Re: [Asterisk-Users] Nested MySQL Commands

2006-01-11 Thread Chris Albertson

 Send a 
 query over to the MySql server with only the required 
 parameters and have it do all the processing for you and 
 only returns the results.

THe above describes the whole point of a SQL DBMS Server.
WHat else could you ask one to do for you?

Back to the original question:  Can you use the result of
one query to feed another without going to the DBMS twice?
Yes, Of course SQL allows this.

In fact Data base experts
would be horrified to see any code that querries a value,
holds that value and then querries based on that value.
Doing this without holding a lock on the relevent tables is
just plain wrong and will result in bugs.  You should
_always_ write the SQL querry such that only one querry
gives you the results you need.  Manual Locks are not good, they
can be the source of very serious performance problems.

For more specific advice you would need to post the details
of what you are tring to do and a bit of the SQL you are

 I know that is a nice feature od Microsoft Sql. But have 
 not had a chance to read up on the performance of the new 
 version of MySql...

Basically MySQL is very fast when the load is light but scales
very poorly with either higher loads or higher conplexity
querries.  It is good for flat file like problems.  The
larger DBMSes are slower initially but scale better.

(Please CC any replies to my direct email)

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Nested MySQL Commands

2006-01-11 Thread Chris Albertson

Under Linux (and other OSes) It's not as bad as that.  Even with
128 Perl processes running there is only one copy of the Perl
interpeter in memory.  Each of the 128 running processes would
have it's own copy of only it's data segments.  With Perl
already in memory the biggest system overhead would be
process creation.

The best design is the one that minimizes the number of
process that the kernel has to create.  Notice that this is
why the Apache Perl modual is so much faster than using
Perl from a CGI script

Perl connecting to a central DBMS server is already the model
you describe: 128 light weight procees connected to one
big process which is the DBMS server.

Performance gains will come from writting the SQL so that there
is only one transaction and using indexes on the right
columns in the database.

If you really do have 128 process runing and each one needs
to access a DBMS server, I'd say you are going to need a
very powerful DBMS system but likly the call volume is not
neraly like that

--- John Daragon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Douglas Garstang wrote:
  Peter, I assume you mean something like this in extensions.conf:
  exten = _X.,1,AGI(
  and then there's only one call. All logic would be performed by 
   the perl script. This has many advantages. One disadvantage
   is that potentially, there could be 120 simultaneous instances of
   this script running (one per call).
 Yes, but if you need it to scale efficiently, each of these could
 be a very lightweight process. If you used each of these to
 via RPC or shared memory to a process with a small and configurable
 of database connections (which isn't that difficult), you can build a
 simple and scalable solution.
 John Daragon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] mpg123 removal

2006-01-09 Thread Chris Albertson

Almost certainly a memory leak in mpg123 is not the cause of a system
crash.  First off, there is no such leak.  Second even if there were
the mpg123 process is not long lived.  A new one is started for each
MOH session.

If mpg123 is causing the crash then it may be due simply because of
all the extra CPU time required to transcode the music.  If there are
10 lines on hold then there woud be 10 copies of mpg123 running
on the server.  

As per the suggestion below it is smarter to transcode the music
file ONCE and save it.   sox is a pretty good transcoder.

Also, be carful what music files you use for MOH.  Rebroadcasting
copywrited music is not lega;.  If the wrong person happens to
call, be put on hold and hears your unlicensed MOH you could
get in trouble.  People who work in the entertainment industry
tend to be sensitive to this issue.  Use some crative commons
works and you will be OK.

--- Kevin Bockman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chris Mason (Lists) wrote:
  When I configured this server, I did not do the make mpg123 option.
  Months later, I read about it and did it, as the client was asking
  MOH. About a week later the server crashed, which it never has
 before. I 
  believe mpg123 have a memory leak.
  What's  the best way to remove it, and is there an alternative that
 rm /usr/bin/mpg123 or something like that
 There are a few solutions to MOH:
 If you are using 1.2, I would use native (codec, not MP3).  There
 be an example in the sample config file in 
 /usr/src/asterisk/configs/musiconhold.conf.sample - I don't see it on
 the Wiki.  It should be there, somewhere.  Must be buried.  For this 
 option, you will need to have the sound files in .ul, .gsm, or
 codec you use mostly.  I only allow ulaw, so all of my MOH files are 
 .ul.  This way it doesn't have to transcode at all.
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Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Stay away from Grandstream!

2005-12-26 Thread Chris Albertson
Maybe a better way to say it is Know the limitations of the GS phones
and don't try and use them outside of those limits.  Don't buy ANY
phone you've not tested and used yourself for use by a client.
My GS phone has worked fine for years.  Even if it were to fail
and had to be replaced buying two is still cheaper then one of
some of the others.  The trick is to use them (or anyhting else)
only when you know it will work.  That said, the GS 100 is not the
best thing to put on a receptionist's desk.  

I've actually had pretty good luck, even getting to exchangeemail
one of thier engineers.

--- Elene Kinsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We have 2 GXP-2000 dead during automatic firmware upgrade. Devices
 send out only one ARP packet for default gateway resolution during
 and nothing more!
 We've contact Grandstream support, but they cannot help. Now we want
 send devices to Grandstream for repair but they on longer reply mail!
 GXP-2000 was very buggy on attended call transfer, and the problem 
 resolved only after upgrading using latest firmware. Overall GXP is
 but customer support is terrible. Stay away from them!
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Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Festival questions

2005-07-14 Thread Chris Albertson

I was working on something like this.  There are a few

(1) First off yes you have to have access to the tesxt of the
e-mail.  Notice the word test we don't want html or
MS word atachments.

(2) Next look below nice al the silly junk like quotes are
indicated by  marks.  This has to be converted.
The the ascii art in the sig line.   OK this is not hard
just a whole bunch of Perl scripting or if you are really nuts
like me try lex/yaac to define an e-mail grammer
There is much to be done here basically we are building a
script that any reader (human or machine) would be able
to read into a telephone.  The BEST format to use a voice
markup language not plain text.  Festival can read the
markup language

(3) Finally you spimply scrip it and run it on as command
line application on _many_ test emails and listen.

(4) assuming #3 above is done integrating it into * is very
easy.  One interrresting idea would be to automaticaly
drop email into voice boxes oruswer could us a menu tree

If anyone seriouly wants to work on the above isues please CC
me directly about it.  Im my opinion most of the work is
in #2 which would be implemented outside of the * code base
as a stand alone application.

--- Tzafrir Cohen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 03:47:53PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Is it possible to setup an Asterisk system that can allow someone
  dial in using a DID and listen to their e-mail? Has anyone done
 It seems that basically yes, but quite depends on your local
 For instance, is Asterisk allowed to read users' mails?
 As for a user interface, consider the one of the original berkeley
 It was designed to work in very simple terminals.
 Tzafrir Cohen | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is |   | a Mutt's  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   |  best
 ICQ# 16849755 |   | friend
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Backup for linux/asterisk

2005-03-24 Thread Chris Albertson

The standard UNIX backup program is called dump.  Try reading the
dump manpage by typing man dump at the shell's prompt.  This program
has been in common use since maybe the late 80's

Quoted from the man page:

  Dump examines files on an ext2/3 filesystem and determines
  which files need to be backed up. These files are copied to
  the given  disk,  tape or  other storage medium for safe

Many sysadmins will run dump nightly from a crontab entry

--- Steve Prior [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeff Glassman wrote:
  My question is as follows.  Is there a backup program that will
 save to 
  a tape drive or a USB CD Writer so if I mess up an install I don’t
  to go through a complete reinstall?   I saw a few programs out
 there but 
  they required X windows and from what I read it is suggested that X
  windows not be installed on an Asterisk box.
 I recently used G4U from:
 See if it does what you need.
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] OT: Best DB

2005-03-17 Thread Chris Albertson

What is the best truck?  A recent survey finds that
there are far more Ford Rangr pickup trucks on the road
then there are Frightliner 18 wheelers

In another survey we find that Chevy outnumbers Porche.

Closer to home in the computer world, more people use
MS Windows than Solaris.

I think Budwieser outsells every other beer.

In most organizations followers outnumber the leaders

The poor will always outnumber the rich.

Still interrested in that database poll?

What's the best DB.  First you must define best.
After you do that the answer is easy.

--- David Brodbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Steven Critchfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Top Deployed Databases poll shows following databases in use: 
   SQL Server with 78%, Oracle - 55%, MySQL - 33% and PostgreSQL -
  I see they created this with Mysql,
  78 + 55 + 44 + 8 = 185%
  I'm sure if you add in the others we would get to something 
  around 300%
 Presumably some sites had more than one type of database in use.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] FRS / FRS/GMRS 2-way radios as SIP clients

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Albertson


  There are Ham Radio operators who have used * as a repeater
 controller and
  you might try to contact some of them as they will have direct
  doing what you are trying to do.

I'd like to know too.  WHo's done it.

I've wanted to use * as a voip radio
link but not gotten around to it yet.

If you'd like towork on this let me know, but please NOT on this
list, or at least CC me directly.  I'll miss any reply posted here.

Of course the biggest issue will be simplex vs. duplex.  the
radios are simplex  As for connecting the radios to the computer
there are comercial made interface boxes or you can make your own
for a few bucks.

 where do these guys hang out any irc channel or mail list

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] FRS / FRS/GMRS 2-way radios as SIP clients

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Albertson

THere are a number of VOIP links used by ham radio.  IRLP has to
be the most popular.  Then there is Echolink, Wires and some others.
My plan was to wrte an Asterisk channel driver for each of these
Asterisk then could provide inter-system bridging between the
various ham VOIP networks, the PSTN and VOIP Telepony.

--- Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Aha, I see where you're going with this.
 Firstly, why does it have to be SIP? Are you expecting to be able to 
 have users pick up the phone and dial a radio? If not then there
 loads of VOIP for radio apps out there. Many run under linux. All use
 sound card and serial port.
 Take a look at They have a solution that is free and hooks
 up to a load of other users using whatever radio you choose to use.
 Mark, KC2ENI
 Glenn Powers wrote:
  TC wrote:
  Any one know of software that allows 2-way radios as VoIP(SIP)
  besides dingotel's usb  mic cable trick ?
  They might be ok if the SIP client was not hardcode to their own
  Has anyone tried any hacks to get the 2-way radio SIP client to 
  regsiter to
  a * box.
  hmm chan_frsgmfrs anyone? using the usb/mic cable under linux :)
  *The Asterisk app_rpt project
  The integration of 2-way radio systems and reasonable telephony
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] FRS / FRS/GMRS 2-way radios as SIP clients

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Albertson


You are getting close to doing what I was thinking of.

Let's say your repeater system works with sub-watt power
transmitter and a little 1/4 wave antenna.  You could
get about a mile of range with a shirt pocket sized HT.
OK so for that's easy.

Next you get 50 of your freinds to build systems like that.
then you connect all the asterisk boxes with AIX.

What you've have then is a cell phone system running on VHF.
If you had an LDAP server that culd be kept up to date with
what call sign is in the range of which cell you could make
worldwide call sign to call sign calls.

Also, with low power xmiter lots of people could afford ot
git into it.  

THere are more things one could do with Asterisk and radio then
one person could ever cover.  I've been wanting to start
up some kind of interest group

--- Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What exactly are you trying to achieve?
 On my repeater system, I use the RC210 repeater controller with the 
 Phone Patch option. This is then connected to my Cisco ATA and then
 onto *.
 Users can initiate phone calls and callers can either command the 
 controller or initiate calls to the radio operators (although I have 
 this bit disabled for legal reasons).
 There are many Phone patch type devices that could be paired with a 
 radio (MURS/FRS/GMRS/HAM/etc) which in turn would require connection
 an ATA.
 As for where do they hang out. On the radio of course! With masses
 specturm available to even the most modest licencee why would we join
 IRC channel?
 You can find me on 53.81MHZ, minus shift, 136.5HZ PL
 Mark, KC2ENI
 Michael B. Murdock wrote:
  Not sure where they hang out you might look here..
  and here..
  should be some contacts on these pages to get you started.
  - Original Message - 
  To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
  Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 1:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] FRS / FRS/GMRS 2-way radios as SIP
 There are Ham Radio operators who have used * as a repeater
 you might try to contact some of them as they will have direct
 doing what you are trying to do.
 where do these guys hang out any irc channel or mail list
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Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] FRS / FRS/GMRS 2-way radios as SIP clients

2005-02-24 Thread Chris Albertson

THat is a valid conern if there is a path from the PSTN to a
ham licenced transmitter then any unlicenced person could
get on the air.  Isues like that could be worked.  Software
even enforce any rule such as requiring operators present at
control points or PSTN disconnect before IRLP connect

You could build a system that talks to multiple services but
never allows them to be connected in real time

--- Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I got into SERIOUS trouble with the IRLP folks for trying to do this.
 They want a closed netowrk and won't entertain anything that could
 a non licenced ham from using their system.
 Chris Albertson wrote:
  THere are a number of VOIP links used by ham radio.  IRLP has to
  be the most popular.  Then there is Echolink, Wires and some
  My plan was to wrte an Asterisk channel driver for each of these
  Asterisk then could provide inter-system bridging between the
  various ham VOIP networks, the PSTN and VOIP Telepony.
  --- Mark Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aha, I see where you're going with this.
 Firstly, why does it have to be SIP? Are you expecting to be able
 have users pick up the phone and dial a radio? If not then there
 loads of VOIP for radio apps out there. Many run under linux. All
 sound card and serial port.
 Take a look at They have a solution that is free and hooks
 up to a load of other users using whatever radio you choose to use.
 Mark, KC2ENI
 Glenn Powers wrote:
 TC wrote:
 Any one know of software that allows 2-way radios as VoIP(SIP)
 besides dingotel's usb  mic cable trick ?
 They might be ok if the SIP client was not hardcode to their own
 Has anyone tried any hacks to get the 2-way radio SIP client to 
 regsiter to
 a * box.
 hmm chan_frsgmfrs anyone? using the usb/mic cable under linux :)
 *The Asterisk app_rpt project
 The integration of 2-way radio systems and reasonable telephony
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  Chris Albertson
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Cell:   310-990-7550
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Sphinx

2005-02-16 Thread Chris Albertson

In a production environment, I would not attempt to run Sphinx on
the same computer as Asterisk   A few users interacting with
Sphinx could consume all of the server's resources and then some.

Same goes for DMBS servers, One big N-way join could tie up a
CPU for tens of seconds.

--- Mark Kidd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anybody managed to implement Sphinx in their * system reasonably
 if so:
 does it cause any problems with normal * operations.
 does it place any sort of constant heavy load on the machine.
 are there options for simple vs advanced implementations.
 all i am looking for is basicaly for a person to say a branch name.
 ie: johannesburg
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] speech recognition V 2.0

2005-02-16 Thread Chris Albertson

 Sphinx and Festival are good projects. The last I worked with sphinx
 was told that it would need modifications to make it more grammar
 but that was 2 years ago and things may have improved. If not then
 Sphinx people please let me know when you will add grammars natively
 refer me a grammar based engine.

