist
Pixel Power Inc.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 FWD 54245

It is dangerous to be correct about matters when the established 
authories are wrong. - Voltaire
** Tag(s) inserted by Bandit Tagger98 -

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] ATA-186 Double Digit problems

2003-11-20 Thread John Todd
At 3:58 PM +0100 11/20/03, Tais M. Hansen wrote:
On Thursday 20 November 2003 04:38, John Todd wrote:
 I'm using ATA-186 devices, with RFC2833 DTMF encoding.  I am
 having problems with routines that input long strings of numbers, in
 that I am getting more than a small number of double digit entries.
 As an example, I have a section that asks for the user to enter a
 call forwarding number, and then puts that number into a database.
 Almost always, there are double digits when the user only intended to
 type a single digit, no matter how carefully they entered their
Sounds very much like the problem we're having when using RFC2833. We're not
using an ATA device however.
If the endpoint doesn't properly remove the tone sound from the stream and
sends the RFC2833 equivalent tone event, Asterisk might parse both the inband
tone and the RFC2833 tone, which will result in two tones.
- --
Tais M. Hansen
ComX Networks
Tel: +45-70257474
Fax: +45-70257374
Interesting theory, and I see how it would explain the problem. 
However: That would imply that if you select RFC2833 then the 
inband detection is still happening.  I'm not enough of a coder to 
be able to read the code to see what's happening - is the dtmfmode= 
an exclusive setting, or is inband detection always working even if 
other modes are selected?

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Cisco DTMF Issue

2003-11-20 Thread John Todd
This is a password-protected document (CCO account required.)  Can 
you refer to a non-password protected URL for the sake of the 



 We're having an issue with connecting a Cisco ITS installation to * such
 that DTMF tones are passed to *.  DTMF tones aren't passed to voicemail or
 to any of the interfaces behind *.
 On the Cisco Side:

 dial-peer voice 8 voip
  destination-pattern $
  session protocol sipv2
  session target ipv4:
  session transport udp
  dtmf-relay rtp-nte
  codec g711ulaw
  no vad
 We have also tried using rtp payload-type nte to adjust the nte port value
 to 101 versus 100.  SIP Notify doesn't work, cisco-rtp doesn't work.  I
 have tried every possible dtmfmode= option [inband, rfc2833, or info]
 within this SIP device.  Toggling session transport udp, no vad, and the
 codecs seem to be no use.  I'm frustrated and puzzled.  If anyone can
 provide some guidance, I'd be very grateful!  We're trying to get this up
 and running this morning.
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread Philipp von Klitzing

 So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:
 asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)

Hm... who will answer the newbie questions then? Newbies?
Not sure the -biz part will make sense, but I guess it won't hurt much to 
have it and then see how it develops...

Looking at the current traffice on -users it might make more sense to 
- asterisk-zaptel
- asterisk-sip
- asterisk-iax
and leave whatever remains to asterisk-users.

 The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in a
 day, and my job is 100% asterisk.

Indeed, traffic here is just too heavy. I might even subscribe to 
serveral lists, but decide day-by-day to only read -users and leave the 
others rest until I have a bit more time at hand. So even if the total 
traffic doesn't decrease I'd be happy to sort messages into separate 
folders based upon ML names/tags.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] The internet needs a dialing code..

2003-11-20 Thread John Todd
It seems to me that ITSP's like to use a US dialing code eg 1-xxx

Wouldn't it be cool to have an Internet dialing code??

I don't know what the structures are or how the allocations work but 
it would be so cool to know that 1-xxx was USA , 44-xxx was UK and 
yy-xxx was an internet phone.. That way the whole internet phone 
space could be consolidated into a single dialing structure and as 
VoIP takes over the world there will be a single dialing standard 
for the whole world..

The trick would be the allocation of the xxx part because when there 
are 10 000 ITSP's one day the 5 digit number will be a pain in the 
butt.. the system would also have to be fair with everyone getting a 
4 digit number so you won't get people fighting over the single 
digits.. Maybe using longitude and latitude of the ITSP would be the 
easiest or some other planetary grid reference system..

Anyway it was just a thought I had..

