[asterisk-users] Ringing detection ?

2012-04-12 Thread Nicolas Ross

Hi !

I have an application where I originate a call with a call file and play 
some pre-recorded message when the person answers. And it's working 

Now, I've been asked to add the support for extenstion numbers.

I've been able to actualy send the extension numbver via the SendDTMF 
command. It works perfectly. But after the dtmf have been sent, the 
dialplan shoud wait for someone to answer.

The problem is that during that time, the phone is rining. So withing 
north-america, it's typicly ring 2 secs, silence 4 seconds.

So, I could use AMD() WaitForSilence(4100) for exemple. But that would 
require the person at the other end to be silent for 4 seconds. That's 

So, I'm searching for a way for my dialplan to detect ringing and only 
lauch Amd/WaitforSilence after the person answers...

My curent ael dialplan for my originated call is :

  500 = {
Wait (1);
if (${LEN(${noPoste})})
for (x=0; ${x}  3; x=${x} + 1) {
goto diffuseurappel|3|1;

Any ideas ?

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[asterisk-users] Problem with libpri / asterisk

2012-02-13 Thread Nicolas Ross

Hi all !

We currently have an asterisk box that is rather old (runs Asterisk, and it's connected to the PSTN with a sangoma A104d card.

Now we have a new PRI at another location, and I use that occasion to
build 2 new servers, one to replace our aging one and a new one for this new

So I downloaded the lastest libpri / asterisk / wanpipe driver, but the
previous version of dahdi (2.5), since the latest wanpipe isn't compatible
with dahdi 2.6. All is built from source

Now, all seems to be working OK. I can connect a SIP phone to my new box,
make calls to the outside, receive calls etc.

But, I can't seem to bridge a call. So on my new server, with the new PRI, I
got a Sangoma a104 card (no echo-canceler on this one).

In my extensions.ael, I got this :

418nx1 = {
 Wait (2);


Where 418nx1 is a DID on my new PRI and 418nx2 is my cellphone

When I do a call from my home phone or cell phone to my new PRI to
418nx1, I hear the demo-thanks file, and then it dials out. My cellphone
rings, but as soon as I pick up the call, the calls hangs up :

   -- Accepting call from '418nx2' to '418nx1' on channel 0/1, span 
   -- Executing [418nx1@ael-default:1] Answer(DAHDI/i1/418nx2-b, 
) in new stack
   -- Executing [418nx1@ael-default:2] Wait(DAHDI/i1/418nx2-b, 
2) in new stack
   -- Executing [418nx1@ael-default:3] 
Playback(DAHDI/i1/418nx2-b, demo-thanks) in new stack

   -- DAHDI/i1/418nx2-b Playing 'demo-thanks.ulaw' (language 'fr')
   -- Executing [418nx1@ael-default:4] Dial(DAHDI/i1/418nx2-b, 
DAHDI/G1/418nx2) in new stack

   -- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
   -- Called DAHDI/G1/418nx2
   -- DAHDI/i1/418nx2-c is proceeding passing it to 

   -- DAHDI/i1/418nx2-c is ringing
   -- DAHDI/i1/418nx2-c is making progress passing it to 

   -- DAHDI/i1/418nx2-c answered DAHDI/i1/418nx2-b
   -- Native bridging DAHDI/i1/418nx2-b and DAHDI/i1/418nx2-c
   -- Span 1: Channel 0/1 got hangup request, cause 16
   -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/418nx2-c'
 == Spawn extension (ael-default, 418nx1, 4) exited non-zero on 

   -- Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/418nx2-b'

BUT, if I originate the call from my curent PRI, it goes in and out and all
is well. I noticed that if the calls go trough correctly and hangup 
manually, it also stats the exact same thing (cause 16). So the above 
console output might not be that much usefull...

I've had a case open with Sangoma for this issue, and they suggested I go 
the libpri/asterisk for more help debuging this issue, since on their end, 
the disconnect comes from the telco...

They suggested I try a different version of asterisk, wich I did to no 
avail, or try there NBE product instead of libpri...

So, did anybody ever encontered something like that ? What steps should I 
take to diagnose the problem furhter ?

Thanks for any help. 

