Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Dynamic DNS

2005-12-11 Thread John Biundo
If you're experiencing the same issue I am, there's a less painful 
solution than restarting asterisk.

Asterisk resolves the externip (and, I think, externhost) parameters in 
sip.conf at startup.  If the values are a domain name registered with, and the IP that these domain names point at changes, then 
you have a problem.

It turns out that sip reload will cause it to resolve externip (for 
sure, and I assume externhost as well) again.  So I run a cron job to do 
a sip reload periodically.

(Ideally, I want to trigger this job from my dyndns ip-change script, 
but I haven't gotten around to that yet.  Doing it every 5 minutes is a 
bit of an ugly hack, but it works for me.)


Branko Samardzic wrote:

That's fine. But there is, obviously, situations where such situation is not
welcome. Is it possible to force Asterisk to refresh cache every in a while.

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk book feedback

2005-12-13 Thread John Biundo
The book is a great *starting* point, IMHO.  If you've spent a 
considerable amount of time reading other sources, you probably won't 
find much new information in the book.  OTOH, you may find that its 
organized approach helps consolidate what you've read.  And if it clears 
up a couple of key concepts about dial plans, AGI, configuration, ZAP, 
or whatever, which you might be "fuzzy" about, it's probably worth the 
price.  In addition, the appendices are a useful reference guide.

Ross C wrote:

Just curious what everyone (as in, the people that have read it or use it)
thinks about the O'Reilly Asterisk book.  I'd really like to delve into the
nitty gritty of Asterisk, but I'm getting kinda tired of swimming through
forums and Google results.  I've been reading the wiki off and on for about
a week now, but I'm wondering if a book would be the way to go to get a
solid foundation.  My IT career for the past 10 years has been based off of
learn-as-I-go methods, but I'd really like to learn asterisk the right way.
I have a couple Asterisk servers up and running and in use, but they're very
small systems (~10 extensions, connected to 3 or 4 pots lines).  I have some
clients that want to use VOIP, but they're bigger businesses, and I'm not
yet comfortable enough to roll out a bigger system.
So if there are any other methods for learning Asterisk that I should
consider, please do tell! 

Any opinions (on the book or otherwise) appreciated.  Thanks!


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Re: [Asterisk-Users] sharing a line w/multiple extensions

2005-12-15 Thread John Biundo
Fascinating discussion.  The whole idea of "acceptance" of an asterisk 
based system by the rest of the family is probably worthy of its own thread.

I'm in "alpha test" (I switch on asterisk after  the wife leaves for 
work, switch it back before she gets home ;-) ) of my home asterisk 
system, so I've been thinking/worrying about a lot of similar issues.

I'm particularly worried about acceptance of this "shared line" (or lack 
thereof) aspect of the system.  My wife will "get" the idea of 
extensions, transfers, parking, etc. because she uses a PBX at work, 
though I worry that the habits of how the phone is "supposed to work" at 
home may die hard with her.  And the kids are a whole 'nuther story.

I thought that having some "common area" phones share a single extension 
(wired into a single ATA FXS port) might ease the transition, but I'm 
also afraid it might be confusing ("you can just pick up from these 
extensions, but you have to transfer or park to/from these extensions". 

The huge selling point, which I'm hoping will overcome any initial 
resistance, is the idea that one person will no longer tie up the whole 
phone system for the house when they make/take a call.  And deploying 
one of my free DIDs to give my 16-year-old "his own phone number" that 
rings only in his bedroom is the real ace up my sleeve!

Sure, Asterisk will come with a lot of other neat features, but frankly 
most of them have more geek appeal (though I have high hopes for my 
favorite feature -- announced caller id over the stereo/tivo while we're 
making dinner -- to revolutionize the way we deal with (or at least who 
answers ;-) ) phone calls at that hour), and in some cases I think may 
face similar "that's not the way it's supposed to work" objections.  For 
example, while they will acknowledge that voicemail is cool, I suspect 
they'll miss the simplicity of walking into the kitchen, seeing if the 
answering machine is blinking, and just pressing the button.

I'm excited AND anxious about starting a real "beta test" with them! 
Maybe that's why I'm already 3 weeks behind my original schedule. ;-)

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Linksys PAP2 and Asterisk

2005-12-17 Thread John Biundo

Hi Jason,

I've got several PAP2s working with asterisk.  Feel free to e-mail me 
off-line if you want to compare configurations.  Which version of 
asterisk and which PAP2 firmware are you running?

Jason (WeatherServer) wrote:
I'm sure this question has been asked before but I can't seem to find any 
info on it.

Is there anything special that needs to be setup on the PAP2 side and the 
Asterisk side for the PAP2 to work on the asterisk server.

I've entered all the settings for my VoIP provider but all I get is
Registration State: Can't connect to login server
  on the PAP2

Thank you.

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[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Extension Language -- what's it's "status"?