In the NANP (North America) I have heard it said by a NANP member 
(board member?  I don't remember his actual title) that there will 
never, ever be an Internet-only area code.  Now, this could change, 
of course, since he was only one person.  There are already area 
codes for special uses, such as area code 500, which could be 
converted for use via ENUM delegation.  This is up for discussion, 
and requires lots of political wrangling by people who are (for the 
most part) led by TDM-based ILEC/RBOC/IXC interests (which are 
assuredly in opposition to VoIP initiatives.)

Internationally, there is already an officially sanctioned country 
code for Universal Telecommunications Services, and it's +878.  There 
is quite a bit of activity now in moving that area code from the ITU 
sanctioning (which happened a few weeks ago) and now moving towards 
commercial implementation.

There are a few people on this list would would be better suited to 
speak on this than myself (coughOtmarcough) but I have high hopes 
for seeing a commercially available +878 number allocation 
registrar(s) available by summer of 2004, perhaps earlier.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Cisco to use * as a gateway?

2003-11-20 Thread Michiel Betel
Joseph Finley wrote:

I'm not sure if I am wording this correctly, but I'll try.

I have a Cisco 2621 w/ a couple FXO and FXS ports.  I have a couple cheap
analog phones plugged into the FXS ports.  I am able to get * to ring those
phones when a call comes in, but I cannot get the phones to dial out.  I
guess it's all syntax that I'm doing wrong.  Does someone have a couple
small snip-its to accomplish this?
Asterisk-Users mailing list

are you using SIP??

if so...
exten = _0XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060)
exten = _0XX,2,Congestion
where W.X.Y.Z is the IP address of your Cisco


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread John Todd
  So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:

 asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)

 The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in a
 day, and my job is 100% asterisk.  There probably is a justification for
 a new list, but I think it is less the -biz list as much as much as the
 -newbies.  Keeping a business discussion on -users is probably quite
 useful since often times a business discussion can involve technical
 details of what Asterisk is capable of doing.
Agreed...  biz is just a special class of users, but what would go in
nontech...  newbies wouldn't get much traffic since nobody wants to really
admit they're a newb and moreso they'd get frustrated that the people who
really do know wouldn't hang out there.
Although I do like -biz on a separate list because you can also see who's
offering what, and get help on how to set it up and interop -- think of all
the vonage, nuphone, p8, ich and other how do I do this traffic we've
seen on -users lately...
Ugh.  I hate trying to figure things like this out.  :-)

I have no opinion on the newbies  and nontech lists, but I 
strongly favor a biz list, since I have held off on many occasions 
from posting I need a provider in X city who can terminate via IAX 
or I need a set of asterisk-clued hands in X city because I knew 
that quite a few people (mostly businesspeople) would use the 
reply-all feature to spam the list with their replies which should 
be to me personally.

I believe these should be digium-sponsored lists, due to the fact 
that I'd like to keep the focus of the project on Digium's resources, 
to help drive business into their card and device sales projects.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Uptime counters (was RE: [Asterisk-Users] Bayonne and Asterisk)

2003-11-20 Thread John Todd
At 9:37 AM -0500 11/20/03, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:

 You can not rotate logs with out dropping calls,  and if logs get a
 little over 2Gbs Asterisk will crashes...
Why not?  Why are the logfiles kept open for the entire life of Asterisk? 
Hell even my heavily loaded qmail server isn't this braindead in that

If * can be patched to open, write, close for every log write it is trivial
to rotate logs:
mv /path/to/logfile /path/to/logfile.old
while fuser -s /path/to/logfile.old ; do sleep 1 ; done
bzip2 -1 /path/to/logfile.old
and you're done.  mv does not change the inode, so asterisk does not notice
it if it _is_ in the middle of a write, and the fuser do/while loop waits
patiently until asterisk is done with the file.  Next time Asterisk tries
to open the file it will fail (since it doesn't exist) and will recreate
it.  Piece of cake.