Sphinx and Festival are in fact the current state of the art.
you are not likely to find anything better.

Sphinx can return a probibility network.  You can then attempt
to parse paths through the network and use the first path
(searching in probibillity order) that parses correctly.

You can use a LEX/YACC parser and do well enough.  (Get the
O'Reilly LEX/YACC book.  It's easy to use.)  I'm impressed with
YACC's performance.  I have an application with hundres of
grammar rules that runs as fast as UNIX's wc utility.

Users _can_ learn the subset of grammer.  Remember the game
zork or the other text based adventure games?  People caught
on to the limited subset of English.  

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: load balancing 20 asterisk servers

2005-02-02 Thread Chris Albertson

DNS based load ballancing has it's place, as dose using an
application level switch.  

Say an earthquake takes out your California data center.
Shortly the DNS servers will notice and pull that center's
record.  However do to caches and all this is not fast
and users will notice.

What the switch does is route at the protocol level between
local machines.  You can take a machine off line and no one
will notice.  Works great until the big quake a backhoe
takes out a fiber cable ro there is a fire flood or who
knows what.

protocol level switches have to know about the protocol.
You can buy them that work with HTTP, HTTPS and the common ones
but I wonder aboit SIP?  Getting the RPT to the right * server
would be hard beetrer to have a proxy tell the user which *
server to go to and nothave to route RTP.

--- Miguel Ruiz Velasco Sobrino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The DNS approach does not handle single or multiple system
  only very elementary load balancing over a lengthy period of time.
 Are you shure of that? I'm aware that the load criteria is trickier,
 but very possible.
 If you use DDNS (dynamic DNS) using Bind 9. You have to run a health
 monitor (like a tcp
 or ping monitor) in one server (like the dns one) if one server dies,
 a script removes
 it's A record automagically from the pool, and even with a script
 that monitors the load
 you can dynamically add and remove the entry of each individual
 server in the DNS server.
 And you would not need to care if the load balancer sends the SIP
 stream to one server
 and the RTP stream to an other or in the case of outgoing connections
 or whatever
 extrange situation.
 Use nsupdate utility for doing DDNS, it's really simple and
 incredibly powerfull. Also
 because all the requests are digitally signed, you will likely don't
 have security
  You may want to consider a simpler aproach, why don't you balance
 the load via DNS?
  If you put in a zone file various A records for the same machine,
 but with different
  IP's, BIND will catch the trick and send a different IP (from the
 pool yo defined) each
  time a DNS request arrives. That's a simple way of doing that, it
 will definively work
  for termination, but you may have to think more who to cope with
 origiation (outgoing
  calls), since different clients will be connected to different
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We use it on our web and mail server to load ballance across
  hosts. The way we have it configured
  it will maintain a session for 15 minutes between a client and a 
  specific server. So long as you have
  qualify=yes in your configuration files, each client will continue
  talk to the one server until they are turned off/
  deactivated for at least 15 minutes (or whatever time period you 
  configure into it). I've not tested LVS with
  Asterisk, but it may be the right direction for you to take.
  Matthew Boehm wrote:
  I've read several other emails and pages on the wiki but none give
  deffinate answers. if you have 20 asterisk servers each with 4
 pri's, all
  running RealTime Extensions and RealTime SIPBuddies from the same
  server, what prevents you from putting all 20 servers behind a
 single load
  balancer? That way all of your UA's can use the same IP to
 register to; vs
  maintaining which customer is assigned to which machine.
  perhaps its just that i am not that familiar with load balancers.
 i was
  under the impression that a load balancer could/would send each
  packet to a different server.
  this doesn't matter in the case of register requests since all
  boxes share same SIP registry database.
  but what about invite requests and the rtp stream? you would have
 a majorly
  broken conversation if each packet in the rtp stream went to a
  asterisk box.
  or are load balancers SIP aware? or is there some sort of session
  that the balancer is aware of and will send all packets in a sip
  to the same asterisk box?
  and then what about meet me conferences? if 10 UA's all dial a
  DID number and all 10 get balanced to 10 different servers then
 they are all
  sitting in seperate rooms right?
  hints, opinions, facts...all welcome and appreciated.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] UPS for Asterisk

2005-01-26 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Remco Barende [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 26 Jan 2005, Michael 'Moose' Dinn wrote:
  If you need a rocksolid solution have a look at astlinux that can
 boot *
  from a compact flash card in read only mode which makes it very
 hard to
  break :)
  You should be able to boot Asterisk using slackware as a base from
 a 64M CF
  card or even from a 64M bootable USB memory key. If you use
 ReiserFS or
  something similar for the drive that stores all your voicemail, etc
 then it
  should come back without a problem as well.
 Indeed, I'm thinking of using 2 CompactFlash ATA disks. One fully
 only with just a small partition writable that will keep
 (astlinux mounts read-only always and only mounts read-write if you
 to change/save the config). No worries about unclean shutdown.
 The second disk I will use for voicemail, and I can swap it every
 before it wears down.

Better than that, mirror the disk.  Then when one drive fails
Linux will automatically use the other disk.  You can go one step
more and define a third disk as a hot spare then after Linux
detects the drive failure and switches to the surviving twin
it will also bring up the hot spare and begin building a replacement
for the dead twin.  You can then swap out the dead drive with no
need to power down the server and declare the new drive as the
new hot spare  I would mirror the read-only patition also

It you truely want 5 nines you have to set things up so that you
can do normal maintanance (swapping out drives, power supplies and
the like without powering down.  

 It's probably possible to do it with another distro too but astlinux
 already pretty much finished :) And the cost of 512 Mb or 1 GB ATA
 is not much more than a McDonalds meal anyways (1GB is about USD 100
 For voicemail I could also use a microdrive but I'm not sure what
 happen if it breaks and * tries to read/write from it. If that would
 the box down it's no solution.
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] UPS for Asterisk

2005-01-24 Thread Chris Albertson

The usual setup for a computer is hosting a critical functions is
to use a server that has two (or more) power supplies with an
A/C power cord comming from each.  You then connect each cord
to it's own UPS.  I typical small PC server would have two
internal power suppies and two UPSes.

With this kind of setup even the cruddy UPS describbed below would
be just an annoyance and the system would not go down.

--- David Brodbeck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: Jon Radon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I've had good luck with CyberPower, what was your issue?
 I had two of them.  The first one, after about a year, would just
 switch off or glitch, causing the computer connected to it to reboot.
 The second one lasted two or three years, then suddenly started
 acting like
 the incoming power was off, even when it wasn't.  It did this
 intermittently for a couple of months, and then the condition became
 permanent and it would no longer switch to the AC line or charge its
 I gave up on the brand at that point, figuring an unreliable UPS was
 worse than none at all.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Interface to propriotary system and GPL

2004-12-22 Thread Chris Albertson

If everything on the Aterisk side of the socket is GPL'd
I think you are OK.

Look at the example of a Linux system running Netscape
browing the web when there is a Microsoft HTTP server.
Then we have a GPL's system conected to a closed
comercial system over a socket (port 80).

The grey area is when you link GPL's code to non GPL
I think the case of a socket interface is pretty clear.

--- Shahed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,
 I am wondering if I will be breaking the GPL,
 if I write for example, a channel driver or
 make some modifications to the astrisk source code,
 to interface at RUN TIME, through sockets, with
 a proprietary system.
 1. I write chan_xxx + modify asterisk source
 (make changes + new code publicly  available)
 2. chan_xxx supports hardware by XXX Corp.
 3, XXX Corps interface  is proprietary.
 4. I write a layer over XXX Corps API, that uses sockets,
 with the ONLY intent to BYPASS the GPL restrictions
 (If what I think about them are correct)
 5. Asterisk now interfaces at runtime with XXX,
 but no library linking.
 6. I sell the system, make all modifications available
  under GPL, but don't purchase any sort of license
  from Digium.
 I looked at
 and some ML posts, and it seems that perhaps I may be
 somewhat correct ?
 Please don't ask we why I would want to do this,
 because this is a hypothetical situation.
 I just want to clarify this, for maybe, future use.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Dual NAT for SIP

2004-11-30 Thread Chris Albertson

Plug the Linux PC directly into the DSL modem and let it run
Asterisk, firewall and routing and NAT and your wireless.
You will need two network interfaces on the linux box

Outside users just will not be able to get in otherwise.

--- Serge Schumacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My installation at home use two NAT translations before it reaches
 the linux box where Asterisk is running on.
 I use DSL with a Wireless router which fwd all packets to an Windows
 2003 box an this windows box it NATing the UDP and RTC packets to my
 linux box.
 If I try to connect to it from outside I get this error :
 Nov 30 22:19:02 WARNING[1106250672]: chan_sip.c:673 retrans_pkt:
 Maximum retries exceeded on call 4f106a72453f654a for seqno 1
 (Non-critical Response)
 linux*CLI Nov 30 22:19:02 WARNING[1106250672]: chan_sip.c:673
 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 4f106a72453f654a for
 seqno 1 (Non-critical Response)
 No such command 'Nov' (type 'help' for help)
 Nov 30 22:19:17 WARNING[1106250672]: chan_sip.c:673 retrans_pkt:
 Maximum retries exceeded on call 4f106a72453f654a for seqno 1
 (Non-critical Response)
 Well the users can connect but unable to establish a voice call
 between two SIP clients.
 Someone a clue how it can be solved or... ?
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] asterisk newsgrup proposal or phpBB forum

2004-11-30 Thread Chris Albertson

Hey guys, Look at this example It has nothing
to do with Asterisk but is an example of a _very_ high volume
meaasge board that _works_.  It runs on free software, has low
admin overhead.  It allows moderators on a per subject level and
optional authentication.  I have used this system both as a user and I
have installed and tested the software on my system.  It is easy
from both points of view.  Built in search, and even
e-mail subscriptions to threads.  Not much more to ask for.

This list is actually becomming usless do to it's success.  I
doubt I would notice a reply to this posting unless you CC me
off line and remove the  [Asterisk-Users] lable so it doe not
get piled in with 400 other messages.  

I suggest that people here actually try out scubaboard even if
you have no interrest in diving.  Check out the photos, for sale
ads, technical topics, regional/geographic forums and how it all
is kept straight and the search feature actually works to find
old threads.  And did I mentione-mail subscriptions to threads

--- Steven Critchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 15:52 -0600, Joe Greco wrote:
   Not everyone has decent access to NNTP either due to firewalls
   or otherwise 
  That's why many news servers allow access on alternate ports.  :-)
 On a proper network firewall, it is deny all, allow these few ports.
 unless you are running NNTP on a port like 80 or 443, it probably
 be blocked. Even then a good admin would have a proxy in place to
 cut down the bandwidth usage and would therefore break NNTP.
   or are under a quota due to the amount of illegal activity
   that appears there. Add to it the inability to control spam or
 kick an
   unruley users if the need arises. NNTP doesn't solve any
 problems, and
   phpBB creates a bunch.
   Better question is why do you feel there needs to be a change?
  You've missed some best of breed options.
  A newsgroup by itself may or may not be useful.  However, either
  USENET (which isn't entirely limited to NNTP, incidentally) has a
 bunch of
  powerful clients that are designed from the ground up for
 participating in
  large threaded discussions.  This is a major failing of many mail
  I find it easier to follow large discussions with the text-based
  newsreader than with any graphical mail client I've seen to date -
  none - and trn is old technology.  Just the thread tree view itself
 is so
  useful, not to mention one-key cruising through the tree nodes.
 Who said mail needs to be graphical? I know a great many people still
 using mutt for their mail and it probably will resemble trn close
 for your taste. Of course there are plenty of graphical email readers
 that support threaded views. I happen to use evolution with threads
 turned on and enjoy it.
 Your right, threaded trees are great. I love it when there is enough
 people using correct enough software to help keep the information
 correct. Of course we get to the same problem here that not all
 mail or nntp actually puts the in-reply-to or references headers in
 make the tree view work.
  Many sites gateway various mailing lists into local hierarchies,
 for the
  explicit purpose of solving some of the problems that NNTP doesn't
  because the medium was designed to deal with the functional
 equivalent of
  mailing list traffic from day one.
 Gateway mailing lists to local hierarchies to solve problems that
 hierarchies doesn't solve? Sounds like broken hacks to me. Maybe in
 rush through that sentence your meaning didn't get fully expressed.
 As for the design, like many older technologies, NNTP was designed
 before the unrulely behavior of spammers. While I know there are some
 private nntp servers that enable authentication to protect
 it isn't the norm.  
  You can avoid some of the problems of public newsgroups by making
 it a one-
  way gateway, with moderator pointing back at the original list,
  subject to all the normal list posting controls.
 And a limit on what a moderator will be able to handle unless it is a
 program, and then it wouldn't take a moment to get past it. Not that
 email is any more secure.
  Setting up a one-way gateway isn't too difficult.  Is there
 interest?  I
  can certainly start one.  We already do all the FreeBSD lists and a
  of other stuff here.
 I belive there has already been one with URL posted in this thread.
 Steven Critchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Echo -when software doesn't cut it.

2004-07-01 Thread Chris Albertson
 Kindly post it back here when you find something, IF you find
 something, as 
 Ive been fighting the exact same problem here, and followed the same
 you guys did. Ive given up at this point. At this juncture, Im
 the telco is sending it out intentionallyor space aliens are
 it...its only on the PSTN lines...Versleazon in my casebecause if
 problem isn't curable, then asterisk is dead in the water as far as
 I simply can not use a system that sounds like people talking are in
 tunnel. At this point, this is the only point of failure that kills
 whole idea of using this as a real switch.
 Now, as far as echo cancellation, Ive looked as some of the docs,
 like the 
 motorola paper, and
 purely theoretical stuff, but their math is beyond me.
   Unless someone has developed a whizz-bang improvement over the
 stuff I 
 read, the point of transiting from a two wire to a 4 wire model will
 cause echo, period, done, abandon the idea, lets go do something
 else. The 
 limiting factor I see, is our software echo handling doesn't have the
 computational horsepower attached (no cpu, or stealing cpu cycles
 from main 
 cpu) to be effective. Does this mean another piece of expensive
 Dedicated proprietary chips like the Moto? I'm thinking so.
 SO, This is it, critical point of failure...cant go on, at least I
 cant use 
 it. Yes, * does a lot of other stuff just fine, but this is the
 object, at least for me.. This is something it must do and do well or
 Ive been holding my breath, hoping something pops up, but it hasn't.
 At 09:21 7/1/2004, you wrote:
   Over the last couple weeks I've tried everything I could get my
 hands on
   in an attempt to get rid of my echo problems. Using a CVS
 checkout of
   just yesterday, I've tried every echo cancellation routine in
   (including Mark2 w/Aggressive) , as well as the echotraining=800
   mentioned on this list just last week.
   While some things worked better then others, I would consider
   acceptable solutions in my situation. Playing with rx/tx gain
   just seemed to quiet the voice down and along with that the echo
   happened to be less noticeable. I could almost get the echo to
   with a low enough rx/tx gain, but then the voice could barely be
   or DTMF tones stopped working.
   So whats the next step?
   I only get echo when dialing over the PSTN. Using Nufone to dial
   number results in absolutely zero echo. Do I put in a request for
   Telco technician to come out and take a look at the lines?
   One page on the Wiki says:
   Most of the telco's have technicians with the equipment
 necessary to
   help find the problem if the problem really is their outside
   However, getting to that person can be a real challenge.
   Any suggestions on ways to overcome the challenge of getting the
   technician on the phone?
 Contact me off list and let's see if we can isolate the issue. Can't
 tell from the words you've used what steps you've gone through to
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Network Sniffing Calls for recording

2004-06-07 Thread Chris Albertson

Many people use ethereal to capture network packets.  I've used
it to debug SIP sessions. 