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Re: [asterisk-users] Problem with libpri / asterisk

2012-02-13 Thread Nicolas Ross


My guess is your new setup is trying to do a PRI 2B Transfer (meaning 
that Asterisk is trying to handoff two B channels of a PRI to the 
upstream switch).  It is probably being rejected and the call is hanging 
up.  You will need to dig into the PRI debug of both scenarios and 
compare.   I was not even aware that Asterisk could do that so it may be 
some new feature being worked on.

I just found this:  http://wiki.sangoma.com/Asterisk-FAQ#TBCT

Maybe you should check and see if it is enabled.

My god !

That was it !

It was enabled, I had transfer = yes, but there was no mention of 
facilityenable. I disabled it, restarted asterisk, and voilà !

Thanks for pointing that out ! 

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Re: [asterisk-users] Trying out a new version with sangoma card

2011-05-12 Thread Nicolas Ross

In asterisk CLI do pri show spans. The fact the card is in RED alert
means the hardware does not see the pri line connected to the card.

I probably made a mistake in copying / pasting. pri show spans was showing 
something like :

PRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Up, Active

Calls can enter, I see them arriving on the console, but they imediatly got 
hangun, cause 6. 

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Re: [asterisk-users] Trying out a new version with sangoma card

2011-05-12 Thread Nicolas Ross

Show us the output of a failed call with pri debug enabled on that span.
It will be difficult, since the PRI is in use on our old asterisk box. 
I will have to get to the colo at night, to avoid disrupting calls 
during the day.

Is there any other thing that I should collect ?

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Re: [asterisk-users] Trying out a new version with sangoma card

2011-05-11 Thread Nicolas Ross

Le 2011-05-09 09:31, Jim Dickenson a écrit :

Make sure the firmware on the card is latest. I had a problem, not like your, 
and flashing the card to the latest firmware resolved it.

It appears it did not change anything...

So, to re-cap, I have a sangoma A101 card, with the firmware uptodate, 
on the asterisk, dahdi-linux, and dahdi-tools 2.4.1.

When asterisk is running, cat /proc/dahdi/1 yields :

Span 1: WPT1/0 wanpipe1 card 0 (MASTER) B8ZS/ESF RED

   1 WPT1/0/1 Clear (In use)
   2 WPT1/0/2 Clear (In use)
  24 WPT1/0/24 Hardware-assisted HDLC (In use)

And when it's not, the (In use) go away.

When, dialing I get Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 34 
- Circuit/channel congestion)

So, does anybody got any idea ?

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[asterisk-users] Trying out a new version with sangoma card

2011-05-09 Thread Nicolas Ross

Hi !

We curently have a centos 5 / asterisk 1.4 server that we have some DTMF 
problems with. It has a Sangoma A104d card and only port one is used to 
connect to the PSTN. Port 2 is conencted via a cross-over cable to a RAS for 
modem access and port 3 is connected for data communication via PPP.

Now, I want to freshen this setup to something newer. So I installed a 
Scientific Linux 6 server, with asterisk 1.8 and the latest Sangoma drivers 
and an A101 card I had laying around.

I did a test this weekend and pluged in our PRI in that test server. I never 
got succeded to have a call trough. When I dialed in, the call is hanged 
up with :

Channel 1/1, span 1 got hanup, cause 6
Spawn extension (ael-default, s, 3) exited non-zero on 

Hungup 'DAHDI/i1/NPANXX-2'

Here's my dahdi/system.conf :


#Sangoma A101 port 1 [slot:0 bus:6 span:1] wanpipe1

my asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf is rather long, but is mostly defaults, with :

channel = 1-23

as the last non-commented lines.

So, for one thing, the card I have in my test server doesn't have an 
hardware echo canceller, but it's still enabled in my wanpip setting. Could 
that be a source of problem ?

Other than that, is there anything obvious I've missed ? 

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Re: [asterisk-users] Trying out a new version with sangoma card

2011-05-09 Thread Nicolas Ross

Make sure the firmware on the card is latest. I had a problem, not like
your, and flashing the card to the latest firmware resolved it.

I did the upgrade, I will make another test when appropriate.