Whoever said that Asterisk cannot rotate it's logfile without 
dropping calls was incorrect.  There is a command built into Asterisk 
as of last month called logger reload - try:

asterisk -rx logger reload



Subject: [Asterisk-cvs] asterisk logger.c,1.4,1.5
Date: Thu,  2 Oct 2003 02:38:59 -0400 (EDT)
Update of /usr/cvsroot/asterisk
In directory
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Add logger reload CLI (bug #345)
Index: logger.c
RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/logger.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- logger.c8 Sep 2003 16:48:06 -   1.4
+++ logger.c2 Oct 2003 06:40:10 -   1.5
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include asterisk/channel.h
 #include asterisk/config.h
 #include asterisk/term.h
+#include asterisk/cli.h
 #include string.h
 #include stdlib.h
 #include errno.h
@@ -173,22 +174,22 @@

-static struct verb {
-	void (*verboser)(const char *string, int opos, int 
replacelast, int complete);
-	struct verb *next;
-} *verboser = NULL;
-int init_logger(void)
+int reload_logger(void)
 	char tmp[AST_CONFIG_MAX_PATH];
+	ast_mutex_lock(loglock);
+	if (eventlog)
+		fclose(eventlog);
 	mkdir((char *)ast_config_AST_LOG_DIR, 0755);
 	snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), %s/%s, (char 
*)ast_config_AST_LOG_DIR, EVENTLOG);
 	eventlog = fopen((char *)tmp, a);
+	ast_mutex_unlock(loglock);
 	if (eventlog) {
-		ast_log(LOG_EVENT, Started Asterisk Event Logger\n);
+		ast_log(LOG_EVENT, Restarted Asterisk Event Logger\n);
 		if (option_verbose)
-			ast_verbose(Asterisk Event Logger Started 
%s\n,(char *)tmp);
+			ast_verbose(Asterisk Event Logger restarted\n);
 		return 0;
 	} else
 		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, Unable to create event log: 
%s\n, strerror(errno));
@@ -196,28 +197,55 @@
 	return -1;

-int reload_logger(void)
+static int handle_logger_reload(int fd, int argc, char *argv[])
+	if(reload_logger())
+	{
+		ast_cli(fd, Failed to reloadthe logger\n);
+	}
+	else
+static struct verb {
+	void (*verboser)(const char *string, int opos, int 
replacelast, int complete);
+	struct verb *next;
+} *verboser = NULL;
+static char logger_reload_help[] =
+Usage: logger reload\n
+   Reopens the log files.  Use after a rotating the log files\n;
+static struct ast_cli_entry reload_logger_cli =
+	{ { logger, reload, NULL },
+	handle_logger_reload, Reopens the log files,
+	logger_reload_help };
+int init_logger(void)
 	char tmp[AST_CONFIG_MAX_PATH];
-	ast_mutex_lock(loglock);
-	if (eventlog)
-		fclose(eventlog);
+	/* register the relaod logger cli command */
+	ast_cli_register(reload_logger_cli);
 	mkdir((char *)ast_config_AST_LOG_DIR, 0755);
 	snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), %s/%s, (char 
*)ast_config_AST_LOG_DIR, EVENTLOG);
 	eventlog = fopen((char *)tmp, a);
-	ast_mutex_unlock(loglock);
 	if (eventlog) {
-		ast_log(LOG_EVENT, Restarted Asterisk Event Logger\n);
+		ast_log(LOG_EVENT, Started Asterisk Event Logger\n);
 		if (option_verbose)
-			ast_verbose(Asterisk Event Logger restarted\n);
+			ast_verbose(Asterisk Event Logger Started 
%s\n,(char *)tmp);
 		return 0;
 	} else
 		ast_log(LOG_ERROR, Unable to create event log: 
%s\n, strerror(errno));
 	return -1;

 extern void ast_log(int level, const char *file, int line, const 
char *function, const char *fmt, ...)

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Help configuring CISCO 7960

2003-11-20 Thread Brady Kirby
Are you using SIP or MGCP for the 7960...?

This will be a big difference not only in the phone configuration, but also
in the settings for *...

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] ATA-186 Double Digit problems

2003-11-20 Thread Brian West

check connectmode and audiomode.. I don't have this problem on mine.


