[Asterisk-Users] 计划生育的无耻宣传 该结束了

2006-03-19 Thread Jeffery Chen
真的很遗憾。不管左派的网友还是右派的网友,在谈到计划生育的时候大都会摆出一副冷酷的面孔。我就来说说计划生育是个什么东西。  坐在电脑面前的精英们应该知道这么一个国情常识:中国的农民是没有任何退休金和任何形式的医疗保障的。  你们有没有想过,他们如果没有一个强有力的孩子,当他们失去劳动能力的时候,就只能坐在家里慢慢饿死?死并不可怕,对于中国农民来说,每年的非正常死亡不计其数:有死在矿井里的,有死在城市的工地上的,有死在收容所里的,有洪水淹死的,有吞农药自杀的,有上访的时候跳楼的,当然也有死在强制堕胎的病床上的。这些都不能让农民恐惧,为什么?因为他们总怀着一线希望能逃过这些磨难,他们一生都以极高的热情在和这些死的可能性做斗争。但是有一种磨难是不可能逃过去的,那就是衰老。
  如果一个农民在只有一个女儿的情况下被结扎了,那么就意味着他在很年轻的时候就已经预见到了自己的晚年:除非自杀,否则就只能在极度的物质匮乏中衰竭而死,失去劳动能力的一天就是他们的死期。这种对死亡的确切的预期是多么恐怖你们想过么?一个人在年轻的时候就能预见到自己怎么死,这好玩不好玩呢?  当然,中国农民的职业寿命也是非常之长的。在网上有很多图片都是70岁以上的老人在背柴火或者乞讨,他们算是很幸运的,自己尚能够"老有所用"养活自己,但是他们很清楚等待他们的将是什么:生命中注定没有一天的假期,退休的日子便是他们的生活来源彻底枯竭的日子。
  有人开始从理论上做分析了。即使生的是女儿也有赡养老人的义务啊!就算嫁出去了,她和他老公的财产是双方共有的呀!您要是这么想,就麻烦你到农村看一看吧。农民并不是都不尊重自己的老婆,我也见过感情好的。但是女性对家庭财产的支配权真的是微乎其微,想把种地挣的一点钱拿回娘家去给女方的父母花?看着吧,老公的棍子就要下来了。  我也想过,如果女婿不承担赡养义务是不是可以打官司呢?可是稍微动一下脑子就知道,这根本是不可能的。连给爹妈的钱都没有,难道能有交诉讼费的钱么?我认识一个打过离婚官司的小时工,她曾告诉我,他老公威胁法官:只要你判我离婚,我就砍你全家。当然,我举这个例子决不是想说明基层的法官好欺负,他们可不是善主。只是面对一无所有只有烂命一条的百姓,他们是不愿意拼命的。
中国的农村,想通过法律手段解决问题?想起来脑袋都大了。  应该说,极不健康极不公正的社会环境在逼迫农民生育,而凶残和腐败的地方执法机构又在用各种方式制止农民生育。要减少人口,是应该助长后者还是结束前者呢?或者说,是应该尽量逼迫不生育,还是应该尽量不逼迫生育呢? 
  如果真的是为了人民的福利,这个国家有太多比计划生育更可行的方法了。但是这些方法大人们时不屑于用的。  除了增加养老和医疗保障之外,还有一个最简单的办法,就是土地私有。在土地国有的大环境下,农民除了孩子是一无所有的,只有生一个胖小子能让农民找到一点拥有的感觉。  土地国家或集体所有的条件下,有一个永远无法解除的困境,就是土地如何分配的问题。即使我们把农村的官老爷想象得无比清廉,无比公正,那么请问,当人口发生变化的时候,他们如何公正地调整土地使用权呢?
  当然,各地都有不同的办法。我查了各种土地方面的法律,大多语焉不详(原谅我没有做过什么乡土调查,没人给我报路费啊),但是总的来讲,还是以人口为基准的。换句话说,农民多生孩子虽然要被罚款,但是在分配土地使用权的时候,还是会有一些隐性的好处。  而土地私有以后的农民就不一样了,因为有了自己的财产,自己种不动了可以出租,自然心里就塌实了。生多了孩子不仅不能带来什么好处,反而会因为劳动力过剩而降低自家的生存质量。那么不用你计划,人家也自然会去限制生育。
土地私有对于大人们来说当然是不能接受的了。正是靠着对土地的所有权,国家把人民牢固地掌握起来:因为你脚下的土地都是国家的,只要你不会飞,你就时时刻刻地欠着国家的人情,因为你踩了它的地。正因为如此,无论城市还是农村的暴力拆迁都显得那么理直气壮。  计划生育嘛,呵呵,正是这样一种和土地国有相辅相成的政策:国有的土地相当于农场主的一个巨大的畜栏,被限制生育的人民像是被阉割的只能干活的牲畜。这两种措施有效的让人民对国家的依附关系建立得天衣无缝。