In theory one could re-contruct a phone converstion from logged
packets but it might take some effort and you'd need to be
pretty smart to find the packets from a call from Joe early
last week in the morning some time.

--- Nik Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The WIKI is your friend:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of hank
  Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 5:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Network Sniffing Calls for recording
  how can you record calls with asterisk?
  I didn't even know this was possible
  can some one point me to a url for info on this?
  - Original Message -
  From: lists [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 1:30 PM
  Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Network Sniffing Calls for recording
   Ok assuming I don't want to record calls using * but instead want
   dedicated server that listens to a mirror port and records 
  calls. Is 
   cheap software package out there for doing this for 
  mgcp/sccp?  I know 
   if evern cut over to * there is a way but I doubt I will 
  even cut 100% 
   * so I was wonder what the list has heard of for call recording
   my gates.  I know there are some out there but $100k for 40 
  users is 
   for my blood.
   Offlist is fine for all flames and answers since this is a bit
   OK it's a Monday when it takes 5 tries to get a email to the
   the right account.
   Either that or someone switched the coffee pot to decaf again.
   Asterisk-Users mailing list
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Chris Albertson
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk on Compact PCI platform

2004-05-19 Thread Chris Albertson

It can from an NFS mounted image just fine.  You don't
need to spend the bucks on flash RAM.  Linux can boot
off the net then do the moont.  This machine is also
headless (no CRT or keyboard) and no CD, HD or Floppy.

I wish the AMD CPU would run without a fan on the heat sink
but when I disable the fans temps go way up.

--- Jay Milk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since this is related... Does anyone have Asterisk working on a
 Flash-drive?  I was considering this as an alternative to having a
 harddrive in my machine, thus keeping down noise and heat.  A 512MB
 card should be plenty to get Linux and * booted, another 64 or 128MB
 card should be plenty for voice-mail and such.  Any takers?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gelson
 Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 12:48 PM
 Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk on Compact PCI platform
 David H Hickman wrote:
  I have it working on an industrial single board pc. :)
   Could you post some more info about your setup? Like board
 what kind of interfaces are you using and even some photos :-)
   Seems a very interesting project... is there anybody else
 running a 
 small/compact asterisk system? I would love to have such a small
 that I could send to parents, instruct them to turn it on and plug
 pstn line and broadband connection and have a pstn x sip intelligent 
 call router that requires no user intervention.
  David Hickman
  TSG Computer Consulting - Auctions
  314-865-4752 x2
  On May 18, 2004, at 8:42 PM, Jacques Leisy wrote:
  Anybody running * on a compact PCI platform?
  I got a few CPCI boards on eBay including a T1 Natural
  Any hope to ever get * running on that platform?
  Linux Suse 9.0 is running fine
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Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] FreeBSD

2004-03-29 Thread Chris Albertson

One other on-line resource:

The _original_ driver was for BSD.  The folks at Digium
appearently ported it to Linux and likely improved it over
time.  But the old BSD driver is still there.

The zapata cards were a kind of open source hardware
project.  The hardware design was made public  See
above URL.

Getting the old BSD driver to build would be a good first

See here for old BSD driver

--- Jon Myers [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 head on over to
  and have a look at chapter 13, Writing FreeBSD Device Drivers, and
 have fun.  =)
 If I didn't have all sorts of other half finished projects, I'd mess
 with it... but I've only done simple apps before, nothing like
 writing a driver.. has gotten the old Creative VoIP blaster working under
 FreeBSD, but its a whole application, and not just a driver.
 - - -   Jon
 At 09:54 PM 3/29/2004 -0400, you wrote:
 *cough* not a thing.
 - Joshua Colp.
 - Original Message -
 From: James Moran [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 9:46 PM
 Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] FreeBSD
  Does any of the hardware work with FreeBSD??
  On Mon, 2004-03-29 at 20:25, Steven M. Sokol wrote:
   Not currently.  There is a bounty for the development of working
   drivers for Free/Net/Open BSD.  Care to write them?
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 James Moran
   Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 6:46 PM
   Subject: [Asterisk-Users] FreeBSD
   Do any of the Wildcards work with FreeBSD??
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Chris Albertson
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Can i do voice chat without using the hardware

2004-03-19 Thread Chris Albertson

--- David J Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My aim is that, i want to connect my PC (where i
 installed the asterisk) to another PC in my network
 for voice chating. For this purpose, what are the
 steps to
 be done? which are the files to be modified. I would
 like to make use of the existing Hardware (sound card,
 network card etc), i am not using any extra hardware.
 Is X-Lite work in Linux? or any compatible s/w that
 works under linux?
 Have a look at these sites: -
 If you have the CLI prompt then your almost there.
 If you have the audio set up in asterisk then you can use a
 headset/microphone to call the other party.
 CLIdial 1234
 when finished
 Simple huh?
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Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] RE: Shorewall and asterisk on Mandrake

2004-03-08 Thread Chris Albertson

I have your same setup: Asterisk running on a box that
also runs SAhorwall.  I can register to both WD and ICH.

One thing I suggest is first getting Asterisk to work
without shorewall.

Next install the firewall but leave it wide open, close it
down incrementally.  Also turn on logging of every dropped/rejected
packet and check the log file.  If shorewall is getting in the way
you will see the rejects to/from FWD or ICH in the log.

Ask me off-line and I can send some config files but be warned
they are more open then need be.  

--- Patrick Lidstone (Personal E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am struggling getting asterisk to work on my firewall box.
  The Linux box is a firewall running Mandrake 9.2 and 
  shorewall for security and NAT. Asterisk is compiled and 
  running on the firewall box with a modified sample 
  configuration. I am connecting to it using a Sipura on the 
  local LAN. This works fine and I can phone between extensions 
  (2201 and 2202) and access the voicemail menu via extension '8'.
  Now, I cannot get asterisk to register the two SIP providers I want
  use: FWD and ICH. The log reports that it did not register - 
  consequently I cant dial '6-612' to get the FWD date-speech. 
  I've configured everything according to the manual and 
  several example config files as referenced on voxilla. The 
  error message I get is a timeout on sip-registration and some 
  rtp timeouts. I assume its a shorewall issue.
  How do I need to configure Shorewall? (I have the following
  domains: net, masq, fw, loc used in the rules.conf) Does 
  someone have a sample shorewall config?
  How can I easily tell that asterisk registered properly with 
  the SIP provider?
  Could someone post some a current working sample configs for 
  FWD and ICH which indicate the use of the various fields 
  better than the existing
  * For FWD I have 123456 (the number), AUTO_123456 (the user 
  ID), password.
  * For ICH I have 1234567890 (the number without 1) 
  11234567890 (the number with 1), 98765432 (the user id), password.
 Voxilla doesn't mean anything to me, but I went through a similar
 learning curve a while back. The key to successful registrations
 nat (for me) are the following entries in sip.conf. My asterisk box
 on a natted network 192.168.0.x with address
 ; SIP Configuration for Asterisk
 port=5060 ; rtp port to bind to
 localnet=  ; address space for local (natted)
 localmask=   ; netmask for local (natted) network
 externip=a.b.c.d  ; a.b.c.d is public ip address
 of your router
 outside_addr=a.b.c.d  ; as above
 bindaddr=  ; where is the IP address of
 your * box behind NAT
 With these config changes, and asterisk restarted, you should be able
 register ok (as reflected by sip show registry from command line.
 is the crucial first step.
 In addition, for a bi-directional voice path you will typically
 port forwarding of UDP traffic in the media port range specified in
 rtp.conf to the natted ip address of your asterisk box (
 this example). A typical rtp.conf file might look like this:
 You should also configure your firewall to pass UDP traffic
 bi-directionally on port 5060.
 It is worth persevering - asterisk does work behind a natted firewall
 with the likes of FWD just fine.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Woodpeckers

2004-02-20 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Steve Underwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A power spectrum plot will tell him he has a 60Hz hum. I think he 
 already knows that. I think he can definitely consider solutions
 following your suggestion. :-)

No,  It's not a 60Hz hum.  Yes, 60Hz is getting into the line
but the existing filters are removing the 60hz.  What he hears
is most likely 120Hz, 240Hz or something else or most likely
a combination of various multiples for 60hz.  

I'd bet that the tiny speaker inside a telephone handset can not
even reproduce a 60Hz tome.  Yes you can hear a hum but it's
the overtomes of 60 that you hear.  Many people can not even hear
down to 60Hz, some can but not everyone.  

If you were to design a filter wouldn't it be nice to know some
thing about the noise?  Is there a big peak at 360?  how broad is
that paek 5hz or 20hz?  I would expect the power spectrum of a
hum to have multiple peaks.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Woodpeckers

2004-02-19 Thread Chris Albertson

Get a spectrum analizer.  

Software will do it.  Record the humming connetion to a file
and then run it through software that plots a power spectrum.
THere is plent of good open source software.  Even some audio
file ditors have this feature.  You should be able to see the
hum as periodic peaks at the multiles of 60hz.  You can't even
begin to talk about how to fix this without such a plot.

--- Greg Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, matt wrote:
  I would have thought that should have been gotten rid of...
  Notch filter would only get rid of the fundamental frequency unless
  notch at the harmonics also.
  Best bet I would say is a high pass filter at say 500hz.
  Reasonably simple to make with a resistor and capacitor... I think
  On Sound magazine (which has archives on the web) had an article on
  to build one...
  The thing is, most of the codecs available in * should be high and
  pass filtering it anyway...
 My first thought was an RC filter, too. But I'd suggest that 500 Hz
 is too
 high a cutoff, because a note like a middle C is 256 Hz. I don't
 it's uncommon for a voice (especially a male voice) to be in that
 frequently. Although (in English, at least) vowels generally have a
 frequency and sharp consonants (like a t) have a high frequency. It's
 consonants which do the most for understanding a word, so maybe
 those low frequencies attenuated wouldn't be so bad after all.
 But as somebody else pointed out, a first-order RC filter probably
 wouldn't attenuate quickly enough. By the time you get into a
 filter, it's probably best to be doing it in software (since the
 signal is
 going to be digitized anyway).
  Michael Welter wrote:
   I live at 8000' in the Rockies.  We have lots of
   especially love to drill 4 holes in the north side of my house.
   They also like to drill on the arial telephone cables.  Water
   gets into the cable and causes a partial grounding on the
   This causes 60Hz hum to be heard on the line as well as a loss of
   amplitude.  Qwest says tough s--t.
   All three of my POTS lines have hum.  They are connected to an
   750 and my asterisk system (a testbench for commercial
   The hum has always been bad on my end.  Since I installed *,
   of my callers have remarked about the hum.
   So here's the question:  Could a notch filter of sorts be
 installed in
   the codecs I use?  Filter-out everything between, say, 55 and
   Alternatively, is there a feature on the Adtran FXO card that
   with this?
   Thanks for your help,
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Budgetone phones from FWD

2004-02-18 Thread Chris Albertson

It says good things about them that they've not charged you yet.

I ordered a blue phone and had to wait.  they kept offering me
a black phone now but I said I'd wait as I didn't have time
to test the phone and part of the test was to see if the blue
was a good color.  I finally accepted thier offer for a
black phone and only then did my CC get charged.  FWD was
very respponive to e-mail.  The order arrive two days after
I sent mail saying OK send the black one  I noticed they
removed blue option from the order form.

You might complain about the quality of the GS phone but not
FWD's service.  But they DO seem to have a problem getting
these phones.  It appears GS just can't build them fast
enough to keep up with demand.

--- Jason T. Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I recently ordered a few phones from them for some testing I'm doing,
 the charges still haven't appeared on my credit card nor have I
 any confirmation email (not sure if I'll get one though). Does anyone
 if they're severely backlogged for orders?
 Jason T. Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Howto apply a patch, diff file

2004-02-17 Thread Chris Albertson

You use the patch command.

You can read the patch man page by typing man patch
there are many options like for example to
Save a copy of the original.

It is also good to read the patch file before you apply it
to get a feel for what will be changed.  A patch
file is simply a set of editor commands to be applied.

--- Jan Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all
 I am new to linux and * , so could someone please explain how to
 apply a
 patch file (diff extension)
 Kind regards
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] festival voices

2004-02-12 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Tony Buser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I'm new to both asterisk and festival.  I'm trying to figure out
 to change the voice festival uses.  For example, I've downloaded 
 don_diphone to festival/lib/voices/english.  I then edited 
 /etc/asterisk/festival.conf and changed the festival command to:
 festivalcommand=(voice_don_diphone)(tts_textasterisk %s

try adding a set of parens like this: 


 natural sounding voice?  So far the best I've found were from here:

Have you seen festivox?  It's a tool for building voices

The key to making festival sound natural is to get the
timming and entonation right.  The astrisk app uses festivels 
demo test to speech application which is just that a
quick dirty demo. 

Have you seen the markup language on the CMU site?
Sable can do MUCH better then the simple tts application.

Chris Albertson
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Dialing 800 numbers with VOIP

2004-02-10 Thread Chris Albertson

I think the please try your call again later part of
the recording is to be taken seriously.

I've tried 800 numbers and failed but I tried re-dial several
times and it worked after a few attempts.  I have no idea how
my call is routed but I'd not be supprized if NuFone, Iconnect
FWD and the like don't just have a small number of POTS analog
lines for the outbound toll free calls and you simply have to
be lucky to call when one of those is available.  It may not be
exactly that but I'll bet there is n of something and you are
the n+1 caller.

What you can do is put backups in the dial plan so if, say FWD
fails you go for the next service in line.