On Thu, 20 Nov 2003, Tais M. Hansen wrote:

 On Thursday 20 November 2003 04:38, John Todd wrote:
  I'm using ATA-186 devices, with RFC2833 DTMF encoding.  I am
  having problems with routines that input long strings of numbers, in
  that I am getting more than a small number of double digit entries.
  As an example, I have a section that asks for the user to enter a
  call forwarding number, and then puts that number into a database.
  Almost always, there are double digits when the user only intended to
  type a single digit, no matter how carefully they entered their

 Sounds very much like the problem we're having when using RFC2833. We're not
 using an ATA device however.

 If the endpoint doesn't properly remove the tone sound from the stream and
 sends the RFC2833 equivalent tone event, Asterisk might parse both the inband
 tone and the RFC2833 tone, which will result in two tones.

 Tais M. Hansen
 ComX Networks
 Tel: +45-70257474
 Fax: +45-70257374

 Asterisk-Users mailing list
  Output from gpg 
 gpg: Signature made Thu 20 Nov 2003 08:59:01 AM CST using DSA key ID B113DCC7
 gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Andy Hester
Just a had to put in a few points on this...

First, it is correct that there is no cause to be rude, either by repling
rudely or posting without doing any research.  I think that a response
directing them to the proper resources is better than not responding at all.

Second, one of the main problems has been documenatation as everyone knows.
As one of the people suggesting a wiki several months back, I am thankful to
those who have hosted/maintained/posted.  Searching the mailing list
archives can be futile in a lot of cases because it can be to
tedious/laborious to find an answer in a timeframe that is practical.  This
is why we need the wiki.  I would suggest that we start refering them to the
wiki as well as the mailing list. Props to Olle  BKW for responding with
their docs.

Lastly, I'm not sure that the footer idea will work at all.  It is doubtful
that the people asking the questions in question will read the footer.  The
idea is to put links to the documentation, wiki, unofficial * pages and
instructions BEFORE the mailing list stuff on the Asterisk support page.
Other wise many will not even see it much less take the time to read it.  I
believe Critch suggested something like this in a thread a few days ago. ie
you can only post after you've read the instructions or something.


With the exception of I don't know how hard it is to setup, I wouldn't
mind this going to a semi moderated group. RO access requires little
intervention. Basically it is the default. Posting requires a quick read
of the FAQ with a quick push through a small and to the point netiquete
page, and then maybe a 2 or 3 question pop quiz afterwords. After that,
release the posting restriction. It is fairly minimalistic, and
shouldn't get too in the way of users who want to lurk and read first.


We as a community have made great strides from even a few months backas far
as docs goes, I think we just need to make sure it gets out there and then
if people still ask questions without research, we can turn Critch loose on
'em. ;)

Andy Hester

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] 4 Port FXO cards

2003-11-20 Thread Ernest W. Lessenger
At 07:26 AM 11/20/2003, you wrote:
Probably too late to ask for, but for us reversal polarity detection
(far end answer supervision) is very important for billing and pre-paid
Don't the X100P cards already support this? I believe it's called KewlStart.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread Rich Adamson
 So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:
 asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)
 Any others as well?  If we were to add another list, I *believe* we could
 automatically subscribe everyone in -users to -whatever to help seed it a
 The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in a
 day, and my job is 100% asterisk.  There probably is a justification for a
 new list, but I think it is less the -biz list as much as much as the
 -newbies.  Keeping a business discussion on -users is probably quite
 useful since often times a business discussion can involve technical
 details of what Asterisk is capable of doing.

What's the problem that we're trying to fix? (Fragmenting the lists into 
more so we don't have to look at one or more lists, or, is it reducing 
the number of repetitive newbie postings?)

The second choice is not going to be impacted by the number of lists
available. As stated several times before, additional documentation and
sample how-to configs would go A Long Way towards reducing noise levels.

In another very popular (but unrelated) list we had the exact same 
noise-level problem. For that list, the annoyance was primarily Windows 
users asking questions that Unix folks snubbed.  One simple text file was
included that spoon fed the steps reducing the noise level to almost
nothing. Proving that people do read if something is presented in the 
proper context. The download-asterisk page has that capability right 
now. I'd rather see that approach used verses another newbie list or 
whatever it would be called. I'd even volunteer to submit the page 
changes necessary.