  恰恰相反,超生不但没有给国家带来负担,反而让地方政府有了更好的剥皮抽筋的理由,计划生育官员就像大城市里的交通警和小城市里的扫黄警察一样,每天都在期待着有人犯法,好来送钱给他们。  你们可以去设想未来中国的福利如何如何。但是在这个年代,社会福利对于户口本上写着"农业"二字的人来说还是一个虚拟物品的时候,请不要去咒骂别人占用你的GDP好不好?网上有的是中国底层的照片,你看人家哪个像是吃你们丫的GDP过活的?有的冷酷并不是道德原因造成的,而是因为逻辑思维的缺乏,那就好好锻炼一下你的逻辑思维。
  计划生育和反贪也许并不截然矛盾。但是把计划生育上升到基本国策,分明就是把国家落后的责任推卸给普通老百姓。如果有这么一个人,他在声色场所挥霍无度,却在去菜市场买菜的时候讨价还价,你会不会觉得他有病?国家花那么多力量来搞计划生育,正是这样一个有病的表现。  当然,中国经常干这种事情。比如希望工程吧,这么多年据说也就募到了20个亿。你说好笑不好笑,国家随便少干一件蠢事不能省出20个亿?要让我们捐钱?为什么要丢西瓜拣芝麻,这可能只有政策制定者自己心里清楚。要不大家都来猜一猜?

  然后,请允许我再往下说一层。  人到底是什么?是一个国家富强的手段,还是一个国家富强的目的?人口问题?人口不是问题,人口不就是你和我构成的?人口不是国家豢养的牲口,需要耕地或挤奶就多产一点,养活不了就少产一点。恰恰相反,人口是这个国家的主人,国家要无条件服从人口的需要而不是相反。  如果一个国家的妇女要承受强迫结扎、强迫堕胎的痛苦,要被别人用暴力剥夺自己腹中的胎儿,这个国家再富强又有什么意义?当妇女们被成群关在拘留所里,警察等着她们一个个地签字同意结扎,然后直接用卡车拖到医院,这个国家作为一个人类生活的地方还值得存在下去么?
  中国妇女当然从来没有过过好日子:一夫多妻、裹小脚、用生命保贞洁……但也从没有像现在这样被剥夺了亚当夏娃时就有的伟大的生育的权力呀。  正是因为用考虑畜牧业的方式来考虑人口,把农民当成国家的财产而不是主人,才会出现这样一个荒谬的情况:一方面总说人口多,一方面却无耻地限制老百姓出境,对于基层老百姓办护照百般刁难!  不是说人多么?为什么不让人家到别的国家去?为什么办护照还要审批?为什么北京上海这些所谓的"高素质"人口出国反而不受限制,为什么农民跑出去就不行?如果不是把人家当成田地里的劳动机器,还有什么其他原因呢?
  如果有人提出通过饿死一批人来减少人口,大家肯定不会同意。因为你们都知道生存权是全世界公认的人权,甚至中国还把它说成是"中国对人权理论的一大贡献"。但是通过限制生育甚至强迫结扎来减少人口,大家居然就认可了,也就是说,一般人认为生育权没有生存权那么重要。  可是,你们知道么?对于任何一种正常的生物来说,生育都是比生存更加神圣的使命。人也是不能例外的。对于没有宗教的民族尤其如此,因为只有基因的延续能给人带来永恒体验。
  我们来举一个例子。设想一个母亲有不止一个孩子,当其中一个孩子的生命受到威胁的时候,你说她会不会用自己的生命去换取这个孩子的生命呢?我可以告诉你们,99%的母亲都会这样的。为什么呢?这是所有能在进化大潮中保留下来的基因共有的自我保护机制在起作用,它们在下意识中暗示着每个人:牺牲个体,让基因延续下去。  不排除有能生育而不愿生育的人,就好像有能活下去但选择自杀的人一样。这是另一回事。我现在说的是,对于想生育的人不允许其生育是多么的残忍。
  凡是为计划生育基本国策叫好的人,请你们务必发发慈悲,看看农民的生活现状。以这样奴隶般的生活质量,即使是纯粹为了高兴而生孩子也是毫不过分的。  这个国家欠农民的太多了,看在1960年前后那3000万冤魂的份上,别再折磨他们了吧。
 -- Jefferyiaxtel Num: 1-700-576-1311fwdnet Num: 728150 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] User web portal for Asterisk

2006-02-03 Thread Jeffery Chen
yes , have..
the vmail can change greeting and play message..