2005-11-01 Thread John Biundo
I've been playing with ael a little bit and wondering how much time to 
devote to it.  Originally, when I read about it, I thought I'd try to 
convert my extensions.conf files to ael.  But after playing a little 
bit, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

A couple of observations and questions:
1. As far as I can tell, there's limited interoperability between 
existing (extensions.conf) and new (extensions.ael) constructs.  For 
example, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there's 
a way to access an ael macro from an extensions.conf dial plan.

To me, this seems to make dabbling with ael harder, since I can't just 
incrementally add some stuff in ael and use it in my dial plan.

2. I can't see a way to organize my ael dial plan using #include's. 
Again, for me, this makes experimentation harder since, especially in 
conjunction with the first point, I effectively have to maintain my 
entire old conglomerate dial plan in one gigantic ael file.  Again, 
please correct me if I'm missing something.

All in all, for me, these two points have discouraged me from doing more 
than dabbling with ael.  I assume the point of including it in 1.2 is to 
get people to try to use it in a serious "beta test" manner.  I wonder 
if support for these kind of capabilities is planned?

I really would like to use ael as it seems to have some clear advantages 
over the existing "language", but I'm reluctant to be too far out on the 
bleeding edge without a little more insight into where this feature is 

Thanks for any input.

Oh, and this is my first post here, so forgive me if I put this in the 
wrong place.  Does this belong on the developers list?

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Extension Language -- what's it's "status"?

2005-11-01 Thread John Biundo

John Biundo wrote:

A couple of observations and questions:
1. As far as I can tell, there's limited interoperability between 
existing (extensions.conf) and new (extensions.ael) constructs.  For 
example, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there's 
a way to access an ael macro from an extensions.conf dial plan.

I'm an idiot.  And on my first post.  Way to go, John.

So the problem is that my #includes weren't working (after my first 
mistake, I'll refrain from saying they DON'T work (actually hoping 
someone proves me wrong again and explains that they do, indeed, work)), 
so my ael macros weren't getting defined in the first place.  Once I 
moved them into extensions.ael, they were, as expected, fully available 
to my extensions.conf dial plans.

This is goodness, to me, because I think I'll enjoy learning to write 
loops and conditionals MUCH MORE in ael than in the old style.

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[Asterisk-Users] Invalid/Timeout handlers in ael?

2005-11-03 Thread John Biundo

Does anybody know how to code invalid and timeout handlers in ael macros?

I tried the following, but no luck.

macro call-screen() {
NoOp(Macro call-screen);
catch i {
goto tryagain;
catch t {
goto tryagain;
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[Asterisk-Users] How to do "asynchrononous" Dial?

2005-11-13 Thread John Biundo
Are there any features in asterisk that might be used to effect a 
background dial task?

I want to be able to start a Dial task running, in chich the execution 
can be automated via DTMF tones (e.g., voicemail retrieval), but not 
block the originating thread of execution.  The dial plan or AGI 
containing the Dial command should proceed on to the next step.  I'll 
arrange some kind of rendezvous later on.

As far as I can tell, I'm on my own to build this capability through 
some sort of daemon and the manager API or my own IPC mechanism.  I'd 
really hoped for some higher level of abstraction from within Asterisk 
to accomplish this.

Am I missing something in Asterisk that will make this easier to accomplish?

Are there any publically available examples of this kind of application?

Anybody got any ideas for nifty tricks to get this done?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] How to do "asynchrononous" Dial?

2005-11-13 Thread John Biundo

Thanks for the suggestion.

Sorry if my requirements weren't clear.  I need a general purpose "run 
this in the background" capability.  The voicemail was simply an 
example, and probably a bad one.  I want the Dial command to go off on a 
separate thread so the main thread can continue.  What happens in that 
second thread is arbitrary.  I'll deal with getting "data" in and out of 
that second thread as appropriate - perhaps by dropping stuff in a 
database or some other synchronization method.  The key is that while 
that second "background task" is executing, the initial thread of 
execution doesn't block and can continue running arbitrary Asterisk 

See in the Asterisk source directory and .call files on the 
Wiki.  Sounds like you want Asterisk to call a person when a voicemail 
is left and allow the person to get their voicemail during the 
notification call.

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] NAT setup

2005-11-14 Thread John Biundo

Tom Rymes wrote:
To connect to an Asterisk box that sits behind NAT, you need to  forward 
ports 5060 and 1-2 too the asterisk box

Follow up question:

I can't forward 1-2 with my router.  So I used rtp.conf to 
narrow the band of ports down to something like 14000-14030 and 
forwarded those ports  That seems to work fine.

Am I asking for trouble down the line with this approach?
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[Asterisk-Users] Problem with Zap/1 picking up on OUTBOUND calls from analog extensions

2005-11-15 Thread John Biundo
Problem: Zap/1 channel answers when trying to make OUTBOUND call on 
analog phone.