The biz list does have some significant benefits, however. Best guess
is that anyone that has a serious commitment to asterisk would subscribe
to it, and possibly unsubscribe later if the topics don't fit with
their objectives (even if some technical questions are raised there).


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Service codes for MGCP channels

2003-11-20 Thread Mark Spencer
Let me clarify my feelings:

I believe the API should look something like this:

struct ast_features {
/* Private data for features, which ones are enabled, state
   information, etc */

/* Apply var/value pair to the feature set, return 0 on success, -1 if
   this isn't a feature variable, or -2 if it is a feature variable but
   had improper syntax, etc */
int ast_feature_apply(struct ast_feature *feats, char *var, char *value);

/* Checks if the extension exten matches a feature which is permitted
   for the given feature set.  Returns 1 if it is present, 0 if it might
   match, and -1 if there is no match (i presume no equivalent of
   matchmore need be available for features?) */
int ast_feature_checkmatch(struct ast_feature *feats, char *exten);

/* Handle feature on a channel if it is in fact it matched as above.
   Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure or if hangup is needed */
int ast_feature_handle(char *chan, struct ast_feature *feats, char *exten);

Note that not all features can be implemented this way (e.g. three way
calling, etc), as they involve intimate knowledge of the underlying

Features would then be configured through /etc/asterisk/features.conf in
terms of remapping them, but would NOT be configured through


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] codec pass-through feature

2003-11-20 Thread Sathya Weerasooriya
Hi Gurus,

I we seen references to 'codec pass through feature' in the mailing list.
SIP to SIP and SIP to chan_h323 as well. Could someone help me to understand
this feature, or point me to some examples etc.

Appreciate any pointers here.

Thanks a bunch


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Scope of the h extension..

2003-11-20 Thread John Todd
I have the following setup..

; all extensions defined here.
exten = 1234,
exten = 1235,

; PSTN dialout config
ignorepat = 9
exten = _9,

exten = h,

; phone context in sip.conf is here..
include = extensions
include = dialout
The question is where will the h extension be active?? it appears 
to run for ALL, both internal and PSTN calls, not just the calls to 
the PSTN.. Is that correct?? is there any way to limit it to PSTN 

No.  If you include h from anywhere, it gets included everywhere. 
The first one included, wins.

There are extremely ugly ways to handle that problem in the way I 
think you want it handled using Goto and include.  Essentially, 
create two contexts (one for external, and one for internal) and then 
use Goto(othercontext,${EXTEN},1) at the end of the first one if 
nothing matches.  Put the new  h extension definition in that new 
context.  Vey ugly.

I'm sure there is more than one way to address this problem, though, 
but in the 10 seconds I've thought about it, I didn't come up with 
any others.  :-)

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] X100P in India

2003-11-20 Thread Suresh Rajagopalan
Anyone using a X100P in India? Does it work?


Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Scope of the h extension..

2003-11-20 Thread DUSTIN WILDES
Your inheritied context is including the exten = h,... for dial-out  internal 
because your sip.conf is pulling both via your local context.

Something like this should fix it:

include = extensions
exten = _9,,1,Goto(dial-out,${EXTEN},1)

That will only execute the exten = h,... entry for matched outgoing calls that use 

Hope it helps!!

-Original Message-
From: WipeOut [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 10:26 AM
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Scope of the h extension..

I have the following setup..

; all extensions defined here.
exten = 1234,

exten = 1235,

; PSTN dialout config
ignorepat = 9

exten = _9,

exten = h,

; phone context in sip.conf is here..
include = extensions
include = dialout

The question is where will the h extension be active?? it appears to 
run for ALL, both internal and PSTN calls, not just the calls to the 
PSTN.. Is that correct?? is there any way to limit it to PSTN calls??


Asterisk-Users mailing list
Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] asterisk-oh323 v0.5.7 bugfix release

2003-11-20 Thread Michael Manousos

This is a minor bugfix release of asterisk-oh323.
The fastStart mode now is working (it was broken in 0.5.6).
Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] PSTN intercepted announcement

2003-11-20 Thread Michael Ulitskiy

I've sent all info off-list.