I will also upgrade my curent card, I am curent at version 25, wich dates  
2007, it might solve our curent problem also...


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Re: [asterisk-users] Under heavy attack

2010-11-01 Thread Nicolas Ross
I just wanted to add my voice to this attack. I saw the morning that I had 
200+ distinct ips since the weekend. I used a small perl script that blocks 
failed usernames and passwords at iptables level I found thei morning :


  My main asterisk server is under unusual heavy attack, and so far Fail2Ban 
has blocked about 30 IPs, from various different countries. At this time it is 
blocking about 1 IP address every few minutes.
  Just wondering if anybody else is also experiencing unusually increased hack 
attempts today?

  Zeeshan A Zakaria
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[asterisk-users] Pickup parcked call from Aastra 9480i ct cordless

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Ross
Here, we have 2 aastra 9133i and on 9480i ct cordless. We use often the park 
call feature of asterisk to transfer calls to one another.

But the 9480i ct cordless cannot pickup a parked call. When manually 
entering 701 (parked call extention), the phone display Call failed (appel 
écoué in french).

Nothing is displayed on the asterisk console.

When doing it from other aastra phones (same config), or other make phones, 
it works.

Any hints on possible causes ? 

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Re: [asterisk-users] Pickup parcked call from Aastra 9480i ctcordless

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Ross
 Make sure your verbosity is set to at least 5 and try to see the CLI 
 on failure again.  Are you sure the call is parked on 701 (not 702-720 as
 defined in features.conf)?

Yes, after I can pick it up from my phone (9133i), and it works. I had 
verbosity at 6 at the moment of testing. When he enters 701, only his phones 
displays Failed, nothing in asterisk. I can pickup after that on mine.

 Other calls/extension dials work from this phone?

Yes, our extensions are 3 digits, and all other calls to / from this 
(problematic) phone works.


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Re: [asterisk-users] Pickup parcked call from Aastra9480i ctcordless

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas Ross
 Is the phone defined as a SIP extension/peer?  If so, try sip set debug
 peer xxx and try the call/pickup again.

Yes, and doing so, the phone could no longer dial out, bizare.

 Yes, after I can pick it up from my phone (9133i), and it works. I had
 verbosity at 6 at the moment of testing. When he enters 701, only his
 displays Failed, nothing in asterisk. I can pickup after that on mine.

 Is there a dial plan on the phone that you need to alter?

Yes : x+#|xx+*, same as mine.

After the problem with dial-out stated on top, we rebooted the phone another 
time, and now everithing works... That was strange... 

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[asterisk-users] Redone setup, bizare problems

2010-04-26 Thread Nicolas Ross
Hi !

Sorry if this is a long post...

I had this setup for about a year without problems :

Network A   -  wrv200  -  internet  -  wrv200  - net b

The 2 networks are linked with an ipsec vpn. The 2 internet connections are 
with the same cable company to minimize latency, both separates /24 subnets.

On network A, I got 2 computers, a single sip phone (aastra 9112i). On 
network B, I got a linux box acting as smb domain controler and many other 
thins, another linux box that only do an asterisk server, 4 computers, 3 sip 
phones (2 aastra 9112i and one 480i ct), 1 analog ATA for the alarm system, 
an internet point of sale terminal, that's about it.

The asterisk server is connected to the PSTN with a VOIP provider trough 

All of this was working fine. Since the last couple of months, we had some 
qos problems with the exterior. The sound was choping up randomly. With what 
I can do with the linksys wrv200, I was limited. I also had some filesystem 
issues that made the asterisk server locks up from time to time. So I wanted 
to reformat the server and re-install it on a ssd drive.

So for the time of the re-format, I installed asterisk on my smb server, and 
re-copied /etc/asterisk, /var/spool/asterisk and /var/lib/asterisk to it.

When I arrived at home, the externel power supply of the little shuttle box 
refused to power up. So I ended up building a new computer from scratch. 
This new server will be acting as asterisk server and router, replacing the 
wrv200 from network b (demoting it to wireless access point and switch).