On 04/02/06, Technical Support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a web portal available for users to:
> 1. Change greetings
> 2. Set DND settings
> 3. Play messages from the web
> Etc.
> MD
> ___
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[Asterisk-Users] can asterisk to say chinese like say english

2006-02-03 Thread Jeffery Chen
this is not just playback recorded voice. this is let asterisk say chinese.
how to do this.

there have any ideas?


iaxtel Num: 1-700-576-1311
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Re: RE : [Asterisk-Users] name that vendor...

2005-12-31 Thread Jeffery Chen
yes, right ?

do your who make this box ?

> Hey men, I know this box !
> You can see them at :
> www.ges.fr/voip/
> This gateways are exported from Taiwan by Micronet and probably other
> brand/company.
> This are made in China and work well (H.323/SIP firmwares).
> GES is a french distributor and can provide you with a lower price than
> displayed on their public osCommerce web site for integrators/resellers.
> Best Regards,
> Francois BERGERET,
> France.
> -Message d'origine-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Cory Andrews
> Envoyé : samedi 31 décembre 2005 04:49
> À : Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
> Objet : Re: [Asterisk-Users] name that vendor...
> Mark - we have never sold this device...just FYI.  The only not well
> known 4FXO device we sell is the ClipComm 4FXO gateway.  The rest of the
> 4FXO devices we offer are from well established companies like Mediatrix
> and AudioCodes.I deal with the product management side of our
> business, and from the looks of this device I am not familiar with it at
> all.
> Regards,
> Cory Andrews
> Senior Partner
> +++
> VOIPSupply.com
> 454 Sonwil Drive
> Buffalo, NY 14225
> +++
> voice - 716.630.1555 X22
> fax - 716.630.1548
> Mark Phillips wrote:
> > Judicous application of my Staples Easy Button reveals this to be a
> > "no name special" I Googled it and found the device badged under
> > Ipeya, BossLAN and a whole host of others.
> >
> > Until recently it was on Voipsupply.com too.
> >
> > This is one of the devices that was recently discussed a being a sucky
> > device.
> >
> > Mark, G7LTT/KC2ENI
> > Randolph, NJ
> > http://www.g7ltt.com
> >
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5846258648
> >>
> >> The seller refuses to tell me who the vendor is. Anyone know?
> >>
> >> -Dan
> >> ___
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> >>
> > ___
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> >
> > Asterisk-Users mailing list
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> >   http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users
> >
> >
> ___
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: chinese asterisk related web site opened......

2005-12-23 Thread Jeffery Chen
sorry, not include the URL ;;
On 23/12/05, Jeffery Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

there have another chinese web site about asterisk and open source software have opened,
it inlcude a chinese asterisk related mail lists.
welcome chinese asteriskian and any other  asteriskian to enjoy the mail list.-- Jeffery -- Jeffery 
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[Asterisk-Users] Re: chinese asterisk related web site opened......

2005-12-23 Thread Jeffery Chen
there have any chinese in the lists 
On 23/12/05, Jeffery Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

there have another chinese web site about asterisk and open source software have opened,
it inlcude a chinese asterisk related mail lists.
welcome chinese asteriskian and any other  asteriskian to enjoy the mail list.-- Jeffery -- Jeffery 
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[Asterisk-Users] chinese asterisk related web site opened......

2005-12-23 Thread Jeffery Chen
there have another chinese web site about asterisk and open source software have opened,
it inlcude a chinese asterisk related mail lists.
welcome chinese asteriskian and any other  asteriskian to enjoy the mail list.-- Jeffery 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Re: Email to voice?