On Thursday 20 November 2003 09:53 am, Michael Manousos wrote:
 Michael Ulitskiy wrote:
  I have asterisk functioning as SIP to H.323 gateway for local SIP endpoints and I 
  have H.323 to PSTN
  gateway (Lucent MAX TNT) connecting my LAN VOIP to PSTN via PRI.
  Everything works fine with one exception. I seem to be unable to figure out why I 
  cannot hear 
  PSTN intercepted announcement  (number is not in service etc.) when I'm calling 
  a disconnected number through asterisk. The phone just keeps ringing.
  I know everything's fine with my PSTN connection and gateway, because I have other
  H.323 endpoints connecting directly to gateway without asterisk involved and it 
  works for them.
  It seems that somehow both available h323 drivers for asterisk cannot handle those 
  I did some experimenting and found that H.323 FastFtart must be enabled in order 
  for this to work
  (without faststart enabled it doesn't work for h.323 endpoints too). 
  I tried to explicitly enable it on both h323 and oh323 drivers, but it didn't work 
  with asterisk anyway.
 For the case of OH323, can you send me more details
 (conf file, log, tracefile) to check it?
  I'm not a telecom professional and I'm stucked here. So I thought I'd ask for help 
  here :)
  Has anybody noticed this? Any ideas?
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: Asterisk Lists (was Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again)

2003-11-20 Thread Steven Critchfield
On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 09:01, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
  So far it seems like the proposed candidates for new lists are:
  asterisk-newbies (perhaps a better word?)
  The amount of mail on asterisk-users is more than even *I* can read in a
  day, and my job is 100% asterisk.  There probably is a justification for
  a new list, but I think it is less the -biz list as much as much as the
  -newbies.  Keeping a business discussion on -users is probably quite
  useful since often times a business discussion can involve technical
  details of what Asterisk is capable of doing.
 Agreed...  biz is just a special class of users, but what would go in 
 nontech...  newbies wouldn't get much traffic since nobody wants to really 
 admit they're a newb and moreso they'd get frustrated that the people who 
 really do know wouldn't hang out there.

While I seem to be deemed the newbie basher, I have already expressed
similar sentiment to Mark once before. I think newbies are better served
in -users as there are people here who will answer the question, even if
it is to say go look at google. 

Agreed on what could be discussed on nontech. Business plans? Sourcing
parts?  Business plans are unlikely as those are usually kept close
to the company, and sourcing parts is fine for -users as they need them

As for -biz, I think it may be best to define what you think should
happen there. If it is to make available vendors to clients, I doubt a
client would go to a mailing list, but I may be surprised. If it where
to organize development of certain features deemed needed by the
business community, that could easily be moved to -dev so that the group
who wants to get work done could talk to those who may do it from
outside your company.  

 Although I do like -biz on a separate list because you can also see who's 
 offering what, and get help on how to set it up and interop -- think of all 
 the vonage, nuphone, p8, ich and other how do I do this traffic we've 
 seen on -users lately...

Interop messages are -users messages. Some could say they should
possibly be handed up to the providers support channels though. Who is
providing what might best be served by a vendors section on the Wiki.
Specifically with locations and range a person is willing to do business
within. There have been a few questions lately that seem to suggest
people are ready to plunk down cash for someone to come set a asterisk
box up for them. These _wonderful_ newbies are paying for their answers
and the patience of the person who services them. Encourage this
behavior by giving these people the resource to find a vendor close by
that does this support work. The problem with a list is that it will
require searching, or the same question over and over again with minor
changes possibly for location. 

Definitely embrace those willing to pay for service, and make it easy
for them to find the person willing to accept the check. Let them also
find such service close to their physical address as it makes support
more personal and easy to render. Do all this, but don't sacrifice the
current communications channels we have in place already.   
Steven Critchfield  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Re: tunnel iax via gnophone with ssh?

2003-11-20 Thread Reinhard Max

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 at 08:44, Chris Hirsch wrote:

 Anybody have any ideas?