-Asterisk: Running CVS Head from Nov. 1
-X100P card attached to PSTN line; same PSTN line routed to other analog 
phones throughout the house

-Linksys PAP2 ATA with analog phone connected to Asterisk via LAN

See attached zaptel info, zapata.conf and asterisk console log

Details: I can receive and handle inbound calls via the PSTN line 
normally.  My custom IVR, voicemail, call-screening, etc. all works.  I 
can make outbound calls to my ITSP via the analog phone and ATA or 

*Sometimes*, when I try to make an outbound call on one of the other 
house phones (one of the phones on the same PSTN line as the X100P), 
asterisk answers the zap channel as if it had an incoming call.  This 
seems to happen about 80% of the time.  Sometimes, pressing just the * 
key will cause the line to be answered.  Other times, it's only after an 
outbound call has been connected (ringing tone heard on the line) that 
the zap channel picks up.

The situation seems to have deteriorated over the last day or two, 
though I haven't changed anything in the zaptel.conf or zapata.conf 
files for several weeks.  The frequency of occurrence seems to have gone 
up signficantly in 48 hours.  My extensions.conf has changed quite a bit 
in that time, but I'm not sure how that should matter.

FWIW, I have the house lines (including the one going to the x100p) all 
connected via a punch-down block that I *believe* is wired correctly, 
though I'm not an expert, so it's possible something's going on in that 
area -- I just don't know what to look for there.  These lines haven't 
changed since before asterisk was installed.  They test properly for 
polarity, and line quality is good.

Has anyone got any suggestions on how to track this problem down?  I'm 
really scratching my head over it!

Thanks in advance.

Output from ztcfg:
$ ztcfg -vv

Zaptel Configuration

Channel map:

Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)

1 channels configured.

; define any trunk groups



; define channels
channel => 1
CLI Output:
-- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
Nov 15 09:24:55 WARNING[816]: chan_zap.c:6088 ss_thread: CallerID 
returned with error on channel 'Zap/1-1'

-- Executing Macro("Zap/1-1", "incoming") in new stack
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[Asterisk-Users] Read() application behavior change: bug or feature?

2005-11-16 Thread John Biundo

Bug or feature?

I'm fairly sure this behavior changed between CVS HEAD Nov 1 and RC2.

In the earlier release, I could successfully execute the Read() 
application immediately following answering a (SIP) channel.  In the 
current RC2, Read times out without detecting user input, unless I 
precede it in the dial plan with Background, as below.

exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,n,Background(silence/1)
exten => s,n(readopt),Read(ACCEPT,,1,,,10)

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Problems with Read() in outgoing calls

2005-11-18 Thread John Biundo
I posted the following a couple of days ago.  My problem was inbound, 
but the workaround might be worth a try:

Bug or feature?

I'm fairly sure this behavior changed between CVS HEAD Nov 1 and RC2.

In the earlier release, I could successfully execute the Read() 
application immediately following answering a (SIP) channel.  In the 
current RC2, Read times out without detecting user input, unless I 
precede it in the dial plan with Background, as below.

exten => s,1,Answer
exten => s,n,Background(silence/1)
exten => s,n(readopt),Read(ACCEPT,,1,,,10)
Chris Cahill wrote:

I have used Read() in many inbound context (ie. when a user dials me).

I have an outbound call between asterisk and a user, initiated by a call 

in the outgoing directory, but Read() does not seem to take any input in
this situation.

Is there anyway of getting round this?


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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Allowing Called user to accept call before transfer

2005-11-19 Thread John Biundo
I'm still fairly wet behind the ears, so I hope one of the experts will 
chime in, but I think I'm doing what you want, so let me try to describe it.

When a call comes in without caller id, I "screen it" (record the 
caller's name), then dial one of the internal extensions and play back 
the recording.  I provide the callee the options to accept the call, 
send it to voicemail, or do other nastier things.

The way I do it is to call a macro in the Dial command.  For example:

   exten => s,n,Dial(${ALLHOUSE},20,TtmM(play-screen^${ANNOUNCE}))

In the play-screen macro, I play the screen, and accept DTMF tones to 
accept the callee's desired outcome.  Based on the tone, I then set
the MACRO_RESULT variable appropriately.  See the dial command on the 
wiki for more on this.  I use something like:

   exten => s,n,SetVar(MACRO_RESULT=GOTO:sendfamilyvmail^s^1)

When the macro ends, if the value of MACRO_RESULT is undefined, the call 
is bridged.  This is the key point: if you want the call to be bridged, 
do not define MACRO_RESULT to anything.  If the value is set to GOTO..., 
the call is NOT bridged at the end of the macro, and execution continues 
at the target of the GoTo.

Hope that helps.

DEEZED wrote:

I was wondering if its possible to have a asterisk dial a number, and then
when it is answered, asterisk will playback a message asking the called
person to press a button if they would like to accept the call, and then if
asterisk hears a DTFM tone, it will then bridge the 2 calls together. 


If this is possible, how could this be done. Does asterisk have a command to
merge channel A with channel B?


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