Last sunday, I installed the server, re-copying the 3 folders of asterisk in 
the same maner. I then had a hard time making the phones register to the 
server. I always had no service with the mwi light steady on. I finaly got 
the phones to register, I'm still not sure exactly what I did to make it 
work. And the phone on network A didn't work wither. I'll get to that one 
later. The linksys pap2t ata didn't had the problem, it registered right as 
I started the server.

On the phones on network B, since then I get the MWI light come on 
momentarely, with the no service on the display, and then all comes back 
to normal. But all phones can make and receive calls.

For the remote phone, for those familiar with ipsec vpns, it's a net to net 
connection. So, the gateway cannot reach the computers on the network on the 
other side. So I had to add a static route on my router/asterisk server to 
be able to reach the phone on the other side. It was able to register for 
some time, but the next morning it was no service, and I wasn't able to 
make it work again. I ended up connecting the phone trough the externel 
interface of the router/asterisk server.

So, my questions :

Why is the phones are constatly showing no service with the light flashing 

Is there a way for the remote phone from net A to connect properly trough 
the vpn ?

Thanks for any hints,


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Re: [asterisk-users] ATA for large networks

2008-10-02 Thread Nicolas Ross
I personnlay found that marc is better than google when searching mailing 
lists :


 What is the best-recommended resource for searching archives of this 

 Thanks for your time

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[asterisk-users] Transfer a call without announce : no sound

2008-09-30 Thread Nicolas Ross
When we receive a call from outside (via a sangoma 104d card) and we do a
blind transfer, that is without anouncing to the called party , we have no
sound either way.

Exemple :

I take my cell phone to call my * box, it rings on my aastra 9113i phone, I
Then I hit the xfer buton, make my second call to another extention (it can
be either a aastra phone, nortel phone trough ciel portico, whatever.
As soon it rings I hangup or hit the xfer buton again.
Then the bridged call between the other extension and the zap channel have
no sound either way.

If I wait for the called party to answer and announce the transfer, all is

I've had report of sound one way also, but I wasn't able to reproduce.

Here's the log from my console :

   -- SIP/224-09e0f098 answered Zap/1-1
-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Zap/1-1
-- Executing [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1] Macro(SIP/224-09e1d728,
ael-std-exten|225|SIP/225) in new stack
-- Executing [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1] Set(SIP/224-09e1d728,
ext=225) in new stack
-- Executing [EMAIL PROTECTED]:2] Set(SIP/224-09e1d728,
dev=SIP/225) in new stack
-- Executing [EMAIL PROTECTED]:3] Answer(SIP/224-09e1d728, ) in
new stack
-- Executing [EMAIL PROTECTED]:4] NoOp(SIP/224-09e1d728,
Nicolas Ross 224) in new stack
-- Executing [EMAIL PROTECTED]:5] Wait(SIP/224-09e1d728, 0.5)
in new stack
-- Executing [EMAIL PROTECTED]:6] Dial(SIP/224-09e1d728,
SIP/225|15) in new stack
-- Called 225
-- SIP/225-09e73388 is ringing
-- Stopped music on hold on Zap/1-1
  == Spawn extension (macro-ael-std-exten, s, 6) exited non-zero on
'SIP/224-09e1d728ZOMBIE' in macro 'ael-std-exten'
  == Spawn extension (macro-ael-std-exten, s, 6) exited non-zero on
-- SIP/225-09e73388 answered Zap/1-1

Any ideas ? 

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Re: [asterisk-users] Interfacing pri card to legacy pbx

2008-07-15 Thread Nicolas Ross
I cannot tell for sure for any system, but we have an old Portmaster PM3 
hooked-up from one port of our Sangoma A104d card, another one being from 

So, yes you can emulate the telco from a sangoma A10x card. Here's what I 
have in my zapata.conf :

;Sangoma A104 port 1 [slot:12 bus:0 span: 1]
channel = 1-23

;Sangoma A104 port 2 [slot:12 bus:0 span: 2]
channel = 25-47

You might have noticed that the signalling is different for both port. 
pri_net being the telco emulatin one. The clock needs also to be set on 
master in the wancfg utility.

Another thing, you might want to consider using a 2 port card for that, 
because the clock master needs a reference and I can't tell for sure if 
it'll work with a reference from another card.