--- Tim Petlock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hm.  After seeing all the people who say it works, I thought - maybe
 forgot to dial 9 in front of the number and that's why the call
 So I looked up the Wells Fargo toll free number again and tried it.
 Failed.  SIT tones and We're sorry, your call did not go through. 
 you please try your call again later?  The recording has nothing at
 end that might give some clue who was generating it either.
 Okay, I thought, maybe it's a regional number and that's why.  
 Nope, for further testing I looked up toll free numbers that for sure
 would be nationally dialable.  They fail exactly the same way.
 Perhaps it's something in my Nufone account setup?  I don't know. 
 SIP and IAX debug messages on my console don't look appreciably
 different from those where calls complete so I know the call is
 It's impossible for any recording to be generated on my * box because
 sound driver has yet to work, it's not coming from there.
 I'm certainly not out to bash Nufone - I live in Uruguay and have a
 internet connection.  Vonage barely works because the codec they've
 chosen and the speed I've bought don't match up.  (I imagine that it
 would work better if I had a 128k connection - but 64k is USD$42 per
 month and the providers prices increase exactly proportional to the
 speed you want.)  There was about a 1.5 second delay in the other
 hearing what I was saying and only one person could talk at a time.
 Using a different Cisco ATA to connect to * and then GSM over IAX to
 Nufone sounds night and day different.  No delay, minimal distortion,
 two-way conversation - this is good stuff.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg
 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 12:50 AM
 Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] Dialing 800 numbers with VOIP
 On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Tim Petlock wrote:
 [ Long Explanation Deleted ]
  Nufone and Voicepulse would have to maintain some number of trunks
  an ILEC or CLEC to complete toll-free calls.
 I dial 800 numbers all the time from my Nufone account without
 Hell, my DID through Nufone -IS- an 800 number!
 Vice President of N2Net, a New Age Consulting Service, Inc.
 Company Where everything clicks into place!
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] NIC card failure [was: System freeze]

2004-02-10 Thread Chris Albertson

VOIP is a very low data rate compared to the bandwidth of
a switched 100BaseT network.  Lets say you are using 100BaseT
to trunk 100 simultainous calls at 64Kbps (How many of us really 
would ever do that?) 100 calls would be 6,400,000 bps.  Well
over what a T1 could handle but is only 6.4% of 100Mbps. or
maybe 25% of the usable bandwidth of a switched 100BaseT
segment. (Ethernet does not work well when loaded over 30% of
it's nominal bandwidth.)

Think of it another way 100BaseT is 100Mbps.  If 100 calls
are on the line each call gets 1000Kbps  So VOIP in an office
enviroment does not even come close to pushing the limits of

Things like NFS and HTTP cascing with SQUID are much harder
on a network and may push you to things like using gigabit
ethernet but voice is a comparitively low data rate.

How to select a NIC to use under Linux?  Read the drivers.

Pick the NIC with the best driver.  Even a quick scan over the
comments will let you see how much of the NIC's hardware is
being put to use.  Are the bytes being read one at a time with
programmed IO?  With DMA?  Is there a hardware ring buffer being
How about packet filtering on the card?  Take a look, the Reltek
is not a bad choise.

--- Steven Critchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 07:01, mattf wrote:
  It is important to note that cheap nic cards that were really
 designed for
  1% utilization on a workstation are not well suited for an Asterisk
  installation with any kind of VOIP traffic. We foolishly put a
 Realtek card
  in a test server and after a month literally fried the NIC card, It
  extremely hot when we took it out after seeing thousands of network
  I would recommend a 3com 905CX NIC card, we have these in all of
  Asterisk servers and they function beautifully, and I have yet to
 hear of
  one breaking down uder high traffic. Yes, they cost a lot more than
  average $4 Realtek card, you can pick them up new for about
 Just to try and complete the message here, I have plenty of problems
 of 3com cards. I was at an install where we had to jerk all the 3C905
 cards and replace with Davicom cards. 
 As for the Realtek cards, that is what is in my office switch with no
 problems for over a year. I wonder if the card was made by Realtek,
 just the chip. I have had good experiences with the 8139 chip, and it
 may be just better quality cards.
 Steven Critchfield  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Dialing 800 numbers with VOIP

2004-02-10 Thread Chris Albertson

I second the last comment below.  I  sent $5.00 via pay pal
to NuFone and was up and runing very quickly.

My problem is billing.  What you do is send e-mail asking 
How much is left in the account? and then if it is low
you send more.  For test purposes this is not bad but I
can't imagine setting up an end user with Asteisk and them
explaining to them that for the rest of their life they will
have to send account frequent ballance inquerries to NuFone.

I could be wrong and maybe I'll get billed when my $5.00 runs
out.  I started with such a low amount just to see what happens
when it runs out.  Will there be an outage of service?  Is
that how I will know I'm at zero ballance?  Maybe I'll get some
e-mail or a voice message saying You're low, pay up.
I guess I'll find out.  But without a good billing system it
can't be used in a small office that employs no phone geeks who
will track ballances.

About thier rates.  Not bad.  You need to ask and you'll get a
spreadsheet with the per minute rates.  They beat Iconnect by
a slim margin. BUT they talk IAX2 which is a big plus.

Why is this not on the web and automated?  My guess is either a lack of
devlopment resources at NuFone or he's more interested in supporting
high volume customers who don't need a web site but more likely both.

--- Robert Hajime Lanning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 quote who=Joel Maslak
  I don't have a Nufone account (Jeremy - if you are reading - I
  probably have one if there was a price for a starter package listed
  your site - something for SoHo use, without any deep discounts or
  anything, just something to use to play with the service; I have a
  personal aversion to bothering with companies who don't list their
  prices), so I have no idea if Nufone's 1-800 service works or not.
 There are no fees.  Think of it as a calling card.  You put $10 into
 account, then you have $10 of minutes.  Per minute cost depends on
 you are dialing to.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] The Smallest Asterisk Server Ever?

2004-02-03 Thread Chris Albertson
Feb02   0:00
 root   325  0.0  0.9  1752  128 ?SFeb02   0:00
 root   329  0.0  0.4  1488   56 tty1 SFeb02   0:00
 /sbin/getty 38400 tty1
 root   330  0.0  0.4  1488   56 tty2 SFeb02   0:00
 /sbin/getty 38400 tty2
 root  2609  0.0  0.2  2276   40 ?SFeb02   0:00
 /bin/sh /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
 root  2611  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:03
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2612  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2613  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2614  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2615  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2616  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2617  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:21
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2618  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:13
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2619  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2620  0.4  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   7:52
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2621  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2622  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2625  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2626  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2627  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2628  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 root  2629  0.0  7.3 42144 1032 ?SFeb02   0:00
 asterisk -vvvg -c
 Vice President of N2Net, a New Age Consulting Service, Inc.
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Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] The Smallest Asterisk Server Ever?

2004-02-03 Thread Chris Albertson

I read a report of Asterisk running on a Microsoft X-Box.
That's kind of a stunt as you could buy a decent PC for
the price of a Linux-capable XBox.  Id's still like to
see Asterisk run on very low-end hardware

The Snom IP phone runs Linux inside?  I assume as Linux
is GPL'd Snom will supply the source code?  It would be
fun to install an Asterisk server in a phone.

--- Panny Malialis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have it running on a Cyclades T100 ? same as used for
 I was thinking of using that as an IAX-sip translator for offices
 with NAT.
 CPU MPC855T (PowerPC Dual-CPU)
 Memory 32MB RAM / 4MB Flash (TS100)
 Interfaces1 Ethernet 10/100BT on RJ45
 1 RS232 Console on RJ45
 RS232 Serial Ports on RJ45
 Looks like fun! Although a little lacking on memory.
 Any comments?
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Smallest server continued...

2004-02-03 Thread Chris Albertson

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This thread got me thinking of other servers that would run asterisk.
 obvious question comes up if Xebian (the xbox version of Debian)
 would run
 as a SIP only server? Asterisk on an XBox would be a small box! Cheap

It's been done.  In fact by Mark hiom self if you beleive this
URL that Goole found.

But in my opinion Asterisk running on a Snom 100 would be even cooler
and I can think of uses for it already.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] voip phones

2004-02-03 Thread Chris Albertson

The photo of the phone says Grandstream Budgtoe 100 when you
click to see the larger image of the phone the text on the
buttons becomes clear.

They look to be selling aservice and the phone to go with it
but I'd have to as my wife.  She's fluent in Japaneese. I'm
not even close.


 Hey Chinaman...
 I was wondering if the following SIP phone is just a Grandstream's
 or just a japanese copy...
 What do you think?
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Junk calls from FWD numbers

2004-01-29 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Rich Adamson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, haven't had the problem here at all.

I was about to write that I though I was getting these calls
because my name started with A which put me at the top of
the white pages listing and as I'm always on line I get
to be the top of a lot of lists.  But Adamson would be
above Albertson unless Adamson is unlisted

Now, I'm noticing that I have both Sue Albertson and
Chris Albertson listed and it is Sue who gets 3x as
many of these calls.  

Now I'm curious why some people _don't_ get these calls

I'm in the FWD white pages.  Are you people who don't get
these calls unlisted?  If so that would explain it.

Does your system send incomming FWD calls to voice mail.
If not them you'd only notice a junk call if you hear it

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Asterisk-Users] What was the fix? (was good job on the list server)

2004-01-29 Thread Chris Albertson

Would you tell us something about the before and after setups?
What was it that you did.

Some of us who run mailmain list servers might want to know.

--- Brian West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Thanks... I just double checked everything and she's still moving
 along.  You shouldn't see those nasty virus stuffs on the list
 either. :)

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] asterisk with big number of extentions.

2004-01-29 Thread Chris Albertson

Aside from the search time, which appearently grows linearly
with the number of extensions, you have to worry about
volitility in the list of 25K extensions.  Lets say that
every two years on average one of your uses changes.  I think
that means you will needs to make three changes a day.
So you will be editing extension.conf and doing a reload
a few times a day, every day. With 25,000 users will there
_ever_ be a time when no one is using the system so you can do
a reload?

You will need some why to modify the dail plan without taking
the system off-line.or you will greatly upset a lot of users.

And while you are in there, it should not be hard to improve the
search time better than O(M=N) at least for non-wildcarded extensions
A simple binary search will
get you to order of log2(n) which is a big deal with N  25K

--- William Waites [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 06:27:33AM -0600, Rich Adamson wrote:
   We are thinking of making network of about 25000 extension
   These extension will be SIP phones. Asterisk will be connected to
 some VoIP 
   gateways through H323 which will allow to
   terminate calls.
   Can Asterisk handle such kind of load?
  No problem, as long as none of them make any calls. 
 The number of extensions is relevant. I am not
 sure the level at which begins to matter, but the
 comment reproduced below from pbx.c gives some
 idea that eventually it may be an issue worth
 considering. It may be that at 25k extensions 
 the O(N+M) search starts to become noticeable.
  * I M P O R T A N T :
  *  The speed of extension handling will likely be among
 the most important
  * aspects of this PBX.  The switching scheme as it exists right now
  * terribly bad (it's O(N+M), where N is the # of extensions and M is
 the avg #
  * of priorities, but a constant search time here would be great ;-)
 But of course there are ways around using ENUM
 and the like.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Introducing Firefly

2004-01-29 Thread Chris Albertson

When will the IP phone be available and would  you have an
idea about the price?

--- Samuel Jimenez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have just tried it a bit, seems cool... Congrats!!!
 Will test it against my * box and will provide some feedback.

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] asterisk with big number of extentions.

2004-01-29 Thread Chris Albertson

 What are you talking about?  You can already reload the dialplan
 without affecting existing calls.

Thanks,  Now that I know it can be done, I'm sure I can
figure out how.  I just figured that a re-load zapping a
media stream going through Asterisk is just normal and to
be expected.  Din't even think about it being either a bug or
operator error.  

But for my use this is not important as at most I'd be running
a small office with ~10 lines were people go home at night.
But with 25,000 active users ...when convenient would be a long,
long time.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Grandstream 100 sidetone

2004-01-28 Thread Chris Albertson

Stephen I think hit it on the mark.  I could not figure
out how sidetone could be heard as an echo and how it
could be loud.  On my GS phone the sidetome is very low
but with zero delay.

The best way to test the side tome is to talk to the
voicemail or record application running on a local
Asterisk server.  Record does not send audio back
so anything you e hear is real sidetone.  I find
it to be decent quality but to low in volume.

--- Stephen R. Besch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 dkwok wrote:
  For people who are using GS 101, what do you think the sidetone 
  generated by the phone.
  I find mind a bit annoying. It has a delay and you notice it as an
  The volume of the sidetone is also quite hight. I am distracted
  both caller and called party talking over each other
  The volume of the sidetone can be turned down using the volume
  but it also control the volume of the voice call. As the sidetone
  louder than the conversation it is getting rather distracting.
  Can the sidetone be calibrated or adjusted? If not, how are people 
  coupling with it?
 If I'm not mistaken, what you are calling sidetone (the copy of your
 voice that is played back to your earpiece - it's reassuring to hear 
 yourself talk) is actually real echo generated somewhere other than
 the phone. It is a network issue, not a phone issue. Read the many,
 post on echo and visit the WIKI.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Zapateller

2004-01-28 Thread Chris Albertson

I have a few (more specific) questions about 'Zapateller':

1) How would you test this??  Would I need a predictive
dialer machine like the telemarketers use.  OK, I could
just wait and see if it seems to cut down the unwanted calls
but that's not really a test.  

2) I don't understand how I would choose to use the
answer option or not.  under what conditions would
answer by better then not using the option?   I asume
if I used answer the tones would play in caller's ear
and be _very_ anoying to them.  Why would I want to do that?
There must be some reason are why would the option exist?

--- Steve Foy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm just wondering about 'Zapateller'.
 How exactly does it work!? I might be interested in employing it at
 here, but wondering if anyone's using it?
 echo*CLI show application Zapateller
   -= Info about application 'Zapateller' =-
 Block telemarketers with SIT
   Zapateller(options):  Generates special information tone to block
 telemarketers from calling you.  Returns 0 normally or -1 on hangup.
 Options is a pipe-delimited list of options.  The following options
 are available: 'answer' causes the line to be answered before playing
 the tone, 'nocallerid' causes Zapateller to only play the tone if
 is no callerid information available.  Options should be separated by
 Steve Foy|
 UNITE Solutions  |  Tel: 028 9077 7338 
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[Asterisk-Users] Junk calls from FWD numbers

2004-01-28 Thread Chris Albertson

My Asterisk server registers two FWD numbers.
On average I get about one call a day from someone calling
from an FWD number and leaving a pointless, under 10 second
message.  It's easy to see who these people are if I look
in my CDR file I can see thier name and number.  They seem to
be new FWD users, likely who've just downloaded FWD's Xten
softphone and then dial some random FWD user (me) to try it
out. I wonder if these same people when they first got a
POTS phone installed in thier home got out the white pages
and dialed randomly asking anyone who'd answer Hi does this
work? can you hear me?

Question:  Does everyone with an FWD number get these junk
calls or am I the only lucky one?

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Has Nufone gone belly-up

2004-01-25 Thread Chris Albertson
I think discussions about which VOIP service providers are best
or not best is a reasonable topic for an asterisk user's
list.  After all, selecting a provider is a big deal 

Rants about some company just make the rant-er look bad and
should be avoided.

Back to NuFone.  I've just started testing thier service.  So far
so good.  The sound quality and pricing is very much like Iconnect
but NuFone will accept IAX2, a big plus.

But my e-mails are ignored.  Actually sending e-mails was part of
the test of this vendor.  I'm testing to see if they answer e-mail.
So far, not good.  Maybe NuPhone needs to loosen up their spam
filters or at least scan the spam folder every few days.