2005-12-11 Thread Jeffery Chen
do festival support Chinese ?
On 12/12/05, Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I do not  remember where I saw it, but it was for Asterisk and Nagios.I believe they had festival and a sip client on the nagios server and would
just place a sip call and have festival read the alert.I do not have more info, sorry.I am using the manager interface to get info from asterisk into my Nagiosserver, but I am only doing notifications via email and modem/TAP.
StevenMay you have the peace and freedom that come from abandoning all hope ofhaving a better past.----  ---  - - -   -- -   -   --  - - - --- - --   -
- --- - - -- -  -- --   -   --"Chris Mason (Lists)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in messagenews:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>A lot of that depends on your definition of an "event", the detection
>>of that event, and what you might have for available resources to deal>>with the event.>>> The "Event" would be a Nagios alert, and I can write a custom EventHandler> to send a message to Asterisk via a script over SSH, or just send an email
> as it now does.>> --> Chris Mason>>> ___> --Bandwidth and Colocation provided by Easynews.com
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>___--Bandwidth and Colocation provided by Easynews.com --Asterisk-Users mailing listTo UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
  http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users-- Jeffery 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Phone Information

2005-12-09 Thread Jeffery Chen
hehe,   :-)
On 12/10/05, Lawrence Jovellanos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
He maybe referring to Cisco's Call Manager-Original Message-From: C F [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 11:09 AMTo: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial DiscussionSubject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Phone InformationCan you please explain?Whats CM?
Whats Astericks?On 12/9/05, James Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> On the CM, there is away to get the Device Information, Network> Configuration, etc. by httping to the phones IP address. Is there away to
do> this via Astericks?> ___> --Bandwidth and Colocation provided by Easynews.com -->> Asterisk-Users mailing list
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-- Jeffery 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] does asterisk-oh323-0.6.7support asterisk1.2

2005-12-08 Thread Jeffery Chen
u need install pwlib and oh323 first,,then install asterisk-oh323...
hope this can help you..
On 12/9/05, paopaoerzhang(張志明=研發) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear all
 I'm install the asteriskathome2.0,
 According to the asteriskathome handbook,
 Download the asteriskathome-h323-1.0.zip
 When compile the asterisk-0h323-0.6.5/asterisk-driver/chann-oh323.c file
 There's no  in the asterisk1.2
 Have anybody resolve?
Best wishes,
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http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users-- Jeffery 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] OOH323 towards cisco gateway(2691)callsetupfailsat q931: Mandatory information element ismissing (96)

2005-12-08 Thread Jeffery Chen
oh323 and ooh323, which one would be better for asterisk
On 12/9/05, Dan Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Based on the date, I'd guess that version .2/.3 of the channeldriver has the fixes I needed, so maybe it is a different issue.
I'd recommend reporting the problem along with a debug log andtraces from the router to: ooh323c-devel@lists.sourceforge.netThe developers have been quite responsive to problems I've had.
Dan-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of jacobso1Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 3:29 PMTo: 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion'Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] OOH323 towards cisco gateway(2691)callsetupfailsat q931: Mandatory information element ismissing (96)
Dan,The version from objective systems is indeed 0.8This is a general h323 stack (or driver)The latest asterisk-specific version (named asterisk-ooh323c) I found is 0.3>From 
http://ftp.digium.com/pub/asterisk/h323/ there is 0.2Since I did 'stabilize' my cvs, I just wanted to add a h323 channel.I could just take the h323 part from the 1.2.1-addon.But I fear that will be a mix of versions.
Now if I must upgrade all ...Regards,-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dan AustinSent: jeudi 8 décembre 2005 22:54To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial DiscussionSubject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] OOH323 towards cisco
gateway(2691)callsetupfails at q931: Mandatory information element ismissing(96)I thought the version was up to.7 or .8.  In any case I am using theversion in Asterisk-Addons1.2.0.Dan
   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of jacobso1   Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 1:37 PM   To: 'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion'   Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] OOH323 towards cisco gateway
(2691)callsetupfails at q931: Mandatory information element is missing(96)   Hi,   I upgraded my chan-ooh323   Same problem   I was running 0.2
, now 0.3 (that was the latest I did found)   Do I need to upgrade asterisk too ?   Up to 1.2.1 ?___--Bandwidth and Colocation provided by 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Sip behind the NAT