Asterisk uses UDP, but ssh can only forward TCP ports.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Missing Manager Events/Actions: Hold, Reconnect, Conference

2003-11-20 Thread Steven Sokol
This may be better off on the developer list, but I thought I would see
if I was way off-base before I went there.  I am working on a manager
CTI client (currently for windows but with hopes of porting it elsewhere


I have many of the features working.  I can originate calls (using the
call-in/call-out originate that the manager provides) display
call-related information (caller ID, source device, etc), record calls
using monitor, drop calls, transfer calls using redirect.  The one thing
I can't seem to figure out is what state the call is in once it is
connected.  Asterisk doesn't send state change messages (NewState) to
indicate that the call has been held or reconnected.  I also can't find
any way in the manager to place an active call on hold or to reconnect a
held call.

Am I missing something?  Does anybody know how hard it would be to add
those events/actions?  Looking at the source, it doesn't look too
difficult to create the events and/or actions.  What I don't understand
is where the event trigger would be added to the pbx core code.
Obviously Asterisk knows when a call is put on hold -- it starts MOH for
the held channel.  Would that be the best place to insert the event


As for Conference, is there any direct way to execute these from within
the manager?  A way to 1) add a new party to an existing call or 2)
bridge two existing calls terminated at the same station?  Obviously
calls can be transferred into a meet-me or something like that, but is
there a better, cleaner way?

[Related Call on Transfer]

Many CTI systems offer a related call ID for linking a new call
segment with an old call segment on transfer.  I.e. when I am
transferred from agent A to agent B and a new call is created, the new
call's NewChannel event would include a RelatedCall field which would
hold the unique ID of the original call.

[Connect To Application]

One last thing I would like to try to implement in the manager is a
notification that a call is successfully connected to an application
(i.e. voicemail).  Currently whenever a call is established to an
application (i.e. I go to check my voicemail) I get events related to
the state of my station, including NewExtension events that show I have
called an extension.  But I never receive anything like a Link message
to show that I am successfully connected to an application.  Could we
add AppLink and AppUnlink messages?  Or perhaps additional parameters to
Link and Unlink to indicate that we are linked to an application rather
than a physical endpoint?

Should I take this to the developer list or enter it into the bug
tracker?  Has anybody else built a series of patches to handle these
issues?  Should I give up and go home?



Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] iaxComm new version installation problem

2003-11-20 Thread C M
thx. it solved my problem. why not put the working app
in the website so that ppl won't get my kind of


--- Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 3:26 PM
 Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] iaxComm new version
 installation problem
  sorry dan,
  i downloaded the file from
  file  but it does not
 seem to
  work... it just disappears in the background.. i
  see it running in the task manager thing. and my
  computer gets really slow.
 This is the buggy one.
 Try this link (from 18nov):
 This one works.
 Good luck,
 Asterisk-Users mailing list


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Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] FAQ, Documentation, How-to, etc

2003-11-20 Thread Ray Burkholder
  whatnot do not help at all when your first exposure to the 
 subject thread is 
  someone saying It's already been answered, check the 
 archive and that 
  message is 6 months old!  Worst of all there are no hints 
 on searching for 
  this information.  You know in such situations it's helpful 

Perhaps the solution for this is for the person who is tempted to take the
easy way out and say 'check the archives', actually links to the archival
message(s) in question.  That would be helpful in the max.  An added helpful
bit would be to include the google search terms they used for finding that
item (if applicable).

And if we had enough of these references, an index page could be set up to
point to these 'well known references', or hidden gems.  A reference to this
index would be included in the FAQ.


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Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] tunnel iax via gnophone with ssh?

2003-11-20 Thread Steven Critchfield
On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 09:44, Chris Hirsch wrote:
 Hey all...I'm trying to use gnophone to connect to my asterisk box 
 behind my firewall..I thought I could just setup a tunnel with something 
 like ssh -L5036:asteriskserver:5036 and just change my gnophone 
 to connect to localhost:5036 but I never see anything happen on the 
 asterisk server. I'm even trying this on the same network just in case 
 there is something funky with NAT.
 Anybody have any ideas? I did notice that when I start gnophone I see
 iax.c line 654 in iax_init: Started on port 5036
 Listening on port 5036
 and it doesn't seem to matter what I do inside the config. Are these 
 ports in some way hardcoded? If if they are can't I do something like above?