--- Brian West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Have you tried to call them?  Your emails could have been caught up
 in a
 spam filer or such I use nufone daily for our 888 service.  I
 talk to
 Jermey daily.  So I dont know what your beef is but your rant has no
 on this mailing list if you are having problems and have spent any
 trying to get someone on the phone you must be doing something wrong.
 do know about 2 weeks ago GoDaddy screwed up's domain and
 was sent off into LALA land for a few days.
 So please keep your rants off the list.
  On Sat, 24 Jan 2004, Sathya wrote:
  I've ordered a new account from Nufone last month. Transferred
 money to
  Nufone through their paypal account. I had communication with
 Nufone sales
  up until two weeks back. Since then there were no replies to my
  I am afraid with this kind of unresponsiveness how one would run a
  service with this company. Have no bad feeling with Jeremy as the
 author of
  widely used h323 channel, but my concern is about the company
 NuFone. Lot of
  newcomers when asked for IAX termination/Origination we say NuFone.
 I just
  want to record my experience so far, as it would help anyone wanted
 to start
  with this company. I can live with the fact that they do not have
 any web
  based interface for customers to do anything with the service as
 claimed by
  the website. But cannot understand taking two weeks to answer a
  email. (Well in the absence of trouble ticketing system or web
 based access
  to accounts, email is the only way to contact Nufone)
  I have services running with Iconnect and Voicepulse etc and I was
  trying to use Nufone being well recommended in this list.
  I am not here to tarnish Nufone name but I have no option but to
 ask the
  community since there is no response to my emails or there is no
  of when my service is available. If they have gone belly-up, well I
 can then
  concentrate on some other company and consider my money as a cost
 of a bad
  choice on my part.
  If I am a very rare case who just had a bad experience with an
  company ( I wish ), Nufone please fix this ASSAP.
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Re: Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Grandstream 100 sidetone

2004-01-24 Thread Chris Albertson

--- dkwok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Albertson wrote:
 |What firmware version do you have?
 program version

I've got the same firmware version.  So it appears that sidetone
volume is not dependent on the firmware version.  

 David Kwok
 Iaxtel/FWD # 17001813482 ext 1002

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-pkcs7-signature name=smime.p7s

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Grandstream 100 sidetone

2004-01-24 Thread Chris Albertson

--- dkwok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chris Albertson wrote:
 |What firmware version do you have?
 program version

I've got the same firmware version.  So it appears that sidetone
volume is not dependent on the firmware version.  

 David Kwok
 Iaxtel/FWD # 17001813482 ext 1002

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-pkcs7-signature name=smime.p7s

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Grandstream 100 sidetone

2004-01-23 Thread Chris Albertson

What firmware version do you have?

On my phone the sidetone is very weak, I have to listen
carfuly to hear it but there is no echo and the sound
quality is good.

It's to bad GS doesn't open  source the software inside.
I'd fix it in a minute by putting a volume setting on the
admin web page.

--- dkwok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For people who are using GS 101, what do you think the sidetone 
 generated by the phone.
 I find mind a bit annoying. It has a delay and you notice it as an
 The volume of the sidetone is also quite hight. I am distracted when 
 both caller and called party talking over each other occasssionally.
 The volume of the sidetone can be turned down using the volume button
 but it also control the volume of the voice call. As the sidetone is 
 louder than the conversation it is getting rather distracting.
 Can the sidetone be calibrated or adjusted? If not, how are people 
 coupling with it?
 David Kwok
 Iaxtel/FWD # 17001813482 ext 1002

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-pkcs7-signature name=smime.p7s

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Grandstream 101

2004-01-22 Thread Chris Albertson

--- dkwok [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just got GS 101 phone and plugged into the network.

Peoplehere complain about these phones but I don't seem
to have a problem, well not after getting them set up
correctly.  I'm running with
Software Version: Program--   

 Got ip setup however, the following problems arise:
 1. when dialing an extension, I cannot further send any key tone to 

I'm using SIP info also with payload type set to 101

 2. there is no sound coming from the other end.

For some reason I found I had to place the disallow=...allow=...
stuff under [gs] putting it in [General] didn't seem to do the trick.
I also put reinvite=no in [gs] 

I once had sound going only one way due to t stupid error in
my firewall config.  I was purposfully droping packets and logging
each one of them.  Are you running firewall software on your
* server?

ethereal or other ethernet sniffing software is usfull to debug
this kind of stuff

 I have a sip.conf setup for GS:
 In the GS101 setting
 rtp port = 5004
 sip port = 5060
 dtmf = sip info
 codec = pcmu
 codec = pcma
 Any pointer of a sample of config file would be most appreciate.
 David Kwok
 Iaxtel/FWD # 17001813482 ext 1002

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-pkcs7-signature name=smime.p7s

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Standalone FXO device

2004-01-22 Thread Chris Albertson

  I connect with the Clipcomm device, my DSL gets down and it gets up
  only when I switch remove the line from the device. I dunno what
  of problem it is.

With DSL one line shares voice and data.

_Every_ device plugged into your phone line except your DSL
modem needs an in-line filter.  The filter prevents the non-modem
from either changing the line impedance or putting high frequency
noise on the line, either of which will kill the DSL signal.

So if you plug an FXO device into the same line that also carries
DSL and don't use a filter the FXO device could very well kill
your DSL connection.  But it all depends, some times you can
skip the filters.  I did but then I plugged in one more analog
phone and broke DSL.  I installed a few in-line filters and now the
DSL works better.

If you did place a filter between the clipcom device and the rj11
wall jack then something else is going on

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Mailing List Lag

2004-01-22 Thread Chris Albertson

Maybe the words nine million was not ment to be taken
literally.  What if he said about a gazillion  Then we'd
all be arguing if gazillion == 1x10^14 or 1x10^16

Have you ever set up mailman on a Linux system?  9,000,000
would be a real trick setup not something you'd do with a
standard PC.  You have a rack full of mail servers, raid disks
and the works.  Lets do some math:

 There are 60*60*24 seconds in a day 9E6 per messages/day
 means a little over 100 messages per second sustained 24x7.
 I really doubt it.

I think nine milion is a technicl term just like sh*t load
or way lots.
--- Philipp von Klitzing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  900 mails / 150 per day = 6 Subscribers..
  Is the Asterisk community anywhere near that big??
 There is more than just one list on that MLM, and you'll probably
 have to 
 count in adminstrative messages (?) and maybe even error messages.
 Still that would reveal a huge number of subscribers...
 Cheers, Philipp
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Digium X100P for $43

2004-01-21 Thread Chris Albertson

Pirated??  I don't think Digium makes the X100P cards.  They are
common cards sold under several brand names Digium being just
one of the names.  The selling price varies dramatically depending
on the re-seller and which brand name is on the outside of the
box.  What Digium does is bundle in one hour of
consulting with each card, that's why the high price.  You are
paying mostly for theconsulting time.  

 You would have to be nuts to use a pirated card. For saving a trivial
 amount of money? Stupid idea. 

Chris Albertson
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Digium X100P for $43

2004-01-21 Thread Chris Albertson

You _can_ copyright the artwork on a card.  (The artwork defines
path of the printed conductive traces.)  If you own the
copyright, well, you own it.  But does Digium own the copyright?

In the case of the X100P they don't.  The X100P is re-branded
comodity hardware. Of cource they all have the same FCCID number.

If they are zapata designs then the design is in the public
domain and _anyone_ may do as they please with it.   

See the quote 
   ...and are perpetually placed in the public domain...
at this site

--- Sean Cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If they're truly counterfeit, they need to act!  One call to eBay
 solve it.  They're even taking pre-orders on the T400P and E400P that
 they're getting ready to build.  $1050 a pop.  Digium should get
 involved if this is truly a problem and not just bad ethics.
 -Original Message-
 From: Dustin Goodwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 11:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Digium X100P for $43
 It's funny this is the second hardware counterfeiting story I have
 this week. What is going on?
 - Dustin -
 Sean Cheesman wrote:
  for the record, mine has the same fcc id number as the Digiums.  Is
  this typical for copied hardware, or is there something a little
  going on here?
  -Original Message-
  From: Doug Meredith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:20 PM
  Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Digium X100P for $43
 Digium X100P / new cards are is available on ebay for $43.
  Actually they seem to be made by Digit Networks.
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Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Digium X100P for $43

2004-01-21 Thread Chris Albertson

One interesting quote from the zapata web site:

These cards are currently available from Linux Support Services in
Alabama. They are now in full production, and the cards are readily
available. For information on pricing and availability, please contact
Mark Spencer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). For those wishing to
fabricate their own cards, the gerber photoplot files may be downloaded

The designers of this hardware seem to have worked in the spirit
of the open source movement and purposefully made thier CAD files
public.  I think it's great that we have an Open Source software
system that can run on open source hardware.

Actually while it says public domain on the web site.  The PDF
files containing the design say GPL.

--- Adam Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 They ain't counterfeit, Digium thought best not to reinvent the
 wheel, this
 is the price of that decision. Can we take the red (or what is blue)
 forget this ever happened and continue supporting Digium.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Sean Cheesman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 4:44 PM
 Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Digium X100P for $43
 If they're truly counterfeit, they need to act!  One call to eBay
 solve it.  They're even taking pre-orders on the T400P and E400P that
 they're getting ready to build.  $1050 a pop.  Digium should get
 involved if this is truly a problem and not just bad ethics.
 -Original Message-
 From: Dustin Goodwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 11:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Digium X100P for $43
 It's funny this is the second hardware counterfeiting story I have
 this week. What is going on?
 - Dustin -
 Sean Cheesman wrote:
  for the record, mine has the same fcc id number as the Digiums.  Is
  this typical for copied hardware, or is there something a little
  going on here?
  -Original Message-
  From: Doug Meredith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:20 PM
  Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Digium X100P for $43
 Digium X100P / new cards are is available on ebay for $43.
  Actually they seem to be made by Digit Networks.
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Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] ADSI phone vs. IP phone

2004-01-19 Thread Chris Albertson

One other option, although I hate to suggest it but will admit to
having done it a few times...

Ethernet uses only two twisted pair.  Cat-5 wire has four pair
inside.  You can crimp two RJ45 terminals on one lenght of CAT5
wire.  It works and remains CAT5 if you keep the pairs twisted
all the way into the terminals.  OK, yes it's unclean and ugly
but the uglyness is inside the wall in back of a cover plate
and the user sees two RJ45s where there was one before.

That said, last time I got to wire a new office we pulled double
the number of Cat5 as required but only terminated it as required.
in either rj45 or 11.

You might concider using wireless for the phones.  Ether a wireless
LAN or just wireless analog phones.  Ether way no wires.  As I
remember the average cost to pull a wire ad terminate both ends
is about $100.  cheaper than a wirelass adaptor.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  Dustin Goodwin
  Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 11:18 AM
  Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] ADSI phone vs. IP phone
  Why wouldn't you just use your existing Ethernet 
  infrastructure putting 
  the  IP phones inline between the wall jack and the PC? There are a
  number of IP phones that have builtin switch/hub that allows 
  the PC to 
  daisy chain off the IP phone.
 Probably because it's well known that these setups are prone to
 of either the PC's connection, the phone's connection, or degredation
 one/both.  It also breaks switch envirenments where spanning-tree
 portfast is enabled (not as big of a deal if the deployment is in
 concert with the infrastructure group, as it should be).

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] SER Asterisk

2004-01-16 Thread Chris Albertson

Yes, you can keep non-authorized SIP callers from accessing the
PSTN by setting up the .conf file correctly as below
but you can also
run a fire wall on the box that Asterisk runs on.  Firewall off
SIP ports except for if they come from your SER server.

This will work even if Asterisk is broken or misconfigured.
Security sould always be applied in multiple layers:  use both
a belt and suspenders

I like the shorewall firewall script.  configuration is
conceptually easy it uses the cisco-like idea of zones.

--- Fran Boon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to bundle the powers of Asterisk and SER.
  Asterisk for pabx functionalities and termination to landline/PSTN,
  SER as SIP Gateway/Proxy.
  With my current configuration the SIP user just adds 0 as a prefix
 to a
  number, and the call will go out to PSTN over Asterisk.
  For this to work I added the rewritehostport() function in SER to
  point to the Asterisk IP (different from the SER ip).
  At the moment I just added the following line to my sip.conf (in
  [general] section):
  But my question here is, everyone can (ab)use this by connecting
  directly to the Asterisk IP.
  This way they can easily dial out over the PSTN network.
 This sounds a very similar problem to me, despite the different
 The 'default' context in the [general] section shouldn't be
 (ab)usable - 
 set this to something like [bogon-calls].
 Then set up a specific peer lower down:
 host=y.y.y.y ; IP address of SER
 Se this Wiki page for more flesh of my (not yet fully working!)
 Good luck!
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Hardware for Asterisk

2004-01-16 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Cees de Groot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Steven Critchfield  [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 In general, you get what you pay for, and less so when you go
 hunting. It all comes down to the same old problem of figuring out
 your time and downtime are worth.


I think this is one case where the bargain hunter wins

If that Dell server really is $318 delivered and comes with
a 2.4ghz Pentium and 128mb ECC RAM and on-site maintanance
I'd say buy two and keep a hot preconfigured spare.  Oh and they
can come with RH9 Linux pre-installed.  

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Hardware for Asterisk

2004-01-16 Thread Chris Albertson

Software RAID vs. Hardward RAID???

There IS no Hardward RAID it's all software the difference is
only where the software lives, in ROM on the controler card in
the RAID box or in a Linux driver.

If you go top of the line and buy a Netapp network attached storage
box.  It thin it is just BSD running on Intel hardware but all
closed up so it looks like a turn key system.

Same with Sun.  Thier hardware RAID has a SPARC CPU in the raid box.

For Asterisk all you would need is a simple disk mirror at most.

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] ultra-cheap asterisk box

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Albertson

I'm looking to do about the same thing, build very low cost
systems.  (I'm looking at putting Asterisk at some
non-profit organizations.)   but one thing you can't make
a compromise on is reliabilty.  It has to work and keep working
for years to come.  I was able to keep the price of a new PC
to about $300 ad still use an ASUS mainboard and an AMD XP2600+
The trick is to add absolutly nothing not needed.  No floppy,
no CDROM so you can run off a 200W P/S.  Next I'll experiment
with a notebook sized IDE disk drives and to see if _underclocking_
the CPU reduces it's power comsumption enough that we can save
one fan.

Ideally Asterisk will be ported one day to Linux/ARM or some
other very low cost platform.  for VOIP you do not need the
PCI slots.  In theory Asterisk could run on a Lynksys router
box with re-flashed EEPROM.  After all Lynksys' latest wireless
router runs Linux inside

Low cost to me means low total cost of ownership  To get this
I don't think buying the lowest priced parts is the way to go.
I want quality mainboard, and a quality power supply and, this
is importernt:  A low internal case temperature.  for this reason
I'll spend the extra $50 to go with Antec cases and ASUS mainboards
over the generic ones.

What I'm finding is that the PCs are so cheap that the cost of
electric power to run them is now a large part of the cost.
(assume 0.20/kwh times 200W times 365 days = $350.  So you
pay for the PC again every year in electric power to run it.
Worse.  In an office with airconditioning _all_ of that PC's
200W goes to heat and your A/C unit will use about 220W of
power to remove that 200W of heat.)
and at a small office they will not have a server room so noise
from the fan is an issue.

--- Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi all
 what about this...
 I just put together a box on a web shop ( that will cost
 NOK ~1850 (¤ 216) plus a small ¤50 drive and cables, so say ¤300.
 consists of a cheap MB with a duron 1400, 256MB SDRAM and two HFC-PCI
 cards (if capijod will finish off the zaptel-driver soon). This is
 in a cheap PC case.
 What do you think? Should this be doable? as a product? With only IP
 phones and potentially a fax solution? any ideas?
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] re hardware requirement - asterisk

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Albertson

 I have just checked the Openbsd box on the if interface.
  address: 00:02:55:30:54:28
  media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX full-duplex)
  status: active
  inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
  inet6 fe80::202:55ff:fe30:5428%fxp0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
  address: 00:01:02:78:11:e8
  media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT)
  status: active
  inet netmask 0xfffc broadcast
  inet6 fe80::201:2ff:fe78:11e8%xl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
 For fxp0, the internal interface although the nic can do full-duplex
 seems to me that it is only running simplex!!

Why do you think it is running simplex.  I read the above and see
where it says (100baseTX full-duplex)

I don't think 10BaseT can run full duplex.  I could be wrong but
I don't think so.

But why does it matter?  A single VOIP connection will not even
use 1% of a simplex 10BaseT.  Simplex 100BaseT should be able
to handle dozens and dozens of calls

 Same for xl0, the external interface. It is running 10BaseT but again
 is simplex.
 Does that affect my voip performance? Is it true that every step of
 way the network has to be full-duplex?
 David Kwok

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] capacity testing

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Albertson
 If anyone has tried something like this or has any comments, I'd be
 interested in hearing from them.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Hardware for Asterisk

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Albertson

--- calvis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am real close to finalizing my hardware selection for my Asterisk
 machine.   I am going to use the following hardware:
 Dell 400SC w\Red Hat 9.0
 1 - 4 Port TDM40B Card (FXS)
 3 - Wildcard X100P Cards (FXO)

It does not matter if the PC is a Del, Compaq or you built it yourself.
What matters is the mother board that Del is using.  Find out
if there is a way to assign each Digum card it's
own interrupt.  

Don't bother with the RAID controller it will not work with Linux.
but Linux has it's own RAID in software.

Chris Albertson
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] capacity testing

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Albertson

 I am
 curious as to why I seem to be using up all memory although I am not
 any unnecessary processes, or should I actually disable all modules,
 than really necessary ones to support VOIP?

Do you mean that Asterisk is using up all of your memory
or that all of your memory is i use?

If the former, that's odd.  But you should expect the later.
Linux is designed such that it will always try to put almost
all of your memory to good use.  It will use extra RAM as
a disk cache.  So if you were to cut the amount of RAM in
your system in half you'd have only slightly less free RAM
as Linux would use a smaller disk cache

Now if you say the Asterisk process in the idle state is
450MB then something is wrong

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] re: hardware requirement -asterisk

2004-01-15 Thread Chris Albertson

 Referring to my previous post about degradation of voice quality when
 having more than 2 connection.
 The actual route is:
 pc xlite - local asterisk box - iaxtel - local asterisk
 I have tried out a different situation:
 pc xlite - local asterisk box - iaxtel
 and the second connection
 pc xlite - local asterisk box - iaxtel - local asterisk
 The same degradation happens as soon as the second connection is
 I am suspecting the ADSL connection. The internet part is ADSL with
 down and 128k UP. The nic is a 3c905c 100baseTX and connected to a
 ADSL modem.
 # ifconfig xl0 
  address: 00:01:02:78:11:e8
  media: Ethernet autoselect (10baseT)
  status: active
  inet netmask 0xfffc broadcast
  inet6 fe80::201:2ff:fe78:11e8%xl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
 But ifconfig seems to suggest that it is running in simplex mode.
 Is the degradation a result of the ADSL connection?

The fact that you 10BaseT is simplex will not matter as 10Mbps
is 20X faster than even the ADSL's downlink speed of 512kbps

You bottle neck is the 128kbps uplink speed.  You'd think that
is a lot but you can't got say codec X uses Y bits per seciond,
so two calls are 2Y bps and keep adding calls untill your
128bps is full.  It don't work that way.

Think in terms of _probibilities_.  Say your uplink is one
quarter full.  What does that mean?  It means it is running at
128kbps 25% of the time and zero 75% of the time.  So if
an audio packet is placed on that line there is a 25%
chance it will be delayed in an outbound queue.  It is
those delays that you hear.  Actually the amount of
delay is a distribution and what you hear are the tails of
the curve.  (i.e. there is a 25% change of a delay then
there is a 12% change that two packets back to back will
be delayed, 6% of three and so on.)
With one audio stream there is no competition
for the uplink.  Adjusting the packet size can have an
effect.  Very long packets are not good 

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] hardware requirements of asterisk

2004-01-14 Thread Chris Albertson

He sais sound cards so I assume he is using softphones
or possably the console phone.  But then he sais two
users making call  Does this mean four phones?  if so
and you are using sound cards how is this done?

Details please.  

--- Rich Adamson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have been playing with 2 Asterisk boxes for testing purposes, it
  been going very well. The 2 boxes are PII celeron 400 (HP Deskpro)
  sound cards and lan. I have iax connecting the 2 boxes.
  For making cals and testing out recorded message for 1 connection
 it was 
working quite well. However, when I stressed it a bit with 2
  making calls, we started to here voice degradation and cracking
  However, top shows cpu is 94% idle. I am suspecting the network.
  it is 100M switch and I have not had any clue. I suppose it should
  least be able to handle 10 calls similtaneously for even a small
  So what is the recommended spec for 5 users or 10 users?
 Without any other factual detail, best guess is half vs full duplex
 on one or more of the devices (phones, PC, etc).
 Assuming you're using sip phones for testing (and we really don't
 even know
 that for sure) and depending upon exactly what parameters you've
 for each sip phone definition within asterisk, calls between phones
 are set 
 up by asterisk. Asterisk then instructs the two phones to communicate
 themselves, and bows out of the audio session. So, if you really are
 two sip phones, then you have a networking problem between those two
 devices and not with asterisk.
 For anyone to offer suggestions, you really need to provide more
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: failover (was Re: voicepulse)

2004-01-14 Thread Chris Albertson

I'm having the same concerns.  What we REALLY need is the
ability to test the exact nature of the problem.  OK We could
use SER to front end SIP calls but Asterisk should report
the problem and allow the dial plan to test it.  It's a
needed missing feature in *

What about AGI?  I don't know much about AGI yet but it may help
solve this problem.

--- Matt Lawson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But this is not to say _you_ can't built a reliable VOIP based
  system.  Get _two_ providers and set up your dial plan in
  extensions.conf to fail over if one service fails to
  connect to dial via the next one and finally if both fail
  use pstn. your users will see a system the just works.
 Now there's an idea.  
 I'm playing with this now, but there's at least 1 case I'm having 
 trouble recognizing:
 The call connects but then drops due to unauthorized.  It then only
 goes to the h extension and I don't get a chance to try again.  Is 
 there anyway to detect this?
 I have to cover all of the following cases:
 1.  VOIP IP address is not reachable.  Goes to extension n+101 (seems
 work as expected)
 2. VOIP service answers but refuses with call with unauthorized. 
 just goes to the h extension  Is there any watch to catch this 
 failure?  Perhaps put a timer on it and say if the call was less than
 seconds or something try the next one?
 Yes I am using a correct username and password and getting this today
 (not from Voicepulse, from another provider).  But there's also a 
 moderate chance that during our systems' setup a name or password
 be misspelled so I need to cover this case.

If your providers requires a pre-paid account the the account
bvallance runs out then I gues you'd get unauthorized.
So this could be a real case that will happen

 3.  VOIP service connects but reports all busy.  Well this one is
 to test.  But I can make the Zap channel busy.  It goes to extension 
 n+101 as expected, so I'll have to assume that a busy VOIP service
 the same thing.

I get this from the stwo VOIP providers I use about 20%
of the time.  I guess they have only so  much gateway
hardware.  Normally a quick re-dail does it.
 I was trying to determine if the t or h extension would be useful
 for these but I think not.  The timeout has to be set long enough for
 someone to actually answer (20-60 sec or whatever).  The h is
 visited at the end of the call, whether it was sucessful or not.
 Any other cases, or suggestions how to handle case #2?
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] How do we updated to the new .7.1 version.

2004-01-14 Thread Chris Albertson

Step #1.

Go to your local landfill or dumpster and aquire another PC.
Any old junker will do.  Install Linux on it.  This will be
your test machine.  (Seriously, you'll want at least a 200Mhz
Pentium class box with about 128MB RAM and a 5GB drive.)

Use the test machine to try out stuff.  A mistake on the test
box will cause no harm. Never do development or test on a
production server.

Step #2

Assuming you've set up thre test system.  Build the new 7.0
code just like you did the 5.0 code.  the make install will
overwrite the old stuff with the new stuff.  If you have
any problems post a _specific_ question to this list.

--- Ariel Batista [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes folks it's me a Newbie. Remember I am also a non-Linux person
 to learn.  I have a production Server running Asterisk .5 12/02/03
 and would like to upgrade it to the new .71.  Has anyone come up with
 instructions (Documentation for us newbie)  on how to do this?  My
 server is running Mandrake 9.0 which I know nothing about!
 Sorry if this sounds stupid but all the instructions I found were for
 CVS's.  And since it's a system that has been running fine I have not
 wanted to do any updates.  But I figured that a new release is better
 then the .5 I have. (I have some small Zap port problems).SNIP

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] net wackiness?

2004-01-13 Thread Chris Albertson

Looks like they went off the air just after my PayPal
payment was processed.  I gues we wait a couple days
to see if Nufone has gone belly up/bankrupt/gone or
if this is just a domain name screw up.

--- Steven Critchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 01:26, Brian Capouch wrote:
  I can't send mail to any addresses in; they all get
  by a spam blocker.
  And their website is gone, too!!  The URL leads to a parking

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Best Linux Distribution

2004-01-13 Thread Chris Albertson

I have to agree with the below but only if it is an answer
to the limited question of Which is best to use for my
Astrisk server.  For a server you are using such a small
percentage of the Linux distribution that they are effectivly
all the same. 

A server will not make us of any of the graphical interface or
Desk top software.  Most * servers run with no keyboard or
CRT plugged in.

BUT, If you are running an Asterisk server you will likley
also have a Linux box for development, testing and general
e-mail and web serfing.  For this purpose it does matter, a
little.  They all will do the job but differ in terms of the
details of exactly what software is included and how the menu
system on the desk top is set up.  Still none is better but
they are differntent enough that people can have strong

The differences between distributions are minor.  I doubt
an inexperianced user
could tell this Solaris 9 box I'm writing this on from a Linux
system.  Both run gnome and look the same on the surface.
But Linux and Solaris are far more different then any two Linuxes.

That said, pick a desktop system you like.  You can get a free
download of any of them or low priced CDs at
and try them out.  Then use the same distribution for your
 They're all just Linux. There is no best. This question is asked so
 frequently it almost looks like a troll to me. :)
 I've therefore updated the FAQ on the wiki:
 Which Linux distribution should I choose for Asterisk?
 There is no best distribution. There are no fundamental differences
 functionality or behaviour between Linux distributions like there are
 between versions of Windows. Pick whichever one you feel most 
 comfortable with.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk 0.7.0

2004-01-13 Thread Chris Albertson

I think the exchange below shows us that before 0.8.0 comes
out, maybe there should be a 0.8.0-beta then after no problems are
reported in a few week period a 0.8.0-release candidate and 
ten 0.8.0 itself.

It's hard to call a realease stable until a number of people outside
the developer's lab have used it for a while.

The other idea is that everyone just knows that x.y.0 == beta
and they all wait for a .1 or .2 realease.

--- WipeOut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tilghman Lesher wrote:
 On Tuesday 13 January 2004 00:10, Mark Spencer wrote:
 Okay, it's 15 minutes late, but it's out, thanks very much to all
 people who worked so hard this weekend to make this possible!
 There is one bug so far and it's critical.  It breaks includes and
 GotoIfTime application.  I'll own up to writing the broken code. 
 fix is very simple, though (attached).

 Index: pbx.c
 RCS file: /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/pbx.c,v
 retrieving revision 1.92
 diff -u -r1.92 pbx.c
 --- pbx.c11 Jan 2004 09:19:16 -  1.92
 +++ pbx.c13 Jan 2004 07:21:12 -
 @@ -2922,7 +2922,7 @@
 -#if 0
 +#if 1
  s1 = s1 * 30 + s2/2;
  if ((s1  0) || (s1 = 24*30)) {
  ast_log(LOG_WARNING, %s isn't a valid star time. Assuming no
 time.\n, times);
 Why not quickly patch the source an release 0.7.1 if the bug is
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk and Festival (* dies with no info)

2004-01-13 Thread Chris Albertson
 dump, I never see one generated.
 Any thoughts on what might be happening here?  What am I doing wrong?
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[Asterisk-Users] How does the PSTN termination indurty realy work?

2004-01-13 Thread Chris Albertson

Does anyone here understand how these VOIP/PSTN gateway companies
work?  There seem to be a number of small outfits that offer about
the same service.  I'm thinking that a company that is really just
one person and a web site can't possibly own and operate gateway
equipent in 100 contries world wide.  I figure there must be some
large outfit who _does_ have physical equipment installed in 
hundreds of locations that leases time to re-sellers like
Nufone, Iconect, Voice Pulse, Addaline, xvoip and the others

If this is realy how the industry works, then does it matter which
retailer you pick?  Matter in terms of audio quality and reliabilty,
this is.  I know each will have it's own customer support and

 This on the heels of being missing out of DNS.
 We have customers that expect their VOIP to work.  Is there anybody
 that's reliable?
 I am having probelms connecting to voicepulse this morning. Is
 anybody else

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Voicepulse

2004-01-13 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Steve Sobol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Matt Lawson wrote:
  I was just about to write the same thing.  It says busy.  Is is
  busy or is something else wrong?
  This on the heels of being missing out of DNS.
  We have customers that expect their VOIP to work.  Is there anybody
  that's reliable?

I've been doing some testing and so far I'm not 100% impressed
by the VOIP services I've seen.  They provide a good service but
my local phone company and ATT longdistance service is more

But this is not to say _you_ can't built a reliable VOIP based
system.  Get _two_ providers and set up your dial plan in
extensions.conf to fail over if one service fails to
connect to dial via the next one and finally if both fail
use pstn. your users will see a system the just works.

About Nufone's problem.  I bet they'll start thinking about
getting a backup DNS service and maybe geographic deversity.
A company should be able to even stay on the air if there is a
server room fire using techniques like round robin DNS and
West cost and East coast servers run by different, unrelated
hosting companies.  

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Asterisk-Users] VOIP-PSTN service recomendation?