 Hi guys,
 Can I use a Sangoma a101 to interface a legacy pbx to an Asterisk server?
 The pbx doesn't have sip and I want to come in off of a sip trunk and
 interface with the older system.
 I know I can use a pri card to hook in to the phone network, but can I use
 this same card to feed back the signaling as if I were the phone company 
 the older system?


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Re: [asterisk-users] Asterisk on SLOW solid state disk

2008-06-13 Thread Nicolas Ross
Hi !

We are running our asterisk from a transcend ts8gifd25. The whole system, 
including the OS fit in this 8 gig disk. If you don't do any recording of 
calls, you don't need that much of speed.

We have 20 or so SIP phones, a PRI trough a quad-port sangoma card, one other 
port is a pass-trough to a dial-up RAS, another port is a point-to-point T1 
data link to our office.

To date, we've handle a handfull of simultaniously calls without any 
performance degradation.


I'm looking at building up a standard asterisk system fanless/no moving 
parts.  I found a cheap solid state disk (Transcend TS32GSSD25S-M), but it is 
SLOW...25mb/sec read 8mb/sec write.

Has anyone tried a slow disk like this on asterisk?  Will this delay voice 
prompts or screw up ast/linux in any interesting way?

(I know there are linux distros and Asterisk projects designed to run off 
CF, but I'm hoping to stay mainstream)

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[asterisk-users] chan_sip Maximum retries exceeded on transmission

2008-05-08 Thread Nicolas Ross
I have a situation here where a user has an AAstra 480i phone, which 
function corectly. The phone is behing a nat-router (a linksys wrv200 for 
it's VPN point to point facility). The phone is plugued in a port wich has 
qos enabled.

And when the user places a call, sometimes (not always), we get this in the 
console :

[May  8 13:41:55] WARNING[5804]: chan_sip.c:1948 retrans_pkt: Maximum 
retries exceeded on transmission 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for seqno 1867350652 
(Critical Response)
[May  8 13:41:55] WARNING[5804]: chan_sip.c:1972 retrans_pkt: Hanging up 
call [EMAIL PROTECTED] - no reply to our 
critical packet.

And then, the call stops.

I did enabled sip debug for that peer, and I saw that a packet was sent to 
the phone, and the phone did reply (I see it in the debug).

In sip.conf, for that peer, I have nat=yes.

Any ideas ? 

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Re: [asterisk-users] SMS gateway recommendation

2007-12-24 Thread Nicolas Ross
Here, we've tested in the past zimsms, but now the,re closed. We founded out 
that the most reliable and cost-effective way to send sms is with GPRS 
modem. Multitech manufacures excelent quality product for gprs, edge and 

So we opened up an sms-only acount, it costs us 10$ / month for 1000 sms 
sent, plus 10c each after, plus some other fees like 911 fees, etc. We 
generelay sent no more than a couple hundeds.

With this modem hookup-up to a serial port, and a little program assuring 
the sending / receiving of sms (sms_link from Sourceforge)., and voilà !

Here in Canada, all cellular providers are hooked-up one to another for 
passing of sms', so I send out my sms' with Rogers, but any user in any 
network receives it in about 1 to  5 seconds. I don't know if it's the same 
in the US or other countries.

If you have more questions about the specifics, you can contact me.


- Original Message - 
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion 
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2007 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] SMS gateway recommendation

 Hash: SHA1

 I personally use clickatell.

 Can you please comment on the reliability of clickatell, pricing and
 speed of delivery of the message to the end-user?

 But I use a PHP script to do the texting and call that from the dialplan.

 Is that script available somewhere?


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Re: [asterisk-users] Connection astrisk to a RAS (portmaster)

2007-11-07 Thread Nicolas Ross
We've finaly solved it...

For once, when we plugued the PRI into the first port, all began to work 

As for my dial-out into my RAS, I had to put pridialplan=unknown into my 
channels group of incoming line, and pridialplan=national in my group for my 
pri going to my RAS. That did the trick.



- Original Message - 
From: Nicolas Ross [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Connection astrisk to a RAS (portmaster)


 That's not it.