I think your problem is going to be related to the fact that IAX is a
UDP protocol. I don't know, but I think you can't push UDP down a tunnel
like that normally. Check out this URL for some pointers.
Steven Critchfield  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Asterisk-Users mailing list

RE: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again

2003-11-20 Thread Steven Critchfield
On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 09:51, Michael Graves wrote:
 Forgive my inexperience...but when does a newsgroup, or series of
 newsgroups become preferable to a list?

Not. Mailing lists are better suited for long term archival

There has been discussion about this before. Newsgroups are not nearly
as friendly to offline usage as mailing lists are. I personally rely on
my local archive of the list to do searching almost as often as I turn
to google. The only other software package I have dealt with recently
that asked you to join a mailing list was VmWare, and it was an
extremely clumsy way of searching for a problem.

 On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 17:50:41 +1100, Adam Goryachev wrote:
 I agree that a nontech list would be fantastic. The only problem I have
 with multiple lists is where people post the same thing to every list.
 That is a REAL pain in the ...
  However business-related issues are not so common at this 
  point, so perhaps 
  a list devoted to NONTECHNICAL discussion (-nontech?) would 
  be relevant?
 Asterisk-Users mailing list
 Michael Graves   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sr. Product Specialist
 Pixel Power Inc.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  FWD 54245
 It is dangerous to be correct about matters when the established 
 authories are wrong. - Voltaire
 ** Tag(s) inserted by Bandit Tagger98 -
 Asterisk-Users mailing list
Steven Critchfield  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] tunnel iax via gnophone with ssh?

2003-11-20 Thread Dorian Gray
Chris Hirsch wrote:
Hey all...I'm trying to use gnophone to connect to my asterisk box 
behind my firewall..I thought I could just setup a tunnel with something 
like ssh -L5036:asteriskserver:5036 and just change my gnophone 
to connect to localhost:5036 but I never see anything happen on the 
asterisk server. I'm even trying this on the same network just in case 
there is something funky with NAT.
I b'lieve ssh will only tunnel tcp traffic, not udp.

Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Business discussion again

2003-11-20 Thread Tilghman Lesher
On Thursday 20 November 2003 09:51, Michael Graves wrote:
 Forgive my inexperience...but when does a newsgroup, or series of
 newsgroups become preferable to a list?

When hell freezes over or spammers stop spewing on newsgroups,
whichever comes first.  Seriously, we've had this discussion before.
What it comes down to is that newbies want newsgroups and developers
don't want to wade through newsgroups.  Given that developers control
the future of Asterisk, don't expect the newsgroups (or web bulletin
boards, as was subsequently suggested) to be monitored by those

And BTW, remember to trim footers and post your reply AFTER what was
already posted.  It's disrespectful to the etiquette of the list (and
if you're looking for answers, do you really want to disrespect the
people who can answer your question?).


Asterisk-Users mailing list

Re: [Asterisk-Users] Can I soft-link a voicemailbox?

2003-11-20 Thread Tilghman Lesher
On Thursday 20 November 2003 09:38, Philipp von Klitzing wrote:
 I'd like to be able to use the vmbox prompt of VoiceMailMain2 and
 use 1234 and 4321 to point to the same mailbox. Will it be
 sufficient to create a soft link for 4321 -- 1234 in
 /var/spool/asterisk/default or will I get myself into horrible

Yes.  No, it works fine.


Asterisk-Users mailing list

[Asterisk-Users] Zaptel DAX?

2003-11-20 Thread Johnson, Randy
Title: Zaptel DAX?

I could swear that I remember seeing some announcement somewhere that Zaptel now supported drop-and-insert across spans on a TE410P, but now I can't find it. Am I imagining this? We just got our TE410 up and running, and if we could cross-connect digital channels with it, I think we'd buy another one for the remote end (instead of using the T100P we have).

Searching Google (zaptel dax, asterisk cross connect, zaptel drop insert, etc.) found some 2002-era messages from Mark, explaining the ease which which DAX could be implemented. At various times, he offered to do it for purchasing a couple of T400P boards (April 17, 2002:, and then later for $3000 or 10 T400Ps (April 25, 2002:

Did this ever get done? Was the work released into GPL (CVS) Asterisk? There's no reference in zaptel.conf and grepping for dax in the src/zaptel directory comes up empty, so probably not. If that's the case, what's the price tag this week?


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