2004-01-12 Thread Chris Albertson

I'm looking for a service that will accept VOIP calls and
send them to the PSTN.  Or, I should say _another_ service
that will do this.  I don't need the other direction

Currently I'm using IconnectHere and it works, but I get
complaints of poor audio quality from the other end.  But
it sounds OK on my side.

I like Iconnect's price model: very low/no monthly fee with
a samll per minute charge.  I'm in US 310 area code and call
to US, Japan and Canada.

Who are Iconnect's competitors?  Anyone want to recommend
a service?

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Free Software or not -- that's the question /* New subject */

2004-01-11 Thread Chris Albertson

Anyone who does not like the fact that all code must be
disclaimed, sent through Digum to CVS and that GPL'd
code can't go in can fix that problem.  All you need to
do is copy the current CVS and use that to start your
own project.  You can call it Asterisk Prime or Star
and make up your own rules within the limits of the GPL.

So there, if you want the rules changed _you_ can change
them.  But I'll bet you don't want the rules changed so badly
that you would go to that much trouble.  I and I assume
most everyone here whould rather put up the way it is than
duplicate Mark's efforts

--- Steven Critchfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, 2004-01-10 at 18:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have always been suspicious of centralized control and
  benevolent or otherwise. After thinking for some time about the 
  licensing structure of code for Asterisk, I am not sure that
  their motives are so innocuous and altrusitic, or at least
  this is not reflected so well in the fine print. After learning
  that all code must pass through Mark, I am even less sure.
  It means that Digium remains in a position of control and 
  dominance over what is ostensibly communal property.
 I seem to remember at one point that all code in the official linux
 kernel had to go though Linus. Did we suffer? I don't think so. All
 going through Mark isn't a bad thing. If you look through the cvs
 you might see there are 3 or so commiters right now. I know jeremy is
 able to commit, but I think he is limited(probably self imposed) to

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Hardware to build an Enterprise AsteriskUniversal Gateway

2004-01-10 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Steve Underwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 WipeOut wrote:
  Granted five 9's is never easy but in a cluster of 10+ servers the 
  system should survive just about anything short of an act of God..
 You do realise that is a real dumb statement, don't you? :-)
 A cluster of 10 machines, each on a different site. Guarantees from
 power company - checked personally to see that aren't cheating - that
 you have genuinely independant feeds to these sites. Large UPSs, with
 diesel generator backups. Multiple diverse telecoms links between the

If he says cluster he likely means 10 servers in one rack.  But still
you are right.  It is all the other stuff that could break.  You
will need paralleld Ethernet switches (Yes they make these, no, they
are NOT cheap.) you will need some kind of fail over.  The switches
can do that for you. (do a google on level 3 switch)

It's the level three switches that make .9 possible but half or
more of your hardware will be just hot spares so it really will
take a rack full of boxes

Each box should have mirrored drives and dual power supplies and each
AC power cord needs to go to it's own UPS

Has anyone tried to build Asterisk on SPARC/Solaris?  One SPARC
server is almost five nines all by itself as it can do thinks
like boot around failed CPU, RAM or disks.  I've actually
pulled a disk drive out of a running Sun SPARC and applications
continoued to run. 

Chris Albertson
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[Asterisk-Users] IConnect audio quality

2004-01-09 Thread Chris Albertson


I've subscribbed to IConnect.  I use it eclusively for outbound
calling.  I like the rates they charge but people I call complain about
the audio quality.  They say it sounds like I'm using a cheap mic. or
complain about echo.  The sound is very clean at my end.  I'm using
a Bundgtone phone with meadi routed through Asterisk to IConnect.
It's not the BT100 phone as the Audio is OK in cases where I don't
use Iconnect.

  What service (other than Iconnecthere) should I consider  moving
  to?  Here is what I want:

  * Acceptable audio quality 
  * Take outbound calls from Asterisk to PSTN
  * I do NOT need a did. (no need for incomming calls)
  * I prefer pay as you go with little/no fixed monthly fee
  * They need to provide call termination to PSTN in the USA,
Canada and Japan
  * Price maters but is secondary after the above

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] USA dial plan

2004-01-09 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Senad Jordanovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do the callers in USA dialling from USA Telco lines always have to
 prefix the CITY/AREA code with 1 in order 
 To successfully make a call to other USA destinations?

Not always.  My local phone company (Verizon in So. California)
said we'd have
to dail 1-310-xxx- for local numbers (I'm in 310 area) but
as of current time I can still dail just 7 digits and it works

I think over time, yes, we are headed to the requirement to
alwauys dial 1-10 digit number 
 I have not been to USA (yet) :)
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: [Asterisk-Dev] benevolent dictatorship, or inclusive developper community?

2004-01-06 Thread Chris Albertson

What hapens in other Open Source projects is that someone
gets _really_ frustrated and also happens to have some free time
so he copies the current code into his own CVS system and runs
with it.  If he does a good job user follow.

I imagine that if someone were to take the current code, apply
all the patches there are out there, test it with a beta program
and then documet the features no one would bother using Digium's
CVS system any more - they'd go for the stable tar file.

Most people I think feel it is easier to put up with the current
situation then to step forward the take on the job of doing it
right.  It would take a lot of time.

I can envision someone wanting to run a company that did mostly
Asterisk consulting wanting to take on this job.  being the place
everyone goes to get the slick-packaged Asterisk code would get
them a reputation and a leg up on the other Asterisk consulting
companies.  But as above, It would take a lot of time.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 sorry for the cross post, but this is germane to the
 developpers as well as the larger user community.
 Re: [SIP 104]: [patch] Cisco-like NAT trick for outbound SIP
 On Sat, Jan 03, 2004 at 08:07:29PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
 tabarnac! it's been months now!
 the only thing that i can think at this point is that
 mark doesn't want sip to work through nat.
 i am getting very frustrated with digium's benevolent
 dictatorship of this project.
 how to make the asterisk project more inclusive of
 people's development efforts and contributions?
 is it time to start thinking about a fork?
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Chris Albertson
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: [Asterisk-Dev] benevolent dictatorship, or inclusive developper community?

2004-01-06 Thread Chris Albertson

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] sendmail problems

2003-12-23 Thread Chris Albertson

You say The server crashes  I assume you mean that Asterisk
core dumps and sendmail continues to run just fine.  If you
can send mail out of the box sendmail is confgured well
enough and I doubt the problem is there.

If you can get Asterisk to dump then what you need to do is
use a debugger to get a backtrace.  This will tell to the
line (as i line of coe) that caused the crash.  The thing to
remember to that if a program crashed it is due to t bug..
There _should_ be no way for a user through misconfiguration
to cause a core dump.  What you are looking for is a little
bit od C cde that doesn't handle some condition well.  If yu
use gdb and the bt commad you can find the line 
Asterisk was executing when it crashed.

I'd not suspect sendmail 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having some * and sendmail integration problems, probably because
 i don't know too much about sendmail.  My server crashes when I
 forward voicemail from one * voicemail box to another, everything
 else works.  E-mail notification works on all boxes when new mail
 arives, the problem only seems to occur during this forwarding
 function.  It's a difficult problem to troubleshoot.  If I start *
 -gc, the server doesn't crash, just hangs up for about 60 seconds
 then completes the task, so i can't seem to get a core dump to dive
 into the specifics of what's going on.  I'm not sure how to debug
 sendmail to look at that side.  If someone would be kind enough to
 e-mail me some sample files, I may be able to see if I'm
 not configure properly.  I've been reading the site but
 this application is really archain and difficult for me to understand
 enough to fix it myself.  Thanks in advance.
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Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] PBX Functionality How-to

2003-12-23 Thread Chris Albertson

One thing Centrex is that Asterisk is not is a turn key
system.  With Asterisk you have to either build the PBX your
self or pay someone to build yu one.  With Centrex you
simply write a check.

THat said, you can build  anything you want so of cource the
feature list can match.

The best way to learn what it can do is to build a small PBX
with just a couple extensions.  Try to build in all the
funtionality you need in your larger system.  

If you get into trouble you may want to ask __specific__ questions
like I want to make XXX work, I triedd XXX and YYY but I still
have this problem it it?   You may have to post 50 questions
like that one at a time.  But you will get answers.  Asterisk has
a learning curve.  expect it to take a few weeks of study

But the bottom line is that Asterisk will do quite a bit more
than Centrex.  I don't think Centrex does VOIP at all

--- Christopher J. Wolff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had a partner of mine present a Centrex 21 brochure and ask how
 many of
 those features can I fulfill.  There is nothing out of the ordinary,
 stuff like call hold, call forward, 3-way calling, etc.  Has anyone
 assembled a how-to that shows how to configure PBX or Centrex type
 functionality?  I found one in the voip-info wiki but only a couple
 topics were filled out.
 Christopher J. Wolff, VP CIO
 Broadband Laboratories, Inc.
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Auto Starting Asterisk

2003-12-23 Thread Chris Albertson

Look in the directory /etc/init.d (/etc/rc.d/init.d on
some systems)

You put a script in there called asterisk.  There is a
sample called asterisk.init in the source.  copy it to

You may want to study the other files in /etc/init.d to see
how they work. 

Next read the chkconfig man page  and  see way you'd want to
type chkconfig --add asterisk; chkconfig asterisl on

Finally to start asterisk you can type ./asterisk start
You may also want to re-boot the computer to verify that
asterisk does start automatically

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 12:18:10PM +, Adthrawn wrote:
  Can anybody guide me in configuring the system to start Asterisk
  bootup... Probably a highly remedial question - but you've got to
 If you use screen(1), you can do screen -d -m to start asterisk, and
 able to
 reattach to to it using screen -d -r.
 A sample would be like 
 screen -d -m /path/to/asterisk -vgc 
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Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk SIP Packet Time (20ms)

2003-12-23 Thread Chris Albertson

The reason you use UDP over TCP for realtime meadia is that
TCP's ability to reliably deliver every packet in order actually
sounds worse.  Reason being is that with a UDP system a dropped
packet sounds like just a dropout but if you used TCP the audio
stream would be held up and delayed in a queue while that lost
packet was being retransmitted.  In stead of a dropout the audio
would sound as if someone kept hitts a pause button on a tape
recorder.  A dropout sounds better then a delay of potentialy 
several seconds

Almost all realtime meadia systems (telephony, video, possition
reporting and so on) maintain some kind of a buffer on the recieving
end.  But you trad the buffer lenght for delay.  Using UDP allows
the application to do the buffering where as TCP putting this buffing
functin in the operaing systems network code.

--- Andres [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 23 December 2003 11:40, Rich Adamson wrote:
  There's no reassembly with udp, and there is no sense of packets
  in the same order as what was sent. Udp is a best-effort
 low-overhead way
 Right, UDP itself does not care about order, but at the application
 layer you 
 can keep track of it.  You can design your application to buffer X
 and then reorder them according to sequence numbers.
  of transmitting data (with UDP often times referred to as the
  Data Protocol). Changing to TCP would allow reassembly, however the
  overhead would be substantial.
   The problem occurs when the software is expecting the packet in a
   timeframe so that it can reassemble it in a timely manner.  It's
 not a
   big deal with a web page or something along that lines.  But when
 a voice
   application cannot get reassembled in a timely manner, you'll
   notice it!
   -Original Message-
   From: Joel Maslak
   Sent: 12/23/2003 10:41 AM
   Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk SIP Packet Time (20ms)
   On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Rich Adamson wrote:
If a collision or dropped packet occurs (in a voip udp
is no way to retransmit the missing/damaged packet. Missing one
a big deal, but if you have collisions and/or dropped packets,
   is a
very high probability that lots of packets will be dropped. If
are dropped, you'll hear the result in the undecoded voice as
   Actually, collisions occur at Layer 2, not Layer 3, and the layer
   hardware automatically resends packets involved in a collision -
 layer 3
   is never aware of it happening (although it may cause additional
   Eventually the ethernet card will give up if too many collisions
   during retries, but this is very rare in practice unless the
 network is
   *VERY* loaded.
Assuming alaw/ulaw codecs in use (about 80k bps), a half duplex
 10 meg
ethernet would handle roughly 20-25 rtp sessions before bumping
problem (your milage may vary). The majority of the folks on
 this list
seem to be running home/soho systems and would likely never run
issue. But the heavier users will.
   For a duplex mismatch, my experience is that if one end on a 100
   link is half and the other is full, bandwidth is limited to about
   max.  This is based on some tests I've accidentally conducted. 
 If you
   to send 9 Mb/sec over that link, yes, some packets will get
 dropped as
   they simply won't fit.  (But I do agree that for a half-half
 link, you
   get about 20 Mb/sec)
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[Asterisk-Users] Grandstream Audio

2003-12-22 Thread Chris Albertson

My Strandstream BT100 is working OK for both inbound and outbound now
except that when you speak into the handset you cannot hear your
own voice in the earpeice.  It works OK, the other end can hear the
call but most telephone users have become used to hearing their own

Is this something I can fix or is it a feature of the GS phone?

Chris Albertson
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[Asterisk-Users] Setting audio gain for SIP extensions?

2003-12-22 Thread Chris Albertson

Is there a way to set to audio gain for each SIP extension?
I see in the docs this can be done for zaptel but I don't
see it documented for SIP.  It would be nice to be able to
make the various kinds of extensions have equal volume.

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] SJphone, Asterisk and DTMF tones ...

2003-12-21 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Darren Nickerson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't seem to get DTMF signaling working properly using SJphone
 to Asterisk via a SIP connection. Here's an example of a voicemail
 where I entered 1234 for both the username and the password:
 -- Incorrect password '11223344' for user '11223f344' (context =

You are lucky.  I'm getting this:

-- Incorrect password '1334' for user

When I enter 1234.  I'm using dtmfmode=rfc2833 and a
GS Budgtone 100 phone.  Why do I getr 4x while you get 2x  ??

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] SJphone, Asterisk and DTMF tones ...

2003-12-21 Thread Chris Albertson

I think this is a problem on the Asterisk side.  I'm seeing
the same problem using a Grandstream Budgetone 100.  And the GS
does have setting for both in-band and RFC2833.

My guess is asterisk is accepting the DTMF tone __both__ ways
It is reading the RFC28833 stuff _and_ hearing the audio tones
as well.  

--- Tilghman Lesher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sunday 21 December 2003 00:29, Darren Nickerson wrote:
  I can't seem to get DTMF signaling working properly using SJphone
  connecting to Asterisk via a SIP connection. Here's an example of a
  voicemail session where I entered 1234 for both the username and
  -- Incorrect password '11223344' for user '11223f344' (context
 Changing the DTMF mode would indeed seem to be the logical
 solution.  However, it appears that SJphone does not support that
 option (after a quick perusal of their PDF).  You might want to file
 bugtracker request on their website to implement that functionality.

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] More beginner questions

2003-12-20 Thread Chris Albertson

--- Jon Creasey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using DIAX softphone which seems to be working OK can get to
 VM/echotest etc
 in the demo context
 Am trying to setup FWD but get the following problems
 Can hear it ringing when dialing FWD no 612 for time.  Connects but
 no sound
 from remote end.