2005-12-08 Thread Jeffery Chen
can u paste your sip.conf general section,,?
there have another possible cause... the both side use different codecm and asterisk can not translaste it ...
-- Jeffery  
On 12/8/05, chawki hammoud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi:i added these two lines to my general context ,butnothing happened the same result the sound came in one
way for 3 seconds and stopped but it didnt hangup.--- Jeffery Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> If your Astersik server behind NAT too, your need> modify 
SIP.conf like> this>> externalIP= x.x.x.x> localnet= x.x.x.>> hope this can help you>>> On 12/8/05, Moises Silva <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:> >> > what type of NAT do you have? sync? full cone?> cone restricted, port> > restricted?> > any messages in asterisk verbose console?
> >> > best regards> >> > On 12/7/05, chawki hammoud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:> > >> > > Hi list:
> > > i have an asterisk box behind the NAT ,when i> try to> > > send calls through Sip to the voip provider> server the> > > call is answered but in a one way calling,I hear
>  the> > > voice of the other side just for 4 seconds and> then> > > stop but the call do not hangup.> > >> > > my sip.conf is:> > > [voip provider]
> > > type=peer> > > host=> > > username=XXX> > > secret=XX> > > fromuser=XXX> > > canreinvite=no
> > > nat=yes> > > insercure=invite> > > disallow=all> > > allow=gsm> > >> > >> > >> > >> > > __
> > > Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about.> > > Just $16.99/mo. or less.> > > dsl.yahoo.com> > >> > > ___
> > > --Bandwidth and Colocation provided by> Easynews.com<http://easynews.com/>--> > >> > > Asterisk-Users mailing list
> > > To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:> > >>http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users> > >
> >> >> >> > --> > "Su nombre es GNU/Linux, no solamente Linux, mas> info en> > http://www.gnu.org"> > ___
> > --Bandwidth and Colocation provided by> Easynews.com <http://easynews.com/>--> >> > Asterisk-Users mailing list
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:> >>http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users> >> >
> >>>> --> Jeffery> > ___> --Bandwidth and Colocation provided by Easynews.com> --
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[Asterisk-Users] local not ring,,,,

2005-12-07 Thread Jeffery Chen
hello, guyes..
Why i dial(SIP/EXT ,r),,, the IAXOMMM can not hear ring 
my config file as below...
[sip-ext]include => oh323 exten => _11,1,Answerexten => _11,n(dial),Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},15,r) exten => _11,n,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1) exten => s-CHANUNAVAIL,1,Playback(invalid)
exten => s-CHANUNAVAIL,n,Playback(hangup-try-again)exten => s-CHANUNAVAIL,n,Hangup exten => s-BUSY,1,Playback(busy-pls-hold);exten => s-BUSY,2,Goto(${EXTEN},2) exten => s-NOANSWER,1,Playback(number-not-answering)
exten => s-NOANSWER,n,Playback(hangup-try-again)exten => s-NOANSWER,n,Hangup;exten => s-NOANSWER,2,Goto(${EXTEN},2) exten => _s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1) exten => _11,n,Hangup
 exten => t,1,Hangupexten => T,1,Hangup-- Jeffery 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Sip behind the NAT

2005-12-07 Thread Jeffery Chen
If your Astersik server behind NAT too, your need modify SIP.conf like this
externalIP= x.x.x.x
localnet= x.x.x.
hope this can help you 
On 12/8/05, Moises Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
what type of NAT do you have? sync? full cone? cone restricted, port restricted?any messages in asterisk verbose console?
best regards 

On 12/7/05, chawki hammoud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote: 
Hi list:i have an asterisk box behind the NAT ,when i try tosend calls through Sip to the voip provider server the
call is answered but in a one way calling,I hear  thevoice of the other side just for 4 seconds and then stop but the call do not hangup.my sip.conf is:[voip provider]type=peerhost= nat=yesinsercure=invitedisallow=allallow=gsm__Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.dsl.yahoo.com___--Bandwidth and Colocation provided by 
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http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users-- "Su nombre es GNU/Linux, no solamente Linux, mas info en 
http://www.gnu.org" ___--Bandwidth and Colocation provided by 
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk as a Softswitch

2005-12-06 Thread Jeffery Chen

On 12/7/05, rommel malana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Good Day,
  I'm a first time user of asterisk it will take me some time to figure out all the features of the asterisk your help will make it much easier for me. Can the asterisk act as a softswitch for managing call traffic for other voice gateways? If it can what is the specific module for asterisk to make it work? 

Voice Gateway, can u define it clearly>
Asterisk can inter connect to H323 , SIP and PSTN...

  Thank you so much for attending to my inquiries..
Sincerely Yours,
Rommel V. Malana
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[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk server behind NAT, and SIP clinet behind another NAT.

2005-11-23 Thread jeffery chen

Asterisk server behind NAT,and SIP clinet behind another NAT.
SIP.conf have set NAT=yes,

SIP client can register with Asterisk server, but can not hearing anything..

PLS help me, how to resolve this trouble,,

As refer to the item 9

I can not register with Asterisk server too, how this happen..

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