 I juste uninstalled wanpipe, redownloaded zaptel (another version 
 to try), re-installed wanpipe, (patching zaptel in the process), recompile
 wanpipe, re-compiled zaptel, recompiled asterisk, re-installed everything,
 and still got the same errors...


 - Original Message - 
 From: Jared Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
 Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 9:15 AM
 Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Connection astrisk to a RAS (portmaster)

 On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 20:57 -0400, Nicolas Ross wrote:
 I also get sometime :

   == Primary D-Channel on span 2 down
 [Oct 31 20:50:53] WARNING[10250]: chan_zap.c:2393 pri_find_dchan: No
 D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 48 as D-channel anyway!
   == Primary D-Channel on span 2 up

 I don't claim to be an expert on the Wanpipe drivers, but it's been my
 experience that if your D-channels bounce up and down like that every
 few seconds, that the Wanpipe drivers didn't successfully patch Zaptel,
 or you haven't restarted Zaptel since the Wanpipe drivers patched

 Hopefully that's enough to get you up and running.

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Re: [asterisk-users] Connection astrisk to a RAS (portmaster)

2007-11-01 Thread Nicolas Ross

That's not it.

I juste uninstalled wanpipe, redownloaded zaptel (another version ( 
to try), re-installed wanpipe, (patching zaptel in the process), recompile 
wanpipe, re-compiled zaptel, recompiled asterisk, re-installed everything, 
and still got the same errors...


- Original Message - 
From: Jared Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Connection astrisk to a RAS (portmaster)

 On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 20:57 -0400, Nicolas Ross wrote:
 I also get sometime :

   == Primary D-Channel on span 2 down
 [Oct 31 20:50:53] WARNING[10250]: chan_zap.c:2393 pri_find_dchan: No
 D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 48 as D-channel anyway!
   == Primary D-Channel on span 2 up

 I don't claim to be an expert on the Wanpipe drivers, but it's been my
 experience that if your D-channels bounce up and down like that every
 few seconds, that the Wanpipe drivers didn't successfully patch Zaptel,
 or you haven't restarted Zaptel since the Wanpipe drivers patched

 Hopefully that's enough to get you up and running.

 Jared Smith
 Community Relations Manager
 Digium, Inc.

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[asterisk-users] Connection astrisk to a RAS (portmaster)

2007-10-31 Thread Nicolas Ross
Here's my planed setup :

PRI from telco -- (port 1 of A104d) * (port 2 of A104d) -- PM3

The PM3, for those who don't know is lucent's portmaster RAS dial-up router.

I had setup asterisk, zaptel, libpri, wanpipe (as I have sangoma's cards).

In wancfg, I have port 1 as TDM_VOICE, with hardware echo on, span 1. Port 2 
is TDM_VOICE, without hw echo, Clock as master, reference 0 (for the time 
being, I'm still not hooked up with my pri, will be 1 in the future), span 
2. I alswo had to enable High Impedance on port 2 to operate without alarms.


#Sangoma A104 port 1 [slot:12 bus:0 span: 1]
#Sangoma A104 port 2 [slot:12 bus:0 span: 2]

zapata.conf (part of) :

;Sangoma A104 port 1 [slot:12 bus:0 span: 1]
channel = 1-23

;Sangoma A104 port 2 [slot:12 bus:0 span: 2]
channel = 25-47

Now, after start wanpipe and asterisk, my PM3 shows that the line is up (via 
a t1 cross-over cable). I see that the channels are idle and waiting.

On * console, I get :

Primary D-Channel on span 2 up

All the time

I also get sometime :

  == Primary D-Channel on span 2 down
[Oct 31 20:50:53] WARNING[10250]: chan_zap.c:2393 pri_find_dchan: No 
D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 48 as D-channel anyway!
  == Primary D-Channel on span 2 up
[Oct 31 20:51:05] ERROR[10250]: chan_zap.c:8178 zt_pri_error: !! Got reject 
for frame 1, but we only have others!

In my extensions.conf, I have :

exten = 1234567,1,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN})

Whem I trie that extension via a softphone, I hear hald a ring, and nothing 
else. The d-channel up continue to appear on the console.

Any help would be appriciated.


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