Try this one the [] section.  Yes I see you
have it in general.  But fore some reason it needs to be 
there too

 Does anyone have any suggestions.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Headless Linux system for Asterisk

2003-12-18 Thread Chris Albertson

There are no issues.  There is no reason to have a K/B or
monitor on the server.  Just sucks up power and adds to
global warming.  You may also want to pull any CDROM or
flopy drive from the box too for the same reason.

Seriusly, you should be using ssh from a remote machine to
access the server.  I did install X11 and many X11 clients
like but NEVER run X11 on the server just do ssh -X and
work on a remote machine.

--- Michael Welter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Because of space limitations and because of the location of the 
 punch-down blocks, my * server is located on the shelf in a coat
   Sadly, there is not enough space (or ventilation) for the monitor
 keyboard.  This will all change when we move to new quarters, but...
 Does anyone have experience running Linux/Asterisk without a monitor?
 What, if any, are the issues?
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Chris Albertson
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RE: [Asterisk-Users] fedora core 1 install problem - CAN SOMEONE ELSE HELP HIM

2003-12-18 Thread Chris Albertson

Reinstaling the OS is not going to do anything ut get you
right back to where yu are now. 

Look at the last command the the Makefile tried to run.
Did it choke while running bison?  If so run the bison
command by hand.  What happens?   You need to cd to
the directory where Makewas at when it tried to run bison

You might also try typing which bison just to verify that
bison is installed and in your path.

In general when a Makefie fails you try to get the failed
command to run by hand and then you fix up the Makefile to
do whenever you neede to do by hand.  

Chris Albertson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] SIPURA Breaches Contract

2003-12-12 Thread Chris Albertson

Does this kind of stuff really belong here?  Heck for all
we know you guys did something dumb to make them mad at you
and they had good reason for their actions.  

 Who knows, why should we care??

Someone here said you guys charged him _prior_ to
shipping an item.  If anyone charged me in advance
of shipment I'd blacklist them forever.

Again who knows what's up but the bottom line is one
sided rants and self defeating.  No one cares who's right
no one was any why to know either so arguemts are

(Installing e-mail filters now to prevent flame war...)

---  John Brown (CV) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi list, 
 Well I really didn't want to see things get to this point,
 but Sherman at Sipura along with their President Jan F.
 leave me no other choice.
 SIPURA has been provided a letter from our attorney for
 Breach of Contract and damages.  They have yet to respond.
 A quick background.
 1. Sherman (SIPURA's Director of Marketing), stated that
 we would do a join press release for the Oct VoIP conference
 in Long Beach.  The day the release was suppose to go out,
 he decided not to do it. We had agreed to pay of half of the
 cost to get the release out.
 2. SIPURA and Chagres negotiated a contract, where Chagres was
 to provide logistical support for sample sales of the SPA-2000.
 This contract was executed by SIPURA's President Jan F.
 One day after the contract was mutually executed, Sherman from
 Sipura, stated that instead of having us do the logistical support
 they would handle this within the company.
 The following day, I was advised by several ASTERISK list members
 that SIPURA had a company listed on their website doing order
 processing.  They asked if this was the new company we where
 forming to handle the VoIP hardware.  Upon review of both SIPURA's
 site and the other company it was clear that SIPURA had sourced
 this service to another firm, AFTER IT EXECUTED A LEGAL AND BINDING
 contract with us.  Chagres spent considerable time and money 
 putting into place the requirements outlined in the contract.  Those
 efforts are now lost money
 3. In conversations with SIPURA's President Jan F. he committed to
 having product available for us to pickup in Hong Kong on 1-Nov-03.
 When we contacted Sherman on 4-Nov to confirm pickup, Sherman would
 not commit to the order, pickup or anything else.  All he wanted was
 for us to pay them the money for the equipment and then we can
 SIPURA's President Jan F. has not returned any further phone calls.
 4.  Sherman had agreed to provide us with leads for 50 some odd
 companies that where looking for SPA-2000 product.  When we asked him
 again for those leads, he refused to provide them.
 In general, I beleive that the actions of SIPURA and its managment
 team have been less than honorable, they have damaged Chagres and
 have hurt our customers.   
 Sipura has a simple and clear path to resolve this matter.  Honor
 the contract they signed with us.
 SIPURA has also further breached their agreement with us by removing
 us from their Partners page.
 I remain hopeful that SIPURA ownership and management will see 
 the honorable course of action and live to the terms of the
 contract we executed.  Should they decide to continue to ignore
 us and our attorney's attemts to communicate we will take legal
 action in court.
 Sipura has a GREAT product, its sad to see that their management
 team is willing to breach contracts.
 To our customers that have pending orders.  We have attempted to
 source inventory from another location and have not been able
 to do that.  There for we will be issueing complete refunds for
 all SPA-2000 purchases.  
 While we have been difficult to reach in November, I remain
 strong in the belief that we will do the right thing by our
 customers, and that our ability to service further (starting
 today) orders has vastly improved.
 John Brown
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Telemarketer Torture

2003-12-10 Thread Chris Albertson

Very good.  I made a much smaller one that just goes in an
endless loop, no way out but to hang up.  I figured 
telemarketer are too stupid to notice the same prompts
over and over.

I might use yours.  Did you put the .gsm recording some place
we can get them?

My brother has the BEST solution for sales people.  He makes
an appointment with them to come out and gives an address across the
street.  It really wastes a real estate salesman or house painter's
time to drive out to a dead end.  Keeps em off the phone too.

--- Steve Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I submitted of extensions.conf that contains my telemarketer
 menus, last week sometime to the mailing list.
 I got back a note from the mailing list machinery, stating that it
 too big, and would be subject to approval. No such approval came, I
 guess. Either I missed it, or it didn't rate, or the moderator just
 plain hasn't gotten around to it yet.

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Sendmail not on localhost

2003-12-10 Thread Chris Albertson

You would have to look at the code in the VM app.
and see if the hostname for the mail server is configurable.
Likely it is simply hard coded to localhost which would
send the mail to port 25 on the * sever.   In theory
the VM application _could_ use a remote mail server but it
would have to be written that way.  

I'd prefer to run a local sendmail.  Ths means you have a local
queue and the mail gets handed off quikly even if your
other server is down or slow.  

--- Ralf Illing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi .
 I already set-up sendmail on another network server thus it would be
 nice to use that one or is sendmail on * server required!?
 I had a look in the archive but couldn't find any information where
 set the mail server from localhost to my network server .

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] next stable release?

2003-12-10 Thread Chris Albertson

I think the word here is that stable release is a
do it yourself project.  You need to set up a test
environment where you can check out new CVS updates,
apply patches you want and see that it all works.

Only then would you but the code on a productin system.

--- Brancaleoni Matteo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 you should not fear cvs.
 many of us are using current (or semi-current) cvs
 version in production systems without issues.
 if you're in a test environment, you won't have
 Also many of latest cvs additions are bug fixes,
 nothing really new, apart of cdr_odbc.
 See asterisk-cvs list more more details on that.
 Il mer, 2003-12-10 alle 18:47, john lawler ha scritto:
  Hi guys,
  I've been running 0.5.0, which is dated sometime in September of
  year and I've noticed a couple of new features in more recent code
  I'd like to use, but am hesitant to go w/ CVS code.  My system is
  exactly a production system, it's mostly test, but I'm still leery
  the fresh code.
  I'm wondering when the next stable release might come out, and how
  work in general.
  Asterisk-Users mailing list
 Brancaleoni Matteo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Espia - Emmegi Srl
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Computing horsepower needed

2003-12-10 Thread Chris Albertson

I've set up a test enviroment and beed trying to answer that

I think if you are carfull NOT to do dumb things like
running X11 and a browser and so on on the server you can use
a pretty low power system.  Just do not plug in a CRT, mouse
or keyboard.  Use telnet or ssh.  The requirements to run
a graphic interfaceare are greater then to run a low-end asterisk
server.  Asterisk seemed to run well on am old 400Mhz Pentium
but I'm using an ADM2600+ with 128MB ram and am not taxing the
system much at all.  I think a 1Ghz Pantium would be well
more then required.

OK that said.  BIG remaining question.  I've got some echo
problems with the FXO card.  Fixing this might take a lot of
CPU power to do the required DSP.  I don't know yet.  But
it works with two calls open at about 2% of the CPU utilization.
ond the ADM 2600+
Pushing 8K sample/sec data aound is a very lightload
audo at 8K is a very low data rate.

My goal is to reduce the heat and electic power.  I may try
_under_ clocking the 2600+ and see if that makes it run cool
enough that I can remove a fan.

--- Trench Shoring [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have been reading asterisks and everything I can get my hands on
 for the 
 past week. I want to know what class processor is the bare minimum I
 for a four port Asterisk installation?
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Computing horsepower needed

2003-12-10 Thread Chris Albertson

We assume this kind of experimentation is happing in a lab
enviroment.  Failure there is not a problem it's a data point.

In a test system I can take out half the RAM, slow the CPU clock
or run the CPU without  the cooling fan and just measure what
happens.  Yes, stupid do do those things in a system people
are depending on.

--- Andrew Kohlsmith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is a _good_ reason to ask too.  I've been experimenting
  I buy new
  equipment but I'm still looking to reduce power, heat, noise and
  space to the bare minimum.  No need to buy a CPU that burns
  120W of power if you can use a one that uses 45W and
  lets you get rid of one of the fans.  Same with disk drives.
  More RAM might let you use a low noise/low heat drive rather then
  that 7200RM noise maker.  I'd like to be able to install a
  notebook sized drive on the * server.
 No, actually that's a terrible reason to ask.  If you are unfamiliar
 with * 
 you have no business trying to optimize your system.  This is typical
 optimization that plagues any design or deployment.
 Just learning * is NOT the place to try and cut corners and save some
 Get it working, get familiar with it and THEN see where your specific
 are and optimize for them.  
 Early optimization is a problem everywhere, not just in programming.
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Multiple Asterisk servers sharing/propagating registry ?

2003-12-09 Thread Chris Albertson

It would be a major change to the code but I think what you'd
want to do is have the Asterisk server store _all_ of it's information
in something like a database, The dail plan, SIP registrations,
everything would have to go there.  Once you've done that any
number of Asterisk servers could share the same database and there
are methods of running mirrored databases already.

When I worked at a we had a design requirement that I
should be able to go into the server room and pull any of the AC
power cords and the users should not be able to know.  About the
_only_ way to do this is with load balancing.  Fail over does
not work so transparently.

With SIP or other VOIP phones there is a chance of doing a kind of
load ballance but with an analog phone wired to a channle bank, if
the CB smokes

Good News: as far as I can tell Asterisk already does keep much
of it's data in a Barcley style DB does it not?  If so Asterisk
is 3/4 the way there.

But I think the market for this is someone with 5000 extensions
who needs five nines of reliability and Asterisk has other
things to do before it can be used for such a system. mainly
getting dail plan info out of those .conf files.

--- Florian Overkamp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 22:47 8-12-2003 +0100, you wrote:
 The setup I imagine would be something like :
 - several asterisk servers called,, ...
 - a DNS alias pointing to all the addresses (thus
providing a round robin resolution on each server)
 - each SIP client would register with (thus ending on a
random asterisk servers)
 - but after that, all the servers would be aware of the
registration. Thus any asterisk server would know how to route a
call to SIP/some registered user
 Same thing for IAX peers.
 Of course, setting up various IAX links between each server is no
 problem (with registration cascading, for instance).
 Registration cascading is not possible (I think) but could it be
 with a shared dial route:
 Instead of DIAL(IAX/ could you not 
 DIAL(IAX/sip1.isp.comIAX/sip2.isp.comIAX/ to reach a
 effect ? (or chain them in different lines so it tries to reach the
 one, then the second one if it fails, and the third if that fails.
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] FXO cards - low cost systems

2003-12-09 Thread Chris Albertson

Comments on this are welcome.  Here is my opinion...

I just went through this.  Your office size is not economical.
Actually smaller or larger would be better.  Getting a channel bank
and then using only 8 ports is a waste.  OK if you have 24 extensions
but 3x to expensive if you only use 8 ports.

I'm working on a 3x8 system for a not-for-profet  I'm doing the
work for free and they value every cent as they live off donated
money.  (You don't want to tell donors that 100 of their $20.00
checks went into a new PBX and did nothig to save sick homeless kids
or whatever.)

Here is what I told them:  Go VOIP.  You can get decent IP phones
like BT100, or whatever for $65 to $100 each.  Buy eight of these.

Next get a VOIP service provider to provide you with a PSTN DID
(A phone number) VoicePulse will do this for about $8.00/month
pluss outgoing per minute cost. So you get as many incomming lines
as you need and you have zero hardware interface at your site.
(other then your DSL line.)

Keep one or two analog POTS lines and use one or two FXO cards
either Digium other.  You want POTs for free local calls and
for 911 calls and for if the VIOP service fails or if the DSL
line is down.  But one POTS line for the whole office is enough

So now your Asterisk server is just one re-cycled PC with one
FXO card installed, nothing else.  Pretty dard cheap.

If using a re-cycled computer as the server _do_ keep
spares on site. You don't want a broken power supply fan to crash
your phone system for a day.  I'm suggesting a full-up hot spare
Asterisk server system be kept on-site.

--- Michael Rowley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here is a quesion for you.  I am still battling with the phone system
 for my new buisiness.
 6 incoming lines, 1 fax, DSL.  8 phones max, will provably start with
 to save money.
 I was thinking of using Asterisk, but having difficulty finding 
 appropriate buisiness phones.  The Mitel 5055 is the best one I have 
 found, but the price seems to be about 400$ per phone.  $2K, plus a 
 500$ server, then how to get the 6 B1(pots) lines into it.
 I had thought of using a channel bank, but what a pain in the ass
 is becoming.  For one, they are expensive, and I then have to buy the
 T1 card for the phone server.  I though, why not go with an FXO card.
 I wish there was an X400P card with 4 ports on it, but, que sera.  I 
 can get them for 100$ apiece, or $50 for the knock offs on ebay, but 
 that means 6 pci slots.  Not easy, I could use one of the pci
 boxes, but now I am worried about conflicts.  Or dialogic analog 4 or
 12 port cards for about 1500 to 1800$.  :(  This is getting
 Part of the idea was to save some money.  The other part was to use 
 open software as much as possible, and support the FOSS community
 ever possible.
 Here comes the question, wait for it :)
 Has anyone had success with the dialogic 4 port cards, running 2 of 
 them in a server with * in a buisiness environment as stated above.
 I am begining to think that I may be better off just going with a 
 proprietary system and cough up the 6K and get it over with.   There 
 are a couple of solutions that will share the cat5 cable, that's 
 Any ideas?  Suggestions?  Does anyone know of a solution provider out
 there who will be able to set this up for me for the 6K the phone 
 system is going to cost me anyway?
 Michael Rowley MD
 Asterisk-Users mailing list

Chris Albertson
  Home:   310-376-1029  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cell:   310-990-7550
  Office: 310-336-5189  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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